tv The Big Weekend Show FOX News February 18, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST
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>> what time are you getting home tonight? i really have to clear this place out before you get back. >> shame on you, sweet potato and if the guys are really over, tell them to take the stairs. last time i came home, a guy climbed out my bedroom window, had to put a claim on my homeowners insurance. if you do my wife, get out in one piece. thanks for watching, set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday here on fox news. don't forget to follow us on social media. for more of me, and coming to a city near you. everybody calm down to her, tickets on sale at fox across good night from new york city, i am jimmy failla, see you next saturday. you can be a republican, a democrat, all we ask is that you don't be that's how fox reports this saturday the boy 17. ♪
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>> hello, i am anita vogel along with jason chaffetz, tomi laren and the royal. welcome to the big weekend show. the big story tonight is a fox news alert. former president trump is about to take the stage at what's expected to be a fiery rally in michigan as early voting is underway in the state. ten days before the primary there is expected, as you might assume, to go off about the liberal new york attorney general and judge who ordered him to pay a whopping $350 million plus into civil fraud case in new york. quite a hefty amount. jason, what's interesting about this is there isn't a traditional victim in this case. the banks got paid, there wasn't anybody complaining about these tactics except for this new york attorney general. do you think there are other developers and financiers in new york making their boots?
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>> not good business for new york or new york city. there is no victim in this case, there's nobody that got harmed. the mainlanders that we don't have a problem with donald trump, this city, new york city will be much worse off without donald trump. he did so much to develop the city, put a brand to the city and they are scaring him off, they are going to scare others off, it so wrong, it should be overturned on appeal, it's ridiculous some, 350 plus billing dollars for what? in its insane. >> a trump been says they will appeal so we will see what happens. in the meantime, mainstream media salivating over this ruling, let's look at what some of them are saying, is from the new yorker product judge lowers the boom on donald trump in the washington post op-ed writer, hefty fines, penalties will rock
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trump's family's business and fortune. msnbc op-ed friday trump loss in new york is a powerful predictor in his criminal trials. i guess this is what you might expect. what's your take on how the media is playing this? >> the media loves to go after donald trump, they have the trump derangement syndrome they have to satisfy and they will this thing after thing after thing. the only trying to spoil his reputation further, they are trying to bankrupt him, that's what they want and they are strategic about it, manipulative but the american people i think they are starting to see through this and the more they go after trump, the more they have these headlines, the more his hard-core base supporters will flock to him, galvanize around him, we help independent join in on that which is always my fear among your average but understand what's going on here? i think comparing contrast this to a couple of weeks ago last week with president biden will special counsel says maybe to well-meaning utterly man to be
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held liable for anything he may have been compared to donald trump that's it every single day and what is he doing? still campaigning because he's got more energy in his pinky finger than joe biden in his entire body on a good day. that's a fighter. >> this does lead to why people say there seems to be, there's an appearance of two systems of justice here. >> any legal scholar you talk to will tell you this is a gross defilement of the law what we saw here because it has a political -- the associated press did a deep dive into 70 years of case law in new york state, they could not find one case where the statute was used. we are talking about evaluation of assets, nobody was harmed here, nobody lost money on the deal. it's how much do i think my sue is worth today? i'm going to take a loan out against it.
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you can agree or not but it doesn't matter at the end of the day, we will come to what we decide, the suit is worth. bragg, alvin bragg and new york had to literally change a misdemeanor to a felony. he did that on his own powers. he elevated it to a felony to proceed with the court case we will see in march the 25th which is about ten paying hush money to stormy daniels. it starts to appear like the law is being used against a particular candidate because the politicians in that locality hate that candidate in this case, donald trump but let me tell you, we will see this in a moment, he's turned every one of these court appearances into adjunct campaign appearances. this is were charging, turbocharging his campaign and unwittingly, that's what this cascade of absurd charges and ridiculous trials are going to do. they may end up with donald trump president and they've only themselves to think. >> it's interesting because aziz
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criminal charges and trials march on, his poll numbers rise. his family is speaking out about this ruling from the new york judge, but listen to eric trump and see what he had to say. >> this judge the animosity, the way he looked at my father in the courthouse was horrible. when covid hit and they shut down every hospitality company in the country, guess who never missed a loan payment, guess who paid their employees and always did the right thing, they went in witness after witness, it's not what they did in the company, it didn't matter guy. we were trophies on a wall for this guy. it's so egregious, i promise you we will be overturned. >> fox news alert, president trump as we said is holding a rally in michigan. let's listen in. >> as never seen in this country before, that happens in banana republics, it doesn't happen in this country. the case is a complete and total
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sham, sham case, no victims, no default, no complaints, no nothing, nothing. the actual bankers involved in loan transactions testified at the trial, they said that donald trump was a highly sought after wealth -- i don't know if that's good or bad. [laughter] i don't know if they meant a whale from being heavy or a whale because i got a lot of money i think they met the second but he's a whale of the client, who love him, a whale of a client, one of the strongest personal balance sheet they've ever seen and he was very overqualified for the loan and didn't even need the loan. those banks earned more than $100 million in profits doing business with me and my companies, they were very happy and they testified that way. the expert witness, one of the most respected anywhere in the country, anywhere in the united states said my financial statement were the best he's ever seen.
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that's not bad. the best he's ever seen. this was a case of satisfied banks and insurance companies which made a lot of money dealing with me and a lot of happy and good morning, great financial statements, the best, really great financial statements that didn't even include the most viable assets, the trump brian, ironclad disclaimer. you know what a disclaimer is? and ironclad disclaimer, buyer beware, it means do your own due diligence, don't believe what you are reading, it's all good but don't even believe it, do your own due diligence, you have to go do that. we have unbelievable disclaimer and the amazing properties, some of the best all over the world and highly under leveraged as a company, i had little data, a lot of cash because we built a great company and unlike these other politicians, i knew it would happen.
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i didn't think this much but i knew i would lose a billion or 2 billion if i was honest running for president and being president and that's what i law, maybe a couple of billing dollars and it was the best thing i ever did because we made our country, we made it great. they brought it but we are going to make it greater than ever before. [cheering] we are going to make it greater than ever before. [cheering and applauding] but these other guys going with no money, all of a sudden they are rich. look at nancy pelosi, she's worth like $150 million. the judge, one of the least respected in new york state said mar-a-lago -- you don't know too much about it but it's valuable real estate, let me put it that way. 18 million two tried to make his case. by doing that, he put the values down and tried to make his case when it's worth anywhere from 50 to 100 times that amount. the appraisers say the biggest
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broker in florida, wait until you hear about the unconstitutional gag order, that's going to be great. this justice, he gagged, he doesn't want me to talk. you're not allowed to talk because when you hear me talk, he will say this is a corrupt system the case was brought under the consumer fraud statute that's never, ever been used before for this purpose. in fact, an unfriendly media company, they hate me, said they studied litigation going back many, many years and no case, not one case was ever brought like this in the history of new york state, this is the only one. i wonder if they were doing that for political purposes or for election interference. this is merely an election interference ploy by a crazed lunatic attorney general, did you ever see this attorney general, a lunatic working closely with a bad judge.
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no jury was allowed, i wasn't allowed a jury, you're not allowed a jury because under the statute they have the right to do whatever they want to do, so unconstitutional and they refuse to send this disgusting charade to the commercial division within the court system we have, hopefully you will find a confident judge and they with the got it would never be brought. the democrat club controlled judge has been reversed four times on this case alone, a record, never happened before. every time we went up, it was reversed and hopefully the whole thing will be thrown out in reverse. if justice is anything in new york state, who will win because new york state gets a lot of problems. the judges and prosecutors dealing with me are essentially all the same, different wrappings, tone, manner but always the same coordinated over the nasty result, they are nas
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nasty. these democrats definitely hate me, they hate you, too. i have to tell you. new york city or state, fulton county, what do you think? >> all right, you've been listening to former president trump speaking at a rally in warwick township michigan talking about this recent ruling from your calling it a sham case and going on and on. all right, we will leave that there. next, this hour of the "big weekend show" what the new york times claims migrant crime wave isn't really happening but is it? a record number of chinese migrants across the border illegally right now. plus -- >> he's only here because it's election year. he doesn't care about little people. >> people who live in east palatino ohio call up president biden and paint record high
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show". looking live at the fox news flight team over chinese migrants trying to cross the southern border illegally. griff jenkins is live in california with the latest. what are you seeing? >> i'm seeing a lot of migrants and let me tell you, just how many chinese are coming across the border, particularly for same area and all of 2021, 450 total across the entire border this year, more than 20000 the last four months, let me show you, not just from china, they are from other countries like colombia, ecuador, peru, there are an influx of migrants, 450 member in the past three days we've eclipsed that number of migrants from of these migrants here, 60 miles east of san diego are waiting to be processed. many of them will be released
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but the national security aspect particularly at the chinese migrants from other concerns, the officials because of the vetting process and knowing who they are and the fact that we have so many that are single adult males. i will spin you around here, can see they are lining up families, women and children that will come first when the vans come the vans are overloaded because migrants are coming so they have to wait hours and some might have to spend the night pending on how many vans they have. we spoke to one chinese migrant, i asked them why this come to the u.s. and the answer may shock you. >> why did you come? >> money be meant for a job? >> yes. >> no job in china? >> maybe, i don't know. >> what fascinating because we've been covering this more than two years, it was a heavy surgeon texas but it's come out
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west, arizona and here in the san diego sector, 20000 i mentioned came here, they've had more than 90% of chinese migrants come to this area particularly here and that's a situation they have to deal with along with last week more than 73 different countries, i don't know what we've got this week but it is off the charts. >> stunning numbers. some of the illegal immigrants accused this attack on new york police department officers in times square pleaded not guilty as they have their day in court and it turns out to of them are members of venezuela gain, gangsters are hiding among refugees to cross the u.s. mexican border. these dogs are part of a recent rash of crimes committed by migrant but according to the new york times, the so-called migrant crime wave is supported by data.
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forget about the example after example in recent months across the country, even the new york police department commissioner's morning about it. >> a wave of migrant crimes have washed over our city. they are preying on new yorkers making our city less safe. >> stunning, right? forget your lying eyes there, they are telling us there is no crime wave but there is according to the commissioner. >> the same thing they pull in these blue cities and states talking about crime in general. if you don't arrest or prosecute, you can say crime went down and that is a slick manipulative way for them to skew numbers and headlines and some people believe it except for the people experiencing it day in and day out. we see in california with the chinese immigrant coming in, illegal immigrants coming in, we see it at every corner of our border people streaming through but this week u.s. senators are crying about national security and how we need to send 96 billion to ukraine to keep the
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world safe meanwhile our border is open and we got gang members running will a number with the game numbers already here. if this doesn't fire you up, you do not have a pulse. i do and i'm fired up. >> you should be. according to the department of justice from a six -- 64% of arrests or noncitizens. none convicted by 64% of arres arrests, that's unbelievable. listen here bill maher talking to van jones and then your reaction. >> you would allow i would imagine sanctuary cities hypocrisy was exposed when they start to send immigrants to go cities. >> nevermind. >> the liberal people are like this doesn't work for us. >> people have been coming here and gaming our system promote that is true. it's like somebody figure out illegal way to jump turnstiles and the subways and now they are
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full of people who did that. that's what's going on at the border. you need to fix that but to say joe biden can do it unilaterally is not. >> that turnstile analogy fails, it's as if they removed all turnstiles in new york which is what joe biden essentially did at the border. we had a border under control and the president can unilaterally take care of it himself, he can stop the flow of migrant until the law catches up. he did the opposite, he opened the border wide and sent the message out, come on in, all are welcome, will take care of you and your children. 20000 chinese, mostly male border crossers here, we don't that these people but worse, they are released into the country. the biden administration is not tracking them because nobody speaks mandarin and they don't know where they are going. this is madness and national security threat but i promise
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you will come back and haunt us and when i saw what i saw, those poor cops getting beaten outside migrant center on 42nd street next to a broadway theater, is in the middle of the tourist district, why is new york city subjecting tourists to gang violence and officers to the in the middle of the tourists visiting? >> they got back out on the street, part of these allegations are part of venezuelan gangs. >> i would just say this, i don't know if everyday americans are pouring over the crime data everybody saw that video, everybody saw the video of that takedown of nypd officers and they were second and then they had to be flipped the bird by those guys so that's it. >> it doesn't stop, it's going to get worse and none of these cities are state, they haven't denounced sanctuary city status. they are still telling migrants, come here, who will give you food and shelter, housing, who
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will educate your kids and by the way, committed crime, will be back out on the street. >> i would also say mayor eric adams said it's getting so back soon people will be out sleeping on the streets. is he unaware americans are sleeping on the streets of his city? maybe he should take notes. >> homeless veterans, we don't take care of them enough. new york times columnist giving president biden a cake to escape as more voters are on his 2024 white house dog. ♪
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why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart? force factor uses the highest quality ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend force factor. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show", president biden addressing death moments ago as
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we recall this yuriy message from the documentary. >> if you are arrested and thrown into prison for the unthinkable happened a month left message do you leave behind to the russian people? >> my message for the situation is simple, don't give up. >> lucas tomlinson is live in delaware for president biden is spending the weekend lucas. >> president biden to reporters here short time ago, he spoke about the death of russian putin critic. >> i haven't -- i've heard several things, i have not had it confirmed. the practice, putin is
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responsible, whether he ordered the circumstances it's a reflection of who he is and cannot be tolerated. >> biden was asked about what led to the death of nobody. three years ago the geneva summit where biden met with putin and geneva he was asked the following question. >> i made it clear to him the consequences of that would be devastating for russia. i'll go back to the same. what you think happens is not about what he's rationalizing and then he dies in prison and it matters a great deal.
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>> asked about the exchange biden said it was three years ago and russia has suffer the consequences in ukraine, over 300,000 russian soldiers killed or wounded before arriving here, biden visited ohio after the train derailment locals said the present visit was long overdue and biden drank the water, he met with locals and had coffee and then he had the following exchange were he appeared to confusing ohio state university with ohio diversity. >> device president, a lot of folks went from ohio and the big fight was going to ohio state or ohio university. >> the good news is president biden did not mention michigan what he was in east policy.
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>> thank you, lucas. the status cannot be blamed on the water in east policy because he was doing that before he took a sip of water, he didn't spent a ton of time there long overdue but not a long visit but jason chaffetz, he went to east policy, ohio on your own out of curiosity almost a year ago, long before president biden decided to go when you were there, what did you see and what were your concerns? >> when this disaster happened, it was donald trump who went there first and three weeks after the attack, wonder boy pete but the judge showed up three weeks after. notice pete buttigieg didn't show up at the president a year later, i went in april, wonderful people, super nice, gorgeous town but when i walked the streets, there was not a single person walking outside. the only two people i saw outside were assessing getting air quality readings off some meter but an embarrassment to
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the country have the president of the united states make a promise to go and then say, his excuse was too busy, too overwhelmed, there's a lot of things going on at the white house. meanwhile, how many things times we see him on the beach getting a tan and show up for a couple of hours, it doesn't cut it and those people know it and they needed help and they still need help and they haven't got it. >> we have sarah carter, an exclusive she did with hannity talking to residents, let's listen in raymond, i want your thoughts on their excitement. >> what was your first impression when you heard president biden was coming to east palestine? >> i laughed, i said why? they probably don't even want him here anymore. >> is it too little, too late? >> of course it is, he's only here because it's luncheon here. >> how does it make you feel?
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>> he doesn't care about little people. >> this is a political sent with biden. all of a sudden a year later he all of a sudden cares. i don't buy it. >> they like donald trump from what it appears in east palestine, ohio. >> he showed up. >> exactly, maybe that's why he didn't go sooner, they were advantageous to him at the time but what you make of their reaction? >> these poor people in east palestine, they are worried about contamination of their town, they went through one toxic spill and biden shows up and gives them another when he opens his mouth. he gets a and there's a moment we have it covered where he gets to the site of derailment and he goes okay, what do we got here? there like sir, this is the site. he goes, the site? he was totally clueless, the speech he gave was rambling and confusing and insulting to those poor people. that's why you see this
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reaction, they do need help, they need to be in short their water is clean and their land is not contaminated in the government has been slow to act. it left to the railroad to make up the difference. they need to be fully engaged and quickly, navalny and death has a clear message joe biden in life and that's a great tragedy. >> you are right about that but you brought up pete buttigieg which is interesting, he didn't accompany the president, maybe try to keep himself clean for a future run for something, we don't know but we got more poll numbers telling us the american people not only think biden is too old but more and more think he's not going to be the nominee. you cover this and changing dynamics of this, what you make of the american people not so sure biden is going to be on the ticket? >> i think that discussion has been going on sometime. there have been lots of conversations about who would it
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be if biden doesn't make it to november? willoughby kamala harris or someone else? gavin newsom? we are no. i think it one day at a time with this administration let me say, i want to give the flipside about east palestine, ohio and i agree it's a day late and a dollar short, it most likely could be a political sent but at least it did put the focus back on palestine, ohio four day because there are still real problems there, people are still out of the homes so if the president's visit did nothing else, at least it but that back in the headline for another day. >> what you think? even with what he said putting in the headlines which is great but again, vomiting is going to do something, i'm not sure i'd be confident if i were them. >> he needed to take action when it happened. that's what really mattered. >> coming up, crime, many americans see the golden state for what it is as california quickly turns into a nightmare.
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many people coming to you, not pushing people out of your club we had fun with that so we started selling t-shirts the said barred permanently, over 20000 teachers were sold. [cheering and applauding] then he said the rnc should name him the presumptive nominee. we had a democracy so he got pushed back and pulled back and we set the people of south carolina deserve the ability to vote and so do all the rest of the state. >> the who? >> nikki haley is about 26 percentage points behind former president trump in this race. something interesting about south carolina is registered democrats can participate in the republican primary this saturday so long as they did not cast a vote in the democratic primary
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earlier this month. >> thank you, alex. nikki haley, i don't think she wants to set up cost comparison between cells more merge, she or donald trump but we will see if trump and that, too. you know the classic song, that glorious california dream is turning into a nightmare. los angeles times in a new poll finds about half republicans say california is it really american. 29% of all california adults agree with them. what you think is driving this? besides covid policies saw half a million californians leave the state for other states. >> i left in 2020, i don't have enough time in this segment to tell you why people don't like california, i will tell you the weather is beautiful, the geography is beautiful so it has
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nothing to do with those things copy believe because policies, crime, the governor is probably going to be the nominee but the list goes on and on. i happily slept california for tennessee, california is in america, i'm not sure it's savable but maybe right out into the sea. >> so many non- republic and gets not america, crazy. crime continues to drive businesses out of san francisco, los angeles, a ghost town. barbara lee running for senate is proposing a $50 minimum wage in the state. is that sustainable for small business? >> it not. you go tried to get a cheeseburger and fries, you will be able to afford with that. i was born in california, northern telecom the california, i moved out when i was 11 years old. the homelessness problem, the crime wave about they've got every liberal, every level of government they've implemented their policies and destroyed the state. it's unlivable and people put up with that. gavin newsom helped clean the
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street so president xi jinping could but it went right back to what he was before. >> a man-made disaster, there's nothing natural about what's happening, the most beautiful state in the country. anita, los angeles times poll found 37% of all adults and 24% of republicans thought it was a good place to raise a family. he recently moved from l.a. to philadelphia suburb, is philadelphia a better place in your estimation? >> it hurts my heart this story about elkanah, i am from their, the philly suburbs have been good, it does seemed like a more normal place to raise children. in california you got rising housing prices, horizon crime and homelessness, it's a tough place but i do hope it comes back. >> a change in leadership has returned. a tik tok may have found the secret to saving on rent in
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biden's america. here's a hint, you might need your passport. that's next. ♪ sh do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance.
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everyone loves a relaxing vacation on a beach resort. >> i want to alarm everybody but monica's hair is twice as big as it was when we landed. [laughter] >> when i go places with high humidity, get extra body, okay? [laughter] >> that's why our honeymoon photos looks like me and diana ross. >> one travel influencer says rent is so high in biden's america it could be cheaper to live at a resort in mexico can rent an apartment in similar cities. he crunched the numbers on tik tok, wonderful. it cost him $4000 a month for rent and living expenses in seattle book points out he's not paying the most expensive rent out there. when he compared it to all-inclusive stay at a resort in cancún that cost about $4500 for a one-month stay. anita, i'm not going to take math advice from tik tok,
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especially tik tok influencers make their money on influencing on a chinese communist platform but what you make of this? so expensive to live in certain cities especially liberal blue cities that is better to live on a resort, is that manageable for your average american? i don't know what you would do at the resort but what you make of it? >> not average american. i know he's probably a single guy and doesn't have a family but he has a point. the average salary in the united states is about $60000 so how are you renting an apartment or house or anything big city? you are not, you can't live in a big city on the average american salary so i get. >> you can't live on a cancún resort, you have to work. maybe mr. tik tok he can get on line and he's working. for the rest of us, got to be where you are going to work so it doesn't add up. i agree with you, when did tik
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tok influencers because the business school that we pay attention to what they say? don't care what the tik tok influencers say. go to cancún, go play with your tik tok. >> i'm sure it will be less expensive than a third world country. >> also dangerous. >> crime is a issue so you will have to do that. you'll have to get a job, talk to governor -- by his liberal policies made washington so unlivable and the eastern part of the state wants to be part of idaho. there's a reason they want to do that. >> try not to get abducted along the way. >> people generally if they live somewhere unaffordable, they go somewhere more affordable may be like tennessee, florida, texas. maybe not cancún to live on a resort. again, i'm not sure what you are doing on the resort, you could
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welcome back to the big weekend that show up it is time for the big weekend flops. our picks for the biggest veils of the weekend. i will gladly go first. the most entertaining flop of the entire year goes to fulton county georgia district attorney fani willis for her while the testimony this week we learned everything about willis that we really did not want to know. [laughter] >> do not be cute with me and think you're not going to get an answer. you've been intrusive into peoplepeoples personalize or coe you think i am on trial. no, no, new. this is a lie. it is a lie.
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>> shohei ohtani 2021. part one of the worst birthdays i've ever had i do know where it came from it came fro from a swt and tears. you should always have, which i don't have solicit tone that you should have at least six months in cash at your house at all times. i don't like wind to be honest with you i like gray goose. [laughter] >> i'm going to be honest with you i watch a whole lot of bra but when this does not work out for her real housewives of atlanta there is your moment of regret shall be call it my flop of the week goes to victoria control of new orleans after leaving her crime ridden city for santa barbara for a mayors conference she spoke an important panel tiled mayors at mental health solution and best practices but she must think her constituents are crazy. new orleans is currently at a police deficit of more than 1000 officers. carjackings, robberies through the roof. if cantrell cannot be bothered the new governor of louisiana has declared a state of emergency over the short police staffing. he has al is also called special session of the legislature.
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if she cannot take care of business at least the governor is. kudos to him. >> mine goes to the woke mayor of barkley, california who asked $10 million to the police department budget in 2020. now guess what crime is caught up he wants to lead the charge against an alarming spike in crime i wonder how that happened? >> how about this left-leaning billionaire george soros personally funded some of the most older progressive district attorneys in the country is now poised to take over the nation's second-largest radio company called odyssey the number two broadcaster iheartmedia a lot of people say key once to influence the upcoming election, imagine that. that will be a shocker bird that would be a real shocker. good to be with you this weekend that does it for us. we see becker tomorrow night a 7:00 p.m. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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