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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 16, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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do or eat or drink or a regular basis. how can joe biden give you up the press when he never speaks to them. he said he would take questions wednesday or thursday. don't believe it's happening. he stunt done an atelevision interview since october. that's where we're at at this point. it's just a point. >> carley: joe, saving the best news for last. i would love to wish you a happy birthday. i'm being told is your birthday. you are turning 39 years old again. how are you going to celebrate the weekend? >> anniversary of my 39th birth day has come again. i'm going go clubbing, carley. hopefully you can join me and maybe todd and get wherever he is as well and we will have some fun just like we did when we actually were 39. you are not even 39 yet. i'm jealous. >> carley: i am not. bottle service for your 39th birthday. joe, happy birthday. have great weekend. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east coast.
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friday, february 16th. two days after valentine's day. this is "fox & friends." that wasn't in the prompter. >> ainsley: still hanging on. >> brian: i am. a hopeless romantic. how about this story? fox news alert. drama in the courtroom dash embattled fulton county d.a. fani willis making this display on the stand. >> i didn't give him money in a contract. so that was cute you lied right here. >> your honor, i'm going to object. >> no, no, no; this is the truth. >> judge? >> it is a lie. >> brian: we will bring you the latest. and believe me there is a lot as she is due back in court in just hours. >> lawrence: plus, the department of justice doubled down on the special counsel report exposing president biden's serious memory problems. in new polling shows more americans are looking for a plan b. >> ainsley: nascar season kicks off this weekend with a auto daytona 500, we are putting the pedal to the metal with go-karts on fox square.
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>> brian: is that true? >> ainsley: get a helmet. >> brian: did you put your legs in that? >> ainsley: "fox & friends" starts right now. mornings are better with friends. >> brian: believe her. straight to a fox news alert. just three hours and i can't wait. embattled fulton county distinct attorney nanny willis will get back on the stand. >> ainsley: heated day in court defending her romantic relationship. >> brian: whatever you call it. >> ainsley: with trump special prosecutor nathan wade. >> lawrence: brooke singman with details. >> i spoke exclusive whether i president trump after willis' testimony yesterday he told me, quote, it's so badly tainted the case will have to be dropped. there is no way they can have a case. the whole thing was a scam to get money for the boyfriend. fulton county d.a. fani willis combative on the stand receiving several cautionary warnings from the judge. >> you're confused. you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in
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2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> has he ever visited you at the place you laid your head. >> let's be clear because you lied. i will tell you which one you lied in, right here. i think you lied right here. >> your honor, i'm going to object. >> no, no, no. it is the truth. it is a lie. >> thank you, we are going to take five minutes. be back in five. >> >> i probably had some choice words about some things that you said that were dishonest within this motion, as you know mr. wade is a southern gentleman. me, not so much. >> carley: when asked if her relationship with prosecutor nathan wade ended prior to the indictment with trump, willis wasn't willing to give a clear answer. listen to this. >> i'm asking you whether or not prior to november 1st of 2021, there was a romantic relationship with mr. wade. that's very simple. it's either a yes or a no. >> i don't consider my relationship with him to be romantic before that i'm not a hand holder from at least 202020
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mr. wade and i were friend. we were friends. we hung out. in november of 2021 i hired him. i do not consider our relationship to have become romantic until early of 2022. >> the romantic relationship ended before the indictment was returned, yes or no? >> to a man, yes. >> carley: d.a. willis is expected back in court at 9:00 a.m. eastern time and fox news will be bringing that to you live. guys? >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> ainsley: how do we react to this? thank you, brooke. >> brian: oh yeah, can i thank brooke? thanks, brooke. talk to you later. >> ainsley: congratulations on getting the interview with trump. >> brian: absolutely. i has a lot more court cases. he will be back here. the first thing that comes to mind who wasn't seen there? and that is did she have a relationship with him prior and through the indictment? and did he get all of that big contract because of that relationship because if you look
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at the resume he does not belong in this position. he does accidents and he does divorces. and he ends up getting the lead case to take the president. i just go back to her friend, who she doesn't really considers friends anymore. >> ainsley: not a friend anymore. >> brian: she said they had a romantic relationship staying in her condo sublet she was doing her a favor. fani had a relationship in 2019. how do you know? hugging and kissing. if it starts in 2019, someone is lying. and why would the friend, who is never going to lose her glasses by the way. she made sure of that. even if it's that moped gang. >> ainsley: they are pretty. >> brian: they were but it's a huge chain. she will never lose those glasses. what about the fact she said she wasn't watching the case in the back room? clearly watching the case in the back room. >> lawrence: she comes in the courtroom out of control. out of control. first of all, she has her subordinate that is at the table that is conducting the case right now, and the subordinate
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was caught off guard by it. and the judge, she asked the judge can she approach i. >> brian: talking about nathan wade? lawrence lawrence the assistant district attorney was there conducting the case. in charge of the case. the d.a. can take any cases she wants. she runs the office. the subordinate sees her we have the motion. we were trying to get rid of this and you come out of nowhere. so the judge -- judge is surprised. he goes okay, are you giving her permission? i mean, this is your -- the judge is in a difficult position? >> ainsley: it was just very entertaining. even her disposition just sitting back in her chair, just coming in confident with her case, and it was just some of the things that she said about her personal life, we know a lot about her now. like she doesn't like wine. she really likes grey goose but they went on that nap that trip and spent a lot of money and wine pairings can chocolate and cav larr. >> brian: sacrifice of the relationship he likes wine and she likes vodka. >> ainsley: she said she paid
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him back with cash. >> brian: she has a lot of cash. >> ainsley: where is the cash? did you deposit in your checking account? where are the deposit slips? >> he said i don't have any. i never deposited that cash. i guess he just spent it. she talks about how her dad always told her to have six months of cash on hand in her house but don't tell him now i don't have that cash. so she apparently had cash in her house, and she paid him back? that's her claim? here is more sound from the courtroom yesterday if you were working and you missed it. >> that was cute but i didn't give him money in a contract. what happened -- no, we're going to answer it since you said it. he worked. he worked more hours than he was paid. and the county paid him for the work that he did. so, don't be cute with me and think that you are not going to get an answer. i don't need anybody to foot my bills. the only man who has ever foot my bills completely is my daddy. >> i probably had some choice words about some of the things that you said that were dishonest within this motion so i don't know that it was a
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conversation as you know mr. wade is a southern gentleman. me, not so much. >> i think we have. >> i very much want to be here so i'm not not a hostile witness. i very much want to be here. >> not so much you are hostile you are adverse member ms. merchant's. >> ms. merchant's are contrary to democracy, your honor, not to mine. >> brian: takes a lot, doesn't he, lawrence? he is a nice guy, but you can't take that take control. >> lawrence: he seems like a calm guy in general. i have been watching his demeanor through the entire hearing. but, brian, when you have a witness that's not answering direct questions, that go on these diatribes, who the moment she got in the courtroom she was giving orders. can i get three of these documents? i'm like who the hell is the judge here? are you the judge or the judge is the judge? >> ainsley: she is the d.a. i don't know what their relationship is like. >> brian: i feel bad because she wanted water and nathan wade drank it all. unfortunately they used the
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water limited by noon. >> lawrence: he was sweating a lot. >> brian: i was sweating watching him. i had a gallon of water. >> ainsley: it was a legal gas disaster. many are questioning her credibility now. robert hur releases this report talking about joe biden. he is not going to charge him. however, he talked a lot about his memory. couldn't remember dates and all of that the white house was upset about it and wrote a letter to the doj and then the doj responded. and this is what it said. lawrence, do you want to read it? >> lawrence: this is what it said. identified language neither i can't do you tus or unduly prejudicial. it's not offered to criticize or demean the president. the special counsel regulation specifically requires the special counsel to prepare a report for the attorney general. that explains the special counsel prosecution. and the declination decision. the identified language in the report does just that. so, this is such a good point right here. the biden administration's point of view is that the reasoning for the special counsel, talking about the president not being fit to go to trial what's the
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problem here? he is saying, look, it requires me to present some type of report to tell you why didn't do it. the only reason why i decided not to bring this to the jury and a judge is because he wouldn't be fit to stand trial, brian. >> brian: i read -- you would be proud of me, lawrence. i know you love reading. it took me two and a half days because i actually read the whole thing. redone did it and take notes on it. >> ainsley: what is your take away? >> brian: take away taking documents since he shouldn't since 1977. he has documents from west germany and documents from tito west germany. i had to go back to social studies class the last time i said tito. >> ainsley: at the bar i will take some tito. >> brian: right away what ainsley thinks about because it's friday. considers himself historic figure in the penn center 44 -- just in the penn center he had 44 pages of classified documents. i mean, and with the way he kept it, is embarrassing to the
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country and to him where he kept it, what he had in it. the fact that his lawyers walked into the garage -- his lawyers, walked into the garage was so overwhelmed by all the classified documents and they left and they said i'm just calling the fbi. so this is all his people. his doj, his lawyers turned it in. going through his apartments, his decisions, and there was some boxes unpacked and some went into and reading classified information to his ghost writer who deleted the conversations but, thankfully through the investigation got most of them back. so this guy, instead of being -- saying this is a political hack job, it's your doj, it's your merrick garland, robert hur was chosen in maryland and selected and recommended by two democratic senators to president trump at the time. now you are going to get what you want. robert hur is going to come front and center. and we are going to hear both sides ask questions. the problem is he is going to have the facts in front of him.
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this is very detailed. there is not a lot of opinion in my opinion in this thing. >> ainsley: robert hur is going in front of house judiciary few weeks march 12th. we will be covering that america is saying they think joe biden is likely to be replaced, the majority of them or i should say about 50% if you look at these numbers, this is a monmouth poll says 20% say it's very likely he is going to be replaced and then 28% somewhat likely. that's 48%, about half of the country. not likely 23%. and not at all likely 27%. >> lawrence: just to put a bow on it. the problem that the president is going to have is he had this press conference where he talked ostensibly about going after the former president about classified documents. he said how can he do such a thing? how can he be so crazy in the report, as you read, brian, doesn't say he didn't commit a crime. it says that they just can't prosecute him anymore. that a jury wouldn't see it as reasonable, they wouldn't prosecute because he is elderly man. he did commit a crime. >> brian: and he did it knowingly. all this -- is he obsessed with afghanistan.
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>> ainsley: did you read in the report then he said it was inappropriate for donald trump to do it. >> brian: let me ask you something in your life you catch someone lying look at the tone. he said i had nothing to do with my son's business dealings. we know that's a flat out lie. we know he knew nothing about it flat out lie. looked into a camera how could anyone leave the white house with these documents. i can't imagine what you are thinking knowing he has 40 years of classified documents strewn throughout his house, his garage, so what else is he lying about? and no matter what people think, barring a fall or a huge gafar, he is the nominee. i don't think anything is stopping him. >> lawrence: i agree. >> ainsley: i'm starting to believe that too now. let's get to more headlines starting with. this still no charges filed after the deadly shooting at that super bowl celebration for the kansas city chiefs on wednesday. officers did take three juveniles into custody. one has been released. political science say the gunfire was sparked by a personal dispute. fans did tackle a person that
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they believed opened fire on the crowd. a couple who helped with that takedown joined us yesterday. >> i hear somebody, you know, yelling, "get him." i looked to my left. i see a flash. i tackle that individual. this other gentleman also aids me in that. i jumped -- probably from a lack of good sense. >> brian: as bad as it was, guys, do you realize trey, how many lives you probably saved? >> let's hope so. >> ainsley: the brother of the beloved d.j. who was killed in the shooting said says the mother of two never made it to the hospital. he said she died on the street. there were reports that she died on the operating table. he says that wasn't true. more than 20 other people were injured, including 11 children. last night a vigil was held to the life. taylor swift has donated $100,000 to her family.
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so nice. a first of all police officer is in stable condition after getting hit by a car he was trying to stop. the driver who ran into him was shot and killed by that officer who was acting in self-defense. witnesses report seeing the driver back in the patrol car waiting until the officer got out to ram into him. pinning him against the wall. five of the migrants arrested in connection with the attack on the nypd officers on times square are expected appear in court today. jail records show burrito has been released on an unspecified bail amount. he, who was the only suspect locked up, he was the only suspect locked up. a total of 8 migrants arrested in connection with that attack. special counsel david weiss bringing charges against a former fbi informant accused of lying about president biden and hits son hunter taking $5 million each in bribes from ukrainian energy company burisma while joe was still vice president. alexander smirnoff appeared in
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federal court yesterday after being arrested at harry reid international airport in las vegas. he faces up to 25 years in jail if convicted. now, to nascar, the rock is set to be grand marshal at the daytona 500 down in florida on sunday. we are going to be getting into the racing spirit later this hour. >> brian: that is our ride, go-karts? >> ainsley: forget nascar, we have go-karts. [laughter] >> ainsley: when a go-cart track takes over our fox square. as for the professionals, you want to see the real professionals, tune in to fox this sunday afternoon to find out who takes the great american race this year. start time for that is 2:30 eastern time. but, little doubt, i was listening to janice earlier, there is stormy weather that is moving. in janice dean is here now for our fox weather forecast. you think they should cancel it now? >> janice: there is no doubt when you look at the radar. >> brian: did you see joey logano's face when you said that yesterday. >> janice: no doubt it crushed his spirit.
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forecast models it is raining all day. heavy rain a couple of inches. it's going to be postponed. there is no question. look at auto daytona beach not bad today: saturday all sunday on and off. it's going to happen monday. no doubt in my mind. look at the future radar. this is saturday. look at sunday, relentless rain, heavy at times throughout the day, zero breaks. so that's why i'm -- i mean i feel like they should postpone it now but somebody makes more money and makes those decisions and i don't. so here's your florida day planner, not only daytona beach, orlando, tampa, miami, jacksonville, it's rain in the forecast for the weekend. next week spectacular. spectacular week in florida it's the weekend. here is the forecast today, rain along the gulf coast starting in towards the southeast. and then we have this quick clipper system that's going to bring another quick shot of snow overnight tonight into tomorrow morning for some of the big
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cities, including d.c., philly, new york, up towards boston and reinforcing shot of cold air and some lake-effect snow and then the west. that's our other big story this weekend. more heavy rain for the california area and mountain snow. so there you go. that's my update. that's my forecast, they don't pay me to make these decisions, but, if i'm going to, there is no doubt it's on monday. >> ainsley: okay. >> brian: i told the rock to stay home until monday. >> janice: the rock. all the things they have to think about hotels and pete hegseth for goodness sake. i had to tell a.j. to keep pete inside even though, brian, you mentioned that the raindrops do drop off his cheek bones. >> brian: he doesn't get wet. >> janice: i texted him that. brian kilmeade just said rain drops bounce off your cheekbone. >> brian: they did studies and that's what happened. i am just telling you what the science said. >> janice: i want proof. >> ainsley: lots of schedules will be changing if it's canceled. >> janice: it will be. >> ainsley: it will be she says.
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she is right. she is accurate. you have been traveling around the country. welcome back. >> lawrence: thank you. >> ainsley: did you a great job covering the crime monday, tuesday and wednesday. democrats are blaming republicans for this crime. >> lawrence: it's a shame what kjp had to say that republicans are responsible for this. here is the press secretary. >> there are 274 homicides here in the district of columbia in 2023. that's the highest murder rates in more than two decades, since 1997. this is the president's home at least a few days a week. what can you do, personally, about reducing the level of crime that we're seeing here in the nation's capital? >> so let me just be very clear all violent crime, not just here, all violent crime anywhere is completely unacceptable. congressional republicans they don't seem to feel that way. and i say this because the president has taken action from the first piece of legislation that he signed into law, american rescue plan only democrats voted for that republicans didn't vote for that
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there was billions of dollars in that plan to deal with crime. to make sure there were more law enforcement in communities, to make sure that communities are able to keep -- to keep families and americans safe. >> brian: that should is have a laugh track with it, number one. number two is that rescue package had some money for cops but it didn't take the years of defund the police, the ones still out there. number two is the democrats have put these a.g.s that have allowed these d.a.s that have allowed crime run rampant and refuse to release it. the latest fani willis seen what is happening here. we know what happened with the one that got felony out over in san francisco and the one that should have been tossed in los angeles. we see it in st. louis as well. beginning with the ferguson investigation. nobody watching this believes that republicans are soft on crime. you cannot stheal to anybody. it's the democratic put the criminal first attitude that has forced cops to resign and has forced the prisons to empty and the streets to be unsafer.
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>> lawrence: it's clear as you said they wanted to defund the police. >> it's the d.a.s, it's the ags and liberal funded d.a.s allowed our streets to be taken over. don't take my word for it. these are the people i spoke with this entire week. watch. >> most of the criminals here, the way our bail system is set up it's a revolving door. oftentimes it's juveniles who are being recruited by gangs knowing that they can tell the youth, look, even if you get busted you are out three days later and we will make it worth your while. >> i feel it needs to be stricter laws. >> lawrence: um-huh. >> starting with the juveniles. because a lot of times they're out here doing crimes, killing, stealing, and it's like a slap on the wrist. >> it just seems like politicians they go back and forth. whether it's democrat, whether it's republican or someone that
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doesn't want to oea line and they call themselves an independent. it just all seems like a game. it doesn't seem like they are really serious about making a difference. >> ainsley: that's what donald trump said coming out of the courtroom. they are trying to tie me up so i can't be out there campaigning. while are they focused on me. look at the streets of new york city. look at d.c. that's where the president lives. last year highest murder rate in 30 years. 257 homicides in 2023. >> lawrence: large request point fani willis currently concerned about the president. alvin bragg, letitia james. all these d.a.s that have local issues with violent crime. and you never see them appear for those. but you see them definitely in the courtroom to go after donald trump. remember, that when it's election time. >> brian: right. and remember who let these guys out originally. after they had that beat down on saturday night, two saturday nights ago. all these illegal immigrants let out and now try to round them up
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when they got so embarrassed. remember to dvr the show. miss it on friday night, saturday night especially instead of going out or watching matlock, watch us or watch us back. >> lawrence: matlock? >> brian: still hot, still very hot. is he a coroner? no that's quincy. >> ainsley: reminds me of my grandparent's house. okay. it is 6:22 on the east coast. coming up, president biden finally visiting the site of east palestine toxic train derailment today only 8 months until the election. is that a coincidence? get a live report from peter doocy. >> brian: americans are spending over $1,000 a month on groceries. stuart varney will be here. >> lawrence: huge moment in women's sports that's next. oh, swish. >> go for history. >> there it is! [cheers and applause] >> the all time leading scorer in women's college basketball.
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expected to issue a written decision posted on the state's electric filing website. the state attorney general is seeking $370 million and a ban on trump and other defendants for doing business in new york. and to college hoops. iowa star kaitlin clark breaks the all-time scoring record for women's college basketball after sinking a 3 pointer from way downtown. >> go for history. there it is! [cheers and applause] >> the all-time leading scorer in women's college basketball. >> clark scoring a career high 49 point she now has 3965 point surpassing kelsey plumb's record of 3527 points. >> lawrence: she is just too
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smooth. >> carley: i haven't scored 3,000 points in anything i have done my whole life. she has. >> lawrence: maybe we could combine our scores together and get to her level. >> carley: i think we could. you pull the weight for that one my friend for sure. >> lawrence: president biden is set to visit east palestine, ohio later today. his visit comes more than one year after the nor folk southern train derailed spilling toxic chemicals and sparking a massive fire. peter doocy live at the white house with the latest on that, hey, peter. >> peter: after all this time the schedule pretty quick. puts him on the ground for about four hours. and we are told that it is going to be split. there's going to be a briefing about how the administration says they are helping east palestine recover and then remarks how they are holding norfolk southern the train company accountable. donald trump has some thoughts on this. he posted to truth social. biden should have gone there a long time ago. for him to go now is an insult
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to those who live and work in east palestine and the great state of ohio itself. there is an editorial in the morning journal news out of nearby lisbon, ohio this morning. the headline is here's honing visit by biden isn't just for show and the paper is hoping that president biden does more than just wag a finger at norfolk southern. this is a quote from the paper. a showy drive-thru with a little more than a couple handshakes and a big assurance to keep an eye on the situation will be simply unacceptable. >> i can say this that the president has no concerns with drinking -- drinking the water in east palestine. the epa is confident that the drinking water is safe. >> peter: if that's what the president thinks, then maybe his concern this whole time was with the air or with the soil. we have heard for months, for most of a year that president biden was going to go when the time is right. it's unclear why now is the right time. he will wake up here at the
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white house and leave around 1:30. lawrence? >> lawrence: why now is the big question. let's ask our next guest. thanks, peter. next guest says this election year is the only reason why president trump is making the trip. d.j. yokley joins us now lifelong resident. d.j., why did the delay from the president? it seems like an easy win to come and stand with the people when you guys were the victim. >> yeah. that's a great question. thanks for having me first off. >> lawrence: you got it. >> we have no idea to be honest with you. 54 weeks ago our lives changed forever. it's a story that has been cat that putted obviously in the national headlines. should have been the first thing on the leader of the free world's desk. and 54 weeks later is he going to come and show accountability, which is really interesting to us because leaders lead and they don't follow, necessarily, 54 weeks later and tell you what should have been done over a
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year ago. and i think that's all we are going to see today from a president is this should have been done, that should have been done. thanks for your support and we will see you in november. >> lawrence: so, d.j., i attended the area, the first week it happened. i could barely breathe. i struggled to breathe. i'm just curious. what's life like there now? can you guys breathe more? is there still some of that waste in the area? >> well, it's just like anything else. you get used to things. and they just kind of go away because, you know, the people of east palestine had to move on in one facet or another with their lives. go back to work. days later. some people had to move from this community that they lived n their entire lives and they have built homes, married and come back to here. it's been so frustrating to not have answers. and that's kind of what we are hoping for at this point is we just get answers to so we can
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make educated decisions at some point on the future not of of not only our village but the families and our jobs. >> lawrence: i hope this is not a photo op. and he plans on bringing some type of solutions to you folks down there. d.j., thanks for joining the program this morning. >> thanks for having me. god bless you. >> lawrence: you got it, brother. god bless you too. a new report shows illegal immigrant is accused of killing 10-year-old boy in a hit and run. and a fox news alert this morning embattled d.a. fani willis takes the stand again after yesterday's heated back and forth. >> i'm not on trial. no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. discover the oz. ♪ ♪ ♪ got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease.
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home from school. the suspect is being held by ice agents in texas. officers found and arrested that guy that you see in the picture the day of the crash. it happened in midland, texas. according to the county sheriff's office. he had been deported at least five times in the past. 10-year-old a.j. wise died to his injuries last friday morning after he was struck near an intersection. family describing the boy that you see there in that picture as the sweetest, coolest, if you pleasiest little boy you ever would meet. the charges against the suspect have been upgraded now to a hit and run accident causing death. brian? >> brian: all right, thank you so much, ainsley. fox news alert now. fani willis will take the stand again this morning a day after this heated testimony about her affair with trump prosecutor nathan wade. >> i'm not on trial, no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> has he ever visited you at the place you laid your head. >> let's be clear because you lied in this. let me tell you which one you lied in here. i think you lied right here. >> your honor, i'm.
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>> no, no, no, no, no. it is the truth. it is a lie. >> thank you, we are going to take five minutes. be back in five. >> brian: the drama did not end there. here she was being asked about whether her then relationship with wade ended prior to the indictment against trump. >> romantic relationship ended before the indictment was returned, yes or no no? >> to a man, yes. >> to a man, yes? to you, no? >> she has explained this. >> being a woman is over when you have that, like, hard conversation. that's -- i just think women and men think differently. >> brian: here with reaction fox news legal editor kerri kupec urbahn. kerkerri, besides the salacious details of their relationship. what is the important thing the judge is looking for. >> first of all at a minimum the judge is going to have to ensure that ms. willis does not continue to reframe the questions, attack the attorneys, and continue to behave in a hostile manner that she is.
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in fact, yesterday he had to admonish her a number of times for her behavior and said if she continued to act the way she did he would have to strike her testimony all together which of course would be devastating in this hearing. i'm going to be looking to see if she is calmer. if she is more compliant. you don't have the luxury whether you are on the stand of attacking the lawyers in the way she has been doing. that's one thing i'm looking for. i'm also interested to see if they will get back into the testimony of the friend, the good friend of hers who also worked that office at one point who said that the relationship between ms. willis and mr. wade started long before what they represented to the court. brian, the reason that would be a problem, if they lied in a court filing, i don't see how that wouldn't impact the judge's decision to disqualify her and potentially her office from the case. >> brian: she says the relationship start in 2019. obviously he gets named spriewrtd prestigious case gets hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it. on vacation trying to figure out where belize is. go wine tasting we find out all of this. >> paying for it all in cash.
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don't forget. >> brian: she would pay it back in cash. we have no withdrawal slips. you can say whatever you wanted r. they coordinated number one when they broke up a man is different than a woman. number two, paying in cash? this guy's law firm got paid and people would walk in and give him cash in a law firm. she would take cash out of her wall, out of a condo. so there's a lot of questions. i just want legally, where does this case go from here? if she is -- if they decide no credibility. she is off the case. what happens to the case? >> look, there's no question that ms. willis has acted in a lot of ways hypocritically. let's not forget that she ran a number of years ago saying that she thought it was terrible when people dated their employees. look what she has been doing with partisanship and obviously inappropriateness, with the way she has conducted herself not in this hearing yesterday but in this whole situation. that being said though, the burden is on the defense to
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produce evidence that demonstrates an actual conflict or an appearance of one. >> that's a pretty high burden. and if it comes down to a friend saying something versus ms. willis and mr. wade, it's unclear to me how the judge is going to rule here. >> brian: interesting. and then, if nothing else, they are definitely sullied as they move on with this case. >> oh, for sure. >> brian: let's talk about robert hur's report. it's been pilloried. the department of justice stood up for robert hur after him taking a series of verbal beatdowns from the white house, from the president himself. and now we find out that he is going to be testifying in a couple of weeks in front of congress think about this the doj has to send a letter to the white house defending the smun. the president put that department of justice together and said it's going to be independent now they have to defend the department of justice. >> this is a very odd situation. >> very. let me translate this doj letter to the white house. what they are saying to
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president biden is we are just as unhappy with you as you are with us. and, probably, because president biden has repeatedly violated doj white house norms by commenting on open and ongoing investigations and prosecutions into, whom, his son? himself? and his number one political opponent in the g.o.p. frontrunner donald trump. now, brian, i'm sure you remember just a few years ago when former president trump would say anything about doj, you know, all hell would break loose. i was at the justice department. i would field those calls. my phone would be blowing up all day from the press saying how could this happen? now president biden is doing that all the time and, yet, i'm not seeing a lot of stories or coverage on that, are you? >> brian: not yet. when robert hur comes out and his credibility is going to be unimpeachable. i think very few people read this report. when you read the 2308 pages. 380 pages. they sideline ronald reagan
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taking home notes. kerri, thank you so much. i prevent it. i look forward to getting your review of today's testimony. >> thanks for having me on. >> brian: we're gearing up for the daytona 500 and we have go-karts and a weather person. i forgot her name of the willing to put her life on the line to break the speed of sound on our patio. [laughter] >> brian: plus president biden's student loan bailout back. the administration trying to cancel more debt. stuart varney is here for finance friday. look at that swagger. ♪ i guess i'm going to be starur ♪ c baby, you can drive my cart ♪botox ®. ®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems,
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brian here we go and not good news. back with a fox news alert. detained russian opposition later alexi navalny is dead. called to the cell where the putin critic has been serving his prison sentence all trumped up. thoshts were unable to revive him. a cause of death is still being determined. let's bring in stuart varney now. stuart a and varney set to take over least the country and gets poisoned. he goes back to the country. gets arrested. and spent the last couple of years in prison.
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>> it just demonstrates the brutality of the putin regime. this is a brutal dictatorship where no is tolerated at all. al van any was an opponent. that's why he is in prison. you got to shut him up. now he is dead. >> ainsley: federal penitentiary supervisors says he felt unwell on friday after a walk and almost immediately lost consciousness. >> i hate to bring it up but in previous years putin has been poisoning people overseas. his opponents leave russia. they go to london, for example. and they get poisoned with uranium. you remember that. >> ainsley: yes. it was in london. >> stuart: his reach is enormous and now this guy is dead. >> brian: last time we saw him was february 16th. we probably have that video. he was just missing. everyone thought is he dead? in the penal colony. the worst type of sentence you could serve in prison. we didn't see him. out of nowhere he pops up on the 16th. he looked terrible. at which time he had trouble even standing, lawrence.
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he looked down to maybe 120 pounds. he stands about 6'3". >> lawrence: this guy no matter what was thrown at him though, he did not stop his push to make sure the world knows who putin was. and the question is, brian, as we get more information, talking to all our reporters right now is, is there going to be a legitimate investigation to figure out. >> brian: no. absolutely not. >> lawrence: figure out what happened. number two we know that's going to be a no. what will be the response from the international community on this. number three, we already know that he is saying, you know, there is intelligence reports about what russia is doing -- what is the u.s. going to say about this saturday stuart only way to shut this guy up was to kill him. that is what looks like has happened. constant protester against putin. he is outspoken and dead. >> ainsley: he served 19 years behind bars. >> stuart: that's extraordinary. >> ainsley: this state prison siberian president. >> brian: sentenced two and a half years in prison parole
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violation linked to conviction. put him in court and give him another 10 and another 10 and another 10. he would be smiling and optimistic. he knows there was a movement outside of the prison cell for him. kept alive by his family and in the hope that he would get out. and for that moment, when you watched the movement of the wagner group to take moscow, the first person i thought of if putin falls, he would be the first guy out of prison. the last legitimate candidate to run against vladimir putin in 2018 was this guy navalny getting a lot of support. >> ainsley: didn't the guy who led the wagner group he died too? >> lawrence: shot the plane out of the air. he said the russian government had no responsibility to do that. saturday stuart new world order. putin fits right in. >> brian: following the death of alexei navalny at the age of 47 years old. sadly the people living under
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these type of harsh conditions lack of nutrition with working 20 hours a day, this was almost inevitability. he was never getting out. and think about that decision to be poisoned. go to europe where he could have stayed safe. and then he comes back. almost the moment he landed they pick him up, they put him in jail. they have a fake trial. he goes back to jail. each time he goes up for parole, he gets he gets rejected and the prison he goes to gets worse to the point where he has lost almost all contact with with his family. >> ainsley: we are seeing that happening with our "wall street journal" reporter. we saw that what happen with whelan as well. they come up for a trial. they stand in that clear box. and then they say we will talk to you again in two or three months. >> lawrence: i think it goes to the point though that brian was making about him, even though he was poisoned and, you know, was beaten, goes to the point he was a proud russian as well. he wanted people to know what putin was doing to his people.
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obviously the war in ukraine is definitely going to be brought up is this the red line do you not let putin keep invading and invading. you know what his next plan after he takes ukraine is. >> stuart: surely a wake-up call to the europeans. they don't spend enough to defend themselves. that's been the complaint for a long, long time and now this in russia. >> brian: sentenced to 19 years. hasn't spent 19 years in jail. vladimir putin was asked in 2021 can you guarantee thattal have a any will get out of prison alive he says no i cannot do that his big crime was challenging vladimir putin i could sea how e looked. his hair virtually shaved off. looks emaciated. believe it or not the family was relieved. my goodness he still is alive. but just shows you the international interest in his welfare that we have not f forgotten him in the west.
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not been forgotten by the russian people. if you show outward support for him you go to jail. >> ainsley: he looks very young. very rare for someone. >> brian: 47. >> ainsley: falling down being unconscious. >> stuart: can you imagine the bravery in prison all those years. goes back to russia after what has happened to him overseas. >> he knows he faces incarceration virtually forever. and now a brave man. take your hat off to this guy. >> lawrence: big picture, i think it's important as we understand this conversation about alexi and what is hang with our intelligence community that's why it's so important for them to be apolitical they have the trust for our president to act in ways or our leaders in congress to act in certain ways. a lot of are americans, believe
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it or not it they don't have that trust anymore. >> i'm just curious as we tap our sources and our intelligence what they can tell us about what they were hearing on the ground about a potential shois ukraine has to fight. russia could take over and continue to move into other countries. makes me proud to be an american where qui sit on this curvey couch and have freedom of speech and be able to talk and not worry about being poisoned. >> brian: want to get reaction from the white house. peter doocy standing outside. this news broke minutes ago about the death of alexei navalny opposition leader brought up when leaders sat down and talked with vladimir putin. peter, has there been a statement released yet from the white house? >> peter: no. it is still early here. people are still showing up. but, this reminds me of when we were with president biden at the putin meeting in geneva, switzerland. there was a short press conference afterwards and somebody asked him whether or not he brought up navalny's
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imprisonment with putin directly and president biden's quote, which he is going to have to back up now today if he wants to follow through he said i made it clear to him that i believe the consequences of that, navalny dying in prison, would be devastating for russia. we hear a ton about russia here, most recently officials in town are concerned about what they might be planning in space take out or at least threaten satellite communication systems for the u.s. and for u.s. allies. but, we don't hear or we haven't heard a ton of navalny directly from the president. there's going to be a couple opportunities to see him today before he goes to east palestine. we don't expect that his schedule is going to change at all. but, even if it just something where is he talking over the sound of a helicopter, he will have a chance to talk about this today. and the president is overdue. he told us on, like, tuesday he
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was going to talk to us wednesday or thursday. hasn't happened. >> lawrence: curious to hear from the national security council as well as we get more development. has there been any statement from admiral kirby or dni as well as jake sullivan and national security adviser, peter? anything from them? >> no statements yet. but, it's still early. and this is the kind of thing where it is so sensitive that the national security council would be writing it and then it needs to get reviewed before it goes out. so i would expect something within the next couple hours. but this is not the kind of situation where at least this white house would be putting together a rapid response. >> brian: right. peter, thanks. i know if you get something you will pop right back. in we know. this when he wasn't back in 2020 when he was poisoned and recovered. he was evacuated to germany where they revived him. he went into a coma briefly. he decides as soon as he gets healthy to fly back and try to lead the opposition group. they find a way to jail him because of trumped up some fraud charges. and then i


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