tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News February 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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business at least the governor is. kudos to him. >> mine goes to the woke mayor of barkley, california who asked $10 million to the police department budget in 2020. now guess what crime is caught up he wants to lead the charge against an alarming spike in crime i wonder how that happened? >> how about this left-leaning billionaire george soros personally funded some of the most older progressive district attorneys in the country is now poised to take over the nation's second-largest radio company called odyssey the number two broadcaster iheartmedia a lot of people say key once to influence the upcoming election, imagine that. that will be a shocker bird that would be a real shocker. good to be with you this weekend that does it for us. we see becker tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: hello america i am mark "life, liberty & levin" this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. i have two great guest general jack keane and alan dershowitz. before we get to them i want decided to look over the charges against donald trump and all these jurisdictions. do you know what? there's not a single legitimate charge among them. let me say this you very, very briefly. he is attacked by the attorney general of new york who is a left-wing reprobate and campaigned as a left-wing reprobate on a fraud statue that does not require fraud. on a fraud statue that is not require anybody claiming fraud. on a fraud statute that's never been used before in the history of the state of new york. it seems to me if you're going to go after a presidential candidate, a former president
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you ought to have something more than the statute. the reprobate who is the attorney general is in front of the reprobate who is the judge who is a reprobate for the law clerk and you can see the problem. then we moved to manhattan we have this guy alvin a break he takes the case that his predecessor would not street to cyrus vance a left-wing elected democrat said no the southern district of new york said no we do not want to touch that it what is this case? it is an attempt to take a business reporting, turn it into a federal campaign violation the way jack smith did against jon edwards. the jury in north carolina, through all of the charges out. the twisted federal law the federal election law that is exactly what alvin bragg is doing but worse. he is twisting state law to take what he accuses trump of. a misdemeanor turning it into a felony by trying to hook in federal election law. i know this sounds complicated. but what i want you to get out
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of this is the extent they are rewriting laws, twisting claws, making laws to get trump. none of this is fair and square none of this is in the precedent of criminal prosecution. none of this is in the criminal code state or federal. then we move to the clown show in fulton county most people call it atlanta that's close to fulton county district attorney who is outrageous in terms of her conduct. her lover, we watch this this week he is going on about yes but my wife had cheated on me so i thought it was okay but we were going to get a divorce i didn't get a divorce. meanwhile defense counsel demonstrated he had filed several false interrogatories you file a false interrogatories you do that under penalty of perjury that is a crime not a misdemeanor that is a felony. he kept having to change it pretty think he changed it twice. what was the best attorneys for wade and the attorney for the state could do? constant interruptions on
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attorney client privilege claims. this is ironic in a sick way for they stripped donald trump of attorney-client privilege and the generate six so-called case in washington d.c. with his lead lawyer. force him to testify in front of a grand jury co pre-forced him o bring his notes in front of a grand jury all done in secret. they're going on and on about attorney-client privilege to try to protect the hoax the potential conflicts of instants and criminality of the state itself in atlanta, georgia when it comes to donald trump defending himself know attorney-client privilege with his lead lawyer but let's get into the generate six case. you would think if they had a case of insurrection, sedition or violence they would bring it. but that is not jack smith that's not the department of justice where they do? they had to find crimes some of which are never filed against anybody again to bring against donald trump. here we are tied with insurrection what does that have
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to do the duke ku klux klan of 1870? nothing. sedition what does that have to do with the enron obstruction laws that were passed having nothing to do with it, nothing. what is it have to do with the federal contractor law after cricket a fe or federal contracs violence? nothing. and so they said not only bring in these cases, we need them to be heard right away, right away. everything is at stake they go to the circuit court there are three judge panel to buy didn't knuckleheads one very weak a buh appointee what happens? you are not above the law. you are treating them like he is above the law. that he is crazy, no. this is they cannot destroy the office of the presidency. they're destroying the office of the presidency you w want to noe evidences? she require immunity that falls are present out of office for matter like this? a current case.
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they dug up a phony criminal statutes to go against trump after he was in the presidency. you did not even have to speculate about the future it's going on right now but the all important documents case in florida why is that all important? for half a century joe biden violated federal law the espionage act as a senator he stole documents of the skiff. there is no question. as the vice at present he stole documents even bragged to his ghost writer in 2017. they don't know i have these. what are these? notebook copies of his notes that were taken, that were covered top secret information. and they are found everywhere pretty look under the table, look at this is the biden penn center for they are there at the wilmington ho house produce othr mansion he earned look at that. they've got here, they've got it there, they've got everywhere. they had it when he was running a place in virginia. not only that people overlook
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the fact the prosecutor also found out he would carry classified information on his person. or worse. and what else? in a briefcase. all of those are crimes under the espionage act. but we are not going to bring crimes because he is an imbecile. imbeciles are never prosecuted of course they should have thise brought them. the key prosecute for sitting president that's ever been tested i don't agree with that but if i am jack smith i don't care about boundaries, i go for baby. i let the courts to straighten out. that is out the prosecutor did, he ducked and biden is still attacking him. okay fine what about the case in florida? donald trump should not have access to so the classified information used against him or some of the witness information.
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this guy, jack smith, is spending too much time at the harrogate. he's got the mindset of some of the people he prosecuted there but some of the genocidal maniacs. this is the united states of america. he stripped him of attorney/client privilege in one case you're stripping him of immunity. you stripped him of executive privilege, biden did that pretty criminalize the case is not criminal you can handle civilly if at all that way. and now you're going down there to florida when your case should have been brought use a grand jury in d.c. instead of a grand jury in florida. you are trying to do everything humanly possible to get this man convicted. every one of these 91 charges are phony. up and down. what about the espionage act and trump? how low he was the president. when he said i am taking this document or physically took it that could be considered declassification. presidents not going to take a document in order to be prosecuted is he? he is the executive branch the vice president is not?
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the senator is not? hilary clinton was not? he is. all of these complex first time raise constitutional questions are being raised not because of trump. trump wo would've only done thi. that's not the way the system works. he is being targeted. the espionage act has never been used against a president or a former president for they took a document, that's not the only one. he is not the only one. we have a bill clinton with tape recordings in his socks or the federal judge ruled the rule does not apply to him. it's the exception. none of these cases are serious in terms of the law. in terms of tying up donald trump on time. we elect every one of them. the biden white house is behind it all. brad, fannie, even smith in one
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form or another consulted with the white house. is there a problem? meanwhile joe biden who could not remember his age, cannot remember his name, could not run for the last four digits of a social security number. accuses the special prosecutor of daring to bring up his son's death. he had no business to do it, you brought it up genius like you always do the prosecutor said we didn't do it, he did it. of course par for the course. but every time joe biden goes out there or there is a leak in the white house they are officially sanctioned leaks donald trump is a danger to america. donald trump is a dictator for this is an existenial threat. donald trump wins, he is communicating directly on all of the democrat prosecutors, all of the democrat charges state and federal. all of the wood beat jury pools weather in new york, washington, atlanta, or florida.
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we have to stop this man. a man they keep calling hitler. that is pretty sick too. they keep calling him a dictator at existenial threat were going to lose democracy. it goes on and on and on. all of the morning shows and that concept news network and the rest of them why are they doing that? to affect the body politic to affect the democrats position. to run the justice system. where the d.o.j. here or they are too dirty the jury pool all over the country that is why they would keep running on this and running on this because biden himself told somebody, they leaks at evan garlin had only gone after trump earlier they would already be in trial and convicted of something. and the judge in manhattan and the phony alvin bragg case obviously hates trout. he wants to start a trial on march front 25th, why?
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in the middle of an election. keep in mind for months before that two months now before that the present has to prepare for that case. he has to prepare for this. so, i want you to keep this in mind just as in 2016 i was the one who exposed the activity, the wiretapping the other efforts to monitor donald trump to his campaign and people and so forth. just getting the public information out of the newspapers we are learning more now the cia was involved directly in other intelligence operations. and that clearly obama had to know and biden had to know too. the democrat party, that media, washington tried to take out trump in 2016 and they tried to destroy his presidency. it did not work. now they are trying it to the legal system. the injustice system. and they are throwing everything at him except any legitimate criminal statutes. they are suing every jurisdiction at him.
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state, local, federal all over the country. everything they possibly can to take him out. the question is whether the american people going to tolerate this. it's clear the conservatives are not. biden was a huge advantage 99% of the free media. corporate media are in biden's camp. they're protecting him from serious analysis over his mental state too. they are protecting him from violation of the espionage act. they are protecting him from his criminal acceptance for his family of money whether it's in the communist chinese or some other enemy. they are in full protection mode unless you knock them off at the convention, which i think they would like to do if they can. let's take gavin newsom a loser like that or someone else. the fact is that while he is in
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the race with the media all the people say he's changed, he's change for 72 hours. which is not a change at all. we are going to be right back at it. i will be right back. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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we have a great patriot with this general jack mccain who you are familiar with enduring these are perilous times, militarily with her enemies lining up again says he is the man to talk to a retired four-star army general. a couple of questions here. i am concerned our own military is not receiving the kind of resources and attention they deserve from either party. whether it is the white house, whether it is congress it does not seem to be a priority. i read the other day they were slashing the number of f35's we have ordered from 82 under 70. our enemies are building up. they are poised in many respects and i honestly do not feel like we are given the resources necessary to our military. not think we should not fight smarter than all the rest but i'm talking basic stuff. what you know about all this? what you are actually right too.
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of all the security challenges the united states is facing are on a scale we have not seen going all the way back to world war ii with china, russia and iran. we have three vital interest areas in the world to administrations have defined for us the trump administration and the biden administration. not surprising europe, the middle east and the indo pacific region. we've got war in two of them and one in the end of pacific region is threatening war. we are dealing with the smallest army we have had since prior to world war ii. these smallest air force we have had in 40 years. the navy is sitting at 292 sh ships. there is supposed to be at 355. they are no work getting there in a number of years. plus china out guns us with just about every military piece of hardware from ships, two airplanes, two missiles except
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for submarines it. and our budget is underwater in terms of inflation. none of that makes any sense. you are absolutely right we are not getting the resources the military needs to face the serious global threats that we are entertaining at the time. mark: as a pedestrian i look at this we are spending wildly, we have massive deficits, expanding programs expanding bureaucracies, new entitlement programs new welfare programs, illegal immigration and all the rest there seems to be money for everything but the united states military. doesn't this have a little bit of stench like the 1930s to you? looks very much so. the frustration that many of us have is this administration will not lay out to the american people how serious this threat is. the fact is, china, russia, iran or all working together with the assistance of north korea.
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we have not seen anything like that. as i said going back to world war ii i am not suggesting where the cusp of world war iii but this cooperation is real and they are working against what they consider to be a weakness in terms of u.s. and national leadership and the lack of political resolve the commerce of the united states. that is what they see. the biden administration will not talk to the american people about the seriousness of this threats the answer is pretty obvious why because it they did the american people would say next to them at what you going to do about it if it's that serious? that would change all of their political objectives that this administration has as you just to find us some of them anecdotally. they would have to focus on the seriousness of the threat that the american people are facing. let's focus on one ironic israel. as i listen to the white house watch the media and so forth,
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all of the pressure on little israel that was att attack thats surrounded by countries including terrorists. they suffered this monstrous act of genocide. they are now defeating hamas they had the leaders of hamas on the run they even know what tunnels they are in. there is no pressure being placed on iran they have killed three of our military personnel through its proxies. the proxies are attacking us relentlessly. we don't put the sanctions are bbackand we do not threaten irat israel we need a two state solution. along the cease fire 100 other conditions. what do you make of that? what's none of that makes a lot of sense the administration started out with the right attitude we are going to support israel one 100% or words to that effect too. and then and a matter of a couple of weeks there starting to dial that back. if tension between the prime minister of israel and the
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president of the united states is pretty real. i think the united states should stay out of the business of how israel's leadership fights the war. they have got formidable challenges that i think our viewing audience has come to grips with. never before in the history of urban warfare have a population be held prisoner in those cities and not able to get out of it. normally in urban warfare and people hear the sounds of the guns getting close they do what? they fully accepted those who are infirmed are those who choose just not to leave. that has not been the case throughout these operations in gaza. despite that the israelis have provided when they were in the north in northern gaza they provided an evacuation route for them to used to get out of the city. but still hamas held onto the people because they want the
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casualties that is held diabolical and sinister they are. when i got into the south and those others cities they designated on a map and numbered the neighborhoods and told the citizens in those communities where the next attack would take place so they could move out of it. at the same time telling hamas or they intend to fight to next. they accepted that liability to help the citizens. we've got to stay out of micromanaging the israelis know the civilian population is an issue for them. they are trying to reduce the casualties up or they're putting in place systems that make some sense of. we had to pin th pin the rows ot should be. hamas is causing the escalation of casualties by holding the people prisoner inside of the cities. that's the reality of what they are facing. mark: be returned to issues
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iran, why are we doing a thing about iran? people say we promote them who is provoking whom around here that's number one. number two were going to move to russia and ukraine. it seems to me a love affair and some kind of effort to basically completely defund the ukrainians were fighting the russians on the front lines f we like to pursue that with you when we♪ l return. ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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welcome to fox news live i am jon scott in new york put a problem presidential race intensified ahead of next week's south carolina primary. early voting there is already in full swing and new polling shows a former president donald trump is holding a commanding lead over his only remaining challenger nikki haley the former governor. haley is not backing down she has continued to target trumps foreign policy. haley calls out his past praise for russian president vladimir putin. also slamming trumps comments russia should invade and nato allies that don't pay enough for defense. tense negotiations for a new cease-fire between israel and hamas continue in cairo as president benjamin netanyahu stalled peace talks that comes as palestinians gaza's and seven city before ground invasion more than a dozen killed in the
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densely populated city today. i am jon scott. ♪ physics welcome back america. iran is building a nuclear program and we are not doing a thing about it, general. we are finding terrorism all of the middle east, all over the world. we are not doing anything we are provoking them why. >> the iranians say as it does russia and china the united states having weak national leadership and political system that clearly is divisive they are taking advantage of it this administration has got to reset their entire strategy dealing with syron and admit the diplomacy and appeasement strategy they tried right at the
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beginning of the administration up until now really has it failed miserably wet and my really talking about question could get to isolate ironic diplomatic with her allies and partners that will take a little bit of work. some of these partners really want to trade with the iranians. we have got to wire brush them over that and get them on the second page of the sanctions for truth got to go back to the trump sanctions the maximum sanctions they would impose and cut off any of the loopholes to china who is buying a lot of iran's oils and stop that from happening. we have got the cover down and make certain iran is back on their heels once again economically. they are flush and have rockets and missiles and other instruments of war it should be able to use it. the third thing is we have to confront iran militarily. cyber attacks to be sure we got great capability to do that.
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cyber espionage but also connect military attacks but i am not talking about going to i were with iran and pursuing national comnationalcommand authority ine infrastructure that they have like we did in baghdad when the nine states want to take a regime down. i am talking about limited military attack that begins to take away assets they value a lot. take their assets away from them. using operations to do that. it will not cause excessive reagan did this in the late '80s very successfully. trumped and it also very it alsy successfully during his administration. that is the approach of got to take on a nuclear weapon. they are at 60% of enriched uranium right now. to go to 90% does not take much at all. we are in the not even talking
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about nuclear weapons with iran. if this administration does not face up to what is happening it's ironic is going to have several nuclear weapons on their hands just like north korea did it. that is going to be a massive failure on the part of this administration per they've got to work with the israelis. conduct cyber espionage as well as kinetic espionage against the nuclear enterprise right now for the israelis have done this very successfully, shut the program back nine months in 2020 there is more that of that we can do and certainly make sure the iranians on the stand military option is on the table dealing with th her nuclear enterprise d that enterprise should be at risk right now. given their behavior in the middle east. we should talk to the american people about this from the oval ovaloffice the threat is that serious and what is happening in the middle east. >> we have a little time left. i understand people are upset
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about the amount of money or it has been misspent has not been properly managed so forth and so on. that could be fixed. my problem is it is not just defunding in ukraine it is almost a bizarre celebrity status they handed this guy who is trying to nuclear rice space he's not doing that for ukraine he's doing that for us when you make of this? >> platoon is on the march year. as much as we want ukraine to survive. this funding is about stopping putin. stopping him in his tracks right there in ukraine and taking down his military capability that will set him back for years. he is already working on the conviction in the baltics in both dell but to move on to those with hybrid warfare as soon as he is able to take ukraine down for it if we stopd finding him, ukraine loses,
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russia wins, a china wins ironic wins. we've got to see these countries are all connected to each other. we have to stand up to this aggression. what kind of world do we want to live and where these aggressors are calling the shots they have the momentum and the initiative and the united states t the worh of dominating superpowers back on its heels. this makes no sense for the economic prosperity that we enjoy in this country of ours is completely tied to the stability and prosperity the united states has been able to impact in the world out there. to pull back from that and let the aggressors have their way begins to shut that down. it is disappointing that some of our leaders cannot see the big picture and are focused on something so very narrow as not wanting to fund ukraine and take a look at what that implies for the world at large. in the united states economic
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mark: welcome back america but were here with my friend harvard law professor alan durso it should. at or about you but the campaign now and the state department and the white house against israel is really quite shocking and appalling. it's almost as if they opened up another warfront against the state of israel what is your take on this? >> the united states is allowing hamas to win and if the united states does not change its policy. if president biden does not get more strongly behind israel, hamas will win. it will have accomplished all of its goals ending the possibility
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of peace with saudi arabia. turning world, turning academics against israel returned the united nations against israel. if hamas is allowed to win, it's a terrorism is coming to a theater near you. president biden got it right the other day on ukraine where he were hesaid we cannot allow puto win because if we allow putin to win and he won't move into poland he will move into other countries. why does that not apply as well to hamas? if hamas is allowed to win it will keep its promise of doing it again and again and again. but this time it will not be limited to israel. it will move to europe it will move to the united states, it will move to our allies. we cannot allow terrorism to win. that is with this administration by tying israel's hands by saying to israel we are going to micromanage it we are going to tell you how many soldiers you can send in. why that you can go into a hospital where they are holding
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hostages the command structure still survives and exists. of those restrictions are placed on israel it is an invitation to hamas to do it again and again and again. if they are allowed to pay they will be repeated this time we will be the target for. >> the question is why is biden, blinken are they doing this? is it for politics? is it for ideology? blinken brought in this guy who was a disaster what is this all about? lexus is all about politics this is about michigan this is about trying to make sure you do not lose the muslim vote in dearborn the extremist left awoke a progressive vote should. look, at the democrats want to win this election they're going to have to move to the center and support israel you do not win an election in america by turning against our allies.
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biden administration is making it to stick. biden has a place in his heart and israel sodas blinken. i have known them both. in their hearts they support israel but in their minds and with the pressure they are getting the extreme left of the democratic party they are violating their own principles. they are violating their own conscience and turning against america's strongest ally in the middle east. it will hurt america. it will hurt israel. and i have to tell you it will hurt the democrats in the elector they will deserve it. they will deserve to be heard if they abandon israel. >> for you and i agrees on the heart issue. if blinken's heart told him he supports israel he never would have hired. if blinken's heart tells him he would not make the public comments he is making about israel. i'ifi've biden's heart supports, he would not be doing and saying and standing with the king of jordan saying what he said and
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so forth and so on and saying things behind the scene but let me say this. they are undermining the state of israel to the point where people it israel are feeling abandoned by the united states and i do not blame them, what do you think? >> i agree with you. i saw him standing next to the king and not even mentioning that jordan has killed more palestinians and black september and has done more harm to the palestinian cause and has done more harm yes they brought about peace in israel. but boy, during black september week but they did to the palestinians looking about the occupation. let's member israel needs to occupy a single inch of that west bank at 67 they sent emissaries to the king of jordan. to his father and said do not attack us we won't even take over jerusalem for it we won't even recapture the western wall. jordan began to attack israeli
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civilian targets in west jerusalem. his only after that that israel would into the west bank and captured it. the entire occupation issue of the west bank was all the fault of jordan. deserts he pointed at egypt, hamas, but not israel. israel wants to be left alone. israel was to live in peace it has wanted to live in peace since 1948 in the world will not allow it to another world is turning against it. and particularly the young people who have no idea of history. at the clone is country it's the least colonial country in the what you want to talk about countries talk about new zealand for talk about australia. talk about other were strangers came and took over the land. the jewish people are the indigenous population of israel. and they went back to their homes. they were willing to accept the two state solution in 1937 , 48 , 67. it has been rejected every time.
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by the way one of the best books i've read on this subject what is going on the middle east with hamas is your book war against the jews how to end hamas of barbarism you can get this at, any major books are out there pretty went to encourage you to get it, alan is a great writer he writes faster that i read it's an amazing thing. i want to get right to the legal issues. you are talking about a former president. a presidential candidate. if you are a d.a. or attorney general or u.s. attorney or special prosecutor should and should be ultra- careful about what kind of laws you are going to used to take somebody on rather than digging the bottom of the criminal code looking for anything you can to twist and rewrite? >> i agree completely at 60 years of practicing criminal law i have always said if you're fog after somebody like this who is running for president. half the country supports him you better have the strongest in both anti- case imaginable if you are going to try to interfere with an election. try to tell people they should
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not vote for a candidate of their choice. you better have a slam dunk case. these four cases that have been generated against him are among the weakest and most flawed cases i have ever seen. that nethe new york case is thet one it tried is a laughable. it is not a felony. it is not a misdemeanor son a federal case is not a state case. it is a completely made up case we have a case in georgia which is falling apart. the only criminal case that should exist in georgia is whether or not fani willis and her boyfriend should be indicted for perjury for lying to the court and lying in affidavits about the nature and the starting time of the romantic relationship. and as far as the case involving the classified material, the classified materials case is the same case the special prosecutor refused to bring against the president of the united states. you cannot have a double
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standard you could not have classification cases brought against one person running who is the incumbent. and the other person running who is not the income but you have to have a single standard. we do not have a single standard all the four cases every single one of the four cases is a deeply flawed but they are designed to influence the election for the purpose is to get down and dirty convictions like the one in new york. new york they will convict a ham sandwich if it's name is trump and it will be reversed on appeal but will be too late after the election. this is really election interference. mark: we have never seen anything like this before. i look at this. here is the thing. i look at trump and his businesses in new york. they have investigated every aspect of it and he is clean. and then you look at -- no one has complained about a bevy ofa fraud statute we don't have fraud and i've never heard of anything like that. you look at the rico case they
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had a couple of plea agreements already where the people are not even playing too rico. they keep their bar lice in and off they go. what kind of cases that? and then you have in washington d.c. they keep talking about insurrection. no one is charged with insurrection they talk about sedition. trump is not charged with sedition for the talk about violence trump is not charged with violence that dust off these other statutes and your point about the documents case. the espionage act was not intended for an ex-president. even when it was passed in 1970. if you stand it back it ignored most of the legal analyst and look at this, this is horrendous it's creating a precedent now isn't it? what is creating a precedent that will be used by both parties in the future. we have a weaponize the constitution. we've a weaponize the impeachment provisions when they went after trump and now it is being weaponize against mayorkas. it was designed to collect
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organized crime. it was not designed to go after people who are making a legal claim. even if it is a long legal claim about an election. i was involved in the case of bush versus gore. we were challenging it election outcome. hilary clinton was challenging and outcome for that is the american way. the way to do is try to put up a slate of alternate electives for you might criticize it, you might argue against the two things you should not you do is use the criminal process against people who try to and do not go after the lawyers that is what they are doing there they are making it impossible for truck to get the best lawyers in the world every lawyer is afraid they will have their bar certificate removed even i have been threatened with a bar things because i defended trump and because i was involved in the case in arizona. they are going after the lawyers there's projects 65 basically overtly said if you are on trump's side we are coming after you. we are going to make your life
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miserable. we are going to threaten your bar and if the lawyers are threatened shakespeare had his villains essay let's kill the lawyers what the people on the left are doing is first let's go after the lawyers. i think the constitution is in trouble. i think our constitution is in danger by what is going on now and you do not have to be a trump supporter you don't have to be on one side of the political you have to respect the constitution but if you respect the constitution and the rule of law you should be opposed to all these prosecutions against donald trump. mark: the book is called the war against jews how to end a hamass barbarism you can get a ama or any major bookstore. i want to thank you and god bless you my friend. bless you my friend. >> thank you and god bless you. mark: we will be right back. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you!
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regime into iran are the enemy. xi jinping is the enemy. we have a lot of enemies and we shouldn't pretend they are our friends. do you know why? will turn on us. that said tomorrow night i want to address this issue of mayorkas, impeachment. it's over policy, we are sending about president. now the republicans are doing it to condemn the democrats. that's all, we say bs and i'm going to explain to you like it's never been explained before, the purpose of impeachment, the history of impeachment and why mayorkas should be impeached. courageous small majority in the house, joe biden should be impeached for the same reasons. to motivate on life, liberty and levin. i'll see you then. ♪
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