tv Hannity FOX News February 19, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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not even close. the book comes in a month.h. i don't think i've promoted it enough. so get ready. enour a whirlwind of self-promotion get itogether. together. you could order it and it will be there in a month e in your mailbox. >> time for text messages. >> bill from bellbrook, ohio. hillary forgotbi to call us all. deplorables. >> better check her brain to dennis from new jersey. >> do you think we can convince. craig this stuff for to run fort rnc chairman? >> he's got my voto n e. do you guys think i should interview craig? "d yhinkp washington. >> i smell a rat in this craig guy. are we sure he's not i smell stl working for the fbi? i want to feel him down for a wire, but i'm afraid to feel crack down. ers, and i'm waters, and this is my world. >> welcome to a special i'ition of "hannity"
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i'm kayleigh mcenany, in for sean tonight with the 2024 campaign heating up, the left is irn a complete state a of panic. they see the writing on the wal c l for joe biden. according to nate silver, biden is quoten., losing now and there is no plan to fix the problem other than hopingol the polls are wrong outsls. i thought they said hope is not a strategy. apparently that's biden's. meanwhile, democratic lawmakers have reportedly been stg, vicen president kamala harris, that the biden campaign feels, quote, that they need to be better. one new york times journalist, ezra klein, says the democrats have a better option thaden biden. klein notes in his piece that democratic strategist james carville told him, quote, a campaign hastold him certain e most desirable asset. the candidate and the biden campaign does not deployti biden like he is a desirable
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asset. >> the epahy administrator here refused to read as well.ell. >> we just concluded a briefing . i can already see this. the room won't want to finseat n you here just to find you a different way. i guess i should clear my mind here a little bit. not to say what i'm really thinking. your majesty. ajesty, overu, mr. president. sorry, mr. president. thank you for your gracious hospitality. >> let me tell you something. some of your comment i wear
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since the day he died. every single day that he got from romania. >> every memorial day, we hold a service. a that's a desirable asset. so desirablesirable that. joe biden cannot even win overin trump. critic charlemagne the god. >> watch what he uses in an aspiring candidate. idate. but you know nothing about, joe you know, joe biden that makes b want to listen to him. him,hould be leaning on people are more inspiring than him, who are more charismatic than him. and he should just be, i guess, if you want to call itth the brains of the operation behind the scenes like that sounds crazy that we're saying that about the president of the united states of america. but heof america has no main chr energy at all. >> no. and what is that?he is? >> is that age is the way he is. i mean, why do you want. what's the problem.? i don't think has anything to do with age. you know o i don', i think it has just everything to do with him. >> no main character energy.
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>> i would take supporting cast energy at this point. but it's not just charlamagne tha god, there's a mutiny among progressive voters and squad member. it's needed to leas.d. g is calling on voters to ditch biden in the michigan primarin y and vote uncommitted. >> that's just the way we raisen our voices to make us evene feel more. right now we feel completely neglected, neglected, and just unseen complet our government. co you want to be loud, then t come here. >> vote uncommitted. but despite the blaring warning signs, the biden campaign appears uninterested in fixing its problemsen campa according to politico playbook, quote, nearly any recommendation playb to change course is met with aoo pat on the head and a responsere akin to. thanks for the advice, kiddo. tohmm. here was reaction. hea news contributor joe conch and pollster mark penn. mark so nate silver says that biden is losing right now.
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he says he is probably an underdog. ewithpollster, do you agre with that assessment? d yeah, look, i think there's noug question about it that right uno now biden is the underdog and this, you know, underdog is not a bad placeunde to be in politics. >> expectations get lowered. surprise get ls happen.s a the president's got a big state of the union coming up. that wile ofion comil be his opy in, i think, reestablish where he's going and what he's going to do in front of 40 or 50 million americans. >> and he needs to end tod the state of the union. they're saying today on axios that the campaign is viewingaxi this as kind of a reset? we'll see if that happens. but joe conchawe wil, the campay and this may just be press posture and you tell me ift be t is, but they apparently have this self-assuredness. they don't wantheyt to take the advice of others. is that just posturing in the press or do you think they're that confident? i don't think they can be very confident. kelly, when you look at every swing state poll and again, don't look at national polls. look at poll
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tional ps in.polls north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada, wisconsinof, , pennsylvania. those are the states that decide elections. you wouldn't for michigannnsylvan those states,ro you will be the next president. you states, bloomberg just last week had a poll out showing that we have now the current incumbent president and joe biden trailing ent in j trump in all seven of those states. >> so he idonald ts the underdog right now. that may not be a bad thing to mark penn's point, but that formidable scent that is coming from the white house is the smell of fear. ent fromte housekelly it's so si the nostrils. and this may explainls. why all these leaks are coming out of 1600 right now that have enen in tpening lately when early on in this presidency we almost saw no leake als and. when we look back at the major turning point in this election, first base will be the hurt report because it finally put the president's cognitive decline into the mainstream conversation. and that's after the new york time mainsts, washington post, cnn and abc engaged in the bias t and omissionhis and ignoringy what was painfully obvious to the american people. weoversee americ saw that abc n
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last week. it found nearlniy nine inbiden ten americans do not believe joe biden has the mental acuithy to be president for another term. they say he's lost they se hay hade to bbarel a knuckle curve to begin with. so now we keep hearing about these resetsege keep reing a biden and harris. >> it's 31 flavors of stupid ite. sand harr the impression is already etched in stone. biden does have the mental o biderw fo physical capacity for the jobb, right now, let alone his 86th birthday. the kamala let a harris, in thew of most sane and sober americans, is not remotelynd sor prepared to be commander in chief at this time. >> you know, mar h:k done some fascinating polling about a third party candidate and whether there's a lane and joe manchin has said, look, i'm not running for president. that's great news for joe biden. as ithat's can see it. but my question is, rashida, to leave coming out and saying vote uncommitted. i know vot she's one voice, but you think there's a mutiny among progressivesa mutiny in ty or is this cabin to rashida tlaib?
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>> look, i thinkis cabin the progressives in the partynts want to hold on to as muchey pos power as they possibly can. sii think this election will really be decided by suburban swing. and the math of swing votersters is that if the electionss 5-5, five five, one swing voter makes it six four, it take sg two people staying homeco to overcome that swing vote. i think the left coming out against biden is a gift because the left ultimately is going to vote for biden. they're novote f bident going t, trump. they're going to come out becae him soedon't lik trump so much. and to the extent they throw an thcommitted, you know, softbal l at them, all they do is communicate. if he if the left is unhappyif with him, maybe he's moving moderate and that's what he needs to do to win this electione andat's whe. >> marc, sticking with you for a moment, you talk about the importance of that suburban voter. ble you've pitched to possible names for trump, for vicesident and coming from someone who was clinton's pollster. .someone one of the names you pd was senator tim scott. he's my next guest. senator why do you say senator m
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scott would be a good pick for vice president? >> because i think he will playl well i in the suburbs. he will provide a counterbalance to trump in a way that i think trump really needs. look, obviously, haley can the great but the distance those two is so great that there's no chance she's going to be vice. but. tim scott. right. so tim scott has vigorously and thoroughly endorsed trump. he seemsthorou to now get along with trump. it surprised me, but it seems to me probably his strongest pick. >> you know, nikki haley. yeah, the attacks have becomep a more pointed. i think that ship has sailed to your point. joe joe conchailed, what do you make of that, senator tim scott? well, first, i havu make ofe a n for mark, who is his second pick. >> i know about tim, but who's the secondd pick one? >> it was haley. >> haley? yeah, it was haley. that ship sailed. >>y. nikki h >> okay.
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hey, i thought that was up. all right, all right. that's that was a second one. gotcha got. no, tim scott is an excellent candidate for vice president because he brings optimism to the ticket, obviously, and, boy, i'd payf me pay per view kind of money to see tim scott versus harris in a vp debate. so that's a good choice. i hear also perhaps tulsi gabbard, the presidentersation is having conversations with and tulsi has said that when shegen to havin that conversation with trump. wouldn't that be interesting taking somebod inty who used toe near the top of the dnc and then top democratic partyet and then she's on trump's ticket? that would be very interesting as wel. bl. ar we hear about elise stefanik being a possibility, kristi noem being a possibility. either way, i think it will bel either a person of color orman n a woman on the ticket. what we do know at this poin t tnot on that mike pence is probably also a ship that not only is sail, but is probabllydis probag in another galaxy at this point. >> uh, you're a betting man, joe concha. h: i, joe concha, mark penn, thank you very much. well, in jusu t five days, formn
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president trump and former governor nikki haley will square ofik hf in southoutr carolina in the gop primary. and according to the realat tha clear politics average, look at that. trump is ahead of halet,y, her home state, by more than 30 points. i would sa more y that's a solie lead. and tonight, the haley campaign announced that she will bete delivering a, quote, state of the race speech tomorrow. >> however speech", have no indw of what she plans to say whatsoever. here is more south carolina senator tim scott. i want welcome, senator scott. i want to quote for you directly t from you, the haley campaign. nikki haley will deliver a speechm in greenville, south carolina. this is your stomping ground, south carolina, to address, the state of the presidential race. that'sh carolina. a little of aa coming days before south carolina. what do you thinr pitch k. >> well, i hope that she's dropping out of the race, to be honest with you. >> here's what we know. she can't win her owt she en. se state.
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there is no other state in the nation. if you can't win her hou can't e state. >> there's no other place to win. she's down by at oer least 25 t3 30 points here in south carolina. the best0 she can do for the nation is to drop out of the race, endorse donald trump, and let us start focusing on joe biden. here's what we both know that donald trump led this nation to the best four yearsecm economically in my lifetimice, e have the lowest unemployment hispafrican-americans, for hispanics with the lowest for asianst for, a 70 year low for women. it's one of the reasons why in new hampshire, he, donaldbeak trump, beat nikki haley with women, with seniorssenior and millennials. the nation was just better off under donald trump. our border was secur.e. 600% increase in crossings since donald trump has left office. >> our chaos that we see arounod the nation was nonexistent. >> we literally had law
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and order. and frankly, last point, foreign. had f >> we actually were experiencing world peace under trump. ukraine. no war. nor one cares in the middleddls east. israel safer. the indo-pacific. china was looking at taiwan border security, strong secur economy, law and orderit and world peace. >> what else would you want in a president? prest?d four more years of donald trump. >> you remind me of a different time you toome ofk me back to wn i was on air force one with for president trumce op and we're flying all around the country for the 2020 campaign and the "wall street journal" justishedh published the numbers for wages for black americans, for latino americans. and it was astonishing the gains that peopl wase werefo making. one more question for you, though, on ambassador haler yoy because she did say just this morning we can't wait to go co michigan the day after south carolina. >> could that just have been like a throwaway linuld thate ad of a potential dropout or how does this all work? >> you've been in presidential
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politics his work. ott: i w >> yes, i will say with question. sometimes you wake up on mondaya morning and you realize that the race is alreadyyg and . the best thing you can do is within 24 hours is to get out the way. i hope that happens. listen, nikki hale y has won the best race she could run. latesately her campaign ha been descending. honestly, it's desperationn that you feel coming from her camp. and when you feel that type of desperation that means the race is already over and the lead leading nikki haley herself has to come to realization. i >> she has to realize that this race is over. it is best for the country, not just the party. it is best for america that we focut for s on joe biden.'s bes and frankly, on monday morningt ,february 25th, we're going , but we woulday love to have her as a part of that team . >> senator scott, you know, you wo n your state in 2022,22. 62 percentage points.
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i believe it was higher than that. yobeis the number you brought in for your race. you are a prolific fundraiser. you one of the most unique messages i've heard, reaganesque, very optimistd., . and you heard my previous conversation with the pollster mark pen witllstern. bed i'm not going to ask you if you'd accept the vice presidency, because i don't know if you would answercaknow u . but i will ask you if you would consider or look forwarddela hai to debating kamala harris on a stage someday. >> you know, if i had an opportunity to have debate with kamala harris, the actualis borders are the first thing i would do is ask, why door you spend more time at the national security council in germany, than you have on our southern border? i was an eagle pass, texas on friday. the devastation, the humiliatio, on n is unbelievable . >> let's have a debate. let's have a debate in eagle pass, texas, and solve for the american people the one thing we all can see with our own eyes, the left
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one, an open, insecure border. the conservative and common sense independence. we want a secure america, whichy means you have to control your back door. your to. let's move itou the economy. let's talk about 2% inflation versus 9% inflation. let's talk about the fact that the millennial toda% inflaa cannot afford a home becauseau the interest rates are toose int high because joe biden and kamala harris have no clue how tokamalave run an economy. and then let's talk about they. vice president. what raise money. emoo waoney for someon who was later charged for of murder. raising money to get him out of jail. i want to have a law and order conversation debate right here ,right now. >> well, the so-called borders are versus senator tim scott, maybe vice presidential nomineee ,senator tim scott. i would sign unti woulp to watcy particularly in eagle pass, texas. thank you very much, senator scott. allout all right. tonight, the fallout from the ruling in the trump civil fraud tria fel continues.da
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on friday night, the new york post editorial board warne new d democrats celebrating that they just turned trump into a, quote ,political martyr, while new york governor kathy hochul to ease tried to ease business concerns over the ruling. take a look. >> i think that this is reallyhk an extra, nearly unusual circumstance that the law abidinrcumstang and rule followg new yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about because they're very different than donald trump anod his behavior. >> still, business leaders le the alarmsharayle starting. kevin o'leary says he will never investtank's ks in new yow following the ruling, calling new york a, quote, mega lose, cf state. and just like the rest of the cases against trump, the $355 million judgment more than the gdp of some countries is completely unprecedented. based on an analysis of 70 years of civil cases done by the associated press, not
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a right wing publication, a wire service, quote, trump's case stands apart in a significant wae stany. it's the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdowg businen without a showing of obvious victims and major losses unprecedented. meanwhile, over 2000 brad case here is a "new york times" liberal "new york times" review. they concluded it concluded that, quotral "newe, new york se prosecutors have never before filed an election law case involving a federal campaign never before. but they will with trump and after listening to oral arguments, the supreme court appeared skeptical of theskepti left's attempt to remove trump from the ballot in colorado. to remove n brown jackson, even elena kagan. and this is beforeeven n we geto the case in maine, where an unelected secretary of state, one person removed trump from the ballotof state. rea here with reaction, former acting attorney general matt whitaker and fox news
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legal analyst gregg jarrett. matthew, want to start with you. you know, as an attorney, as have factshave tu before you and you have to look over here and you ask yourselfhe ,do the facts match the law? and then as a prosecutor, asw this this as a former acting attorney general, you have prosecutorial atto. tion you can say, has anyone ever been charged in this manner? and the answercharge is alvin bl is no. and the answer in civil frau d is no. so what's going on? are these justfrau totallytotall unreasonable left-wing activists or are they actually prosecutors? >> yes, these are completely, motivated prosecutors. you know, i was a u.s.are poli attorney for five and half years for the white hat and did justicd a halfe. i think that's exactly what's not happening in new york state, especiall at's noty right now. you have politically motivated people that are trying to goaft after they're someone they disagree with. and, you know, governor hochul is absolutely wrong, not
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only should many people worry about this same politically motivated, but, you know, you look at not only kevin lookstors wh grant cardone and real estate investors are saying, i'm never doing business in new york thi s chasing business away. i don't think new york can call itself the empire stats chasinee after this. >> heck, i don't even want to walk around in new york. i meanalre stateayleigh:, god fn to defend myself here. and alvin brooks, america. greg, you know, so the civil fraud case, it'll be appealed and we'll what the new yor new york appellate court says and then the supreme court can decide whethercourts a grant ce. what do you see happening at the appellate level and aappt the supreme court level? e cour >> well, the entire courtt on the highest level the court i of appeals in new york is made up of seven justices, all picked by democrat governor pickes. >> but i just don't even think that they would let this stand. >> and, you know, kelly,. democrats may be cheering this i verdict, but i think they badly
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d. have aate >> americans have a keen sense of fairness. ness.they see this for what it , a politically driven attack, no legal justification behind it, engineered by an ethically corrupt state attorney general, letitiallya james, and then sanctioned by this biased liberal judge whom they know attempt to hide his disdain for trump or to honestly, the lawth and the outlandish nature of the judgmenteflect is self-evident. it reflects no measurable harmss because no, they existed. no one was defrauded or deceived nobody was injured. inr >> so by weaponizing the legal system, what they've done is they've strengthened trump by proving that he's a victim of unscrupulous partizans. >> and this further erodes, i think, the already declining i confidence in our justice system. demoit fuels trump's argumenict that democrats will happily mangle the law for mangl
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political gain, and thati i think the way the dominoes are falling furthethinr. trump's argument because the first case out of the gateue is the weakest one is the owls and brad one is the one.mes" sai the new york times said it'sted never been prosecuted in new york state lawin for a federalel election. right. and remember, the way they make theeven a felony is they tak a assortment of misdemeanors that the only would be donald b trump himself from the falsification of his business records that are alleged. but then they take this federal campaign alleged. violations thh the federal election commission and the southern district of york already looked at and decided that that wasn't a valid legal theory to go on.n. and so this is the american people are going to see this up close. i just only wish that it was televised sos they could seehi how poorly this legal theory and these facts are going to play out under alvin bragg and his cockamamie. >> and, greg, we wait tonightreg for any da, y nowew.
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the ruling on the colorado ballot, disqualification from the supreme courdo ballot and tt jack smith was given until tomorrow to file a responsfileed absolute immunity. he filed that last week. i mean, are we looking at potentially t supreme court action this week on either of those cases? >> well, on wednesday, the u.s. supreme court will be releasinsg nine opinions and decisions in pending cases. e court so we might see the bale because frankly, it was a no brainer. a first year law student could easily handle that. >> i think it'll be unanimouands or 8 to 1. >> you know, this was an egregious deprivation of the due process rights of donald. trump are punishing him in inviolate relation to the 14th amendment. and not only that, the officethr of the president doesn't qualify under the languageesif of the 14th amendment. so those are just some of the reasons why i think the supreme court will hand this dowe court
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n sometime quite soon. and notwithstanding pre the predictions of liberal legal analysts at msnbc and msnbc who said trump has nou argumentmps and he was going to lose the hearing itself, prove them wrong, prove themh: k totally wrong. matt, greg, thank you very much. much. coming up, thanksn an to biden's border crisis, we have seen an increased number of peopl e from china illegally coming to the country. senator joshe reacts after the break as a special edition of "hannity" continues . america's most wanted is back with new episodes on fox. them a week later on fox nation. plus, america's most wanted, featuring exclusive content with john and callahan walsh. you won't see anywhere else. i know what these victims are going through, joy and son, for a deep dive into the details with critical insight about every case. let's kick some together. don't fox nation. america's most wanted and america's most wanted. extra together on fox nation.
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our colleagues from louisiana, griff nk have reporting from the border in cuba, california, about an hour east of san diego. and what they've encountered hey havernts from ecuado syria, turkey, china. in fact, there has been a shocking rise in the number of illegal shos crossing from china. in fact, sources tell buildcros the illusionsi that over 20,000, 20,000 chinese illegals have crossed the border so far this fiscased the l year, wh began on october 1st. compare that t oo 2021 the entie fiscal year when just 450at mak crossed. that makes fores a 4,000% increase in chinese illegals. is here's reaction as missouri republican senator josh hawleysr . senator hawley, welcome. and whathawley is going on a 4,% increase in chinese nationala s well, you know, it used to be
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30 years ago or really just for the last 30 years in total, that wall street and the liberals and the multinational would send our jobs overseas to china. and now they're actually letting the chinese nationals come here in the united states and take the jobcome to s and tt from under our noses. i mean, you talk about 20,000 chinese nationals just sinceon octobeals jur coming into thisng country, taking jobs, driving down wages. mland of course, china's already buying farmland, u.s. farmland at a record paceatrd. unbeliev i mean, this is unbelievable. and it clearly shows that the border clearly is completely op. >> joe biden wants it open. and for american, that is a disaster. >> sster.o four and a half mont, four and a half months, 20,000 chinese nationals. i mean, you talk about china buying up u.s. farmland. . at's happening tiktok. infiltrating the minds of our young people. that's china's doing there. and then not to mention tion thesal police station they have across the world, including here in the united states. are these chinesunited coming?
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and i get that this is conjecture because the border is the is porous or could it be something more sinister? >> well, listen, i mean, we know that china has had plan to try and infiltrate u.s. campuses. i mean, they've set up these confucius centeres. s all overcenters campuses across the country that were just basically glorifieacross d spy stations.ifie we know their intentions toward australia are totalld sp.y illrs founded. i mean, they are not our friends, they are our opponents, they are our competitors. they're our enemies. and as the tick tock, i mean, as if it isn't bad enough that the chinese government is using tiktok to spy on everyhone american who has it on their phone. no, now,w they're using tiktok to bring thousands of chinese nationals across the border. i mean, you could actually use tiktok or the chinese version of tick tockrsion of to help ges the border now. i mean, it is unbelievable. and as i say, i mean, if you're a worker in this country, my gosh joe biden'sareo open border policies are costing you your job, costinstg you security, costing your family their safety is out of controlyo
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brou the 'm glad you brought up president joe biden because the images happening on our screen on ou, not in a vacuumhe happening because of the president and axiosr thou is reporting this today. i want your thought on this. they're calling the statgh thise the union biden's reset moment. and they say reset one bold move that biden is considering, we're told, is a in executive order that would dramatically stanch the record flow of migrants into the southwest. this couldsouthwes even happen e two weeks before the address, allowing biden to say. he took actions while republicans just talk. will that be enough for the american voter? what executive is he thinking. about? >> it won't be enough. and listen, he's the reason why the border is opene reason i. ha there hasn't been any change in the law from the last president. president trumbeen any p, to this president. >> the only change has been joe biden. and i tell you what, clearly, i've had alejandro mayorkas, biden's homeland security secretary say to me directly multiple times that the biden border policiesg the are working, and that's
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they're telling the truth. they aretr working becauses thei they want the border open. that is their policy. so thir .s is all because of joe biden. it's 100% on him. it's 100and he's the one the amn workers can look to and say, man, you are costing us our jobsrecosting you are costing r security. >> you're costing us our farmland. it is on him. n >> it's on him, and it's even spilling to our northern bordesp r . the new york post is reporting that there are illegal immigrants" eporting considering crossing from mexico city, whereas whereverants cro mexico and if they have $350, they just buy a ticket, a plane ticket to canada and cross our northern border where border crossings are up 240%. so is it so bad that now we're seeing a border problem as well? >> senator? >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, it's -- it's anywhere that the illegals can get inwhere th. . we should just be clear about this. the cartels are in charge herean . this is an invasion by the cartels. they are makin invasio they areg money like nobody has ever seen before.
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they are running drugs . >> i mean, in my state, clearlyy we are absolutely overrunentany with fentanyl, with meth. where is it coming across the borderl, now? t of it's made in chinae ch to go back to these chinese nationals crossinginese na our n border. but it's all coming across the southern border and now the northern border, too. biden this is what joe biden's policies are doing. it's poisoning our kid'sre doisn it's poisoning our communities. it's taking away our jobs. thisitit's tak joe biden's war e america. >> so sad. i'm glad america.leigh: s thougs discovered he has a pen. now, let's see if. he uses it out of the state of the union. senator hawley, thank you very muchtor hawl. up, >> coming up, the biden administration is reportedly slowing their shif administt electric vehicles. interesting. but their end goal remains the same. . brian greenberg, tammy bruce here with more as a special edition of continues. have you ever felt leg pain, restlessness, cramps, tingling, swelling, numbness itchiness or
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america listening. >> welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". looks like the biden administrationdition o has reald their electric car obsession is not goingr electr over well e american people right now. biden's epa is preparing to issue the strictest tailpipe emission rules of all timetest,t a rule so intense that it would require two thirds of all cars to be electric. two-thircarsbut his team knows s not ready for that. so they are now, according not r to reports, planning to set the requirement to take effectts starting in 2030. that would be long after joe biden leaves office, even he a second term. democ meanwhile, democrats at the local level are followingbiden biden administration's green new deal hysteriadstratio. new york city possibly banning a tide. pods and dishwasher pods,y ar saying they are bad for the environment. of coursr thee, are because they leave behind microplastics
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when they dissolve. there was very little reaction herefox nes tammy bruceuce an and the co-host of the big money show fox business, brian greenberg. brian so this is a "new york times" report. three sources familiar with the plan say that this is a gesture to autoworkers. it's a gesture to labor unions. but i say it's a gesture to the entire voting electorate. yeah, don't break out the champagne yet. they're not going to change anything. kelly, you it on the head.s, a g what they know is thesebut i american people can't stansadt. the ev push. the thing isot g, they don't taa that concernte seriously. they d they just take it politically. they're going to sayon now, well,e goin we're going to slow down. >> we hearg you, america. don't worry about it. but then guess what? if for some reason biden gets back into office, that same epa made up this whole thing is still going to be in chargeeh just like that. they can say, oh, you know, itrn turns out actually the environmen environt is really, y
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bad. >> and so we are going to do it" starting in 2027. this is called bait and switchpo politics, but they're playing a long term gameli here. there is no way they're making life easier for you if you want to get around in your car. >> no chance. it's a ploy. tammy's ae, the new yn cites intense crosswinds of reelectio n in as part of thehave a reasons. i have a feeling we're going few to see a lot of actions like this on immigration and other issues because of the quotmmigr intense crosswinds of reelection. yeah, indeed . it just also goes to show you that it's never really about a true commitmen a tmmitm the issue, right. that they see something. they've really got to make it happensee some if in fact, theyt lose their job. is,fact of the matter though, of course, is that they would do this anyway. they've known that and it's the unions actually, as opposed ha a gesture to them. the unions have been saying, let's not do this because jobsve g be lost because iton't wor actually won't work, because we don'e wet have energy.
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right. e the electricity stations, the charging stations for. the cars. the biden administration s, ay.e democrats know thi but they're doing it anyway right now. worried about 7% electricel vehicles. so in thatectric v nine year ped of time, you mentioned, kelly, to get us uned to g to 67% and o just moving along, forgetting about the fact that we already dy havs. statiwith our grid we have a problem with the stations we have, but we can't really makon can'te happe. it's like a wish fantasy. and so i think this is whaty. finally the automakerslly, are saying. >> yeah, nobody wants the cars becaus e they can't afford them. he's created an economy where you can't afford to buy these cars. and if you want to change a battery, it's goinn't afford t you 20 thousand dollars. am that does not appeal to the american people. and brian, there's this inverse correlatio , n. the more biden pushes this, the more people hate it. but what's interestinghate it. n z, okay, gen z, 61%, we hady wee
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this poll said they were interested in evs and it droppeind in a year period to to 41%. look41 at that. s waki >> so gen z is waking up as if the cost here. >> well, i think gen z is realizing everything underen biden has gotten more expensive. >> and so they're figuring out if they can make, you know,re mr the things i buy at the grocery store are more expensive. you can probably maken probab e my carss more expensive. good for gen z. the thin expensig about it is wn you start to earn a paycheck and you start to look at that paycheck, you realize how much government takes from it. all of a sudden, gt all ofu that kind of liberalism that you might have gotten during college starthave gotolla into something that kind of bears a resemblance to, i don't know r reality based conservatism. and i think maybe gen z is starting to get it. maybe they are. i mean, we've seen that in welline towardshey mov former president trump. >> tammy, it's interestinghow to me just how nakedly partisan this is, right? ite is bidenogressivna saying, don't worry, progressives, we're going to do grrs, we'll give you you worry,
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stuff. it's just going to be in 2030. but common sense americans, everyday americans, don't worry, we're not pushing these multt worry,i thousand dollar vs anymore. yeah, and i think this is theths democrats realize this. >> the liberals realize that they've been taken for a ride, . but, you know, no pun intendedre that they're just being lied to and strung along with plans that might be implementealong,di nine or ten years. and this is what we intend to do. but they are really abletell to tell people what makes this better, what how this makes their lives better. right. there's also, i think, thalson that when you realize itat right now you can get gas when you want and that it's private and that, you know, you can pa y for your gas stations. but we now realize with rolling blackout in california and other places and they tell you to not charge up your car because the grid is already too overburdened. there's an awareness cominrdene. g in about the absurdity of what it is that's happening, and that includerdity ofs the td proposed banning in new yorklli
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city that is falling over itself to open up pot storesovtk and you can't walk anywhere in new york without being inloud o a cloud of marijuana. and they're worrie d about theod tide pods and single use sheets for cleaning because of microplastics. as everyone's, you know,eir destroying their lungs and wandering around new york higd wanderh. new it's the absurdity i thinkyoy, is shocking everyone acrossryon political lines. fantastirossc points. and on that note, brian, are you prepared to give upgive your dishwasher pods as you drive through clouds of marijuana smoke? all right. wellthmarijuan e? i know i've got kids, so my they're kind of my they're kind of my dishwashers, i guessdi so there's a scrub a little bit harder these days. gooddaughters, four years old, she wants to wash dishes now. so good for her. yeah, i agree. brian tammy, thank you very much. >> well, coming up, charles barkley gave up,es barka of san francisco a reality check last night. checwe'll tell you what he saidn to get reaction from tomi
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>> thanks for having me, kelly. charles barkley the truthles ba and he got some pushback from,rk i think. candace parker and draymond green saying that's not true. let me tell you what's happenin green a it'g. nd can draymond green and candaceda parker are shielded. they're shielded from the crime every day. they don't see it. they don't they're not day. in.ey wer and so what they did, they were disingenuous in making the statemen t and, pushings back against charles barkley. barkley is right. crime is occurringt. everywhere. but when you are rich, whenwheny you're famous, when you're an elitist, like candace and draymond green, they don'tbs want to admit it because they don't see it every day. the averag e citizen daily, we see it every day that theol, bu is rampant out of control, but they're in denial. >> and teltl me, no one sees itd every day are parents whose kids to school next to homeless people who are some of whom are doing drugs, some of whom may have fentanyl and these little kids are the ones walking around walking to school in the middles
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sparoue of indt. >> yeah, there are many cities and entire states, even like california, where you can't go to a public park anymore. you can't rublic parn ride up pc transportation for that same reason. you don't know what transientyo is going to be there. you don't know if they're going to be on drugs or they're going tol their pants down.u ar >> you just don't know what you're going to get. but i would cautiogoing nat don americans out there that don't live in california, just remember'te that your vice president is from california, who i believ, who e going to be the democratic nominee. gavin newsom is the governor of californianominee.. lifornia california also bears nancy pelosi and many others. sonancy any othe what you're thb what you're going to do in november, just remember the state of californi oa cand serve as a cautionary tale if you don't want to. californiary tale. don't w, youa probably don't vote for the leaders that destroyed that great. oy, beca and it's a great state that's hard to destroy because as leo knows and so naturally it beautiful, but nonetheless, they've destroyed it. >> it's a really good poinnoneta so california, you're america. i love that, tommy. but. le yi loveo, you know, charles ,
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he's spoken out before on this. i found ou on thist that the 22n conference game, their apparently was a leak in the american airlines center. this was in dallas . abou and he said this, quote, the bad thing about all this rain is it's not rain is rainint francisco to clean up those dirty streets. they gotho they've their san francisco. it's a great city. but all the dirtiness and homelessnessand, y'all gotst to clean off those streets. i mean, leleo, io does it is gog to take more people like charles barkley speaking up repeatedlyople lik to get sometg fixed. yes. >> lyes, going to take a complete changeover of democratic leadership in california to end new york in chicago. let me be very clear, kaley. make it clean it up if they wanted to. i'm old enough to remember when oue president was hereancisc in san francisco, cleaned it up. but i wanto, people understand homelessness is a profit maker fossness ir ben campaign on it. they raise money on it. they don't want it to end because they can use it
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to exploit those i are being on the who are on the street, just like the super bowl a couple of yeara cos ago in california. in l.a., streets are clean, but it is streets a profit makig machine for the democrats. >> yes. i mean, i read it in the pressou to your point about nancy pelosi and gavin newsom and all thes e leaders that come from california are vice president. i read in the press that gavin newsom takes an interest in san francisco, almost a managerialve role, one he realizes the image is coming out of san francisco. coulhe realis outd be tethered y moving forward, perhaps if he ran as a presidential candidate in 2020 eight, perhaps if he ranpr as a presidential candidate, i don't know, in 2024, should the deckld be reshuffled? decwhat you make of that? well, i think that gavin newsom is doing the most to try to trickavin new people and gast people with smoke and mirrors into thinking california is this grea smoke at place as he's also sending prosecutors to the oakland area becausrea,e he wants to clean it up because he no doubt has presidential ambitions. folks
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i'd also like to know for a lotn of folks that are unfamiliar with california, leo knowsfamilf as well he lives there. i used to live there. a lot of these homeles homelsft people that are around that are going into these stores shoplifting or just around on the streetsor the. cked u a lot of them actually would be locked up if not for the felon coddling policies, soe of california. i'm sure there are some that are just down on our luck ,are homeless, a lot of veterans as well. but there are some that are actually dangerousha. s and because of california's policy, they're out wandering around. so that justre adds more to the problem here. gavin newsom's got a lot on his hands to take carehi of in just a few short months to do it daily. yeah, wellshort months., i onlyt 30 seconds here, and you're such a great conservative, so i don't want to tao i don' g you by saying your governor. but nevertheless, you, gourrnor gavin newsom,ly a liberal, very different ideologically. do you think he could be the democratic nominee maybe in a reshuffling at the convention? let me thinkg at the about that. yes, and that's scary. scary, because that would make it. i think we all could could see he's not goingno to make it. so, gavin newsom, the only problem is very quicklre gy, they're going to py
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the race card because i'm going to say, what about me? i'm next in lineecause, . >> so expect some tension. yeah. he may not be a great governor aline?"t all, but i will give him this. he's a great communicator. he would be a formidable he wou. in the democrat party. all right, leo. tommy, thank you. hank youmore of the special edition of "hannity" right after the break. the biggest investigation in fbi history, more than 1100 arrests. i sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the american people. those involved must be held accountable. he's an innocent man. that's going to change narratives no matter what your political perspective is. >> now, fungus is nasty. acting out starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days.
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that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help protect your rights to be a donald trump town hall on the ingraham angle. >> morrison, south carolina with the leading gop candidate discussing his strategy with the biggest challenges facing america, the state of the 2024 race and more. a donald trump town hall on the ingram angle tuesday. >> welcome back. the special edition of "hannity". unfortunately, that's all the time w all thee e have left fore remember, you can catch me weekdays at noon on outnumberedo right here on the fox news channel. we have big day tomorrow we h because at noon tomorrow in greenville, south carolina, nikksouth cai is set to give a p on, quote, the state of the presidential. that'll be interesting. hey, watch our number tomorrowni at, noon. gutfeld is next. have a great nightis next.have g
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