tv The Five FOX News February 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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kamala is ready to assume if biden's campaignn' meets its do the vp telling the "wall street journal" she is e prime to be present whenic the big guys dee no longer fit for roffice. she said i am ready to serve there is no question about that but you would have to fall out of a coconut tree to believe that. scrimmage you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? [laughter] in the context. of all of which you live and what came before you. scream at the osignificance of the passage of time so t when y think about it there is great significance. >> who doesn't love a yellow school busw? can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus. always ask is there a diagram for this? it's fascinating's.
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>> one diagram you will never see is kamala and voters who like her. 42 percent of americans say they have a negative view of the vp even though the white house can't stand her a senioro official trashing her for being a lousy border czar. effective and n if we are sporadically engaged and not seeing it was her responsibilityfi. it's an opportunity for her and she did not fill the breach. speaking of filling breaches the president looking confused and having no idea where to stand behind jordan's king yesterday. is it yetime for aer cognitive exam? >> does the white house think the idea of the president taking a cognition test ca cognitive test as part of this physical is a legitimate idea? >> the president approves every day how he operates and hohow h thinks and why dealing with world leaders at making difficult decisions whether
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it's domestic or national security he shows it every day how he thinks and how he operates and so that is how the doctor sees it i. like me, must be enormously conflicted because we know president harris would be great for the shows but lousy for the country and hewha comes first?re you are a patriot be you are a self-serving monster so how do you feel about that? >> first of all happy easter i love that sweater. i feel like i will be just fine even if harris's president because of the deep state and i just want reporters to keep asking this question because every time they ask are you fit to serve and she says yes we are reminded that , biden is no
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fit and she will never be so keep asking this i love this question and every time the reporters asked them anything d is he going to take a cognitivea test will he do tmore press conferences will you releaseen the interview with the special counsel where he didn't know vice president that they say we iare not going to do any of these things it looks like they are covering up the age factor and sure we will release the video where it looks like he didn't know when his son died so they are caughtso and i am tickled by an o site the media have permission to make an analogy g:they have been given their learners permit. when you're 16 and hitting the road and you are allowed to to and from work or you have to get home before nine, the media has been given license to t cover the age fact before it was a fox news story and now it's mainstream everything is covered by the lens of the age.
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now he made a verbal slip up. now he doesn't have anything on his schedule they keep asking these questions and the media is divided into two camps you have one side that said biden is einstein and you have the other side that says let's switch them out at the convention so that hurts the democrats because the media isi divided they are not on offense against trump and if you can keep them on defense that is how you win an election. >> very good analysis. judge. w no cognitive test. i think that mightju be a first since the instituted it's in the 1500s but i have not heard ofot this. >> what that he is not taking itis? assuming this is the first time the president hasn't taken it. >> he can't take it. he can't do an interviewe .
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120 million people watched that they were going to let him go out there and make a fool of himself that when you are reading the introduction biden goes behind dethe king to the rights into the whleft and what you asdidn't see he went back t the right. he doesn't even knowth where to ristand. hell will be on the right and then the left and then to the right again. watch. it's crazy. i mean it's embarrassing. but here's the thing. harris with a 42 percent of the people a very negative view of her she comes out and says everyone who meets me says i am ready to serve and she can't identify anyone but then you say to yourself, wait a minute is anybody whoever works for f you going in the opposite direction? there isn't anyone who wants to stick around and what t have you done? and that's the saddest part because i want to see a woman succeed the border is the
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biggest issue tois americans an kudos to greg bbabbott. everybody trashed him evthey sa he was a xena photo. but asthe truth is america gets what's going on what have you done for the border? you had so many opportunities to prove yourself as an effective woman who could lead of how many times have. they reshaped her? >> 17. >> at least. she denied this sunday. ndshe claims the reason she is unpopular is't because of the messaging. they won't do an interview. she is not doing sunday shows because she can't talk about what happened because they say he's effectivee in private but in public why isn't he effective? >> what's interesting the g, i interview we were quoting from .as before the horrible week >> i don't know.
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>> she saw this coming. >> it has been coming. >> what did you say? it was two days before. >> jesse waters? kill jesse watters. >> so what article is this? that's not very good and then it's almost like she's as tourist in the white house she comes in every once in a while you see her and onveep made me laugh so hard as you get to the administration and the show every time a vice president selena gomez gets back to her gefioffice she says did the president call? no. and that's what's happening here and she doesn't interview him they say are you ready to goe ? well that's the pbare minimum what the vice president is supposed to be able to do and the voters have eyes and democrats and family membersd
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saying he is great. they have no third-party validator say i was invited. he is fine. i saw her in a meeting s she wa ever hear that from somebody who is being paid to say that? >> you know i was shocked what you said in the green room you said to me greg idyou look grea in that sweater and you said if the democrats hadn't stolen the election trump would have wanted and they wouldn't be in the situation vewith a frail president and an incompetent vicevi president instead they would have strong candidates to go s after eight years of trump just wish they had played fair wand then you started weeping. >> i thought after i said your sweater looks good i thought i said your child looks e good. maybe i said all that. i admire her confidence. >>.
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[laughter] >> none of them lacked confidence they all thought they would be ready to serve if t the opportunity presented itself in two of them had a chance to serve and o there is getting around the fact ththat the vicent president has had so missteps andme we certainly hav had our share chronically them on the shower she deserves to be spotlighted when those glaring ppen the most challenge for the viceve president, she was given the most important combination of the thnational security and domestic policy issue, the border and whoever that anonymous person was who did tnot want to be identified questioned her efficacy and effectiveness that's a legitimate point we have had
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others around the table trying to give advice one thing i never understood is she was one of the most effective crime fighters as an attorney general why you would travel around the country to get the best practices in crime-fighting andi figure out where the best morale is with police officers around the country put together the osals and plans to help police departments has always baffled me and when it comes to the cognitive test i don't agree we a should give the president a test. silet me finish. people do stupa things all the time and foolish things people piin positions of power do foolish and stupa thingsth that pdoesn't mean that they are cognitive or not if you didn't give me a piece of tape i would not knowis where to sit and i a only 53 how to help my wife and kids don't want me to take a test but the truth of the matter is she is like every other vice president. you raise those numbers pafrom
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and higher if the border had been a bigger part of the portfolio the last few years. >> coming up a fitness guru cracking bill marr's mind on inflation. n . so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. i did have hearing aids from another company. i was just frustrated... i almost gave up. with miracle-ear it's all about service. they're personable, they're friendly. i'm very happy with them. we provide you with a free lifetime of aftercare.
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intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. >> liberal comic bill maher
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>> inflation is not insane. >> go buy a >> i understand. >> a house. it is tripled. >> i get it.>> >> by some eggs.t >> inflation is taking a major bite out of our pocketbook prices are up 18 percent and today brand-new numbers came in otter than expected but biden's friends insists that the y economy is just fine. >> you want to know how biden is doing? look at your 401(k) look at your stock and see how much money you are making because there is not a crazy lunatic in the white house thwith these freaks. i am not sure what they think they are going to get >> trump g g when he was presid the stock market was nott
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considered a measure of the economy but now buthe democrats want to say it's ato measure of the economy but that's not reflective of whatth jillian michaels was saying the price of eggs is high for peopleot. >> so i hate differing with dana but i think trump talked a lot about the stock market. >> i know.ri >> those of us who try to be thoughtful and think about this you have to tacknowledge we ar reachingve records and if you a a y,wealthy person you are rich than you were before now the second thing what jillian owmichaels is saying. if you don't feel like yousa ar doing well and you are not doing well and no politician is hgoing to shove numbers in fro of you and say you should understand you are doing better than you think there are politicians at home who believe they can do that. i have said on the show there are three emdates prior to labo day that i think are critical
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for any president. memorial what are gas prices at memorial day and 4 july what our food gas juprices like of 4 july in week afteres that the schools i america we start after labor day but most started in caugus. lowinter clothing prices winter school supply prices during that time every race has hadaf some correlation to what those numbers look like and after labor day we have a free-for-alldj and whoever adjusts to the october surprise and has the best numbers and momentum wins the race biden has not been a compelling package in the minds of a lot of voters and there is no amount of telling people as great as bill maher is pl saying things are better unless people feel that way unless we have a
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topic with the minimum wage of people don't have to work two and three jobs and don't believe their futures are brighter you can't point to numbers to make them feel better about their future but ifen things are better i hope people around the country and around the political table can say maybe things are better and even larry cutler was able to say that >> he said it was a good jobs report.people are paying p more than $1000ou extra a month for house they started building t during the pandemic grocery prices are up home and car insurance are through the roof and these are frustrating the middle class. >> people like bill maher or an scarborough are insulated from those price swings because they have been financially successful so they don't cover inflation they covered up they
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doing biden a favor by covering it up because if you look at what the media covers that's what democrats react to the democrats thete media ask about ukraine, climate, mandates, january 6 and the democrats take action on those items the media never asks democrats about inflation the border d war crime so they don't do anything they sit back and they wait band then they g shellacked. if you brag about 401(k)s that's fine but it's not the full picture because if you are young you barely starteds because it doesn't count if you are retired ouyou cashed it out. and 60 percent of whites and asians have 401(k)s and you are not getting a massive group of people to appeal to. >> if biden thinks the economy is so good why did he kshave super bowl commercials say cookies and ice cream cost too much. >> he can shift the blame onto the companies. he always blamesha people who make the. world work dana. but they will say u prices are down and they are right.l
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but down from when?they always leave the context out. they leave the part that they are hebasically saying in the last three months it has gone down that's like saying your honor all my client did was speed. that was after he robbed theghe bank. so prices are still 17 to 18 percent highered t since joe to charge you need to have that ancontext you can't just cherry pick the last couple of months and scarborough spot he was referring to people who drive maserati's at ascountry clubs a he is talking about the 401(k) and oupeople with 401(k)s usual do fine d independent of politi that's how they got rich they do investments and he was ignoring the regular joe over rich joe who cares about eggs
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when you can afford a maserati i like the juxtaposition because it shows how you can get real people versus talking heads suyou have jillian michae on and he says something she disagrees with that he has a space to say it he is learning and that can't be done on morning joe. that'se, impossible. >> that's why they call it real time. >> it's called something else. >> one of the things biden wants to talk about his accomplishments and they talk about the extra spending that e fueled inflation so their biggest conquest is vulnerability. >> it created at the amazing part of it the i juxtaposition bill maher and joe scarborough these are people c worth millio of dollars you can't feel the way e average americans feel bu they want to tell the average
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american how they should feel the numbers are simple they are up 18 percent and some say higher since biden took office and wages are not up 18 percent 401(k) is great and young people aren't buying them in young people can't afford a house. they want to en tell us how we should bofeel bu the bottom line to me what gets under my skin not that they should tell us how we should feel when eggs are up 35 percent gas is up 1935 percent rent is up 19 percent groceries are up 20.7 percent and we are now feeding 10 million illegals who came to this country illegally. food for them is taking money away from americans i am tired of this you should feel better. no.
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we will get to this but i think that we are spending way too much on people other than americans and shtelling america you should feel good. >> coming up team biden just gave greg abbott a tex complime on the border. >> ♪ ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?!
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so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. call now to receive our best offer of the year! a free shower package plus $1,600 off! with the purchase of your brand-new safe step walk-in tub. >> joe bidende wants to make gr abbott the scapegoat of the border crisis too bad nobody iss buying it biden had to admit the genius of abbott making immigration a local issue for blue cities. >> greg abbott has made it a local issue for new yorksu.
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for denver. he has been politically successful butr when you look at the billions of dollars that texas has spent he hass proven that he can't control what is happening on the border. >> and residents know the blame falls squarely on progressive leaders democrats are heturning onn their woke mayor for showering illegals with public funds instead of helping the homeless one said it's time to defund the migrants. >> black and brown children whog are born in the city of chicago will be hungry but they find money to feed illegals these people are fleeing their country nt and coming to our oncountry and taking resources any money spent s is a true problem with the brown community and we are asking to defund the migrants coming to the citymi >> so he is trying to make it up to isblack and latino owned
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businesses by handing them $17 million to feed the illegals. >> the investment for these black and brown small businesses is the, captures what i call the soul of chicago.wh it is who we are. >> so that was an interview we had this morning she is running e'for cook county supervisor so will the thing i loved about her she saidov her 14-year-old daughter of mr. he? understands the laproblem so much she wants to move tobb texas and she doesn't blame ougovernor abbott because how can a state deal with the she wants the city of chicago tyto resend the sanctua city policy and the admiration mishe showed for governor abbot reminded me of something we have not talked about is everybody is thinking about who
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trump would pick as a possible vpi read a piece a couple wiwee ago the saidmb greg abbott woul make a great choice he has the ability to deal with the border and if it's the number one issue and he is well-liked cemaybe he would be a good devi residential choice. >> do you like that choice as vp? >> i do. he is a governor we were talking about harris discharges the sborder. look at what he has done. give the man credit he was called everything from me xena phobic to a racist and all of a sudden america the minority and black community i talked about this a few weeks ago they ceare taking second wplace to the illegalsw about who we know nothing is happening in chicago and denver and new york we have crime right now around this building in times square with the venezuelans who are hooking up with ms 13.3.
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what is wrong with us as a nation that we are looking the other way s when it comes to ou own people. minorities, black and brown our help who need saying to them take in line get in line we are taking these people ahead of you. in johnson is trying to buy the community because he is giving so much of the illegals break we will let them buy from your stores but they are going to take over and they will be the next store keepers and shopkeepers and i think that greg abbott would be great. i think it's time for namerica to stand up and say we don't know who these people are weird don't like what we see. we can afford to live right now because we areli literally destroying ourde schools, our hospitals, social services. we cannot sustain this. an even more egregious is the growing resentment of the minority community.
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anyone 't disagree with governor abbott some criticism was misplaced i think the burden he was facing in texas on border cities and what that meant for those communities just the people in those communities having to withstand and sustain the kind of influxes people who didn't have resources and were looking to take advantage of resources and to send people to other cities they were advocating for a border policy that was more lenient pand generous this is what happens governor abbott should be angry about some of his areas in congress for not drafting a bill l i think 99
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percent of what he wasas doing was to come up with a policy tod spread the burden out across the country if we are willing to accept billions of people coming in because there is a fear that somehow isdemocrats m have gained a political b advantage to deal with the border and border security we have to look in the mirror and reckon if we did something or ld could have done something more governor abbott has been an effective advocate for serious so border policy is able to say to republicans give me a border security bill you don't get everything you want let's advance the ball and ensure that we get border security b better than we do now.
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named her superstar greg. it's very lonely at the top. but greg abbott has stood up and taken charge and i came up with a phrase just now, the sum anis greater than its parts jus now. immigration is one thing a crime is another and in look ? immigration plus crime is biggerio and venezuelan drug gangs have married into mayhem and we have migration crime depletion of resourcesf you could probably address each one separately but now it's overwhelming everybody especially the people having a hard time sot you need republicans like r john abbott e be in the room with democrats. it's the good cop , bad cop counterbalance to the democrats
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who refused to acknowledge there is a downside tor their delusional upside. there's a downside to sanctuary cities there's a downside cto know cash bail, kthere's a s downside to instant asylum. all of these things have come together it's like throwing a mentos into a diet coke gre >> we can marry roimmigration t crime and inflation. >> open next why not make it a million ? democrats push a $50 minimum wage. dres oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that?
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to cook up the most insane liberal policies on the planet. a bara lee is considering $50 minimum wage. >> that's seven times the current national minimum wage can you explain how that would bein economically sustainable f small businesses? >> hundred $27,000 for aor fami of four is barely enough to get by. do the math. of course we have national minimum wage that we need to raise to a living wage $20-$25 but i have to be focused on what california needs. swim with the republican for steve garvey te disagrees. >>lege minimum wages where it should be if you look at california has done to fast
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food franchises increasing to $20 oiand what will happen will increase costs for hard-working californians to go to a franchise. >> so she says that she has to be focused and what the affordability factor is for her reason for the $50 minimum wage as opposed to worrying about why it costs so much in california. >> she is probably the dumbest woman in politics. e,i researched it. it is true. she is the dumbest woman in politics if you calculate $50 an hour per year that's $104,000 for a burger flipper say the burger flipper marries a woman at the cash peregister stthose are two people working fast food making $208,000.
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what's going to happen to the college graduates this see you can make that kind of cash flipping burgers everyone will move to california and start flippingen burgers and people with high school diplomas don't have a job anymore and they can't afford to buy the burger because the burger cost $40 and the burger joint can't afford to stay in business because they can't sell for dealer burgers and employee 50 learn our employees so they have to go out of business so this woman is a heatseeking missile directed right at the californiair economy. >> governor newsom backed 2 bills that raised the minimum wage and 2 industries. healthcare in the fast food industry and the way they got that throughhr they promised th the unions that they got assurances that would make the food chains liable for labor f violations so the worker losest. >> the consumer loses because people are beingop laid off.
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in california you can get $20 could april 1. so it have been higher and already there are stories out of california of laying off delivery workers and figuring out a way to use automation or just shutting down your operation completely because t it's not just the high cost by this going to be that you are going to get robbed all the time and if you are just dealing with basic economics companies that make a profitco need to keep theht lights on i wish that biden would discuss dhow much companies are paying just to run businesses which is why they are doing what they are doing. >> let's do a head to head because this is an exciting campaign barbara lee versus steve garvey. does she have a lifetime ste batting average?
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no. does she have over 2000 hits, d? no. did she ever play first base for the dodgers? does she have hugers hairy arms? reno. vote for steve garvey. you can make it $50 an hour you can kemake it 100. that's heartless if you don't make it 100 or 200 the fact , is it doesn't matter because it doesn't make food cheaper he does that make rents cheaper it makes money cheaper there's no increase in supply and housing or food or energy the cost will rise to what the market will bear. everything becomes disaster prices or whatst liberals call price gouging they will incall for more price controls and that will cause that industry to collapse and it will lead to rationing and we are going to .ave to each other >> i want barbara lee. >> california is the fourth mostst expensive state in the country because the democrats run itta?
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>> whenever i hear an issue like this my instinct isd: alwa to figure out, to solve the problem so i try to figure out what someone is saying something i disagree with i they are t what thinking of. arbara lee is not the dumbest politician. od>> who is? >> she has someone running in the house with hery t. she represents one of the most expensive places in the world to live. we have the tech giants and wm instinctan is how do you ensure that you don't destroy small businesses'r where you're tryin to help employees so over the last 30 or 40 years we have tried to use the tax code we have tried to give businesses breaks to raise o wages or give breaks when theyin file to support itheir families and housing costs $50 an hour isho not the answersw. you have to look any more creativeth way because the problem is
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people are trying to work in san francisco who can't afford to live anywhere near the people who want fofast food served at hotel rooms clean they want to be aable to buy close with the people that work at those places can't afford to live near the area so i get it but $50 an hour for a small businessst is not sustainable. you have to figure out how to use the tax code to incentivize people working in incentivized businesses hiring people and give people a break. 50 percent of 00toamericans don pay taxes these peoplemm are earning 40, 50, 60,000 a year an anybody who wants to trade places with somebody who doesn't pay federal tas go righ out i am sure i can convince a person making 60,000 a year in the bay area to pay. [indiscernible] that's a better math equation for the guy earning 6 million a yearg . >> he should have said that. ve>> she should have said that.
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away from kids in big cities because schools are stchoosing remotear learning instead of giving students the day reoff. judge? what do you think? >> this is easy. i don't want my kids to be on ao zoomable remote zuif it snows, give them a day off and let them play in the snow and let them interact with kids and let them fall in the snow get a pot around. and pull them >> jesse junior get out? got >> he did. you need to bring romance back to snow daysck. you cannot say it's a snow day the day before you have to let the kids wake up in the morning and look out theif window and asked mom or dad if theyut foun out if they have to go when you get that excitement. >> i am for the snow day not should earning they reduce teacher in-service days
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it's ridiculous. i get maybe one a year but they haveng 10 teacher in-service da where kids get the day off so teachers can work. >> you have a unique story. >> back in my day we did not have snow days we just h trudge through the blizzard. but i grew up in california. we did not have snow days or an earthquake day. the only time you got off was when you were kidnapped. remember? >> one more thing is up next. >> ♪ ♪ >> choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine
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about snow, rain dogs. got to have a snow day. check out first day in the snow today. central park was having a great time. go through the pictures fast was greg's got to go. got to go. look at that dog. you know that's better sponsored by the farmer's dog free can be a great model for you guys. anything else? all right. today, 10:00. oh, this is going to be good. brooke goldstein is back. joe devito, how did he get there? kat timpf and tyrus tonight at 10 p.m.. >> let's do this. greg , awesome news. >> roll it, baby. got right go. >> yeah that said that's that's at the cincinnati zoo get ready for valentine's brad your way used to dance at the ball down in columbus out on row went
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on her way through that entree school. yeah yeah. >> botanical gardens, cincinnati. all right. that's probably enough. >> oh, good, john all right. today is national pancake day. and to celebrate, we have some tasty pancakes on set. what does everyone like to put on their pancakes, their sirup ,butter, fruit, caramel, peanut butter, nutella. chocolate chips are whipped cream. i'm eating banana wood, heated up, sir. sorry, i'm a maple. i'm a maple sirup. yes, i'll go banana. >> can you want to pass those down? because i'm not eating this whole dish. okay? >> i can't eat it by show or i would eat. that looks delicious. >> orlando magic, retiring sharks number 32 to force magic player to have his number retired. the original superman of basketball. my man john herald, he's retiring. >> have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. the presiden "t proves every day how he operates, how he thinksop he is sharp. >> hn
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