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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 14, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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my name's brian hoeflinger, and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪ >> emily: the white house is set to begin today's press briefing any minute awaiting
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administration's response for calls for the transcript. questions about double standard of justice and impeachment vote against alejandro mayorkas. this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno here with co-host kayleigh mcenany and joining us today fox business anchor and cohost of bottom line dagen mcdowell, host much of kennedy saves the kennedy and enes kanter freedom. republicans voted to impeach alejandro mayorkas over his handling of the border crisis. mayorkas is just second cabinet official ever to be impeached, last time this happened was 150 years ago, president biden was 10. yesterday was second attempt at impeaching mayorkas.
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it passed on razor edge 214 to 213. every vote counts. we're seeing concerning new trends at southern border. chinese nationals are flooding in at rate we have never seen before. griff jenkins is live with us in california with more details. >> griff: -- >> emily: we can hear you loud and clear, not sure if you can hear us. if -- yeah. we'll take this discussion to the couch. last night, kennedy, historic vote and some argue the most important aspect was the message it sent that alejandro mayorkas abdicated his responsibility completely. >> kennedy: he's been lying saying the border is secure. it is not secure and he's doing
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a bad job discouraging people from coming to the united states and bad job of backing up his people. what is interesting, it was a close vote, three republicans voted with nos. they did it because tom mcclintock hates mayorkas. he does not want this to be a battering ram. it is meant to be serious and we have not seen impeachment of a secretary since william bellknap. >> emily: that is the point people are making, it is serious and why it was used now. this is the time for such a
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serious message and tool to be used and it demonstrates severity of the catastrophe that is mayorkas's reign. >> dagen: what is done is done, now how quickly it can be dispatched in senate, whether it goes to trial or not. now democrats will be forced, any democrat who dares get in front of a microphone or strap one on, defend what mayorkas and biden have done to this country. jerry baker laid it out in some terms. the long-term damage and danger to this nation are both in incalculatable and unknowable. we see economic damage that cities and towns are grappling with in terms of the aid being handed out to people who should not be here.
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also, u.s. employment growth has gone to migrants, legal and illegal, since 2019, not to u.s. born individuals, that is new recent report. educational program and decades of waves of violent crime and the economic burden for the rest of my lifetime on this nation with california, for example, handing out medicaid to all illegals in the state. this will spread. number one national security threat is our nation's debt, 1 trillion in interest on the national debt. this is on joe biden's shoulders, republicans need to layout damage and danger. >> emily: that is a perfect segue and what i want to ask you about, given razor-thin margin
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here, what does it tell you that last night george santos seat went to democrats in a special election? the razor-thin voting party lines in congress got a lot harder for the gop. we're talking about the implication this has in this arena, the landscape is looking poor and we're worried it is a bellwether on the upcoming election, how does that duck tail in with every state is a border state and every american lives on the border right now. >> kayleigh: hard to see how predictive that race will be. there has been a deep level of scandal with george santos and that district and it oftentimes does swing back. it is hard to see how much bellwether predictor it will be. the democrat who prevailed last
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night, leaned into immigration. republicans took joy, he is talking about immigration. he said i'm a democrat who wants to secure the border, whether false or not, it worked and worked in a state where there are many seats, this state ran through new york state. house republicans need to know their democratic opponent might mislead the nation on immigration and end up being victorious. president biden said history will not look kindly on house republicans for blatant act of unpartisanship. history will not look kindly on a president that unleashed illegal immigration doing untold damage. you cited numbers, emily, 20,000 chinese nationals crossed our border in four months, 20s,000.
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that number was 450, what is happening at the border? why are chinese nationals coming in? we need questions answered and note mayorkas in that axios piece about biden botching the border crisis, mayorkas told the president, we should not deport or stop deportation in first 100 days. that might be cya, cover your tail. it is president of the united states, joe biden, the buck stops with him, he should be impeached. >> emily: what are your thoughts on this? >> enes: we don't know who these people are. they could be isis, hamas, pro-ccp. it is not too much to ask, we want to know who the people are. i don't think it is too much to ask. >> can i ask a question, enes?
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as someone who came to this country legally and went through immigration process and became a citizen legally, how does it make you feel when thousands and millions pour through the southern border and get benefits you do not enjoy? >> enes: there is a process, you get a green card and wait five years and take the citizenship test and become part of this beautiful nation. what they are doing is unacceptable. >> emily: so many questions and i think you're exactly right, it is not too much to ask to know who is coming across our borders and part of that abdication of duty by mayorkas is why he was impeached, he failed to acknowledge that or beginning of the crisis. house republicans demanding doj turn over the transcript with robert hur that could calm or
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add to concern about biden's age. that is next. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ is she? playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass as if she doesn't have allergies? yeah. nice. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa. (♪)
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>> kayleigh: white house briefing is underway, we're monitoring that for news. we will bring it to you as necessary, with jake sullivan and karine jean-pierre. and urging merrick garland to release the full interview transcript between president biden and special counsel robert hur. republicans say they need it for impeachment inquiry into president biden and they are
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giving garland until monday to hand it over. david. >> attorney general garland has an important decision to make, does he release the transcript, not release it or see what the white house does. president sat down with robert hur for a face-to-face interview that lasted two days. it was transcribed and recorded via audio. given hur's recollection of the interview, the president couldn't remember when he left the senate or when his son beau passed away. karine jean-pierre all the way up to her boss, the president, say robert hur wnth went below the belt and robert hur is incorrect. a transcript could be released if they say it is so wrong.
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>> the president owes it to the country to resolve that doubt. release the tapes of the five-hour interview. special counsel summary of the interview was unnerving. >> process of possibly releasing this deals with redacting classified information if discussed. i'm told doj need to look at factors if the attorney were to turn over the transcript. the attorneys general's office received the letter from congress and will respond by monday. >> kayleigh: we'll be following it. white house was asked, will you release the transcript, samms speaks for the and his personal counsel. here is what samms said about releasing the transcript.
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>> the redacted version, would president support the release as long as you can keep what needs to be kept secret? >> we will look at that make a determination. >> kayleigh: if i'm the president and i say, i am all with it, i'm the partly cloudy we'll do the super bowl interview. we'll do the competency test. i don't believe he is with it. >> kennedy: i believe joe biden is in the dark, as well. he is greasy and i wanted to use his soul to fry my chicken. so uncomfortable watching that. he must have been exhausted throwing everybody under the rug. points made in the special counsel report was we're not going to indict the guy because he can't remember a thing.
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i found out great pyramids are in mexico, so everything was fine. president biden is in fact no longer able to care for himself or think for himself or recall important facts and i think he's being run by committee. i don't trust the committee members, it is opaque administration and it will not get any worse. we know his state of decline. it might get better if they can make him seem sympathetic if it was egregious on part of robert hur. >> kayleigh: ian samms speaks on behalf of the white house and you have the attorney general who is independent doj. here is what president trump said about the role of merrick garland upon taking office. >> president biden: you won't work for me. you are not the president or the vice president's lawyer.
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your loyalty is not to me. >> kayleigh: merrick garland loyalty not to the president. politico, white house frustration with merrick garland grows. the president said merrick garland did not do enough stating the president had diminished faculties, as white house frustration with head of doj grows and put part of the blame on garland, who they say should have demanded edits to hur's report. most of the president's advisors do not believe the attorney general will remain in his post for a second term. that sounds like the president's personal lawyer. >> emily: let's x and o's this. the president from two years ago sounded lucid and he pledged he would have administration marked
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by transparency. same administration called hur report a political smear job and he's angry at the attorney general for not doing enough to reign in the report and not demanding adits? irony is his rage is alive and well and disheartening part for me, his range is selective. how dare the american people ask about mental acuity and demand tr transparency. he does not care about who is coming across the border and do you care about the spill in ohio? dare to ask him a little bit and his rage grows and here demanding the attorney general do more to protect him? on its face, democrats would be
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up in arms and demand he be impeached then and there. >> kayleigh: the attorney general did appoint a special counsel and allow robert hur to release . maybe biden and those around him, i've seen reports about his anger and those in the white house send signals through the press. >> dagen: and american people are reminded by this article by biden and his brethren why he is a problematic president, not just his cognitive issues and fact his approval is rock bottom, they shift blame for what they create and refuse to take responsibility for problems that are solely his doing, like his lack of cognition. three letters, mri.
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give it to us. get in the machine, do a scan. the american people deserve it. "wall street journal" had editorial about releasing transcripts. people in this country deserve to see the triep, his attorneys had detailed recollection to hur. let's see those, he refuses to sit down for any interview, even when he is spoon fed puree by an interviewer. we never hear from him at length when he is under stress and there is a reason why. >> kayleigh: american people deserve to see him in a long-term interview. >> enes: you being president does not mean you are above the law, that's it. >> kayleigh: you are not above the law, exactly right. we will wait to see if we get
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the transcript. new report claims tension between karine jean-pierre and john kirby and that kirby's presence allowed him to upstage karine jean-pierre at the podium, that is next. but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. my name is marie. i'm 49 years old and i'm a business owner. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper
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>> emily: we are monitoring the white house press briefing underway with press secretary karine jean-pierre and national security adviser jake sullivan. karine jean-pierre has been sharing the podium with john kirby and according to new report some biden officials feel like his presence could be perceived as an insult to his colleague because of her race and gender. mr. kirby's larger role to flurry of international news ands he will brief less often
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when the middle east crisis ebbs. perception is president biden allowed mr. kirby, who is white, to upstage a black woman as face of his white house and turned their double act into a third-rail subject. kayleigh, i have to admit, the insult i see and find, assertion that reduces everything to gender and race and has no place in kirby's experience and prowess and the reason he's there at the podium and i venture to say karine jean-pierre may feel the same way. >> kayleigh: of course "new york times" looks through that lens. i stood at the same podium, this is a brutal piece thats she yielded to a lower ranking official. he is no longer lower ranking he is appointed assistant to the
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president. he has clarity and comfort that can elude karine jean-pierre. it is unusual to have a co-host at the podium. there was not an ian samms who stood by me taking questions. that is what the white house press secretary does. two points that stood out, three people with knowledge of west wing said several went to the president and said, she is not accept seasoned enough. which colleague went, she has to be wondering. biden said this to her, it is a kweet according to two people. don't worry about being nervous, you'll have an admiral looking over your shoulder. it was meant in an afiable way.
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they did not say there would be an admiral over my shoulder. he said go to a briefing. did president biden give her that same start? >> enes: it makes american people wonder who is in charge. two top white house officials showing miscommunication on a public stage. >> emily: that is right, more questions about who is in charge, who is making decisions? dagen, to that point, when we have questions, it has nothing to do with race or gender. make kayleigh's point here. if she's failing at her job, we can see the failure and see the lack of experience and lack of ability to answer questions in any, way, shape or form and commitment to transparency, let
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it be disseminated by the person we trust and maybe that is the admiral. >> dagen: her performance can speak for itself as john kirby's performance can speak for itself. and upstaging him should be easy. last april, when he was talking about the afghanistan withdrawal, he said, talk of chaos, i didn't see it. a lot to be proud of there, said john kirby. this "new york times" article, this is the beltway bath water that chattering classes love to sip at their cocktail parties or guzzle. it is utter garbage and the fact they spilled this much time, the fraught balancing act between
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karine jean-pierre and kirby, fact they spilled so many sentences on this nonsense and have not written one article about the fact home heating costs are up 29% in three years and we're slammed with a nor'easter. that is "new york times." >> emily: question is, who does that benefit? why then? what is "new york times" subliminal or obvious intent? there is reason they are putting it out there and who is it harming? >> dagen: they are virtue signalling and trying to make excuses for karine jean-pierre, hoping to use her gender and race as shield from criticism, which is unacceptable and speaks to soft bigotry of low expectations. we should expect more from our press secretaries. kayleigh knows, you and dana perino are two of the most impressive people at fox news,
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you have to have encyclopedia knowledge and know the personalities of everyone in the room and anticipate any possible question temperature is a big ask and a big job. she is not good at it, we have seen her failing and sinking during her tenure and it is cruel to put someone in that position. we saw admiral john kirby give briefings and ask yourself, given contrast, why isn't he in that role? fear of politically clear pushback from "new york times." >> emily: more to come. democrats in california are pushing for a $50 minimum wage. that story next.
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♪ >> emily: why not make it a million dollars, that would be nice, for all of us. california congresswoman barbara lee is suggesting $50 an hour minimum wage. >> you are calling for $50 an hour federal minimum wage, seven times $7.25, how would that be economically sustainable for businesses?
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>> for a family of four, it is barely enough to get by. do the math. we have national minimum wage we need to raise to living wage, talk about $20 to $25, fine. i am focused on what california needs. >> kayleigh: steve garvey says raising it is bad for business. >> if you look at what california has done to fast food, increasing minimum wage to $20, that will increase cost for hard-working americans to go to a franchise. >> emily: $20 to 50, would hurt consumers and workers. >> dagen: she pulled that out of where the sun does not shine.
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$20 minimum wage in california goes into effect. fast food jobs are often entry-level positions for teenagers and people working these jobs to make extra money when going to school. $20 in april, 25% increase for fast food jobs. guess what restaurants are doing? raising prices. mayor bloomberg don -- guess who it totally screws? the very families that lee says she is there to support. that is where they eat and they will pay more. she could go and read any research from cbo, wharton, harvard, to know how that works
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and this is idiocy at its worst. >> emily: it is. >> enes: restaurants will lose customers, people go there because it is affordable and due to price hikes, and because of california minimum wage law. >> kayleigh: that is right, according to mcdonald's and chc chipotle and pizza hut. >> emily: the problem with nonsensical legislation like this, which is ironic, look at her history of legislation, a lot supports sense of congress
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and something ridiculous. in line with that, this represents someone who cares about the headline without knowing impact or greater constellation around it. saw during covid, when states and hers in california pushed regulation and cost on businesses and they went out of business because they couldn't afford it. you connect that with technology, for example, you have kiosk you can order, one less person works there. you go to restaurant and hospitality area, they are making decisions that impact people that eat there and work there, teenagers and those in the economy it supports us and we need it necessary. by introducing something like that she is eradicating
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employees, customers. >> and schiff said try to find a house in california when you are earning minimum wage, raise people's income. how about inflation, which is biden's fault and interest rates, they act as if it is minimum age and adam schiff knows it is not. >> kennedy: he knows government screwing around is the reason california housing is so high and it is imppossible for people forget minimum wage earners, people with six-figure salaries find it impossible. restaurants are going to go to auto mation, they will fire people and have kiosks and fire so many people in order to keep prices low.
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you're not helping anyone issue not helping entry-level workers who will be priced out of the job market. it is better to have structure and a job and a place to go to, you are creating entire class of people who will hope evenually californians and those in power read supply side economics. >> kayleigh: i won't hold my breath. real-life heart breaker, what is hurting gen-z when it comes to dates. we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein!
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>> griff: is the migrant crisis making people less safe? republicans planning to keep president biden a mental state in it is spotlight. karl rove will be here and dr. marc siegel says it is time for biden to talk about his health and possible end to covid isolation. did the u.s. spike offer of ceasefire in ukraine? dan hoffman will join us.
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join us for "america reports."♪ ♪ >> oh, that's me, how exciting. i love tina so much, this day is all about love, or is it? casualty of divided times depopulating with every new article. new piece in free press explores how gen-z is dealing with dating, writing young singles today face demographic disaster and women made a hard left turn and male counterparts will not date across party lines. finding a partner with
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compatible views are nose diving. voters feel compromised or going without sex and details how men go to great lengths to hide political views, writing men tell me dating sites are political litmus tests. very interesting. so enes, would you date someone with different politics than you? >> enes: you have to have some type of common political views, but if you love them enough, you have to respect them. >> how can you fall in love if you hate them for political views? >> enes: i would just respect it, i will talk her out of it, have discussion, if you love her enough, respect what she believes in. >> are men having to lie about
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being fans of the barbie movie and how great aoc is. >> emily: there has been 11-point increase in young women ages 18 to 29 and representing largest liberal surge in history. what struck me not that statistic, concept there is refusal to date others that feel differently than you do. commonality is values, do you have a heart for christ or values are humility and family first and i think politics would come second. i sit here from my place of judgement and say polarization come deeply from the left. they refuse to date the other side. >> are people not going to have
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babies anymore or going around in pink pussycat hats? >> i know who wrote it and adore her, there is a difference in dating and finding love and having sex and getting it on. getting it on part, it is pretty easy, if you live in colorado. can i say that? what time of day is it? >> kayleigh: you can say it. >> dagen: quickly, move south men, start going to church, you will find people with the same values. >> kennedy: do people have to go to political rallies to find someone who might be a successful match? >> emily: we saw this coming, headline young dems more likely to despise the other party and nbc generation poll comes out every year and shows college
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students who would room with someone who supported a different political party. 71% of republicans were more open-minded. sad, i remember going to oxford and being able to debate politics and laugh and end the night with sweet treats. >> people are capable of doing that, respecting other people's opinion. i respect you. more "outnumbered," stay with us. with a lack of purpose and struggle with employment. the miltary does provide help and as americans, we can do so much more. i started the comfort, peace and freedom foundation to help veterans define their personal vision and to build a future of success. anyone willing to risk their life in defense of our nation deserves our support.
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♪♪ >> kayleigh: emily, with the
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moves on this valentine's day, we love it. americans across the country preparing to spend their special day with their special someone, but a recent survey found that many guys won't be writing love notes by themselves, shocking. found 45% of men will not be writing from the heart, instead using a.i. to pen their love letters. enes, a.i. for your love? >> no, as a genuine man i would never use a.i., it has to come from the heart. i can't believe we are even talking about it. i think it's pure laziness. >> kayleigh: such a high class, i love it. what's the difference between a card. if you buy a card, isn't that like using a.i.? >> emily: what a good argument. however, i find the engagement with a.i., it projects a dishonesty, you know, and a soullessness bit. i think choosing a card reflects
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like an inside joke or things you guys have, that's thoughtful in and of itself. or go to a.. >> this perfect soulless poem, and his valentine's day card to me was perfect. >> kayleigh: read some of that dishonesty, our producer had the brilliant idea of plugging this into chatgpt, what he got. my dearest girlfriend's name, insert the name, on this special day of love i just want to express how grateful i am to have you in my life. your presence brings joy and warmth to my days and cherish every day we spent together. anger that keeps me grounded, happy valentine's day. pretty beautiful. >> emily: soulless, soulless. >> no soul. >> something sexy about being a man, i would rather see my beloved open a pickle jar than give me some heartless dribble
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like that. i don't know. like we need more men right now, we really do. >> dagen: you want to text message phil with emojis. >> kayleigh: if yobuy a card, no difference than that. >> dagen: the producer did it wrong, you have to ask a.i. to write something in the form of a shakespeare sonet. it does that. it does that. absolutely. better than your man calling his mama for help. >> kayleigh: i would rather them call mom for help, i'm old school. anyway, happy valentine's day to all the men out there, open chatgpt, plug it in, shakespeare sonet for my loved one. don't forget to dvr the show. >> talk about the american people not listened to, they are crying out to the biden administration to secure the border. >> americans hav


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