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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 18, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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biden as one squad member tells voters to send a message to democrats in her state's primary. >> right now, we feel completely neglected and just unseen by our government. if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted. guy: just who is coming across the southern border? a live report upcoming from california where residents are questioning a sudden spike in chinese migrant crossings. pete: and we're live at the daytona 5 a hundred, nascar legend richard childress and his grandson, driver austin dylan, preview the great american race, the final hour of "fox & friends weekend" starts right now. ♪ oh, yeah. ♪ kick start my heart. ♪ pete: this is so much found be
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here at daytona, at the daytona 500, the great american race, today is the 66th racing of that. we're going to be here with richard childress in a moment. guys, we're up early. we're in a garage. there's nobody here so we're taking it upon ourselves, i just grabbed a tire. i don't know whose tire this is. i think it's the five car. it's a nice goodyear tire. i can host the show through the middle of it. these things are kind of light. there's though tread on these tires, guys, that's why if it's raining it's going to be tough because there's no grip unless it's dry and it takes a couple hours to dry this entire super speedway so we're praying to ths of adam klotz and janice dean that the rain holds off. if not, they'll postpone it to tomorrow, another time. the drivers are ready.
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you know how it is when you're at the races, the infield starts to wake up, people start to get going, vehicles start moving, you start to see teams walking around. we're getting that sense here at daytona. it's fun to be here. as you have seen, rachel and guy, you've got to check it out, it's americana. you stand for the anthem, flags flying, prayers before the race. so "fox & friends" always loves being here and we mess you but we'll be watching the race later today. rachel: you feel like you're in a garage. i feel like i just got out of church. we had natalie grant, she just killed it in here with her husband singing the last song. i got a text from shannon breen saying i needed to hear that song this morning. i did too. i was thinking just before she started singing i was thinking, okay, because sean's not here this weekend, he's out of town, i've got get all these kids together after the show and get them to church and then i heard that and i'm like i don't got to
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do anything, i get to take them to church and that song just totally turned me around. i needed to hear it too. thank you, shannon for that and thank you to natalie grant and her gorgeous family who shared their morning with us and their gorgeous songs, dedicated to christ. it's so great to have you, by the you way. guy: great to be here many it's a special show with pete down in florida for the huge event. pete, i think someone might come looking for that tire at some point so be careful. someone will want that back. it's not just all about -- rachel: he might need you to put it on. pete: i took it off the stack. we'll get it back to them. they may need it later. guy: it's not just us anticipating the race and the viewers in viewerland, you were talking about this earlier. so many, tens of thousands of -- six figures of fans showing up in person be hoping to see not just the show but then the spectacle as well. pete: 100,000 people here, guy. it is a -- it becomes a small
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city and it's already here in the infield as we've experienced, we're here with the mclemore boys. this is fox an friends, right? we donnas car with the people in -- we do nascar with people in florida, we do faith for lent. we go happy, sad, deep and shallow. that's "fox & friends" p. we've got one more hour. thanks for being here. guy: of course. thank you. pete: you got it. so as we move on from the great american race to another race that's on a lot of american's minds as the remaining candidates hit the campaign trail. rachel: donald trump and nikki haley making stops as president biden appears to make another gaffe in front of reporters. guy: natalie rivera joins us live from washington with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guy, pete and rachel. foreign policy is the main topic
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of conversation in the wake of the death of a russian opposition leader, pointing to another sign of vladimir putin n pry at that time. there is a bill including $60 billion to support ukraine. he you appeared to confuse ukraine with nato in his comments. >> the idea that we're going to walk away from ukraine, the idea that we'll let nato begin to split is totally against the interest of the united states of america so it's about time we make sure that congress will pass the legislation funding nato. >> reporter: gop presidential candidate nikki haley also believes in more aid for ukraine and she says former president trump who she accuses of siding with putin is using dangerous rhetoric regarding russia. still, her argument that she's better fit to serve hasn't been enough to close the gap with trump even as she maintains
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confidence in her prospects. >> let's just talk about where we are in the race right now. there were 14 candidates and we've defeated a dozen of the fellows. i just have one one more felloe got to catch up to. >> reporter: trump did not bring up nev aldi's death during a rally in michigan. he believes there's anotherrish shaw more pressing to the country. >> thebiggest threats to your unions is m millions of people coming across the border. you're not going to have your jobs he anymore. >> reporter: with one week to go before the south carolina gop primary trump launched a sneaker line at sneaker con in philadelphia saturday, a move he said was directed at attracting young voters. pete: appreciate it. i can't reveal whether i bought a pair of those shoes at this point now. i think my wife may be watching.
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we'll see. they're sold out at this point by the way. this is indicative of the kind of strategy that donald trump is winning. if you make inroads to nontraditional constituencies, you need 1 or 2% they the right states at the right time to make a debt in the margin in order to be victorious and considering what joe biden is facing right now, all of those votes are going to matter. so joe biden coming out of the special counsel hur's explanation of joe biden's lack of me mental acuity on top of inflation and the crime, the things hitting americans, he's going to need every vote he's going to have to have every vote he can get in key states which is why it's concerning for joe when a member of his own party shall rashida tlaib, a democrat from michigan as to the camera ahead of the primary in michigan
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and says don't vote for our guy, don't vote for the democratic nominee, vote uncommitted in the state primarily. he's unhappy with joe's policy around gaza and hamas and israel. here's rashida tlaib, a member of the squad, talking about don't vote for joe yesterday. >> it is also important to create a voting block, something that is a bull horn to say enough is enough. we don't want a country that supports wars and bombs and destruction. we want to support life. we want to stand up for every single life killed. this is the way you can raise our voices. don't make us more invisible. right now we feel completely completelengthed and -- neglectd unseen by our government. if you want us to be louder come here and vote uncommitted. rachel: she said also of we don't want a country that supports wars and bombs. interesting. because of course if you want a country with no wars you would have voted for donald trump
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which happened in his last term, we had no new wars. here we are under joe biden, many would say it was joe biden and kamala harris tempting ukraine of course with entry into nato that precipitated that war and of course we know that joe biden actually tried to disrupt peace negotiations going on with other countries trying to bring peace between russia and ukraine but i think what's most interesting, pete and guy, is what madeleine was talking -- what madeleine highlighted what nikki haley said, she tried to sort of hit donald trump by saying he doesn't want to talk about russia and meanwhile trump is saying oh, no, i apwant to talk about the number one issue facing america which is the border which of course has national security implication as we know chinese coming over the border but also he's in the state of michigan where in michigan he's saying, hey, all those illegals coming over the
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border they're going to affect your wages and he's reminding union voters that union leaders are not in line with what's best for them. he's talking about wages. he's talking about the working class. he is talking about how illegal immigration will impact working class americans. i think it's a very interesting thing. nikki a wanted to talk about russia and ukraine and donald trump saying we've got our own problems here. guy: what stood out to me listening to rashida tlaib in the sound bite we played, she was talking about the lives lost in gaza, not a word about the 1200 israelis slaughtered by hamas, maybe not a surprise coming from the only member of congress who refused to vote to condemn rape by hamas just the other day. the other thing that was interesting from madeleine's report as well, when you look at sort of joe biden and some of the issues he's had and pete was referencing the special counsel report, that little flub, confusion of nato and ukraine, we all make a little mistakes
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like that all the time but it's under the microscope every time he does something like that and it didn't help his cause as the white house tries to say oh, no, he's fine, don't believe the counsel report. then there was another little miss take, another gaffe, pete. pete: yeah. and guy, they're going to feed it either way. i think that's what they know. you either hide him away or try a basement strategy again which is probably the most prudent approach or some suggest you have to have him out there. the more you have him out there, the more you get, even if it's once or twice a speech, the repetition of the mistakes which remind people of his lack of you acuity which creates more concerns and problems. if you're going to manage nontraditional constituencies like the muslim population in michigan and how you manage israel and palestine in a swing state, you better be all there. if you're not, you're prone to mistakes that tick he everybody off, how about jewish voters saying i you don't like the
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approach either. a lot of problems for joe and we're still nine months out from a general election. it will get interesting. let's move to the other coast to seattle where because of -- you said it earlier in the show, guy, you're exactly right. policies and ideas have consequences. for the last couple years, we've seen the consequences of governors of das of prosecutors of mayors, democrats all, who refuse to maintain the rule of law. who ignore it. who flaunt it, who he reject tax paying citizensnd stand with those that are breaking the you law. here's one seattle restaurant owner who says they've suffered 23 break-ins. here's what he. i lost all take faith in the city of seattle, spd, the seattle police department, counsel members and state elected officials. i don't know one time, rachel, two times maybe. 23 break-ins and there seem to
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be no consequence. you can't run a business. that's why people just straight up vote with their feet and leave. rachel: a lot of them are leaving. jason said he soak to this business owner at the 12th break-in. now we're at the 23rd. now he's saying i'm losing full confidence. listen to what jason had to gley we've seen lots of businesses getting broken into over the course of you few weeks or a month. the reason is quite simple. we don't put criminals in jail. a lot of businesses can't just close up and move. some move into different neighborhoods that are a little safer so this is going to continue and continue and continue and until people basically force a political change, we're not going to see any difference. the one good thing is we have seen you new council take lead. they're more moderate. rachel: if someone is arrested, they get sent to what they call
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restorative justice instead of jail and that is of course an ngo, so basically the city sends money -- they're making money off of the pain that so many of these small business owners are facing. they get broken in and ngo makes money and the criminal gets off. guy: in that interview he talked about a new business that's opening that's already been robbed before they started. they veefnt opened their doors yet. they've already been burglarized, on and on it goes, in the very progressive, quote, unquote, city of seattle. rachel: yeah. pete: let's see what more moderate ends up looking like for seattle. is that kind of communist? you i guess we'll find out. guy: only socialists, pete, that's the moderate crew in seattle. let's put a pin in that conversation. we'll come back to it for sure and we'll turn to headlines right now. an american woman is missing in spain after officials say a helmeted man disabled her security cameras. that's very creepy. she traveled from florida to
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spain in december. a man in a motorcycle had this helmet on, spray painted over the security cameras in her apartment complex. clearly planned carefully. after that, two friends say they received t ts from her phone saying she was running off for a few days with a man she had just met. she has not been seen since. a very scary story there. the prime minister of netherlands is urging fellow european leaders to stop complaining about former president donald trump during the munich security conference can yesterday. >> stop moaning and whining about trump. i can't vote in the the us. we have to work with whoever is on the dance floor. the whining and moaning about trump i heard it constantly over the last couple days. let's stop doing it. guy: he's leaving the position in july. he's currently the frontrunner to be the next secretary general of nato. maybe he's trying to get on
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trump's good side, perhaps sensing another trump president sigh perhaps in the cards. rachel: they want more money for nato. guy: totally understandable. probably a smart move to say what he did, where he said it. closer to home of, there's this. t met life stadium in new jersey hosting the new jersey devils and philly flyer as part of the 70,000 people in the stands. two teams having some fun as they arrived at the stadium, the flyers supporting outfits inspired by rocky. we talked about sly stallone earlier in the show. the devils donning sopranos style sweatsuits. the mascots of the two teams getting in on the fun, joining forces at one point to pelt a lonely new york rangers fan in the crowd who i'm sorry, you had this coming between those two teams in the matchup. that was during inter. intermis. the new jersey devils notorious,
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6-3. let's go devils, i you love to see it. i watched most of the game. i woke up this morning dark and early to check the score, 6-3 3the final. the hometown fans went home happy and so am i. rachel: all right. pete, what do you make of that? were you watching the game? pete: that's the most hockey coverage we've had on our show in years. guy, well done. guy: you're welcome. you're welcome. rachel: not since my no few woy won the sanly cup. pete: this is the 66th year of the great american race. even the rain won't stop nascar's finest as they rev up to start on the track. >> work a garage with pete
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hegseth in the rain. pete: a garage in the rain with pete hegseth, career peak. first of all, we have the rain here. let's address that up front. what do you think about the race today, tomorrow, what are you looking at? >> it's looking more and more -- you hear from the crews -- like tomorrow. if it's moved off of today which rain is in the forecast, the rain is nonstop, the track is wet, don't think we'll see the sun today which affects drying so it would be run 4:00 monday on fox. where the weather clears in they the morning, looks like sunshine. i think it would be better for everybody involved, better racing, fans attending as well but nothing official. we'll be on the air live at 1:00 on fox with the preshow. we'll have an update at that time. pete: check the preshow, 1:00. hopefully the race today. if not, you've got something to do on president's day, 4:00 on a holiday to watch -- >> the great american race. pete: indeed. if someone's just checking back into nascar, it's been the off season, what's something for
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them to look at in the new season? >> a couple of great personalities in the 500 and for the year, the most popular driver is voted by fans is chase elliott who was injured last year, didn't win a race, has yet to win a daytona 500, he's a champ of the sport. denny hamlin has become three daytona 500 wins, if he wins a fourth he's in a historic category. he's become a bad boy because he likes to talk a lot and a tease the drivers. bubba wallace has two second place finishes. he's in the michael jordan owned team and he feels like his confidence good in the 23 car so a good mixture of personalities. kyle busch is always a good story, two time champ of the sport. it's a race that makes a career. if you win, you're in a special category. those are some of the person alts. we've always had long shots. it's a wide open race. somebody hangs around after a big wreck, we had a 21 car wreck
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before. the last three winners have been long shots, 30-1 or more, a couple it was their first career win. it's the unpredictability which makes it up fun. which is why running it monday if they have to, it's a more equal race for the drivers. pete: anybody can win here. we're almost out of time. you've got a new personality in the booth too. >> with mike and clint, kevin harvick, the next generation announcer, he came from driving the next generation car. he's a champ of the sport, he'll join us in the booth and prerace show, he's part of the fox nature cass team. we're glad to have him -- nascar team. we're glad to have him. pete: griff jenkins has a live report from the border, that is coming up next.
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rachel: southern california residents are speaking out after cpp officials reveal they've seen more than 20,000 migrants from china at the southern border in the last fiscal year. griff jenkins is live from hokumba, california with more. griff. >> reporter: good morning.
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in the chinese migrant surge here in the san diego sector it's off the charts. to put it in perspective, there were 450 total chinese migrants across the entire southern border in 2021. we've eclipsed that number this week, of the 20,000 chinese migrants this fiscal year in the past four months more than 90% have been here in this san diego sector. they're raising national security risks. people are worried they could be here to steal ip. we know china is a big theft of ip. meanwhile, the group i've got here, let me show you around. it is in the 20s. people are freezing here. these migrants are not from china. we've got migrants from colombia, we've got migrants from costa rica, we've got migrants from as far as brazil, a large group of brazilian migrants and it's really last week they had migrants from over 70 countries. we spoke yesterday to a few migrants from as far as liberia, africa and ecuador.
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listen here. >> where are you from? >> ecuador. >> you said the journey was hard? >> he very hard. >> how long? >> 14 days. >> did you have to pay the cartel? >> yes. >> how much did you have to p pay? >> 5,000. >> how long did it take you to get here? >> two months. >> through the jungle? >> jungle, yes. >> reporter: so they've been traveling a long way, the migrants are uh huh dealed here, wait -- huddled here, waiting for border patrol to transport them, to pick them up. the main reason they're coming, mostly economic reasons. they won't qualify for you asyl. [speaking in native language] >> reporter: so you speak language, you know he's here for economic reasons. the residents are upset to have
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the influx. they're concerned particularly about the chinese. here's what some of the regs dents said. listen. >> i served in the army and a i think it's definitely a national security risk. >> i tell you what, they will plan it. there will be none of this looking this way when he comes down because he'll say oh, it ain't that bad but spend a week here. >> it ruins my quality of life you which i don't think is fair. i'm an american citizen. then i get treated like a second class citizen over them. >> reporter: this area by the way is one -- we're about 60 miles east of san diego, many of the san diego residents come out here to go hiking in the trails and mountains behind me. with the migrant influence it brings a lot of trash, it gets in the way of weekend plans so that's why you're seeing some of the residents upset. at the end of the day, really what's happening here -- we've seen the migration go from texas where it was surging at the tend
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of last year all the way out here to arizona and california. people out here wondering why. why exactly are there so many chinese coming, particularly single adult men rachel. maria: it's an excellent question. listen to what the gentlemen said. he said they're coming for economic reasons. he mentioned there are assassinations and murders in his country. what i'm curious about, i did have gordon chang last week on my podcast to talk about it, you know, china's a very tightly controlled country. you don't come here unless the chinese government knows you left the done you tri. tri -- country.some people goinh different countries where they don't take your visa, blah, blah, blah. but we've also found, griff, there were a group of chinese who came across the southern border and found them to use ars and doing practice range stuff somewhere i believe in you utah. i think we need to really pause
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here and go what is going, they're military aged and are they awaiting some sort of orders from chinese government. what is happening? any other clues that you've gotten from the chinese nationals in particular? >> reporter: i've been digging on that, rachel and really that is the question that is perplexing the border officials. one is why are they here? what is their background? have they had military training? one thing we do know and that is the cartel the versus a point to point system because many of the migrants have flown into tijuana and they've walked across. they're not dirty, haven't gone you through jungles. that's concerning that they're getting here through a pipeline all the way from asia. rachel: i wish our government was spending as much time thinking about this as you and i, griff. it is very, very troubling. thank you. still ahead, house republicans subpoena harvard lawmakers
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accusing the ivy league of obstructing the investigation over its response to anti-semitism allegations. congressman burgues owens is among them and he joins us on the latest, next. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. pete: well, it's official. exclusively here at "fox & friends," nascar announcing the postponement of today's daytona 500 race, the storms we've been telling you about all weekend taking over the area today and yesterday. not leaving race officials enough time to dry the track and ensure the safety of the drivers. so the race now moves to tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 p.m. eastern. so you've got something to do on your holiday now. and of course you're still going to be able to catch that all on fox so 4:00 tomorrow on fox, the great american race, the daytona 500. but the preshow is still today. 1:00 on fox.
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we just had chris myers on the program, he'll be joined by kevin harvick, clint boyer, 1:00 today on fox, eastern time. they preview the race that's now 4:00 tomorrow. we'll be there. it's on my calendar. guy, back to you. guy: pete, thanks for that update. congress turning up the heat on harvard, the house committee issuing now multiple subpoena demanding that harvard hand over documents and accusing the school of obstructing the probe into campus anti-semitism. harvard has been given until march 4 to comply. the school insists it has already provided more than 3500 documents. republican congressman burgues owens sits on the committee. harvard says we've given thousands of documents over. what's the deal with the subpoena? what's your response? >> well, first of all, guy, this is a very good conversation. 3500 sheets of paper but 40% is already in the public realm and
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they're not answering the right questions. we're asking for things like minutes from the meetings they were having, the response for the anti-semitism that's going on, 32 different groups on campus that are pro-hamas. we want to find out what they're doing to make sure the jewish students are feeling comfortable. what we're seeing with harvard is unfortunately what we're seeing with a lot of corporations, it's systemic arrogance and instead of dealings with issues we're talking about, they're trying to slow walk and we finally have a congress thank goodness led by dr. fox that we're not going to put up with anymore. we want answers. we want to make sure kids come out of colleges with degrees that make a difference and loving our country and having a chance to go out without all the debt they're dealing with. we'll continue to hold the people accountable. guy: what is the goal specifically of this investigation? what are you trying to achieve here? >> what happened, we had the
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anti-semitism hearings a few months back. we realize there is a systemic issue of anti-semitism, of hatred that's going on in the college campuses an it's not just harvard by the way. there's something called the marxist pfication of the americn public. marxists are changing our educational systems the,ic don ,indoctrinating kids not to be able to think and have a vision for our future. this is a national security issue. you i want to thank the american people for giving us the opportunity to have the majority that our -- education is a high priority. we can finally address the issues that have been going on for decades. we're going to get it right. we want to make sure kids come out, loving our nation and colleges are not helping they
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process. guy: i think some of the most disgusting scenes we've witnessed since october 7th have played out on college campus, harvard and beyond. thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. guy: coming up next, the green new scam, trump slams biden's ev push, says he's sending jobs over to china. maria bartiromo will be here on that, next.
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guy: welcome back out on fox square. we've got a nascar and i made a friend. this is rachel's daughter, margarita. is it cold out here? yes, it is cold out here. are you excited for nascar? yes, we're excited about nascar. let's dive into it. we're first talking about the nascar weather which as we know is not going to take place today. let's show the maps across the country. big snow or big rain maker there across florida. you see it currently. that is going to be lingering throughout the day. temperatures are 10 to 15 degrees below average. it was going to be a rainy one all day long. that's today's forecast. right? is it going to be better tomorrow? we know the race is pushed to tomorrow. guess what? good news, it is. this is the future forecast. that's all day rain today. i'm taking you to tomorrow morning, you see the rain clearing out. by tomorrow afternoon, it's looking gorgeous. we're throwing it back into guy and back into mom. can you say back to you, mom.
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>> back to you, mom. rachel: adams the best. i'm sure s she's pepper hadding him with lots of questions because she loves the weather. so adam's got his hands full there. well, another group who has his hands full, donald trump. he's rallying thousands in crucial swing state michigan, warning about biden's ev push and what it means for their jobs. >> biden's ridiculous electric vehicle mandate and his green new scam are the all -- i mean, what they're pushing, the green new scam. nobody even knows what the hell's going on. a vote to biden is vote to send tens of thousands of michigan jobs to china and other places that we don't want them to go. a vote for trump is a vote to keep those manufacturing jobs in america. guy: joining us now is sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo. good morning to you. maria: hey, guy, how are you? dis. brian: doing so well. that was a themeatic preview of
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a major bone of contention that we will see ahead of a general election should trump become the nominee as expected. what do you make of that? maria: these are completely different ways to govern. i think the ev push that is coming out of this administration is part of a larger grand scale policy of the climate change agenda. something that the democrats have been telling us is the number one existential threat to america and i think most people frankly bodies you agree with that -- would disagree with that. they would say the biggest threat to america is the threat to national security. that's why republicans are saying secure the border. that's why the republicans are talk about the number of chinese nationals coming in. they want the fentanyl that's coming into america to stop. and they want an end to the two systems of justice, the two different approaches to the law. rachel, you mentioned this huge fine, this huge judgment, $355
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million against donald trump. we're going to talk about that this morning and compare it to what we're seeing the potential criminality in plain saying if sight ifyou believe the house ot committee where we have more witness testimony against joe biden. the doj hits back against someone we were told was among the most trusted whistleblowers that the department had ever used, apparently there's one person that was a trusted whistleblower. human confidential source for years. he was being paid in the six digits and incredibly trusted and now what do we see? he's being charged for the doj claiming he lied when he said a burisma executive 208d him you have to give one you biden 5 million and give another biden 5 million, joe and hunter got $5 million in bribes from ukraine. you've got two different stories playing out and two different approaches to the law. the biden administration claims that climate change and the
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answer to climate change, evs and many other things are the existential threat to the country. we lead with senator ted cruz, a constitutionalist and we'll talk about the two different approaches to the law and we will get a response from the trump family with lara trump this morning, she will gown me to talk about this judgment president trump as well as her husband, eric trump and his brother, donald j trump forced to pay money. we'll talk about the biggest political scandal a anybody has ever seen and it was exposed here on sunday morning futures back in 2018 and that is the russia collusion lie and at the time i had spoken with devin nunes, john ratcliffe, carter page, george papadopoulos how they were set up in the years 2016 and 2017. george papadopoulos will come on and tell us more about the blockbuster details we got this week about how the cia and the
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fbi were running into trump officials to try to set them u we'll talk about the national security issues as a result of all of this, 30 politicking goih michael waltz and how our adversaries are on the march thanks to poor policy and politicking when it comes to america's security. rachel: you always have your finger on the pulse. that is an excellent lineup of what is going on in our country right now. i'm definitely staying tuned for sunday morning futures. thanks for joining us today. maria: rachel, i have one more thing to add. could margarita be any cuter? she is so gorgeous and she looks like your baby sister, mini me. so sweet. that made my money. rachel: thank you, maria. you're the best. she is a sweet little girl inside and out so thank you, maria. maria: see you later. guy: florida storms postponed the daytona 500. we just told you about that breaking news. it has moved the race to tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern
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time on fox. but austin dylan is getting back to business ready to jump into the driver's seat and win it again, austin and his grandpa a, nascar legend, richard childress, are here next. ♪ life is a highway. ♪ i want to ride it all night long. ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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pete: moments ago, nascar announcing it is officially delaying today's daytona 500 until tomorrow, 4:00 p.m. tomorrow on fox. of course, due to the rain. joining us now to react, legendary driver, richard childress and his grandson driver and winner, austin dillon. thank you for being here. >> thanks for having us. pete: your reaction, nascar calling the race pretty early, will run at 4:00 tomorrow. >> usually we sit around in the rain. nascar did a good job, looked at the weather. there's no holes for us to get the race in. we know we're racing tomorrow at 4uz so tune in and watch and hopefully put the bass pro shop chevy out front. pete: what should people be looking for when they look at the season and nascar, when they tune in to watch this race, or the daytona 500 specifically, what should people be looking for? >> i think going back to the
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first question, it's a president's day. people will be off work and had they've got to be watching fox and watch this race. it's going to be amazing. the daytona 500 brings the best out in everyone and everyone wants to win the daytona 500 and nascar's made a few changes to the car, the strategy is constantly changing so i think watching the strategy and stuff like that for the race but the season's going to be great this year. pete: my understanding, i think rcr's won three daytona 500s, dale earnhardt, kevin harvick and you. you would love to win it again. kyle busch would as well. i know you're going to be working together. there's strategy on the track. at some point both of you will be going for the checkered flag. >> for sure. last we're year we were really close. coming to the white flag first and second, the caution comes out and it's chaos from there. pete: i remember that race. >> it's a wild rending always.
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you've -- wild ending always. you've got to tune in to watch it. chaos ensues. they're trying to win the biggest trophy in the sport. i would love to take the second one. if not, we'll take kyle busch, work together, the best we can. pete: it would be pretty cool to see your teammate who has been doing it for 20 years to win this also. >> for sure. kyle's won every race you could win, including two championships. we'll be working hard to bring it back home to rcr and our hometown. pete: i love it. richard, thanks for everything you do, you stand for and of course support the conservation with bass pro shops as well. >> yeah. johnnie barnes is probably the modern day theodore roosevelt. i say that a lot. he does more for veterans, for conservation, there's so much johnnie morris does for conservation. for me, that will be his legacy. he built great places, great
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things, bass pro shop, cab he ella. s saving right to hunt and fish, that's the biggest thing in my opinion. we've done a great job bringing back the animals and all the stuff we've done but now we've got to concentrate on saving our right to hunt. pete: watch austin, watch all the racers, 4:00 tomorrow on fox, daytona 500. great american race. watch that 3 car. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. pete: as we say every sunday on fox and friends, go to church, and then watch the daytona 500 tomorrow now at 4:00. rachel: that's right. and, pete, i'm going to see you in south carolina, and guy is going to stick around to be on "fox & friends" tomorrow. make sure you catch him there. bye, everybody. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morn, everyone. welcome


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