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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  February 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. >> greg: we're out of time thanks to kevin leary morgan ortagus, jaily lissow kat timpf, fox news at my with dreamy trace gallagher is next. >> i love you america. >> trace: good evening it's 11:00 on the east coast 8:00 in
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los angeles and this is america's late news fox news at night. and breaking tonight, everything is breaking tonight. political and legal dramas breaking out in both new york city and atlanta. former president trump's so-called hush money trial in new york set to begin next month and in fulton county georgia combatant da fani willis took the stand and did not do herself any favors accused of having an improper relationship with the lead prosecutor that she hired and despite the outrage of special counsel for asking him when his son beau died apparently was the president himself who brought it up putting even greater pressure on the white house to release that interview. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is tracking all of this. he's live in dc. kevin good evening. >> reporter: evening trace, former president trump tonight is one of leading critics, in fact part of a chorus of criticism against fani willis whose testimony today over her alleged misconduct has obviously sparked a wave of reaction
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tonight. quote, msnbc just stated game over for fake fani willis. in georgia, another scam coordinate wind the biden white house for purposes of election interference. mr. trump posted to truth social. house judiciary chair jim jordan on x, your tax dollars shouldn't be used to pay for fani willis, fani willis and nathan way to take a vacation and certainly shouldn't be used to target their political rival, president trump. now, as you know, willis was put on the defensive over her admitted romance was nathan wade, the man she installed as the top prosecutor in the case against the former president. at issue is when the romantic relationship between the two began. a witness today at a former friend's say it began three years before the two are claiming. >> mr. wade visit you at the place you laid your head. >> when. >> has he ever visited you at the place you lay your head. >> let's be clear because you lied, let me tell you which one
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you lied in right here. i think you lied right here. no, no, no. this is the truth judge. it is a lie. it is a i lie. >> reporter: you lie. meantime, there's building pressure tonight on the white house to row lease the transcript of the president's interview with special counsel borne out of the ongoing controversy over who brought up the president's now deceased son beau biden the elderly biden admonished the special counsel for allegedly asking about beau but sources say that didn't happen and that's putting added pressure on the white house to share the transcript tonight. this is all just part of a very, very busy ongoing legal drama playing out across the country as we begin 2024. and we're talking about with national implications as well trace from florida to georgia to new york, even here in the nation's capitol we have the homeland security secretary's impeachment trial. so a lot to keep an eye on in the offing trace. >> trace: we're trying to keep it all on schedule kevin live for us in dc kevin thank you.
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former deputy assistant attorney general and cal berkeley professor john use great to have you on. they're both now accused offed filing false information in court. here's a sample of both of them today watch. >> you're confused you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> trace: the question -- we're going to move on to that. the question is, should they be on this case at all. nathan wade, fani willis, should this case even exist at all. >> if you're going to go after the president for the first time in history and charge him with trying to run a racketeering operation rather than a campaign for reelection, then you, the prosecutor, should have the highest standards of integrity and impartiality. of course she's on trial. and all the evidence we saw today is building a strong case
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that they have a conflict of interest and should be removed and disqualified from pursuing this case. what's going to happen now trace i think is this judge is going to be under a lot of pressure to move the case to i a different da and once it starts to a new da that da may choose to drop it entirely. they have the right to look at the evidence again radio at the witness again look at these stretches of the law fanny wilson has brought and decide she made a serious judgment and drop the case against president trump. . >> trace: yes, nah he than wade said this. watch. >> let's just get down to it. did you or did you not, by may the 30th, 2023, have sexual relations with ms. willis, yes or no. yes or no. >> yes. >> trace: and you wonder john yoo why america is skeptical billion credible justice. >> this has dragged through the mud the da, the entire office, a
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lot of the prosecutors who have worked there. and the reason why is because you're not supposed to be spending $600,000 of the state's money, giving it to your boyfriend, hiring him for a case that he doesn't do. he's not a criminal defense lawyer, he's not a criminal prosecutor. he has never tried as far as i know a criminal case in the courtroom and that money's turned around to spend on entertainment and trips for the da. that's why people are raising doubts the integrity of justice in georgia. >> trace: meantime the hush money case against the former president goes to trial next month. the president, former president, said this after court today. >> they want to keep me nice and busy so i can't campaign. but maybe we won't have to campaign so hard because other side is incompetent. it's election interference by biden because it's the only way he can think to get elected. >> trace: i've got about 30 seconds left john. i mean he really has a lot on his plate, he's right, his legal
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played is full and you wonder, it's kind of tough to campaign. >> it's impossible to campaign because as a criminal defendant he should be showing up in all these proceedings and's only going to get worse. we haven't even seen his appearance in the two other criminal trials being brought in federal court how is he going to do all four at once and run for president. he has a good case a lot of these tries should be put over until after the election so he can run for office freely appear fairly. >> trace: yeah. a lot of people have echoed that john yoo thank you sir appreciate it. for the political fallout steve hilton along with republican strategist ma heck cook. steve to you first, biden talking about the robert hur report, special counsel report, here's biden's how dare he moment. watch. >> there's even reference that i don't remember when my son died. how in the hell dare he raise that. frankly whiffs asked the
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question, i thought the myself, wasn't any of their damn business. >> trace: but now the question is, biden apparently is the one who raised the issue with robert hur to begin with, and if that's the case steve and this transcript is released, it is somewhat damning for him. >> it's devastating and as that event, every day after that event, we realize how catastrophic it was. it seems worse and worse. remember, that event where he said that was supposed to clean up the mess that was caused by the hur report. he makes it worse all the time. by the way one interesting thing ttone there of biden didn't it remind you of something? it reminded me very much of the tone we saw from fani willis today. this is the interesting thing, the democrats can't stand, they can't believe that anyone ever questions them in any way. they're so used to having the media completely carry their water that when finally they're being challenged, they just react with fury. and when you add it all up you just look at this and you think,
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given what the democrats say about donald trump, he's a threat to democracy, the end of america, it's amazing to see how hard they seem to be trying to actually lose this election and hand it to donald trump. >> trace: but they both kind of, they feel like they got busted and they're just a gassed that somebody would actually call them on getting busted. so the white house used internal distribution maheck, channels to kind of trash reporters over the whole special counsel report quoting here this is ian setters, many outlets have reported striking inaccuracies that misrepresent the report's conclusion about the president and reporters in the white house briefing room have asked questions that include false content or are based on false premises. it is not true and the white house does not get to control the news that journalists cover. i mean, some networks seem like they do but that's not way things work, matt. >> it's about time for the first amendment and this just shows
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you the biden white house machine will go to any length to control narrative. it looks like they weren't able to strong arm the president of the association, o'donnell, while biden continues to control the doj and many of the political judges and attorney generals, like fani willis. he cannot continue to control the american people through this association. and we're starting to see this more and more. democrats are even distancing themselves from joe biden. you just saw the first congressional district in new york handed to a democrat. what did he do? he specifically went out there and he distanced himself from biden. he finally told truth. and that's why we have a seat now that was held by george santos now being held by a democrat if congress. >> trace: yeah, quickly i want to hit on two polls, fox news polls that i think are fascinating. one to you steve hilton. support for biden in a two-way match-up, this comes from michigan, talking about black voters and in 2020 fox news voter analysis, you see there 93% now it's 68% and then you
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lieu at independence 54% now 34% bad numbers if you're an incumbent. >> catastrophe what's going on a real collapse and's building and building and donald trump's standing with black voters has been rising. some polls where donald trump is leading joe biden among young black men, absolutely incredible numbers given the history of this whole area. and what it all adds up to is, it's just a stonnishment on the part of any professional observer that they are still seeming to stick with this candidate who is just getting worse and worse by the day. and as i said earlier, it looks like he's just going to hand the election to donald trump. >> trace: even if's not his memberingry mehek you look at the polls like this one from north carolina your family's financial situation, look at the numbers here getting ahead 13%, holding steady 42%, falling behind 44%. those who are holding on for dear life, it's 86%, and, again,
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a big number if you're the incumbent and you want to keep your job. >> well, our bank accounts don't lie. our savings don't lie and we know, all we have to do today trace is compare. were we better off four years ago under president trump's strong economy. we were and it doesn't matter whether we were republican, democrat, asian, black, today we are all facing the impact of bidenomics. so this is not rocket science, the polls are telling us what we're feeling every single day. >> trace: yeah, the polls have got to be very scary if you're running the biden campaign, mehek cooke steve hilton thank you very much >> two gang members are in is custody in connection was the assault as you see there on the new york city police officers in times square. it's encouraging news especially when you consider that ice could soon release some 16,000 illegal immigrants currently being deep stained. bill melugin is live with the latest on this bill good evening. >> reporter: good evening to you, ice has confirmed to knocks news that two of the venn swalen
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illegal immigrants they arrested on connection with the attacks on nypd police officers are members of the violent venezuelan street gang. wove kelvin and wilson omar juarez are being held without bail in their custody after being arrested order tuesday in connection with the perry of immigration warrants. now, juarez was named in a final order of removal almost a year ago. that means he should have been deported a long time ago. both of these guys have been id'd as members of trendy, a violent venezuela base gang expanded into multiple latin american countries the past few years and gaining foot holds in the u.s. recently. i can tell you for over a year now multiple border patrol sources telling me these members have been pouring into the country, often mass released from their custody via fraudulent asylum claims. in the meantime on cnn host
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breonna keeler and congresswoman got into a contention exchange about the border resulting in keeler threatening to cut van dine off. >> it would have upped that -- >> actually it wouldn't have. >> excuse me. >> it would have allowed 5,000 people into our country a day. >> that's not true. >> it was coming through -- >> ma'am may i please speak or i'm going to have to cut this -- if you won't let me speak i'm going to cut the interview off and i will let you speak and finish sentences and please give me that respect as well. >> they were talking about the failed border deal in the senate there. trace to make matters worse washington post reporting due to a $700 million budget shortfall that congress hasn't addressed yet, ice has now drafted plans toss begin mass releasing thousands of illegal immigrants into the u.s. and severely downsizing their detention capacity from 38,000 all the way down to just 22,000. >> trace: another blow. bill melugin, bill, thank you >> congresswoman beth van dine joins us now live.
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congresswoman thank you. we just kind of played that. you know i think it's instructive that we play some of that again because it really, we talked a lot over the past months about cnn and msnbc literally censoring former president trump not letting him speak at all and telling the world what they think he should have said or what he should have said and it's unbelievable because we watched it live with you on television yesterday. watch it again. >> it would have upped that credible -- >> no, it actually wouldn't have, no. >> excuse me. >> it allowed five thousand people into our country a day. >> no, that's not true. >> which is five times as much that was coming through during the trump administration. >> let me speak -- if you won't let me speak i'm going to cut the interview off and i will let you speak and finish sentences, okay, and please give me that respect as well. >> trace: except she didn't one and for clarification the point you were trying to make in in the border bill it would have allowed 5,000 illegal immigrants a day to come and in and then
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they would have shut the board. my question is if you can shut the border at 5,000 why can't you shut it at one or two. >> right. >> you have the mechanism to shut it at 5,000? because, boy, that's news to me. >> no, that's exactly right. she made these statements and kept going on and on and i was just supposed look, i guess smile and nod as if she was correct as she was saying all these ridiculous things. the fact is is that what she was trying to say was that we have no laws right now on the books that would protect our border and that was absolutely false. we absolutely do have laws right now. you could go back to the remain in mexico policy instead of having to put more money into facilities what you could do is actually stop people actually coming in at the border and send them back have them a lie in asylum in mexico, you could continue building the wall. these are all things we tried to pass in hr2. her argument, it's very difficult to try to prepare for an interview when the interview
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just is completely out of reality, does not listen to fact and is trying to cut you off. >> trace:'s interesting to me you guys are all having a back and forth as well about the fentanyl coming into the country. we've had former cartel numbers detail exactly how the fentanyl crosses the border and how the cartels use illegal immigrants to get this stuff across the border. it comes in other venues, but it comes in primarily through three different check points and these are humans bringing this stuff across and she wouldn't let you do that. why stand up for the cartels? i just don't get the whole rationale there. >> i mean they're giving excuses to the human of courseers and the mexican cartels. it's as if they have a narrative that they have to push in complete ignorance of reality. and i want to congratulate bill melugin, man, he has done a fantastic job. you want to talk about getting down to the border he's been down there for years and he has been posting what is actually happening at the border. you know, her whole narrative
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that these drugs, the fentanyl's coming in by american citizens and not by mexican cartels that it's only coming in at ports of enter has been completely false feud by bill melugin's -- by his investigative journalism. i mean he has shown there have been thousands of pounds of fentanyl, enough to kill hundreds of millions of americans, that have come through, not through the ports of entry and not by american citizens, but by gang members, by cartel members, and this is coming into our streets and as a result you've seen 110,000 americans be killed as a result of fentanyl deaths and she was completely denying that that had happened. >> trace: and it's interesting to me because, as bill was pointing out there, you have these two suspects, new york, they were part of the cop beating, right? they were let goen a now we find out that they are part of this venezuelan gang tda and you wonder they're being let go? we're not vetting these people. we have no idea who's coming, who's here or who's next and that's part of the problem. congresswoman i've got 10
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seconds left for you if you want to comment on that. >> facts matter. the fact that we do have people who are coming into our country that want to do us harm is a direct result of biden's failed border policies that he could, if he wanted to, get control of our border tomorrow. he has the policies in place, he has the power in place, denies it and you have people like cnn, you know, who are defending him. that's got to stop and we have to take control of our country and secure or borders again. >> trace: texas congresswoman beth van duyne thank you for your time we appreciate it >> coming up the biden administration's push for so called diversity equity and inclusion continues by using taxpayer money to teach biology classes saying there are more than two genders. biology. and remember this woman and this video? she was dragged in new york city by a moped gang. we're now learning this migrant gang is believed to be part of a sophisticated high tech crime ring trying to hack into your personal accounts like venmo and
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zelle and all they need is your phone. we want your take on this viral video a brawl on a southwest airline flights. some passengers and flight attendants intervened others did nothing. what would you have done stop the flight or stay in your seat. let us know on x and instagram on trace gallagher, weigh in, we'll show you the results and read the best responses on the nightcap. 8:19 on the west coast a fox news at night trip across america, a live look, salt lake city utah, home to the utah jazz, and next a live earth cam look at st. louis missouri where the famous gateway arch is as wide as it is tall, 630 feet and a live look lynchburg virginia where local legend has it president jefferson was the first to eat a tomato to prove they were not poisonous apples. if you can't join us live don't forget please set your dvr and watch us anytime, the information is always valid. we're coming right back.
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>> trace: well the biden administration is now paying colleges to teach biology classes that are inclusive spending about a million bucks so far to teach transgender students that there are, indeed, more than two genders. lauren green is live with tonight's lesson. lauren, good evening. >> good evening, trace. well, you know, for the biden administration, the push for so-called diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives has been and remains a top priority. >> equity is a cornerstone issue for this administration. not only do we have a day one eo that was really designed to drive's, but our second eo was really designed to create the infrastructure within agencies
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to drive equity across the board. >> reporter: well, this includes nearly $1 million in taxpayer funded research grants provided by the national science foundation to the university of minnesota, colorado state university, as well as florida international university to make biology, quote, inclusive for transgender students by rejecting traditional notions that there are only two genders. >> we do this work in education there's not something that we do that's not part of our equity initiative because education is equity in this country. >> reporter: one of the research grants awardeded to colorado state university claims that the oversimplification of sex and gender into binary categories makes biology class instruction difficult for transgender students. now, the national science foundation has defended the awards, according to reports, saying they are worthy research questions but declined to indicate if the agency believed there are more than two genders.
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trace. >> trace: lauren, thank you. ♪ >> well, the fox news at night common sense department spent the day following the science. dr. fauci would be so proud. turns out the us national science foundation or nsf is giving colleges, as lauren said, money, lots of money, to make their biology classes more inclusive for transgender students. and it appears the way you make biology more inclusive is to ignore biology. the classes are now teaching that it is inaccurate, it's incorrect to say there are only two genders because teaching about two genders is, quoting here, an oversimplification. common sense thinks one plus one is also pretty simple but it does not mean the answer is three. truth is the federal government isn't paying colleges to teach biology, it's paying for ideology, and if you want the money, quit categorizing sex and gender as binary. but when nsf was asked straight
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out are there more than two genders it dodged saying that only this approach is, quote, the gold standard of scientific review. so lying is now the gold standard. is adam schiff teaching these classes? it's also interesting that nsf is helping secure national defense stating that it builds everything from missiles with better gps to better bulletproof invests for males and females. common sense is stunned and thinks it is a plain, thought lull thing of nsf to not build a bulletproof vest for all genders. huh. let's bring in board certified medical dr. houman hemmati and congressman yalda safai. dr. houman hemmati the point of denying the biological fact for inclusivity i don't get it. do you? is there a reason we should be paying closer attention to this. >> i don't think nsf should be funding things that are
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political or ideological or social and that is an issue that is not necessarily a scientific one it's one that is rooted in social constructs, right? doesn't mean you don't have respect for students who identify with a different gender at all. >> trace: no. >> you can respect them completely and acknowledge whatever they believe is their own truth while at the same time saying that science is science and i think the nsf's job is to fund actual scientific research rather than going down the political or social lines which is what appears is happening. >> trace: it's amazing to me because this was the administration dr. safai that said again and again we have to follow the science all we do is follow the science and now we don't appear to be following the science, denying there's only two genders is identifying intellectual merit. do you see the intellectual, you're telling people something that's not quite factual yet doing it anyway to give them a boost. >> yeah, i understand the confusion here and i don't
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understand why they're modifying biological studies. like my esteemed colleague said this is more a gender or political issue or orb logical issue. so i don't understand why they're going and trying to modify biological study. the fact of the matter is, sex and gender are a little bit different and there's only two sexes and that ace biology. with gender it gets a little more complicated but they really shouldn't be touching biological studies here. the account fa of the matter is, i know they want to be more inclusive but gender dysphoria and transgender really impact less than one percent of the population so to invest a large amount of money into this, you know, that money might be better suited for more pressing issues. >> trace: yeah. next i want to go to california's prop situation one. so instead of mental health funding this thing raises dr. houman hemmati about 2-3 billion dollars a year, it was supposed to be used for mental health for the homeless to try to get these people back on and into their lives. and now, proposition one would take about, you know, 60% of
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that money, the quoting here would require counties to spend 60% of those funds on housing and programs for homeless people with serious mental illnesses or substance abuse problems. i mean forget the mental health treatment we need more homes. they're taking away -- you know robbing peter to pay paul. >> exactly trace and the citizens years ago voted to create a special millionaires tax where the money would all go to mental healthcare. >> trace: yeah. >> this proposition one is actually going to rob a lot of that money and transition it into housing. they're calling it supportive housing but there's nothing really built in there for people once they're in the housing which is expensive to begin with to provide them with mental healthcare services or to ensure they're getting it so really it is he a housing program and goes back to what newsom has been saying all along for the last 10-plus years ever since he was mayor in san francisco where he created and perpetuated the homeless crisis which is housing first. you solve homelessness by giving a home completely ignoring the
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fact that there are people who have individual reasons why they're homeless and not addressing that including the drug abuse and mental health issues. right now they're throwing more money after good and newsom is the last person on earth i would trust with that kind of money. >> trace: dr. safai this is kind of right up your alley you wonder you say wait they're spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the homeless programs ever year and the problem keeps getting worse and now they're taking money away from something they thought would be the elixer here which is mental health programs. >> exactly. listen, the homeless crisis didn't happen overnight. it really started in the 1960s with the deinstitution iced movement where we took the mentally ill population out of their stable housing situation in state hospitals and put them into the streets and the present system. the goal of that program was the treat these people in the community but they failed to implement programs in the communitiment trace the only way i think this program will work is if those housing units that they're building also gives them mental health support like those
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state hospitals used to. so isolating it to, i think this is going to be a disaster. >> trace: so they have to give them a house and put a doctor in that house to make it all come out in the wash. dr. safai -- >> like a state hospital, yeah. >> trace: yeah, like a state hospital. dr. hemmati, thank you both we appreciate it. coming up migrant criminals steal your phone, happens all the time, right? but now we know they don't want the phone, they want what's in the phone. and later police in peru go undercover to nab a suspect and a little boy's reaction to a popular soda goes viral. today's best viral videos are ex in. but first a live earth cam look at the city of firsts, philadelphia, home to america's first zoo, hospital, and medical school. we're coming right back. ♪ (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures.
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we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. -how's the heart? -i feel like it's good. -you feel like it's good? how do you know when it's time to check in on your heart? how do you know?
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let me show you something. it looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card. -that is a medical-grade ekg. want to see how it works? -yeah. -put both thumbs on there. that is your heart coming from the kardiamobile card. -wow! with kardiamobile card, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. -how much do you think that costs? -probably $500. -$99. -oh, really? -you could carry that in your wallet. -of course you could carry it in your wallet, right? -yes, yes. kardiamobile card is just $79 during heart health month. don't wait. get kardiamobile card at or amazon. ♪ >> trace: we have brand new information on the deadly shooting at the chiefs super bowl celebration in kansas city. police now releasing details about the motive and done
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juveniles huhhed it. bill melugin back with the latest updates on this bill. >> reporter: trace good evening to you. believe it or not police have not filed any charges nowhere have they identified any of the suspects in custody in connection with the shooting yesterday and they're on the clock to do so. kansas city police chief stacy graves announced today that the investigation is ongoing and that prosecutors are still working on bringing charges. but if they're not charged by tomorrow, police are going to have to release them. >> we are working closely with the prosecutor's office to present the most successful case for prosecution. >> reporter: and the gunshots rang out during the chief's victory parade injuring at least 22 people including at least 11 children all of which thankfully are expected to make a full recovery. now tragically one woman was killed. this is her, she's been identified as lisa lopez galvan mom of two and local radio d.j. police have two juveniles in custody, a third individual was determined not to be involved and has since been released. initial indications so far is
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this was some sort of a dispute between people with guns rather than some kind of targeted attack. >> trace: yeah, bill, thank you. meantime an unsettling new warning about the illegal immigration crisis in new york city tonight. the so-called migrant moped gang believed to be part of a sophisticated high tech crime ring is trying to steal your cell phone and once they have your phone, your personal bank accounts are apparently there for the taking. let's bring in the cyber guy, curt knudson. migrant mow pad hired banker for banking appears as nypd reliefs new details about the high tech crime ring. tell us how this works they want the phones but really they want what's inside the phones. >> they want what's inside the phone and then sell your phone afterwards. this is just a bad double whammy against americans from my glance that have made their way into new york city and now they've collected a sophisticated idea together and following this. number one, the leader of this
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ring uses what's app, finds a target and then sends a message to everyone. the moped driver number two gets on the moped gets paid a hundred dollars. the third person, or the number three thing is the next person gets on the back which is the one who snatches or steals your phone. they go on the moped, they get you, and then, at the end of this, they turn the phone over to a hacker. you don't even know what's hit you. you just know your phone's been stolen. now this hacker breaks into your phone and then goes after any of those payment apps you might have, zelle, venmo, paypal, and they try to get access to that and generally they do. and then they start draining your bank account. >> trace: wow. >> you think that was bad enough. then they take that phone, sport it back usually to where they came from, and then they cash in that way, too. by then you're still going where's my phone. so i mean it's very bad. there's a lot of protections you can do to prevent this. one is to turn on stolen device
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protection that apple just introduced. the other is, is really just to follow smart phone hygiene and just be very resilient against these kind of attacks. >> trace: makes sense because as you're talk and we're showing that video it's like it is a play by play here's the style they're doing it guy on the back of the moped grabbing your rep foal you think man the rest of is is just as easy as cannen. >> and the worst part is these guys sometimes get arrested and are out within 24 hours on the street again. >> trace: like everything else. you can beat up a cop and on the street in less than 24 hours. apple vision pro curt and i were on a flight from new york together and he let me use my apple vision pro very cool and heavy very uncomfortable. the product manager for verge says despite being as magical to use as it's hoped it was simply way too uncomfortable to wear even for short periods of time both do you to the weight and the strap designs. i guess they can fix these things after a while but a lot
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of money for something that is not so comfortable. >> you have apple lovers that went after this almost two weeks ago and they got it and they've had the time to really formulate these ideas. one is uncomfortable, heavy, like you're saying, and the fact is sometimes eye strain comes into play where it just hurts to wear this over time so they're posting these videos on line why they're returning it and now this avalanche of people showing up at apple stores saying thank you but no thank you because a 14-day policy is tomorrow for the early adopters. it's's an interesting sign to watch. what most will echo is all right, it does have that wow factor despite it failing on those other issues. >> trace: right. >> it tells us version two, version three is where we're at so that's what we're going to look for. >> trace: new york city sues social media companies, here's new york mayor eric adams p. >> over the past decade we have seen just how addictive and overwhelming the online world
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can be, exposing children to content they are not ready for, disrupting the educational process, and seriously damaging their self-esteem and well-being. >> trace: soon you might have to get line to file a lawsuit against the social media companies people are lining up. about 30 seconds. >> so we have tik tok met a they're the targets here. you have to look at in the story and say okay, you're right. it's bad. it is hurting american children no doubt but what's going on here. is this eric adams making a political move to say hey i'm doing something. well, why aren't you actually out on the streets stopping the bad stuff that this social media does to kids, like drugs, like a lot of stuff that they could simply be doing good enforcement on the streets. hey, it's a good move to do something in terms of regulating this. it also puts a real spotlight on the fact that our federal government has done a bunch of zero to really help out
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protecting children in this country. >> trace: yeah, and we've talked to dr. yalda safai who we had on a little while ago about exactly that. kurt great to see you. >> thank you. >> trace: first up in tonight's viral videos a police officer in peru dressed up like a bear bringing valentine's gifts to the house of a suspected drug dealer who opened the door and found herself in a surprise bear hug with other officers rushing to the scene police say she and another woman were found with about 1500 portions of cocaine >> 7-year-old feeling his drink apparently busted out some great dance moves for the camera. he says this always happens when he gets too much sprite in his system. his mom shared the moment on tik tok and she got about two million views. and if you have a viral video to share, share it with us at trace gallagher or at fox news night on social media. so here we go, coming up, a wild video of a fight that broke out
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on southwest airlines. i mean they were throwing hands. from oakland to hawaii, one passenger was able to diffuse the situation, others, as you can see, did nothing. would you have stayed in your seat kept your head phones on or would you have jumped up and done something? that's the question of the night for the nightcap. still time to weigh in, instagram and x at trace gallagher, the nightcap crew will take it up. but first on fox and friends tomorrow, the mayor of east palestine ohio previews president biden's trip there. it's only taken him about a year. more than one year after the toxic train derailment. dvr the show if you cannot catch it live just like fox news at night. the nightcap crew next. ♪ ey disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection
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♪ [ice clinchings]. >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew, kevin corke, lauren green, bill melugin, stephen hilton dr. houman hemmati. tonight's topic fight or flight. a fight broke out on a southwest airline's flight it got heated but thanks to brave passengers it was quickly -- they were throwing hands. it was diffused. if you were on that flight and a fight broke out would you step in and how would you stop it or would you sit and ignore it.
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bill melugin, young bill melugin, would you jump in and stop or say come on fellows. >> jesse: hundred % first of all that's a federal felony by the way. >> trace: thank you for the legal device. >> lawyer, right? look, i think especially as a guy you've got a responsibility, when you're in the air you don't mess around right? what if one those guys decides the freak out and pull the emergency exit or something in a fit -- no. you don't let guys fight up there, especially they could hit women if they get involved in stuff. no. you take 'em down. >> trace: lauren green. >> well, you know, i would actually think the airlines caused this themselves they reduced the space in between the seats so the tensions are rising. i don't think you get this kind of altercation in first class. but i also think that they should probably offer passengers discounts for going through conflict resolution classes. there you go. >> yeah, just let the -- listen this is your fault bring the pilot out and let him stop the fight. houman hemmati do you start or stop the fight. >> if i'm not the one who
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started it i think i'm going to be the one to stop it. i'm'tary he can flyer i fly on united basically every week sometimes more i do anything for the flight crew. sometimes i know now because i fly so much and i see them again a and they're like hey doc. anything they ask me to do i'll do if they don't want me to i won't but i've turned it into a flying icu before when we've had sick patients at their request. so if they want me to help with the fight happy to do it. >> trace: dr. yalda safai. >> oh, no i'm 5'2" 100 pounds one punch i'm dead somebody else can do the dirty work. >> trace: steve hilton. >> i relate to that as you were speaking bill i thought i'm with bill on this it's important to intervene but i think i would literally like to be with bill because i'm also on the shorter side and bill is the kind of figure you really need. >> trace: let's all get behind melugin. kevin corke. >> my personality is to get in there and mix it up but i think i would probably sit it out
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unless somebody hit me in which case i'm throwing hands. >> trace: if it broke out would you jump in. on x yes 46%, instagram yes 40%. kind of split. beth, i'm an old could you girl i would try and stop the fight even if it might involve spurs. sherry, i would not do a thing i'm not going to involve myself in something i could get kicked off the flight or dough stained after the flight. jason granger i would certainly step in and try to diffuse. it's probably the only situation where you know for a fact that neither would have a gun or a weapon. dee, i would just scream something just fell off the wing. and adam young says easy, let's get ready to rumble! thank you all for joining the nightcap and thank you all for watching the nightcap. i'm trace gallagher, we'll see you back here tomorrow night, friday night. quil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey,
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available for pre-order. i'm jesse watters and this is "my world.


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