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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 12, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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lunch time, heavy snow. early afternoon, really cleared on out. in that time we're expecting a lot of snow to come down. windy conditions in place. everything you're looking at here is anywhere from 8 inches to 12 inches of snow. what about new york city? we'll be on the borderline. 5 to 8 inches, maybe a foot in to boston. it's going to be a big snow maker for the first time in a long time. >> sandra: it was starting to feel like spring time. here comes the snow. adam, thanks for that. >> yep. >> sandra: good to see you. thanks for joining us. catch me tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. eastern alongside john roberts on ♪ ♪ >> jesse: i'm jesse watters with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., dana perino, and greg gutfeld, who promises to insult me. it's 5:00 in new york city, and
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this is "the five." ♪ ♪ it's a full-blown media mutiny against the elderly man with a poor memory. the liberal press is openly calling for joe biden to step aside, as a stunning number of americans question his age and cognitive decline. 86% think biden is too old to serve. following the bombshell classified documents p -- report the question his memory. 73p of sound -- that include 73% of democrats. is probably why "the new york times" is running these back to bite hit pieces one is from. the question "is not if biden should step aside, it's how post quotes. joe will not go quietly to the nursing home yet. he is sending an army of smooth talking democrats to defend his mental state and blame the media. >> he is sharp, on top of things. >> one thing joe biden will never do is quit.
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speak of the most difficult part about a meeting with presi president biden is preparing for it. he is sharp, intensely probing, and detail-oriented and focused. >> if press coverage focuses relentlessly on things that don't represent joe biden's real body of work -- >> you are in the white house and on the campaign. you are banging your head against the wall at the way the thursday report has uncovered. >> wall-to-wall coverage of whether a guy who is four years older than his opponent's too old to be president. >> the polls are what they are because democrats are buying into the narrative that republicans are creating and amplifying. >> jesse: no matter how hard joe biden tries to reassure americans in his brain is working, there's always another sandbag trip or a dead president he talks to. check out this video of the president bumping his head while exiting marine one this weekend. biden thinks his faulty memory
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is all a joke. >> i didn't realize, and i've been around. i know i don't look like it, but i've been around a while. [laughter] i do remember that. >> jesse: dana perino, how do you think the left has digested this thursday news dump and the press conference afterwards? >> dana: sitting there like a cliff bar. never die just. i can't stand it. i have never bumped my head. i am just too short. i saw a tweet over the weekend that was talking about how in 1984, the press said reagan was too old. he was 73. that bob dole was too old in 1996 when he was 73 anna john mccain was too old in 2008. until last week, last thursday, the press was willing to look the other way on biden. then, 86% of americans said "no, this is what we think." if i was in the white house, i am thinking "how are you
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supposed to fight against 86% of the country?" send out as many people as you want to say he's great. that's not what people are seeing. people might have respect for him, the office of the presidency, but they see what they see, they hear the cadence, the knives are out from the democratic graybeards like james carville. i feel like last week was the death knell for the campaign. i don't know if they know that yet. if they don't make any changes -- and they might not -- than they are looking at a likely loss in november. >> jesse: what about when they say it's difficult to prepare for a meeting with joe biden? does anybody believe that? >> greg: i don't think so. what is amazing, and i think it is great news, and i hate the negativity from dana, but it is like you. >> dana: it's hard for me. >> greg: 86% agree that joe is a problem. he finally fulfilled one
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campaign promise: he unified the country. 86 percent don't agree on anything, anything. this is a kumbaya moment. this is our national anthem. we don't need to have them here. i think going to what they were saying, maybe it is not about dementia. its dementia plus joe biden. when he was younger, he wasn't really a principled, persuasive human being. he was narcissistic. he was a plagiarist. he was a phony blowhard. he was plagiarizing in the '70s and '80s. i am not talking about his age: i'm talking about decades. we are crediting dementia with stolen valor. you could argue that dementia is containing joe. finding out joe has dementia is like finding at the titanic has rust. it just came a little later. i also love that jen psaki says the white house staff is banging their heads against the wall. they are doing that. that's the only way they can
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understand the president. [laughter] i think they should be grateful that biden got this far. he is like a car driving on bald tires on fumes. they kept driving past the exits. "next gaf4 miles. we can make it." they almost did. the media and white house deserve props for keeping him president this long, protecting him like a faberge egg. you have the "l.a. times." you see what they said about his age, it's a superpower. that's like saying the hulk's superpower is that his clothes don't fit. it's just what you see. >> jesse: judge jeanine, now blatant speculation about replacing him at the convention this summer. >> jeanine: politico came out with an article this afternoon. they talk about one of the ways that joe biden can get out of office and maintain his dignity, which is basically at the end of the primary season on june 4th, to say "look, i won the primary,
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i am fit to serve but i understand the public's concerns, so i'm going to release my delegates. i've done my duty. i defeated donald trump once." as an fyi, his delegates do not automatically go to kamala. they can fight it out. dana and greg are right: 86% of the country cannot agree that it is sunny or that the sun shines on a sunny day. you cannot do that. the real problem is in the swing states, more than 70% of people believe that he is too old and does not have the cognitive ability to run for a second term. i don't think he can finish this term in. one of the issues for me is that when you have a president who wasn't even aware that his secretary of defense was not around at a time where we are in the middle of two wars when men are being hit, servicemen and women, which remain with traumatic brain injuries and all other kinds of injuries. when you have a guy who is
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testifying before congress, his homeland security secretary says "the border is secure." the president is saying it hasn't been secure for ten years, finally. he is not in sync with any of the people in his ad administration. have to say not only who was running it, but is he talking to anyone? the big issue is he needs to take a cognitive test. there is too much at stake. 86% of americans think he is too old cognitively. via special counsel came out and said "hey, everybody, i spent five hours with this guy," a well-meaning man with what is it, a deficient memory? with a poor memory and diminished capacity and faculties. in the end, he's got to take a cognitive test. they should release the transcript of the interview which led the special counsel to say that you can't prosecute him, he is -- what we got to figure out is how, if this
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translates from there isn't anyone who would give the guy a regular job. would you employ joe biden for anything? no, but we've got him running the country? the whole thing is ridiculous. it has got to come to an end somehow. >> jesse: who has that conversation? is at dr. jill? is a barack obama? what's a process? >> harold: good to be back around the table. i think you mention one or two names. let's take a step back. i think it's healthy that our press is raising these questions. questions. and sometimes around the table, we justifiably are critical when the broader press and everyone in the press is not raising some of things we are raising. they are raising this issue now. i think it was the catalyst for it obviously was the hur report accelerated us to this point. both candidates, we should not kid ourselves: both have probably lost their fastballs, a little old. we live in a country where innovators, ideas, thinkers throughout our 250-almost a year
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history, have been able to merge with busin business, academia, politics. we, republicans, democrats, independents find themselves asking "is this the best we can do?" i'm not suggesting -- i am not in a just. i'm not suggesting they are not capable, smart, patriotic people. at some level, people ask these questions. the democratic party, to your point, jesse, is going to have some questions to answer. if 85-plus percent of the country believe that our nominee could not last for four more years, you cannot ignore that. you can if you want to lose, but at some point, you have to factor all those things in. i have watched him -- i'm happy to see him taking some of the advice that dana and i have been trying to get, which is take off the things you've done, talk about the things you want to do going forward. identify for the next 10-15 years, what are the most important issues the country will face when rebuilding our
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military, our education system, finding ways to pay our bills. what is it you're going to do that makes you so unique as a candidate that the country has to have you and that you are almost indispensable for the moment. ticked off some of the things he has done. neither of them have done it. all trump does is criticize people he doesn't like. i don't think biden is doing it effectively. neither of them are. >> jeanine: he is incapable! >> greg: i have to take issue with you crediting the media. the only reason why -- >> harold: i'm not. i'm saying they're doing the things we are saying. >> greg: it was unavoidable. it is like the border issue and the crime issue. they wait for the breaking point when they have to, when they're back is up against the wall. joe was a dead man walking. not even sure he's walking. may be dead man napping. it's like now, we -- it >> harold: i don't disagree. i said last week it would be like democrats -- if you want to bring the border thing up. it would be like democrats saying to a republican president "we aren't doing a gun bill because we don't want you to get the credit." i don't care people come around.
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that's how i was raised and perhaps, that's how my politics is. if someone comes around you i say "come on." >> dana: they maybe would have made a different decision over the holidays about him running again if the media had not shelter them from this criticism. >> harold: the hur -- report in december, you are right. >> dana: you don't need one. >> jeanine: eight was obvious to the public that the men cannot walk without stumbling and for the first time, i saw him trip at the graduation. he could not get up. he tried to get up once and couldn't on his own. this is a real problem. the man stumbles. he is angry after he has to defend himself. that's part of the cognitive decline: you get outraged and angry. it's all in front of us. >> is that what it is? >> jeanine: for you. >> jesse: harold, you tried your best. good job. [laughter] coming up, joe biden spent his super bowl sunday in the most pathetic way possible: yelling at the makers of tostitos.
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: joe biden may have snubbed his big super bowl interview, the elderly man with a poor memory was not going to let the big events go to waste. instead of letting americans just enjoy the game, president biden made its political by releasing a video that blasts snack companies for shrink-inflation. >> super bowl sunday, if you are like me you like to be surrounded by a snack or two while watching the big game. when buying snacks for the game, you might have noticed that
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bottles are smaller, chips, there's less of them but the charger just as much. what makes me the most angry is ice cream carts have shrunk in size but not in price. i've had enough of what i call -- it's a rip-off. some companies are trying to full a fast one by shrinking the products little by little and helping you -- hoping you won't notice. give me a break. >> jeanine: if that wasn't embarrassing enough, the commander-in-chief using super bowl sunday to officially get his campaign on tiktok, despite his own fbi warning that it's a national security threat. >> game or commercials? >> game. >> halftime show? >> game. >> jason kelce or travis kelce? >> chocolate chip cookies. >> trump or biden? >> are you kidding? [laughter] >> jeanine: republicans are blasting the move. is this senator is tweeting this. "the biden campaign is bragging
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about using a chinese spy app even though biden signed a law banning on all federal devices." i want to start with the snacks first. i will go to you, jesse. biden-nonx. every time you turn around -- last year was big oil, and then it was big meat that was responsible and last week it was the grocery stores that they found out made like 1-2% profit from their sales. now it is the big snack companies that are the bad guys. is not all about bidenomics? >> jesse: ice cream has always come in pints. they are getting smaller. [laughter] every time i buy a bag of potato chips it is half chip, half air. that's the same thing. did he open a thing of pringles and maybe there aren't as many pringles? hunter had the munchies? that's not how it works. had he been to a supermarket -- they sell gatorade and many
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gatorade's. the bottles are not shrinking. this guy is pointing the fingers everywhere. all we want to know is how he will reboot -- reduce big ticket items like insurance, lumber, labor, hair spray. [laughter] if i was doing joe biden's social media, i would not be asking him super bowl or commercials. that is a girl question. travis kelce or jason kelce? a big eagles fan. trump, black national anthem or real national anthem? this is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. i would lean into it. i would say "i was at the first super bowl and i saw them play with leather helmets and it cost $0.05." bring prices down maybe not that far but as far as you can. also, he is performing at halftime. i hope everybody finds their seat afterwards. be stupid about it. you don't have to pretend you are hip. >> jeanine: that's good. dana, you know the rules for thee, but not for me?
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listen to this sound. >> i'm just trying to square why the president would use this platform if his administration is weighing a national ban on edge because of national security. >> i'm not going to speak to any hypothetical bay on. it's not allowed on government devices. that remains the case and i cannot speak for the campaign on their decisions. >> jeanine: that's referring to tiktok. >> dana: on the tiktok front, this should be a much bigger deal than is being covered. the tiktok video is better than the shrinkflation one. the tiktok one is "it's cute," and you reach your target audience. the thing is we have real information that tiktok has used our personal information against us and they will in the future. that's why biden last year bam it all and federal devices. many state governments have done the same, but the campaigns, like "i have a tiktok account, just out of my government
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account." americans would like real answers. i believe tiktok is here to stay. i don't want to hear from democrats about social media companies again if this is going to be the decision. on the shrinkflation video, did you see how many edits you had to do? that's interesting. plus, this is why fake a lot of people prefer to have conservatives in the oval office who can make business decisions. who skips doing a free interview to millions of people to spend millions of other people's money on an ad that's going to get trashed? that is what joe biden did. >> jeanine: in that regard, one of the things james cargill said was "joe biden not doing the super bowl interview is an indication that your staff doesn't have much confidence in you." is it that or that they know you well and know you can't survive its? >> harold: i thought he should have done that interview. i say it here and other places. that was good advice they gave: they should have used that for a
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later moments. we will get to the black national anthem after i talk about this. with tiktok, the president -- they have to explain to me if you bam it's for government devices, how is it that it's okay for the campaign? they should do that sooner. karine jean-pierre out there with the information to be able to explain. that's a legitimate question. i -- if you are going to talk about inflation, "it's coming down, mr. president. talk about the things you've done and are doing." if you want to make a joke, call jesse. >> jesse: call jesse for the jokes, greg. did you hear that? [laughter] no one has ever said that. >> harold: if you want to laugh, call greg. [laughter] >> greg: thanks, jesse. >> jeanine: greg, do you want to respond? >> greg: this reminds me so much of the bud light situation, about not reading the room. it's the biggest snack day in america.
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this reanimated corpse of andy rooney starts going after snacks. that's a buzz kill. that's like -- do you go to a wedding reception and talk about divorce rates? do go to a kids birthday party and go "one year closer to death, junior?" biden is not in charge. maybe, it is the woman that was fired from bud. may be giving them tips. he goes on tiktok. i know why he is immune: it is the premier brainwashing industry, and you cannot wash something that's not there. that is why jesse never has to shampoo his hair. [laughter] >> jesse: i spend plenty of money on shampoo and conditioner. >> jeanine: and hair spray. coming up, homeless camps are getting cleared out in a liberl city for a leonardo dicaprio movie. ♪
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>> dana: that is the first of 2 beyonce songs i will be playing. she is going country and i am here for it. liberal california proving once again it can solve the homeless crisis if leaders want to. homeless camps in sacramento, california, getting cleared out for an upcoming leonardo dicaprio movie. you can see the officials giving campers a 24-hour vacate notice ahead of the filming. the homeless people, complaining about being forced out. >> one of these stickers with a 24-hour period before you have to move your camp. >> a lot of homeless people, like anybody, they like the area they stay in. they liked downtown. they don't want to be moved so far away from downtown because they are homeless. rock and a hard place. >> liberal deja vu. last time california devoted this much energy to cleaning up the streets was for the arrival
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of world leaders in san francisco during the apex summits and ahead of president biden's meeting, with the chinese president xi jinping. the nation not knowing for being -- says that sacramento's rate of homeless per 100,000 residents is almost double that of san francisco. got to be furious. >> greg: it's the nation's capital. i would be ticked off. i heard because of leo they are replacing every homeless person with a 17 year old eastern european serbian model. [laughter] serbian? it's just -- it tells you they can solve the problem if they want to. hollywood -- they can fill more movies in these cities that have problems. i noticed in our packet there was this weird fact. san francisco is boasting a 3.5% drop in homeless. 7,754, that's down from 2019. roughly 280-300 people, which would be good news until you
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google the number of people who have died from overdoses. in 2022, 67 people. their decline in homelessness. what do you think that's from? it's like they have let the problem decide to take care of itself, and it's conservatives that are inhumane or lack compassion? they say maybe if they keep shooting up, they will be done. >> dana: judge, why don't the actors speak up on behalf of these people and say "this isn't right." they live in california, have residences they are. they can have some purchase with them. >> jeanine: and they have the podium. if they want to get out there and have an idea for an issue when helping people, that is what they are all about, right jesse? you would think they would do it. what is so interesting about this is there were six tenths apparently in the filming area, so they put these tickets on them and say that you have to be out of there in 24 hours, but what the packet said was
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outreach and engagement from the city resource coordinator, will "we offer them connections to services and placement." why don't you do that for everybody, number one? if you were able to move two out, if you can move 20-30% out, do it. there's a part of me that says instead of doing this for movies, and by the way, the movie company should be paying for the cleanup, not the taxpayers -- but if you were going to do it for a movie set, i say to myself "maybe, we should show america for what it really looks like and people might not be in such a rush to come here from other countries." they might say "it looks like honduras to me, i'm not going there." the decline in people who are dying -- and they talked about the fact that there are 650 drug deaths in the tenderloin district alone in three years which is about 215 a year, which i figured out to be about four a week, just dying one after another after another. now, they are talking about putting a hotel in.
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hotel is a good idea. saying "we are not going to stop you from using drugs, but we want you at least to be sober." that might be inconsistent, but they are trying something small. maybe that will work. i don't have the answer. i don't know where the hotel should go. in big trouble in san francisco in terms of the election. she is starting to come up with some idea. maybe you have an idea for it, greg. >> greg: she hasn't called me. >> dana: she should call for the jokes and the laughs. jesse, maybe we should ask for a big movie set in new york city and we could clean up the homeless problem. >> jesse: that would be a good idea. except i would like to star in the movie. can we make that part of the deal? i know one going to play. >> greg: they found a movie last week at fox. they closed it all off. it didn't change anything. >> jesse: that's why johnny was walking around the block all day? >> greg: yes. >> jesse: very extra. >> greg: it was the penguin
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movie. >> jesse: is that right? homelessness is just a jobs program for democrats. for everyone homeless person, there's a two bureaucrats who collect the check from the taxpayer to make homeless lives easier. you know how hard it is to be a taxpayer? all of the permitting, the tax agents, speed cameras. you need to hire an army of specialists to deal with these annoying government officials. if you are a homeless junkie shooting up on the street, the government's their life so easy. "here is a needle, sleeping bag, some cash." i would like to reverse that. i would like for the government to make our lives easier, and the lives of the homeless people little more difficult. may be, go by with a bullhorn at 6:00 a.m., will "wake up, people. you like camping? we are taking it to the grand canyon." may become a go to the pacific, take a dip. you can't live like this. may when i interviewed a homeless junkie for "get it together" which you can
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prearmor -- preorder for amazon. he said that she would fall asleep on the subway, the nypd would poke him and say "get up." he respected that because he would get up, would need to go to detox. you realize it's a drug and a mental illness crisis. they don't want to solve the crisis: they want to feed it for money. >> dana: harold, when you are mayor of new york, what will you do? >> harold: i don't know what they're talking about. [laughter] we did the story where i believe governor newsom -- thought something was coming to the state and they cleaned up parts of it. now you have this. politicians need to get serious across the board. we seem to have lost a muscle to solve our problem. everyone has given some ideas and thoughts about how to solve some of these problems. not sure all of our ideas are the most actionable, but the fact that we are thinking about them, being big and bold, we have lost the competitive edge to build consensus and do things. you think about challenges in the country from
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social security, people have been living longer because they are up breakthroughs. social security was initiated in the average age, 63. that was the life expectancy. it started in '65. we should think about how we solve challenges. even congress. got to figure how to fund ukraine and israel, fund our border. you've got to get back to solving problems. can't just solve them because -- a celebrity. you can't just solve them because you have an out-of-town guest coming. where i agree with you 100%, those of us who live in the cities who pay taxes, who raise our kids in these cities, who are responsible adults in these cities, do it for us too. leadership has to stand up in both parties and solve problems. >> dana: what about us? that's what i want to know. it's a good question. the super bowl is up to the hype. our reaction to the big norms include travis kelce shoving his coach, and usher tearing up the halftime show. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: the kansas city chiefs are the chance again, winning the super bowl for a second year in a row in an overtime stunner that saw patrick mahomes throwing the game-winning touchdown. it wasn't just the pigskin that got america talking. there was the chugging and shoving antics of taylor swift and her boyfriend. travis kelce, grabbing and screaming at coach andy reid on the sideline. taylor swift, caught chugging a cold one, a shot broadcast on the jumbotron. usher, roller-skating into our hearts with the halftime show. it looks like a certain someone nailed the final score of the super bowl. >> jeanine: 49ers or the chiefs? >> greg: 25-22, kansas city
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chiefs. pretty amazing, guys. [laughter] thank you. you didn't see that one coming. herald, in the green room, you said you were surprised at how few white people there were in the ads, and the ones that were were portrayed as. what is this world coming to? [laughter] >> harold: wow. i... to be when i heard him say it too. >> harold: jesse said that. [laughter] that's not true. he did not say that. that was one heck of a game last night. anybody that loves football, it got off to a slow start, but you couldn't have asked for a better ending. anybody would have thought this thing would've gone to overtime. the coaching back and forth, kyle shanahan is one of the great offensive minds. he has been questioned i think unfairly about whether they should have received the kick or kicked off in overtime. one thing is undeniable: patrick mahomes is the face of the nfl. he is not the greatest: tom is still the greatest, but patrick mahomes is well on his
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way to being the greatest quarterback the league has ever known. >> greg: dana, when it was tied 19-19, or was it 16-16? at the end of the game, they said they were starting a new game. why didn't we play the first one? >> dana: why didn't we go straight to that? >> greg: i say that about soccer penalty kicks all the time. >> dana: i love the roller-skating and h -- roller-skating in the halftime show. i'm a good roller skater. >> greg: i bet you are. >> dana: i would like for that to make a comeback. i believe that taylor swift was chugging water, because that's what i would do to make it look like i was drinking beer but i wasn't. of learned that trick for my grandfather, who used to go to county commissioner meetings and throw the alcohol in the net plant. >> greg: are you calling taylor swift a liar? >> dana: no, i'm calling her responsible. -- i'm calling are responsible. not really. i'm not talking about her. last night, there was brilliant analysis. it was when it looks like it was
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going to -- it looks like three is different than four. this is because san francisco missed that extra point. i said that his brilliant analysis. i'm going to steal it. three is different than four, don't forget it. >> greg: especially in a hot tub. [laughter] hey judge, what was your take on the game? you enjoyed it? >> jeanine: i loved the game. even in the first half, which was kind of boring. at the same time, it was just a great game. san francisco played a great game. in the niners, as they call them, were really good. mr. irrelevant. >> jesse: brock purdy. >> jeanine: he was really impressive. i think the kicking. some history was made. the longest kick, and before him, moody did the longest kick, broke the record at 55 yards. that was good. this whole thing about travis kelce getting into a
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thing with the coach, look: these guys are like gladiators. when they go into the super bowl, they go to win. he was basically saying "put me in, coach," because isaih pacheco fumbled and kelce was not in at that point. i don't think there's a real problem. it's like brady and bill belichick had problems. it is part of the energy, passion. "i want to win." >> greg: i thought he was saying "i cannot stand taylor's music. i can't stand it, coach." [laughter] >> jeanine: i have to say one more thing: i said the game would be 24-20. >> harold: we had the winter. >> greg: jesse, i was irritated by the constant camera shots of taylor and little orphan annie. [laughter] >> jeanine: ice spice? >> jesse: i was asking who the other women were. there was like lana del ray, some other -- blake lively.
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yeah. i didn't care for that, but whatever. the black national anthem. harold, what is that about? why are we suddenly having an black national anthem? it came out of nowhere. i don't know the lyrics. i'm confused. also, post malone. i thought he was amazing, america the beautiful, that rendition. i had tears in my eyes. then, the game starts. kind of sloppy. >> jeanine: tears in your eyes. >> jesse: andy reid flopped. he didn't really get hit that hard by kelce. i thought it was a flop. i must have time because i had to drive back to my house and get back to miss nothing, came to kick the field goal. great second half. then, ruined the ending of the game. you want to let it marinate, tony. he is talking all over that last touchdown. it drove me crazy. then, i am watching. emma said the cutest thing. when women watch sports they say funny things. she says "why is patrick mahomes
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chewing on his of his ally in the?" i said it was his mouthpiece. she said "no, jesse, it is invisible line." >> greg: did you pat her on the head? very good. >> harold: usher was great. i was happy to see him, luda, and lil way end. >> dana: drunk golf fans causing -- >> greg: drunk golf fans causing chaos at a tournament. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ i feel refreshed because i am not struggling with cpap anymore. she looks great. i got inspire. great sleep at the click of a button. did she get implants?
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yeah, i got an implant, sheila!! it's inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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- did you know up to 40% of our food supply goes to waste? that's also a waste of energy and water. an easy way to make a difference is to only buy food you know you'll use. and remember: eat those leftovers. mmm! the more you know.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: it wasn't just the super bowl crowd that was getting rowdy. the phoenix open had to briefly stop selling beer as a drunken golf fans caused inebriated mayhem of. a frat boy got arrested for junking over the ropes and diving into a bunker on the 16 and performing snow angels in the sand. there were plenty of fights. at this guy walking around in a wedding dress. pro golfers were not pleased by the tournament getting turned into animal house. judge?
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[laughter] what are your thoughts? >> jeanine: i didn't see this before. elf used to be proper: patience, manners, silence. all of a sudden, they are all drunk doing snow angels in the sand? itself frat party, looked like -- somehow 20,000 people got in that didn't have tickets? that what i'm reading? >> jesse: that's the most unique hole in the pga golf, the 16th. par-3. -- >> harold: you are a golfer, what do you think? >> jesse: i'm disgusted. the need to bring back proper sportsmanship, back in the good old days when everybody wore their collared shirt tucked in with their belt. the problem is this phone turned everybody into jackass, girls gone wild, whatever you want to call it. if nobody headphones no one would do it, good content for the show though. >> harold: and that is from a guy from philly. >> dana: the company are calling at the wasted management open and they spent a lot of money. i have two friends from michigan. i found out they were there and i bet they were part of the
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problem. kyle, jose, you know who you are. [laughter] >> greg: it was called waste management. not wasted management. you don't have any type of the fat guy? that's the best. oh, you don't have the fat guy? i have to say, this is -- drunk people perform a service. without them, we wouldn't have real entertainment. let's be honest: golf is boring. what they've done is added some flash and excitement. it's nice to see brawls that aren't in walmart or mcdonald's. it's like when you see april and mcdonald's, the pants are always coming down because no one is wearing belts. the fights here, everybody is wearing khakis. they have got the nice little woven belts there. it is proper. >> jesse: it is a needlepoint brawl is what you are saying. they make us look good. you can hold your drink and pointed at guy. this guy is hammered. >> jeanine: want to a frat boy, jesse?
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don't deny it. >> jesse: i never did anything like that. you will never find video. >> harold: no video. "one more thing" is up next. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." judge? >> judge jeanine: all right. it is time now for -- ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: major female empowerment was on display this week at new york fashion week over the weekend. moms and soon to be mommy models walked the runway some even with children on their hip. show casing collections aimed at women's empowerment. >> jesse: i mean -- screen jean stop it, jesse. celebrate pregnant women's bodies with comfortable garments. they forget and include them in
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fashion. >> greg: that was the ugliest thing i have ever seen. >> judge jeanine: there you go again. you don't think women can be beautiful? >> greg: do you honestly believe what you saw there was attractive? the clothing? >> judge jeanine: at least they are designing for women. >> greg: that's not for pregnant women, trust me. michael loftus, kat timpf, tyrus. hey, let's do this. greg's parenting tips. you know what? i hope you do this jesse when you are on the road. great little hack when you have got a baby put in there like that. the heads fit right in there and very easy. >> jesse: i love it. >> greg: there you go. >> jesse: dana. >> dana: honest good samaritan in rhode island jumped into action to save a toddler from falling off a balcony toddler walked out the window climbed up the side of the wall to save the
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baby. >> greg: wouldn't have happened if you had a luggage thing. >> jesse: women empowerment. >> jesse: tonight we have r.f.k. jr., vivek ramaswamy, sage steele, adam carolla and then johnny paid a visit to craig the stuff in ac, watch? >> get out my feet. if i have to leave one of please bastards down. >> jesse: not too happy with johnny. harold? >> harold: that was black history month kind of thing. navy seal surprised his little sister at school after being deployed. came to see his sister. class great story great thing. >> jesse: great story. that's it for us. have great night. >> bret: hey, jesse, the super bowl has awesome thank god i listened to greg when placing my bet. >> greg: ca-ching. >> bret: thanks, buddy. good evening, bret baier. new information on the woman who opened fire on one of opened
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