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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 20, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>>-neuro link allows re laoed users to use only their thoughts to work a computer and could help a lot of people if we can perfect it. >> dana: a cute moment from a family in washington. the night they brought their newborn baby home from the hospital. the family's dogs and cats gathered around the crib. the dogs and cats sleeping together and now they have a new baby in the house. >> bill: it was born into a veterinarian. >> dana: that's is a cute nursery. congratulations to those nice parents. >> bill: born into -- >> dana: that's right. like to check in with him in ten years and see what the issues are. >> bill: we bought a zoo is a good film. >> dana: sandra smith is next. here she is. >> sandra: we have the fox news alert for you as we top off a
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new hour. biden border crisis slamming the southern border. the northern border and cities in between. progressive lieders of so-called sanctuary cities paying a painful price for their open policies towards migrants. hundreds of millions of dollars, violent crime and political peril. this is "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith in for harris, a man in chicago the latest victim. police arresting four young migrants over the weekend saying the suspects robbed and strangled the commuter until he lost consciousness on a train in broad daylight. people in chicago have expressed outrage saying the state and city are prioritizing migrants for resources they need badly that nair own communities. >> how dare you try to make it political. it is not political. you cannot take food out of our mouth and put it in somebody else's mouth that do not pay taxes.
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[shouting] >> we are a community of black people where we already get the low scraps and then you want to little scraps that we have and put us at the bottom of the barrel? that's not fair and i won't have it. >> i want mayor brandon johnson to understand you are selling us out for people who can't vote for you. >> the state of illinois pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into their migrant response but it has its leaders divided. the democratic mayor pushing back on the plan after facing heavy political pressure. first to garrett tenney with more on the violent attack and chicago's struggles. what do we know about the four young suspects so far? >> all of them are from venezuela and all four listed their home address as one of the
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city's migrant shelter. they are facing charges for beating and robbing a man over the weekend. police say on saturday they attacked a 49-year-old man while riding the train saturday afternoon on the city's southwest side. they allegedly choked the victim until he passed out and then robbed him. thankfully that man has since recovered and police arrested that group less than an hour later. wgn reports that three of the men are already facing charges for stealing from retail stores and being held until their next criminal hearing later this week. chicago's progressive mayor johnson faces a lot of backlash for doling out cash for migrants that could be going toward a long list of other needs the city has. now johnson is under fire for refusing to pay the city's share of a joint funding plan with the state and county to take care of the migrants that state leaders say the mayor agreed to.
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>> there is no disconnect and yes, i was in the meeting. there are a number of matters that need to be worked through. no one in this city -- let's make it broader, no one in the state of illinois and this country is questioning mayor brandon johnson's commitment to this mission. no one is. >> if you look at those funding numbers again that you had up right before our hit. if you add in what the county has spent, more than $1 hundred million on the migrants so far. it puts the total the city, county and states have put towards the migrants so far at over a billion dollars. the joint funding measure would at add another $3 hundred million. it is not illinois and chicago have this giant budget surplus where they can dole this money out. these funds are going to be coming from other programs, other areas, other needs that
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the city here in chicago and cities across the state have been dealing with for years. >> sandra: they have residents fleeing, businesses fleeing that city for years, lost revenue every single day and that is shouldered on those who stay. thank you very much. gianno caldwell knows that situation well. a chicago native. what are we supposed to make of what is happening in that city that we all know and love and hold dear to our heart but they are at a breaking point? >> they've been at a breaking point, i would argue they've already broken especially with mayor brandon johnson. what we see in the city of chicago is the usurping of resources. crime out of control. homeless population. people who served this country before the migrants arrive who don't get these kinds of services. black residents who have been crying for support, help for years. i got involved in politics when
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i was 14 years old since i was that age. what we're seeing right now is modern day jim crow and this is what brandon johnson has done. he could say enough is enough. we have 35,000 new people that have come into the city of chicago, these are migrants. these folks we've had enough. we're at the breaking point. he hasn't done that. he has opened the doors even more. so right now residents are fed up and i can't see him winning re-election. jim crow brandon johnson has allowed this to happen on his watch. it didn't have to be this way but this is where it is. >> sandra: we have interviewed so many of these people and businesses in the suburbs of chicago who are dealing with this every day. it has become their burden and it is in their backyard as well. they don't have any place to send these folks or have the money or resources to deal with it.
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on the mall they are seeing migrants in and stealing from high-end shopping centers. a huge problem all over. we know that for sure. in massachusetts as well. they are shelling out big bucks for contracts to house migrant families through june. in a new report the state is paying some hotels $6four per migrant per day for meals alone. new york city mayor eric adams facing fresh scrutiny and reversed course over out rage to house migrants in an unused luxury apartment building. complete with a swimming pool and marble bathrooms. two people had to be escorted out of that tense meeting on the topic. >> the complexity of housing new yorkers is so many layers. >> what we're saying is that if
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there is some housing that is available to provide for asylum seekers, then that same housing should be first priority to taxpayers. >> sandra: the "new york post" dubbing new york as nyc house of cards, a dig the i mayor's plan to hand out pre-paid debit cards to city migrants. they could get up to $10,000. $50 million total in taxpayer money through those some would argue it could be more than that. one could easily make the case. >> and rapper $0.50 talked about this. what are you thinking, mayor adams. some of our colleagues at "fox & friends" were just holding somewhat of a town hall with residents from brooklyn, i believe it was, black residents
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who say this will have an impact not just on the city and mayoral elections for new york but also for president joe biden and the fact of the matter is we saw recent polling that came out which says 70% of new yorkers don't want to see joe biden in a second term. there are a lot of people willing to stay home because of this very issue. you look at illinois as an example going back there, chicago, black residents there saying we'll stay home. we don't like what brandon johnson is doing or what joe biden has done to us and our community. we've been taken for granted many years. the title of my book which i know all too well. i tell you this may have a great impact in the presidential election. too early to tell right now but it could legitimately change the direction and make illinois and perhaps new york purple states. >> sandra: you look at the report cards in the state for the public school systems. they are failing their kids. they are passing kids through and not reading at grade level majority of them.
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not proficient in math. where is the emergency there? and the throwing of resources at that problem. we're four days out until south carolina's republican primary. former u.n. ambassador and governor of south carolina nikki haley is counting on home sweet home to be sweet to her. the numbers aren't looking good. poll after poll showing trump way ahead. one headline reading donald trump trounces nikki haley in south carolina poll. she insists she is not giving up. >> i promise you this, i am in this fight. i will take the bruises, i will take the cuts, this is going to be messy. and i will take the hurt. because i believe nothing in good comes easy. sometimes we have to feel the pain to appreciate the blessing.
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>> sandra: the trump campaign attacking haley as president biden's best surrogate. trump and haley campaigning in south carolina happening today. she is set to give a state of the race again at the top of the next hour. she is expected to outline her path forward and we'll bring that to you live. gianno, what will happen here? four days out not looking good for her but she is not pulling out of the race just yet. >> i think that she should pull out of the race and the truth of the matter is there is no path for nikki haley. i give her an a for participation. a participation trophy. she is in a dire set of circumstances. some of her donors were on this very channel the day of the new hampshire primary saying that hey, if she doesn't win this outright win this, then i could not support or fund her campaign anymore. many other donors have backed off because again there is no path. we have to defeat joe biden. i'm a conservative, a proud one. we have to defeat joe biden. this country is on its knees.
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the border is wide open. price inflation crisis that i understand some of the numbers have gone down but prices have not. we're in a serious set of circumstances and get to the general election to make joe biden a retired president. we can't have this continue any further. >> sandra: we'll see what she has to say in her own words in a few moments. gianno caldwell. thank you for joining us, appreciate that. nikki haley will be joining martha maccallum on "the story" happening today right here at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. and laura ingraham will host a town hall with former president donald trump in greenville, south carolina. that's tonight 7:00 p.m. eastern. you will not want to miss any of that it's all right here on fox news. fani willis accused of playing the victim card as calls grow to boot her from the trump election meddling case. what we expect could happen at the next hearing on conflict of interest claims against her.
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and the president's brother better be ready to answer a lot of questions. >> we've already had information where jim biden was leveraging joe biden's name and seen the dollars there in the form of loans. american people know that. democratic colleagues refuse to admit it. >> sandra: james biden accused of making millions off his brother's name set to testify tomorrow into the impeachment inquiry to the president. we will have more on that coming up.
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>> sandra: james biden will be on capitol hill tomorrow. republicans first subpoenaed him in november to answer questions in the impeachment inquiry into his big brother, president joe
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biden. james has dabbled in multiple business opportunities over the years. some with his nephew, hunter, set to testify at the end of the month. james apparently dropped his big brother's name, well, a lot. "politico" reports he once used it to promote a hospital chain. that later collapsed and facing government accusation of medicare fraud and other crimes. one of the lawmakers asking questions in that room tomorrow. >> this family has peddled a name and a name only. no no how, no expertise. they have sold access to joe biden and joe biden's quote brand. and you see that jim biden receives $2 hundred thousand and immediately cuts a check back to his brother. there is no note, no publicly available document. this is not how business is done if you are not involved. so this really, i think he has an awful lot to answer.
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>> sandra: all right. maybe he will, maybe he won't. a former federal prosecutor is joining us now. what will we hear tomorrow? >> they try to make the case that joe biden is acting like the godfather overseeing everything going on. his brother, son, business dealings. the point is well made that these are individuals that are not traditionally oriented towards these types of businesses. what are they doing if not peddling access to the politics surrounding it? james biden is going to be questioned very hard about his dealings with this hospital corporation and the exchange of loans. joe biden had given his brother money and then james had paid him back several hundred thousand after the americorps hospital gave him a substantial loan. at the end of the day what they are looking at is bribery doesn't require joe biden to have the money go into his account directly. but if joe biden is acting on behalf of his friends and family for them to benefit, that can still meet all the elements of
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bribery. >> sandra: that's a key detail. there are two new pieces highlighting former hunter associate tony bobulinski and the evidence that he presented, andrew, of influence peddling and selling the biden brand to enrich the family. one headline reads the justice department can't ignore tony bobulinski and the "wall street journal" editorial writing bobulinski points to stacks of evidence that joe biden showed up in meetings, shook hand, participated in phone calls, including claims he was on at least 20 hunter business calls. joe biden was calling to demonstrate the biden brand to whoever was in that meeting. whether it was the ukrainians, romanians, russians, columbian, chinese, whatever it was. that's all he had to do, mr. bobulinski. just him being on the phone is evidence of involvement and enabling the transaction. do you agree? >> i do. i think what you are trying to make in that case is a
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circumstantial case. he is the overwatch except the smoking gun where he is specifically negotiating a deal. he has been around the business long enough, he knows that his presence may be enough in order to create those deals. that's a tough case to make if you are prosecuting it in a federal court or even if you are prosecuting it on congressional hill. ultimately it is a strong political point to make. >> sandra: calls continue for a judge to remove the fulton county d.a. fani willis, we saw a lot from that trump election interference case. defense attorneys are trying to prove that willis benefited from a personal relationship with her hand-picked prosecutor nathan wade. they argue the district attorney and wade's relationship prior to his appointment is clearly a conflict of interest. the next hearing will be friday when we could see final
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arguments. a new op-ed head lined fani willis is just another false democrat idle playing the victim. it argues willis is not some scrappy underdog being unfairly maligned. a prosecutor with a power to strip citizens of their liberty and entrusted with a solemn responsibility instead of treating it as such she has dispersed hundreds of thousands of dollars in public funds to her lover. it was really something for the public to see inside of that courtroom, andrew, last week. what do you think will happen on friday? >> there are layers of issues for fani willis. the first one as a prosecutor the last thing you want to do is be is center of attention. with her being on the witness stand and answering questions and see how on the periphery she is in her dealings with cash and money and relationships. that's a real problem for her. the judge is not looking at it for an actual criminal allegation as to whether she did or did not do something wrong but the appearance of
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misconduct. prosecutorial misconduct is the public has to have faith in the overall justice system the. he has degraded that significantly. i think she has real problems. the judge has the tough decision to make. they are tough decisions to remove a prosecutor from a case. i think she has earned it in this case and create all sorts of issues for georgia. >> sandra: we'll see what happens on friday. thank you for joinings. appreciate that. a desperate search we've been watching in texas for an 11-year-old girl last seen thursday morning. audrey cunningham was on her way to catch the school bus in livingston northeast of houston. the hello kitty backpack that like le belongs to her has been found near a reservoir. one of her neighbors is in custody as a person of interest. he does have a criminal history. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is on this for us. what do we know about audrey's last known movements. >> what we know for certain is
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this, sandra. 11-year-old audrey cunningham left her home just before 7:00 a.m. thursday heading for her school bus stop, a short distance away. we do know she never got on that school bus. she never made it to school. she has not been seen since. with the search for her becoming more desperate by the hour. >> i would just like to get the word out that we would like to have her come home. it's not like her to, you know, just run off or disappear. she has a lot of loving family. she has so many people that love her and adore her. she is a very well taken care of child. and we just -- we miss her. we don't understand. >> her home and bus stop are close to lake livingston an hour or so north of houston and a hello kitty backpack believed to belong to the 11-year-old was
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found along that lakeshore. 42-year-old man don mcdougal was arrested friday on an unrelated charge of aggravated assault. police say mcdougal lives in a camper behind the home where audrey lives with her father. they say mcdougal as admitted leaving the property with audrey to take her to the bus stop. he has done it several times in the past. mcdougal has not been fully cooperative in telling them what happened next. >> i am not giving up hope that we'll be able to bring audrey home. so yes, i am hoping that she is still alive. we're going to work just as hard to make sure we do everything that we can to try to bring her home. >> don mcdougal remains a person of interest, according to police. not formally a suspect at this stage. even though they appear to
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believe he is the last person to have seen audrey before she disappeared. they are asking for patience as they investigate. time clearly not on audrey's side. >> sandra: the country is praying for that little girl and we'll continue to follow that story. we have the tip line on the screen. if you saw anything they are asking you please do call. jonathan, thank you. all right. fox news alert. john kirby announced the administration will take new action against russia after the sudden death of russia's opposition leader alexei navalny. here he is on board air force one, john kirby a few moments ago announcing that. >> we'll be announcing a major sanctions package on friday of this week to hold russia accountable for what happened to mr. navalny. and quite frankly for all its actions over the course of this vicious and brutal war that has now raged on for two years.
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one of the most powerful things we can do right now to stand up to vladimir putin, of course, is to again pass the bipartisan national security supplemental bill and support ukraine as they continue to fight bravely in defense of their country. >> sandra: that was said a few momens ago. russia claimed navalny died in a russian prison over the weekend. sudden death syndrome. many around the world are blaming vladimir putin. president biden's push to force electric vehicles on americans is not sitting well with the auto workers. they are afraid it will be killing tens of thousands of their jobs. plus fears for the future after the judge slapped former president trump with a surreal punishment in his civil case. >> it is grossly unfair situation and i expect a lot of businesses are very uneasy after watching this unfold. >> sandra: how that ruling could put all of trump's new york
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properties at risk and do dramatic damage to the city's economy. jacque deangelis on fox business is in "focus" next. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) wealth-changing question -- are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly, so you need a tax-optimized portfolio. at creative planning, our money managers and specialists work together to make sure your portfolio and wealth are managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters.
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tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. ♪see me♪ >> sandra: last hour the u.s. vetoed a u.n. resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire by israel in gaza. it would hurt negligentations to free israelis hostages. the u.s. is pushing its own plan for a temporary cease-fire and demands israel not go into rafah. tensions between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. republicans pushing back against biden's plan. >> this is about politics. joe biden is worried about his upcoming re-election and seen what congresswoman tlaib made comments in regards to muslims in the area of dearborn.
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it is purely politics over strategy. >> sandra: what happened today in the u.n., trey? >> good morning. today the u.n. security council voted on a resolution calling for a cease-fire in gaza but it was vetoed by the united states. this proposal that was originally put forward by algeria also called on both sides to comply with international law and for the hostages that were taken on october 7th to be released. u.s. ambassador greenfield explained the plan wouldn't achieve those outcomes and could put sensitive negotiations in jeopardy. >> let us commit to doing this the right way and at the right time so that we can create the right conditions for a safer, more peaceful future. >> the biden administration has
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a draft resolution that would call for a temporary cease-fire in gaza as soon as practical. it marks a shift in the language being used by washington but not calling for an immediate cease-fire. there is a looming israeli offensive of rafah where more than 1 million palestinians are sheltering. efforts to find a solution between hamas and israel war run parallel to attacks from lebanon and yemen. there were two anti-ship ballistic missiles that struck a ship. ongoing efforts to lower the tension across the middle east and even today you saw the leader of hamas traveling with a delegation to egypt to continue conversations about a possible cease-fire. sandra. >> sandra: trey yengst live in israel for us.
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thank you. >> what's really insidious about this is that there is another provision in new york law that requires trump to pony up the full amount or to get a bond for that amount just to appeal this decision. so it is sort of a perverse incentive for figures like this judge. he made this so large it could force trump to liquidate assets in new york just to be able to get other judges to look at this. >> sandra: jonathan turley tore into the massive $355 million civil fraud ruling against former president trump. his legal team is preparing to appeal that ruling which could be very costly to the former president's real estate empire. trump's attorney with this. >> within 30 days even if we choose to appeal this, which we will, we have to post the bond, which is the full amount and some. they know by looking at his statements of financial condition this guy is worth a
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lot of money. billions and billions of dollars. that didn't even include his brand. what they are doing is a scare tactic. unfortunately they picked the wrong guy to pick on. >> sandra: former president donald trump's new properties perhaps all of them could now be at risk, that includes two golf resorts and multiple large new york city buildings including his iconic trump tower. entrepreneur kevin o'leary popping off saying the judgment has made new york go from bad to worse. >> new york was already a loser state. there are many loser states because of policy, high taxes, uncompetitive regulation. it was already on the top of the list of being a loser state. i would never invest in new york now and i'm not the only person saying that. how are we going to attract business? it is not just the existing businesses fleeing to texas and florida, what about new money? not a chance i would put that in new york, 0 probability, never.
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>> sandra: jackie deangelis are here. we're worrying about new york. dealing with a lot of crime. a lot of stuff happening. businesses are fearful of doing business in certain areas of this city. does this ruling against the former president, the civil fraud ruling, do you think it hurts the chances of businesses wanting to do business in this city? >> it doesn't make it better. i don't disagree with kevin o'leary at all. i think about the trillions of dollars in assets that already left the city for the reasons you've mentioned. we created an environment not conducive to business. not doing anything to draw new business in. when i looked at what happened to president trump it with as a personal assault on him. they wanted to go after him. he is a very wealthy man but they don't know how his money is tied up. it may not be liquid. this could present a speed bump for him having to sell properties or putting up that
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$3355 million. it is more like 450 million including interest waiting for an appeal. he will have to deal with that. the way democrats are spinning this and michael cohen who used to be on his team. he turned around and said something to the effect of yeah, you have to watch out for president trump because this will put him in a cash crunch. all of a sudden you could have a potential president on the ticket that is up for sale. i started laughing because i said to myself the only conversation we've been having and you had it earlier about a president that's allegedly up for sale is joe biden. >> sandra: right. there is a trump insider quoted in the new york this morning saying i can't imagine he will hold onto any assets in new york state after this. the bigger question is, does this send a message to other businesses that would be looking to do business here or currently do that might be thinking about leaving? people are talking about that. >> what happens is people worry. if you could assault him and go
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after him maybe you'll come after me. why should i do business here when there are so many more business-friendly states i could do business, in florida, texas for example. we have seen musk make that move. people are looking at new york saying unless you do something to change the vibe to turn around this environment, not for me. >> sandra: the to be sure as much as we talk about the homeless crisis, the migrant crisis happening here, there is obviously a lot of crime that is deterring people from wanting to move here, realty prices have held up. commercial and residential real estate. as far as residential real estate as much as i can tell is doing quite well. >> i just spoke to a realtor said if you were waiting for prices to bottom you missed it. they are looking for jerome powell to interest rates and how demand has managed to keep in residential real estate is amazing here.
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this is new york city. there is value in everything around us, sandra. >> sandra: having easy access to things as your doorstep. a far cry from what it was a few years ago. there is hope it can come back. >> i'm a faithful. i will be here until the end. >> sandra: you walk to work. thank you for joining us. good to see you. we've been telling you nikki haley is about to give a speech in south carolina at the top of the hour. she is supposed to be talking, her team says, about the state of the race four days before her home state primary. several polls at this point do show former president trump way out in front of her. plus president biden and his team looking for a reset. they want to calm voter concerns about his age and mental fitness. the big move his campaign is planning and if it will work. hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen?
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>> sandra: fox news alert. awaiting the speech from republican presidential candidate nikki haley. we're told she will be likely break down what she sees as a path forward ahead of the south carolina primary that is happening soon saturday the 24th. four days from now. that is set for 12:00 p.m. eastern time and we'll certainly
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bring you to that live when she begins. plus you can also catch haley live on "the story" with martha maccallum as 3:00 p.m. eastern time today. >> president biden, who i have been around numerous times just in the last year, is sharp, focused, he is bright. >> i think the campaign needs to let him get out there and be who he is and i also am sick and tired of everybody talking about his age. >> his mental acuity is great, fine. as good as it's been over the years. >> emphasize your experience and the wisdom. >> this is a man who is sharp, on ton of his game and knows what's going on. >> sandra: democrats are out in force defending president biden. deja vu. another poll shows 2/three of new york voters, a blue state, say he is not physically or mentally fit to serve a second term.
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prominent pollster nate silver writes biden can still win but he is losing now and there is no plan to fix the problems other than hoping the polls are wrong or that voters look at the race differently when they have more time to focus on it. axios reporting team biden is now looking to his upcoming state of the union address hoping it will be a quote reset that will change voters' minds and boost his re-election bid. hillary vaughn, fox business is live on capitol hill for us. what does vice president harris think about all this, by the way? >> hi. even the vice president thinks that their campaign is in trouble. so she is trying to fix it. according to cnn, a report that they spoke with over two dozen sources say that the vp is gathering intel trying to penetrate the biden campaign bubble so harris can come up with a game plan setting up meetings with prominent democrats. the reports safe the bed wetting complains are running thin with
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people. the person who attended one of these meetings describing anxiety in democratic circles the west wing and campaign need to be better. biden takes off soon for california for a campaign fundraiser. democrats in washington are defending his mental fitness and saying the campaign needs to get out of the way and let biden be biden. >> these polls mean nothing. what i think is that joe biden needs to be allowed to be joe biden. he is energized and cares about issues and he is joe biden. joe biden, there is nobody better than joe biden. i think the campaign needs to let him get out there and be who he is and i also am sick and tired of everybody talking about his age. >> not everyone thinks biden's age is not a reason to worry. pollster nate silver says his age in a reason for democrats to be the adults in the room and acknowledge that someone who can't sit through a super bowl interview isn't someone the public can trust to have a
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physical and mental stamina to handle an international crisis, terrorist attack or unforeseen threat when he is in his mid 80s. the without is getting ticked off with the coverage. they have been extremely upset with the coverage of biden's age. but the publisher says no plans to back off. >> sandra: you give us a lot to work with. gopac chairman david avella joining us now. welcome both. david, i'll start with you first. is there a chance that they could-biden's team, use the state of the union as the reset they hope for? >> sandra, joe biden could ride his bike into the house chamber and do calisthenics his entire state of the union address and won't change independent's view it's his policies that have made things worse. you go to the grocery store and
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you spend more because of joe biden's inflation. if you go to the gas station right now, you are still paying $3three more in gas than you did when joe biden came into office. and you see that becoming crystallized in states like michigan where last week you saw a group -- focus groups where independent voters who voted for donald trump in 2016, then voted for joe biden in 2020 are now leaning towards donald trump again in 2024. it is who wins independents that will ultimately win this election. that's joe biden's big problem. >> sandra: let me ask you about "the new york times" saying this. the media coverage of biden's age, of course, that is coming into question. the publisher of the "new york times" said in a new interview we'll continue to report fully and fairly, not just on donald trump but also on president joe biden. he is historically unpopular incumbent and oldest man to hold this office. we reported on both of those
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realities extensively and the white house has been extremely up set about it. >> "the new york times" coverage of president biden's age is laughable. the reality is that you are only talking about three or four years separating the two. you would think there is a ten, 15, 20 year gap that president biden is running against president obama. trump has had a number of gaffes on the campaign trail and before he was president. if we will talk about it. let's talk about it and tell the full story. there is a false equivalent going on now. that needs to end and we need to talk about as a holistic manner. >> sandra: because, david, the left is very quick to point out that donald trump is only a couple years behind joe biden. >> let me assure you no campaign thinks the media is covering them properly unless everything they say is glowing.
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but there is a reason why joe biden's approval rating is in the low 30s. americans know that we don't like his policies. we're paying more because of him. the border is not secure. you go down through every major issue that voters say is important, they believe joe biden has made things worse during his presidency and it doesn't matter his messaging is off and it is hard to see democrats have said joe biden is going to be our guy. and they now are in the real pal of losing senate seats because of how bad joe biden will do in competitive states. >> sandra: one thing is for sure, fred, we have a long way to go until november. final thought from you. >> we do, sandra. my final thought on this is this. donald trump lost the popular vote in 2016, 2020, i believe he will lose it again in 2024. no matter how much david and his friends say it the reality is that america is in a stronger
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position than we were four years ago. >> sandra: david, 20 seconds. >> that's not what voters are saying in the polls. you see a competitive race in all of the target states. it will be decided in seven states and today this is a toss-up race and numbers heading more towards donald trump as biden's coalition falls apart. more hispanic voters and african-american voters are looking fortrump. >> sandra: when you see biden is unfit for another term in this blue state of new york. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". i'll see you at 1:00 eastern time with america reports. "outnumbered" is up after the break.
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