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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 15, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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i guess. sam is not answering. it is sold out unless we get a bigger venue, i don't think we can. comparing joe biden and inability to even sit down with mike johnson, speaker of the house. mike johnson said, i want to talk to you one-on-one before any vote takes place on sending $90 billion of foreign aid out the door and the president won't sit down with the most powerful republican on capitol hill. versus trump, i'll do the super bowl interview, i'll sit down for a town hall, i'll appear in court three times in one day. fascinating with mark w wahlber. happy lent. >> carley: three people in custody this morning after a
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deadly shooting at kansas city chiefs super bowl parade. one person dead and 21 others are hurt, including 11 children. tmz capturing the moments gunfire erupted. [sound of gunshots] >> carley: you are watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning, i'm carley s todd has day off. the woman killed was a local dj, she is described as chiefs super fan. three are in critical condition this morning. fans tackling the man they believe to be the gunman moments before police arrived and found a weapon nearby. police are trying to determine if he is connected to the horrific crime. lucas tomlinson has the latest. >> lucas: total of 22 people
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shot, including nine children. one woman was killed. here is how witnesses describe the scene. >> heading back to the director where uber dropped us off and everybody was running and screaming. we did not know what was happening. when people run, you run. >> someone said a fire, she said, no, shots fired. we listened to her. >> i was telling everybody to get down. >> my wife looked at me, no words spoken, we tucked and rolled and got out of there. >> this family came up to us, mom, dad and like a nine and five year old and they were balling and said we saw somebody get shot in the lawn. when i saw those kids faces about somebody getting hurt, like they were tarnished and they were like scared.
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>> lucas: fans gathered to celebrate the kansas city chiefs super bowl win. police will determine if this is one of the shooters. >> i want to comment about a video about fans tackling someone. we have three persons detained and under investigation for today's incident and we are working to determine if one of the three were in the video where fans assisted police. >> many are calling paul contreras, who tackled the man you see here, a hero. >> there was no hesitation, just a split-second reaction. i went to tackle him, the other gentleman helped and we helped each other. we did what was the right thing. when we did what we did, it was
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like, we didn't think about it, it was just saving other maybe lives. >> lucas: chiefs tight end travis kelce said, i am heartbroken over the tragedy, my heart is with those who came to celebrate with us and have been affected. kc, you mean the world to me. a local radio station says lisa lopez was the woman killed. she was a local dj, she did everybody's weddings. she was full of life. all nine children are expected to survive. number of homicides last year in kansas city reached an all-time high. >> carley: lucas, thank you. melissa was at the parade with her daughter. good morning, what a tragedy. can you tell us what you saw
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during this shooting? >> honestly, i didn't see much other than terror around me. my daughter and i were trying to walk to get out of the parade because it was over and we hear gunshots. we thought they were fireworks, everybody was running at us, you can't go this way. we turned around and ran. >> carley: its absolute chaos, other people thought it was fireworks, too. it turned out to be gunfire, which is something no one ever expected. how are you feeling after going through this? >> not great, honestly, i have not slept last night. >> carley: how is your daughter? how old is she? >> she is 16. she is doing the best she can right now.
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she's struggling. >> carley: that's the thing about something like this, there are people directly impacted but then other people in the area, as well, and you are living through this, as well. nine children were shot, 11 total injured ranging from six years old to 15. thankfully all those kids are expected to recover. one big thing is this video that shows a group of fans appearing to being tael who they think was the gunman and a gun was found on him. have you seen that video and have you heard anything locally about that scenario, that moment that took place? >> i have seen the video of the gentleman that tackled the guy and i'm hopeful they got the right person. very brave to put themselves in that situation. >> carley: so brave. >> i honestly have been at home
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and trying to shut myself off, i have not heard much. >> carley: i understand. the woman who died, lisa lopez galvan, a kansas city chiefs superfan, mother of two, local dj. do you know anything about her? >> i actually do not. this is first i had gotten her name. >> carley: so sad to see her picture and know she's a mom herself. her co-worker as lukesa said, she is a local dj and did everybody's weddings, we all know her. she is full of life and the most wonderful, beautiful person. one big thing missing is a motive here. why would somebody want to do something like this? >> it doesn't matter the why, it should have never happened. >> carley: it should have never happened, yeah, you are absolutely right and here we go again through another tragedy
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and loss of a beautiful person and all of these children in the hospital, can you imagine what their parents are going through? >> not at all. and honestly, i'm thankful i don't have to. we were lucky. not everyone was. my heart goes out to the other families, especially this woman and her children. >> carley: if you could describe, you said you didn't see a lot of what happened, can you describe what you were feeling as everybody was running away and telling you to run in the other direction, you must have been really scared. >> definitely. it took me a minute to process because it didn't register what was going on around us. we were stunned, we were frozen, terrified. >> carley: that is
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understandable. >> all at once. >> carley: rush of humanity trying to go the other direction. kansas city is a tight-knit community, the whole country is thinking about your and lifting you up. we are saying prayers for you and your daughter, we are glad you are okay. coming up later this morning, the fan who tackled one of the alleged shooters will join "fox and friends" live, tune in to hear that, you do not want to miss what he did and saw regardless, the man is a hero. another breaking news story. jake sullivan is heading to capitol hill to brief top four lawmakers in the house as we learn russia wants to deploy a nuclear weapon in space. brooke singman is here with the breaking details. good morning. >> brooke: house intelligence
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committee chairman mike turner is calling on president byted to declassify all information relating to this threat to openly discuss actions necessary to respond to the threat. house speaker mike johnson says there is no reason to panic. >> there is no need for public alarm, we will work together to address this matter as we do all sensitive matters that are classified. >> brooke: the seriousness is grave, not serious. others are split on how serious this is. >> no cause for alarm around this piece of intelligence. >> this is a serious issue, there are many serious issues we undertake all the time, there is no need to panic, this is not
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immediate crisis. one more thing to worry about in terms of putin. >> national security advisor jake sullivan will brief top lawmakers on capitol hill, he says he was surprised by chairman turner's statement. this administration has gone further and in more creative more strategic ways dealt with declassification of intelligence in national interest than any in united states history. you will not find unwillingness to do that. >> brooke: if russia did put nukes in space it would break the treaty which bans it in outer space. >> carley: bring in former marine corps intelligence officer, john elliot, nuclear weapons in space? get us up to speed.
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how close in your knowledge is russia to this capability and if successful in creating it and launching it, what does that mean for all of us? >> what is happening here with russian threat, this is something congress and in intelligence community has known about for a matter of months. this is nothing new. what is new, national security adviser jake sullivan said what happened, mike turner, intel committee chair said jake sullivan was coming up to brief them and wanted to have biden declassify the materials there. that is new, these happen behind closed doors and rare for national security adviser to say, i want to come brief you temperature is usually the other way around, congress asks to be briefed. this shows there is new in intelligence here.
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this future capability for russia has been known about for several months, it is unclear what the urgency is. russia is ahead of the u.s. with hyper sonic missile, it could strike in minutes around the world. they are on top of their game and something we should worry about, unclear the urgency and shouldn't be played out with members of congress weighing in, this should be behind the scenes in classified setting and not in public. it creates anxiety that is not necessary. >> carley: wild how this was revealed with congressman mike turner, a vague most talking about serious national security threat. people wonder if he is pushing for the house to push the ukraine funding.
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risk of making you guess, what do you think this new intel would be that would cause him to post a message like that and raise alarm bells publicly? >> i'm personally skeptical there is any huge new intel. this is a capability we've known about. there also is another capability by chinese that is something they have this volt typhoon, way to insert malware, huge capability they have. you never know what is behind it. to your point, carley, mike turner, the chairman, by going on twitter, this is something he shouldn't have done. not only ukraine funding he is worried about, he has fisa reform he is pushing on a watered down bill he has. he may be crying wolf to seem
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like a bigger threat and we need to reinstate intelligence capabilities of fisa. >> carley: jake sullivan will be on capitol hill at 3:00 p.m. briefing four lawmakers on the scope of what is going on, we'll see if we get more information on this publicly. you think it should be done behind closed doors. thank you for joining us. appreciate you. another tragedy rocking california, a grandfather is shot and killed while trying to apologize for a fender bender. the victim's son joins me next with his family's message, stay with us. now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪
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>> carley: a suspect is in court for allegedly shooting and killing a california grandfather. the entire tragedy started over a fender bender. jonathan was backing up and accidentally bumped the suspect's car and jonathan tried to apologize. the suspect pulled out her gun and shot him in the face.
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jonathan's son matthew joins us now. what led up to your father's murder? this happened just 10 days ago. >> my father had gone to the local store here, walmart in california for simple supplies. for christmas he had been gifted a dehydrator and he was driving through the parking lot and this unfolded. >> carley: carrying salt and pepsi, something he enjoyed and wanted to share with his family and a fender bender led to the murder of your father. the suspect's name is norton,
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she fled the scene and was arrested the next day. she pleaded not guilty and will be in trial today. if you could say anything to her, what would that be? >> i've been asked that time and time again, i don't have words to bring to mind to say to her just understanding of the immeasurable loss my family has suffered. it is tearing our family apart. i've watched strong people break down over something so trivial. >> carley: between what happened to your father and this shooting in kansas city yesterday, there is something wrong that is leading to innocent people dying. how are you going to explain this to your children? >> i can't think of a way to explain it to anybody.
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i have reached out to friends of the family and more distant relatives, i have a hard time knowing what to say temperature is centless and devastating. >> carley: do you know if this woman has prior arrests? >> based on a little information gathered online, well is some type of history. i don't know details of it. >> carley: you might learn more in court today. what do you expect to take place in today's court hearing? >> today is pre-preliminary hearing. i was made aware there won't be much information today, on the 20th is preliminary hearing and i should receive details from witnesses and other information collected by san bernardino
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police department. >> carley: you said he loved to be called grandpa, and a co-worker said, he cried when he found out he got killed. he probably would have fixed the woman's car for nothing and -- our prayers go out to you. thank you for joining us. thank you, i appreciate the coverage. >> carley: wray makes surprise visit to israel and our crew was only to talk to him. trey yingst is live on the ground with the latest. at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work.
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soon. christopher wray's surprise krft to israel. trey yingst has the latest from tel aviv. hi, trey. >> trey: we are learning more about a secret trip fbi director christopher wray made to israel yesterday, his first visit since the war began in october. he spoke with fbi agents on the ground working to counter global terror threats. fox spoke with wray about his visit to israel. we've seen rogue gallery of foreign terrorist organizations both express support and praise for the hamas attack and threaten to attack u.s. interest at home and abroad. >> trey: wray's trip comes as america pushes for ceasefire
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between israel and hamas as war enters day 132. new report indicates ceasefire could be tied to a palestinian state giving the government a plan would unlikely succeed. developments come as vice president harris just landed in munich, there is a large gathering and they are likely to discuss developments out of middle east. >> carley: thank you. at home, new fox news poll show former president trump has swing-state edge over biden in michigan. biden won the state in 2020. in north carolina, trump has a five-point lead over the president. marjorie, what is your reaction,
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polling in michigan between biden and trump within margin of error. they are neck and neck with trump having slight edge, does that surprise you? >> not terribly. can development of megasites, pure michigan and legislatures backed by biden administration have been pushing and gotten negative feedback, particularly from republicans on bipartisan basis. i think both candidates have lost a lot of supporters to third parties. >> carley: glad you said that, we just showed third party candidates added and donald trump 42% when you put in third party candidate and biden 37 and kennedy -- according to latest
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numbers, looks like third party candidate are pulling more for donald trump than biden. what do you think about that? >> i'm not terribly surprised. let me put it this way, a lot of policy promises made by biden administration, they are not nearly as planet friendly or friendly to local economies as biden voters hoped. not speaking for all of them, that is why you see a swing toward independent. >> carley: brian, to north carolina, trump is up by five points, it was tighter in 2020, what is the reason for that? >> after four years, people get tired and you see issues that
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resonate with people. our world standing on the international stage with a president who thinks he meets with people who passed away, drugs pouring in, homeless veterans, brothers, sons, fathers killing themselves, as a dad and husband, we are blessed, but we feel impact of inflation and it is probably same across my entire state and in rural north carolina where you have farmers feeling impact of higher prices and cost to do business. people look around and think there might be a better way. >> carley: in north carolina. number one issue of extreme important is the economy, brian, age is a big topic of conversation, it has been, but especially with the robert hur
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report. will age of candidates factor into who you vote for? >> both candidates are up there in age, if biden showed more cognitive ability to understand where he was and what he was talking about, it could be a different story. there has been a rapid decline, if you look at how he carries himself, he does not like mentally, physically or spi spiritually fit. >> carley: that is what everyone is talking about. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. senior meteorologist janice dean is here with the fox weather forecast. >> janice: i woke up and thought it was friday, oh, one more day. it is cold across a lot of areas stretching from northern plains, central plains, over great lakes
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and northeast. couple of systems will reinforce that shot of cold air. great lakes, storm number wob will bring storm to new york city. our next storm system number two comes out of southern plains mooufing across mid-atlantic. more real state here. quick moving, could see measurable snow. another look close-up to northeast, a lot of people are coming, will it affect travel? this is thursday evening, quick shot of snow and not talking about block buster snow totals. saturday morning, affecting d.c., not a block buster weather maker, it will reinforce cold air. i want to talk about florida,
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daytona 500 on sunday looks wet. system will impact the area saturday and sunday, temperatures cool for this region. that is something to watch. statistics, wettest daytona in 2014 with inch of rain. warmest 85 degrees, coldest 48, we are looking at a wet track. stay tuned. >> carley: that could impact drivers, good warning there. thank you. talking about sports. happening today iowa basketball star caitlin clark poised to break scoring record when they take on the wolverines tonight. tickets going for $2600.
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she could become all-time lead scorer in women's college basketball. congratulations if she gets eight points. and political espionage campaign coordinated by obama and targets president trump and his team thchl is a story maria has been unravelling for years. they ignored the obvious signs and tried to come up with this that trump wasn't being spied on. >> keep it on "fox and friends first." >> i am up early because i run helping hand rescue mission and we have a lot to do today. this show gets me started and gives me a great idea what is going on. thank you for being my morning buddies. thank you.
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>> carley: a couple in massachusetts volunteer to take
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in illegal migrants sleeping at boston airport. they were surprised when a family of four showed up. cheryl casone is here. >> cheryl: jessic and colin stocks thought they were doing a good deed to house migrants as the city faces crisis. they told a local station they were shocked within an hour signing up four migrants were at their front door. like i have to get sheets on the bed, how many people coming, ages? colin stocks says the need is overwhelming, the family of four came from chile illegally through the southern border. they wanted cities and towns
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with resources to open up their doors. the shelter in rocksbury taking in 400 people, it is at capacity and boston logan airport is overwhelmed with migrants. >> carley: family trying to do a good thing and they did not get to take their shoes off. hi, can we come in? national guard this morning talking about this migrant crisis and they got a very scary warning for people in new york city. >> cheryl: we've been talking about this, now here is nypd alert and proof of this. new york city residents are dealing with an organized venezuelan gang. now national guard is being told check new migrants arrivin for tattoos linked to trend aragua,
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deadly gang linked to gang of cell phone robberies. the gang is established here, stabings, assaults and robberies. this raises public concern. bulletin says given potential threat by growing presence in the city, nypd and counter terrorism bureau say symbols are used by the gang. they are claiming asylum and then make a bee line for new york city. this should shock nobody that watches our program here. >> carley: you are correct about that. thank you. to a fox news alert, national security adviser jake sullivan meeting gang of four house lawmakers to brief them on a national security threat from russia. now house intel mike turner is
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suggesting president biden declassify all information relating to the threat so congress, administration and allies can discuss aksz necessary for the threat. maria bartiromo joins me now. there are two big things about this story this morning. how this information came out with mike turner posting a cryptic tweet about a national security threat and what this means for national security. what is your take on this? >> two major issues. first issue, people are wonder if this is part of mike turner's push to get money to ushg yoo. put urgency behind the debate, whether or not the new package should get out the door as soon as possible.
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bigger issue is national security threat, antiseattle -- a nuclear antiseattle weapon from russia. it would kill u.s. satellites and jam up civilian conversations and create cyber threats in america. it is not new information, that is why people are questioning why mike turner is urgent today. we'll see what happens after the briefing from jake sullivan today. president trump started a space group and was mocked for it. we look back, he was right, space is the new frontier for our adversaries, coming up with new headquarters for antisatellites to get in the way of american satellites and jam up communication in the u.s. we will see temperature is a risk, major threat, we have a lot of them right now.
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>> carley: we do. and u.s. military officials have warned russia and china are moving toward -- talking about militarization of space here and if they are targeting satellites from outer space what if they launch from space that could hit the united states or another country on the planet? i was talking to a national security expert that said militarization of space, that is within the realm of possibility and u.s. does not have ability to counter such a weapon. it seems we are behind on this. >> we are, it has not been deployed yet, we don't have anything to match this technology. that is the worry. same situation with regard to china. china has a larger navy than the united states. there are concerns regarding the u.s.'s readiness with regard to
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this. this new unknown antisatellite is a concern, we'll probably get more information from that briefing. it is a top secret meeting, but this is not new information per se. mike turner is seeing a new urgency to it. >> carley: step back in time now, a new report claims president obama's cia allegedly spied on 26 trump associates and you were one of the first to flag this dating back to 2019. listen to something you said. >> remember what it was like two years ago, i would come in after my sunday show after having original reporting on what took place and virtually entire media landscape would slam me for coming out and saying this is what we learned yesterday in the
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nunes memo. they ignored all of it and tried to come up with a narrative the trump administration wasn't being spied on. >> carley: what is your take on this new report and what it means? >> i'm glad this is coming out even bigger and in a broader way. we reported it in 2018 and 2019. devin nunes came out with the nunes memos that obama was taking against trump associates. i remember speaking with george papadopoulos that said he was run into and set up and same with carter page and fisa. what happened with george papadopoulos, he was in europe
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and met with a leading spy downer who told him at the time russia has damaging e-mails on hillary clinton. he drops that bomb and papadopoulos meets with a spy from italy, mr. micksud who asks papadopoulos, do you know anything about e-mails and hillary clinton and russia? he had just been told that. he said, i heard there are damaging e-mails from russia on hillary clinton. micksud called united states and said george papadopoulos says there are e-mails from hillary clinton. papadopoulos went through this with me at the time and so did carter page.
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devin nunes sent names to u.s. officials. so many shenanigans and it is coming out now, not just fbi and the russian collusion hoax, it was cia running into trump officials. >> carley: you are following a story like no one else and we are all better off for it. thank you for joining us. we'll have ray kelly on fox business, see you then. >> carley: don't want to miss that. block buster hearing happening just hours from now and donald trump georgia election case that could see fani willis disqualified over her relationship with the prosecutor she hired. we will explain it next. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7.
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the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide.
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♪ >> carley: happening today fanny willis' love life will be front and center in today's misconduct hearing in georgia this morning. and the findings could potentially derail her intersection interference cases against former president trump. lexy joins me now. good morning to you. what do you think is going to happen today? >> well, i think it's going to be very salacious, whatever it is that happens. the heart of these allegations what we really need to know is when the affair began and what the nature of it was, because
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that's really the crux of the issue. if -- they have already gone on record and said that the affair did not begin prior to his appointment. so, the defense, the michael roman and trump's attorneys who have joined the defense, they are saying that it actually did. the attorney says that she has a personal friend of mr. wade who is going to be testifying that the affair did in fact begin before that and the implication there is that that's the only reason that he was appointed. this is a huge issue. it's existential threat to the prosecution because what will happen is if they're disqualified, then it's going to have to go to a different office there's no way to disqualify fani willis and have it just pass to, you know, one of her subordinates. it will have to be reassigned. the attorney general's office will have to take it over and reassign it. at that point they may find a prosecutor less politically motivated who is not willing to take up this case. and so i think that this is a huge issue. i think if one of them gets disqualified, both of them are going to get disqualified. because you can't divorce, pun
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intended, these allegations from each other. they were taking trips together. they were allegedly going dutch on the bill, which there had not been much evidence actually submitted for that proposition that they were splitting expenses. but the heart of this really goes to whether there was some type of financial entanglement. prosecutors are not allowed to have a financial interest in the case. >> carley: we will look out to see if she is disqualified from this case, what that means for the case and also for her career as well. and you're right to bring up michael roman. he was the defendant in the case that surfaced these allegations and then when donald trump heard about them he is like i'm joining in on this one. and now the judge is going to be hearing all of this and having to follow this love story turned, you know, trump election interference case as well. so certainly something to watch. lexie, thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪


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