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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 20, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help protect your rights to be a donald trump town hall on the ingraham angle. >> morrison, south carolina with the leading gop candidate discussing his strategy with the biggest challenges facing america, the state of the 2024 race and more. a donald trump town hall on the ingram angle tuesday. >> welcome back. the special edition of "hannity". unfortunately, that's all the time w all thee e have left fore remember, you can catch me weekdays at noon on outnumberedo right here on the fox news channel. we have big day tomorrow we h because at noon tomorrow in greenville, south carolina, nikksouth cai is set to give a p on, quote, the state of the presidential. that'll be interesting. hey, watch our number tomorrowni at, noon. gutfeld is next. have a great nightis next.have .
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you can stop it. happ it. happy presidents day, everyone. today, honor all those who've held the nation's highest office. nation'swell, unless you don't e them, then you destroy them. judge engoron, a democrat, just handed down a $355 million first of its kind settlement agains ot donald trump.ld tru after finding that trump inflated the value of his realmp ing estate when applying for loans. >> the judge released opinion br six days before the trial began ,which makes it a show trial,jug except instead of judge judy, tn we get someone no one wants onew to have with. now, the that no one was
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complaining about trump's activities, including the bankso who gave trump the money seemed to have no impact on engoron who during the trial did more mugging for cameras than at times square. migran t. and of course, 355 million seems excessive with the amount owed to the bankhe as. that i zero. that's key. if you can't identify a victim, then the crime had to be rev reverse. use if >> because if the crime was indeed organic, a victim t was d have started the process. instead, they found the man. then they came ustarted p the c. >> does that sound familiar? noes that . >> that's my uncle steve.yway, >> anyway, this proud legathl beagle whose grin has that look of the forcibly medicated was also unbothered that new york's ag letitia james office vowingo ge to get donald trump.
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that's her quote. after all, there is a shortage of real victims in her stateher since they've all been stabbed. but it showst it far the left ia willing to go to destroy anyone they deem a threat they . e bese >> so how bad is this cases besides sacrificing faith, the legal system to go after political enemies? >> well, here's esteemed esteeme attorney jonathan turley, quote, anger unfulfilled. oscar wilde's that the only way to be rid of temptation is to yield to it. >> he ordered everything short of throwing trump into a wood chipper. oscar wilde. some of these fanc y. tha >> and here is shark tanks.s kevin o'leary who knows even i more about real estate that i know about being gorgeous. yo >> if you're a developer. you're the you're an entrepreneur. an to bank and you say, look, i want to borrow $200. million to build a building. and they say, well, what can what assets do you have? we can secure this loawhat a had and you point to a buildinginbu you built beforeilt be and you . and you argue about the value of that building. this goeons on in every city
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on earth. >> that's how real estate developers who are entrepreneurs and take risk, borrow money. that's exactly what happenedear. here. >> you get that. if trump's guilty of this, then so ed>> greg: is every single reale developer. trump claimed his property was worth a certaithisn amount. the bank agreed, loaned the money, and trump paid it all. hmm. so what's next? getting the death penalty for tippinxt?g with cold cash. but this is what tish james, t new york state's top prosecutor wastes her time with. she shouldwith be for impersonag law enforcement. new york state is still from the effects of covid and isn't expected to recover all its lostruggling for years, if ever. tourism is down. migrants occupy thousandse stat of hotel rooms and the state leads the natione in populatiom loss. even my poor boys have movedpooh to. i'll have to remember them b by is a jar of their fingers eno
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too far or not far enough. so why not bring a bogus lawsuit that'll also scare off the real estate sector ? as o'leary points out, no developer would risk this much money to have a judge arbitrarily decide that you're in some form out breach of fraud where no damages occurred. so they're just going to gowher. elsewhere. >> and they are. i haven't seen this many people running awathey arey sin joy bejar washed up on the beach and they had to blow up with dynamite. e jo so they didn't screw trump. >> they screwed this city much like i did in the summer of 98 . [lout out to carolou and janet and steve, but not to fear. her. governor, botox is here. kathy assures the business tha community that everything's fine, quote, law abiding and rule following new yorkers who arsinesse people have nothiy
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to worry about because they're very different than donald'r and his behavior.ou translation you have nothing to worry about until we don't like you. meanwhile, trump's being trump. over the weekend, he debuted p a pair of golden sneakerais called never surrender high top s, which sell for 400 bucks a pair and might be the first pair of sneakers north of 300 bucks that nobody gets shot for . oe now, the left will laugh at this, of course, but the shoes limitemite,000d. a thousand pairs sold out in 2 hours, which tells you a lota to about depth of support that stooges like tish james and ange r and rallying to donald trump. as o'leary said,o donald it's at trump himself. it's about the injustice of a case which no one can find pre a precedent for. beliknow, at heart, americans, fair minded people, we want to believe in our system, but the systemtem. is only as gd as the people in charge of administering it. admiing it james said she was go
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after trump in anger and brazenly admitted he can overrule juries when they get it wrong, which doubtingt ality. impartiality. so when people tell you whpeoope they are, maybe believe them,it there's a pattern emerging. it started surveillance. if you have nothing to worry about, then why worry if we spy? well, then they spied on you. then there's freedom of speechau . you have nothing to worry about. it's just hate speech. then hate speech becam itspe, hing y disinformation, or rather, anything. you said that they didn't likeou said t . now it's your ability to make a living. you have nothing to worrak y toe about as long as you toed the line and don't question their power. so you seedon't question the pa. as long as you obey, we won't w invade your privacy, r your speech, or take your job. >> but then what keeps you saf a for now? well, be a democrat. remain quiet. ov what the dems have done to the country and above all, don't dot work at fox. od >> which means it doesn't look too good for me. seriously how soon before i get
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arrested for indecent exposure? and this time innocent? let's welcome tonight's. here's political commentary. james lattes dissing terry fox news contributor, watch and opinion editor chartier. she knows finance like i know hot pants financial analyst heather zoomer, ragal viewers call his new show must flee. tv host to fox news saturday night, jimmy fallon. her superpower is invisibility simply by turning. "new york times" bestselling author and fox news contributor captai n charlie. bierybody, the people that are plotting to say, oh, it's inthii the billions. it's like this is such a fraud. but this that's irrelevant. this is about contract mem
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negotiations and what people do when they're arguing for a salary. foyou always go for what you>> can't get. yeah. no, it's truly yeah, n amazing. and the idea that just being a democrat is going to spare you from thiu froms. let's not forget where this goes is, you know,know it's now. but when you throw all this,, you know, the law to the wind,i what you wind up with is what when somebody comessecute t in power, then they're going to persecute the other political enemy and then ites becomes a vicious cycle. that's the whole point of america. the whole point of thecons constitution is to protect everybodtitu y, no matter what.n the one thing, though, i do love about donald trump, donae he it's like they've never learned a single lesson from him. so from him. they they banned h? doing business in new york. and so what did he do? he goes online with his gold shoes, his awesome gold shoes. i expect to seo e you a pair of gold high tops. i'm getting a knee. >>eepads. i unsubscribed. i don't. i don't want to know anything about you. ou d
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so he goes. he goes online, and this is what he comes up with. and you're right. the left is going to make fuilln of him and laugh at him about this. the one thing andrew breitbart used to always say , he used to say that politics is downstream from culture. why do they hate donald trump?s they hate donald trump because he's not downstream from upstream from cultur froe or whe he is. culture he is. and they hate him for it. and they will they'r andn't quet to quit until they destroy him or he destroys them. >> g feabut i fear that the desn is going to the target amplifies to include, obviously, his supporters and anybodortersy that disagreei >> heather, donk you think new york is going to financially suffer the way kevin o'leary is talking about? >>king i mean it already is. there is a mass exodus during covid because of all the businessesthere wa that, asu said, the jobs still haven't come back to even pre-pandemic thav in 2019. kevin o'leary makes a greatn o'e poinart. he's saying, look what crime. he doesn't owe anybody any money. the bankoesn'tany s actually ste on trial saying they want his business. histhey his business until an
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asset is sold. thise is the way things are doe in life. you don't have to be a real estate developer rea to know if you want an extension, maybe you' line toe credit you have to state your assets. now, you're probably going to include tipbable s, bonuses,m dime you can find. i'm not saying that it's rightu, but no matter what type of loan you're asking for, you don't have tfor, don'to be in real ese to know that you're going to take it. for example, the value of house gives for a home equity loan, the appraiser that gives you the highest valu y e, that't the one you're going to go with. yeah. so i want to know, though, io ,h does pay this money, who gets . it.ctly but no one gets the money because i don't know.e new york, i guess the manhattan attorney. yeah, i don't see that's the thing. if there's no victim who gets paidhattans. . s like i don't get it. you know, jimmy, it seems to met that democrats are targetingin successful republicans, so i think you're safso i thie. >> did you not feel the wayg.
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that the judge was also a cabdriver like you? >> i did kno two things because you came right at me and you just blew it because i was going to get you a paiwaetrey of trump shoes. >> but they don't come in kie d sizes. i you know, i love you, man, but made this point the other day because i was filling in for some on the five. yes. wit >> uh, thanks for keeping up with the group. uh, this is the financialso equivalent of charging someone for murder, but there's nomeonf person. okay? that's exactly what they're doing here. ifdoin obody th that's a lender or a bh says they're an aggrieved class ,then he's going to the chair for murder. but didn't do anything that that makes sens thate to them because they hate trump. there's a lot of people out there, okay, who hate? the trump? so they don't have to look inward at the things they hate about themselves. like if you grow u thing p in n york, you know, trump was a part of new york, right? okay. he had a show on nbca partf 15 he wasn't a fringe loony in a shed. he was trump. so he was t. think two pieces of a. one, he caofn get out of this mess in like 10 seconds if
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you just start selling pictures of melania's feet on onlyfans. okay, i'm good for like five grand right now. okay, melania, if you're watching and i know you are the only person i'll give any credence to is kathy hochul, if only because i don't agree with politically . >> but if you're ever in a pinch and you need to lose a hu immediateldon' hery. s she's undefeated. she is undefeateunded. or par you're going to an important meeting, though, like parent confs and gotrenceen to what, you bust out the hochul, smooth sailing. i didn't i didn't seee that that coming, so to speak. think about it. she saysat is he that, is her cm to fame. she's the one cher cuomo didn't try to bang. yeah, that's 's it. it. that's it. catch. you know, we you know, this o whole idea of like, it's unfair to amplify your value. we would not have we would not c be making any money in contract negotiations. i always ask for a pony.
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i don't get the pony, but i- some nuts. doesn't that make sense? you only kno>> youw what makes e that he's a foot guy. yeah. yeah, that makes sense. -- >> you know, i just.n't what? i don't understandunders. i and then all the discussion about this as the whole, no one's above the the law.this no one's above the law. no one's above the law. but then also, isn't this an unprecedented way of doing things? so does that mea thinn that before this actually everyone was above this lawne? things l i don't, i don't understand how simple things like that are noticed by people just because. trump is into it. i, i, i agree with everything kevin o'leary said in termree w. of just take him out of it formg a second. we should be making it even to to have a businessther in new york city. i mean, there are certain blocks where there's juse's kset business on that entire street and it's like someone's goinntg. to be the first one to move in. yeah, it's so expensive. there'ive.s already. so many regulations. and now on top of it, you have to worry about this. hav w aboi don't know why anyba have a business here at this point. you know what it is?
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are yo gu?reg: t trump is below the law. yeah, he's not above the law. and now we're all below the law. huh? you like that, don'tyo you? yeah. silence tells me that. yeah. oh, ye tat us how a financial wa lost a pile of cash in ash he'll in the new york area with, in the new york area with, like, tickets to see gutfeld goo to slash gutfeld to slash gutfeld and click on the link to joi n our studio audienc e. >> sometimes john wrestles with falling asleep so he takes nyquil, the world's number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like himself. hit the rest to be your besti st with non habit forming. zekeill urf, sno well, better d start with zeke will nights i still love to surf snowboard and of course skate so magnesi i magnesium to support my muscle and bone health kilos extra stroke high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesiu m kuna, the brand i trust. >>10,000 migrant encounters.
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five miles of step per hour. the step counter the smart mat and wireless all now has any cln credibility left after claiming a victim of theft. financial advice columnists rememberctim of charlotte cowl. who's written for the new york times in new york magazinewl, recently admitted that she fell victim to a scammer who stole 50 grand.
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>> true, she makesle a living giving people money advice thd she got connedgiving m out 0 grand. that's like finding outat that dan'sa perino runs a dogfighting ring. so how did it happen? this is hilarious. ifirst, a woman claiming to be from amazon customer servicer sa called charlotte, telling her she was the victim of identity theft. right off the bactim of t you s know, amazon never calls anyone unless a driver needs a bottle s to in the amazon. she connected charlotte to a federal trade commission investigator, also a fake. the dude told her that scammers opened a bank accounts, buy cars and property and committed crimes all in her name . then he connected her with a cia agent. and yoe u guessed it, also a fraud. i'm surprised you didn't also get a call from elvis jim morrison and bigfoot. big the fake cia dude told her she needed to freeze their assets and get enough cash out to support herself for up to a year. she e magically came up with the
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number of 50 grand, which, oddlf y they agreed so charlotte went to the bankth and withdrew 50 grand, which i'm surprised she had, after paying for that lobotomy. oddly but oddly, the bank gave her all that cash without a fusshe so the fake cia agentnt told her she needed to give it to an undercover and that they'd reimburse her later so she had to take monehey out of her account to put other money right backer and i thought fox was gullible when they hired mes . y later that night, she boparently met the fake in a car outside her house, put a shoe box filled with moneyne in the backseat, and the car drove off. i'off.d the driver was laughing all the way to the bank, but he wat she was probably going to cn with fani willis. so the fake cia agent in tech a saw a picture of a checknext
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he said would be hand-delivered to her the next morning. i guess it didn'ning. t her that the check was made out to brainless debt. soedless to say, charlotte claims she was scammed. so either a she's the worst for financial columnist ever for falling for this or b,t ever she's the worst financial calling this ever for making all this up because it sounds so like an incredible story wheree you got to suspend belief to even make sense of it all. it you wonder why would she write about it if it's true because it only blows upit. her career. but why would she make it up? why a gambling debt right before the super bowl? did she put all our money on the yankeese pu all i know the media is even more gullible or dishonest than we give them credit for. i'll stick to getting finae the oldway,co ge fashioned way from tom selleck . after a year, he's got an
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enticing offer involving a reverse mortgage. mortga all right, heather selleck pops out. >> you are a financial tom. you above all know that, quote, financial advice columnists are full and i did not say that not all i mean, clearly she's not suzy orman. she's not jim cramer or tom selleck. >> jim cramer. seriously. hey, jim cramer's not even jim. i don't think anyone hass no $50,000. is it to box today? f i don't think so. i don't know. it reminds me of fani willis. like wherefanis like did you get the money? i don't know. my daddy gave it to me. i took it fromi took the campain funds, publix rebates. you know, i'm not really sure if i go to the bank. most banks and daily limit if t i try and take out over $600frot from the bank. it's not either. i don' bs not have it.nd
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they're going to ask, what's the money for? my husbandan calls and says, what are you doing? >> where are you going? so it she didn't say whichwhich bank, which branch. i it's very hard to believe there are so many holes in the story adde ses d cat. the most basic question that ika ast, tk is would sophisticated, sophisticated scammers who didha their research target somebody who writes about financial scamt s for an elderly grandmother? >> oh no, let's do the person who just wrote a piece on financial scams where you gen finat a scammer. eve >> yeah, i would never, ever, ever fall a scam like this. no. could not scam me like this.this first you have to get me to love you. and then you can scao gemem. s it's not a i also, just like the excuse for not telling her husband, d -s like need to be implicate too. it's like what? like. so you think that like i did- ua
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you? do your husband, like, talk? this was going on. ben would be aware of itmmediate immediately. >> yeah. you know, it's like also, ifly. he. i would want him to go down with me, you know, if i wayou s like. i wasn't going to goby to priso by myself and then have him out there, like dating otherm people, i'm locked . >> that would make me call him faster. yeah. do you think real? it's something like something happenedpened., but i don't lik. i felt like she had to.y let's say. it is real. let's just say it's real. she must be concerneshe muste cw crazy it sounds. so you might want to putt to in more. like he was like, what bank? when did it? yeah. i mean, she's got every detailti the world about the kids that were trick or treating. >> she's like, it was halloween. i'm like, okay , you for color the nice color, like the color, the literary and crisp layer. i but i want to know, what is your bag? so i never go ther nevere. and there was there was thisir like all these other weirdbu details that she left in, but there was no documentations
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she in the article also glossed over like, yeah, you know, and itd it i i lost the money.u but i'm like, what? you're really emotional about that. how are you still married? like, this is like, you're likme know son went from losee some now but then she in another article said that like you don't pay taxes on stolen mone oy. all right. you are an expert at gambling debt. yeah gamblin. oh, okay. i was going to ask you, your street smart person, do you buy this story? >> nsto, not even kind of not even a little bit. >> and i've also been scammed. i was just telling scamm wife ah ago someone spent a bunch of money on our amex at a reno strip on my birthday. >> who these crooks were,card but they better be brought to justice. i don't know. e and then they went out. they bought these gold spiked shoes. i don't know y bought gol what was happened, but anyway. okay. yeah. the part about thistorthats stoy that really jumped out at me is how they poured bleach on her head and said it was magicaer s it was l in the morn. i think it's obviously a jussie smollett story.
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i'll tell you why this is fakesm for real. okay. there's a factioallletn of libel ideology that sees victimhood as coology thal. being >> okay. and there's two things like being a victim is now considereda vict cool. like jussie smollett faked his story because there's licurrency that comes from saying somebody did me wrong. and as a financial advisersmollo i think, you know, you're trying to get clicks on your pieces, you might engenders on more interest in yourt ge piece if you go, hey, this stuff happens to me too. t happ >> seno that is actually what i think happened. like if we were going to be serious, it's soe weird. i mean, i, i am stopping short of calling this fake. >> oh, it's fake. it is fake. and your fani willis fani willit brings it full circle because there's so much of that going on. but to be clear, fani willisg but didn't want all the money she wanted. sh just the tip. yeah. charlie, you're a journalist. if you were the editor>> of this piece, what would you have done when it came in? >> oh, no, no, no.
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it's the disservice that the editors did by not forcing t her to include more details is if it is true , is the worstme probably the worst crime. i choose to believe that it's true, partly because it's a really depressing story. if it's not true, it's just like a psycho woman who has t head problem and needs to ge help. >> but and the other things is that usually journalists don't like make stuff up out of whole cloth. s don'they're how you watch cnn. so, you know, if you go, no,up i'm not saying i will make things up. i'm saying they don't make just likedon' they don't fantasize. good. somebody told them this. somebody told there was a tapeol in a moscow hotel room and they're like, oh, really? me and they they run with it. and so there has to be like some beginning to.he d okay, but -- but, but,t you know, with all the differenvels whet levels whe was so gullible, like the point wherointe the whole time she's googling. yes. and then she googles the numbe h
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of the of the ftc and then gets the ftc call her she doesn't call them down. she gets them to call her and she checks her caller i.d. s it's also stupid. and then at one point, she hears this babe in the woods wandering around and she's referring to a radio program on npr, this american life, as it's like a guidepost about ho anpw to how to make it in this mean world. thisl. o hysterica and, you know, so i'd like to believe that it's true. well, you can continue. we' i will. i will hold. i just feel like we're goingg to to hea thir more about this in k next coming weeks when because - it it's the it's on the it's the editor's responsibilitye to if it's to provide some kind of evidence behind this. and if they don't, then we know the answer. next, the presidential polll ma make your eyes roll or made progress with her mental health, but her medication movements. in her face, hands and feet
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biden's high in their ranking and they couldn't resist givennv trump at the end of the list, a group of self-proclaimed experts has ranked the u.s . president. and it's just in time for presidents day, or, as joe calls it, martin larry king day. the presidential greatness. project touts itself as the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, including scholars who recentlysidentia peer revie academic research and keep related scholarly journals ora u presses. in other words, a bunch of , dorks, several gates they're to.p five went like this. lincoln, fdr, washington, teddy thomas jefferson. and this is where they give an honorary mention. >> harrison ford. the bottom five. william henry harrison. franklin pierce johnson, trump james buchanan. >> and of course, trump. sidethe upside. >> there's one person missing from both lists. bh yeah. >> how did that happen? t.
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ji all right, jimmy. mmwilliam henry harrison died in office after only a month. how ca bn he? ahead of four other guys? listen, i thinysk. the whole list is a scam. but it's nice to see someone talking to dead presidents i tle biden. >> so we start there. somebare. >> you know what shocked me of all of these? fdr? whr is to considering the world we live in in that he put japanese in internment camps in world war two. you would think that wouldn't age so well. >> charlieca, how can you rank recent presidents when you don't know their effects cw yet? ow the isn't that why this is so bogus? oh, what's so bogus on so many levelsirt's , but not the leasts of which is the fact that they thy joe biden's only achievement. joe biden is only achievement a is that he managed to be a worse president than jimmy carterpresiden and made hk
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less bad. even before jimmy carter has died c. and yet they ranked they actually ranked joe att 14 and jimmy carter at 22. >> yeah. so they took that away. they too took they took joe bids one accomplishment away from it. >> yeah. it's so unfair>> greg: s. kat, how do you feel about these rankings? i think it's dumb. it's a stupi >>d to waste thing your time on, honestly, because everyone's got a different opinion. what a president should and should not be becaused people got paid to do this makes me upset. >> yeah. whto this mey? why is that? as it should. everyone should have it. if everyone has a different opinion of what the role abou o of government. so if there's a group of people that were actually able to agreethat this, on this and a was not ideologically diverse enough in itself, making the whole thing stupidlors, youo would have been your choice? grover cleveland. grover cleveland your c. e wa why?s because he was cool. he was like a smaller government type guy. >> oh, interesting. his name was groveng.asr is a vy name. >> heather. wher, ather.e what do you thinko list? well, i think cam makes a goodin point.t.
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and not that it's stupid, but we need to know who are the survey respondentso , what s their ideology? what are their political beliefs? if you take a grou s. ifpof lib of progressives, yes, president trump will be ranked erlast five. there's no surprise there. and this morning, msnbc's morning joe, they also went over this list. no surpris er this e, because tt to highlight that he's ranked last. and a guest on the show said that joe biden's success or where he should on this list should be determined whether or not he can beat trump. h if trump is elected, then he shoul d ranked last. but if he prevents trump from reelection, then biden should be higher than washington, lincolgtonn and reagan. >> so trump derangement drives the list. i thintsk we actually asked joe biden what he thought about the rankings. oh yeah. the experts trust the experts. and what is that number 40?high that's not bad.
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tell you the truth, i should have been higher. t . i mean, think about it. who was dead last orange mano wn who got rid of orange man? uncl?e joe. i should have been number one. oh, they have number one. lincol n and typical. i mean, the poor score years ago on the top regular. no, no, come on.arkey. and no. lse di >> all that stuff. what else did lincoln do? oln start start a civil war. tha come on. i could do that.t. i would. i had nine months. just watch me. not a joke. coming up, why they dumpedap a full of in pelosi's lap. >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure the risk of kidney failure with passingg ketoac because the places your brother, b or c, it
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so badly. pro-palestinian protesters, bp dumped £300 of cow manure outside nancy pelosi's house to call for the end of u.s. arms being sent to israel. >> will this work? you people know. i know. i don't really think this is going to move the needle at all, although i am im there. >> you know what i mean?le i'm sure that there's probablyep security and all that. and also, like, where do you go about getting that? dou haveet about getting to getr can you, like order it? yeah. i've been wonderin ig about tha. that's why we got logistics. yeah, well that's why we had had the zoo moraga on.ness from the business standpoint, will we be seeing a rise as and say the economics of cow manure as a protest vehicle a. no one no one would know t what difference it is. this a a perfect experiment tur of how to turn a successful said he wants the highest real
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estate prices in the country into a drug infested ramp list. >> now homelessness filled with . i'm not going to use the same lu language you used from the pgp. yes. i don't thin pk anybodersoy gois to really notice a difference. did you know charles barkley, the nba all-starkley, the nb? a. the announcer said, we love san francisco. we said, no, we don't. yes, y yeah, you can't even walkou around. yes, you can. yo tyou have to wear a bulletproof vest. yeah. you know, this is there has to be a climat e change cost to this manure with all the methane. charlimanuree yeah. so we're having we're having protesters at cross. what do you call it crossroads. yeah. the word. yeah. no, you don't really knoe ?>>w what i'm here for. >> all your manure answere d back. >> so the first thing is itat is kind of amazing that that leftists did this to nancy pelosi because in france it's always like farmers. it's peopl kee on the rightit. that who actually know their manure that day. but thnde second t is thing iss a valuable pile of manure
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right there. yes. gardeners pay, you know, fora a £15 bag of that stuff, pay a lot of money. but that's not cow manure. mone cowthey even know cow manu. that's horse manure. oh, it's green. greit's too green to be cow manure. and it's got wood shavingsan in. it if you look at the pictures. and so it came out of something an animautl that was in a stallh >> you know, you look if owu look you look at the pictures, you can see the shavings. >> do you thin>> gk that sreg: they don't even know their own. what if that horse identifieidas as a cow? i think that i think that might be the answe>> thar. yeah, it's cresco. i think, in the bottom of this. >> yeah. you think you haved thin your kneepads hat, jimmy?g: >> when the police got there and saw the three hundred pounds of cow manure there, the they initially mistook it for your show. >> wow. oh you see my shyness? better yeah. trying to say i joke would have worked better if you had as good of a delivery. >> they di ihad as d.
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i deserve it. i deserve it. yeah, but let the record show that charlie herd knows. >> oh, god. nows h [blthe first. that was. that was impressive. sive he knewi know. manure i knew the difference between cow and horse manure. there was somethin thereg on th yeah, a lifetime of don't buy a used laptop from charlie herd . that's all i'm saying. wow. a lot of weird german videos. i first of all, two things. i actually give these people credi, twt for going that close to pelosi's driveway, given how many duir s her husband has gone out of their there, you really got to be committed to hamas to walk by paul pelosi'sel drivewayos. int >> but you made a good points that i think is really funny about this. are th the people who are pro hamas are the climate change people. yeah and they are absolutelyy violating the climate ethos, bringing this much cow manure into one place. so in that regard, i thought it wais ms funny, but i like the we idea that this is a horse that became a co w that inthat i san francisco. mr. ed is now. mrs. ed that's pretty funny. yeah. the but i do like the idea of delivery, likideae in sans to
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francisco is filled with . so now she gets to seeeef firsthand of what her policies have caused. even if it came from another direction, i wouldn't be surprisedm n. i would if sh. yeah, well, she's got a million homes, right? yeah, and she did look homesheed by this, but that' mii the botox, you know, all righty then. well, that was interesting. up next, animals with four paws, draw a loud applause. >> america's most wanted is back missed. new episodes on. watch them a week later on fox nation. plus, america's most extra, featuring exclusive content with john and callahan, walsh you won't see anywhere else. i know what these veterans are going through joint father and son, for a deep dive into the details with critical insight about every case. let's kick some together. don't fox. america's most wanted and america's most wanted extra together) on fox nation. becaus >> some people just know
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time for greg's animal friends. charlifriends.e why don't you g? >> okay. so this is a very gruesomeso video. some the kids. and as if we need any r more reason to hate seagulls. and what's going to happen? this is this seagull is tryingts to eat this beautiful little baby squirrel, and he runs into a window and falls down. where i and i'm pro mammal. oh, the gruesome part it's not really it's that was i was trying to wait. it was tryin trying i was tryin to make the video chattering, made all the kids leave the room for no reasonr no rea. then go back in the cage. back in you can and charlie and i said, yes, i just want everybody to hate seagulls as muculls -h as you hate. >> i hate seeing people liken i just i'm taking a i'm taking a firm stand on it. >> i got it. i'. m agaii'm against murder >> i don't want. i'm against hitler and seagulls firmly. and that's a ver y good name for metal a metal band. >> seagull hitler. got
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heather, what do you got? i fani willis is cat going after cash? we will take understand why i actually, that's not the title, but that's what it reminds me of. of. i actually feel like that quite often. and liker head i you stick yourr in first, you know, maybe the head gets stuck. it's all right. the bodythe follows. >> you just pray. everything works out. soout. it's happening. let's say there we go. and upon further investigation,l that is actually fanny'sly with her in the air.he yot a bad idea, is that really? is just joking. no, it's. it's not. it's not. >> it' >> but you're trying to make an analogy to news, and i admire you for that, heather. thanadmirek you. don't do that anymore. >> that's all right, jimi. what do you guys? a defense of? heather? because it's impossible not to think of fani willi defens wn you see someone trying to get money for their ad's.
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and i got you. i got you. you wanted to say it. you just scared. i gescaredt it and you should b. you're a decent person. me and greg are going to . don't put me in here a little. h glad to know we're right. that are. i anyway, my video is that of aa n faintingti and fainting go to. my favorite thing in the world. yeah it is. so he gets scared off the porch and just falls down. failing goals are adorable. so when my son lincoln was young, we used to watch these u on youtube like crazy. and we watched. i watched many goat videos.utube i actually feel like a matchmaker for hama on. that's true. hamas. they don't need groupies. no, ma'a >>m they just chase fainting goats. >> they're old school. they're the original>> greg: nes a wife. anywaya . all right, cat, round us out with a lovely pet video. >> i'm so excited. what's it going to be, cat? it's cat. ha ha ha ha ha. a
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well, can we watch it? okay. yeah, we'll get look at the kity kitty. thinks that they can get on the fan, and they're trying she'et on the fan, but she's s o ,you know, i feel like cats they are. shoki feel at that. she thinks she can do it. can she thinks she can do it, but she can't it.s no but she's not going to give uptv even though she's not even close. yeah, i would do that because t at anybeca hope there be a horrible thing to do to the cat like that and really badly. >> yes horri it's true. ou you just grateful that big cat can't make it to that veryd sharp ceiling fan. it will be sliced into little cat sandwichesceilin, but no ca' cats are so playful when they're young. they really are. en theand then they get older, you get old like jeans, and they get remote and angry and resentful, much like humans . all right. well, that ended in a kind of a weird way it killed the cat. so no, thanks for that. back. >> don't go away. we'll be right back. it will be in the new york area.
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