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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 11, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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quarterbacks. who do you think is going to win? >> my personal opinion i think kids the city because of patrick the homes. you cannot ignore, san francisco has a better team, over not personnel but the chief patrick the homes, he's been there before and we can run pretty 40 yards, trust me. 40 yards is over. >> being from philadelphia, auto what's wrong with the eagles but they better figure it out soon. thank you, a second time. thank you and i'll see you next time on life, liberty and live in. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if. [national anthem] ♪
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♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, i heard you were a wild
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one, ooh ♪ will:ing good morning and welcome to las vegas, nevada, home of allegiant stadium and home of super bowl lviii where i am coming to you live this morning as part of "fox & friends"' coverage of super bowl sunday. i'm in las vegas, rachel and joey are back in new york. much warmer. we have reached a point in super bowl history -- [laughter] where the super bowl number is higher hand the degrees temperature of the host city, while at least i'm broadcasting "fox & friends." [laughter] joey: good morning, will. rachel: what is the temperature there? because with you know how cold the studio is. will: rachel, i don't think i can to this with you this morning. [laughter] it is in the 30s, so don't act like your 68-degree studio is roughing it. did you get your café mow a ca? rachel: not yet.
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i'm waiting for it. by the way, will, what was the party like last night? you kind of look a little bit like you were partying. will: i don't know if you noticed, my voice is strained this morning. yesterday i went to the gronk beach party and it was -- can you know, i fit right in. it was just me, f if ho rida, michael irvin. having a good time. take a look at the party yesterday, gronk beach. >> just a great time. all the fan, signed all their jerseys. we throw out shirts, sign their football. perfect spirals. joey: gronk has this larger than life character. does he ever just calm down and is have a casual conversation, or is that just always who he is? will: most of the time -- look at him right there. [laughter] most of the time i was with him up on stage, so he was definitely in his element. it's funny you bring that up, because i asked, his whole family was there. all his brothers, his dad, and
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nobody partied harderren than his dad. [laughter] i said has he always been like this? since he was a a baby. yeah, or i don't know, i think you're getting authentic gronk. rachel: so is, will, you and i both have teenagers, and it's sometimes hard to impress them. you had a teenager with you, your son charlie. what did he think about you, you know, just hanging with florida and with gronk? will: he comes in today, but i texted him a video -- rachel: oh, i thought you had him with you yesterday. will: no, he's finishing up his season-ending soccer tournament in houston, then he flies up today. yeah, and i sent him a video, and he's like, wow, that's really cool. i don't want to set his expectations because today the i'll be sleeping before the game, but i'll get him up, we'll go see vegas. joey: that was probably a good parenting decision to kind of skip other the gronk party and let him come in for just the
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football game. he might be a few years away from being able to really understand what is a gronk party. will: i think so. joey: i'm sure there's a lot of things we couldn't even put on the camera a there. of. will: i think that's right. by the way, check this out. we have a new poll, it's interesting, asking people are you more excited about the super bowl or valentine's ors and much to i think probably rachel's disappointment and maybe a lot of wives and girlfriends out there, unfortunately, super bowl wins on what are you more excited about, valentine's day or super bowl. joey: i think this makes all the a sense in the world, man. number one, single people can still enjoy the super bowl. but on top of that, there's no pressure unless you're a kansas city or san francisco fan, there's no pressure to get the perfect gift, to remember the perfect holiday. you just get to sit back, eat food and enjoy it. valentine's a day comes with a certain amount of pressure. this makes a lot of sense -- rachel: ewell, we learned how to put together a bouquet
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yesterday, by. joey: you all learned, i didn't learn anything. [laughter] rachel: valentine's day a little higher for years. i mean, i get it. super bowl's obviously more fun and less pressure. but anyway, you get it all. you're there, and we're going to be living vicariously through you for the next four hours. by the way, or you are going to have the gronk on as well as anthony munoz and joe -- joey: theismann. rachel: that's right. [laughter] joey: kind of an important -- can. rachel: sounded like it might be important. [laughter] will: i was waiting to see if you would pronounce if it -- in the beginning of his career it was theismann, and then he changed it, and i was thinking she'll be right whatever with. joey: she wouldn't know she was right. [laughter]
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will: so as hundreds of thousands flock to las vegas for today's big game, one person who will not be here who will be missing is the president as joe biden is opting to skip the traditional super bowl interview. rae a ray that's right. and that decision to skip is raising more questions than concerns. joey: our very own madeleine rivera is in washington and joins us with more. >> reporter: good morning, guys. this is the second year in a row that president biden is skipping the super bowl sunday interview, and by doing so, some democratic strategists say the president is passing up the chance to connect with millions of americans. a crucial opportunity as he seeks a second term. he has done more interviews than his recent predecessors, doing only 86 compared with president trump and obama by this point in their presidencies. special counsel robert hur's stinging characterizations of president biden's memory. white house officials cap the report as politically motivated,
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and they're especially incensed over the suggest that the president could not remember when his son beau had died. first lady jill biden says i can't imagine someone would try to use our son's death to score political points. joe is 81, that's true, but he's 81 doing more in an hour than most people do in a day. his age with his experience and expertise is an incredible asset, and and and he proves it every day. trump and nikki haley are weighing in from the campaign trail. >> joe biden will not be the nominee. he's not. the democrats know this. r what i will tell you is there will be a female president of the united states -- [cheers and applause] the hard truth is it's either going to be me or kamala harris. >> the real problem nation our country is not joe biden's decline, the real problem is that joe biden is causing
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america's decline. he's causing it. the who the hell would allow people to pour into our country? if who would allow this no happen? -- to happen? >> reporter: in response to the president sidestepping the super bowl interview, a white house spokesperson tells variety he hopes viewers or enjoy what they tuned in for, the game. will, joey and rachel. joey: thanks, madeleine. guys, we've talked about this, rachel, you've been pretty intuitive on this. the idea that maybe joe biden doesn't get to be the nominee, maybe joe biden doesn't make it -- and i don't mean physically, but just as a politician -- until the general election. man, it just seems more and more like that's a possibility here. rachel: yeah. and it's really weird to have the biggest audience with, right, in the entire year is the super bowl. and you have an opportunity for just 20, 25 minutes to give your point of view. there's a lot of problems in the country. that he would turn that down
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shows he and his team are not confident. earlier in the week donald trump saying, that's okay, i'll do it -- [laughter] and they didn't take him up on it which then says something about the media. because if this had been in reverse, will, don't you think at the media would have said, the channel that was taking the super bowl would have said, sure, we'll take you instead? will: yes. i think that's probably a possibility. but the fact that joe biden is not giving an interview at the super bowl is obvious in that he should not be. if you're niche involved in joe biden's camp, he can't give the interview. we all know he's just incapable. the bottom line is he's incapable of sitting down for that interview and coming off in a positive american, in a manner that makes anyone think they feel good about the direction of the united states of america. and i just want to say jill biden's at the same time -- rachel: yeah. will: -- i'm sorry, you don't get to play the sympathy card. rae a ray exactly.
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will: it's just not -- we're talking about the president of the united states of america, and he can't remember the day. and you don't get to backtrack it now. and the truth is, rachel, you made this point, and it's a very valid point. beyond the security of our nation, there is a level of cruelty around joe biden that extends to his not just staff, everyone who benefits off of him being in office, but his family as a well. somebody needs to be looking out for the best interest of joe biden, and in the best interest of joe biden as a human being with his health is not to be running the united states of america. rachel: you know, will, i agree with you, but there's something else. and last night donald trump was at a rally, and he said, actually, the main point. the question -- what's at question here is not joe biden's december klein, it's the decline of this nation. and i think it has to do with his decline. will: yes. rachel: and jill biden, and i've said this before, and her people have actually come after me for saying it, she's failed her in this situation, but she's also
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failing her country in this situation. this is not -- this has been obvious for several years, that he's not up to the it is a thing. it's just that at this point the wheels are coming off the bus, and it's really hard to ignore because the problem and the deterioration of the state of this country has gotten to the point that all of us know that this is dangerous. one of the ways that we know that this is really dangerous is that the situation at the border has gone from being a political issue, are you for illegal immigration or legal immigration, it is now a national security issue. we've had record numbers of terrorists come across the border, but now we're seeing record numbers of chinese illegal migrants coming across the border. joey: wow. rachel: look at these numbers. 24,000 just in 2023. those are the ones that we, we've caught. it's been really interesting because this week on my podcast, will and joey, i had gordon
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chang on who expanded a little bit more on who these people are, what they're doing. another person who's been talking about that is brandon judd who's the head of the national border patrol, he's the president of it. listen to what he has to say about this very troubling issue. >> i want to show you all of the chinese nationals that are crossing our boards illegally. these are single adult men of military age. that is a very scary prospect. we know that china does not like us. we know that we are in the crosshairs of china, and they are exporting so many people to our country. and you have to really fear about that. joey: yeah. so a little bit of this news comes out of a closed door meeting last year in congress where the chief of border patrol says it's taking up to 12 hours -- i'm sorry, 7 hours to interview one person crossing the border. really what the news is here there's so many, or they're flooding chinese emigrants that they don't know who they're aligned with, why they're coming
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here. they don't have enough time to interview them all, so they're forced to sometimes let them go before they even have a chance to interview them or vet them properly. plus, china's not going to share information, they're not going to say, oh, by the way, this is the a criminal. watch out. they don't share any kind of information like that. so we're really doing this blind where at least with some of the other countries we can know someone's linked to a cartel or linked to some sort of organized crime. the ccp, they're not going to tell themselves. but to go from hundreds to 24,000 at the border, no wonderer he's declining the interview for the super bowl. he'd have to talk about the fact you can't interview i the possible terrorists coming into our country. we'vewell shocking. shocking. and this is on the heels of seeing a year of immigration, illegal immigration from places like africa, iran, the middle east. everyone -- not if everyone, but too many people today still have the conception that illegal immigration means somebody from mexico coming over --
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joey: no. will: -- to work hard and send a better life back to mexico. they have no concept of what's actually happening at the southern border. and just that stat, from 300 to 24,000, and i heard brandon judd say single, adult-aged men, rachel, who did gordon chang sa? what are they? joey asked who are they aligned with? rachel: it's very interesting, he said, we don't know. a couple things i thought were really alarming, they caught several, a group of them doing a.r. practice shooting, i forget which state it was. they were illegals who had come, chinese who came illegally, and they were doing a.r. practicing. if you're an economic migrant, you're looking how do i get an apartment or how do i find some shelter and food and food stamps and health care. you're not looking at going to do target shooting. so that's troubling. but as all of this is happening, we've found secret chinese police stations -- yeah e jee
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yeah. rachel: secret bio labs with pathogens and mutant mice in them, those were secret chinese labs. we don't know. and what's troubling is our government doesn't seem to be alarmed about a it, and we're finding out about it, as you guys both know, through very intrepid, independent journalists who are taking that dangerous journey through the darien gap. of course, our border patrol knows what's a going on, but does our cia or fbe care? we don't know -- fbi care? will: i would just say really quickly, joey, i rattled off those countries in addition to china that we're seeing these illegal immigrants come from across the globe, not to mention the number or that are on the terrorist watch list or from countries who are on, countries that we know have ideologies that breed terrorism. i mean, it's literal. we don't have to make too many logical jumps to see the problem here and the threat to our national security. joey: you're absolutely right. real quick, just a couple dozen
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years ago it took less than a couple dozen terrorists to come here pretty much legally to take down the twin towers and start what has been a 25-year almost war that we're still fighting, war on terror, and kill so many thousands of innocent american. i don't think it's a lot to ask the american government to protect us, to vet people coming into our country. with technology, it doesn't take much -- rachel: he said he was afraid he were going to take down contract critical infrastructure that would shut things down. joey: yeah. one good hacker and somebody here who's sympathetic. all right, we're going to turn to your headlines. the idf says it's killed at least 120 hamas terrorists during military operations over the last 2 weeks inside gaza. israeli forces saying they have discovered a, quote, significant amount of hamas assets and weapons inside if united nations relief and works agency in gaza but did not specify exactly what was found. the u.n. says the facility was
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abandoned in october, and they don't know what's there. with president biden will visit east palestine, ohio, on friday more than one year since the a norfolk southern train derailed spilling dangerous chemicals that caught on fire. the white house says biden will talk about his administration's plans to make sure railway withs are safe. no word yet on how long the trip to ohio will last. and happening today, the nat will be back in session at 1 p.m. for a test vote on the $95.3 billion foreign aid spending package. finish the bill calls for about $60 billion in military aid for ukraine, $4 billion would -- $14 billion for military aid for israel with $9 billion going to gaza and another $4 billion to taiwan, and yes, apparently we do fund both sides of a war. okay, yellowstone star lainey wilson revealing new
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details on how the show's much anticipated finale if play out. quote, they can't take me to the train station -- [laughter] so we'll see what happens on that end. the train station refers to the deserted canyon used as a graveyard for enemies of the dutton family. wilson also added that she just recently spoke to the show's creator, or taylor scherr danger who confirmed to her he, quote, has a plan for the show's ending. so that'll be interesting to see. i know most people were really wrapped up in yellowstone. i've enjoyed watching it, and those were your headlines. will: rachel: will, was that one of your jobs on the ranch? joey: don't answer it. will: you know it. don't answer that, joey? [laughter] when you look at me, rachel, do you see the guy that took people to the train sayings -- station? [laughter] that aura of intimidation around me? rachel: no. no. you might have -- will: i was the guy that helped the cook. [laughter] joey: the chuck wagon, that a --
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that's it. rachel: oh, well. all right, coming up, bad news if for -- [inaudible] eaters, could actually be bad for the environment. the call for young people to eat more meat. joey: plus, a purple heart recipient scored a ticket to the big game thanks to an nfl quarterback. meet that veteran when he joins us live. ♪ ♪ hooked on a feeling, i'm high on believing -- ♪ that you're in love with me ♪ kris came to turbotax because... i switched gears from delivering part-time... to streaming full-time! so i made their moves count... filing with 100% accuracy and guaranteeing their maximum refund.
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rachel: young people are going vegan to stop the climate crisis, but it could actually be worse for the environment. a new fox news digital op-ed we learn, quote, while it is true that the meat and dairy industries emit gases that can contribute to climate change, going vegan is not necessarily an improvement. young vegans switch the other products that are often much more environmentally damaging. here to react a, former coca-cola consultant -- along with climate executive
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director or mark morano, two of my favorite guests together on "fox & friends." i'm going to start with you, marc. what is it, they say we want to save the environment, all these young people because they've been indoctrinated about climate change, and delay -- they go vegetarian or vegan, what are these things that are actually worse than what cows emit to get red meat? >> there was a big study a few years back that showed going vegetarian, vegan has about three times the impact on the tert than eating traditional meat and dairy. and what they found is that per unit with, per calorie unit you are destroying the earth more than if you eat higher rich, dense foods. and is so what we're finding is soybeans cause deforestation, the methane emissions from rice milk if other alternatives that they're going to use for dairy, even the oh options they're coming up with, people like bill
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gates have the lab groan meat, that's 25 times worse for the environment than regular, traditional meat. it's almost as if -- you know, humans have been farming for thousands of years, we've been eating meat our entire existence almost exclusively, but somehow in 2024 they've declared it's destroying the earth, we've got to stop, and young people are falling for it. rachel: t not even good for their bodies. it's a nutrient-dense food. but it's a great point, the windmills are killing the whales and the coral reef and the birds, the mining for cobalt and ev batteries and not to mention the humanitarian issues of child slave labor, everything that is good ends up being more destructive. >> rachel, listen to this, i'm reminded of a quote by henry kissinger. if you control the food, you can control the people. and when you step back, let's just take into account -- let's not even get into motivations. let's just understand and unpack
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this argument a. we're being told that it's going to destroy the environment to eat natural food in order to change the weather, in order to save the environment. we need to eat ultra that-processed food. now, that's just insane. the way to make the american people weaker and sicker is to tell them to not eat meat. this is a natural food, as marc just said is, the arguments are scientifically illiterate on the environmental damage. it has omega-3s, iron, things our bodies need. and working for food companies i can tell you this, we were well aware that climate anxiety, that you could stoke that in order to change people's behavior. we had a test run with covid. when people are in fear, we can change their behavior. and that is why food companies are funding studies, these scientifically illiterate studies saying that eating meat is bad for the environment. and shockingly, the university of michigan just came out with a study saying it's environmentally dangerous to grow your food at home, that
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it's absolutely essential for the environment that a you shop and buy ultra-processed food and not buy your food at a home. rachel: yeah, that doesn't finish. >> this part of the playbook is very dangerous. rachel: yeah. marc, you've often said it, t not just they want to control your food, your food, your energy your currency. this is what the fwef wants. you -- wef wants. you both have been true, honest brokers on this issue, and i think people are starting to catch on to what big food, big pharma and the wef is doing in large mart because of both of you. mark morano, cally means, thank you so much for joining me this morning. coming up, president biden's no good, very bad week is about to get worse. voters revealing they don't find him to be presidential. byron york on what this means for the white house race, next. ♪ ♪ i don't want to hear no sad songs. ♪ i just wanna have tom fun
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♪ joey: growing concerns about president biden's age looming over his re-election campaign. but a new op-ed a argues age is not the only issue but, rather, a failure to be seen as presidential. according to "the wall street journal," quote, biden's errors have the potential to shape views of him more than prior presidents' missteps colored their image. not just because biden at age 8 is the nation's oldest -- 81 -- sitting president, but also because he hasn't built an image as a strong leader or created an emotional a bond with voters. fox news contributor byron york joins us now. you know, byron, what i love about this quote is it reminds me of the debate moment where president reagan where he says he's not going to use youth and inexperience against his
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opponent. i haven't seen president biden at any moment anywhere near that. what's your take on this? >> no, he absolutely hasn't. well, my opinion here is this all actually goes back to president's age and infirmity, and in this way, everybody knows the presidency is the most demanding job in the world. they have watched barack obama who took the job in his 40s look a lot older when he finished, the same for george w. bush who took the job in his 50s, it aged him a lot. so when they look at joe bidens they see just a different level of age and infirmity. they believe the president is really not up to the job, and that leads to this question: who's really many charge? i've had people on the campaign trail ask me that question like i know who is in charge, and, but it just leads to this normal speculation. this man, president biden, doesn't really look like he could handle the whole job of the presidency, so who's really doing it? if suis jee you know, this
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report comes out and democrats, the white house specifically, get really upset about the verbiage in the report. i read it and i see a special counsel using verbiage that he believes biden would use to excuse forgetting about a classified information. but in your op-ed in the washington examiner, you said is, listen, even before this report there were significant questions and big concerns. did this report hurt biden so much this week as much as maybe the presser aftera wards? -- afterwards? >> i think, actually, it did hurt him a lot in this way, biden actually did count, i think, on a lot of members of the press to maybe not really cover for him, but not pay as much attention to some of his gaffes and missteps and just the fact that he doesn't seem up to the job. and what happened was when you had an official voice, the special counsel looking into the biden classified documents matter, come out and in a report
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say this and say in a recorded interview with the special counsel biden couldn't remember this, he couldn't remember that, he couldn't remember when he was vice president, i think it was impossible for the press to ignore. and, you know, when biden came out and gave his very, very ill-considered news conference the night the report came out, the press was like a mob. they were yelling at him. and have you seen that in the biden white house? [laughter] i have not. joey: well, and on that topic e finish. >> and so, it was -- yeah. joey: if the press isn't going to cover for him, maybe that's why he doesn't do a super bowl interview, something that has become a bit of a tradition. he's decided not to, taking some frack from that. -- flak from that. this is james carville giving his take. >> it's the biggest television audience, not even close, and you get a chance to do a 20, 25-minute if interview on that day and you don't do it, that's the kind of staff that the staff or yourself doesn't have much
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confidence in you. there's no other way to read this. and he's not going to do debates. he is old. i, i know what it is because i'm almost as old as he is. and it's never going to get better. joey: quite a pointed way to put it. >> yeah. and he might have added it's an election year and he's doing this. now, biden declined to do it last year really for the same reasons, but last year the interview, the super bowl was on fox, and a whole lot of democrats watch fox, but some democratic leaders like to bash fox for being right-wing. and so biden actually kind of got away with that by almost not doing the super bowl interview for ideological reasons. now it's on cbs, and he doesn't really have an excuse like this, and he's just not doing it anyway. and what's pretty career is the president just doesn't -- clear is the president just doesn't feel that he can risk what is likely a pretty friendly interview but would have that
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huge audience that james carville was talking about. joey: byron, if you're going to run for president, you've got to be able to talk to the american people thanks for joining us. appreciate you. >> thank you, joey. joe e suis yes, sir. still ahead, the migrant team that allegedly was -- teen that was behind the times square shooting is being held without bail. congressman mike lawler joins us next. and god on the gridiron. ravens' head coach john harbaugh opened up about his faith and how it guides him on the field. >> i do believe jesus is the author, the creator, the alpha, to omega, our lord and savior. i believe that. it's not just out there in the atmosphere, it's real are, it's in our hearts. here going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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rachel: the migrant suspect who's accused of hurting a tourist in a times square shooting is being held without bail. joey: the 15-year-old was charged as an adult with two counts of attempted murder as well as assault and criminal possession of a weapon. will: joining us now to discuss is new york congressman mike lawler. congressman, thanks for being with us this morning. this is quite a situation we have obviously across the nation, but now as a we're talking about and has been the case for several months now, really acutely affecting new york city in some, in some dramatic ways. what can be done besides
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continued highlighting of this issue, what can be done to force the hand of the federal government to enforce our immigration laws? >> well, you have two problems here. number one, the failure of the biden administration to enforce the law, to secure our border. since joe biden took office a, nearly 10 million migrants have crossed our southern border, most of them illegally. 90% of them being released into the country. it's an abomination if. but it also highlights the ineptitude of new york's elected leadership from governor hochul to mayor adams. the fact is that when you see law enforcement officers being beat up, when you see shots fired indiscriminately in times square and across new york city by illegal immigrants, you see the absurdity of the sanctuary city policies, the right to shelter policies where billions
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of taxpayer money are being used to house illegal immigrants across new york city, and, you know, that episode where law enforcement officers were being assaulted, it just highlights the two most idiotic policies to date, sanctuary cities and cashless bail. and the fact that you had people being released after assaulting police officers and then fleeing new york, i mean, it just -- you have to change the policies if you're going to get this crisis under control. rachel: yeah, absolutely. i mean, what does it take to get deported? if just in the last couple weeks 150 democrats voted against supporting -- deporting illegals with duis. for most americans looking at this, congressman, they just don't get how this works. i mean, if you hit a police officer, if you shoot at people, if you are driving drunk, that should be grounds for being deported. you should be deported anyway
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because you're here illegally, let alone you're committing these crimes. meanwhile, in the house right now because you guys voted to take out george santos, the balance of power at the house is now democrats 212 the republicans, 219, you now have a special election coming up between tom suzie, a democrat, and mazie -- [inaudible] and it's a very close race. you also have that vote, congressman, regarding whether to impeach secretary mayorkas on. was it worth it to get rid of george santos when you have such a razor thin majority in the hours -- in the house in. >> well, respectfully, george santos got rid of george santos. his conduct was unbecoming of a member of congress. he was unfit to serve. and when you have his treasurer pleading guilty to the underlying crimes in which he defrauded not just voters, but
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donors, stealing tens of thousands of dollars from them and moving these funds to his personal account, i'm sorry, he was not fit to serve as a member of congress. yes, it reduced our majority if by one, but that's not the reason by which the mayorkas vote failed the other day. steve scalise are will be back this week. we will have another vote, and the impeachment of secretary mayorkas will pass. with respect to the special election on tuesday, this special election will be a harbinger of what's to come this fall. when you look at all of the polling, the issues are very clear. people are furious about what's happening at the border, they're furious about crime in the streets, and they're furious about the biden economy. people are fleeing new york because they can't afford to live here anymore. and so these are the three issues that, you know, have been the focal point of this special
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election. tom suozzi is trying to backtrack on his previous position of kicking i.c.e. out of nassau county when he was county executive and now claiming he's going to do something about the border, but i mazi is the right person to represent the 3rd congressional district of new york. voters -- today is the last day of early voting in the special election. they should get out and vote. tuesday is election day. it's expected that there's going to be a snowstorm in new york, and so we want to make sure everybody gets out and votes for mazi on the republican and conservative lines on tuesday so that she can join us in washington, cement our majority and fight with us to get s.a.l.t. tax relief, to get a secure border, to focus on on the issue of affordability and to hold this administration accountable for its failures on so many levels. joey: congressman mike lawler, thank you so much for joining
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us. and good luck to you and everyone in the house. >> thank you. joey: all right. let's check in with meteorologist adam chots, and he's got a fox weather forecast just for us. adam: good morning, guys. warm on the eastern half of the country. you're seeing plenty of temperatures in the 40s, 50s early this morning. off towards the west we heard will complaining t it's a little bit chilly. temperatures more like they're in the 20s. the big weather maker continues to be stretching across the south and southeast. there it is from the mid-atlantic all the way back across portions of texas. actually a little bit of snow back on the cold side of this. this is the system to watch as it moves the next couple of days. for today there's a likely risk of severe weather including new orleans, back over towards houston, is really look out across some of the gulf states as this system makes that move. the time stamp the's up in the corner, from sunday to monday we continue to watch this rain. what about know on the way? this is monday night, beginning to see some snow moving up across portions of interior new
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england. this is a pretty quick mover, so by tuesday afternoon a it's out, but tuesday morning still some snow falling. temperatures, 42 degrees. yes, it might snow in new york city, probably not going to stick too much because the temperatures are going to be too warm. those are your headlines, tossing it back over to you guys. rachel: thank you, adam a. really appreciate it. all right, a new study reveals the true age of happiness and self-confidence or, and the answer might surprise you with. will: i can't wait to learn. a. [laughter] a tar quarterback is sending an american hero to watch with his favorite team play in the super bowl. i'll talk about to the purple heart recipient and 49ers fan in vegas next. e ones he loves firs. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays
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will: well, it's super bowl sunday, and thanks to tua tagovailoa, an american hero will be in attendance. the miami dolphins' quarterback calling staffer is e hyten jones is, quote, true inspiration. he joins us now, and he did make a point to me in the truck downstairs he's staff sergeant jones i. >> that's correct. will: there's another one back in the studio in new york, but he wants to make clear when there's conversations in the marine corps, he is one and joey
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is two. both bluffed concern blessed with basically the same name. >> that's correct. with. will: first, let's talk about the super bowl in terms of you have two tickets to the super bowl courtesy of usaa and the marine corps presented to you by tua. tell me about the program. >> so the marine corps association is an association that actually does the training, extended training and educational training to all active duty service members, both officer and enlisted, and my colonel, colonel christopher woodbridge, he actually put me up for the great honor of being here at the super bowl because of my time frame of helping all veterans since i retired from the marine corps in 2007 as a, you know, kind of a thank you from the marine corps side of the house. of and whenever i got choans, usaa ended up giving me this opportunity, and i'm happy to be here.
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will: you sacrificed a great amount for this country. really quickly, what can you tell us about that and your experience which was in iraq where your injury occurred? >> yeah. so the marine corps is such a great organization because we are, we're a team, a brotherhood. and, you know, that just -- every time that we go out, we just take care of each other. and, you know, the day i got hurt was on january 3rd of 2005. i was launched 25 feet in the air. normal operation once you hit a mine, stay in the truck. well, my marines didn't listen to the orders to stay in the truck, and they came down, helped me out, and and i'm glad that they did otherwise you never know what concern where you're going to be. will: you're here as part project healing waters, fly fishing, it's been incredibly therapeutic to you. >> yeah. it's such a great organization because, one, you get the sense of bond and cam a radially,
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again -- camaraderie that's not in the v.a. setting, not in anything like that because you're outside and the healing property of being outside on the water because our bodies are made of water. you're one with the water. and so going from tying the flies to learning how to build a rod, the heart of -- art of the cast is just so much more therapeutic for everybody. we've been around for 19 years. we've got 183 programs, 48 states. we serve about 7,000 veterans a year. will: it's an incredible program. i'm glad you get to go. even though you're an avid 49ers fan. you're taking your brother, he's already seen a lot in vegas, he told me, it's good to hang out with you today. have fun. staff sergeant jones. we'll be right back on "fox & rt friends." -inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. we handcraft every stearns & foster
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joey: it's the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend on sunday, february 11th. after president biden's no good, very bad week, the


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