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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 17, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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preorder love mom by dr. nicole saphier today at fox news books .com. se this is a breaking. take all of your screen reports of several firefighters that are heardt at the scene on a house fire this in sterling, virginia. these picturesrginia. are devastating. our prayers go out to thesed brave men and women firefighters, families, and we pray everybody's going to be okayoing all right on this fria night. a lot of news this night. unfortunatelll we havey, all th have left this evening. thank you for being with us. and pleaseplease srs set your do you never, ever, ever, ever, everr miss that's an episode of hannity. but and thank you for making man show possible. in the meantime, let nott your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is up next. we. a smile on your face they hope you have a great weekend. never
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they. they never get old. frida it never gets old.y,know it's friday. >> so you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guest. he was once the gerber baby infh 2018. posted the guy bensoe guy ben sy benson. has he's cute as a button and has a love for button. joseph kennedy saves the world podcast. kennedf edy savey i actually min he presents me. former nypd inspector and fox news paul mauro endedchool high school. she was voted leasshe t likely to eat. "new york times" bestselling new t sellinrers an contributo catherine. d ause] all right, before we geo
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some new stories, let's do this . greg's leftovers. yeah, it's the leftovers wheredi i read the jokesdn't within newr this week. and as always, it's my first time reading them, so theye rea we'll tie joe machi to a tree and let children beat his body like a pinat a. all right. president biden joined kick tala k this week even thouh he just signed a law banninges. the app on government devices. in his defense, thought he was outlawing breath mints. it's so stupid. it's so stupid. >> yeah, i'll take it. o abou a connecticut woman claims she was lied to about her dnar half and ended up dating her half brother in high school. y don't knock it til you try it, said one woman.
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hahahahaha. >> cops in new jersey sayed a w they'vome arrested a woman for driving a yellow school bus filled with kids while drunk. i believe we have an image of the suspect. speaking. n mo new polls suggest kamala harris is even more unpopular than joe. >> but she's quick to point outt she stil, l popular as hiss replacement. >> kamala harris. that's a real head scratcher. >> a new report finds tha that singles have becometing and sick of online dating and are returning to more old fashioned and dating strategies. >> boy, do i remember those r daysemembe. spending hours workp the nerve to call that shy cheerleader and then prayingdad that her dad or brother doesn't phon up the phon that was last week, according
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to a new study. >> apedys have a sense of humor. just like humans. however, the sam, howee be saidr elephants. nounce >> this week, grover from sesame street announced he has a neb asw job as a reporter.fir >> his first story addressing the homeless crisis, conne a connecticut pastor has been o arrested for selling crystal meth out of his church. church'ss rectory. pol >> apparently, police became suspicious when noic fell asleep during a sermon. it well, at least it was outs of his rectory. i don't know why laughing. i don't get it. rfk jr. apologized for a campaign ad that ran duringd h
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the super bowl that he said he noo with.ogizindad well, as long as we are apologizing for things we aren't responsible for. g e aren'tsible foi'm sorry abo in bed now. >> they won't even know. nvento post. the inventor of pop tartr ofs hs died at the age of 96. d >>ie apparently halfway throughg his cremation, his body popped out and he hadh to be pushed back in until he died. unlike pop tarts, that was t in bad taste, oregon has blamedu a cat on the first human case of bubonic plaguague ie in eigh years. police have narrowed it down to one suspect. this wee i mean, it's cute. this week, a man was spotted
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having with another man on top of a moving subway train in newu york city. and before you ask. >> no, i never got his name. bc it's funny because i'm straight . oh, you know, so many users of the new apple visioneffect have already returned the device complaining of side an ccts like headaches, nauseasa . critics say why pay 3500 bucksfr when you can get thaeet free? a penn state professor is facing charges after videos ofg. found of him insertin a lollipop and the control handle of a john deerel handle o into his . >> now, the university saysd he's been suspended and someone else will have to teacmeone elhp
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. >> intro to shoving things up yu your . by the way, he also was found he a park sticking branch up his . he defended himsel defenf. >> you never heard of playingla fetcying fh? s that >> research claims that 63%d int of americans on their first date will hold in theiher. g wih >> but like anything with dating, it's the complete opposite. >> once you're married[laughte and finding a u.k. mom is under fire from flying business class while her 11 month old baby and her boyfriend flew in when she really should be under fire for allowing her 11th month old maybave a boyfriend. maybe i read that wrong. finally this week, former firstn
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lady hillary clinton said she believessh that president biden age is a legitimate campaign crsue. that way, when he croaks, they'll blame natural causes instead of her pillow to the new. all righ] tot. did >> so who did she hump while prosecuting trump? donald's prosecutor, amid her ethical lapses? so yesterday , fani willis, e the georgia d.a. leading the election fraud case against trump, toolectiod case ak the sa hearing to determine if she had an improper relationship. n the lead prosecutor, nathan wade. shll, she was cool. >> she was calm and collected. a >> now shes was back crazy, which means which means
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it's time for her run my daddy had three seats in the house, so my father's bought me a lockbo x. and i always keep cash in the house. so i alway i alwayss have cash at the o house. if you're a woman and you go on a date with a man, you better $200 in your pocket. that can go on many datet go ose when you go on a date to have cash in your pocket. >> what you're talking about was giving them cash only a few times a night, probably foy r probably the most money i've ever handed him is 20 $500. the only money you've ever given him outside of a contrac wt is cash. i didn't give him money in a a contract so that cute. i but i didn't give him money outa in a contract. i don't know which he likes one. i don't with the lifeline. wit to be honest with you, i like great gifts. i remember w e to, um. to this that they do
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um, that was the most expensive thing that insiv think that we d while we were there. so they would pair, uh, they would pair a champagneocolt chocolate and champagne chocolate and caviare with double, i don't need anybody to foot my bills. the only man who's ever put my y completely is my daddy, . who was confused. do you think i'm on trial? elet these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. 2020t trial. how no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. has he eveou tr you at the place you laid your head? so let's be clear, because you lied in this doesn't me be l you which one you lied. and right here that i think you live right here. no, no, no, no. no, this is the truth, judge. and it is a lie. it is ta that was nuts.
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but what's nuts is that's the person in charge of perhaps one of the most important trials history, that of a former president. and this person is both insane and incompetent. >> her reckless efforts to destroy trump caused to destroy herself. even if she isn't disbarred, it will be tough for her to win reelection. >> the best thing that could come from this for her would re thing fo somewhere that matches her skill set. i do you think she helped her cause? >> no. , don't thgreg, don't think thal >> by the way, is it officiallye >>ni willi'rs? >> is that how we're supposed to be funny? not bad. well, we know trump's going be like, folks not we love calling her . we all know why we cale l her o obvious. >> it's so obvious. fai do like the part wheret wh she's like, i'm not on trial here. >> well, ma'amere', you to be sitting in a witness boxto b being cross-examined defending
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yourself against a bunch of charges of impropriety. sos bo i'm not a legal expert, but it would appear that on some level, you're on trias thl >> yeah. you know, it's amazing. wouly is okay. we wouldn't get away with anyge of that. the ju the judge used to work for her.g i believe. and it's pretty clear from the behavior that when he worked for her, she treated him really bad because he still has, like, pts d. >> he's not like question. he's taught she was running that show, right?ff yes. and he almost kicked her right off the stan dm no and disqualified her remarks. and she's like, i am not off the witness. the like, i know you're ane an adverse witness. there's a difference. learn the la adversw dear. this is really funny becausedear she defendant like she has invented new ways to be defensive. yeah. and i don't know if i get a my guy. i know, judge, but that's a really good way of determining someone's guilty wi when they don't take absolutely no responsibility for anything y
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but just find new ways because she obviously alienates all of the men in her life, including the sitting judge and the guy shane gue the affair with who ws nothing to do with her. yeaho . and then this. she she's like a lovesick teenager who just did somethina really stupid because she was very impressed with equipment that nathan wade was packing downtown. i'm talkin g his briefcase guy. >> mm-hmm. so she useso sd to worhe uk thea >> does that mean that they perhaps used to sleep together ? >> because that's what she seemed to do with some of her colleagues? yeah, they're all personal friend greg: y persons. they're all the same. right. all right. let's be joined right now by any of he rise youror.r non s sitting down the whole time. guy. a well, you're you're you're a cop, a lawyer and a licensed misuse in guam.uh? got to bring that up, huh? yeah, i had to. is this why was this behavior acceptable? wasn't
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and do i get the feeling that willis and wade is not going to be an in-demandt lawee firm? >> right. think about her defenshere.e hel her best defense is that i only started sleeping with him after i hired him. yeah. and over. that's her defense that's. mayb >> yeah. do maybe you need a lawyeru neet ? realistically, i don't know about disbarment herknow aboree case should be moved. >> she's now matured so completely, and shshe hae poten opened herself up to perjury charges. abuse of authority authori. s ca you can't have the people who work under her bringing this case now. sh w, she ce can't recuse herself. but she should have already said, okay, my office will handle because they aller work for her. >> they're beholden to her. yeah. why is that good news? becaus beholde e that's a verycoun blue county. fulton has atlanta. if they move it out of fultotyn she doesn't have just atlanta, just still county. the rest of georgia's comparatively red.. so if they do move it, which is what they should do. he's got a lot better shot ifs it actually goes to trial, which you might not even know. >> here's a question before i lose cat. >> so she raced over to testifar
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after wade when she wasn't supposed to, and then she says she wasn'tn she the testimony e how did she know when to come iser and did she know how what to say? it is not liken't that l didn't the law there? >> i mean, yeah, it's got to be hard to prove, but yes, it doe g . >> like she was monitoring mission as a witness. she's not supposed to be doing that. and she know thi shs that.go >> oh, god, she knew.. and as she comes bursting in and she made ore burs she fos off, take the stand, it was worst legal decision of her life . >> clearly, she's had a few others. yew s. catch. you kept a lot of money around the house. sharound the houe said $15,000.. and she was like, it's alike good practice. it'i would advise all women too that. >> you know, i'm taking her advice. i'm just going to spend my weekend going to 75 atm, eac taking out 200 at each one and stacking it around the house. and i'm sure, you know, camal. will be like, yeah, this is normal. it's ae it's good for all women.
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okay. and obviouslsly thisy this is a. messed up. >> and i but -- but, but she is interesting to listen to. likee like w i would watch a show like reality show podcast or whatever.h i would like to like not be her friend but like,ke one o go out with her like one of those friends that's fun to go out with, but like, you have to keep them ovego wt r here so you don't get anywhere close to either. >> weird. yeahhe, it's more of a spectator sport of a kind of. exactly. re g it right nowport. real prosecutors of atlanta. absolutely. uld watc i want the hell out of that. delove but i feel like it would devolve into pay per view between nathan wade and fani willis pretty quickly. yeah, it is. i don't know that i want to pay foi d wantr that even in cash. >> yeah. t we h god, she's great. all right, we got to move on. up nexavove t. provid the constitution bore the brunt of a dumb climate stunest. vicks vapor provide soothing non-medicated vicks vapors easy
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beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com. thank you. >> oh, should they face electrocution. >> for attacking the constitution the country's in shambles when no one stops vandals. check out this wild videpso of climate activists inside the national archives rotunde aa this week. they dumped red powder all overe the case, holdss the constitution and themselves right in front of tourists and right ina handful of securis guards who appear to be ceremonyappear ill. you? >> this looks stupid. it's even dumber with soun d not of the helmet laws in which we have no voice for representation. this country is on
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the conditions that all men are created, endowed with inalienable rights of life and the pursuit of happiness. we're calling for all people to have all thesl peoplee not jt wealthy white men. we all deserve clean air, water and a little employment. i can safely. >> those two will never be wealthy whitetw men. but you know, they dothey have those rights, which is why they get to sa y stuff in publicay places while vandalizing america'pis founding documents.n and they are thrown in a gulag for life. ifocuments america was as bad as they say it is. they wouldn't be able to do that. they the guys were reportedlyte arrested and taken into custody in the rotunda, which should be the name for brian stelter was closed for cleaning on thursday and today. >> but you got s to why didk wh
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security just stand there doing nothing? >> you know, besides fact for that they do work for the government. they look like me. when i helped kat move. securi but what good is security at this point? if point i you're to just go up and trash the constitution? seems the capitol'ths just as wide open as our southern border. now, i'm sure there's boarder. the in the handbook a that says you can't just beat down an activist, but i doubt they're going to face any hard time because these days justice only goes one way. they'l timl probably get off wia slap on the wrist and they'd be pait and $1,000,000 for that that slap. >> but i suppose what irks me most, how we do nothing to stop it. those security guards. look at hi it m. i've seen that stronger response from my grandma when i drained her savingnse frmysho. to renovate my boathouse. u've o >> kennedy gregg, i'm sureis you've thought about this. >> what is the solution? so? they have to be treated as though the red powder might
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actually be anthrax, and they have to be tackled like they're terroristsd like ifg that they're doing something that unpredictable. it's also that political. >> you don't know if. to peter cox would actually commit an act of violence. t of you just have to assume that. and any time someone perpetrate vios an act like thi, they need. so they tried to deface constitution. someone should deface them defaitutioefacnstitution on them. >> to be clear, for viewers at home, she means. >> that's right, greg.secu you don't get to be aboutrity the securityfact. the the fact that they do nothing is that this is the same people that will scol d if you takeo cl a photo too close or some kids h are saying or something like the librarian telling you to quiet them. >> yeah. first of all, i think that'ssi dio guy: the first time that phrases ever been used on national tv. >>brarian quie yeah.e cox was it?re that was pretty good. thinys hastvk about what you doe
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you go into law enforcement. first one of the first things ye is you take an oath to defenntd the constitution. . here it is. the rule rule. e. i mean, i cannot stand thesepeoe people. i mean, really, these are the ones that really get i think and it gets most people's guts. cause you because they're so sanctimonious and everything else. >> first of all, they should be made to clean ise. t. mad right? right. and they should be made to sing the national anthe sing m whilel they do it. we should be able to shoot spitballs at them while toalls >> they do it. so the thing that's really in play here and i think kennedand i thk kenned iy toucht this is done for political purposes. >> now, generally, violencw gene plus a political motive is terrorism. >> right. soism. what when you somethingm less than terrorism that's politically motivated? >> it's a gaat's politp in. the law. yeah. and this is the kind of thing when you see when seeie kind oting down highways and all this kind of stuff, the laws aren't really very good for that. and it's one of the reasons why even when they want to enforce,
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we kind of can't. good wh whethey get right out.. so this is one of thoseth circumstances where you need solaisce wherew and remember so. their statement in response to this wat ans we're fomenting. a rebellion. that's the ter m. >> sounds a lot like insurrection to me. yeah, i can end on that note.d n >> yeah, i think you know, kat, i always say and you've heard me say it many times. punishment has to put the person in a situation that was per worse than ift done they hadn't done the act. the problem is, you can't make their lives worse. >> year liveh. yeah, you really can't. because think about it. this wasn't just somethinggot o that, like brunch that got out of hand right away, like this ti was planned. >> so they made this plan to dol ,and then they actually followed through with the plan t is who are you? right? who are you? how do you get to a point in your life you're talkinthe pe g to a friend like, you know, we should do? >> yeah. and then, yoow wha shoul and thy do it. you actualyou actually go and gr
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wherever you get a bunch of powder. >> and then you gon you go, andw you're like, nobody is like, you know what? >> i'm not feeling well today. i'm e we'll powderth on the constitution another time. like, i don'e t understand. there's something so off with you. fundamentally, so manyep along the way to get to this point. yeah, they should be studied. >>d studied. with they should do a bachelore with nothing. e hell but those guys. i would watch the hell out o of thautt. could be the bachelorette. guy, >> see, i'm thinking, yo, a guyo your name's so easy to remember, because if you forget, you just say, gu y. so, guy. never heard that one before. >> greg.a that's probably a reason for that. >> you know, we saw these football fans tackle thesepa shooters right in the parade. so basically. the average t citizen would do the right thing. the security the secu guards don't.
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if there were like two,s in you know, kansas city chiefs fans in the rotunda, thoser those little whatever kennedy called t would be flat.m to >> they would. i like the idea from paul to force them to clean it up.t left but if you would just let the footage continue a little bit longer, beat them to it. they were like, we have a huge amount of unknown, sketchwy substance. >> hunter biden showed up and it was gonna but -- but- also like firing them for the punitive damages of neglecta closed it down for two days. right. and then there's the people that you payh.'s the ppa their s you know they probably had i mean they must have home addresset yonds that could sendu to they have to pay the bills. gap nd if they don't, then you arrest them. >> but there's true there's a huge gap in the law for this sort of behavior l and and it'sp we need to fill with love. >> all right. fo forced to step down over a stupid pronoun. sore throat.
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a story can five words five words pronouns. nonagenarian volunteer job. all right. paul, this is a terrible story. a 90 year old california womantr was forced to step down from her volunteer position at national ems society. that's multiple sclerosis. after shsclerosie asked for clay on the use of pronouns. she saw people signings their with pronouns and asked several times what they meant beforewhy meanfired he they fir. and she was fired for failing to abide by the company' cs dui standards. she had volunteered for 16 years. >> oh, i know. yeah. does that. >> how do you feel now, mr. mauro? ee >> don't blame me. now, listen, the thing here is that we don't fight back. we don't sue. and you know why? it is because old people don't sue.. havronount yes, all people need their own permanent fact. we should all have our own
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pronoun so that when we get aou circumstance like this, we could sur own une. se and the thing is that because that's what would hurt them. yeah, that's where you hit wherv back and they have that leverage over you. and so they use it. ery use the story here, though,, from, you know, from where i sit is thaf t if you're going to do this kind of thing, if you're going to go after old people, etc.ol, et cet, you're g to pull the resources from what's from volunteers, thenyoue don't expect the rest of us any more to pony up for you and you hears abou about variousingg charities. a number of them are bringing people in, let's say, from panama p froma down south, etc so i have this. i have to say a lot of the and giving that i to do and a lot of the rest of us do, we really should have to look at because this dti ause stuff has permeat and you're not supposed to the story goes, 0di will go away when i have a heart surgery. >> right. you don't lie. i don'oh it t care, who it is.r i just want the best person. know all of thessoe societiesal and these charities, they're all infected with this stufl f. and we're all going to have at some point a medical procedure from somebody who's completely are who' unqualified,ei but they check a box. >> so that formulation are no
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longer in place. >> and you're seeing it in circumstances like this. this is why i ge thi>> gret all my surgery in tijuana. the vans are small, but they give good anesthetic. you know, kat, this is, as we've talked about, many this is one of the reasons why i preemptively stop giving to charities some 20 years ago,n because i knew i knew this washn going to happen. i don't trust any charitie s, , not the salvation army. i don't trust that fat guy. that fatmm. >> you know, look at thiswant story. seems to me she was just asking questions because she wanted to understand. edunderstano ld have one shoulm with that. but also, you can't be canceling you can. i've >> who's 90? yeah, as far as i've alwaysone understood, one of the great i things about getting to be 90 is i thought you're, like, supposed be allowed to be insensitive. >> yeah. the she you're she couldshe coun it. wait. you're supposed to just be able to be like a belligerent, like screaming, muttering, whatever offense because you're notbelliger like, oh,
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whatever she saw, she's 90, she doesn't know. and that's the only reason i want to get olevere doesn'd. l it doed.s show you how militant yeah. like at thahe at the meeting, du but nobody bring up. >> well she is 90. end of discussion. yo. ss yeah. he'll make it to 90. you can say whatever you want >>d you can and you can run for president. probably gan it is true though.u ite, shows how militant this ideology is that they will not cut it. compro they are resistant to any kind of compromise. and it'smi that it's totally anti speech. when they say you have do thists right after 60 years of volunteer work, they're firing. >> rigs of fingo year old for asking the wrong questions about pronouns. >> it's like beyon tions abd parody.ething yeah, it's like something that we would cook up at fox and friend ws and say, look at this outrage, but this is actuall
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y real. >> it's nuts. it's like, i think most people can understanunded that s is disgusting. yeah. and the one thing that i'm not sure i'm o o, n board with, tho, is withholding donations from the mass society. for then it's like, are we rooting for nsa now because we're so mad at the society ? m need the help from people like her? yeah. how about the woma how n who fired her, gets fired? >> yeah, i think she woke up. yeah>> i believe whoever is in t charge of the this foundation just retired. i think like yesterdayhi. >> or maybe i just dreamt that. i don't know, maybe it was ms. 13. oh, i get it. everything confused? kenned y but what kills me is they would wrap. this is how cowards is leave people are. >> they would blame me. i donated money to an el salvadoriadonaten gang. >> yes, but they would get to i th crazy is that they would ratherey hire a 90 year old volunteer. then tel l some woke piece
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of data off. >> yeah, that is so it's -- it's not just it's not just about the woke person who complained it's abouit's at all the cowards that just let this stuff happen. >> yeah. and and to cats point you are supposed to be outspoken are supposed to live out loud. if you've live d to 90ng and you're still working. having said that, fran reaving l in the, you know that that's an angle that we have. not reallyreally discussed here.nice but just because you're 90 doesn't mean you're nice. and i think were looking for a reason. yeah, they might have been your friend wa ennedy: s in the coffeeth pot and no one writes about that in the new york. that's not tru e. kennedy we don't have to imagine if there was that. but theyitreg: yey so they use a excuse because fran was being too realit y you know, i don't know. >> and the other problem is this, you know, let's fact e facts. >> when you cancel a 90 f year old, you can really canceal
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it. >> yeah, that's true. you know, that's kind of what's keeping a lot of times older s key people who are engaged in this stuff, too, you know, stay involved. yeah. yeah. that might have been the thing >> greg: thaght have . kept her going. that's my point. right. right. and there also seems to be they're runnin >> greg:g out of people peopl to cancel when you're going after the nine year olds. tri-n >> all right. coming up, our guests get vocal on stories that are local type two diabetes. >> discover the olympic tri zone. tri zone. oh, that fact, i got the power of three. i learned my a1, c, c, d ris i lost some weight and studies. >> the majority of people reachevran a1 c unde and maintained it. i'm under seven olympic lowers i'm under seven olympic lowers the risk of majo cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or death in adults. i some we known heart du i'm lowering my risk.wn heart du adultsse n lost up to £14. i lost weight. ozempic isn't for people. type one diabetes don't share needles or pens or we use needles. don't take mozambiqu or if allg your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasi i severea sye type two or if allergic to it, stop and get medical help
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25% on your first year with promo code 25 tv. all plans include a 60 day money back guarantee call 800 7104654 or visit lifelock icon slash 25 tv to save 25% on your first year of identity theft protection. enroll now. >> coast to coast stories that matter most. you're watching the localinning with emmy winning anchor kelly crysta actorl kelly replaa chet van jansen who diednsen. >> and now here's kelly.elly hi, i'm kelly kelly, this is local news here. >> every guest brings a story from wherever they're from. all right. kenned keedy why why don't you go firs? well, thank you very much, kelly. it's great to be with you tonighh you and i t. ting a then i would lik ve to startcomp by highlighting a very special company in my hometownany hod of portland, oregon. it's called sacred aardvark, which sounds like a euphemiscalm
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that two homeless guys do on each other underneath the cellm tw with.r it's actually a hot sauce company that hillary clinton br. probably try and promote herself through. >> that is going to be partnering y to with taco bell.rtner wi that is going to be the secret sauce. and what makes tha you £10 light when you run foren the border at two in the morning. sellher portland favorite, salt and straw, is also going to be selling their own version of the taco. tacon of the at taco bell. that also sounds like a euphemism where one mightnstiu make a constitution on a woman's lady parts. tia s ladybut yeah, can i just ? back to you, kelly. >> that was completely wrong. that was not the prompter. i was going to say. how is it that she did that ont her own in the prompter?ing that was oveonr a memory. g. amazing guy. funny you. why i can' dont. a why do you got a problem with that? yeah, well, here's a fun for you, kelly. acto a man in has sued various
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actors after i think this is a nightmare. he bought powerball tickets. his name is joseph cheeks.t powe >> he bought powerball tickets. he had his numbersrbckets, from his family's birthdays. he wakes up the next day or hee the numbers the on the d.c. official lotto website and he's won $340te million. so he's over and the moon. turns out the website had the the numbers wrong and he didn't. actually win. so he went to collect there like co, sir, throw your ticket in the garbage. it's worth nothing. so he's now suine it worthg the and i'm not saying he's going to win that much like 30, 40g t, but he should get something for being put through that. i agree. e ld win syou have one >> wouldn't it be great if before he cashed in, he'd go? >> he tells his wife, you're your. ha h outa. ts his and he quit his job. yeah. and then he quit. >> ys job? yeah, he torches. oh, i see.
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everybody, like, is a typo.telys >> probably. there's definitely some stuff that you dom o when you suddenlyf doll think you have hundreds of millions of dollars that you didn't have before . yeah, that i would do at least for god. >> okay. apparently, new york city the owy new yos the priciest py in the country. the pie has risen to $33.65. and some of the boutique sort of pizzerias and we have no shortage on these days are up near 35, 40, even 50 dollars f for a pie. wow. and listen, it is not worth it. i can tell i can date the death of new york city's pizza. it's like, what, 1996, 97. >> i walked in and it broccolidt pizza and that i mean, h bu pineapples were bad enough, but once they started eating broccoli the , you're getting 35, $40 out of me for broccoli me pizza. so don't go for it. and i will admit, chicago, deep dish, which they kindy kind
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of denigrate in this piece here, i think i preferf oh, no, i'm terrible. >> i know, i know. i know i kno and i'm not positi. but i got to tell you what i did. i didn't have it til i wasop and in my forties. >> you have to go join the chicago police department. p get out. and it's reallar, y good. pi hands on. yeah, i really. i like pizza with pineapple.te it's my favorite. really? wo. aul: do w. . like that. more than you. okay, that. that never happens. greg. greall ohg: io , i'm so . this comes from the lehigh valley. i spen spent t lot of time there in pennsylvania. a peeps themed hotel is now available at an easton area hotel. are and it's if you're interested in booking this sweet, sweet. from march 11 to march, six rooms start at $159. there are peep themed pillowst decor and suite amenities, and you also get a tour of theft peeps factory. i love i mean, i don't love
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peeps, but they're such an amazing marshmallow treat. they come in the shape bunnies and chicks. and you know what? people don't realize this, but they're an amazing health food for children they're made of they're made of sugar and corn sirup, gelatin and food dyes and. without that, children will die. fu n fun fact about peeps. they're insoluble then, so isey're in sulfuric acid. isn't that great? aren't you happy, by the way , th a yecompany just born makes roughly $300 million a year, and they make hot tamale thes and mechanics. hmm. didn't think you'd learn that. >> no, i'm glad i did now.i di greg? yeah? are you saying that e are chicks that you don't [lau to pretend to like picnic? oh, right. up next. it's always a win when we mail
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your rights. want to see gutfeld live in new york. come be a part of our studio ane
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bundle. get a faster motor for five miles of steps per hour. the step counter, though mat and wireless remote all now. o yeah. you're watching mailing it in. welcome to it in. >> let's get started. big asks what's your horrific
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valentine's day story. >> we'll go to you guy. so this is awkward because my worst fall and my worst valentine's day story was reference earlier in the show. >> it was from this very year, you and i were on top of a subway train drag. at was it didn't en td well. yeah. at least we finished on time. i don't even know what that means. that wasus. the problem. e th horre didn't. well, we both got off the right . kennedy, save withe us. you.
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you had quite the dating life. you mustbriel'. r an amazingly horrible valentine's day story. yes. i showed up at guy's house with' a giant boom box and held it s over my head playing. o ge peter gabriel's in your eyes. and guy came out, said for the 700th time. woman i'm . and i was like, that's okay. i think the doorway to ay. thousand churches. anyway >> gre. he oh, you poor thing, fat cat.e wh i already shared my worstre valentine's day story. >> yeah, like, which one was it? oh, getting dumpede or so at the at the. >> oh, that was. that was memorial day weekend. ohe ani . i >> what was the worst? valentine's day. okay, so there was this guy that i was lik bad e sort of. i didn't know. we were like, sort of saying whatever. like, whether you're single, its not can sometimes be a spectrum, right? so i wasn't sure. happy blstorwhatever.. and then i didn't heard from him all day, this is so bad. and then he sentat guy an e-car. oh, wow.
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and no, but listen to what it said. reit said, happy black history month is half over. hav so we didn't talk to that guy anymore. g: i will never it. i was like, i just sat. i just sat there. i just sat there. >> and i just was like, what have i done? i told you it was bad. and that person was morgan freeman. ohan, god paul, as a cop, you must have been in last year. >> lasand t. >> so i'm married like about 20 years at that point. and my wify.e me something realy nice, an amazon box, she opened it up, me, etc. standing there. >> and then i realizei what she's doing and i, oh my god, it's valentine's day and what's even worse, she did the worst thing she could have done to me, which is, oh, honesaying e any i understand. by >> yeah.
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you know, i mean, it really hitr me with a baseball bat, you know, stab me. >> i was jus.t that destroyed me. >> and yet i still didn't buy or anything. yeah . what did she get you, by the way? shoes like these, i thinke maybe. >> oh, yeah. oh, god. o th this was a long time ago. but i remember i was so excited that she said yes. we went to ruby tuesdays. i borrowedr my parents car and we had it. it was like, you know, i didn't have lot of money and it was great. >> and we went to the movies, but the movie was rated r and she wasn't old enoughph to get in. >> yeah, that was last year. callback. callback. >> so the cheerleader diduil. answer the phone? >> yes. yeah, yeah. don't go away. we'll be right back. sometimes john wrestles with falling asleep, so he takes nyquil. the world's number one sleep aid brand and wakes up feeling like himself hit the rest to be
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