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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 17, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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to finance husband film -- film my if dead friend zoe. you'd think he could ask taylor for some money if he was hard up for cash. paul: dan. [laughter] >> my hit goes to the actor mark wahlberg for the spot he did invoking prayer during the season of lent. i have to admit at first i wasn't quite sure what i was seeing, mark wahlberg talking about lent amidst the tsunami of ads for self-indulgent. it was done for the daily prayer app called hallow. i'm saying there's hope, paul. paul: we all need it, that's for sure. that's it for this week's show. thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching. i'm paul gigot. hope to see you right here next week. ♪ ♪ arthel: colorado springs police searching for a killer after two students were found dead in a dorm room at the university of
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colorado-colorado brings. authorities say they have ruled out murder-suicide and are investing both deaths as homicides. finish welcome to the brand new our -- hour of "fox news live," i'm arthel neville. eric: thank you, everyone, for joining us on this story, i'm eric shawn. police responded to that call early yesterday e morning that shots had been fired at the dorm. when they went there, they found two bodies in the room. both had been shot at least once. the discovery has now sparked a school-wide lockdown, but no suspect, we're told, has yet been identified. the campus is closed this weekend, monday's classes have been canceled in light of this tragedy. the colorado springs police chief spoke out on the case this afternoon. >> i want to express my heart-felt sympathy for the families of these two individuals. a tragedy like this is unimaginable. i know there are many questions all of you have, cspd is committed to finding the answers. we will do everything we can the bring justice the those that
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we've lost, their family and friends. eric: christina coleman is live with the latest on this developing story. christina? >> reporter: hi, eric. officers found the two students dead in the dorm room yesterday around six in the morning after responding to a report of a shooting. colorado springs police say both students were hot at least once. it's unclear what led up to the violence. police have not publicly identified the victims in this case and so far no word on a motive for the shooting or a description of a suspect. >> we'll have to be careful about what we share so that we can protect the investigation and the subsequent prosecution. >> reporter: now, it's been a very heavy week for the students at that university. the school community was already processing the loss of another student who died suddenly from a medical emergency just days ago at the student rec center. >> it was already a tragic week for everyone. it was just really hard. it's been really groggy, not even the weather but just everybody has a just been on edge. so something like this, you
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know, you wouldn't even have expected it in general. >> reporter: a campus-wide lockdown went into effect for an hour and a half after the shooting on friday. police do not believe there is an ongoing threat to the community. however, some are still on edge since no arrests have been made in this case yet are. the campus is closed this weekend, and monday's classes are canceled as they cope with this violent incident that has rocked this community. >> you are our collective thoughts and heart-felt sympathies are with all the victims, their grieving families and all the members of the uccs campus who are facing this difficult time. >> reporter: also counseling is services are being offered at the campus wellness center to help students process this tragedy. eric? eric: all right, christina, thank you. arthel? arthel: eric and christina, for more on this, the police's next step in this case, let's bring in former e d.c. homicide detective and fox news contributor ted williams. is so, ted, based on the limited
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facts that are available, what can you piece together, if anything, at this point? >> well, good afternoon, arthel. this is certainly a very sad situation here. but when you look at what we do know, it's that they've ruled out a murder-suicide. hay do not believe that there's -- they do not believe that there's any threats to the community. they have said that the cause of death is homicide, and we are now, i'm sure, the bodies are at the medical examiner, and he will determine or she will determine the manner of death. but what they are having to do right now is work away from those bodies in that dormitory room and try to determine the killers. and one of the things that is going to be essential and i think is going to help, this happened around 6 a.m. in the morning. so they should be video cameras on, in and around that
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dormitory, and that, i think, will help them to resolve this case. arthel: and i do want to take a look at the timeline of colorado springs' police response. as you said, at a 6 a.m. reports of shots fired inside a dormitory. at 6:05 a.m. campus police gained access to the dorm room. at 6:11 a.m., officers request assistance from city law enforcement. at a 6:21 a.m. the entire campus was maced on -- placed on lockdown. so, ted, if campus police gained access to the dorm room 5 minutes after reports of shots fired inside the dorm, wouldn't they have encountered the shoot er or shooters? >> not probably so, arthel, because the shooter or shooters could have moved in a very deliberative and quick manner. once they were able to get
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access, one of the things that i would be concerned about was, was this a forced entry, or was -- how did they get into that room. also what they're having to do is to interview a lot of the students around that campus and specifically in that dormitory to try to solve this crime as such. arthel: yeah. was, i mean -- because, i i mean, i think the question everyone is asking is how can this happen in a dorm room on a college campus? and, you know, again, this is all very early in the and the facts are fluid at this point. if could the university of colorado-colorado springs be in any if sort of legal jeopardy here? >> probably not. i can tell you as a lawyer these things are unforeseeable. and the only way they would possibly be in legal jeopardy at that university is if they knew
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or should have known that these kinds of unfortunate situations could have taken place and they did not take any action to correct whatever was going on there. finish so one of the things also, arthel, is that as a i said they're taking these bodies to the method call examiner. -- medical examiner. they want to look at the bullets. they're trying to determine if the budgets came from the same gun. that's going to be significant. those video feeds that i poke about are going to be significant been spoke about because you'll see who left that building when, you'll see who arrived at that building. and that's boeing to be very determinative of finding the killer or killers. arthel: yeah. yeah. well, ted, you know, thank you as always and, of course, everyone keeping in mind that parents lost their children in this shocking homicide. sorry, it's really horrible. ted, i thank you. i want to share with the viewers, at this point if you have any if information, please do wall the colorado springs
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police department tipline at 719-634-stop, stop. again, that's 719-634-7867. ♪ >> last night around 9:30 or something we heard this giant boom. the windows were rattling, and i came out and i asked my parents, what's happening. eric: well, that giant boom that neighbors heard in one virginia community turned out to be what you see on this screen. a house exploding last night in sterling, virginia, 22 miles northwest of washington d.c. crews were responding to a 911 call about a gas smell. when they arrived, they found a 500-gallon underground propane tank that was leaking. that shortly before it exploded. the blast, tragically, killed one firefighter. he is 45-year-old trevor brown. mr. brown was a sterling fire
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company volunteer for the last eight years. leaves a wife and three children. >> units on the scene reported a catastrophic explosion. luckily, the two occupants of the ohm were removed by firefighters upon our arrival as well as some of the pets. it is a heavy heart that we announce one fire fighter from the sterling volunteer fire company was determined to be deceased on the scene. he's 45 years old, survived by a wife and three children. the family asks that you, please, respect their privacy in this time of difficult times. our members' welfare is our highest priority. eric: ten first responders/were taken to the hospital, some with severe injuries, we're told. four are still hospitalized but all, thankfully, are expected to survive. the investigation of that gas leak, that likely sparked this explosion, it's underway. arthel: well, former president trump says he will appeal the ruling in his new york civil fraud trial. a judge yesterday ordered him to
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pay over $350 million in fines for falsely inflating his net worth. c.b. cotton is live outside trump tower in new york city with the very latest. c.b. >> reporter: hi, arthel. well, this ruling is a significant shake-up for the trump empire. former president donald trump has been barred from leading any new york firm for three years. his sons, don jr. and eric, have been barred from two. now the judge's decision comes a day after a judge set a date in what could be mr. trump's first criminal trial now slated to begin on march 25th. mr. trump faces a combined total of 99 99 -- 91 state and federal charges across four criminal cases. this courtroom calendar appears to have only bolstered mr. trump as the gop front-runner. as for this civil fraud trial, judge arthur engoron wrote in his 92-page opinion the former president and his sons engaged in a years-long financial fraud
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to deceive banks and lenders, and he said they showed no remorse in doing so. he ruled trump submitted false financial statements to banks to secure more favorable loan terms and said he didn't find mr. trump to be a credible witness writing, quote: overall, bob trump rarely ponded -- donald trump rarely responded to the questions asked and frequently interjected long, irrelevant speak speeches on issues 235r beyond the scope of the trial. his refusal to answer the questions directly or in some cases at all severely compromised his credibility, end quote. the former president slammed the ruling as a sham. >> you know the great -- you build a great company, or there was no fraud. the banks all got their money, 100%. they love trump. they testified that trump is great, great customer, one of do our customers. they testified beautifully. >> reporter: meanwhile, attorney general letitia james called it a massive victory. >> donald trump may have
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authored "the art of deal," but he perfected the art of of the steal. this long-running fraud was intentional a, egregious, illegal, and he did it all of this -- >> reporter: donald trump and his attorney have vowed to appeal which, arthel, could take years in this case. back to you. arthel: c.b. cotton, thank you, live there at trump tower. eric? eric: president biden saying there is, quote, no doubt that vladimir putin was responsible for the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny. russia announced his death in an arctic prison yesterday with. his wife and support possessor across the globe say he was murdered -- supporters across the globe. back in 2021 the president washed of devastating consequences if navalny died within custody. many are waiting to see how the white house will respond. lucas tomlinson is in rehoboth beach, delaware, that is where
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the president's spending the weekend, at his house there on the beach. lucas, what's the latest from the white house? >> reporter: well, eric, president biden is also blaming congress for ukraine's retreat from a city in the eastern part of the country where 30,000 people used to live. the white house just moments ago said president biden spoke to ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy and provided a statement from that call which reads in participant, quote -- part, quote: ukraine's military was forced to withdraw from an eastern city after ukrainian soldiers had to ration ammunition due to dwindling supplies as a result of congressional inaction resulting in russia's first notable gains in months. as you mentioned off the top, eric, president biden blaming putin for the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny. putin's fierce ifist critic who bravely returned to russia after being poisoned by a nerve agent. navalny recovered in a german hospital. he could have stayed there, eric, and continued his crusade
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against putin outside russia. instead, he flew back three years ago and was promptly arrested. earlier the former head of all u.s. and nato forces in europe said putin has not been stopped. >> we need to step back and realize that mr. putin has a made a decision that he can get away with pretty much anything he likes. in this world, because the leaders of the west are not going to hold him to task. >> reporter: and vice president harris spoke earlier today in moon you can alongside zelenskyy at the same security conference where putin once blasted the west in 2007 and really set in motion his invasion plans for georgia the following year and ukraine in 2014. today president zelenskyy said putin has to be stopped. >> ukraine has -- that we can force russia to retreat. we can get our land back, and putin can lose. and this has already happened
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more than once on the battlefield if. >> reporter: now, officials call the war between russia and ukraine largely a stale a mate. the front lines have not changed significantly in over a year. despite the loss today in eastern ukraine. it is notable ukraine has destroyed two-thirds of russia's black sea fleet, eric. eric: yeah. many say ukraine needs and deserves the help from the if west. lucas, thank you. arthel? arthel: meanwhile, the world is mourning an outrage -- and outraged over the death of alexei navalny. navalny's mother n a very powerful speech in munich, echoing his wife and his allies saying her son was murdered. stephanie benefit -- bennett is live in london with the latest. >> reporter: that's exactly right. a swoaxwoman also confirming the death and has demanded that the his body be released to family immediately. but the big problem here is where is his body? it remains a mystery. now, today alexei navalny's
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mother was seen is headed toward the investigative committee office 1200 northeast of moscow near the prison colony. she and a lawyer were told he died around 2:17 friday afternoon of sudden death syndrome. while russia's federal penitentiary service reported navalny felt sick after a walk, fell unconscious and died. navalny's spokeswoman said on x that his mother and lawyer then visited a pork where the colony -- morgue where the colony assureed them his body was being kept, but she says the morgue was closed and concluded his body was not there. the family maintowns that he was murdered -- maintains that he was murdered. >> the body was taken by investigate if i committee, and they were conducting investigations with him. so right now we don't have access to the body, and we don't know for sure where it is. and we demand that russian authorities immediately give
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alexei's body to his family. >> reporter: of course, the 47-year-old former lawyer rose to prominence more than a decade ago a by documenting and speaking publicly about what a he said was the vast corruption of those running putin's russia. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken met with leaders in germany today on the sidelines of a global security conference saying navalny's death was, quote, a reminder of the extraordinary brutallingty of putin and his government against russians in russia and anyone who poses him. as a president putin remains silent, a kremlin spokesman called the west e east -- west's reaction unacceptable. dozens were arrested today at memorials and rallies held for navalny, many in st. petersburg and also moscow. and here in london flowers and pictures of the kremlin critic began piling up outside the russian embassy. once again the official cause of death has not yet been determined. arthel? arthel: stephanie if bennett, thank you very much. eric? eric: arthel, a wave of chinese migrants have been crossing the
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southern border sparking new fierce about our national security -- fears about our national security and whether beijing exis exploiting the crisis. live look at the border, and we'll have reaction from gordon continues. continues. ♪ax p ♪ -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) [car tires screeching] (♪) whenever heartburn strikes. get fast relief with tums. it's time to love food back. also available tums+ sleep support. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add any base. ends president's day.
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arthel: record numbers of chinese migrants are pouring across our southern border in california. griff jenkins is live at the border in jacumba, california, with more. hi, griff. >> reporter: hey, arthel, good afternoon. and many of these ooh migrants are flying into tijuana, just on the other side of san diego. let me show you, we have migrants here, you can see a group of them here in this area, this is some over there. the sun's coming out, it's getting warm, they've had a long journey. you can see sort of some port a potties set up. we spoke to one of the migrants from ecuador who flew to tijuana. take a listen. >> -- to mexico, to tijuana in airplane. next struggle is very, very hard. >> reporter: did you have to pay a cartel? >> yes. >> reporter: yeah? how much? >> any place you can see --
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[laughter] >> reporter: yeah. but how much did you have to pay? >> ah, i think maybe a thousand? >> reporter: a thousand? if. >> thousand bucks, every state. >> reporter: where do you want to go in the u.s.? >> a better life. in my country, the police and the people that want to kill me. me and my family. >> reporter: and back out here, you can see these chinese gentlemen here part of this group of about 50 that are here total migrants and about 10-12 are from china. this sector, san diego sector, arthel, has seen a 500 president increase in chinese -- 500% increase in chinese nationals, and it's harder to vet those from countries like china. arthel? arthel: griff jenkins live at the border in jacumba, california, thanks.
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eric? eric: well, arthel, griff just showing us what he says are a dozen or so chinese migrants sitting in the sun there. that influx now raising national security concerns. many of them, it is feared, could be linked to the chinese communist party. in fact, since october 1st more than 20,000 my cheese migrants -- chinese migrants have illegally crossed into our country from the southern border, a massive increase from just three years ago. what's bend hind this? gordon chang, author of "china is going to war." first, gordon, do we know who these people are? >> well, certain people are who they say they are. they are desperate middle class chinese. you know, you showed a migrant who paid a thousand dollars to the cartels. well, the chinese migrants pay something like $35-45,000 to the cartels because they can afford it, and the cartels know that. but we're also seeing a group, very suspicious, very sinister looking, chinese males of
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military age, traveling without family members, pretending not to speak english. and in last month, at the end of last month, we started to get more evidence that these are saboteurs because we saw tease videos of -- saw these videos of recent arrivals taking target practice with pistols and sniper or rifles. so really we've got to be concerned because why would they be doing this after just arriving in the u.s., being here? fewer than three weeks? eric: can you break that down? in terms of these military-aged men, where are they taking this practice? if who are they? what type of organization is behind them? if you know, you've got to sleep someplace. who's taking care of them? can you tell our viewers, explain that in detail in. >> first of all, they were the videos from the defiant america web site which is of some sandy desert area. but we also know from, for instance, blaine holt, a retired air force general, that they're taking target practice in large
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numbers in his state of idaho. so this seems to be across the country. in that defiant america web site, they say that the migrants who had been pictured were in the u.s. for less than three weeks. they'd had no money when they crossed the border into the u.s., and they had no identification. so the question is, where did they get the funds for target practice? we really don't know. and there are a lot of questions that have to be answered because there are, as we progress, more and more reports of target practice by chinese migrants. eric: are authorities aware of this, and is there any indication that the fbi and other law enforcement, they may be on their radar? have you heard about any of that? >> i've heard of no u.s. law enforcement efforts. i have heard of groups of americans who are extremely concerned who are tracking these chinese migrants and getting evidence of it. but so far, you know, the biden administration has not been tracking migrants as they come
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across the u.s., and i don't think that they've been tracking the chinese ones as well. the problem, part of it is, there have been so many chinese migrants that they have not been vetted carefully for either military or communist party links because of language problems and because of just the sheer number of them. eric: and finally, we go from three years ago we saw 450 chinese migrants, 450. and then in just four months, 20,000. is it your belief that this is an organized ccp operation to infiltrate chinese nationals of military age, perhaps, into our country for eventual nefarious purposes? >> well, that's certainly true for some of them. i think the majority though really are desperate chinese, because we have seen in the last couple years evidence of societal failure in china. the economy is crumbling but also society is just not working hike it once did. so i do believe that most of the
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chinese coming across are really just desperate. remember, these people have given up everything to come to the u.s. so, you know, if you're talking about the vast majority of them, yes, they're desperate. but inside of that there are large numbers of, i think, soldiers who have come here to wage war on america, to link up with known chinese facilities, especially that lab in rigly, california, the secret chinese bioweapons lab that had at least 20 pathogens including the one for ebola and almost a thousand men that had been genetically engineered to spread disease. that's evidence that china is putting together this infrastructure to wage war on us. eric: wow. and finally, we're looking live now at a video of which griff said there were maybe a dozen or so chinese migrants there. we don't know who they are, but that raises the question if you're coming here and you're middle class, let's say you paid $45,000 and you're coming to the united states for economic
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reasons, that's not eligible for asylum, is it? can they say they were in fear of the ccp and president xi's regime, and would they be granted asigh spectrum? are most granted, some granted? how successful are they when they come here? >> well, inform, the biden administration -- in fact, the biden administration has been granting asylum on a wide scale basis. generally, if you look at u.s. law, economic reasons are not enough to get asylum. you have to have a reasonable fear of political prosecution. now, you could say every chinese citizen has that. but that's not the way the law masks in fact, been interpreted in the past. eric: well, they're coming, and the numbers have been exploited. gordon chang, as always, china expert. above done, good to see you, thank you. >> thanks, eric and arthel. arthel: thank you, gordon. okay. well, nikki haley is hoping her home state can deliver her first victory in the republican primaries. or what are her chances? we'll hit the campaign trail in
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south carolina, that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ and ultra conforming inner springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets, at las vegas grand prix choose t-mobile for business for 5g solutions. because t-mobile is helping power operations and experiences for hundreds of thousands of fans with reliable 5g connectivity. now's the time to accelerate your business.
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because it's completely changed our lives. eric: early voting is underway in south carolina's republican primary perform former president trump holds a solid lead over nikki haley in her home state, but, you know, the former u.n. ambassador, well, she's hitting the former president on foreign policy, his mental fitness and other issues. alexandria hoff has the very latest. she's in south carolina where, well, i guess they're beginning to vote. hey, a alexandria. >> reporter: hey, yeah. we have these vents underway throughout the week. you're speaking about foreign policy, and the criticism coming from team nikki haley towards the former president has really ramped up especially in the wake of pew putin foe if alexei that'llny's death. the campaign coming out and
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directly asked if the former president would consider vladimir putin responsible for this. she also said this earlier today regarding some of his overseas dealings. >> the problem is if someone is not there to rein him in, he gets out of control. look at what he said about nato. he went and said that he would -- if they didn't pull their weight, he would encourage putin to invade them. >> reporter: the former governor held an event on kiowa island earlier, she knows the uphill battle occurs in her home state but feels there is a way to close the gap. the former president is at a 58-32% lead over haley in this primary if. former president trump is not set to arrive here in south carolina until tuesday. today he'll make a stop at the footwear convention, sneaker con, in philadelphia urging young people to get involved. >> what's the most important thing? to go out and vote, right? [cheers and applause] we have to go out and vote.
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we're going to remember sneakerconker you know that. we're going -- sneakercon. we're going to remember the young people, especially that wear sneakers. >> reporter: the former president wants those young people to be wearing his sneakers. he debuted a specialty pair today at this event. but he also has voiced some criticism back here in south carolina for the way that the primary is done which is that it's open to democrat voters so long as they did not participate in the democratic primary that was held earlier this month, eric. eric: all right, alexandria. that's unusual. thank you. arthel? arthel: all right, guys, thank you. former president trump and his one-time u.n. ambassador nikki haley the last republican presidential candidates standing, and polls show haley faces a steep, uphill climb, but she is remaining firm that she is the candidate who can beat president biden in the general election.
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>> this is not personal for me and donald trump. i voted for donald trump twice. i was proud to serve america in his administration. this is about the fact that republicans have to win. arthel: let's bring in princeton associate research scholar and lecturer dr. lauren wright. ing okay, so, lauren, i'm not saying that they are doing this, but if the haley camp is betting on trump's mounting charges and legal woes to give her a leg up, is that a safe bet? >> no, because republicans seem to not care very much about this. that doesn't mean that trump hasn't seen some drops in opinion, for example, after the documents, mar-a-lago news came out there was eroding opinion of trump, and it doesn't mean that doesn't make him very vulnerable in a national election. it does mean though that it has not changed opinion of him. in other words, republicans are still very supportive of trump regardless of these charges that
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you just mentioned, arthel. arthel: so is i want to take a look at a washington post/monmouth poll on south carolina voter primary persons. this -- preference. this poll was taken january 26th-30th. here are the results. four months ago 46% preferred trump. last month trump was up by 12 points with a 58% voter preference ifful now, looking at haley four months ago, 18% preferred haley. last month haley was up 14 points with a 32% voter preference. so, lauren, what does this trend tell you? >> well, it tells me that, you know, as we've known for some time with presidential elections the closer we get to individual election days, the more accurate the polls are. and so if we're do believe this, that a means that haley is getting weaker as we approach the next primary, and trump is getting stronger, and so he's very likely to win.
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i do think though that all of these calls by trump and his operatives for haley to drop out don't make any sense to me because if he's as dominant as the polls say he is and it's apparently true based on the last few election results, then he should want to keep haley in the race and keep beating her time and again. if she drops out, there's no opponent for him to talk about, and so i do think it's actually quite personal when he attacks haley since according to the polls she's actually not that much of a threat to him. arthel: now meanwhile, nikki haley is saying the rnc should not be trump's piggybank for his personal court cases. she does not want the rnc to become his, quote, legal defense fund. so is this a legitimate concern? and if so, how would that give trump an advantage over haley? if. >> well, it's a very effective argument, you know, from a rhetorical standpoint.
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maybe not the evidence not quite there in the polls, but it's good to hash out these debates, frankly, in the republican party. it's good to have a debate about what charismatic leadership looks like, what responsible leadership looks like. it's also good to have a debate about the role of the u.s. in the world and the role of nato. and so what haley's doing, yes, is prolonging their ultimate result, perhaps, but it's good as an ideological debate for republicans to be having. and so her point is very well taken, and i think a lot of people watching notice that she's making it harder for the biden camp who wants nothing more than for her to drop out so they can paint the republican party as the personality cult for trump, all of his legal troubles included in that. arthel: so according to data and research that you've reviewed, what kind of political and voter shane is in nikki haley a week -- shape is nikki haley in a week before the south carolina
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primary in haley's home state next saturday? >> right. she's in very bad shape on a couple of fronts. one is that your home state traditionally is where you're strongest, not weakest. but her home state of south carolina is very support e of trump -- supportive of trump, very conservative. and so things are not looking good for her. it's also a not looking good for her or that she hasn't won, you know, a race a yet. and she's had the minority of support. and so that's cheerily not changing -- clearly not changing. however, i do think that the calls for her to drop out don't make a lot of sense strategically for republicans especially because it makes the case harder for democrats. arthel: well, we will see how long nikki haley stays in the race, is and we will talk to you again, dr. lauren wright. thank you very much. >> sounds good. arthel: take care. hey, by the way, want to remind if our audience that both republican candidates will appear if on fox news in the coming days. so tune in tomorrow at 5 p.m. to
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see nikki haley's exclusive town hall in south carolina mod if rated by john roberts. moderated. then tuesday night at a 7 p.m. is former president trump's exclusive town hall with laura ingram as moderator. eric? eric those town halls are always pretty lively. looking forward to them. house intelligence committee chairman mike turner is facing blowback for sounding the alarm about that emerging anti-satellite space lift from russia. turner caused a frenzy, if you wall -- recall, on capitol hill. he demanded that president biden declassify the intelligence on what moscow has. some lawmakers are now saying that, well, he may have gone too far. chad pergram explains. >> reporter: lawmakers livid, confused, bewildered at intelligence committee chairman mike turner for freaking people out about the russian threat. >> you make a statement like that, it can upset the market. people are, people are panicking at home. >> reporter: lawmakers perplexed about why turner portrayed the information in
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such dire terms. >> i'm not sure he intended to, but he sure sicced the bloodhounds on the issue. >> reporter: director of national intelligence avenue avril haines and national security advisor jake sullivan rushed to capitol hill to brief top congressional a leaders about the russia space weapon and calm nerves. >> nobody for anybody to run for the hills. this is pretty standard stuff in the intelligence community. >> reporter: in a rare seen, himes stood shoulder to shoulder are turner and house speaker mike johnson after the briefing. all a spoke cryptically. >> some details have leaked, there's lots of conjecture. >> i've got great fate faith in what the administration is doing to currently address this matter. >> reporter: but law marings are perturbed at turner. >> i don't agree with the way he did this. >> [inaudible] >> i don't think, i mean, once you open it up to 435 members, it's going to become public. mine, you may as a well just let it out. >> reporter: conservatives view this as a near conspiracy.
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a ply to escalate -- a ploy to's e calculate concern as a congress struggles to approve aid to ukraine and renew part of a controversial surveillance program known as atize if saw. >> why is it just coming out just now? it reeks of the deep state and, frankly, i'm very skeptical of it. >> reporter: andy ogles of tennessee demands that mike johnson investigate turner, a fellow republican. ogles claimed that turner was, quote, reckless in handling the information and disregarded how the alert could harm the nation's psyche. on capitol hill, chad pergram, fox news. arthel: well, israel is preparing for an intense siege in rafah where over a million palestinian refugees have taken shelter. meantime, tensions keep rising with hezbollah in northern israel. the latest from the middle east is coming up next. ♪ ♪
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arthel: fears are growing over the idf's possible ground invasion of rafah, and it seems as if egypt is taking steps to prepare for a mass exodus of palestinians. new video shows a concrete wall going up along its border with the gaza strip. all this after israel pulled out of negotiations over potential ceasefire if deal. senior correspondent mike tobin has the story. >> reporter: arthel, prime minister benjamin netanyahu told the israeli press tonight that the offensive in rafah at the southern end of the gaza strip is coming. he also said that the creation of a palestinian state now would be a gift, in effect, for the october 7th massacre. this as the tension on the border with lebanon reaches its highest level since the october attack. on wednesday eight people were injured, one killed bying rocket fire to's israel's north. the idf responded with airstrikes some deep into lebanon. at least three hezbollah fighter, one a command, were killed. as soon as the hezbollah funerals were over, rockets
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returned to the north of israel. the novel is largely a ghost town, 90% of the people have. [laughter] if most of the shops are closed, and the people have been gone for four month ifs as a the world watches nervously fearing the lebanese border will slip into another war. israelis living in the north hope it will. they feel the resolution that a ended the last war was not respected, so hezbollah is an armed force on their border as great a threat as hamas in the south. >> this is not like what the government need to do is to direct the idf to go and take out hezbollah. >> we now have very little faith in another diplomatic solution. it's totally -- [inaudible] >> reporter: as it relates to the south, the israeli defense minister said idf commanders are planning an offensive into rafah which prime minister netanyahu called the last baas champion of hamas. while -- bastion of hamas.
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while egypt constructs a wall, there are no plans to drive palestinians into egypt. arthel, back to you. arthel: mike tobin, thank you very much, mike if. eric? eric: back here at home the great american race, well, it could turn into the great american washout. heavy rain could delay the daytona 500 tomorrow. we're live as you see there at the speedway next here on "fox news live." ♪ ♪ earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all. i'm gonna get 'em all! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪
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eric: well, it's a weekend washout in florida. look at that. it's threatening the first and biggest event of the nascar racing season if things go on as planned tomorrow. it could go down as the wettest daytona 500 on record, that is, if they start their engines. fox weather correspondent a brandy campbell at daytona international speedway. do you think they're going to get that flag or delay the race? if hey, brandy. >> reporter: yeah, i think everybody's just kind of on their toes waiting to see what's going to happen this weekend. we could get 2-3 inches of rain between monday and today as well. it'd be more than any other daytona 500 weekend. and the biggest question is, again, will we get that green nag waved. the teams will able to take off for what is basically the super bowl of nascar. the weather forecast, they're not looking good with heavy rain expected through monday morning. a nascar rep told me they will
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do what they can to wait out the rain, but safety is their number one priority. with no tread on the tires of these cars, a car chief explained why. >> rain obviously makes the track more slippery just like the roads when you're driving. the traction in the corner change, so there's some features on the car that we have at different tracks that we're more equipped to race in the rain, and daytona's not just one of those tracks because the style makes it too dangerous. >> reporter: all right. now, they do have a system to dry the track if they get a chance to race tomorrow. they use over a dozen trucks blowing high pressure area onto the track. the fun fact to know is this track is 2.5 miles long, it could take them at minimum an hour and a half to dry the track and hope it stays dry once the race starts. we're supposed to be seeing the xfinity race starting or actually happening, but the rain is also a stopping that too. back to you from the daytona international speedway. eric: all right, brandy.
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it seems kind of iffy as it stands now. you know, arthel, those cars go, what, 180 miles an hour, so you know what it's like to drive in the rain on the freeway? arthel: right in gotta be careful. well -- no, you're right, don't do it! [laughter] eric:, we're back tomorrow at noon thanks, everyone, fot r joiningn us.! us.! hopefully, we'll see you tomorrow. hat. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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