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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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we are always away from kickoff in las vegas. rachel: you won't see president biden give a sitdown interview before that came. no love for climate warriors, advocates targeting a valentine's day staple. will: i met up with rob gronkowski at his beach party here in las vegas. >> is a great time, all of the fans signed jerseys, throw footballs and the crowds, perfect spirals. the third hour of "fox & friends" weekend start right now. ♪. rachel: good morning, everybody it is 8:00 o'clock a.m. here but i guess it's 5:00 o'clock in las vegas, my cohost and friends we get the lucky ticket to go to
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the super bowl . the only one, i think you said you saw bill hemmer running around their so i guess he's there as well. but you are the lucky guy. >> i am the lucky guy from "fox & friends" that got to go to the super bowl . i have seen bill hemmer have a good time in vegas and he will be hosting his show tomorrow hear from allegiant stadium and las vegas. someone we haven't seen around vegas but we've seen around "fox & friends" on sundays is shannon bream she is the anchor of "fox news sunday" and she joins us now. good morning. >> we were to do the show from the beach party that we felt like it might be a little distracting, how are you guys. will: can you hear my voice, it is strained i would say i was in there for two hours but i didn't realize how much i was yelling to my producer standing next to me or the guest i was interviewing to get my voice
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across your voice might get a little strained tried to talk to a senator from the beach party. rachel: you did not miss a thing then you are studying preparing for the show. we know that's where the exhaustion comes from. >> absolutely. rachel: will is not the super bowl and somebody invited to the super bowl who decided or the super bowl interview and decided not to do it, that is joe biden offer the 25 minute interview to the biggest audience of the year a chance to speak to the american people and he turned it down, james carville, the democrat strategist that we all know this is what he had to say about it. i would like to get your thoughts on the other side. >> is the biggest television audio not even close and you get a chance to get what he five-minute interview on that day and you don't do it, that is the kind of sign to stay up for
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yourself does have much confidence, there's no other way to read this and he's not going to do debates. he is old, i know what it is, i'm almost as old as he is and it's never going to get better. rachel: what is happening, why would he turn something like this down other than the fact that he just can't do it and do it well. >> you guys know, generally interviews of the stature arch shaped. there will be editing, time, you want to have faith in the process you weigh this a couple of different ways you go with the headline for a couple of days, he didn't do the super bowl , take the heat for that or do you do the super bowl if your staff is worried you're going to say something that is going to be another gaffe or something that is going to go viral using ads and play for weeks and months at a time, that the calculation that they have made and decided this is awkward to be good for them for him but it raises so many questions because of course the super bow
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is every year one of the most-watched things on television across the world. if you're in the middle of a reelection campaign how can you turn down really what equates to millions of dollars of campaign ads and it leaves people the impression that your staff doesn't think you can do it. joey: his staff doesn't think he can do it, what is joe biden thing, who's in charge, that is the question. if i'm president of the united states and have an opportunity to go out and make my case and if i ever needed to, this is the opportunity to stop the leaking on the ship and to stop the bleeding whatever analogy you want to use and get things turned the right way. he is the boss, why does it matter if his staff doesn't think he could do it if he thinks he could do it. shannon: maybe he made the decision and didn't feel good about the interview options or
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might land with a and have confidence in that part of the process. i gotta think he's running the show to some extent because the thursday night press conference was something that i think a lot of people would counsel him not to do he was clearly frustrated and angry and came out of the gate. he said close to the top and get a be taking questions i think everybody was like okay the press has been pushing, peter doocy is in the room ready to go but i'm thinking if he was really listening to his staff they really had an iron fist over what he's doing they would've told him not to do that thursday night he clearly made the decision he thought it was in his best interest. will: after half a week on defense the white house is trying to go on offense they're attacking president trump over what he saying about he got nato to pay up for their share of the bill, let's listen to trump get the white house response. >> i did the same thing with nato i got them to pay up nato was busted until i came along i said everybody's going to pay and i said if we don't pay are you still going to protect us and i said absolutely not and they couldn't believe the answer they asked me that question one of the president of a big
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country stood up and said if we don't pay and were attacked by russia, will you protect us and i said you didn't pay, your delinquent and he said yes, let's say that happened and i said no i would not protect you and i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want, you have to pay your bills. and the money came flowing in. most politicians have said to that we will protect you under any circumstances. >> then they're never paying up and i said you have to understand if you don't pay your bills, you get no protection, it's very simple. hundreds of billions of dollars came into nato and that's why they have money today because of what i did. will: the white house spokesperson andrew bates said rather than calling for war and promoting the range chaos, president biden will continue to bolster american leadership in stand up for our national security interest, not against
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them, what do you think. shannon: i think some of that is campaign trail rhetoric and plaster not that i doubt president trump did say to people, the chips are going to fall where they may of 70 comes after you, do i think he really would've done that i'm not so sure, article five you very specific obligations as a member of nato but did he want them to think that, possibly. i think with allies and foreign adversaries alike, president trump wanted them to worry about what he was going to do and leave some uncertainty that would prompt action that he hoped to instigate on their part. i don't doubt that he had those conversations but he does give the white house another talking point to talk about how he handles international relations. josé the proof is in the pudding i got people to pay up in ways i hadn't been. the white house as you bring him back in your bringing back creation of chaos. it's interesting to be the both campaigns pointed to each other and say you pick this guy in the whole world is going to fall apart, they both have the same
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argument. rachel: is so interesting because they had the nerve on the white house side to bring up chaos as were looking at the border and everything that's happening there does not just an economic disaster humanitarian disaster but also national security disaster. were $34 trillion in debt and these are mostly socialist countries in europe who want to spend money lavishly on their own citizens and have us but the bill before protecting them and i think most americans would look at that in there on the side of donald trump on this. >> i think that something is tapped into for a lot of people, millions of people across the country who worry about our veterans were homeless who need things, the homeless people we have in the streets here, family struggling to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. we have so many issues here and add the border into all of that is gone to the point where you know there are blue state mayors and governors who were calling out the white house and borders out of control and i think
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there's a lot of americans to think we have a lot of problems to clean up here and we should be subsidizing other countries obligations if they're not to be willing to do the same thing and make the same sacrifices. in most parties have done a bad stuff when it comes to spending and they need to be held accountable for that and i think everybody agrees on that. the fact is until we get our own house on order a lot of people expect we should ask other countries to step up and meet the obligations where we are. joey: i think that's what we call common sense. you can't have super bowl sunday if it's not sunday. if it sunday you on "fox news sunday". give a super bowl were the show today, tell us about it. shannon: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is joining us live as they get ready to carry out the events, a lot of critics they want to hear what his answer is in the president saying he's gone over the top and gaza. is there a fissure in this relationship. while lawmakers senator tom cotton in the senate is in
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business they have a bill on the supplemental package in denver credit congers man adam smith did they get the funding bills that they had three weeks to get it done. i'm a little skeptical on that. we will see. rachel: we will be tuned in after the show, great show. so great seeing you. shannon: you to. rachel. joey: turning to your headline starting with this the family members of the five marines who were killed in a military helicopter crash outside of san diego tuesday, now they are speaking out. the uncle of captain benjamin saying i sure wish the operation officer would've kept them on the ground lance corporal donovan glantz remembering his son that he was so proud to be ever marine he loved this job and he loved what he did. we have them in our prayers. wisconsin republican congressman mike gallagher is retiring, he made the announcement yesterday after spending eight years
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representing wisconsin revealing he will not seek reelection in november. gallagher releasing the statement saying electoral politics was never supposed to be a career and trust me, congress is no place to grow old. if you are going through a breakup, pf chang's has your back, this valentine's day they are offering six free dumplings to help people in need of comfort food all you have to do is send them a screenshot of your pickup tags in the chain will send you instructions on how to redeem your free dumplings the deal will be going on now and tell national break of day on february 21, what has this world come to, those are your headlines. >> i do not know there was a national break of day. rachel: breakups are now being done primarily through text. joey: breakup text, i know it's been a great eight years and i
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think we should see other people, that's pretty tough. will: a non- conversational society. joey: you're exactly right. rachel: here is a kind of related topic were only a few days away from valentine's day and this is the headline in the courier journal an op-ed keep the flowers in the dirt popular valentine's day gifts hurt the environment. here's what the op-ed said, the international council on clean transportation has found that flying valentine's day flowers grown in columbia to u.s. airports produces 360,000 metric tons of co2, balloons are also an eco-nightmare because they create plastic pollution, chocolates are also a popular go to for the upcoming holiday but the $128 billion a year industry has been riddled with labor
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issues and deforestation take a few moments to think about what is meaningful for your love and for the planet helps us and future generations grow and continue to enjoy our earth for years to come. joey: they want you to take a rock and scribble i love you on a piece of tree bark, that's only thing that you can do that doesn't offend someone, don't breathe when you're doing it because you might exhale or something. will: i got you a box of dirt but i had to save money on the box because it was environmentally unfriendly, it's moving my way because the really bad against valentine's day the whole thing is making this easier for me, life is bad for the environment. rachel: that is actually what it's about, no question about it. i suspect liberal men will use
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this for conservatives, single ladies out there think about that one. will: i'm going to use it. rachel: it is true. the flights, i saw a clip from the wtf were they said number flights, you can use the apple pro glasses and then you could pretend you are in rome or venice or wherever and only flights for those that can afford it. maybe you put your apple glasses and using chocolate and valentines flowers and that will be your valentines. joey: that "another issue that we cannot get into. online dating, cyber dating, virtual reality, we don't want to go there. will: your mind went there i know exactly what you're talking about, don't pretend you did not go there. rachel: they want to kill romance, were not going to kill romance here. my next pop-culture segment
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coming up, were doing a valentine's day addition, we are all in on valentine's day, that is coming up, sean will join me for pop-culture valentines addition. joey: i have a front row seat. rachel: maybe you'll get ideas. coming up, not dirt. coming up gas cone is under fire. >> you have more sympathy for that gang member that my child who was killed in front of my home. our next guest is confronting the far left d.a. after her son was fatally shot via gang member. joey: house republicans record on a second mayorkas impeachment for this week but can they garner support. will: catching up to get his super bowl prediction. who's going to win the super bowl ?
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joey: it is super bowl sunday and will is in las vegas ahead of today's big-game. rachel: first he had the chance to party at the gronks beach with rob gutkowski. how cool do you think you are this morning. will: if i'd be in real, i don't know if i was seamlessly fitting into the crowd when i had flavor flav and then flo rida and michael irvin and richard sherman and nfl stars end of course gronk but i tried. take a look. ♪ it is super bowl week super bowl parties and non- bigger than gronk beach party.
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what is up gronk. >> how are you doing. >> we are at gronk 4.0 it is electric it is amazing that the super bowl is in vegas for the first time ever i think vegas should hosted every year, they can handle it. it's an unbelievable time. will: the gronk beach party seems like it's made for this. all the fans signed all their jerseys with reassurance in the crowd we through footballs and the crowd, perfect spiral. will: how many hours will you party today. four hours straight for sure. the best performer of all times. will: the whole family is here how many gronk family members are here. >> all five brothers here. all dancing have a good time. will: everyone says whatever skills it still gronk. best tied into ever play the
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game. >> i love travis kelce. i played to the fullest i could and that's all i ask for in travis kelce is a great player as well and they want to be me without me and there would be him without him. >> is good when the super bowl. >> 49ers. thank you for having us at gronk beach. you show me how to party here. we just got off stage. did you have fun flo rida. >> all i have to say is gronk beach and you can't help but be inspired. will: talk about the family nobody was jumping around more than his dad. >> now you see where to get it from. will: as a party, this is it the gronk beach party, what about the summer concert series. >> amazing. >> you come back? >> i'll definitely come back.
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will: flavor flav. yeah boy. i've been a fan since i was a kid. show was the clock. titus o'neill, wwe star, what brought you to the beach party. just coming out here hanging out with gronk is the biggest party of the year two amazing teams in the finals with san francisco 49ers and kansas city chiefs. i'm looking forward to it. will: who is your pick. >> it's hard for me to pick it really hard to go against patrick mahomes if they can contain him in travis kelce i think the 49ers have a good chance. joey: what i love about that -- go ahead. i love that you have a conversation about how great travis kelce is and when you ask him his good when he didn't skip a beat he said 49ers. will: yes he did.
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there was all kinds of stars there and you know what's interesting about celebrity culture it only means something seemingly when you're young and nostalgia what matters the most, anthony munoz coming up a minute ago to hang out with us on "fox & friends" was incredible. flo rida in the whole crew they love "fox & friends". i knew you were on stage with them and they were really, really nice. gronk and his family you see everybody in the family has to be genetic, the energy avenue, nostalgia for me i saw michael irvin, it was also busy the cowboys legend and you have to appreciate us all, flavor flav, public enemy, i cannot believe it's flavor flav. rachel: it was awesome i love the advice that gronk gave you he said you just have to jump up and down. i was waiting to see the footage of you doing this. will: pretty simple.
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by the way, you did not have to drink, you could have the tequila smell in the air to inhale intoxication. rachel: it look like you had a blast. will: continues today. joey: you labored intensely to go out there to bring this coverage to us. we want to thank you for your service we really appreciate it. rachel: you took one for the team. joey: coming up, congressman byron donalds, sean duffy and maria bartiromo will join usisea live. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor.
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the two lawmakers and border officials are sounding the alarm as we learn that chinese migrants are the fastest growing group of legally entering the country. house homeland security mark green revealing some of the chinese nationals have even been found to be affiliated with the people's liberation army in the ccp and those are just the ones we've been able to vet, there is no way for the women and men to adequately vet all of them before being effectively forced to release them. chris klem served as part of virtual agent in yuma, arizona and he joins us not to react. this is so dangerous i was down in southern texas and ran into a woman who we interviewed affiliated with those batting retired border patrol but knows the ngos and said their vetting and running the one-stop and they were using recent high school graduates to vet. nobody knows what's going on here. >> let me tell you good morning
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and thank you for having me on i was 27 years as a border agent in yuma and we were ground zero for everything going wrong with the border security and immigration crisis. we had led the country and chinese nationals in russia nationals from all over the country. it doesn't matter what country they're from him especially when they're coming from countries that are not necessarily our friends it creates a problem for the agents because they are trying hard in our system does not do the proper vetting and we know were overwhelmed and continue to see numbers of record pace and that becomes a problem because we ultimately have to release them and that's why say repeatedly every town is aborted town in every state is a border state. everybody needs to be concerned with this pr type of volume ande can do the proper checks because there's most. joey: there was a bill that was killed in the senate that would do some things. and there was the idea of hiring more people to adjudicate asylum
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claims and potentially hiring more board rituals agents we have between 20 and 25000 agents now, what is the right number, is spending money how we fix the border reorienting the mission of the border patrol we have now and how we fix the border do we have the people just not the right mission, give us some insight on that. >> first of all there's a little over 18000 board rituals agents in the entire country 16000 in the southwest border, the number we would like to see this upward of 20 or 25000. this administration loves to throw money at the problem in the border bill was a prime example. the first thing we need to do is border security that is the number one went to secure the border then we can talk about other illegal pathways which are very important of contracting and obtaining the best but we cannot just bail water out, we have to fix and i don't believe
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we need to remove the boat out of the water, woody border security that is most important with the events going around the world and the stuff happening, we cannot afford to slip up and we cannot continue to support armas resilient border plans that we have out there. rachel: all they want is more money to process more migrants and more money for the ngos who are making a killing off his entire problem. 100%. one of the things that concerns me about the chinese nationals i spoke with gordon chang, he said that they caught them using aars and doing gun training, obviously the young men are not illegal migrants looking for an economic better way of life, that is not what you do when you come to the country you would be looking for job or food or services you would not be going to a gun range, clearly we don't know what's going on and we ask alejandro mayorkas now possibly getting up each, do you think that will help the situation what do you think could come of
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that if republic is are able to get enough votes to do that. >> my response about the type of people coming over that's exactly why we must detain everybody that we take into custody until we know with no uncertainty who they are, who their sponsors are and what their intentions are if were not removing the very swiftie. forgetting keep them in here we need to hold them long enough to know everything. as far as impeachment let it run its course it's an opportunity for the house in this case to archive every reason why they continued to do what they've done under this administration of the border and if the senate takes it up, that the secretary in the white house defend their actions that they created a calamity that's been going on for the last three plus years. the b archive and american people will see it on full display let them make that decision. joey: thank you so much for joining us i love the notion of
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defending the record unfortunately they live in different reality and do it every day for some reason. rachel: wanted ironies when our border patrol in our legal system does adjudicate this and they say you should not be here, china won't take them back because they said we don't know who they are. we will keep them. joey: that's what remained of mexico is an important policy. rachel: king charles is speaking for the first time since his cancer diagnosis. his message for the united kingdom up next.
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joey: los angeles d.a. george gascon soft on crime agenda could cost him his seat as he faces tough questions during a heated debate last week. >> my child was killed by a gang member india more sympathy with a gang member then my childhood was killed in front of my home, can you explain to me because i been looking for you for four years. >> and broken hearted for your loss, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. we as a country and we as a
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community have been doing the same thing for generations. joey: the heartbroken mother, our next guest confronting george gascon after christopher beasley was fatally shot by a gang member los angeles when he was 25 years old, emma joins us now, thank you so much for joining us. when he looks at you and says heartbroken for your lost interns in search of the talking point, how does that make you feel. >> really upset with what's going on with george gascon, he straight applied to the public, he said he did not order the prosecutors to take 61 directives off the table. i joined the recall twice and i tried to call this man to speak to a mother who lost a child to a gang member a gang member killed my kid in front of my home. there were two of my children
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shot by this gang member and gascon took office in as soon as he took office he ordered all prosecutors to take the enhancements off the table and that affected my case. i had the gun enhancement and i have a gang member that his tenure for each enhancement and that's very important in a trial for murder is not like this guy stole the bottle of beer, this guy killed somebody. joey: that's exactly right, cold-blooded killer who deserves to be in jail for the rest of his life and here is a d.a. that actively seeks to make a senate less entity lectures you and others about what insanity is. it seems insanity is allowing criminals to go free. >> that is right, we cannot have that progressive d.a. and office, this is the first time
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in history 180 years that we had a d.a. that had a heart for criminals and not a heart for the victims their parents that lost their children to murders 16 or 17 years old and getting five years in jail, where is the justice in this he sits there smiling and laughing and he doesn't care he's not fit to be a d.a. his system as a defense attorney, how did we get to this and why aren't the people realizing this man is no different here different san francisco and now he's doing the same thing in los angeles county. joey: we cannot understand the heartache you're going through, losing a child is a strategy anyone to go through but look at what other people in l.a. are dealing with l.a. crimes that shows robbery are up 12% and shootings are up 29%. it seems like his policies
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worked in all the stats wouldn't exist. >> according to d.a. george gascon were living in a happy land there is no crime everything is okey-dokey, it is the opposite of what he is saying, we're in trouble there is somebody smashing grabs there is no consequences to the action because of george gascon, murder has dropped because other crimes are happening and a lot of crimes are not being reported because they don't go to jail, stats go down when people don't go to jail, right now we have a d.a. and zero bail. joey: there aren't words to console you for what you been there but we love you and we pray for you and we remember your son and we thank you so much for speaking out. >> and i say one more thing he would be the best option for us in l.a. county, thank you for having me. joey: thank you. rachel over to you.
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rachel: god bless her. god bless her. turning to your headlines. the ceo of nigeria's top banks killed in a helicopter crash in california friday night. they were writing in or pick air helicopter with his wife and son that crashed in california in the mojave desert, there was a total of six people on board including two pilots all six killed in the crash and officials are still investigating the cause. mexican cartel are reportedly flooding montana with math and fentanyl targeting native americans, the da investigator saying they will initially target native americans by giving away an initial supply of drugs and then transforming them into attics. according to the report cartels are marketing candida native americans because law enforcement is short staff and unfunded on the reservations. king charles is breaking his
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silence to express his heartfelt thanks after being diagnosed with cancer he released a statement saying all those affected by cancer such kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement, it's heartening to hear ensuring our diagnosis to help public understanding. and those are your headlines let's check in with adam klotz for the "fox weather" forecast. >> having fun on fox square not just around the united states but around the world in hong kong in my man back there is from london, enjoying new york city, what do you think about the weather. everybody chime in are you happy. we are happy that's what i wanted to hear and let's see what it's looking like across the country, 45 degrees in new york and the big weather story today and all the storm activity moving around the southern united states, that is good to
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be the story on the sunday you could see some severe weather including houston, new orleans stretching ultimately further to the north, jackson, greenville, the whole storm system is going to shift to the east it's her next big weather maker in the northeast as well maybe a little bit of snow in new york city by the time you get into tuesday, those are the weather headlines were throwing it back to rachel can i get a big back to you rachel. >> back to you rachel. rachel: coming up, family love a viral trend by favor when moving social media of adult grandkids apprising the grandparents were sleepovers. scared singles, covid lasting impact on gen z dating life and married people say they're happier than single adult. sean and i are married in a special valentines addition a pop-culture roundup that is up next. ♪
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but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the re. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at [♪] did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better.
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rachel: let start off with a new
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survey showing married people are much happier than single adults, what do you say. >> no doubt, happiness comes from a relationship and friendship and being married and having a significant other sit down have a couple coffee, share a morning together there's an epidemic in america and the antidote to loneliness is love. rachel: absolutely, by the way married people, married men made more money, they are healthier, they workout more, isn't that odd to have less time but they workout more. this is what the survey says, 20% happiness advantage, 17% more likely to thrive, this is a great valentine's day message. next how covid impacted david under dating his report claims 47% of gen z singles say the pandemic made them nervous to talk to new people and 25% feel less confident i'm not going to
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laugh at this, the struggle israel, covid impacted the above lives. >> are reaching out to a girl in a bar is a skill set, you have to refine that skill, if you have three years we can't do it because you're texting or zooming government built the skill set i would go to 1980 hockey coach who said great moments come from great opportunities, guys in a bar, that should be your message. rachel: that is a great message, more help on your podcast, date like the 80s talking and going out and not be on the phone. here is another love trend, not romantic but about family love, this is my favorite trend on social media right now, kids are surprising their grandparents at their house for an adult sleepover, here's what it looks like.
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>> i did not get emotional when i talk about them because we love them so very much and the fact that they would give up their time and come spend the night with us and have a throwback to times that we had with them was unbelievable. rachel: the grandkids knock on the door and show up with their sleeping bags and chips and popcorn and watch movies with their grandparents and they play games all night. joey: i almost wanted to cry with the love that comes from a couple in their 20s that grows in to kids and grandkids it was so beautiful, you don't get the love of the grandkids unless you found your own love, got married and had kids and you can of grandkids when you get older. rachel: elon musk has been telling everybody to have more kids. having children is saving the world. rachel: have babies, save the world, here's the next topic, were celebrating because it's valentine's day iconic celebrity couples, how about nancy and ronald reagan, j. lo and ben
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affleck, blake shelton and gwen stephani. our producer said they had a surprise one. oh my gosh. here is a tip if you are a guy that has glasses get you onto her. >> had a pursue on television i was a little embarrassed i kept going and i had persistence and it worked out and i had nine kids. you never know, i love that we have couples in the news that we celebrate and love works and we see the divorces the breakups but this is the time where we celebrate the love and the longevity and the coffee in the friendship. rachel: don't listen to the liberals that say flowers and chocolate are bad for the environment. get into valentine's day and
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celebrate love, create your own love story, it's out there. >> take some time away and enjoy your husband or wife. rachel: listen to from the kitchen table podcast, sean and i have a lot of topics on relationships and dating. you can check that out at thank you. you are my valentine. see you later. or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you. ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. it's time.
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