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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 14, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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>> ainsley: great for showers, too. >> these are heart-shaped dinners. pizza in the shape of a heart. pepperoni in the shape of a heart. heart-shaped chicken nuggets here. you can get them right in the freezer section of your supermarket. then you have some mac and cheese in bowls and delicious wind all under $25 from the washington state wineries you can get. >> steve: today not only valentine's day and ash wednesday but the chief's parade. >> brian: i see they told taylor swift not to go. >> the courage of our house republicans should be applauded. the best way to get rid of mayorkas is to fire joe biden. it is time for the american people to be heard.
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our country as you've just said is experiencing a 10 million illegal immigrant invasion. >> bill: here is the headline. failed the first time but not the second time. house voting to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas over his handling of the border crisis. it was close, razor thin. something we haven't seen in a long time. big show on wednesday. bill hemmer live in new york. on this valentine's day and ash wednesday hello. >> dana: good morning. it is great to be with you. is that a british accent? >> bill: it could be. >> dana: might have to do with our first guest. i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." great to have you with us. mayorkas entering the history books becoming the first cabinet secretary to be impeached in 150 years. the vote was close. you don't get closer than this. 214-213. republicans casting it as a price for dereliction of duty. >> it sends a message we won't just sit by while the secretary of homeland security fails to do
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his job at keeping the homeland safe. >> the root cause is joe biden. they will replace mayorkas with somebody else just like him. if you want to secure the border fire biden and hire trump. >> bill: it's taking on a more ominous nature. chinese nationals are the latest group to walk across that border. since october they've encountered more than 20,000 chinese migrants. you have the mounting questions over president biden's age and mental fitness. house republicans plan to keep his competency front and center for the months to come. they are set to hold a press conference an hour from now and watching and waiting for that. >> dana: fox team coverage. griff jenkins on the increasing influx of chinese migrants. harold ford junior and jerry baker will go at it but first at the white house. the president's mental health and faculties are on the list of concerns. >> in a way white house
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officials are playing into the house of representatives' hands because republicans in the house want these issues with president biden's memory to be on front pages for as long as possible. and officials here at the biden white house are digging in for a long fight about releasing or not the transcript of the president's interview with the special counsel. >> this was a 50-month investigation that interviewed 150 witnesses, ex 3.5 million taxpayer dollars exploring every theory and found there was no case to be made. >> but now even some g irk p lawmakers are pointing out this transcript could wind up exonerating president biden putting questions about acuity to rest. >> here is what i think a rule should be. if there is credible evidence that a president is physically or mentally compromised the president owes it to the country
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to straighten it out and resolve that doubt. so release the tapes of the five-hour interview. the special counsel's summary of the interview was unnerving. >> the president's new issue is with his memory and questions about that. not his age. people have known about that for a long time. young democrats are trying to make it more about age with a twist. >> when it comes to the president's age, folks are talking about how he is 81 but we have to look at first of all donald trump is around the same age, 77 years old. they could have gone to high school together. beyond that, donald trump has 91 indictments and i know who i am going to choose. >> nothing on camera on president biden's schedule today. all we know is he is having lunch with the secretary of state. >> dana: hope it's a good lunch. >> bill: jerry baker, "wall
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street journal" editor at large and harold ford junior. start with you, harold. republicans want accountability for the border. they got half of it in last night's vote. >> i think it's a bad precedent. we are going to have times when democrats are in the white house, republicans are in control of the congress and vice versa where there will be policy differences. when there are policy differences you normally sort those out through the legislative process or the political process. elect new people or unelect the people you don't like. you don't impeach a cabinet secretary acting on the wishes and at the service of whomever he or she is serving. what's ironic in all of this is that the reason they impeached mayorkas they believe he hasn't been effective in securing the border. they had an opportunity. they are legislators. there was an opportunity to reach across the aisle with democrats and try to find some compromise on making the border more secure.
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they have rejected opportunity after opportunity, effort after effort to do that. >> bill: the same house members say they passed a bill last spring and no one made a move on it. >> but then someone did. i've been critical of democrats for slow walking this issue. once they did. whatever the motivation was. some republicans say the only reason joe biden wants to do it now is he is up for re-election. that's the political markets at work. you motivate politicians to do what they are uncomfortable doing. now republicans will try to say we impeached his secretary of homeland security. that doesn't solve the border crisis. >> dana: jerry, how do you see it? >> i agree with harold about. steve scalise said it's about sending a message. impeachment clause is not about sending a message but impeaching people who have done crimes and things that are wrong. it is really important. i don't think even up to now the
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american people have been properly -- been fairly treated on this topic in terms of the gravity of the situation at the border. this crisis, the scale of the dereliction of duty by this administration over the last three years in terms of opening up the border. the first thing that joe biden did. not negligence or failure to act. it was a deliberate policy to reversal of donald trump's attempts to and successful attempts largely to close the border. a deliberate decision to open it up. it has opened up this country to extraordinary risk. i don't think it is properly understood. we were talking about the number of chinese nationals and the number of people on the terrorist watch list who came in. that's a small fraction of the numbers we even know about. while i'm not in favor of using impeachment to send messages or make political signals it is nevose to bring home to people how serious this border crisis is. >> bill: it will be in the following way. there will be a trial in the senate in a matter of weeks
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here. everybody will be forced to cover it. it may last a day or four days and may fail in all likelihood. but there will be major headlines from this to address exactly what you are talking about. >> if that's necessary. i don't think this has been properly -- we've had a lot of coverage of it. everybody is aware of the scale of the problem. i don't think people have been held properly accountable or this administration has been held accountable and we'll see, mayorkas will be acquitted. they won't get the near the 2/three vote necessary to convict him but it is important the american people have a chance to hold leaders accountal for one of the gravest failures of policy and execution by any administration in years. >> dana: the issue of immigration was a big deal in the special election last night. it was to replace george santos. tom suozzi got back into the race. against a new republican the pilip.
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it was 53.9 to 46.1. do you think republicans aren't understanding a district like this, a swing district. where people are on immigration? >> i'm one to believe you shouldn't overread special elections. but everyone will. and what my takeaway from it is it certainly is an advantage for democrats. the border was a big issue. women's health, abortion was a big issue. even ukraine and israel were big issues in the race. tom suozzi had an advantage. having served in the district before and having a household name. republicans have to take from this as well. perhaps their position on the border is not as strong as it might be heading into the fall. perhaps they ought to think long and hard about their position on reproductive rights and women's health. if they don't we may see it lead to a majority for democrats in the house. >> bill: we went back in time in
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the same district. lines have been redrawn slightly to include a little more redder areas of nassau county but it reverted back to its average. it is a blue district and santos was the exception. react to that but play this clip last night when suozzi went out to accept congratulations this went on next to his right side. watch. [shouting] >> bill: i believe that was before he even got the word out thank you. and jerry, this will follow democrats all the way through the summer. through the convention in chicago. in mid august in chicago it will be a hot scene. >> i think that's right. this will be -- it was striking to see that last night. we know there is a body of democratic opinion on the left. younger voters in particular, who are very angry about what's going on in gaza, angry about
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genocide joe they talk about. they call joe biden. they hold the administration accountable for what's going on there. this is a problem for democrats. it is one of the reasons i think why biden keeps giving off these mixed signals about israel. on the one hand verbally supporting. supporting this continued military support to israel while sending out the message somehow back channeling he is furious with netanyahu, doesn't like the current state of the offensive in gaza, that bizarre press conference we had last week where he made his famous gaffe mixing up egypt and mexico and said israel has gone over the top trying to appease the far left of his party that's frankly pro-palestinian and many of whom are pro-hamas trying to appease that wing. he knows it is problematic. they have a convention coming up in august in chicago which could be an issue. >> bill: eight years ago in philadelphia when bernie sanders was going after hillary clinton.
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the far left movement were against called tpt and on the floor of the convention in philadelphia going nuts over a trade deal. this argument is over war and the future for the region in the middle east. >> harold can speak to this knowing the democratic party well. again, while the vast majority of voters are supporting israel. there is this wing -- much more vocal. we've seen it in the last few months more than we've seen in the party before. >> democrats won the seat last night. >> dana: they did. great to have you. growing threat we mentioned of chinese nationals slipping through our borders. griff jenkins is live in california. hi, griff. >> good morning. we are about 60 miles east of san diego. this is part of the san diego sector here in california. it's elevation over 3,000. just over 30 degrees here. in this remote area they are
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seeing a huge influx. we wanted to bring you here to show you here along the border wall you can see where it meets the mountains in the razor wire. around that corner about a three to four foot gap where we have seen the influx of so many migrants particularly chinese. take a look here at this video shot by our fox nation team a few weeks ago. you can see them streaming through, many of them are migrants from china. just to put into perspective here they have seen over 20,000 chinese migrants cross the southwest border this year and more than 90% have come through this area, this sector in san diego specifically. put that into perspective. there were only 450 total migrants the entire fiscal year of 2021 here in san diego. they've eclipsed what number in the past 48 hours. now you can see also the groups of migrants gathered here where they have been coming.
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they have had more than 9,000 in the sector last week from 73 different countries. border patrol union president brandon judd talked about the concern particularly of these chinese migrants. >> i want to show you all of the chinese nationals that are crossing our borders illegally. these are single adult men of military age. that is a very scary prospect. we know that china does not like us. we know that we're in the crosshairs of china. and they are exporting so many people to our country and you have to really fear about that. >> back out here, dana, there have been no migrants crossing in this area a mile to my east there was a group of a dozen a few hours ago. just on the other side the reason why it slowed in the past few days here through the fence you can see the mexican military has set up a temporary outpost blocking this area. the cartels won't run it where they see the mexican authorities. but when they leave, officials
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on this side worry it could be right back to business as usual. if it's not this area they're working other areas in the remote area with the influx of chinese migrants that concern people. i will leave you with this one thing. officials out here tell me sometimes it's not what -- how large the flow is but rather what's in the flow. we'll keep taking a look at what's in it. >> dana: griff jenkins at the border. thank you. >> bill: from the border to southeast washington, d.c. in the nation's capital we're getting word about three officers shot on a scene in southeastern part of d.c. near the maryland border. those injuries described as non-life threatening, which is going to come as a huge relief to families getting word about this right now. we'll be on it. we're getting information there from washington, d.c. 15 past the hour now. >> dana: images of a killer. israeli military releasing
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surveillance video of the leader of hamas deep underground. are they closing in on the orchestrator of the october 7th attacks? there is also this. >> getting the public to be aware of the right things to do in response to helping to save a life is important. >> medical misinformation is spreading online. a lot of doctors saying it could be deadly for your health. >> dana: caitlin clark on the cusp of an all-time scoring record. tickets to see her milestone are nearing a record as well. int sy. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years.
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[chanting] >> dana: a shocking new report on anti-semitism in america. more than 3/four of american jews say they feel less safe now than they did before the hamas terror attack on israel. nearly half say they have changed their behavior because of it. chief religion correspondent lauren green is here with more. >> we've heard many accounts about the rise in anti-semitism around the country and about the fears many jews feel in communities and on college campuses. this survey gives us hard facts. according to the annual survey from the american jewish committee state of anti-semis many in alarming. 78% of jews feel unsafe in the land of the free and brave. 63% feel less secure that the foundations of life and liberty still apply to them. 46% have changed their behavior out of fear of anti-semitic aggression. >> we can't accept a situation
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where an entire group within our country feels legitimately so at risk that it is afraid to do things in our society that would cause them to be identified as the proud jews that they are. >> the survey also highlights challenges for jewish students on college campuses. one quarter of jewish students feel uncomfortable unsafe and avoid symbols that would identify them as jewish. >> the result of all of this is that you are silencing free speech and making it harder for jewish students and for their views to be heard and when you do that, you get the exact opposite of what so many university presidents say they want. there is new viewpoint diversity. >> they're calling on congress and president joe biden to implement recommendations by the white house's national strategy to counter anti-semitism.
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the organization was created after the free of life synagogue shooting in 2018. one of the strategies to increase school-based education by anti-semitism. the holocaust and jewish american heritage. back to you. >> dana: thank you, lauren. very disturbing. appreciate your report. >> bill: eating marshmallows to treat a cough, putting a raw potato in your sock to beat a cold are medical myths and countless people are using them online especially on tiktok as more people turn to social media for medical advice. it could cause you pain or worse. douglas kennedy has the story. what are they doing? >> watching bad medical advice on the internet can be disturbing but most disturbing for actual doctors. on our phones these days you have teenagers giving cancer cures. you have a lot of lay people giving complex medical advice.
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this is very dangerous. >> it can be when you have no idea where the medical information in these videos is coming from. >> this man heads emergency care in boston. as mass general, more and more doctors like him are seeing patients fall ill after following bad advice. do not do this parasite cleanse going around tiktok. >> medical misinformation is exploding on a daily basis. >> let's talk coffee enemas. >> leading to sick subscribers. >> i feel like i want to vomit all day long. >> i got so sick. i have never been this sick in my life before. >> the uptick in poisonings. you're not trying to counter this information here in boston with real information from real doctors. >> that's right, we are. we're putting real doctors,
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experts in these exact diseases on video so patients can access them as quickly as possible. >> mass general doctors have made eight videos including how to recognize a heart attack. how to dress a wound, and this one from him explaining how to spot a drug overdose. >> if you suspect someone may be experiencing an overdose here is what you can do to potentially save a life. >> it is real important people know how to respond in an emergency. >> mr. graham is from google promoting the videos on youtube. >> misinformation continues to be a very serious problem. very important people get high quality information. >> the doctor agrees pointing out in an age of misinformation overload, accurate information is the only answer. >> there is so much available on the internet right now and you need to know where you can go for the right information quickly. >> he says that's the mass
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general site on youtube. back to you, dana and bill. >> bill: keep an eye on it. lent begins. nice to see you. >> dana: want to remind you we're following the story. three police officers have been injured in a shooting in washington, d.c. in the southeast part of the city near the maryland border. apparently all of the injuries for the officers are non-life threatening. but schools are under lockdown in that area until further notice. we're following the story and bring you more as we have it. >> bill: four minutes away from the opening bell. yesterday was a wipe-out. the kind of day we haven't seen in some tim. we're watching after stocks had the worst day since last march. where to now coming up? new fears some of the world's most violent gangs are here in the u.s. setting up shop in america's largest cities. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle.
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you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including
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>> bill: okay, here we go, trading is underway. we're in positive territory, a
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breather from yesterday. yesterday the dow was down 524 points. we have not seen a drop like that in 11 months going back to last march. nasdaq, which has been on a tear, was down nearly 2%. so we're up now. 134 on the dow. nasdaq is gaining a lot of what it lost yesterday. we'll see how we go tlout the day. investors trying to catch their breath. brutal day yesterday with the inflation report out. it was higher than we wanted it to be. this is what the feds are trying to fight and keep it at a respectable level. so far it is a bit of a challenge right now. the move on wall street. now they're thinking what, the fed, when do they cut rates? >> dana: maybe they don't for a while. >> bill: do they cut rates, right? >> dana: you are guess is probably better than mine. >> bill: i'm thinking the fall. if it is september, we're in the heat of this election battle now and the fed said we don't get
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into politics but it will be viewed that way regardless. >> dana: back here at home. criminals are flooding across the southern border. "new york post" reports agent arrested 41 members of venezuela most violent gang in the last year alone. they may be joining forces with the ms-13 gang. chris swecker is an assistant director for the f.b.i. set up the first international task force to fight ms-13. if you take that and add it to this venezuelan gang, we need to know what could possibly be coming here and venezuela basically got the free pass to come into america from the biden administration. >> we're in big trouble here. these are two of the most dangerous gangs on the planet. they are prison spawned gangs. come out of the muck and slime
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of the south america prisons which are their stronghold. on the lowest rung of the evolutionary ladder when it comes to org knifesed crime. strictly street crime which is dangerous. they bring with them mindless knuckle dragging violence. kill with knives and machetes. ms-13 will be the more dominant of the two gangs and have been here for quite a while. we knocked them down in late 2000s with just an international effort. but now they are coming back in and they are reestablishing themselves and that bodes ill for law enforcement across the country. we will live with this crime wave for decades. i believe the venezuela is emptying their prisons deliberately and sending these people up here like castro did in the 80s. >> dana: venezuelans at the southern border, they're not all
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gang members. ms-13 has 10,000 gang members already here. are they selling drugs? i know they terrorize people with violence. >> right. they are -- they are not the sophisticated crime labor racketeering or the russians that do ransom wear. these are strictly -- they are relegated to the streets. they are stealing cell phones, organized retail theft, robberies, prostitution, low-level street crime but they'll kill you over nothing. they prefer to use machetes and knives. >> dana: this is speculation. let me be clear about that. we had those police officers in times square breaking up what they thought was possibly a pick pocketing situation. they were venezuelan migrants, the ones who escaped without having to pay bail and maybe got apprehended again. only one -- you remember the one who flipped everybody the double bird on his way out of court. could that possibly be a part of
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this as you say low-level crime? >> highly likely. one of their techniques they use juveniles. one of those assailants was 15 years old. i can tell you if they aren't card carrying gang members they're under the influence of card carrying gang members. and again what they bring with them is a crime wave essentially. we saw that happen in miami in the 80s after the boat lift. this will stay with us for quite a while. law enforcement better mount up and get on top of this because these are very dangerous street criminals. it makes us all vulnerable. they haven't evolved on the scale to the point where they are doing more sophisticated crime. you go back to if you google ms-13 and machetes you will see how they kill people. many homicides across the country by ms-13. that's their trademark. >> dana: chris swecker, thank you for that today. we'll stay on top of it.
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>> bill: pretty grim. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: caitlin clark could make history tomorrow night. the average cost of a seat for the hawkeyes game against michigan is over 300. she could become the leading scorer in women's college basketball history. averaging 32 points per game this season. >> bill: she is really good. she will change the game. she is probably changing it already. when we were there we should have gone to the game. >> dana: it was cold. >> bill: it was two hours away, too. >> dana: i would like to watch that game. >> bill: ice and snow all over the streets, too. big news on israel. benjamin netanyahu first from yesterday. >> that october 7th massacre was equivalent to 20 9/11s in one day and the equivalent of 50,000
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americans slartd. what would america's response be? at least as strong as israel. >> bill: israel still reeling from october 7th. president biden taking jabs at netanyahu yesterday as israeli soldiers might be closer to their main target in gaza. also we're waiting for more information on these three officers shot in southeast washington, d.c. reports that schools have been closed in the area which makes us wonder whether or not the shooter is accounted for. we're told these are non-life threatening injuries. how it unfolds in the end remains to be cleared up. back to that story as it comes in live from washington, d.c. [dramaticlly beat] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned?
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>> i will make this statement. i won't take any questions but i will take questions tomorrow or the next day. i don't want anything to get in the way of this statement. be very blunt about it. >> dana: you know what? i admire that strategy. they should have done that the other night. announcing he wouldn't take questions before remarks on the $95 billion foreign aid package coming days after he lashed out at several reporters last week. he made headlines and didn't want to make them. i will have to -- >> bill: a lot of people questioning the age and mental fitness at the press conference and more on that throughout the morning. i want you to look at this what the idf put out the other day. the hostage rescue in southern gaza. jimmie, come here and i'll show you. you can barely see that. it happened in the middle of the night. the two men now free with their wives. but at 2:00 in the morning the idf had a tip on this house in southern gaza, right?
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the hostages are here, hamas guards that were taken out. idf blows out the door, make their move and they then extract them from rafah which has upwards of a million people in it. the israelis have a big decision to make as to how they execute this war right now through this southern town right on the border with egypt. they were evacuated to a medical center in tel aviv. this man is age 60, he is 70 and they are now home. now we have this video from the idf. something else. in a tunnel somewhere in gaza, maybe in the rafah area. that man in red is sinwar and he is 60 and believed to be the mastermind of october 7th. jack keen is with me now. my sense is they're close. a day or a month from now when they finally get sinwar. when they do it would be the equivalent for the americans
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getting osama bin laden. how close are they? >> well, we don't know. that's just the reality of it. obviously they had very good intelligence to be able to rescue the hostages in that very daring raid that you've been able to visualize for our viewers. but sinwar, look at, that video you just showed, appreciate the sinister and diabolical nature of this. there is sinwar, the leader of hamas, with his wife and family being protected by this tunnel complex. when he exposes all of the hamas's women and children to the war that's taking place above those tunnels. there are no bomb shelters. there are no tunnels for the citizens of gaza. he wants that exposure because he knows he will get international condemnation of israel as a result of the people being caught up in a war. that is how cynical and diabolical this man is and hopefully the israelis get to
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him soon. >> bill: it's a question of time. i don't think he will get across that border into egypt. we'll see whether or not that's the outcome. meanwhile you have the meeting at the white house yesterday with the leader from jordan and apparently benjamin netanyahu was given another warning by joe biden as to that too many civilians are being killed in gaza. here is john kirby being asked about that yesterday at the white house. >> we'll keep working with the israeli counterparts to do everything we can to get them to reduce the number of civilian casualties and they have been receptive. i understand that there are still so many casualties and it's unacceptable. they have been receptive to our messaging and ideas and perspectives in the past. >> the tension between the white house and certainly prime minister netanyahu has been increasing over this issue. now it is full on public display. obviously the catalyst was the visit from the jordanian king.
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the reality here is that the israelis, when they went into northern gaza they told the people to evacuate on a route they identified for them to get as many of them out of the way as possible. when they went into the southern part of gaza, particularly khan younis they designated areas on a map. identifying to hamas where the next fight would take place. they have a huge problem. you are right, bill. we have a community of rafah which normally is several hundred thousand, over a million people there now seeking shelter in tents, homemade places to live. there is huge humanitarian crisis. because of food, water, hygiene. what the israelis are trying to do is work a deal with the egyptians to put up tents in the southwestern part of the rafah area in gaza along the coast to
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get many of these people out of here. but we're facing a very huge part of the war. civilians are a major issue here. but also the fact is about a third of hamas fighters are still alive. most of hamas principle leaders as you have identified here sinwar, are still alive. and there are still 100 plus hostages yet to be released despite the daring rescue that just took place in the last several days. much of the challenge that israel is facing frankly is still in front of them. this is going to take some deliberate moves on their part. >> bill: con it could result in tent cities holding hundreds of thousands of people. if they get an agreement like that and what it looks like. general jack keane, thank you
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for coming on today. >> dana: we continue to follow the story of at least three officers in washington, d.c. in the southeast part of the city near the border of maryland have been injured in a shooting. they have non-life threatening injuries is the report so far. schools are under lockdown until further notice. we'll keep you posted as we learn more. and a highly anticipated news conference on capitol hill coming up in minutes. house speaker mike johnson, republican leaders will speak after impeaching alejandro mayorkas last night. they made history and we'll have live coverage as soon as it kicks off. ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too.
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>> dana: a member of a ncaa committee resigned in proper tefft over the organization's transgender policies. he says the rules discriminate against women school athletes. most americans agree with him. they say trans athletes they
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should play on teams. -- the ncaa with transgender athletes about testosterone levels. how many times you have to submit within four weeks of competition a and comply with standards. this issue got to be so much that you decided to resign. why? and what do you think happens next? >> dana, thank you. this is about fair competition for women plain and simple. and this is an issue of integrity in sport. for 14 years i was the general counsel for the u.s. doping agencies like the investigation of lance armstrong. i know from experience and studying the signs that allowing males to compete in the female category is dramatically unfair to women. in fact, i would say that the advantage that lance armstrong got through doping pales in
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comparison to the advantage of men have over women even with testosterone suppression, which is the kind of choice that is being made now to allow men to compete in the women's category if they have testosterone suppression. >> dana: bill, do you think that this is an issue that is going to -- are more transgender males, male to female going to be competing in women's sports or is it slowing down at all? i'm curious where do you think this is going for women's sports overall? on a trajectory that maybe you and i would not be able to understand? >> it is on a trajectory upwards. it is one of the reasons i felt it was important to take a stand and hopefully cause the ncaa to take another look at the science, which they are dramatically wrong on.
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because we're seeing it a lot at the high school level. but also in collegiate sports and in sports outside of colleges. i got a letter -- >> dana: can i ask if your former board members, were there other members of the board who agree with you but are maybe afraid to say something or don't want to take the step of resigning? >> this issue really came to the forefront in 2022 and since that time whenever i would have the opportunity in committee meetings or social gatherings, i would bring the topic up. frankly, given the ncaa's policies i was surprised that i didn't come across anybody that didn't understand that this is discriminatory to women that allowing men to compete against women is not -- dramatically unfair and in many sports actually unsafe. and however, the rules stand and i think there is a bit of a
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conspiracy of silence created by the ideologies on the campuses of the universities that make up the ncaa. >> dana: i hear that indeed. thank you for standing up for girls and women and sports. we'll stay in touch with you and see how it goes. >> bill: we want to share this with you. three multi-million dollar homes in southern california are teetering on the edge literally. this is dana point south of l.a. not quite the halfway -- south of long beach and huntington beach sought of there and north of san diego. it shows the mansions hanging on by an inch. heavy rain eroded the cliffs they sit on. the homes valued at a combined $43 million. >> dana: still? >> bill: good question. we await their fate and add up the numbers when it's all done. dana point, california, there it is. >> dana: fox news alert now house leadership about to take the stand fo


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