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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 21, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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installation. that's right. half off your entire project. you can save thousands. 50, 50, 50 sale won't last long. don't miss. 50% off. carpeted flooring, 50% off vatican materials and 50% off installation. and 80. >> and today, go inside the stories that matter. >> illegal immigrants from all around the world continue arriving here. the situation in the red sea is dramatically escalating. the former governor, she is adamant that south carolina is not her final battle on fox news channel. >> america is watching watching . >> all right. that's all the time we have left this evening from tucson, arizon a as always, thank you for watching, making this show possible. and in the meantim thee, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to pu t a smile on your face. >> have a great night.
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well, i know i would i would clap, too. so happy tuesday, everyone, tonight. let' happs take a trip back in time, all the way back to the summer of 2023. >> that's when the mysterious figure known o president bidenesta established the first ever office of climate changebl healh equity, a new bureaucracy deep within the department of health and human services. well, at least health and human services belong together. but climate change and health equity might as well be themi office of brains joy. >> they are. th >> so why bring this up now? well, the office of climate change and health equity or ouchi rhymes with fauci wants to scold you and the scold
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in charge as america's assistant secretary health adm rachel levine. >> take a look. , hello.i' i'm admiral rachel levine. this black history month, i am pleased to partner with omi in advancing betteeased tor thrh better understanding for black communities. climat bee change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health effect of black communi. black americans are more likely than whitek americ to live in as and housing that increase their susceptibilityn to climate related health issues. s.and 65% of black americans report feeling anxioureports about changes imp. >> why is it what i hear i gete hungry for quaker oats. e anyway, that was like a saturday night live sketch, "s" skety laughed.hed. it makes me wonder how long dowg you have to be at sea for admiral levine to start looking good? now, maybe it's true that an a apple a day keep the doctor
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away. but what? bucated in a woman's neck, ibut raises a few flags. oh. but now levine is pushing a governmentt vinernment p progs up racial discord, wasting monet stiry to fit a crisis that doesn't exist. and you're funding this seriously. >> blacks are affected by climate. do rain clouds follow black people arountod like in a charle brown cartoon? if a black guy, an asian guy and a hispanic guy are outside in the rain, there's only one of them. get wet. there are a lot of tsunamis raging through southwe chicago d philly, though they could use one to wash away the needles in theay the n blood stains. >> but minorities in urban areas have bigge. ir than the weather. it's not hail unless you mean hail, and those bullets aren't coming raom climate denierss aren't ore racists. but i'm sure if a tsunami did rage through chicagocists.nymy. jussie smollett would say two white guys stole his galoshes. as for blacks feeling anxious about climate changey tw, joinen
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the club. dems always cite statisticgesane americans being scared of their propaganda as if it's scientifiin ofr propc proot propaganda. it's like how tense joe gets every time i scream, you're fired. but still, there you are. but if you spend 30 yearsther convincing people the weather is going to kill thee yom, some folks are going to believe it. >> it's the same with preventing trans surgeryso it... >> kids. do that and you kill kids, says the admiral. seriously, how am i supposed to take health advice from levine, who claims that restricting gender surgery costs the liveting gens young p? >> science says no. a new long term finds that gender dysphoria is not a significant cause of suicidepd adolescence. furthermore, long term swedish studies founolnts. d that transgender people have a considerably higher risansgendek of suicidal behavior than the general population. populati in other words, the idea that kids will kill themselves if they're not allowed to transitiothey're n is a lie
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to keep us from raising noncerns. no wonder some hospitals have become jiffy lubes for gender. but that's what science is now, where junk 's what science is pushed by the so-called experts on our dime. and we're no ot to say a peep oe will be canceled. then again, we live in a countr livy where the guy in chc rubs gold bond medicated powder on his gumhargs and denture creu on his nuts because he can't remember which is which. but here's a clue. according to stanford study, p over the past 20 years, the medical profession has goneo from 60% republican to 80% democrat. no wonder our medical system no wonr medica woke. examples are everywhere. earlier this month, uc francisco invited dante king,ras a professocor, medical educatioc whatever that is, to lecture studentsation about how white are people are psychopaths. when it's really just kat timpf whites are psychopaths and their behavior represents
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an underlying biologically gee proclivit with roots deep in their evolutionary history. p in the i think whites are psychopathic. i think there are many lies. evolthe level of mind that whitt people do that has startedin colonialism, we're just used to it. >> imagine if a whito ite guy ws saying that about blacks, then there was john hopkins, chief diversity officer syreeta g a mass email,ng her blasting her colleagues for being white, able bodiedolleagu, heterosexual male or english speaking. heterosexu used to tellnd cou you to turn your head and cough. now she just grabsgh your stones and squeezes till you say you'. sorry i might ask for that, but you got to ask yourself who's got the privilege these days. >> if all those privilege folks folk have to sit theree pers and get yelled at, is it the person wagging a finger at you? >>on u the one you're not supposed r to talk back to or else you're racist? >> isn't sheac
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the one with all the privilege? >> last november, the american psychiatric associatio n published a textbook titled gender affirming psychiatric care, which noted, quote, scientific neutrality is a fallacy. the textbook uses the word use "opressed 60 times victim 63 times intersectionappl 62 times and 83 times. that's not a textbook. not >> it's an antifa rally. aex and now you'vetb got applicatios for our country's med schools demanding diversity statements f and calls for schools to remove the admission test a requirement. >> why not remove the requirement for surgeons to wasremove t h their hands or removelove the gloves requirement for exams? >> oh, you don't have to be smart to sterilize kids. you just have to follow.llow ord this madness isn't just british health officials. thisst here. is crazy. now claim that milk produced by women, i.e. dudes after taking a bunch of drugs
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and hormones to produce it is as healthy for babies as milis a k from a genetic female. and that's if you don't choke on the chest hair. eno anyway, it's enough to make anyone lactose intolerant. but what does any of this have to do with medicine? it does it.. our health is now the next target for identity based. . when the point is, science is what it is, not what activists tell you it is. it's illogical and it puts everyone in danger. and if you end up with a wokwite doctor, the next medical professional you might see is the coronerpr. >> well, i guess richard pryor, george carlin, sam kinison, just a few comedians happyre they're dead and don't have to hear his act. writer comedian joe mackie. i wrote that she's not so fast.
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her tongue has to a helmet. host of the fox true crimeue cre podcast, companion. he spent 22 months in prison, which is why he feels right at home here. author of the wolf of wall street and the new book the wolfauthor of investing, jon belfort seems like a stubborn cat, sharp and small that hurts when you sit on her. "new york times" best sellinu hg author and fox news contributorl kat timpingf joe, ever sinceares your parents signed a do not resist order the day you were born, you've never been. the med you've never trusted. the medical establishmenblishmet is that correct? >> part partially. greg. >> i do want to be resuscitatedc becausite am a members only modl so life is worth living. : it's
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>> but is that a new members only? t jack? it's a new members only. jack and i look good jac >> so even iket.iff you do firey i've got something to fall back on. ou deg toall backi'll say this,. >> there are two big issues i have with this whole nuhing. one. if white people are psychopaths, i wouldn'ne, ifte e at all that he said that because i'd be a psychopath. right? becausei' psyi worry about whaw of me all the time. you know, i worry that women? only me because of my body. >> and the other problem with this is that i have a number of black acquaintances and that's not the reason they go to the doctor. at's notyou know, they don't goo the doctor. they're like white people are psychopaths. and they're like, oh, my god, you're burning up. >> it might be climate chang e. ed t >> let's get you addicted to pills and give you a really confusinsg bill and i'm glad of you have a number of black acquaintances like ali.lause] i used to be.
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i didn't we didn't worry too much about the woke stuff because it was self-careabout tc detained in the academic zoo. like as long as it stayeond, it was fine. but when it leaks into like e industry, wheres on your life depends on it or the medical industry where your life depende medicas it, it's scary. no, it's frightening. at the end of the day whenn people say that they care about levels of equity and whatno t it's really not in that hands on approach of who's-o actually the surgeryh of your heart. you're at the end of the day, you just want who is the best ic at heart surgery. that's all i care about. you don't carear about the levels do yo of equity they had to go through. do you know who's the best at heart surgery? u thewho?t surg >> psychopaths. great signer me up, then. i have no problem with it. the problem i have is withproble wherm e my tax dollars are goine and where this occupant of the white house is putting our tax dollars, like the admiral you cited earlier. levine sheu cite said the highet priority of the white house is affirminty of thg gender care,ig gender-affirming care for you. what does that look like? what does that mean? c does what does that affirmatn
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actually come down to?wh because what i know is while this administration is touting the the disproportionate effects on black and brown people, 20% of americans are only 20 are satisfied with the state of the nation. and that 20% means all americans. right? it doesn't matter their skind color. and yet this administration keeps hammering people into ministraring, no, no, no, b you're black. so you have to care about climate change and your hispaniclack sobout clis you hao about this. but at the end of the day, every american, regardless of then color, thinkss economy and this president . and no amount of them shuttingem our throat box checking is going to make us care anymore. shoving itn our thputting us ing coffinres. that's right. can we say one more thing about that? because you don't say at the sat end of the day i won't, i promise. but the chest beating thing. yeah, but you know thoseest beat commercials where they tell you about the positive effects of drugs and the really someone's toxic, and then it causes, you know, death imminently that it was in the end of the article, it was like and it will transmit to the thee, "an for, ses heart
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the baby. but don't worry, this was stillo approvedn's by this organizatioi like whatever group wants this to happen. they were like it sayss . t worr >> that's fine. but don't worry about the baby. you got to deny the scienc e order to stick to the ideology. >> jordan, welcome to the show. congrats. the new book, the world of investingco. f inve should we not be doing anystoul investing in the healthort te industry for the long for the short term? >> i'll tell you, i knowrm. watch the rachel levine. i'll listen to the guy who's talking about, you knoi listenw gender and of color skin. and you're a psychopath. that you don't really believe this. >> you're saying it seem s me there's no way they could possibly believe it in their own hearts. >> and i think americans and most of the world is a pretty good sector. i k that when you heargood things like this, it just so patently ridiculous they defy logic and every single level. i mean, what it really is tolog me, it's -- it's like this giant head fake, like we're nice people. weear believe in diversity, equy and inclusion. so we've been ripping eyeballs
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out and and pillaging the village while we go about being good people. so to me it's all a head fake and it's nonsense. i think people know that. yeah, i think like corporations get into this diy stuf f so that can justify whatever weird stuff they're doing. yeah, good people. but th >> but then they don't want you to pointed out, soey they accuse you of being racist, homophobic. ofng racis is.this that's why people don't say it is. i always sayaying i'm prejudiced against two groups of people, stupid people and lazy people, everyone else. i mean, i don't care about because of my prejudices, you know n't care, you won't like joe mackie that ohe, that unnecessary and i almost apologiz uie. kat, how did you feelkat, h about being you beinowg called psychopathic? that's probably one of the nicer things you've beenthae called this professor of medicine or by you? yeah. , i honestly, i'm almost impressed that he got gig mat with that material. i mean, it was. i witter, i think
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it was him. he had like less than 500 followers. i don't know, the wholdoe thing felt like really manifesto ifet to me. >> it felt like maybe, you know what it reminded me of of likei this open mic night that i useds to go to a bar in the east village where towards the end of the night, like some of the bums wouldsomes start inarp and just start like spouting stuff. i meanou, i honestly, i can't even be offended by it because it's just like he's like, like it was like, okay, buddy. like, that's really kind of what it elicits-- "okay fromm me. >> it's nonsense. i kind of wish i had the whole'v i got to fine got d if they hadh the whole thing recorded to see what happened in the q&aat, liku did any of the students, like, raise your hand and goei, what' i'm what's your proof? for me being psychopathic, i bet nobodys did. no, you reached out. fox reached out and he he citede the 1800s supreme court cases as fodder for his drivel. and keep in mind that conservativis drivee speake are axed out of uc davis at uc berkeley.
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but uc san francisco lets thiser guy in. yeah, it's more like you see nothino lets t>> greg:g. yeah. yeah. up next, is it the best idea! abou student debt? we not a game. not a game. ab >> we talking about cash back in. back in. i'm not talking. we're talking about cash back. we talking about cash back. we talking about cash back. wein now the game we've been talking about practice for toome word or practice. we talk about cash back. you talking about cash back. >> we're not talking about a game. cash back like a pro. >> well, chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash back? chase make more of what's yours right now. someone could be listed. the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns a property should worry about titles. and there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home
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i can feel the winds of change . yeah. >> yeah. well, the student loan industry gets shook if are on the hook. a gop backed bill called the college cost reduction acts will soon be on its way to a vote in the house after passing the education committee. well after someone helps theatim sound out some of the longer words. thank you for that laugh. [lauge but of course, with a title like cost reduction act,do it will probably send moneyn to ukraine. >> the bill aims to make aim universities at least partially on the hook for those student loans that.
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biden wants all of us to pay for. that way, they can spend more time at anti-israel rallies. the bill's republican sponsor thd for feges would be hel debt held by graduates who didn't get enough valueto py from their degree to pay down student loans. >> so there two things most people never associate with today's college degrees. valuociatee and accountability. that would mean the only women's studies going t in college when coeds invite me to their dorms. >> so translation, if you wasted 100 grand on your kid's art history major, which makes their earning potential, a the school pushing that nonsense would pay for scho. paid studentl the the bill would also direct federal aid to universities with thect track record of increasing graduate earnings. creasingso when schools are onty the hook, they'll be incentivized with bank involvemen'll zed with involvetg out bad majors in loans. no longer will college s remain bloated, top heavy elitist, bent on churning out useles tot bitter people. there'll be a grievance studies freeze and stem degrees.e will
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>> but who could have proposed this novel idee more sa? ? >> let's say joe biden had comeo up with it with a planme up that actually split the burden. >> all right. let's say split .y you would pa0 and 50 bucks a month on your college loan. right.e the recipient for a while pays 100. government pays 50. the bank pays 50.e the school pays 50. >> how easy it is to share the relief. >> hmm. he has both brains and beauty. no, no, no, no, no. hold your applause. s >> but even if it does pass the full house, it faces an uphill c battle in the democrat controlled senate because the bill also barsed agencies from requiring universities to adhergenciee diversity, equiy and inclusion and fight diversity equityiversity inclusv i mean, the democrats reasoner for living. but like kilmeade getting closer to an oncoming subway train, it's a step in the right direction. >> so what do you think of this
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plan, emily? just give me what's it like? i feel like days in bed by likee seven people are better. i don't waken when i get home. i totally love the concept that is is on. cours of course, that tuition is skyrocketing as the valuee, of college is plummeting. demoit took the democrats like gray davis in california that signed sb 400. but essentially made pensionsvin the entire cost of college cs. so all of these tuition hikes that students enjoy now, 80%, for example, of u.s. college tuition, it's to covercove the pensions. it's not covering that education. peions, noit's not covering thes and pencils. it is covering the horriblncilse decisions made by democrats that run these blue statess mad so this bill coming in and essentially saying, yeah, shouldn't you share the risk as an industry if you love your decision so much? if you think the value of college aan ind you thi is sy you should stand behind your decision and assume
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that risouk too. me i don't see the same stalwart democrat wall being placed on the, for example, labor schools. right. and the the what's the what do you call like the industries you work with your hands. it's vital to the nation trade. they can trade you know. that basic right where work emiy right and if they want if they want it because that is: bo what this backbone is based on. but again, we have a president that only talks about colleges and tries to curry this favor, but otherwise, i love it. just have to get all of these states on board. and at the moment, their obligationats are eclipsed by their debt. mm-hmm. you know, jordan greg:, you a la about finance. you know about work. nce, you k. are these degrees as important as they used to be? s importalisten, there's some you want to be a doctor or a lawyer, professotor, and like, that needs a license, right? yeah. it matters, but everything else . no, it's. it's a complete waste of time. and just watch it this pass, like the first thing that goes.
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is it a career in gender studies? no more degreeess for that. that would be by the wayside in 2 seconds. but, you know, when i was goin g to school back way back. back when you were going to school. right. in the olden days,, in the righ >> you had a couple there. a couple, yeah. for but's lu a coupleik of fe courses it took right. to get a couple credits. now it's like 80% of it is that it's worthless. i , i had one kid to go that went to college and they needed to go for their degree and they becam fe the other. >> no way. thatuld never recommend any kid go to college unless you're taking that path where you need i tt to get some sort of accreditation or something like that. it was a complete wast like tim, money and also the social experience used to havlse a grei social experience. now you get brainwashed. you've come out like completeld: even less than when you came. it's -- it's a disaster. yoe have a raid. and are those lacrosse players t 18 major tossing competitions back? >> how do you feel?
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do you think that this is a good step or it's just too late? i mean, at least this is a step that actually involves somebod>a that was involved, rather than just having people who did actuallynvolved,, for, example, trains have to pay off student loan debt for people whoo pay of didn't go th. i think it's only it's good that we're having becawhetherion now it's worth it or not, because forever it's just been. well, it's for your education. it's always worth it. it's always worth it. when i decided not to go to grad school for it and have en i dec money to do it and didn't want to take out an $80,000 loan, people told me i was stupid for doing that. people were saying, you're just going to wait tables, you're going to do internships. like you should go to this ivygo school." league. noble with what money? so but i think that even hat moneer opening this conversation is going to be very helpful cause that would be a cultural shift to where be a cul don't think it's real money. they think it's going to be worth it to go to college. you have to go to collegople th. necessarily not have that debt like that can really hold you backno your life. yeah. and also truck drivers and cops and firemen shouldn't be payin o debt for our art studies majors. you how muct sth student debt d you accrue at male model colleg e? oh, i actually i got a scholarship here, greg.
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i think it's like if you can't pay your student loans back, whoever does pay for it. >> you should still have to turn your degree back inegre. yr yeah, because if you couldn't pay your student loans with your college degree youcola you're an idiot. >> and that's the problem with this whole situatio a pron is we've separated college from market forces. mark can b have colleges charging more than the market can bear. and students pay more than they could evend r afford. what idiot would give a 17 year old a $200,000 loan to study women's studies? >> and you wouldn't do that unless they were extorting you over. ess theyting >> ove some sort of photo that t
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that didn't happen. sojoe. and i left you the money in the glove compartment, rental car. all right. up next, a bonehead who thinks biden can win. thankso thin to kamala's spin america's wanted is back. miss new episodes on fox. watch them a week on fox nation. plus, america's most wanted extra featuring exclusive content with john and callahan. walsh you won't see anywhere. i know what these victims are going through. join father and son. a deep dive into the details with critical insight about every. let's kick some together on fox nation, america's most wanted and america's most wanted. xtra together exclusivelyh. you fox nation streaming now t. t tc >> we plan to offer retirement, but i wish we had more cash. sin >> you think those two have angi ideane that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sittingpols
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30th on fox and abc love on the farm is going next level. do you see yourself having kids? where do you see yourself in five years? do you guys care for almost everyone? he's kissing everybody but me. farmer once it was all new thursday on fox is come[appla my secreust role being the demst ace in the hole. ka a recent op ed claimsrole b, kamala harris is in a total train wreck liability to democrats. but in their secret weapon for success in the 2024 election, n it's a weapon so secret no one's seen signs of any success yet. the article from a democrat, professor dr. basil smikle, dr describes how the veep could be a big asset to the democratic partys with her high appeal to nonwhite voters and young people. >> she als appeao scores high ws a deaf for obvious reasons for a her, that appeal, according to the good doctor, comes fromte
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outreach efforts on key issues like abortion rights, immigration and economic lik amr gen z and millennials. but that resumé seems weake r than mitch mcconnell's chin's. smikle calls for a stronger defense of harris against detractors suggestin.g. her leadership embodies the party's aspirations for diversit y inclusivity, not to mention her advantages over president biden by a consistentl pulse. >> but let'sse. be here. kamala harris is less popular than the man she's pretending isn' het senile. >> she's not. democrats secret weapon. those are censorship, ballot, bt harvesting and arresting. donald trump saying a secretr weapon for the dems is like saying kidnapping kidsthe is.or >> the secret weapon to sell more cartons of milk. thank you, joe, for gigglingovea over that sick joke. all right, jordan can you sell us on kamala? >> can anybody kno kamalw how id sell almost anything? but i got to repeangt myself. an
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>> but does anyone really believe that? like, when they say that, likeew ,how could they say, like, i've listened to her many times. i never understand times.. >> she's saying and i like waiting for the punchline. you're waiting. and i'm likee pu, and it just doesn't come up. it's like, it's really odd. so, i mean, i don't know what iu think. >> she's sharper than biden because anyone chop itse t and she's not senile, but i senin she was just kind of bor that way. >> i don't really know. but either way, it's not a secret weapon except the destruction. what if has reverse senility? so as sh sece ages fot if becomes more coherent? have we ever thought of that? , as shei mean, benjamin button. >> yeah. benjamin button for the brain. k yeah. cat, do you think she's a secret weapon or are the she'sy trying to distract us from the real secret weapons? >> yeah, i don't. if she is, it's a very, very-ket well kept secret. se it di i also, the article really annoyed me because it did that thing where it said the issue biden'ats age, whichiden's it's not. it's not his age. anybod agey of, any age that wab
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behaving that way, i would be deeply, deeply, deeply concernee ded. but also, i just i don't think that she's very inspirational to listen to on any issue, really, because it's just likeys you threw a dictionary into a wood chipper at a buncha of likwoode random words just oo and then there's laughter. yeah, that's exactly what it's like. you might as well do that because it's just a bunch of wordswords don't really go together. and then she's like, i did it, and then she hasi hers laughina so i thinkug that she's havinghk a great time she. >> but the rest of us, i don'td i don't think so much. i didn't have a question for joe so he wrote me one joe some say that seduction is your secret weapon. >> oh, it's -- it's more of a blessing and a curse. >> yes, right. but i'll say this. if camelot was a secret, she'd be in joe biden's garage. >> in he it if she were a weapo,
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should be encouraged. the >> i just don't know what the p point of of hidingoi her talents would be. are we trying to look like gold rush in thinking we'red red hot led by two in civil war yet? >> yea insteh. doesn't seem like a good strategy. hey, let's hope. let's hope all the. let' foreign adversaries think we're really stupid. >>k we emily what do you makee f of this story? what's the. why did this guy write thi this. it makes no mak i know. i don't. what amuseesnse.d? lin me too, is the line where he said at a time where the color or the support of people of color is softer harr eve colorsofterr harris' vt be overstated. softeris' valu than ever. you mean historical lows of disapproval? this president by hispanic and blact byk americans.thinks s and then he thinks that she's
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going to somehow elevated that the last timeng ehow was taskedwith e with elevating black support. she talkedng black about, not prosecuting for marijuana anymore like nothing ling an more insulting. >> i've been telling an entire group of peoplre groe that theio color must mean that they equate to whether they are goinether thngg to be prosecuteh marijuana, let alone hypocrisies. and she prosecuted 2000 people for weed when she was the d.a. and this is als o p president that says you're not black if you don't vote for me. so the conceptys you'r somehow,o by virtue of her skin color, she's going to attract othertos by same. why don't they just make policies that help all americans secure thaw about the border? how about you help inflation? how do you raise the economy? everythingtion helps. every american will increase everyone's support for you regardless everyt of color.r than c there's no secret weapon about it other than common sense. but keep in minde., this my warn is similar to my warning last week about gavin newsom, is that if she abou is elevated, all of her failures will be swept under the rug and she will jusl be swet be the first e president and she will become historical and perfect and all
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of her utter abdication of duty and senility growing, it will all be swept under the rug. and that'srug. sort of the most terrifying part, i think. >> i think. do you think? yeah, right, right. i with you, emily. ha! for god's sake, kelsey, whisk up. yes. from sitting next to joeup, [l thayonext scientist find, a biological link to how you thinu dney faik if you havea kidney diseaseth, you can reduc the risk of kidney failure the risk of kidney failure with brckel, places you rather be more secure. effects, including ketoacidosis effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydratio in urinary tract or yeast infections in low blood sugar. infections in low blood sugar. a t away infection in the skin of the perineum could occuraction,. stop taking for a second and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis when you're the
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brain which deal with get this emotion huh? you know what i mean? stimulation and memory. >> are you buying this? a study has never been done before because it's like, duh, h right? >> yeah, of course i'm buying. also, spatia l awareness.'s more i felt like i was just such an you. i think it's more of disability for me, really, because i, like, never know where i am. well, there's a lot th differe between men and women, for example, like being married, living with a man just bei the noises in the morning. >> yeah. are not necessary. yeah. what kind of noises are you? don't act like you don't knowrr what i'm talkinging to about.t ' well, it's disgusting. m talkinit's like, it's like muv chairs in the house. every morning whener i. >> wake up. mm-hmm. wow. i. >> i feel your pain. thank you for your service as an international symbol, mbol
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joe. >> this really. this really isn't news for you. in fact, your whole career is understanding the differences betwees nht and women. >> am i right? greg, i've spent a lot of timeog . with women. yes. so i've got to know them quite well oven ye kno ther. the years. and yes, they're very different. they're very different. there are somee very d that that men are better than women at. and there's some things that womenwome are are better than men. and like, men are definitely better at sportse. ff and if people say stuff that women aren't as good at, stuff that takes brainpower, that's just not true. that can't be's nonmens br funny. that's nonsense. have you your seen y to play baseball? yeah. enjoy that>> greg:, joe.t sip, >> emily, are you surprised? is that right? like, no one needed to study this, but we're living in an age. here's the ironywe aivin. ony.
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so we have a media and a political class that wants everybody to be identified as different, ye to bet don't wt any differences between men and women. isn't that stranged. actually >> totally. and actually, my take away was the whole air portion. how i differ with detective. the difference gender in the brains and know humans could. so i feel this is a roboould. t take. over story and also clearly to your point, you obviously no short term memory and demonstrated it every week on the show but that you guys have a better long term memory. we're obviously better communication and reading comprehension. wome n have way better long term. they remember every. oh yes. yeahy better, yeah. but short term this thing said women for long termnt for men for short term memory. o >> but then it went on to say is that socially reflected in the brain however. isre is it is it nurture ove nature? are the differences in our rrain truly neurological o are they also these were all people who willingly were peops. botand thes >> you can scan my brain and bet
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me. look at that. started getting emailsettingailt late night from a robot. what's up? you up"hey, ka? u up what are you watching? can i come over jordan, i.ore te >> how long before the media redefines? >> so they say the exact opposite. because this is not what, like t modern progressives want to get out there. they spend so much time telling us that there's no difference. >> yeah, they get to say at the brain level, maybe, but that's only a very small of existinguy is a guy who's collected ex-wives. i get that.any ex definitely men and women. you know what you have? i have to form-w on one almostet every boring white marriage. >> i won't really, but i have an great know and a half. i have an amazing wife now. i'm very and she's. in the audience. i know. i'm very happy, but no, this is like there's a bear in the woods kind of thing. >> yeah. i mean, obviousls ary right? thg like, let's give this person
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a nobel prize for stating the obviougive thiize fos more k right mean men and women. the brains work differently. and i'vey, and i got some good g and yeah they'll try to reframe it that maybe you'll to buy a molecular level but that of course at the dti everyone's equal so it doesn't matter. >> yeah we didn't touch on stimulation because we're a family show so touch o do youe any. >> i try to, i try to keep it clean in my answers. greg obviously, like women, they're harder to understand because their brains are otherwise they're they're really, really good and nice. and i, i think that the future is female and i should probably stop talking. yeah. not the now the now is not female.
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the future there were i could i see your brain. there are so many paths to take on that freewae soy. >> so you just decided to staytf on the road. lots, lotsf the road of landmind emily throws elbows. >> yeandh. o all right, we got to move on.l s next, another film about a gon superhero is a box office zero . when an animal is gone, you cannot get it back, but you you cannot get it back, but you can repair repair. it penetrates deep into the to it penetrates deep into the to to actively repairyou can ing. enamel. i recommend for enamel repair with new poor enamel repaitimesr mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. >> they were great togethee wor >> sometimes john wrestles with falling asleep, so geour bestl, the world's number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like himself get the rest to be your best with non habit forming sequel better days. start with sequel nights protection boring families. >> in september 2023, the u.s. announced an elective option offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of campbell june.
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>>l five more words. >> five more words. >> gre madam web are huge flop. emily, the spider-mag:n movie. madam web, all about a feminist female superheroall no one's hd of made only 26 million since it opened valentine' os day, making it the lowest or one of the lowest grossing marvel movies ever. s? >> emiey keep doing. thi >> us? i don't know. the other weird thing about thisr weird is, i had ner heard of it and i feel like since i walk through times square every day like si, i'm uy bombarded by billboards of every huge franchise hollywood is trying to shove down our throats. i never heard of this. however,never heof t one of thes said it's a travesty, a disaster. i enjoye d out of it. so i feel like the argument is there's going to be like a cult classicnk sort of tiny population that becomes obsessed with it. >> but who cares? you can say that about every movie. yeah, every bad movie. >> greg: eve. >> it's like they they keep kee making movies.
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>> no one asks for. like women do not like superhero movies. >> it's like they think it's like we needed this study in the previewey neede block toy men and women are differen t. do not make superhero movies that cater to women because the men won'women,t. >> there. women won't go. i tried to likt e the marvelgost i tried to watch it. i couldn't watch it. i turned it off aftech r 45 minutes cause it was just stupid. yeah, it made no sense. and by the way., i mean, how about that? this madam webb? i have no idea. evenhad noa it e out. and i loved marvel. i loved the iron man and i loved it. it's really. it's sad what they've done. they destroyeddone.'ve dest it e of again. >> yeah. diversity, equity and inclusiont no one cares about. t you're the target person. yeah. you know, marvelhi >> gre grew up on ithey're and they're going, they're going like it's just like what bud light di-- is juds drinkers. it's like we're tired of those people. try this tiny, tiny fraction. joe, you were up for the love
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interest role in the movie, but you turned it down because ther t downe too much skin. >> is this like making romantic comedies for men? >> d?o you notice that there' s nobody does romantic comedies for men just? i' >> once i'd like to see a romantic comedy where it's just like, she's like, i'm flattered. and then they don't get together, "i flatter. they all just because it's just like we're to hook up, t you know? it's just it's, it's so predictable. elu wh, when ibut i'll tell youn i read the script and it said, madam webb, i thought it was going to be a fun pic about a brothel. >> yeah because it's because. >> madam, where can you guys miss that one? don't feel what?at one >> like, why would you name a spider web spinoff, madam web? you know, that's like naming a mission impossible spinoff. the project we have to do, that's really hard. >> you know, i like, stop hard. making superhero movies.ty of
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you know, there's plenty of good scripts out there. goi read one the other day about a wacky comedian, this talk show host, boss. they go cross-country country to save an orphanage. it's called odds and quads. " i like that.>> greg: wow. maybe we'll do a table read atd, my place tonight where the members only that nothing else. oh, cat, do any of these female centric movies appeal to youuman as a human being and i use that term loosely. >> oh, okay. oh, well, a lot of superheroof movies have bombed the last year. ant-man three bombed, aquaman two bombed. and as as i know, those guys are dudes. >> yeah, yeah. aquaman'ass, man. >> right. that's as much as i know about it. itit cou could have been like of you said, it's all because it's liberal or whatever. i don't know. maybrwhatevn't knowe it's aboutr something. i didn't know. i didn't see it. did you guys see it? i don'i it.guyst think so.
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i think a lot of people i think that stories are maybe just boring and also going to movies is expensive and kind of boringg too. >> yeah, and you're right. like who wants a superhero want or ooh,a spider i see one in the shower and i just through however, i'll see every movie wolverine is in. i love wolverine. i love deadpoor, i will. >> uh, good for you. i'm sorr y. sorry, say that out loud. i'm sorry. i don't remember asking, did iku but you know what? i'm sorry. everyonet you kn. that's okay. i apologize. joe, go away. we'll be right back. >> there's an invisible your own defenses, a gap that can be emotionally, financially devastating. and it's not what you think. the gap is the unprotected title to your home. criminal can easily access your home's ownership records illegally, your home title into their name, then take out fraudulent loans, your equity,
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