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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 16, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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preorder love mom by dr. nicole saphier today at fox news books. >> com this is a breaking take a look at the screen reports of several fire fighters that are heardof a at the scenef a house fire. this in sterling, virginia. these picturesrginia.e pictur ag . our prayers go out to these brave men and womeo e men n, ey firefighters, these families. we pray everybody's going to be okayng . unatel all right. on this friday night. a lot of news this night, unfortunatelat's lefy, that's time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. and pleaser dv s set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever, ever. that's an episode of hannity. but fork you for makinghear the show possible. in the meantime, let not your heartbe be troubled like greg gutfeld is up next. put a smile on your facee on. they hope you have a great weekend. welcome to jesse waters primewec tonight. >> i don'tome to do my friends e
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that. so if you tell me it's a git's , then you don't get $1,000. day two in the fani willis hearing. meet fanny'sjay 2 an daddy. >> it's a black dress. okay it's . we have a corrupt judge. ruleuled against me before he even got the case. judge nudie's filthy ruling against the trump organization . >> thi s kind of leading a little too late. more citizens. we're not politics. we're people. finally,le biden visits easty b palestine. plusvisits nature boy jesse wat. >> whe-n fox news alert,k is o the judge in new york is ordering donald trump to pay over $350 million in finesfrom n and banning the former president from running a business in the state of new yorkin the for the next three y. this case wa s decided by a jud single judge judge engoron
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a strange gu, y, but not as strange as these charges. they were brough t by new yorkey gen attorney general letitia james, who campaigned on fightinger trump, not crime. >> remember, letitia james visited the biden whit, ns house three times. the woman brought a casee that according to thein the associated press, has never been brought in the history of the state h. tatute >> this statute was written was to criminalize phony salesmen, swindling folks out of their homes or fake doctors selling bogus therapies. crimes with clear victims and damages. or this case, there were no victims or damages. not a single bank or ban trump customer ever complaint. >> everyon e made money and trump paid hundreds of millions in taxes and employedpaid h thousands of people. >> letitia james said trump's penthous. e wasn't as big as he said it was and mar-a-lago wason only 18 million. and judge judy, we call him. that because he takes gym selfies. self the trumppped
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organization with a killer penalty, even though a an pub appellate court ruled that three quarters of this case had passed the statutehe sa of limitations. >> now, legal experts satey trump will easily win on appeal, but that's not the point. this is a financiat th notltion assassination attempt of a political target. the judge is also placing an observer inside the trump organization. in otherer words, a mole fore ye the next three years to blow the whistls to be if he sees any fraud or if he notices the marble floors are too shiny . now, if trump wins reelection, expect them all to declare fraud. >> letitia james, who's supposed to be a neutralto decln administrator of justice, spewed venom. >> listen. donald trump may have authored he part of the deal, but he perfected the art of the steal. ethe scale and the scope of donald trump's fraud is staggering, and so, too, is his ego. >> here's donald trump's
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reaction. >> this is russia. this>> this is china.he this is the same game all comes out of the doj. it all comes out of biden. it's a witch hunt against his political opponent. he's a radical left democrats. they're lunatics are radi. tion int and it's election interference. if i weren't running, none of this stuff woul i werd have i happened. none of these lawsuits would have ever happened. nothintsever hap g. this l diat?if i would have had a nice life. but i enjoy this life forff a different reason. t ag we're going to make america great again. tht people.should these are people that shouldn't be allowed to do the things they do. and they're using this as weaponization against a political opponent. who's up ' a lot in the polls. >> it's all headed up by biden, who's destroyingheaded up by ou so this is this is chin is rua. this is what you've been c reading about all your lives. and it's happening right here in our country. >> meanwhile, it's day two ofl t the trial of the centuryhe fani willis and loverboy. and ta was supposed to take the stand today, but she didn't show up
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because it was impossible to dig herself into a deeper hole int. >> instead, she sent her daddy, john floydthe th, the third, a r black panther. of course, we heard yesterday fannierblack paid way back in cash for the romantic trips, but had no proof. >> fannie's daddy says it's a black thing. >> did she say anything to you about having a large savings of cash? oh, no. of she. oh, no. let's see. maybe. excuse maybe excan e in. john, i'm not trying to be racist, okayokay, but it's a blk guy, okay? you know, i was training, s tr and most black folks, they hired cash, so they keep cash. and i was. no, i train. c you always keeasp some cash. dia >> did fanny's daddy knowni about the lover boy? the ne >> he said he heard about him on the news like the rest of ued . >> the last boyfriend fanny's daddy knew about was d.j.
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and deuc e. she had a boyfriend when and i first got there. and did you meet her boyfriend d ? yeah, often. okay. and can. did you know him by an you knoy specific specific nickname? yeah. deuce. he would yeaeuce do weddings ano forth and so on. he was a disc jockey play music. so, you know, all his stuff wass always in the way. >> and i was always able to tryt to push it aside and do. econd, oh, wait a second. if danny was dating dj deuce. but fanny's friend said she was dating lover boy. was, too. likeng lover boy and deuce. like everything in fulton county, it's complicated. was >> when moved out of the house her dad was living in di d her daddy know where she moved to? >> no. want >> and i didn't want to know. i intentionally did not want to know because i was not. you know, if somebody stucky a gun to my head and i couldi me tell them i wasn't going
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to tell them anyway, i mad i dip something, but i didn't want to know. >> so,, daddy doesn't know where his daughter lives in case a kidnaper puts a gun to his head and demand daughtes her whereabouts. >> said he doesn't know where his daughter lives od r who she dates. >> well, what does he know? >> cause it was even here in the united states. remember, i had lived in south africa and have traveled h the world. i knew that was coming before. . i knew cole was around before they may have announced itn in the 20. but in fact, i knew about it, and i knew what was happening in 19. >>happenin so fanning's daddy kt and was coming before fauci and didn'tha warn us that daddy later daddy pulled a magnifying glass out to look ? at documents. like it was sherlock holmes. it was quite the performance.te and daddy had a lot in common.o both actorrmances both insist cs
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a black thing. but isn't that the point? i dot >> i don't. do my friends like that. so imy frien f you tell me it's a g, then you won't get $1,000 if it whatever it is. i dii didn't ever make him prod. receipts to me for his 50th birthday. i consider that i took him to believe. and i took him to believe because, you know, i don't want to discuss his personal business, but i'hi bm happy mr. white is still here with us. and i did 50 very big. that 4000 is part of your my wordsr, cash hoard that you had collected over time. cash what h or d? i thought you said something different. so now i'm afraid i wouldn't saerent. afry that.ces to any circumstances to you or in that contract. >> so for cash. for debt. now, logical american saw brag about eating caviar, lying about her boyfriend, playing the race card, yelling at the judge, and thinks the women nds thatshould be disqualified.a but the media, they think fanny'nis hot. color >> this idea that women of color have to sit there and be demurve to sie ane and t
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there were people on social media who were saying, oh, she's coming in, tooe isg in hoe >> no, she wasn't. i thought she was fiery.i thoui thought she said important things. i think that she set herselfthii for a lot of criticism. but i think this is a woman who doesn't give a damn about that. they don't have a case against her. i think this is certainln't havt a political move. >> founder of outkick, clay travisa politi joins me now. >> flay you know, wasn't hot enough, jesse, the woman began her testimony yesterday by saying that being questioned and about hiring her lover, paying him $650,000 in taxpayer money was a attack on democracy. >> now, look, i'm noocracyt an l in all aspects of democratic government democra, but i don'tk back in the day, benjamin franklin and george washingtontn
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and the founders were sitting around in philadelphia like, you know what? we better be careful because 250 years from now, if somebody hires their lover and gives, the them tons of money, the entire republic may collapse. everyt >> i loved everything about this testimony. jesse. my favorite parthi abo t is thi you probably have taken a woman to what nice resort she went to believe. she went to aruba. she went to the bahamas. she probably took i was talking about this on the radio, i wag suits, right., we women pick a separate bathing suit. you and me, we got one suit. wet and i ha got no idea. can you imagine as you sit there sipping your maiyour tai a your fruity drink with the umbrella in it? ca n you imagine turning intop an the lovely lady that you're with on that trip and saying, hed sa,y, babe, i'm going to ned you to give me two grand in cash when we get back to thet room to cover your. >> now you're sitting there like l this is the best moneyfe i've ever spent in my life. i got a woman with me on the beach, hanging out by the pool, having a new
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cocktail. girls. everything she said is crazy. i loavorite part, jesse,orit i t the atlanta braves going down dod watching the games with my friends, with my kids. >> she said that they nathan wade said that they left it.ef lana drove the tennessee. ch ant she had lunch and turned aroundd and drove back and d nobody even asked about that. i've done that drive a ton. x >> that's like 6 hours to go eat lunch in tennessee. i want to know what was really going on. that must have been the greatest lunch of all time. well time., that was when they might have gone to a cabin. remember? >> have you ever taken sadie to a cabin? some cabincabin?s. he sounded like ron burgundy when he said that. i've written lots of cabins. i'm a regular cabin renter. i mean, this. i couldn'tr cabin ranc. you can't make up the linesed that were getting dropped. boom t, boom, boom. >> it was hard to even keep track. what happens with this moody ruling we call moody? >> he takes naked jithis nudm bm selfies.
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we now have a financial assassinatioken attemptd gy on the leading republican candidate. he's beating joe biden and they're trying to bankruptr the guy with financial shenanigans with cases that have never been brought in the history of the state. >> how is this istory o being allowed? >> no, you're right. look, i actually think that this is an incredible week for trump because it confirms everything that he's been saying. fani willis and nathan wade are going to be ofying.f the ca in atlanta. this is me. as a lawyer. there'wyer, ths a 0% chance thaa with a functional brain can say that whanyone t they are involvd in is permissible. the atlanta case is dead and done case is and buried on n plus million. what, jesse, i thought you nailed it in your open. this is what i said aropen, thi the goal here is to try to maket trump put forward. now, what is it, $430 million in cash. >> even super rich people do nor richt have those kind of as. they're trying to bankrupt him. they're trying to embarras bansl him. these will both, in my opinion, be overturned on appea
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ar it is why and i tweeted this, jesse, i know you're in new york right nowt now, i. tens i live in the great state of tennessee. i'm talking to you from the great stat youe of florida. i will never live in a blue state for the rest of my f life. i will never, never found or incorporate or be involved nor in owning any company in new york. because here's the truth. if crk trump had lived in florir his entire life, hie e. jean carroll suitida doesn't happen. the alvin bragg felony charges don't happen. and this judge judy, $350 million plus via letitia james doesn't happen. he's being prosecuted, railroaded and attacked because he has the gall, the audacityitn and the temerity to be a republican running fro tm new york and a republican running from new york who is about to kick joe biden's and send joe back to rehoboth beach, if not to his own jailsfi . but the entire new york media establishments dyings ow for tha cases to be brought. you had stephen colbert, who's supposed to do a late nightwatc comedy show. he looked like he was about to cry. watch this.
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>> i know. i know how numb we've become, but it's not normal. >> no other candidates for the presidency has ever had to pause his campaign to defend himself in multiple courtshis c and i would like to point outl that in all seven of his casesst no one, no one doubts that he did these thingsthes. we're just sitting around patiently waiting to find out if the wheels of justice will grind fast enough for there to be any consequences. and the media is covering it like it's any other sto political story. >> like it's all horse racry,e. i mean, you turn on the tv,watc you want to watch someone like johnny carson and it's liz warren screaming at you. >> wait, you close to the lens? >> look, i am going to say i am someone, stephen colbert and ive believe donald trump legitimately as a lawyer dot of all seven of those cases that you just laid cot, either not culpablee laid m a civil context or innocent on a guilty or innocenn ascentt. and, jesse, you and i are. around the same age. i've obviouslyi obviou got a war
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jacket on than you do tonight because my friend barbara sold thisbarbara said yo to me and o you're going to look better than jesse again. so thanks to her. but you and i are similar to jesse. >> similar we which is it improved watching david letterman. >> i bet. you use i bet you used to watch david letterman and you used that anybooh, my god, that guy has the coolest job that anybody could ever have. i would likee. to be somewhat like him one day. if you watch television, everybody around our age did. does anyone on the planet want to be like stephen colbert? he's destroyed late night television. he's turned it int televisio political propaganda. and worst of all, he's not remotely funny. is nojesse, you would do a betd job. i would do a better job, a begreg gutfeld is smoking his, and it's not even close. i guess i can thank him forul helping fox news make a bajillion dollars on gutfeld show by making him the king of late night. i just want to thank the woman that gave you that nic jesse: toe louis taylor jacket. congratulations. you've finally grown up clay. >> you look great. now go out to the restaurants and enjoy yourself. gre
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that's the plan. have a great weekend. keep up the good word, keep k, . >> so joe biden's rounding up the fbi informants and whistleblowers and having them arrested. straight ahead, were you worried the wedding would e be too much? >> now another destinationplmorp wedding we just got back from this is it now book. it's married. and now i've got my daughter who gets married someplace more expensive. my other daughter got my other daughter got to jamaica >> why can't they just fight back with within power? we get all our financial questions answered so we don't have to worry. >> can we get out of here? >> can we get out of here? an >> join 18 million americans and take control americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard. >> in real live conversations, empowea way toy 50%? r. what's next? >> did you know there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%? try don power wash this spray. it removes 99% of greasester. and grime in half the time. and grime in half the time. >> done power wash has
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fat and get lean absolutely free. >> that's both. 2215215. >> remember the fbi informant who said ukraine bribed fre bidens, joe and hunter 5 million a piece? biden's justice department just arrested sphem. >> special counsel david weiss, the delaware prosecutor, dea who you remember tried to cut a sweetheart deal to keep hunter out of prison, announcedi charges against alexander smirnoffnst . smirnoff is a trusted and credible informant that then fbi has had on the payroll for years. even democrats said the fbi wase credible and there's a confidential human source
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that the fbi works with whong is proven to be very credible, who reported a conversation with someone else but.t to he was too credible. the biden administration is charging the fbdible,i infort with obstruction and making a false statement. remember, he informed the fbi that there were audio recordings of joe biden and hunter shaking down a ukrainian ceo for bribesce and coincidentally, aftert who arresting the fbi informant who fingered him for bribefis, e biden says it's time to drop the impeachment inquir'sy. >> an fbi informant at thema senate impeachment inquirynt at you has been indicted for allegedly lying. your reactiolyactionn to that? >> and should the inquiry dropped? he is lyind? g and should be dropped and has just been. e- >> it's been outrageous fort from the beginningco. >> now, as long as we're arresting fbi informants for making false statement>> jess, y isn't curveball behind bars? this was the iraqi informantg tg who told the intel agencies that saddam definitely had wmdsm
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. we went to war in iraq. h then curveball confessedinefini he made up the story and walks around a free man. when are we going to arresthe christopher steele, the fbi informant who saidr steee fbi il trump colluded with russia? >> he's still a free man. so why is the biden administration arresting this fbi informant now? ang hi the fbi's had this four years ago and then republicanereds discover that it was covered up. so biden's locking up the source to discredi t it. this >> this is the second informant. biden's arrested i for blowing the whistle about his bribes. >> an israeli american citizen told the fbi about the chinese money going to the bidens in 2019, even before they had the laptop. he's been arrested biden. , th remember patrick , the spysp chief of china who lined the bidens pockets? >> he was arrested. remember devon archer, hunter's business partner? >> he's been arreste pard. >> everyon we who blows the whistle on the biden syndicate or is connecte syndid
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has been arrested. what does that telthl you? >> former fbi agent stuartan kaplan joins us now. >> stuart, what does that tell you? yowell, it's certainly not a tit for the fbi to take a victorheys lap. it's shameful. it's embarrassing and it'shal, e a time at all for the bidensta to take a victory lap. ke ary ljesse, when that 1023 fe released last year, my colleaguelelasts and i knew t that point that informant was going to bt the sacrificed. it was just a matter of time. that informing it has been on the books since 2010, 11,unti 12, up until more recently. you do notl stay on the books with the fbi unless you have anen vette vetted d and you are credible. and the fact that he had received so muche fact t money m the fbi and so many people have to sign of people f on that payr those payments, it has to be verified that he is a very productive informant. so tive inf what the fbi and ourant
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government wants to have us believeo now is we've nowow taken out the predicate. >> the predicate or the person who started the ball rolling, you know, tattling or telling on the bidens. and now we gathered all of this othe and wr information, all the money trail, all the checks, all of the payments. but yet, because we're going to discredit the guy the unleashet thd on him, let's throw it all in the garbage like it never even happened. e like let's assume wee this guy. >> we still have a treasure trove of evidence that leads his directly from hunter biden to his father. >> it's -- it's just insane. it's illogical. it really is embarrassing. at te i can't believe that the fbi has gone down this road again to unleash on this informant and take the morality out jesse of it. stewart. joe biden is a smooth operator:e . he got away with this familyhe manyng a lot of mone got hisy or many, many years. >> and everybody that gets clos.e, trump even got too close
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gets arrested. informants, business partners, whistleblowers, they're all paying a pricearall. e bide but the biden family has nevern paid a price. guy,got to hand it paia pric toe big guy. he's getting away with ietting >> he has gotten away. has gotten away with it for years and years and years. >> and that's because he has something over these other people. it's for tat. evmean, the fbi has a treasure trove of evidence. the irs haids a treasure troveth of evidence against the bidens. and what and listen, i giv e them credit. >> they took out a hit on this informant off. they have now disabled himve dis and now the publicab going to believe, well, this guy's a liar. and so now everything falls by the wayside. and by the way, jesse, you realize that they're alleging ng that that he liedr of 2 in september of 202302 about things he said in 2016. i mean, the whole thing is ridiculoue ths.
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because you have to understand the way things work in 2016, 17, 18, he was vetted. the information that he provided corroborated. that's what got the ball rolling. wit respect to the fbi and the irs. it's not like his informationg is the only thing that's out there against the bidens. therhat's a treasure trovehere of information. >> all right, stewart, that's why we have you on. you are the best, though. enjoy your weekend . >> my pleasure. have a nice weekend, jesse. icewell, joe biden went to east palestine, finally. everything we build is from the ground up. every great idea, every crazy idea, every next idea, everything. see, everything you feel when you drive it. we put everything we have into our trucks. so you get everything out of them. ram trucks are what we do.
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back to abc, which returns with an all new season tuesday, march 5th on fox by just this morning drive in the same sanders winter blues sale is now on for a limited time. visit sanders .com or call year0- sanders. >> it's been over a year since a toxic train wrecked east palestinos while prime time talk to a lot of residents who all told us th lote same. >> someone needs to come here and help us out asap. >> i would encourage people to come here and see what we're dir
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doing and it's it's disastrous. we smell it. we can taste it. it's in our house is horrible. >> we get smells all the time. they'll just pop up. eally and then sometimes they're really toxic smelling chemicaltoc smelli smelling.roue sometimes it's the burn smell. behi is ground zero. right behind. this is where i live. the town was in trouble. creeks were bubbling, turning cr the colors of rainbows. people were getting sick, getting rashes . e the white house told america east palestine was top of mind for the presidentheu and that he'd get there immediatelldy. long w >> over the long weekendee that he had the occasion to goha to easve anyt palestine. i just haven't been able to break the realm. it was on february 3rd., president biden has not hapresdd break since february 3rd. >> the president will go? to east palestinpaleste. w >> he promised that he would and he will. >> jr went by and nothing happened. but don't you worry, there biden finally visited and there
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were some hurt feelings. the message that's the message to biden right there. >> letlike, how can they turn ad eye when our kids are still having an unexplained nosebleeds, when they're starting to have thizures, when we have ts aro tk kids into beds in homes that haven't been tested? >> we're citizens. >> we're not politics. we're people. usually american presidents arrive instantly as part of th:e healing and support process. but not only was biden arocess,, late when he finally showed up, he could barely deliver. >> i want to thank the folks, these palestinian ones, and understandare no that we'rer going home no matter what to this job is done wha . and i want to continue to hold norfolk southern accountable to make sure they make their community whole now known in the future what they do noto
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make from what they cannot make or what is in the government>> will make home jes. >> now, has the white house pushed congress to clean up norfolk southern, the company who train wreck the town? no, the railroad ups legislation has died in congress, while at the same time norfolkn congs southern has spent 2 million bucks on lobbying. maybn bue we just say the railrs are racist. >> mayor pete will come fix itam . >> amy and kevin dettmer. well, residents of east palestinann de e, until they were forced to move. >> they join us now. so are not there right now. when do you plan on returning? no, never. why not? no, because i don't believedy anybody says. in righ tell us about your home. what state is it in right now? oh, you can't even go inr 10 min our home for five or 10 minutes. i start burning. >> your throat, starts getting scratchy.
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>> well, they said everythingch was being taken care of.ater, th people were drinking the water. the president's there. presidthe of congratulating themselves. >> you're saying that's not truethat's not? no, that's not true. >> no. is there anything i needck or ta to bring you guys back or take care of the house and the land ? >> no, no, we're. we're stuck in limbo right now. we're still paying taxes on our. house. yeah, it's.m. >> it's just been a sham, and we still have to pay our rent to lives. >> jhouse. >> amy, take us through from the very beginning. had what happened? they had the train accident. everything was accidenng was de >> you're now a year later, still not moved back in. >> what's that story like?
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it's. it's horrific. all of our items are that were special to us, were all stuck in our house.t go and we can't go back becausek it's filled with toxins. and so we've had to leavee all all of our special items in a is house full of toxins i. and we can't go back to the house. i'm so sorry.e ho e.what would you say to the president right now? please, please, please help us. we are. we're just we're those people. we're not politicians. and we need helpiticians to get, >> kevin, what would you like do see the president d wyou lik i would like this to berized categorized as a disaster because it wasas
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a disaster. when i went down the stepsw, ana and i looked out the window and all i saw was this whole giant, this huge inferno and it was spreading and it was getting higher. to it was probably close to 50 i foot in the air and it started catching trees on fire. and re and ii didn't know how ft was going to go. and i knew it was a hot and i knew that there could be embers and in the air. and if those were to come down ,it could have been a domino effect as far as the president.r i certainly disagree that it took him a year to come to hisnr palestine and for everything that the government has done for ukrain fore and everybody ee but nothing for the resident, s
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of east palestine, nothing as far as the government is concerned. concerneo sorry. s >> amy, i'm so sorry. my heart goes out to you guys. guys.we're pulling for you.llye we really hope things get better. and tht bettere president gets o gear, and congress does, too, and holds norfolk southern accountable. we'll continue to stay be in t on the story and we'll be in touch with you guys, too,much as well. >> thank you guys very much. than tk you.>> all right. thank you. >> more prime time ahead. >> beautiful and healthy looking and it shouldn't be a compromise. new love island nation three nonirritating products developed by the experts at fashion line exclusively for the sensitive area to cleanse, nourish and brighten. clinically proven and formulated with clean ingredients and are unique eye bright botanical complex left eye illumination.
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now say 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart plus free home delivery when you at any base and presidents day oh me it's sleep number election days less than nine months awayon day in 2020 70% of people either i voted by mail or before election day. >> there might not be lockdowns, this time, but mail in votingngl will still be a huge factor. eight states are mail in ballots to every registered voteling r on the rolls, even ife. they didn't ask for one. it's a harvester s dream. oating >> ballots will be floating around the street. aththe floors, the garbage, the the mailboxes. wand is in craig's will beg rummaging everywhere and intimidating you if you don't hand it overeverywimi
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the voter rolls are a mess to giannis grandma and great grandma should not be getting ballots in the mail sadly they died years ago in michigan a conservative group is suing the state claiming t there's 26,000 dead people on the voter rolls. ailed >> michigan mailed everyev registered voter a ballot applicatio n in 2020. ove that's over 7 million people. the secretary of state tried to get the case thrown out by judge denied them. we'll keepout, a you updated.mih >> but is michigan going to beig sending ballots to dead people? meanwhile, wanda, the stuffer stillel walking the streets in bridgeport and craig, who between stuffing ballotsmoon moonlighting for the fbi is outi in his lilac city. johnny just talked to him. >> but you know that's not right. what's not right regarding elections and do you think argue using frau ed you want ballot people say you had no comment. if you getreciate
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up and move away from me, get out of my face. ter th >> se o i have to lay one of jee these down. prime time: time is going to keu covering voter fraud and sloppy elections until every real stuff vote is counted and every staffers behind bars. if you eveerbehindr tip, text uh tag fraud, nail ins are here to stay. it's written in the law. democrats have embraced ittay,. they'll abuse it. to win, republicans need to fight fire withit fire legally. . >> of course, the only way the sn is beating democrat at their mailing game. once you're in power, secure the elections. no more drop boxes, no more mass mail outs and cameras at every single vote counting statio n for years, joe biden's fanci fancy themself as the ric flair of washingtoedn. t >> he love to talk. the talk or pok.p was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of ba d boys and shows up on the board. one list match. hey, esther,you may cut me you i rock them up and drag you off. you may cut me, man, but i'ms
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going to wrap this chain around. your head. and no. . i didn't want to checky push u e last thing together, man. let's do this. do, we're in high gym school. >> i take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. but recently he's finding it he hell t harder to walk the walk. here he is strolling over to marinhem. bmarinee one this l >> not really sure what he'sly s doing theruroinge. it's a new move. apparently, he usually does the fake littly hee jog thing that make it look like he's hustling. bu we're not sure. but his own department of justice says he's an old man with a bad memor y. memory and today he froze behind the podium in an address meant to tea.e podiumr into trump and. >> listen. to encourage russia to, quote, do whatever the hell they want . welli guess , i guess i should m mind here, little britain, and say mindwhat i'my what i'm y thinking. >> so we need some coaching to e
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and we think we know just the guy to help him get his mojolp back. oh, oh, in a week it looksd pr tired. >> and the nature boiny himselg ric flair, joins us now. all right, nature boy, they're saying. joe biden needs to show he has what it takes if he wants to win reelection. >> any advice? nore, but electii totally agree. we need someone strong that arem just say, hey, kiss my . >> i run the united states ande we and we stand tall. >> are you announcingannoun that you'rcie running for president right now? what? no, but i should have run for to governor in 2001. but you're too old, man.
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too many skeletons in the closetletons i. >> i can't imagine that. >> oh, god. yeah, but i ran for president. now i make trump look like a baby. that's hard to do. >> oh, boy. but, i mean, i've got. i'm.5 w i'll be 75 next week, and i'veee got adam world. i've got ric flair drip, which is just doing phenomenally going new energy will be that ik ententially the largest selling energy drink in the nexter two years. i'm just blessed today and then my friends like bo that i work with and i stay out of the. politics. but you really you reall y can't go anywhere. >> mine has always been i'm noth going to discussays been politii womecsn that in a bar and i mean
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i'll tali k sports, but i'm not going to get into an argument. politics or religion. women i'm sorry you're not with it. oh, i love talking about women. . how do you deal with the hatersr ? i ignore them. when i was actively wrestling, i thought, boy, i don't want to, you know, you know, in the better you are, the more haters you're going to haveare . ric flair, the nature boy, great having you on. jesse is prime time, my man.tury >> jesse watters, you are the man. e ma you are the liberty ride p and private jet flying kidrivat yourhen will be the son of a gun that i'm sure every day of your life. you have a hard time. whoa, hold the values down. >> rolex world.file ring token staten island natives boy jesse watters. >> when woo to you too.
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i'm going. i did know. all right. two horn dogs. >> these ones. how good was the ? >> good enough to lose how g democracy over because i'vese dm never had that good. >>ocve never have ever had aga? >> yeah. just about an hour ago. j here's the category up, which of you co-hosted compared to pizza on valentine's day? >>of you c joy behar or whoopi? go. enjoy to enjoy. go and whoopi. but what are you going to do? i'm going to go, joy, because she always makes comments that we talk about. okay. both joy, let's see if you're with that person. >> you like having with them enough that even mediocre is still prettyith. y go >> you know, pizza that's what we're together. >> we are. that scenehat scen in our favorn movie, the other one, the new terms of endearment. when they goe newher off the clf and they're holding hands. that's right. okay. okay.
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they both die that we're not together. >> i, i think. >> which squad member spilled the beans and said we needled t our base. >> we need immigrant voterbeans was it omar or jayapal? i'm going to go ahead, jayapal. me, too. am i saying that correctly? sure. all right. what are you gonna do? so w let you watch it.e >> we need our base, neednd we immigrant voters, and we need an inclusive messageneinclusiv w down to the wire. ladies and gentlemen, making that. >> oh, goodness. our liberal friends. which republican icon once wblii said, quote, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignoraney are it. it's that they know so muchisn' that isn't so. was ronald reagan or george h.w. bush. i'm going i'm going with the gipper. yeah. same. double gipper. double gippeerr. with >> the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorantr lis is not. >> it's just that they know so much that isn't so. all right, we're to have to take it to the tie breaker again. this is not who's over this is s
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under. it's who's closest to the correct $1. >> fani willis testified yesterday that she always has cash on her. and if you ever go on a date with a man youe wi, you have toe this much money in your pocket in case he acts up. >> in case how money did fanniey you have to have? >> do we say it at thetime same time or something? you can go first. three. one,?>> jesn go fir two, $300. kennedy with me too. i >> you're the best. i would want lose to you every day. >> oh, i love you so much. yeah. so kennedy got a hat, and apparently an hour ago, the best she's ever had. >> thank you. thanks for saving democracy. i'm the real winner. >> here we go. >> the last time was not the best you've ever had, but it's close. pre-ordering my book. had, preordeget it together. >> available. now you go to amazon, you click the book, comes to your house,na right when the thing comes out, you don't have tveo wait to tex.
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saltdam from salt lake city, utah are you going on a book tour? >> i will be in new jersey. i will be in californii willa ae will be in florida. if you want me that badly, text ,maybe i'll go there. >> lewis from paramus, new jersey. fanny'e.s father just found outn that has deuce boyfriends. my feeling is double dip in. oh, dj deuce. rack i wonder if he's going to spin a track about it. ralph from connecticut. i wonder who takes more vacation days, oe var joe biden. i mean, is taking a lotdaysbu of days, but prosecuting trump is hard. >> it's exhausting. chuck from florida. even jimmy went to three mile island and it was still hot. way to go, jimmy. john from california. .jesse, can you give us a woo woo woo! >> oh, wow. for >> that's all for tonight. t oni'm watters. >> this is m


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