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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 17, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. pete: it is 7:00 a.m. eastern time of fox and friend weekend and we begin with this.
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mayor eric adams reversing course on luxury harlem complexus illegal shelter after there was community outrage. >> we done want to hear excuse. >> lack of respect is appalling. pete: more on that 180. rachel: president biden visiting the residents of east p palestie more than a year after the devastating train derailment. guy: the dating app that requires users to have a good credit score. second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts now.
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pete: it's a great song. rachel: they all are. pete: myrtle beach, south carolina, welcome to the second hour. we have guy benson in for will cain this morning. love to have him. guy: morning. pete: south carolina, be there next weekend and south carolina primary "fox & friends" weekend on the ground. not sure where yet. the couch transported to south carolina rachel: put it on a u haul and take it with us. pete: maybe. chris, drive it down there? >> maybe. i'll go anywhere. pete: we're looking forward touchdown pass it. rachel: looking forward to you in south carolina pete: do you know your credit score? not that we're on the dating app but do you know your credit score? rachel: no, but i would not be dak to sean duffy if i was measuring by credit score and bank account. women are making it more and more difficult to meet good men
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and putting up all kinds of -- got to be 6 feet tall and got to have this credit score. i'm worried about it. guy: could be the dudes being like, this is lady d does she have financial house in order? pete: i don't want to meet a financial mess. rachel: we'll unpack that later. pete: moving down to the boarder and crisis continues down there and we're one of the only people covering it and governor abbott saying if we're going to address this systematically, we have to this differently. texas guard troops in the border staying in private residences and hotels and tents. what governor abbott is saying is we need to build an eagle pass base camp for about d built for about 2,000 soldiers down there. basically a fob. you talk about forward operating
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bases in iraq and afghanistan, they're building one to house the national guard troops and living ad hoc all over the place and federal government not doing it and we have to do it. this is the new announcement the governor made about the camp down there. rachel: i was reading about some of the contracts for the hotels and you've got these pretty mid level not great hotels but they're charging exuberant rates because the national guard, border patrol. pete: government rates. rachel: yeah, government rates so when i read this story issue the first thing that came to my mind was governor abbott wants to secure the border yaws texas resources because the federal government won't help and has to do it in affordable ways to make the money last. he's doing something the federal government isn't doing and trying to find a way to save the taxpayers money and these rates for rag ramadas at like $700 a .
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guy: it's crazy. because of the crisis the president is making and one thing that's interesting and smart of what abbott is doing is not just butt ago lot of migrants on buses and sending to sanctuary cities but it's been a successful mitt cal play he's crocking down and enforcing the border in the state and in eagle pass it's enforcing a lot of illegal migration west ward and cartels are now hitting the blue states a little harder. make those governors deal with the problem that texas is bearing the brunt of for years. rachel: last week gordon chang was on my podcast from the kitchen table and what are the chinese doing here and griff jenkins on track and ran into a very large group of what happened.
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pete: coming for jobs and reports of even more waves of chinese illegals across the border in california and arizona and else r. not just the chinese and by the way, if you have hundreds of thousands of military aged chinese males coming across the border and you have to ask why. that's the point. we're not asking that. pete: it's not a humane thing on the border and exploited of the worst of the worst and lieutenant chris posted lieutenant texas dps troopers recovered two unaccompany children from honduras and eagle pass and one child has a note and phone number and address to
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los angeles, california. alone with a note. rachel: not trying to promote my podcast but i am. this week we had representative kat cammack from florida on, and we unpacked what's going on with the ngos. and she told me horrifying stories that have been happening to children a little girl she ran into who had lost her vocal cord from screaming so much because she was gang raped on the way over. these are the things that are happening and we talked about the role of the ngos and many of them are christian organizations and catholic services and lutheran services and these are organizations that instead of being the whistle blowers on the children across the border and they're more for the government money and we're actually as she said seeing mission creep their
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finding more ways and making illegals and more access to the government style and real problem. >> incentives across the board service connected broke and disgraceful. pete: the busing program that governor abbott used and very effective in new york city and helping eric adams realize that being a sanctuary with a doorstep and they've found out and it's up in harlem and there's luxury apartments being built up there and long term resident of new york and you've come upon hard times and become homeless, there's supposed to be new housing for you up in harlem. residents are realizing that the furniture being moved in looked a little different and realized none of these new apartments are harlem are used to house illegals. there's a portion of whereases don'ts were saying, slamming mayor adams realizing these
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apartments that are supposed to be for citizens will be used for illegals. watch. >> we were trying to find out what was going on and we weren't getting any answers to our questions. >> no, i don't agree because we have people right here that need housing. >> you are the man. woe don't want to hear excuses. >> we're being priced out of the community. the lack of respect is absolutely appalling. rachel: talk about supply and demand and take apartments off the market and you're going to house for free for illegal immigrants and these apartments have pools and running tracks inside of them and it's kind of a crazy situation and that's what they want to use for illegal migrants but o obviously the black communities are really angry and same thing playing out in chicago and wondering not just what's going to happen in
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new york and how this might actually impact the vote for joe biden is democrats. guy: identity politics get complicated and we see from the left going straight to the race car and say look at these races and straight from signe phones and can't make that case so cleanly. given the residents mad about this in the city of chicago and democratic alderman pushing to strip the city of sanctuary status and phygoing the mayor and eric -- fighting the mayor and eric adams living through the consequences of his choices and not eager to change the sanctuary city status in new york and ball might be in his court if he's going to do something as opposed to shooting off his mouth all the time. pete: exactly. he's just a few concessions like, okay, we're in this one. we won't be housing migrants. watch. >> i told the team, find out what's going on here and we're not moving folks into a brand
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new building. it's not going to happen. you're not going to have migrants in asylum seekers. whether or not this is going to be citizens that spoke and you happen said what about our people first and the questions s and where do they put and requirements in new york city to house, there's no unhoused people, which now means all illegals and putting in tent city after tent city and hasn't worked and rather than considering these sanctuary laws like these guys and shoveling things around with no answer. rachel: they didn't just displace long term homeless and elderly and special needs new york city st.s and kat cammack told me the federal government also raided a fund for hundreds of millions of dollars that was for homeless veterans in order
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to house and talked about that on the podcast as well. pete: raiding homeless vets funds and covid funds as well? rachel: yes, and talked on the podcast and the american people are going what is going on? this money is meant for americans but it's being diverted. going to be interesting to see how that plays out. pete: absolutely. move to washington dc where the pressure has been on joe biden ever since the special counsel report came out and acknowledged the challenges the president is facing and give us a sense of washington dc and if this is a four alarm fire that we think it is as we watch it. add one more voice to that list and people calling into question whether this guy can run again and that's zeldon ragaini cline. a new york times columnist and going for this regime and status of joe biden as a candidate and convince him otherwise.
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watch. >> step one, president biden doesn't want to risk being ruth bader ginsburg and going to be at most and didn't retire and in stepping aside, he'd be able to finish out his term as a strong and focused president and people would see the honor in what he did in putting his country over his ambitions and the people that biden listens to, barack obama, chuck schumer, ron klain, nancy pelosi and anita dunn need to get him to see this and biden may come to see it himself. pete: he's a brilliant public servant and do things change? guy: joe shuffles in and we love you but we're concerned. have a seat. talk about running and the problem is he's running and raising money and he's now gotten votes unlike everyone
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else more or less in the process and in dc you'll talk to democrats and they'll whisper all day and all night about the problem and ring their hands about it and see what the rest can see and sometimes the outloud part is outloud from ezra klein and vigorous agreement and this is a real problem but then what? the then what question does not have good or easy answers but on ward they march. rachel: intervention shouldn't be with joe but with jill. she put country before her own ambition. i do believe she's blocking a lot of this. she enjoys being first lady. she is the one pushing her husband out there. there's another issue they have is they have a lot of legal problems because of the kinds of pay for play they've been invinvolved in as a family, ande presidency is a great shield for them in blocking some of the
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investigations so i think they're also worried about not being the president, you know, not having a chance to be the president because that's been very effective in keeping the fbi and the doj off the biden trail of corruption. pete: being the voice of the people and appears the voice of the people agree with the new york times and majority of americans do think joe biden will be replaced adds democratic nominee. nearly half. let's do 48%. maybe there really aren't still the voice of the people in the new york times but getting closer. almost 15 minutes after the top of the hour and turning to headlines starting with a knocks news alert. tragically a fire fighter is dead and nine other first responders and two civilians
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hurt in the blast and officials say fire crews are answering the call about a natural gas smell. a home blew up trapping several fire fighters under debris. pray for them and their families. fani willis' father testified and, dad, come help me. he testified he taught her to keep large amounts of cash on hand as o precautionary measure. not a bad idea unless it's campaign cash. he testify that had she kept her affair with wade a secret until after the election interference case began and they want willis removed due to alleged misconduct and the hear asking expected to resume next week. east carolina university baseball player, parker bird,
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becoming the first division i athlete stepping up to the plate with as prosthetic leg. bird entering for a teammate in the eighth and drew a walk and helped the pirates win 16-2 against rider university. bird lost his leg two years ago in a boating accident. overcome it. those are your headlines. rachel: that's a great story. pete: no doubt. rachel: coming up, you can't stop the party but miami is ruling out serious murrieta rules to crackdown on spring breakers and that's coming up. guy: avoiding heart ache by dodging financial head ages and told you about it earlier and brand new dating app requiring users to have a good credit score. stick around for more on that conversation.
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era: guy: oh, yeah. pete: right down the middle. maximum fm radio time there. rachel: the topic on the minds of a lot of people out there. valentine's day a lot of people looking to find love and recommitting our new year's resolutions that a lot of young people are saying i'm committed to prioritizing my love life. well, here's a new dating app that's supposed to help you, we're debating the name and that's called score. rachel: score is about your credit score and you can't join unless you have a credit score of 675 or higher. here's what the founder luke bailey, cofounder said about it. he said we need to take the conversation to areas where finance isn't traditionally discussed and educate people and get their attention and score and bringing the conversation to
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dating saying, hey, money is part of the issue that women are thinking about or men are thinking about and guy wanted to make sure i kept this all gender equity here on this topic. you know, i have a problem with this because if i judged my husband when he was single by how much money he had, i don't know if we'd be married. pete: he'd still be single. rachel: i'd still be single. i don't know, there's lot of things that people are judging by and i'm not sure if this should be the one. guy: you read studies that financial hardship is one of the top reasons for relationships to fail and marriages to fall apart and something to think about and have good open conversations on finances not sure starting off the love journey is all about cultured credit score and not sure that sends the best possible message.
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pete: nerds meeting nerds and have you transformed? >> i support this. rachel: if you're single, what's the criteria. pete: if you're a gate keeper go to score and use this app. most aren't going to. just because you have a good credit score doesn't mean you have money. just means maybe for awhile you didn't do dumb things. rachel: also doesn't say whether you're generous or not. is someone generous. pete: think you're generous if you're going on the score dating app? probably really obsessed with money and therefore you want to do this. r begin, i'm asking the criteria. if not credit score, what should you look for? >> kindness, good person. shares values. guy: this is again, a conversation to get to
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eventually. not the starting point. how does the conversation like slide into someone's dm like 723. that's your opening move in the dm. that's your move, 723. leave you on read if it's too low? a little weird for me. rachel: for me, i look if someone is a christian. by the way speaking of kindness, i look to see if they're pro life and matters to me how she eliminates. pete: that's my favorite. rachel: no atheists, vegans or cyclists. guy: she doesn't like the skinny suits or pants. he's perfect but rides a bike. rachel: he wears spandex. pete: atheist is second? rachel: vegan. pete: i thought like communist. but it's cyclist. what if he's a communist that
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looks like gavin newsom with a high credit score. rachel: nope, no communist. guy: cyst service connected not on score? rachel: no, i can guarantee it. pete: check it out if credit score is big for you. rachel: stick around and one and only going to join me for my pop culture roundup. that's ahead. pete: first, kelly osborne raising eyebrows with this son and daughtery endorsement of ozempic. >> people that hate on it the most are the ones secretly doing it or missed off they can't afford it. guy: that's one approach but drs serious questions about that drug and joins us here next with what you need to know. how are you, doctor? ♪
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rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends". kelly osborne is down playing ozempic concerns this weekend and many are calling the comment elitist. >> it's amazing and great for them. there's a million ways to lose weight. why not do it through something that isn't as boring as working out. people hate on it because they want to do it and people that hate on it the most are the people that are secretly doing it or missed off they can't afford it. rachel: here to tell us why the drug cans be dangerous to our health is fox news contributor and friend dr. nicole saphier. when i heard this clip, it reminded me, do you remember when donald trump was running the first time and kelly osbourne was on the view and he's saying all these things about the illegal immigrants.
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who does he think cleans his toilet. this is the kind of elitist stuff this woman says. i've had you on my podcast talking about ozempic. what's your response? >> she has a way with words. gop with ozempic, wegovy and those that i thinks are great when it helps with blood sugar. people take these injection medications and they certainly do lose weight and they lose weight fast. unfortunately, the limited studies we have show about two-thirds of the weight comes back as soon as you stop taking the medication. rachel: you have to be on it for life. >> when it comes to people that are severely overweight and morbidly obese with medical conditions and this is a great viable option and eating healthy and exercising and kelly
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osbourne that don't want to do boring exercise. that's the wrong message. we as a society are addicted to so many things like social media, food, alcohol, drugs, so many other things. last thing is be addicted to another medication. one we don't even have a good grip on what the long term side effects are because we don't know them. we know immediately a lot of people have to quit the medication because of nausea. pancreatitis and complaining of muscle loss and hair loss because you're effectively starving your body and in terms of long term, there's rodent study -- rodent studies and increased risk of thyroid cancer. we don't know is the bottom line. it's t tailored from the people seeing the best benefit and not for people that could workout or eat a little better. rachel: it's the wrong message that we should be sending. by the way, people with diabetes are seeing the prices of their drugs go up.
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>> and can't access them. rachel: yes, i know. listen to a happier topic. dr. saphire, there's a new book called love mom. you can preorder it. >> rachel, you know more than anyone being a mother is the greatest gift and nothing more precious than a mother's love and i'm grateful and proud i was able to share my journey. i had a very transformative introduction into motherhood and became pregnant as a teenager and had my child still in high school and had to overcome some obstacles but i'm living a very beautiful and blessed life now. it's not just about my story but so many other stories. you're in the book. a lot of favorite fox moms, ainsley earhardt, carly shimkus and so many others and many non-fox people and many were my patients and gold star moms and fox visiers that submitted stories and the book makes me laugh, cry, it is such a beautiful collection of stories.
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we touch on so many topics so relatable it's the perfect gift for mothers everywhere and anyone that even wants to be a mother and one of my favorite quotes and in the center of the book, there's a whole pamphlet of scriptures and life lessons learned and quotes from all the moms that people can kind of reference and you have one quote in the bock that's one of my favorites. you talk about that everyone has a purpose. that you have to remind your children every day what that purpose is and that seems like a simple concept. but it is so true. barnes and noble loves the book so much that they're doing this big sweep stakes for it. if you pre-order the book this weekend, you get entered for all of the prizes, spa, candles, gift cards and everything i love and everybody else loves and get the book anywhere books are sold and if you do at barnes and noble, use the qr code and barnes and noble if you buy from barnes and noble get entered to win all the prizes and comes out
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just in time for mother's day. rachel: preorder now. get your book for mom or grandmother ahead of time and listen, it was a joy working with you on this book, and i just think it's so wonderful that we're doing a tribute like this and they're not appreciated enough. >> certainly not and everyone has a mom and knows a mom and we talk about making that decision coming on and living life and don't have a career and wherever you want and there's a story for you in this book and i again are inspired by the story and grateful rachel: thanks for being a part of the book and writing the book and goes on sale at bookstores near you april 16th just before mother's day.
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global outrage continues this morning on the death of putin critic alexei navalny and former cia russia analyst joining us next as biden says the u.s. is weighing a response. that's next. to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you. that's why it's more than advice worth listening to. it's advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪)
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guy: back with you now on fox news alert and waiting for vice president harris to speak alongside ukrainian president any minute in munich and comes one day after the death of russian dis-dent alexei navalny and president biden making his remarks yesterday blaming vladamir putin squarely for the death and addressing the potential u.s. response. >> reports of the death if they're true, and i have no reason to believe they're not, russian authorities will tell their own story. make no mistake, make no mistake putin is responsible for navalny's death. putin is responsible. what has happened to navalny is yet more proof of putin's brutality. we're looking a the a whole number of options right now. guy: russia analysis chief and served as special adviser for russia under dick cheyney.
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yesterday the russian authority wills tell their own story and going from the kremlin frankly and this man in his 40s seen alive the day prior and went out for a walk and dropped dead and seems like they're not even trying on this one. >> what happened to navalny and never getting a reliable official report on his cause of death and the president biden is exactly right. ultimately putin and the russian government are responsible for navalny's death. whether they ordered an assassination yesterday or not and i frankly doubt they did and trending of him for putin and he's got national elections coming up for congress for aid to ukraine and his death doesn't help putin and accumulated on
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the present conditions and repeated and took their toll. that's my guess. guy: death by a thousand cuts basically at the hands of the russians. we know who's responsible and it's not subtle and it's rather evil i would say. i would perk my ears up the other day and the president being asked about what? back in 2021, he had talked pretty tough on this and said if this manna valueny dies in russian custody and there would be severe consequences from the united states. paraphrasing. that's happened now and when biden was asked about it he said well, look, that was three years ago, 2021 and a lot of thing haves happened to the russians since then and is that maybe a hint that there's not going to be much coming in the way of
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repercussions from russians directly from the u.s. government and head fake. what do you make of that? >> what that can do to affect domestic political issues and on the inside of russia and that happened from the comment from biden three years ago has been that the unit has attempted to impose by crippling sanctions on the russian economy and going for the praia state to isolate from the world and those efforts have failed i think. objectively and the russian economy has grown over the last two years and fifth largest economy in the world with the fastest growing economy in europe and our ability to affect that is very limited for russia making things and produces things that the world wants and
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needs and short of going to war with russia and going to war with the nuclear powers an idea. guy: you could hit russia where it hurts in ukraine and that's a debate happening right now in congress. george, thank you for your time this morning. >> you're welcome. guy: rachel to you. rachel: turning to headlines. miami beach is breaking up with spring break and imposing strict rules at effort to curb violence for out of control parties and they're going to charge $100 parking fees and that'll keep the students out for sure. the moves prompted after police encountered a lot of problems last spring break with two deadly shootings and get this, 488 arrests. now to a wild high speed chase last night in maryland. a suspect in a stolen tow truck going on a rampage through three
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cities and police say he hi jacked the vehicle after an officer hopped out to respond to a traffic incident. the out of control driver smashing into at least 11 cars and eventually arrested in silver springs. and one lottery winner in florida running out of luck this week after failing to claim their 36 million megamillion jackpot. that's the kind of thing that would happen to me. i'd lose the ticket. lottery officials urge the people that bought tickets from publix to give them a second look. after 180 days, no one came forward and the winning ticket is now expired. most of the unclaimed funds transferred to florida educational enhancement trust fund. those are your headlines. over to you, adam. guy: system of articulation tha. okay. take a look at this forecast and a couple big weather systems sweeping across the country and
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one moving across the great lakes and atlantic and northeast still some snow showers coming down out there and some areas pretty heavy snow and pennsylvania, new jersey, and narrow area there and just over a foot of snow has fall and not the only weather system we're paying attention to and obviously focused on what's happening across florida and this is a big frontal boundary and what you see there for the next 48 hours and rain across the region and daytona beach, florida, and the daytona 500 and rain in the forecast from saturday through sunday evening and ultimately breaks down through monday and on the race day and rain ago whole lot more than not raining and this is the forecast all day long from 9:00 a.m. taking you all the way to 6:00 p.m. and unfortunately, rachel, rain is in the forecast all day. rachel: coming up.
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gentlemen, start your engines and one day from 66 daytona 500. adam alexander joining us to preview the great american race on fox. ♪ he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add an all new footlong sidekick. like the philly with a new $2 footlong churro. sometimes the sidekick is the main event. you would say that. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer.
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pete: we are just one day away from the daytona 500. you can catch the great american race right here on fox at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. here to get us all tuned up for race day is fox nascar play-by-play announcer and host adam alexander. when the flag flies what should we be looking for. >> the daytona 500 is unpredictability and the wide open field and who's going to get it done and chiefs and 49ers
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and going for that 25, 30 teams that can go out and win in the daytona 500. we've seen upsets in recent years and could see it again and i believe that's why fans love it and going for the great american race. pete: going from super bowl to super bowl of nascar in the daytona 500 and fill as void in my heart and lose football and have nascar and something to watch on sundays and it's unpredictable and last winter was ricky stan hart and both never won a cup series race before daytona and a super speedway and car running well, anybody can be in contention. >> you said it. i've talked to so many drivers this week that have won the daytona 500. it's such a separator in your
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career and even someone that's never won another race to be able to put your name on that trophy and be called for the rest of the season or the rest of your career and rest of your life, daytona 500 champion is going to be life changing for whoever pulls into victory lane and that's what creates energy and excitement around this race for the drivers and teams. and because it's so wide open, execution is going to be key if you're going to come out on the other side tomorrow. pete: who do you like, guys like bush and guys like kyle larson. >> these are elite drivers that won championships and chase elliot that have never experienced victory in the daytona 500 and denny hamlin, i'd make him my favorite if i had to pick one and won it three
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times and hat trick in daytona and only five of the drivers that have bye been able to win d denny hamlin in elite class when you talk about winning nascar's version of the super bowl and he'll be a real player when we go green tomorrow. pete: he's going for fourth and also won at coliseum and exhibition race that happened a couple weeks ago and always seems to be near the front. what is it about him? >> no doubt on the veteran side of things and talk about drivers in that garage and i ask him during media day the other day, are you as guidances as you've ever been? he didn't hesitate and said three times last year and they didn't make it to the championship race and unfinished business and class of coliseum and tomorrow could be the next piece of work that starts making championship favorites and no
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doubt sleep on joey logano. adam, thank you for that. we know you'll be there. pete: can't wait to watch the great american race. there's a big show ahead. senator marsha blackburn, lawrence jones and senator candidate tim sheehy straight ahead. ♪ [♪] did you know, turbotax now offers a lifetime guarantee when you file your taxes? i'm here with tax expert diana to tell us more. turbotax guarantees your tax return for its full lifetime of 7 years. does that apply to all turbotax personal tax products and services? yes, whether you're doing your taxes yourself, or having one of our experts do them for you, the lifetime guarantee covers 100% accurate calculations, audit support, and maximum refund.
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