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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 11, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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game day predictions, we're the final hour of "fox & friends weekend" starts right now. ♪ it's game time. ♪ >> you're looking live at allegiant stadium in las vegas, nevada, ahead of super bowl lviii, between the chiefs and the 49ers, where i'm coming to you live this early sunday morning, super bowl sunday, while rachel and joey hold down the fort. good morning, welcome to the fourth hour of "fox & friends." >> it's the fourth quarter. we're ready for it, one more hour of hard hitting news and maybe talk about the gronc beach party as well. rachel: it's a few days before
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valentine's, based on the op-ed by the liberals who say flowers and chocolates are bad for the environment, you're going to hand y your wife a fist full of dirt. [laughter] >> it's good for the earth. that's one which to read it, rachel. the other is a pioneer in the old west in 1800s, i bought her a plot of land, there's your dirt, which is not the case. i'm trying to spin it positively. i think we need to put our markers down on the table. joey, i'd love your super bowl prediction, rachel since you're 1-0 and gloating all over social media about your pick of the packers over cowboys we might as well get your super bowl pick. rachel: i will give you my pick. my enthusiasm has dropped since the packers beat the cowboys, that was the high for me. it was such a great production. thank you. yes, i am actually going to go with the san francisco 49ers.
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just based on the fact that, i don't know, there's so much hype around the chiefs of. i'm going to be a contrarian about it. >> i'm hosting the big weekend show tonight, you need to tune in and watch this. i gave my prediction for that show. so i'm holding off. i will tell you which -- i will tell you the score. i think it will be a high scoring game, 37-31. rachel: is your -- is the big saturday during the game or sunday i mean. >> thanks for asking. it starts at 7:00 p.m., goes until 8:00 p.m. and we have another hour after the super bowl, 10:00 until 11:00. >> i will be the last one out of the patrick mahomes party, i'll you hit the lights. the rest of you can vacate as soon as you'd like. i'll be the last one of out of the patrick mahomes party. i'm picking the kansas city chiefs. we'll talk more about it the rest of the hour. hundreds of thousands flocked to
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las vegas for the big game. one person that will not be there will be president joe bijoebiden who opted to s skip e traditional super bowl interview. rachel: raising more questions about the president's health. >> madeleine rivera hasn update for us. >> reporter: some democratic strategists say side stepping the super bowl interview is a bad call for the white house to make. millions of people will tune in tonight, it would have been a massive opportunity for president biden to connect with american as he tries to convince them to reelect him. this is now his second time punting on the super bowl, he said no last year too. overall, biden has done fewer interviews than his recent predecessors, done only 86. by this point in their presidency's, former presidents trump and obama had 300 and 422 respectively. it has been a tough week for the president with a release of the special counsel report which the white house has cast as
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politically motivated. nurse lady jill biden one of the latest to weigh in, slamming the suggestion that the president could not remember when his son died. she says i can't imagine someone would try to use our son's death had to score political points, joeys 81, that is you true. but he's 81 doing more in an hour than most people do in a day. his age with his experience and expertise is an incredible asset and he proves it every day. the issue taking center stage on the campaign trail. here are trump and nikki haley. >> joe biden will not be the nominee. he's not. the democrats know this. what i will tell you is there will be a female president of the united states. it's either going to be me or kamala harris. >> the real problem facing our
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country is not joe biden's decline, the real problem is that joe biden is causing america's decline, he's causing it. who the hell would you allow people to pour into our country? who would allow this to happen? >> reporter: the white house says skipping the super bowl interview is part of the wider communication strategy to connect with viewers in othe ways, like through social media. will, rachel and joey. rachel: thank you, mad. madeleine.>> do you believe tha wider strategy to connect with voters in other ways. rachel: that kind of lying is just -- it's so insulting, actually. it's ridiculous. but i really do like the line that donald trump said. i think that's what people are going to be focusing on that it's not really about joe biden's decline, it's that that decline is leading to the deterioration of our own country. will? will: yeah, i think people are able to connect those dots. as you and i spoke earlier this
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week, rachel, i still think -- i think this is the not so hidden primary voting prizm through which most people will go to the ballot box. they need to know that the president of the united states is not just in charge of his own faculties but in charge of the united states of america. and i think that it's probably the wise decision if you're inside the biden campaign to say lless is more, based on the performance of the press conference earlier this week and the results of the special counsel's investigation, i don't think anybody would feel confident he would sit down for an interview with cbs. rachel: rfk screen i don't k junior is speakingout, sayingo keep him off the ballot, saying what the democrats are trying to do against donald trump, throwing everything at him so he can't be on the ballot so americans don't have a choice to choose him, he said the same thing is happening to the him on the democrats side, that the
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democrats are trying to sue him to make sure he doesn't run as a third party candidate. listen. >> they're trying to prevent candidates from running against a president, either suing them like donald trump, i'm not a fan of donald trump, that's why i'm running against him. [ applause ] >> i don't think we should be a be banana republic and remove candidates using the courts. i don't want to beat donald trump that way, with half the country angry because they couldn't vote for a guy that they wanted. i don't want that resentiment, i don't want to win by cheating, by getting rid of somebody. [ applause ] >> they're trying to prevent other people, me included, by denying us ballot access. they just-the dnc is announcing it's lit t gaiting against me and -- litigating against me and my answer to them is why don't you get a candidate that people believe in.
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>> you have there a man who would like to have run for the democratic nomination. he's independent now. he doesn't feel like the democratic party wanted there to be a primary or an opportunity for somebody to challenge joe biden and he says, listen, if you win by taking donald trump off the ballot, you're cheating. and those are strong words. those aren't anything to be -- will: i want to really underline something that he said there. i want everybody to fully understand what he's talking about. the party that suggests right now their primary purpose in the election is the protection of democracy has taken extreme measures to subvert democracy. rfk junior is one example of them pushing back on the voters having a democratic choice. obviously there's the effort to remove donald trump from ballots. but it's also dean phillips within the democratic party who has pointed out the anti-democratic measures that have been put in place to ensure
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that if you're voting, you can only vote for joe biden. and then finally, i had a long conversation with journalist matt t taibbi on the will cain show and he reported on letter that was sent to third parties, they there will be no jill stein this year, there will be no ralph nader this year, no ross perot this career, if you think you're going to interrupt this process, prepare for investigations. the party that claims to protect democracy is doing everything to ensure what we do not have a choice in democracy. rachel: yeah. i mean, the number one issue facing the country with everything going on, i mean, everything blowing up he domestically in terms of the economy and the southern border and national security, we're on the brink of world war iii, you know, internationally, there's so much global instability under this administration and he yet the most important thing is election inat thing gray he at --integrity right now. and by the way, it's not just
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that american citizens are noticing, it's being noticed abroad, world leaders are beginning to comment. for example, the president of el salvador who just won a record election because he decided to care more about the you human hs of victims and law abiding citizens than the criminals and in his election speech which he won by like over 90%, he actually called out america and said all these people that are calling me out for not you you abiding by human rights standards that they've set that are about supporting criminals, these are the same people who don't support democracy in their own country, elections are in question, whose launch false investigations against their opposition candidate so we're becoming the laughing stock of the world because we can't get our elections right. wi >> i thought will was going to
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chime in. rachel: we have a little bit of a delay here. >> yeah. you're absolutely right. i think americans sit here and they see it and they understand it. the white house wants to spin and say they see joe biden working and jill says he does more in an hour than most people do in a day and i just don't think that's true for most 80-year-olds, certainly don't think that's true for most americans. they see what democrats are doing and it's up to republicans to make a better case because as of right now joe biden is the eventual nominee until things change. rachel: i wouldn't take jill biden's advice on joe biden at all. she seems to have a lot ofal tieofulterior motives in pushine idea that her husband is doing just fine. we're going to turn now to some of your headlines. >> the u.s. navy carrying out a handful of self-defense strikes in houthi controlled areas of yemen, central command saying they struck f five vessels in
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yesterday u including three mobile anti-ship cruise missiles. some new york city migrant shelters will be under curfew after a migrant teenager shot at a police officer in times square and hurt a tourist. the mayor eric adams says the curfew will last from 11:00 a.m. to you 6:00 p.m. and will affect more than 11,000 migrants across the city. the cur few goes into effect tomorrow and yellowstone star laney wilson revealing new details on how the show's much anticipated finale will play out, saying, quote, they didn't take me to the train station so we'll see what happens on that end. the train station refers to the deserted canyon used as a graveyard for enemies of the dutton family. wilson added that she just recently spoke to the show's creator, taylor sheridan, who confirmed to her he, quote, has
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a plan for the show's ending. and those are your headlines. rachel: you looking forward the finale, will and joey? >> i am. i'm looking forward to it. will: yeah, but it will carry on. i think they'll still have the four sixs and other spinoffs so you can stick around they the yellowstone universe. i want to introduce you an incredible story right now. super bowl v in 1967, now two members from the group are continuing the tradition and bringing along their grandchildren as well. two members of that super bowl v who have been to every super bowl join us right now right now in las vegas on this early morning. good morning, gentlemen. >> good morning. will: we've got harvey and sylvan with us today. the last two standing, meaning still making it to the super bowl, last year it was just the
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two of you, not the rest of the group. how is everyone doing? >> everyone is doing okay. but we lost our press al shrigus three years ago on the night of the super bowl in minnesota. larry mcdonald is recovering from a bad automobile accident so he couldn't make i it today. and lou rapport is having medical problems so he couldn't make it today. but we wanted to s know that our thoughts are with them and their thoughts are with us also. will: they're on our television screen right now. we have you two with us. we were talking earlier, with this kind of perspective, 57 super bowls on your way to 58, everybody asks what's the best city for a super bowl? >> well, the best city it's tough to say. they've all been very nice to
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us. but i guess the one we had the most fun in, which is one way to define what the best one is, was new orleans. we're going back next year. we've been there -- i think new orleans -- more super bowls in new orleans than any other. i'm right about that. it's a compact area. listen, we're very fortunate people. hair he i have and i -- harvey and i have had the great fortune of being able to attend every one of these and it's-the cities have been really nice to us. will: i don't want to waste time on this because harvey and sylvan are big new york giants fans. they're going to tell you about david tyrees catch and they'll bring up brian kilmeade most likely, i don't want to waste valuable time on things like that and asking about the favorite super bowl. i want to ask this. this is an incredible story of friendship. i think so many people watching,
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for me as well, i mean, i'm envious of your ability to get together every year to continue to do this. how have you been able to do that, to get the guys together every year? >> you know, it's more about the camaraderie between us which i think today is more important than the game itself and we developed a friendship that's ever-lasting and we really miss the guys that are not here but sylvan and i are going to try to keep going for as long as we can. will: it really is a story of relationships. >> i think there are only a few people in america who can say they've had this opportunity, will, and it's -- you know, harvey and i are just -- same thing with lou and larry, we feel so fortunate that we're here to be able to tell the story. will: i don the nfl a apprecis you. you're going to pass your tradition on. let's walk in here, this is the next generation. >> yes. will: this is the next generation of guys and these are all a -- are these guys related
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to you guys? >> yes. will: these guys are going to carry on the tradition. how many super bowls? you don't have a microphone on. how many super bowls have you been to so far? >> number four. >> 53 to go. will: what a cool experience for everybody involved. i hope this helps you maintain relationships like it has for these guys. thank you so much. still ahead former super bowl champion joe theismann joins us live in las vegas ahead of the big game but florida congressman byron donalds is up first and he's next. when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition with five little words... ma, i wanna make perfume! ( ♪ )
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rachel: just a few hours from now, lawmakers will be gathering on capitol hill for a vote deciding the fate of the $96 billion foreign aid spending bill. >> chad pergram is there this morning, he joins us right now with more. chad, you i bet you're going to tell us it's all about the numbers. >> reporter: it is about the numbers. it is about the math. we will know early this afternoon if the senate has the votes to eventually pass the $95 billion aid package for ukraine and israel, the 1 1:00 test vote needs 60yays. iif it scores 60, it will be on
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the glide path to pass. >> as i said all week, we will keep working on this bill until the job is done. >> reporter: a group of repubrepublican oppose the bill, don't like the push to help ukraine. it's about the math had. mike lee of utah implored his colleagues to continue the filibuster. >> remember r, it only takes 41 votes, 41 votes opposing this stops the bill, either indefinitely or until such time as the concerns can be resolved. they're not unreasonable a concerns. >> reporter: republicans killed the border security package, now lee and others want amendments to the international aid package about the border. democrats are willing to accept some amendments. >> if we follow the book, don't reach unanimous consent agreement, there may be little
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or nothing happening on the floor today. if we can reach a bipartisan agreement on a list of acceptable amendments we can move forward and the senate could be as it should be. >> reporter: opponents are dug in, if there's no deal to speed things up you the senate could pass the bill late tuesday or in the wee hours of wednesday morning. back to you. rachel: thank you, chad. >> thanks, chad. a second vote to impeach dhs secretary mayorkas could come as soon as tuesday after house republicans missed it by two votes last week. rachel: the house gop could only afford to lose two votes but four vote ed against its including one last minute switch as part of a loophole allowing the losing side to t again. our next guest voted had in favor impeachment a. byron donalds joins us now. >f.thank you for joining us.
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it looks like you'll pass the vimpeach mayorkas. are you confident of that? what's the result of that? >> i'm fully confident we're going to pass it this week mostly because leader scalise will be back with us this week. he's been battling cancer and all of the reports on his health are good and so he's going to be returning to capitol hill. we're going to put that on the floor. it's going to pass. and look, the senate is going to have to take this up and they're going to have to deal with it. they just can't ignore it. they have to decide one way or another, should alejandro mayorkas actually keep his job and the reason that's clear why he should lose it, he lied to the american people, our southern border is not secure. there's already been 1 million encounters at the southern border this fiscal year and we're only halfway through the year. it's only going to get worse for our country. he's deserves to lose his job. simply because he has not followed the law, he has not faithfully executed the law and purchase juried himself by --
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perjuried himself buy lying to members of congress. >> a lot of people are looking ahead what the next congress will be. you work in two year sessions. there's a long legislative pat . when we look at the list of those that didn't vote, three voted against, that's congressman ken buck and mike gallagher and mcc mcclintock. two of the three aren't running for re-election in the cycle. does the speaker of the house have a grasp on the numbers in such a consequential vote or headline making vote, is that something you have faith in thee speaker to get done and why? >> i think the speaker will be able to get it done this week. like i said before, leader scalise is returning. mike johnson's been in for 107 days now, mott something he anticipated was going to happen. everybody is working with limb to make this happen going
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forward. but i would tell the speaker he's got to make sure that he him and a his team lock in on some of these votes because we don't have a lot of time left. the next major hurdle will be government funding. what are we going to do around that? and are we going to ayou how the government to be funded if the border remains unsecure? because the primary job of the united states government is to secure this nation and if it is failing at a that, the way joe biden is failing at that, does it deserve to get funding across the board? many members of cross don't you agree. i don't agree with that. if joe biden wants to fund the government, si similar secure te border and -- simply secure the border and we could be done. rachel: you've been a staunch supporter of donald trump from the get-go, he was in south carolina yesterday. crowds were enormous, a spillover crowd. this is nikki haley's home turf. i want you to listen to what he had to say about all of the things that have come out this week indicating a new level of
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understanding about the mental decline of joe biden. listen. >> a the real problem facing our country is not joe biden's decline, the real problem is that joe biden is causing america's decline. he's causing it. crooked joe biden puts illegal aliens first, he puts ukraine first, he puts china first, he puts hamas first, he huts firsts hezbollah first, the environmental maniacs first. he puts everyone first except us, he puts america last. rachel: i think that's a good point, it's not so much about his decline but really about the decline of the country that has so many people so concerned. >> look, president trump is absolutely correct. to be blunt with you, it doesn't matter if joe biden is president, kamala harris is president or anybody else, this is the radical democrat playbook. these are the radical advisors at the white house and the department of homeland security and the department of defense
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and everywhere else, state department as well. they are not focused on the american people. they're not focused on poor in boston, chicago, denver, new york, they're not focused on their plight and what's going on, they would rather have illegal immigrants blood their streets, flood -- flood their streets, classrooms and hospitals. this is about the radicalism of the democratic party. it must be defeated in november. scrow go joe biden is the curret figure head of that. our people are falling behind, our stature around the world is falling behind. donald trump needs to come back and be president of the united states. >> thank you for joining us. i know it's election year. you've still got work to do. thank you for coming on and reminding us about it. >> thank you. rachel: take thank you, congressman. >> still ahead, maria bartiromo joins us live. rachel: but first, it's been one year since the thousands of
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rachel: it's been one year since the biggest u.s. revival in more than 50 decades launched at asbury university. more than 50,000 people flocked to the small town for 16 days of 24 hour prayer and it sparks a nationwide movement. joining us now to reflect on the impact one year later, asbury university professor rob lim along with graduate assistant lexi presta. great to have you both on. i'm going to start with you, lexi. for those who didn't know what a happened last year or maybe don't even know what a revival is or what it feels like, why don't you walk us through what happened last year and what you
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experienced. >> we experienced a beautiful outpouring of the holy spirit, what started as an ordinary chapel led to 16 days of continuous worship, scripture reading and people literally flooding our two-stoplight town because we wanted to praise jesus for who he is and what he's done for us. rachel: that's beautiful. rob, obviously a very emotional moment. here we are a year later. what ah has the holy spirit done? how has the holy spirit worked since that time and was it just emotional? did it i fizzle? have people stuck around? what are the long-term impacts of that revival? >> thanks for that question. one of the most important things to recognize is this was an extraordinary movement of god. one thing i've been in. ain awe inhow people are embrace
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holy spirit, even in their lives, students are creating prayer rooms, they've been trying to go and tell the world about this, not just on our own shores, but beyond. rachel: you know, lexi, when i see this movement, i've never been part of something like this but what i see looking at the screen here and especially inside of that auditorium is i see a hunger, a hunger for something more meaningful and deeper than what the culture is offering right now. what are you seeing and how are kids responding in this counter cultural way? >> i see the exact same thing you see. i see a hunger and i see just a he desire. i mean, i feel like when i think of all human beings, we want to be seen, we want to known, we want to be loved. when i think of the outpouring
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and what god has done through that, i see gen z starting to recognize thjesus is the one whm and knows them and more than anything else jesus is the one who loves them and jesus has always been very counter cultural so that doesn't surprise me that it's catching everyone offguard but that hunger is definitely real and that posture of just radical hugh mihumility has truly contid through staff and students and it's been a blessing to be part of for sure. rachel: rob, how has your life changed since one year ago and that revival? >> well, there's something so special about experiencing the lord in such a manifest way and you can't help but just continually live your entire life in a posture that's just focused on him. one of the amazing things had that i've been able to do is just be able to testify about this throughout the world and seeing people's reactions to it and not visually but also
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adopting it into their lives, like lexi said, embracing a posture of radical h humility whether it's in the states or from australia where i'm from. rachel: the holy spirit is clearly working in your lives and the other young people who are affected by it and we're encouraged here at "fox & friends" that this was a youth led movement and that that's what's happening in the world right now. so i just want to thank you both for joining us, for sharing your reflections one year later. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. rachel: you got it. coming up, chinese migrants become the fastest growing group of illegal entries at the u.s. border. the growing concerns with their links to the ccp, sunday morning futures anchor and our friend maria bartiromo is next. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place
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>> welcome back, i'm live in fox square in manhattan where the weather is fairly pleasant. not the story everywhere as we're tracking a big weather story. warm air on the eastern half, cold air on the western half of the country, see that blue. means it is chilly. the big weather maker is the storm system moving you across the south. every yellow box is a severe thunderstorm across east texas. that will be the story today. we're looking at likely severe
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weather from houston to new orleans, north up to birmingham, all across the gulf coast, you could see some sort of severe weather before the day is over. that system is going to be the one to watch, we watched it move from sunday into monday, rain across the southeast w severe threat. northeast, monday into tuesday, we could see snow in new york city, the temperature, 43. going to be tough to stick, further interior areas you're going to see more snow. those are your weather headlines. tossing it back inside. joey: that's bad news, you're supposed to bring us good weather. >> nice right now. joey: that's fair. thanks. law make aers and border officials are sounding the alarm as we learn chinese migrants are the fastest growing group illegally entering the country. >> our system does not do the proper vetting. we know that we're overwhelmed, we continue to see numbers at a record pace. we ultimately have to release them. that's why we must detain he
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everybody we take into custody until we know with no uncertainty who they are, what they are, who their sponsors are and what their intentions are, mexico, around the world, stuff happening d domestically, we cat afford a slip up. joey: joining us now, sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo. maria, tell us -- i know you'll cover this on show but tell us your reaction to what you heard. maria: it's good to talk with you this morning and the team. thank you so much. look, this could not be more serious. what you are seeing right now is truly an invasion at the southern border. but the fact that chinese nationals are the fastest growing group coming you across raises so many red flags, given the history of communist china and its efforts to undermine the united states. what's even more troubling is the fact that china once the chinese nationals if some of them are rejected for their you
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asylum claims, they say look, we're seeki seeking asylum, rung from persecution which is hard to believe by the way but once they're rejected beijing will not take them back. what we're learning from the new daily mail story this morning is that is revealing that the border chiefs in the united states warned the homeland security committee last year that they believe that many -- they are concerned that they are letting in ccp spies. okay. so they told the homeland security committee last year. i can tell you for sure that i spoke with the chairman of the homeland security committee, mark green, and he told me, yes, he believes xi jinping is directing these people to come to america and perhaps act as saboteurs when beijing directs them to do so. i don't know. could they be creating a medicinminiarmy in the united so create havoc if and when a
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republican is in the white house, if trump wins for example in november, could they create havoc and the mainstream media could say look what's happening around the country, nobody wants trump. meanwhile it's the chinese nationals behind the havoc. what we don't know. if the fiscal year 2023 which by the way started october 1st you've got 24,000 chinese nationals having been apprehended. that compares to look at these numbers, just 2,000 people in 2022 and just 342 in 2021. so clearly beijing sees the weakness in the white house as an opportunity to storm america, send these folks in here and we don't know what their motivations are. it's very troubling. we're covering it. i prior appreciate you guys cog it, this has become a national security risk. how should we view china given the fact that communist china
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has already sent a surveillance balloon to surveil our military installations, has been stealing our intellectual property for decades, has police stations in america and has been sending fentanyl into america on a regular basis and let's not forget covid and the coverup. coverup.joey: and a biolab rig. tell us what's coming up on sunday morning futures. maria: we want to know if joe biden is compromised, who would allow this to take place. we're talking with james comer this morning, he's has a major interview happening this tuesday, he will interview behind closed doors tony bobulinski, hunter biden's former associate. we're going to talk with james comer this morning and we'll ask him as well as john ratcliffe what they make of all of these chinese nationals coming in. we're also going to talk about that botched border deal, so senator mike lee is now calling for mitch mcconnell to step down. yes, heads are beginning to roll in the republican party as trump seeks the nomination for
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president. and of course we also know the story of ronna mcdaniel, my sources tell me president trump asked her to step down last thursday after we left mar-a-lago and did an interview with the 45th president. we are expecting her to step down after the south carolina primary. of course, her team says nothing has changed. we will see what happens after the south carolina primary. we're talking with woody johnson, we want to get his take on the changes underway in the republican party. he's a major donor, former ambassador and owner of the new york jets on this super bowl sunday. we'll have fun with woody johnson as well. joey: it's a super bowl worthy show. we'll stay tuned in for sunday morning futures. thanks for joining us. maria: thank you. joey: coming up, nfl legend and fformer super bowl champion joe theismann joins us live in las vegas with will ahead of the big game. there he is.
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will: we're less than nine hours from kickoff here in las vegas. the chiefs facing off against the 49ers in tonight's super bowl showdown. joining us with his preview, legendary quarterback and super bowl champion joe theismann.
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he's missing something. >> my ring is gone. do you know where it might be? will: brian brian kilmeades s tradition interrupted. a super bowl champion has put on the ring. great to see you. >> great to see you too. thank you. will: what do you think about the big game? >> i think it will be a heck of a football game, two teams that proved to be the best in the league this year and two of the best coaches in the history of football in this game, both extremely creative on the offensive side. you hear the saying all the time, defense wins championships. i think certainly kansas city's defense over the last month or so has played terrific football, san francisco's defense will have to play better than the last couple games. they've spotted some people some points. i don't think they could do that against kansas city. will: when people talk defense they usually talk about the 4 49er's defense.
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the chief's defense has been underrated. the defensive coordinator has game plans for stopping teams like san francisco. >> he's done a terrific job of taking what he wants to do and applying against a team and their strength. for example, baltimore, they weren't going to let lamar jackson beat them with the legs. they made them grow the football. his philosophy i believe was if you can beat me and my guys one on one then you deserve to win but we don't think you can. we're going to put pressure, not let you out of the pocket and make you throw the football. will: i've been talking to he joe downstairs, during commercial breaks about everything throughout the career. i'm fascinated by it. we're talking about one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game. you played at 185, didn't lift weights, played multiple sports, drafted by the twins, played baseball. what makes mahomes or any great quarterback great? >> i think it's mental
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toughness. that's number one thing i think for everybody. you need to be mentally tough. you're going to get beat down, physically and mentally. but you have to get up and keep on striving to be the best you can be and at the he position of quarterback, it requires leadership. what is that? it's the way you carry yourself, the way you walk, communicate with people, t authoritative nature, when you step in a huddle, you want the guys to believe what you're saying and have you to go out and perform. lip service doesn't get it done. it's here. it's between the ears. the game is played mentally. so many guys -- how many times have we seen guys throw the prthefootball and it's unbelieve but they couldn't handle the pressure to be successful at this level. will: i will say joe was a life long red skin and he's now a big fan and supporter of the washington commanders. in real life, joe's a cowboy.
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>> i have horses and cattle. tried to rope a fence post one day. will: hopefully your super bowl predictions go better than the cowboy. >> i'm going with san francisco. will: joe theismann, the legend. thank you, joe. more "fox & friends" coming up. what the? good morning hallow makes it easy to build a daily habit of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel? sure. take a deep breath and focus your attention on god in the name of the father, and and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen.
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