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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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did. jonathan shot that in new orleans. your cameraman. this made me smile. this is the best package on the show ever. >> i love that it covered the traditions and family aspect. happy mardi gras. i have a surprise for you tomorrow. you gave us a surprise with trump. >> laura: i am wearing mardi gras purple. >> so am i. >> laura: i am waiting for king cake. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." >> the president moves every day how he operates. how he thinks. he is sharp. he is on top of things.
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>> jesse: joe biden refusing to take a cognitive test. >> person, woman, man. >> who do you think joe biden or donald trump? >> trump. >> why? >> because he keeps it real. >> jesse: black voters want results and the president offering them chicken. >> [shouting]. >> jesse: get ready for the steroids olympics. plus, tony robbins. >> [bleep]. >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: in the 16th century italian diplomat had a blueprint for political power. a prince will be despised if he
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is foolish or weak. he said appearance should show courage, seriousness and strength. without it, it divides your base into factions and the weaker factions will be preyed on by your political enemy and turned against you. every american politician has read this and they go to great links to hide weakness. fearing if they show weakness voters will show them the door. fdr, was wheelchair bound for long stretches. the american people clueless to his handicap. fdr he walked using leg braces and the arms of his most trusted advisors. willis had a stroke that partially paralyzed him. hills wife was the shadow
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president. behind the scenes jfk had back pain. he was forced to wear a back brace and undergo invasive surgery. you would never know. reagan survived an anassination attempt there were concerns about alzheimer's. >> you are not too old to run again? >> how would you like a piece of cake. >> jesse: biden has been in washington for 40 years. he knows when this is blood in the water and any weakness will be seized upon by the press and his political enemies and members of his own party. president is the oldest president in american heart -- history. he suffered 2 brain aneurysm. and he was never known for his
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intellect. >> clarify, have you taken a cognitive test? >> no, why the hell would i take a test? come on, man! that's like saying before you got to this program did you take a test whether you were taking cocaine. are you a junkie? >> jesse: i don't understand his point. this is not about bad manners. the president's own administration said he has difinished facilities and could not remember when he was vice-president. this was captured on tape. why wouldn't the white house order the tape released to prove to the country that the president is still with it. >> are you eager for this material to be made public? >> it's not just us. there were bipartisans voices
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that said it was flatly wrong and inappropriate. >> you can't say you want the material to be made public? >> they are discussing it. looking at it. >> jesse: the administration has a 5 hour tape of biden not remembering when his son died and she had significant limitations. so significant biden was not charged because a jury would take pity on him. these tapes are blackmail tapes. if they are released. biden's reelection campaign is finished. i could be used against the president at any time. not only is he compromised by the chinese but he is subject do blackmail by his own administration. >> does the white house think that the idea of a president taking a cognitive test as part
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of this physical is a legitimate idea on the heels of the special counsel report? >> i will say what dr. o'connor said to me a year ago when the report came out last year. obviously on his physical. the president moves every day how he operates. how he thinks. dealing with world leaders and making difficult decisions on behalf of the american people. whether it's domestic or national security. he shows us every day how he operates. >> jesse: biden makes bad decisions. 86% of the country believe the oldest president is not mentally fit enough to serve another term and he refuses to take a cognitive test and the first lady refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong. one reason to explain this state of affairs.
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the goldwater rule. barry goldwater suggested lobbing a nuke into the men's room at the kremlin. psychiatrists diagnosed goldwater as unfit to be president and the goldwater rule prohibited psychiatrists from diagnosing someone without personally examining them. "primetime" agrees. the "new york times" writes memory loss requires careful diagnosis but that doesn't stop them from diagnosing trump. remember the headlines? 350 health professionals sign letters to congress claiming trump's mental health is
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deteriorating dangerly. psychiatrists warn trump is more mentally unstable. no examine needed. trump was game and took a test. >> the first questions are very easy. the last questions are much more difficult. like a memory question. you go person, woman, man, camera. tv. could you repeat that? i said yeah. person, woman, man, camera, tv. if you get it in order, you get practice points. they said nobody gets it in order. for me it was easy. >> jesse: trump aced it. what is biden afraid of? the biden campaign could release the special counsel interview
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tapes and during super bowl interviews. instead they tell you not to believe what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears. >> if someone asked me in a deposition when did your mom die? i don't know. >> he's fine. all this right wing propaganda is wrong. >> he is younger than i am. what do i have to say about his age? he is knowledgeable, wise. >> jesse: its media mob is splintering. some insist biden is einstein. others like "new york times" and bill maher acknowledge biden is deteriorating. some call for a new nominee.
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the situation changedz from 4 years ago. biden administration can't be the best person for the job today. the time to fix this mess is now before it is too late. after the hur report, the media was given license to cover biden's brain. every public appearance is scrutinized through this lens. the president is not alluring the nation he is equipped for 4 more years. >> welcome back to the white house, man. barack obama is looking at you in the corner along with [inaudible], the queen and the crown prince. is he out there? i thought he was coming out. your majesty, over to you. >> [silence].
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>> sorry. >> mr. president. >> jesse: the president is confused about where to stand and who is talking to. his base is breaking into fractions which is fatal to political power. rfk jr. said jill biden should convince her husband to stand down. we are watching how a prince loses political power. senator lindsey graham joins me now. you spent a lot of time with joe biden. i traveled around the world together 10 years ago or so. have you noticed a difference? >> absolutely. it's not what i think. i am a politician. here's what a rule should be: there is credible evidence that a president is physically or
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mentedally compromised. the president owes it to the country to resolve that doubt. release the tapes of the 5 hour interview. the special counsel's summary of the interview was unnerving. every person in the world who is a bad guy read that. i was never more disturbed about our national security. they said he did it but no jury would convict him because they don't think he is competent. president biden after this statement by the special counsel owes it to the country to release the tape and take an exam. >> jesse: you know how the intelligence community works. we have a 5 hour tape that could be terminal to the biden reelection campaign or a second term they are danging it over his heads. it could be released at any time. doesn't that put the president in a compromised position? >> i don't think it's fair to
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the american people to have a statement like this unanswered. don't attack the special counsel's report. the report says that he was a very nice, old man that could not remember basic facts. that's the guy you don't want to be president. president biden owes it to the country to put this to rest. let us listen to the tape. let the tape speak for itself and president trump talked about taking an exam. i am very worried that all of this is going to make america less safe. there is a belief now in writing that the president is not up to the job. we are exposed as a nation. >> jesse: we can already tell the president is not up to the job by the border. they had a major vote in the house. mark impeached in the house by 1
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vote. they will walk these articles over to the senate. what do you do about that in the senate now if the democrats control it? >> well, they will probably make a motion to dismiss. if the democrats vote for it, it will never go to trial. there will be a requirement by the senate to dispose of the articles. the border is a disaster. i will go down in a couple of days. we have more people crossing the border than any time in history. december was the worst month ever. mayorkas abused the parole laws. he is a complete disaster. i can understand the house being upset with the way he handled the problem. the root cause of the problem is joe biden. they will replace mayorkas with someone just like him. you need to fire biden and hire trump. >> jesse: that's a great point.
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thank you, senator. the steroids olympics. the cia trump's binder and tony robbins. for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. i'm still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping. and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions,
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: black americans have been democrats most loyal voting base since the '60s. in 2020 biden captured 90% of the black vote. today polling 30 points lower. you can't always trust the polls. "primetime" talks to people. >> joe biden or donald trump? >> trump. not the best person in the world, but person who is in office right now. >> donald trump. he keeps it real. if he hates people he will still get the job done.
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>> i love donald trump. bring him back. >> joe biden? >> he is tired. >> what has he done for us so far? we are in inflation. >> he calls is shrink-flation. >> where is it shrinking? >> you say you are going to do this and you go back on your word. >> how is joe biden doing for the country? >> [laughing]. >> does that say it all? >> yes. >> jesse: he got the same answer from black people for 2 straight years. trump kept it real and keeps cash in pockets. it's that simple. even snoop dog, and 50 sent and kanye knows what it is. >> you support trump? >> yes, you know what it is. >> jesse: killer mike. a hip hop artist who backed
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bernie sanders within on the "view" and refused to back biden. >> i will see what happens. if a candidate pops up that needs a push, i will jump up. i don't want to be in the soap opera. black men in the south are afraid. they have concerns about immigration and gun control and wealth building. >> jesse: if biden loses 2% more of the black vote trumps wins? >> the biden filmed him buying fried chicken for a black family in south carolina. >> tell me about you guys. what are you doing? >> i am playing basketball right
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now. >> jesse: they should have had hillary over with the hot sauce. biden is listening to regular black americans instead of the race jockeys on msnbc like sharpton and crump. do they have anything? inspiring to say? no. >> we can get rid of the crime in america overnight. how? change the definition of crime. if you define what conduct is criminal, you can predict the criminals. >> [overlapping talking]. >> no, no. >> they made the laws to fit us. >> jesse: american criminal law was from england where the black
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population was nonexistent. tommy you are my enjoy to black america. will the chicken summit be effective? >> no, because let me tell you something, he forgot to bring watermelon and grape drink. i am sad he decided to carry it further and say let me get a hamburger so i can let you know i am different than you. i don't know if you heard that part. he didn't want that negro food. >> jesse: he didn't want the chicken. we send johnny out. have you seen all of the shows. you never miss "primetime." when i went out to the street dure the obama administration i had such a hard time finding a black-american who did not
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like obama. obama could do anything and they loved him. johnny goes out now. we have a hard time finding black americans who like biden. is that going to translate into anything? >> i think it is. not only do i watch you every night but my mom watches. she hate watches but. she said you make points but she said you are crazy. >> jesse: so do my mom. both hate watch me. >> what is happening is a movement is coming about. as black people we should hold our vote for who is for us. i got called all kinds of words i won't say on your family friendly program. i think a solid movement is going. i live in atlanta. i have heard from a lot of people who called into my radio program about how they really are changing.
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there is a real momentum. it's more than words. >> jesse: should we put -- how much stock in killer mike and guys like that? >> i don't put much stock in them. most black men as killer mike said they have fears. the fear is in the black community that back men don't want to upset black women. you remember the last selection cycle. -- last election cycle. black men said they would vote for trump and there were articles in major magazines talking about how black men let the black community down. they were afraid of having that put on them. now many of them because black women are starting to say i am looking elsewhere, they feel more emboldened to say we will cast a ballot for someone other than a democrat. >> jesse: i don't want to upset black women either.
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>> [laughing]. i have to go in the house when this is over. i know who i don't want to be upset. >> jesse: say hi to your mom. the cia scrambling to find the missing trump binder straight ahead. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. - "best thing i've ever done." that's what freddie told me. - it was the best thing i've ever done, and- - really? - yes, without a doubt! - i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. - great people. different people, that's for sure,
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don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. >> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: this is a fox news alert. new details about how obama's cia targeted trump and start the russian hoax. they were told the fbi was tipped off by a no-name 20 something. another to a new report the whole thing was a cia set up. former cia director brennan identified 26 trump associates to be targeted by the 5 eyes intelligence alliance and they
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were the targets were targeted by the fbi as suspicious. the details of this operation have been stored in a top secret binder in a secret room in washington. trump ordered it declassified and the rumor is that the binder might be missing. joining me is a reporter who broke this story. michael explain how this started with the cia picking these 26 trump people. >> well, obviously this is a serious story and allegation by multiple credible sources. these are people that are close to the house intelligence investigation of how the russian collusion hoax began. the story was we were informed by foreign intelligence about
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this. our sources tell us a very different story. this was initiated by the u.s. government. came from within the u.s. government's intelligence community including the cia. they asked the 5 eyes intelligence agency, including britain and australia, to spy on 26 trump associates. this is new information. some people have threorized about this. we feel confident our sources know and are credible. it's a serious allegation. this is illegal spying. and it's illegal election interference. >> jesse: you are reporting that the cia got these allies to bump these 26 trump associates, create interactions and call
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them suspicious and let the fbi know they were suspicious. that starts the whole thing. what about this binder with this whole thing? no one knows where is it or trump has it? what is that? >> well, we will have a piece tomorrow that is specifically about the binder. as a friend of the show and of yours on this i will say there has been widespread speculation the binder was a reason for the rbi raid of mar-a-lago. we will discuss that tomorrow. obviously if this binder contains what we have been told it contains which may include raw intelligence, information showing that the u.s. government, the cia initiated the russia collusion hoax, then that's extremely serious
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information. in the fbi went to get it, to continue the cover-up of this information, that adds a more dramatic wrinkle to. this we will say more tomorrow. this is a huge story. i have been thinking about it. in the history of the united states of america have we ever had something where the intelligence community was weaponized against a political candidate and using our foreign allies to do it. i can't think of a more dramatic story. >> jesse: and going to great lengths using fbi raids to cover it up. that's an incredible development. great report to you and matt. thank you very much. ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the steroids olympics?
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: athletes have been juicing for decades. turning stars into gods.
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>> down the left field line. gone! there it is. >> 2-1. there she goes. number 62. move over big mac you have company. >> jesse: its gains came at a price putting their health in jeopardy. all of the major sports outlawed steroids. when canadian sprinter johnson ran the 100 meter dash and then he was stripped of his gold and a-rod was benched. there was a state sponsored doping scheme. now a group of investors said there is hope in dope.
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a pay pal billionaire throwing his money behind juicers. >> i am the fastest men in the world. you have never heard of me. i broke bolt's record. i cape show my face. i am a proud enhanced athlete. the olympics hate me. i need your help to come out. >> jesse: steroid pride month here we go. they say athletes will dose out in the open. the wheels are in motion, the steroid olympics secured the cash for a 2025 game set to include swimming, gymnastics, weightlifting. track and field and combat. it's garnering interest from high level athletes. a swimmer said he will come out
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of the requirement retirement. >> i will juice to the gills. i need one of those super tubes to float me. if i get unbelievable jacked i will sink. >> jesse: others are signing on as board members. critic says this glorifies drugs. they said all major sports are riddled with steroids but on the down low. is it this league? no. it could land users a year in plan. victor is the founder of the balco-labs. victor, are you excited for the
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steroid olympics? >> no, i think they should not call this the enhanced game. we already have enhanced games called the olympics. >> jesse: you are saying the olympics are know cleaned? >> the enhanced games suggested that 44% of olympians were using performance enhancing drugs. back in the balco-days high guess was 80% and now it's close to 60%. it's the mart. i don't think it should be a free-for-all. drugs like amphetamines and others are very dangerous. there have been many deaths from using them.
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i would like to see the business plan for enhanced games. show me the money. when they talked about the swimmer getting a million dollars. they mentioned if somebody broke bolt's record they will get $1 million. they must not have heard that bolt got a piece of beach front property for 6.3-million dollars. they make more than 1 million dollars. >> jesse: that was a white guy claiming he would beat bolt's record. at balco, explain how effective this substance was and how you were secret? >> i worked with 100 meter runner who broke the world record. he had received from another
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person $16,000 of testosterone and he ran slower. i explained to him. go off the drug and you will run faster. steroids make you tight it. they make you pumped. you need a normal fluid balance to run faster. you use these during train and then run faster during competition. doctors need to understand how these drugs most. i am not sure most physicians understand this all. >> jesse: greg gutfeld has taken steroids for years. easiest way to make $1 million?
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tony robbins has the answer.
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>> jesse: sean, don't you hate
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it when you miss your favorite shows? >> sean: fox nation will change both of that. >> jesse: both shows. >> sean: stream every day on fox nation. >> jesse: joe biden loves bragging about how bidenomics lifted the shock strikeout. today was -- lifting the stock market. today was a disaster. inflation is not going away. food and shelter are slammed the harder. bill bill maher just figured this out. >> we won the pandemic. >> i don't feel that way. >> inflation is insane slue inflation is not insane. >> bill, a car, a house, triple
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here. >> i get that people. >> buy some [beeping] eggs. >> jesse: you can't smoke eggs so bill has no clue. how do we navigate through this financial disinformation. author of the holy grail of investing. tony robbins joins me now. right now i am just in the stock market. i let everybody else figure it out for me. >> [laughing]. >> jesse: what do other people need to know to get rich? >> i loved your promise $1 million instantly. that's not the promise. this is my third book. i wasn't planing to do but i had access to 13 of the masters of
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the universe. they are the best in the business. decades after decades. you are tripling the pace to achieve things. some do 30%. half the book is interviews with them. the average person doesn't understand alternate investments. when the stock market goes up they can sell. the wealthy institution, pension funds and 46% of their money goes into this. >> jesse: so i have to invest in hedge funds? >> i am not talking about hedge funds. these individuals understand if you put your money in the stock market, i had 9.2% grow. if it was in basic private equity it's 14.2.
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making 50% more money every year. you put $100,000 in the stock market and it went to 2.9-million. but in private equity you would have 13.9-million dollars. you could not get in these before. that's why i wrote the book. there are new rules changes. >> jesse: there are ways to get in on these vehicles for the ultra-wealthy that are available? >> that's correct. it's hard to get into the best funds. they are pre-sold out to the wealthiest people. but a group in houston, texas, buy in as partners in private equity funds. you are a partner in the firm and you get that. the richest people in the world.
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the forbes 400. what industries that has the most billion areas. it's financial services. not hedge funds. >> jesse: tony and i know a guy down in texas. >> [laughing]. >> jesse: that can get us into the funds? >> no, you can get into sports teams everything was the nfl. >> jesse: i was going to short the cowboys. >> the "new york times" will make a decision in 6 weeks. nba, major league baseball, soccer and hockey produce 18% compounded returns. they are monopolies. you get to own your area. they don't just sell seats. you saw how much they sold for
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peacock. >> jesse: i will buy the chiefs. >> you could have a piece of ibm and get returns not tied to the market. how do you reduce the risk for the best return? >> jesse: this is the book. the holy grail of investing. not as good as get it together which you can pre-order. it's different. >> get it together by getting the holy grail. we donated all 3 of my books. provided over one million meals through feeding america. >> jesse: i am also doing ice plunges. >> i am impressed. do you put your head under? protecting that air. >> jesse: don't talk with my hair. tony robbins, thank you very much.
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>> jesse: text messages. marie from missouri: greg from new york. [laughing]. that he could remember. mike from georgia: chris from tennessee: hmmm. are we saying we could put obama and biden in prison if trump is elected? don't tempt me. darryl from pennsylvania: >> [laughing]. i will be the least manly plan in a straight jacket of all time. steve from virginia: i will send him as my special
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steroid olympics. he could use some juice. he is 120 pounds wet. [laughing]. i don't know. it depends on who is doing the interview. wesley from kentucky: they are banned for life. trishia from ohio: tell me something i don't know. the only thing bigger are his hands. [laughing]. come on! i am not measuring up against him again. "hannity" is next. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." a fox news alert. the house voted to impeach


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