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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 19, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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of what lindsey graham says. lindsey wants to continue to try warmonger more things with ne-yo conservative approach for ukraine or iran. this is a guy who says hit them hard fight them there i don't think that's necessarily the right response. i will say the political percent cushion of one his opponents, navalny, which we know is very clearly going to be a murder that occurred think is a guy who in 2021 sentenced to 19 years for extremism and then sent to the most highest max security prison right there by the artic circle to mysteriously disappear. political persecution is something that we definitely look at. again, that's going right here at home if you think about it. look at $355 million just levied in new york. i don't know that we can continue to point fingers whenever we are actually utilizing the biden administration political persecution to come after their opponents. >> todd: congressman cory mills, thank you, "fox & friends" begins right now. >> steve: thank you very much, todd. it is 6:00 on the east coast.
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it is monday, february 19th, it's presidents' day, a federal holiday. why are we working? welcome to "fox & friends," everybody. >> carley: we begin with a fox news alert. houthis triking ships in the red sea iran is showing restraint while senator lindsey gramg urges lawmakers to do. this let's make russia state sponsor of terrorism under u.s. law. >> ben: plus, new yorkers telling how they really feel about the migrant crisis. >> same opportunities given these illegal citizens. >> that same housing to be first priority to those. [applause] >> lawrence: great american race is back on after a rain delay. we are gearing up for the too far on fox. "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> steve: all right. let's start this holiday monday off with a fox news alert.
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iran is showing its first sign of restraints war in israel began with hamas on october 7th, the country reportedly telling it proxy groups to avoid provoking the united states because they worry that they could have a much wider ranging war. they don't want that. >> carley: this coming as the houthis plan even more attacks in the red sea striking a ship in the gulf of aden earlier this morning and forcing the crew on board to abandon ship. the iran-backed houthis also claiming they shot down an american drone, that's a big deal, while the u.s. says it carried out striked on at least five houthi missiles, taking out an underwater drone for the first time. >> lawrence: meanwhile in russia, more than 400 people have been detained across dozen of russian cities, mysterious death of russian prisoner alexei navalny. lindsey graham said it's time to treated the kremlin as a
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terrorist. >> why don't we do this. i just got off the phone with two democratic senators. let's make russia a state sponsor of terrorism under u.s. law. make them pay a price for killing navalny. it would allow them to go to u.s. court and suing russia for killing of their loved ones. >> could be interesting implications there. navalny's death as russia's presidential election is set to take place next month. tensions around the world seeming to grow. >> steve: and listen, as we discuss a little bit about this, guy benson, good to have you. >> guy: good morning. >> carley: hey steve and lawrence. >> steve: sounds like this thing where iran and proxies are saying not disliew up. we don't want to make this bigger because we don't want to be glon kingdom come. it is working, as of saturday iranian backed militias in iraq and syria have not attack u.s. forces in 13 days.
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we are coming up on two weeks. that is the longest we have gone since the war started on october the 7th. so, obviously, you know, when you think about hezbollah and all the other guys who would love to kind of screw with us a little bit, they are getting a little panicked. and, in fact, iranian officials met with hezbollah this month in lebanon and one of the things they said was, in israel, benjamin netanyahu is squeezed into a corner, don't give him a way out. let's not give him a benefit of launching a wider war because then he would be the winner. >> carley: there is so much to worry about right now. that's everything that's going on in the middle east. there is, of course, russia. russia has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately. , the killing of alexei navalny, which was tragic news that we learned on friday a few days before that, i believe it was even a day before that, we found out about this plan to launch nukes into space and take out
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our satellites. and whether that news broke, a lot of people who were not in the know about exactly what that meant said what does that mean for us? how could that impact our country? well, congressman mike waltz spoke to that very thing on sunday morning futures with maria bartiromo yesterday. take a listener to what he had to say. >> if this weapon is allowed to fully deploy, it could completely blind our economy, it would take out our g.p.s. it could blind out military, it is incredibly serious. taps weapon of mass destruction. not only us but countries all over the world. the feesh is that putin has calculated we are far more depend dents on space than he is so that perhaps this would be at advantage or that he could use it as a serious deterrence to keep us from doing what we need to do. >> lawrence: michael waltz laying out the point to america
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and his point about the biden administration that in fact in some cases their slowness to react has empowered the kremlin. one of the few people that i respect in congress really laying it out for the american people, i look forward to hearing from mike turner what exactly is in that report. that is going to be disclosed to the public. guy, we got nikki haley coming up at 7:30. her response to the growing threat. >> guy: it does feel like the world is less stable and secure than it has been for a while. i know we are talking about these reports that maybe iran is pulling back on the proxies. i don't think it's because they hate us any less or kill us any less. i think it is strategic. >> steve: right. >> guy: let's put israel in a box for just a second. i'm not sure they are scared right now of the united states because of the current leadership. i think when they feel like it's back in their interest to keep taking those pot shots they will do it again. >> steve: right. because, ultimately, what has happened since the war started is, you know, it looked like israel was aligning with saudi arabia and with some of the
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other countries in that region and now that's all screwed up. >> carley: guy, you said that iran isn't scared of the u.s. also, vladimir putin isn't either. he just did an interview that aired on russian state tv he was asked who would you want to win the presidential election biden or trump? and he said biden. he's more experienced, more predictable. he is a politician of the old forms. that is not an endorsement that you want if you are the president of the united states. >> guy: i take it with a grain of salt anything that that man says he is calculating. >> steve: everything. >> carley: everything that is going on overseas and in the middle east and around the world impacts us because of the southern border. we have news on the border crisis and how it's impacting new york. harlem residents confronting new york city mayor eric adams last night over his handling of the migrant crisis. >> steve: madeleine rivera joins us on this holiday monday with details. >> good morning, the issue here
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centers around a luxury for the harlem. this seems to be a disconnect between eric adams and the local community regarding what is to become of this property. this property has sat empty. saw bunk beds outside ever the property. they will learned city hall was considering turning the building into temporary housing for migrants. well, that got a lot of backlash. many living in the neighborhood say they have needs that have to be addressed first. central harlem has a nearly 29% poverty rate compared to 18% citywide. >> >> we's transparency. we ghansd transparency. we want the same opportunity given to these illegal citizens so that our future can be more productive. >> what we're saying is that if there is some housing that is available to provide for asylum seeker, then that same housing should be first priority to
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those who live and work here. >> mayor adams now forced to answer some tough questions from folks about the city's plans. the city's department of social services says the building will be turned into a shelter for, quote: long term new york city families with children experiencing homelessness. some community members though are calling for the building to be turned into affordable housing for senior citizens, veterans and young professionals. bottom line, guys, still a lot of uncertainty regarding what is to become of this luxury building as new york struggles to handle influx of migrants, more than 66,200 in city according to the numbers from the mayor's office. carley, lawrence, steve and guy. >> carley: you passed the test. you got all our names. >> on a monday no less. >> carley: good job, maddy. lawrence this crisis was so predictable. you saw when we were in boston the families community center keeping their kids off the street. now it was concerned over to the migrants.
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you saw in chicago with the health center and former schools that they shut down that said they had no funding for, suddenly came with the funding to put migrants. now in harlem where you already have your set of issues in harlem, residents are -- a lot of them are wanting, needing more resources. and you have the mayor ohio quote you said in there that as mayor, i have to deal with the immediate needs first. well, you would think it would be the american citizens that are residents of harlem first before migrants. >> steve: the taxpayers. what is interesting is, a week ago apparently the city of new york had this plan, take this building, former luxury apartment building and turn it into a migrant shelter. it has been sitting empty for the last 10 years. so what they decided to do and there's the building right there, they decided just not to tell anybody about it. but the people of that neighborhood figured it out. what they saw hey, wait a minute, those are boxes of bunk
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beds. huh, let's do the math here. who needs bunks beds. hey, are you going to put migrants there? they go yep, you are on to us. and that was it. and that's when it officially hit the fan. >> carley: maker eric adams has gone to two meetings talking to residents about this who are so angry. at the last one somebody was holding a sign saying millions on migrants what about youth programs. that should have said billions on migrants. eric adams estimated that this crisis is going to cost $12 billion by 2025. and i just remember in 2022 the mayor was over at port authority welcoming migrants in to new york city. the one that objects was busing over. now look what has happened now. like you said, lawrence, so predictable. >> guy: busing program continues to be a success. shining a spotlight on the problem. forcing sanctuary jurisdictions to live with the consequences of their policies. i'm excited to hear from harlem residents right here later this hour. when i was watching those clips,
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it popped in my head, there may not be trump supporters, but the argument they were making was america first. if we're going to spend the money, if there is going to be housing available. it needs to come to us first. >> carley: so well said. that's an interesting perspective. >> lawrence: the mayor is from brooklyn, is he about to find out real soon what it means to be from harlem. they don't play about their communities. >> carley: lawrence, explain what we're doing later with the show harlem residents. >> >> lawrence: live in studio. talking to a panel of folks live in harlem and fired up about what is happening in their community that will be next. >> carley: giving them the opportunity to speak out. >> steve: in the meantime, i think this city is looking to unload a bunch of bunk beds. >> carley: that seems like a lot of thin bunk beds, too. those are thin boxes. more news to get. to say starting with this out in colorado. police have identified the two people killed inside a dorm room on the university of colorado, colorado springs campus on friday. 24-year-old samuel knot and
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26-year-old feeley reign montgomery were found dead after officers responded to a call about gunshots fired on campus. police are investigating their deaths as a homicide. no suspects have been identified yet. an american woman is still missing in spain after officials say a man in a helmet spray painted over the security cameras in her apartment complex. just look at her there. she is missing. her friends are now saying they received suspicious text messages from her before she went missing. >> everything was very strange with that message. it's not something that she would do. so, for her to meet a random person in the street of madrid, going off to some house, it's -- no. >> family is searching for answers. they are going to meet with authorities in spain today. >> new york governor kathy hochul trying to reassure the new york business community it's
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safe to operate in the new york. after the courts ruled against trump in new york civil fraud case. >> law biding and rule following new yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about because they are very different than donald trump and his behavior. >> carley: but a "new york post" editorial board argues democrats should be weary of celebrating trump's civil trial outcome saying, quote: democrats have, again, shot themselves in the foot. proving to an increasing number of voters that the justice system is stacked against the ex-president. body cam footage showing the moment a florida deputy saved a 6-month-old baby girl trapped after a car crash earlier this month. >> is the baby okay? >> no! no! [screaming] >> is she dead? is she dead? the child was trapped after police say a motorcyclist
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slammed into their car going more than 100 miles per hour. deputies say the baby is on a long road to recovery. later this morning that, heroic deputy sergeant will join us along with the family of the baby he helped save. stay tuned for that one. you don't want to miss it. it was a big night for film at the british equivalent of the oscars. during last night's after the thats. one movie dominated the award show goes oppenheimer. [cheers and applause] you oppenheimer taking home seven trophies including best film. nolan best actor. murphy kill yen murphy was named best actor in a leading role. best actress went to emma stone and prince william was the guest of honor of the night. appearing without his wife kate, who continues to recover from
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abdominal surgery. and those are your headlines. >> steve: oppenheimer and "fox & friends" have in common, we are both three hours long. that is a long movie. >> lawrence: well played, steve. >> carley: it is true. >> steve: 3 hours to 10 hours. race time in daytona, florida. 4:00 eastern as fox broadcast. joe logano will be previewing what is happening. >> guy: postpones after central florida got soaked with heavy rain all weekend long. >> lawrence: check in with adam klotz for fox weather forecast. will there being a race, adam. >> i was calling for rain all weekend. finally good miss as you look at the forecast. here is what it looks like across the entire country. still seeing some of that rain across florida. folks out west seeing really
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heavy showers in california, flash flooding and flood risks out there. what is going to be happening in florida today. do you notice finally beginning to break up. yes overnight still raining in daytona beach. temperatures are still on the cool side. sitting at 51 degrees that is really coming to an end. you saw it falling apart there of the good news is, guys, by the time you get into this race in the afternoon 4:00 p.m., almost completely sunny. went through nothing but rain. we are going to have sunshine for the folks sitting out there in the grand stands, actually turning out to be a really good day for a race. >> steve: i was down in florida over the weekend and it was rainy. i still had time to play pickleball. just saying. >> adam: you always do. >> carley: were you slip sliding around the court? >> steve: got it in before. >> carley: adam thank you for the kill yen assist as well that came from adam klotz. >> lawrence: a lot of turbulence coming on when it comes to the biden administration and the
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president. >> steve: blizzard of bad news. >> lawrence: he sat down with charlamagne tha god. you are not black if you don't vote for me. that ticked out a lot of people in the black community they still, some, supported him. charlamagne that god has some thoughts about the current state of joe biden presidency. >> uninspiring candidate nothing about joe biden makes you want to listen to him. he should be leaning on his vice president, kamala harris who is way more charismatic than him. he has no main character energy, not at all. none. >> is that you his age or the way he is? what's the problem. >> i don't think it has anything to do with age has everything to do with them. donald trump three or four more years younger than biden. he comes off more youthful and more energy. >> do you get blowback from the
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white house. very tough on biden. when you say something critical do you hear from them. >> yeah. i think that's a stupid [bleep]. sorry about that. >> we can bleep that out. >> i feel like you should be able to criticize whoever your elected official is, even if i do criticize them, i'm criticizing them base of what i see coming up in november. i see what we're facing. so what i'm saying to them is where is the sense of urgency? >> steve: where is the sense of urgency? remember last time we talked about him, he had just said, essentially, hey, joe biden, i voted for you because of kamala harris you need to drop out this time. and that's why as john karl said he gets a lot of blow back. which is some crazy beep. >> that with a sense of urgency what he said and how he thinks the president is uninspiring, just reminds me of that speech that president biden made on friday after the death of alexei navalny. did you guys see that? and there was this long pause
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during it when he said i need to collect my thoughts, after the robert hur report he needs to nail speeches in big moments or else get clips like charlamagne tha god saying you are uninspiring president. >> i don't think he can do it. one quibble from the soundbite was the vice president is more charismatic? i beg to differ but it's his show his view and he calls it like he sees it, which i do respect. >> she, kamala harris is the reason charlamagne endorsed them in 2020. so, anyway. >> lawrence: sometimes you are running late, steve. >> steve: every day to pickleball. >> lawrence: fret not if you it dvr 6:00 a.m. eastern. set series. watch the show watch it within 24 hours so you are not late for the next day's show. >> carley: or else you will be watching old news and people will say you are a day behind. >> steve: because you miss a little, you miss a lot. >> carley: that's right. still ahead, fox news alert.
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>> house intel chair mike turner issuing stark comments about the russia threat. >> this is about russia. and the administration taking action. and that's what is important. we need to make certain that we alert what could be an international crisis. i was concerned that it appeared that the administration was sleep walking into an international crisis, but it looks like now they are going to be able to take action. >> ben: retired general robert spalding here on the national security implications coming up. plus, this coming week is the primary in south carolina. presidential hopeful nikki haley is going to join us live from the trail on this holiday monday. ♪ any way you want it ♪ that's the way you need it ♪ anyway you want it. ♪ she said any way you want it ♪ that's the way you need it ♪ any way you want it ♪ wooo! tools that help protect. alerts that help check. one bank that puts you in control.
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>> steve: tragic situation minnesota. two police officers and a paramedic killed shootout yesterday after hours' long standoff with the suspect right outside of minneapolis, minnesota. todd piro joins us with the latest here in the studio. todd? >> todd: horrible news on monday morning, steve. burnsville police officers responding to a domestic situation early little sunday morning. now, according to police,
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unnamed armed man barricaded inside a home with family members, including seven children between the ages of 2 and 15. now, city officials say the situation, quote: escalated into gunfire after law enforcement arrived. killing officers paul elm strand and matthew rougey, as well as firefighter paramedic matthew finseth. hours of negotiation, of the suspect also died in that exchange. >> we still don't know the exact exchange of gunfire that occurred. certainly, several officers did return fire. i will note that this individual had several guns and large amounts of ammunition and shot at the police officers from multiple positions within the home. >> fellow first responders and the city of burnsville are still mourning this loss, inviting the community to pay respects at candlelight vigil last night. tim walz honoring the fallen
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first responders ordering all flags to be lowered to half-staff today beginning at sunrise. another police officer was hurt in the exchange with the suspect but is he expected to survive. steve? >> steve: terrible story. thank you, todd. meanwhile, we have some other headlines starting with this. police down in texas say they have a person of interest in the kidnapping of an 11-year-old girl in livingston, texas. they believe don steven mcdoogle played a role in the disappearance of audrey cunningham. he was arrested friday on an unrelated assault charge. audrey went missing last thursday while waiting for the bus not far from her house. meanwhile, a california canine found 10 pounds of meth hidden in the back of a car inside a box of dog treats last week. that's according to deputies. they say, quote: the k-9 was alerted to dog treat boxes inside the vehicle and found the
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dog treat boxes contained packages of meth. the car's driver was arrested, given a zero dollar bail and released. we do not know what happened to the dog biscuits. meanwhile, the new york rangers beating the new york irbledz 6 to 5 in overtime. in controversial fashion scoring while the net was moving. surpassed by what these have done. puck aaron, it's in the net will it count? >> the rangers beating the islanders during the stadium series at metlife. those are your headlines. >> over to you. >> a fox news alert house intel chairman defending his decision to raise concerns over russia's plans to put nuclear weapons into outer space. watch this. >> this is about russia and the administration taking action and
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that's is what is important we need to make certain that we avert what could be an international crisis. i was concerned that it appeared that the administration was sleeping walking into an international crisis but it looks like now they are going to be able to take action. >> guy: with us is brigadier general rob spalding on reaction here. sleep walking is the world that stood out to me, general. he thought that the biden administration, at least his story is they weren't reacting to this threat proactively enough. so he raised the regular flag in a more public way. what do you make of this whole situation. >> when you look at political speech in washington, d.c., it's likely almost always to be done and determined to influence something in this case i think it's done continue to influence the vote on ukraine. they want money spent on ukraine. i think the problem with any more money going to ukraine is it hasn't been tied to any real logical outcome. either an end to the fighting or
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an end to the war. there is no way it's going to end the war. so i think we need to tie it to some kind of outcome that actually benefits america. >> guy: senator lindsey graham meanwhile and relatedly he was on this weekend calling for had this when he comes to russia. >> when he went back to russia, he had to know he was going to be killed by putin and he was murdered by putin. why don't we do this? i just got off the phone with two democratic senators, let's make russia a state sponsor of terrorism under u.s. law. let's make them pay a price for killing navalny. >> is he of course referencing the murder of navalny. what would be the actual outcome? what would it mean practically if the dust designate the russian government a state sponsor of terrorism the way that he is calling for? >> well, i mean if we are going to designate russia as a state sponsor of terrorism why not designate china as well? russia is getting all their funding from china. really, practically, it means nothing to the russians. they have already adjusted to
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all the controls on their economy because of their invasion of ukraine. so, if we really want to get some outcomes, i would say look, to china, doing that to russia is just politics. >> guy: all right, general. thank you so much for your time this morning. we really appreciate it? >> thank you. >> guy: coming up, harlem residents taking mayor eric adams here in new york city to task over now abandoned migrant shelter plan. >> we want transparency, we demand transparency. >> build a building and not telling us what they are going to do. this can't happen under your administration. >> guy: our panel of harlem residents are saying enough is enough. that's coming up. plus, the world health organization issuing a stark warning that the world is ill prepared for the next pandemic, oh goody. dr. marc siegel is here. he will tell you what you need to know on this medical monday coming up. ♪ lowe's knows you don't just want a low price...
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>> what does this say to everybody that wants to do work in new york. why would you put up the risk to put up this much money and have a judge arbitrarily that you are in some form of breach of fraud where no damages occurred at all? >> that was shark tank star mr. wonderful himself kevin o'leary on "fox & friends weekend" yesterday warning that businesses won't want to stay in new york after courts just ruled against former president donald trump in that huge civil fraud case. >> carley: new york governor kathy hochul is attempting to give businesses reassurance. law abiding rule following businesses in new york have nothing to worry about they are very different than donald trump a and his behavior. >> steve: that's a difference according to her. meanwhile a "new york post" editorial board article argues democrats should be weary of celebrating trump's civil trial
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outcome. and, of course, he got the bad news, going to have to pony up a gigantic amount of money, combine that with the e. jean carroll settlement and, you know, they got to figure out where that money is going to come from. >> carley: yeah it, really is interesting that kevin o'leary who knows more about business than anybody reading a "wall street journal" article they are all warning, guy, the same thing. that this case could have greater implications for other businesses. business people saying wait a second, that doesn't seem fair. what if i get into some sort of legal scuffle or legal issue or what if people find out about my political affiliation and they don't like that, what would that mean for me? could this actually turn businesses away from new york city at a time when new york city needs more business than other because there is also crime, inflation and other things driving businesses away as well. >> i conducted that interview yesterday with o'leary yesterday on "fox & friends weekend." his real point was yes we are all talking obvious reasons
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trump and looking to 2024 and the election. he is saying take trump's name out of it for a second. if you are a business person especially in real estate, you are having the exact thoughts you are just talking about, carley in the back of your mind, if i am determined to be persona than graduate that by the powers that be in new york because of my politics will they weaponize the law here against me? they have shown a willingness to do it. >> steve: ultimately, if you are a business and thinking okay, where in the world should i relocate, why would you come here for the reasons you said. >> carley: people going to florida, tennessee. >> guy: texas. >> carley: one story impacting new york and lawrence you have another story impacting new york city as well. >> lawrence: new york craziness. new york city mayor adams hold ago second round of conversations with outraged harlem residents after scrap ago plan to use luxury neighborhood complex to house migrants. >> once it came to my attention from your senator, senator claire we said wait a minute, hold on. pit hit the pause on that.
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we are not going to use a new structure when you are dealing with issues right in the village of harlem. let's be clear. migrant asylum seekers are not moving into that location i stopped it. >> lawrence: outraged residents at that meeting including my next guest say they should have been told from the very beginning. joining us now mcdaniels, tiffany fulton, derail fulton, leslie johnson and gill da dunn gilliam. thank you so much for joining the program. i will start with you, tiffany. you said you couldn't believe he was doing this during black history month. >> when we say he, not necessarily the mayor. it's the city dss and dhs, you know, they are doing this. they snuck him in here in harlem with no transparency. you know, we coming out and we see bunk beds being moved in. what's going on? and nobody was aware this was happening. no one. i reached out to every elected official in the 70th assembly district and no one knew
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anything. >> lawrence: ruth, do you believe them the elected officials -- >> -- no. >> lawrence: when they say we didn't know it was going on this. was a surprise to them. >> i don't believe that. >> lawrence: what has been the reaction to the people of harlem? >> of course they're upset. they are outraged. they have been overlooked for so long. how are you thinking you would feel if you have a brand new luxury building as they are describing it and people are living sometimes two and three generations in one apartment and now you don't even want to give it to them. you want to bring outsiders in like what does that look like? you got to take care of the residents that are already there suffering. we can't do that any further. >> lawrence: gill da, pretty much all my friends that are in the city live in harlem. harlem is a particular community. they are already struggling when it comes to the education system, poverty rates there, people, black businesses that can't afford certain things. was it a slap in the face to say we have no resources for you but we have resources for the illegals? >> well, absolutely. and just to know some of the
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statistics, there is one in four people of color in new york city that are rent burdened and in central article lem alone it's 44% of people who are rent burdened which means a third of their income goes to rent. and in our community, we see our neighbors being displaced. we see our friends and our families being displaced because they cannot afford rent. so, we were glad that mayor adasms came to our -- both of our community forums on thursday. and on yesterday. and so we are having a healthy conversation with him as as wes some of the other city commissioners to rectify and remedy what has been going on. and what is going on with 2201 clayton power jr. boulevard. >> lawrence: unbelievable. part of the reason this is happening because new york decided it was going to be a sanctuary city. joe biden supports that, the mayor, the city council supports
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that do you feel like the overall policy is just a bad idea? because, when they decide to be sanctuary, they tend to send them to black and brown neighborhoods. >> yeah. i agree to that because they wouldn't send them downtown, you know, to interrupt what's going on down there. up here, we have no say so what goes on anywhere up here. they tell us that the 12th hour so that we can't, you know, cause confusion about what is going to happen. >> what saint nick also a houses? saint nick also a houses we have 3,000 units-plus. and we are being moved. we are under called modernization. we can use those places to put the seniors in. we could use it to put the people that are handicapped inside so that they don't have to move to the neighboring project so far away. >> lawrence: give me the legal perspective on this. because how are they -- they say they are not going to follow
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federal law right now. what do you want to be done from a legal perspective? >> well, i mean, injunction would be in place. it's interesting that in 2020 there was a hotel that was doing exact same thing and the mayor's office actually putting an injunction to stop that permanent injunction put in. that was back in 2020. 220 unit down there. i was surprised to actually see it was there so something should be in place. nobody can say that they can't do anything. they can actually stop that give the people what they want. >> lawrence: ruth, you only get politician's attention during election time. do you think -- if they don't change course on this, are the democratic representatives going to pay a price because of this or do you think people are just going to vote for him. >> no, no, no. this is -- this is a pigeon hole. this is a sign to this mayor. right now your people are looking at you. you have obligation to your own black communities to make sure we have our needs met.
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every other demographic takes care of their communities, chinese, italian, jewish, when it comes to communities ever color, specifically black, it seems as though they get paralyzed. like you have to speak to the narrative. we put you in a position it help us. this will definitely effect any elections going forward. >> lawrence: real quickly, tiffany, what about joe biden he supports the same stuff as well. do you think there is a price for him as well? >> of course. >> lawrence: or just the mayor? >> no, both. both. it's time for action. we voted for you. i voted for biden. i voted for mayor adams, it's time for action. >> lawrence: no more talk? >> yeah. >> lawrence: thank you all so much. tiffany, gill da, ruth, darryl and leslie. coming up the world health organization issuing a stark warning that the world is ill prepared for the next pandemic. >> the next a matter of when not if. >> lawrence: dr. marc siegel has
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♪ ♪ steve all right. the world health organization issued a stark new warning about global readiness for the so-called disease x. the term for the next
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hypocritical deadly pandemic that's going to hit us some day, maybe. >> the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if. and as things stand the world remains unprepared for the next disease x and the next pandemic. >> steve: here with reaction fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. dr. marc, good morning to you. >> good to see you. >> steve: not ready for covid why should would he be ready for this thing. >> we're into the. the world health organization loves to scare people saying not a matter of when not if. for decades now. in 2018 they coined the term disease x means the disease that's coming next that could get us all next. by the way it could spread more than covid and be more deadly than covid. that's a given, especially with all the labs around the world that are doing gain of function research which are testing virus possibly and could slip out of the lab. what he is talking really
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serious is preparation. with covid, it took months before they figured out that it was airborne. so a lot of the lockdowns and these extended strategies did more harm than good because the virus spread anyway. what we need is a strategy looking forward, looking down the line, controlling all of this research going on in the lab. having a moratorium on it and preparation means rapid testing, vaccines that would fit almost any pathogen, and having the response suit the virus that comes out. that's key. the world health organization, one more thing, with covid, actually didn't warn us. they said it was a regional probably only in early 2020. >> steve: unfortunately, since covid now, a lot of people are afraid of vaccines so let's see how that goes. >> that's another wave. >> steve: let's talk about something. there are a lot of communities that have hospitals that are in danger of closing and we're talking about rural hospitals. there is a new study that came
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out in many solve the states with the most vulnerable to closures are texas, kansas, nebraska, oklahoma, north carolina, georgia and mississippi. shows states right there. i have a loved one who went to a hospital in kansas with really serious condition. there was no doctor there. they scanned him, they shot the scan out to somebody. i think they read it in maybe tennessee. and said you've got a problem. this is a problem for a lot of the people in those states. >> in the south, in the midwest, in texas, and kansas being top of the list, you are from kansas, you know this very, very well. the problem is how expensive everything is. maternity care. cancer care, end of life care. we spend a for con on that. 40% of rural hospitals losing money. burnout. staffing problems like you just mentions, people quitting because of the pandemic. what's the solution? increased telehealth is helping. that's one solution. artificial intelligence is going to help. believe it or not, i'm a huge
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fan of artificial intelligence, tuts down on paperwork. should cut down on cost. that plus telehealth, figuring outs a way to reinfigure rate the medical and nursing professions. we have to do it because we love it. that's got to be number one. it can't be all the paperwork and administrative work. >> steve: see the sign hospital that wait a minute you would think there would be a doctor in there that's not the ways. >> also in new york. especially rural areas, a huge, huge problem. shout-out to nursing picking up the slap. >> steve: thank you for coming on medical monday. carley has got some news. >> carley: business news to get. to say european union is reportedly considering finding apple 500 million euros, that's 539 million u.s. dollars. the eu reportedly accusing apple of unfair trading conditions amid clanels that apple stopped 30 party competition
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specifically with its music app. it claims apple restricts other apps from letting users know about cheaper subscription models and we see the money falling down. >> twin brothers are going viral with their hilarious new york style hate takes on inflation. check this out. >> these haircuts are what a mandatory $40? i just paid $40 to slaply bald in fashion? my car insurance in the last two years went from 220 to 270. now to 320. >> carley: those twin content creators join us later this morning and those are your headlines. still ahead governor hochul on damage control assures bigs are safe amid trump's fraud ruling. gregg jarrett and charms payne on the fallout coming up.
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