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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 21, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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[cheers and applause] >> laura: hello, everyone, igrah am laura ingraham and this isna "the ingraham angle.". welcome to greenville, south carolina. o we have an amazing crowd tonight and we are four days outcome i can't believe it from the south carolina g.o.p. primary where 50 delegates a t stake toke the march to the delegation. south carolina governor nikki haley poise sd to lose by a wide margin but she remained defiant and we will hie all of this and more the man of the hour. join me now donald j. trump. [cheers and applause]an [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you.[c >> former president trump: thank you. [cheers and applause] that was nice felt.see >> laura: welcome, sir, it is always good to see you. e it's been a while, couple of yesincr e we've done a big even like this. just in time for your appearance today, there is a new sufix poll out a few days before the big primary and among those likely r nikki haley by close to 2-1 margin, 63/35.
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[cheers and applause] today, she refused to step aside and said this... >> many of the same politicians who now publicly embrace trump privately dread him. they know what a disaster he has been and will continue to be for our party. some people used to say, i was running because i really wanted to be vice president. [laughter] i think i've pretty well settled that question. >> laura: has she that question? >> former president trump: i settled at about three months ago. [laughter] [cheers and applause] she's not working. she's here and she's down by 30t 35at points. and everybody knows her. you are not supposed to lose your home state. it shouldn't happen in a way and she is losing big. i said big lee.e
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-no way, but as you know, when we went to iowa we haveof t the biggest margin in history of the caucus in a long time. >> laura: why do you think she is staying in th don se race? >> former president trump: i don't think she knows how to gee out actually. i really don't. she did terribly in new hampshire. >> laura: bu t she has a lot of money behind her.n. >> former president trump: they are trying to hurhet me because of general election and the democrats are giving her money and she's pulling into thr game. she can't get herself toto get d out.wo she is doing poorly -- look, shl was doing well, i would understand it.wa, but she is doing poorly. she lost record numbers in iowa and record numbers in new hampshire, nevada. no name, no name.y >> laura: she and biden almost an away team up together. biden's people tago say look, if you complain about age, trump demeanor, forgets names, e
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demeanor, she is trying to equate biden's declined fairly obvious with you for being 77. >> former president trump: ht es has declined and there is no question about it, but he was always semideclined. if you gter]o back 25 years -- [laughter] not one of the smarter people. he's tried to be president at least four times. when most diminished, he hit it. but if you look at me my feel a and it really mean this and i, will tell you and i think you would tell me too because we known each other long time, if i felt diminished, okay, let's us the next term, if i felt diminished or declined in anyth way, i think i would know it. i would say, i'm not running. somebody should talk to him. but if he runs he runs. he doesn'te seem to be -- i hed you say he's very persistent and he probably is.d >> laura: stubborn. >> former president trump: i think most people that pers would run would be stubborn or persistent and not want to give up the ghost. but you know, we have a nation
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tosurv run. we have a nation that has to whi survive. we have nuclear weapons and the like of which and you don't wana t to know about it but the powerful weapons of the world, so powerful that you don't want to talk about it. we have him negotiating and in. his best years he couldn't have negotiated. and i know putin well and i know president xi of china,ra kim jong un, i know very well. >> laura: do you think they prefer him to remain as president because they believe that they can dominate the global, you know, the globaly situation much easier with him in office? >> former president trump: they want him very badly to be president. i'm sure aween lot of money is g spent between russia and china, no question with china, russia too. look, ukraine would have never happened. i know putin so well. it was the apple of his eye. it was the apple of his eye. i said don't ever do it. whatever happened, by the way --
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>> laura: we will get into that but back to biden and his current state, whatever you want to call it, will you challenge him to regular debatesn ab regardless of the concern of the moderators? i know that is always annoying, but i will be happy to monitor, by the way. [cheers and applause] would you challenge him -- come on, joe, you can do it, would you challenge him to a debateus regularly focusing on specific topics? not wide-ranging but one debate on foreign policy? h >> former president trump: i will do itow right now on your show come i would challenge him right now. you can do anybody you want.n i will take anybody from cnn, which is doing poorly in the ratings as you probably know. i will take anybody because i think you have an obligation in this case. you have an obligation to debate. when it came t po republicans, i was at 40, 50, 60 points and like a poll came up and she's at
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97. you want to be smart and don't b waste your time. >> laura: that would be instructive to see you versusol biden on any given topic. >> former president trump: in the polls i'm way up in the polls. frankly, i think we have anyo when you have the final republican, final democrat ands give the two people -- >> laura: how many debatest st would you commit to?now. question marks me to as many as necessary. i would like to start now. i don't think he will debate though i really don't think so. we have a debate at the end of the debate, he admitted i wasi right about almost everything. and i said i think i feel like. mason the wayoy you collapsed al he admitted everything about energy and that's actually what happen and why your energy costo went up three and four times. we had $1.87 and he was up toon .five, $6, $7. that will happen immediately after the election. let's nowe at talk about if he h we will not have a country lefte but you will have energy cost
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and this whole concept of all electric, everybody having an electric vehicle and they don't go far. people don't want they may want electric but they> lalso want to other choices. >> laura: do you believe thega put to control gas stoves, how far you can drive by forcingts people into electric vehicles and alt tol the new edicts theyt to push out?er what is really behind that? do you believe there is a bigger to kind of control movement, control people's freedom of movement question marks me to a lot of people said that -- i'm not sure i think they are mixed up or confused. they come out with a faucetd where water comes out. if you go buy a home and they know what i mean, the shower, you stand under the shower nay o water is coming and you end up standing there five times longer. >> laura t: but they want that appear they want the dishwasher to be changed and all of that is part of the agenda. >> former president trump: in ohio, you have a great company that came to me a great dishwashing company one of the
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finest companies but they were going out of business. we are not allowed to use waterg they also had a problem south korea making washing machines, dishwashers and temping them into ourff country. i put tariffs on them, 50% terrorists and i saved that company and it is a thriving company. what is happening between othero companies comingu in free, youu can't go into those countries but they can come into us. we can go into china and pay her $100 tariff on a car. they used to come in here. o i put 27.5% tariff on cars. >> laura: that his only reason why evs not swamping swamping the united states. beith it is being cornered by china around the globe. >> former president trump: we would be dead if i didn't put that tariff on and i was going to raise 227%. everybody would be dealing with not even the car they liked. but they would be dumping them c into our country. what is happening now is chinese going to mexico and building
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massive automobile plans. they think they will come in and sell those cars for mexico without a tear up into ourra: country. the app andth under biden if he actually won a second term, do you think your tariffs would be pulled off? >> former president trump: we can't do it now because there's so much money. we took and 450 and not one other took in.t if i didn't do what i did with china come i don't think we>> l would be sitting here right now. >> laura: he left a lot in place and he has not remove those. >> former president trump: economically -- i think he would remove them.u h >> laura: what do you think hunter bidenomis did or promiser winked about to get the money. he's obviously not financially -- >> former president trump: many locations, ukraine was crazy because he was on the00 a board and paid $183,000 a month and i got $3 million up front. according to what i read. >> laura: they say joe biden, there is no evidence joe biden
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received any financial benefit personally and to that you say? >> former president trump: he has a lot of houses all over the place and never paid more than about $179,000, i guess is the top.of he's gotten a lot of money. hunter has gotten a lot of money. hunter gets millions of dollars fo thar sitting on an energy bod and he admits he knows nothing about energy. >> laura: why do you think joe biden was able to raise $42 million in january and headed out to california will be at the home of the big pro israel benefactor multimillionaire? why are the billionaires rallying to joe biden? >> former president trump: they like me also so pure they made more money. >> laura: but why are they rallying? >> former president trump: i tell you the ones i love are the ones that pay me on average $61 and i'm raising millions and millions of dollars. $61. some of them -- [cheers and applause] -- [cheers and applause] -- they wer wantoe globalist ay
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want to take over this country pure they were globalists that represent china. they have a lot of money in china. china is smart they have all these guys locked up. c arif you go to china, they want you to build a car plan. w if you build cars, they don't want to build cars here. t they wanhet to make them in chi. they don't want you to make them here. there is so much money that is tied up in china.a. some of these other countries, everybody mentions china, the european union is a disaster. i would say angela merkel, she did a bad number in german income i will tell you. and i liked her. maybe that is why. a i am for here and they are for thei tr country and they are for their country and i don'ant blae him. how many chevrolets do we have in the middle of munich?that she said, welcome i don't leave any. that's right, that is not fair my will change it because they have mercedes-benz, volkswagen,
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bmw. >> laura: is a protected. >> former president trump: they protected from foreign products and a i had that changed around, and then these guys come in and they destroy our country again.on but there is no greaterr disruption than what isg happening at our border with letting millions and millions -o >> laura: we areck going to get into that. up next, the issue at the top of mind, former president trump i just said, the border. illegal immigration ismo doing o the country that we love. more with donald trump from greenville, south carolina, after this . [cheers and applause]
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>> 4:30 spirit of why did you come here sorely? i wanted to beat in front and see president trump. >> what you wantt to to hear frh him? hear what he has a plan for the country when he becomes president. >> and what do you want to hear? >> the border.>> >> what about everybody over here? >> definitely the border. >> the border and voter i.d. >> economy., >> laura: welcome back to greenville, south carolina, where folks havence ry been wair it is very, very early this morning to see former president donald trump. presidents, one of the issues and the question we hearfrom frm voters is, how do you plan to, deport the millions of people?pe i mean there is probablyw wi 12 million, 13 million people under biden alone that have come here and how will it work? >> former president trump: it t the bad onesge first. they are coming in from prisons,
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jails, mental institutions. >> laura: how do you find them? >> former president trump: through loca i lol police. the local police are so phenomenal. i love them and they love me. i have 97% support. they know everything! they know the first things and they know everything. it is a new category. o i don't know if you have heard this but i came up with this one, migrant crime, they were a crime, violent crime ande there was a migrant crime. we have a new category of crime called migrant crime and it is's worse than any other form of a crime. you look at new york city in what is going on attacking police officers. our criminals don't even do that so much, okay? having fistfights with the police officers in the middle og the street. we have to do something about these are tougowh people. l don't forget it, they are noeatm sending their leaders. >> laura: they said that in 2015 and all these years later. >> former president trump: everything turned out to be right. >> laura: cbc is telling us
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that -- >> former president trump: unfortunately. laura: cust >> laura: customs and border patrol told us in three days,ap 452 chinese nationals have beenl apprehended by border patrol. mr. president, 20,000 chinese have entered since october.e this is -- does this concern>> p you're more than other immigrany groups? >> former president trump: probably it wo would be consided is china and a maybe building a army in between. there was 29,000 people, think about that, 29,000 people and most of those people were young, male fighting age. >> laura: what is going on? >> former president trump: you want to give the benefit of the doubt but china was number one. you look at human and here we go with this guy bombing everything, no respect, he bombs and bombs and bomb salmon. yemen coming into our country and people coming from w everywhere, the congo. they interviewed some people
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last night, where are you from? congo. where did you live?>> lprison pure they are emptying out their prisons. >> laura: what is the first thing you will do if you become president again on the border? >> former president trump: they arenu two things i will do, drill, baby drill, and the other thing -- we are going to, look i had the safest border in the history of our country, recorded history because i can't tell yon a thousand years ago but recorded history by far. we had it down pat betweenur s tom homan, brandon judd and g unbelievable people that you have had on thl bie show. all biden had to do was stay at the beach. hed he goes to the beach. somebody said he looks great in a bathing suit. he goes to the beach. if he went to the beach but hea canceled everything, remain inas mexico, catch and release. we had catch and release butth release in mexico. >> laura: why are you againstde the house, the senate border deal, the bipartisan border deal? >> former president trump:
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5,000 people a week but a lot of people0 said 5,000 people a da. katy said 5,000 people a wee and it to mike he read it and 5,000 people a day. number one but it made it much better for the opposing side.aua >> laura: it regulates thecomp crisis. >> former president trump: you couldn't manage it was so complex. first of all, if you want to close the border to the president i did not have legislation. i had people oppose me strongly mitch mcconnell and paul ryan and nancy pelosi, and what iar after a year, you know what, these people i took the money b out and we built 571 miles of border wall. that is what made the border soo good. another thing herldz had 28,000 soldiers from mexico. i said to the president of mexico, i think he is a terrific guy, but he is a socialist. a terrific guy and he is fantastic i'm actually in a lot of ways. need 28,000 soldiers to build the border. you've got to be kidding. w i got it free of charge 28,000
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the safest border but now the most unsafe, the worst border in the history of the world. there has never been a border oh any country anywhere in the world that has been -- >> laura: biden has announced or hinted he has come out with e border executive order on theile border to clamp down on illegala immigration beforeve the state f the union message. i thought he didn't have the executive order? >> former president trump: i think he is baked in and i don't whi think he can come close unless people are really stupid, which they are not. the public is much smarter than the politicians. will not be able to change. this guy is destroying our country. >> laura: how are you going to make sure that mail-in ballotsn and voter fraud, which we heard from a lot of peopleue in line s an issue front and center.ting they are concerned about mail-in on'tvoting. forget the past. what are you going to do to make sure we don't have problems going forward?ud. >> former president trump: if
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you have mail-in voting, you automatically a fraud. e is mail-inha voting in florida, what are you going to do? >> former president trump: if you have it, whe you will haveel fraud. when you go into a voting place like you go into one properly run state and they look at you and give you voter i.d. it would be hard to cheat. when you send out -- i think i they sent out 36 million pilots, they don't have a voting both in the whole place. millions of ballots and nobody knowoings where they are coming from. >> laura: but what are youth going to do about it? >> former president trump: the way you win by swamping them swa here the way you win, swamping them. fir i tell you what my did great ins the first election and i did much better in the second. >> laura: we have interesting o news coming out of new york, by the way the new york poll which just came out but mr. president, kelly is in the audience and has a question about foreign aid. kelly. >> howf areth you doing, mr. president?
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>> former president trump: hi, kelly. >>one one of the first things n did is put american first pier that is not the case the first few years with billions of dollars in foreign aid we have given specifically to ukraine. so what is going to be the solution to fix all of the spending question marks me to thank you very much, kelly. i like thi thipplas guy, i can f [applause] a man of common sense and i'm a man of common sense. you are conservative, liberal,d this, that no, people with common sense, we need borders -- you don't want to give foreign aid to countries that hate us and giving foreign aid to countries that hate if you look at the numbers in terms of billions and even trillions of dollars we give to foreign aid, and yet, we don't protect our own border, we don'a protect their own military, we have the greatest -- you know iu knocked out isis and everybodyld said it would take four years but it took me three months to knock out totally decimate isis. we took out solomon inc., we took out our baghdadi.
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like nobody has ever done. >> laura: so you wouldn' t ben mo in favor of giving $60 billionou more for ukraine because they said without that money, ukraine will definitely lose the war which would then empowerdang vladimir putin and endanger our alleys. s me>> former president trump: i guess the thing that bothers me most, it would have nevern happened if i were president. >> laura: it did happen, soul what are you going to do aboutf it? >> former president trump: iton. would have never happen. two reasons, number one, he sait don't do it. he would never have done it. the other reason, oil prices were low at $40 a barrel, ite doesn't work. $100 a barrel -- he made ai fortune. so what i would do is first thing i get on the phone with the european nations, who are in 25% and over $200 billion but they are in for $35 billion. >> laura: 13: $100 billion so f. >> former president trump: aon. difference of $150 billion. they have to start paying up. at that affects them more than it affects us.n we have a motion in between a spear they don't have the ocean
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in between. they have to start paying up and you know what they haven't paidb no one asked them. because biden, does he lie awaka sleeping and turns for anothersw reason but not the reason we are talking about. sweating, we got to get more. we have got to get them to pay up because there is $150 billion difference. i feel really bad. remember this you are up against a war machine in russia, russia what they do defeated hitler, they are a war machine and a much bigger country. a fantastic guy and a lot of people don't like him because he's on the tough side thengly prime minister of hungary. he said and he camkee out veryai strongly, what is going on? the whole world is collapsing. he said, if the united states o elects donald trump, it will all in the back. everybody is afraid of donald trump you're at it will all end and i believe that is trueplau.od >> laura: nancy, you're veryc ea
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good friend was on msnbc earlier with your other good friends accusing you of something, which took my breath away. watch. >> what does he have on donald trump that they have to constantly be catering to putin, telling putin, go into these countries. >> i think it is probably financial. >> laura: your response, you>> s said you would abandon nato andi puti sn has something on you. >> former president trump: i. know the real nancy pelosi and she is highly overrated.'s can we talk about nancy? it is all misinformation. everything is dis- andorma misinformation. i went in, caught innt i and std nordstrom, that is the russian pipeline. the most important economic deal, plus echo economic plusto ldmore than economic ever. i stopped it and i told germany, you are not having it. i told all of europe, you arede
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not having it pure and anybody that to have it, i ended its. ti ever in the history of russia here they are going toof supply europe with oil and gas. i ended it. biden comes in and he vetoedone. what i had done.ppro it was done. the nord stream two was done and he approved. by the end of the keystone pipeline which should have been approved.pu when people say that aboutbad. russia and putin would say to me, you treat us very bad.r pu i had sanctions on russia thatff nobody has ever put there before. in fact, biden took it off. it is misinformation. anybody that walked in and ended -- remember putin took land from every president except for one, me.e bi now, he's going for the big onei he's going for all of ukraine.ts he's going for all of ukraine. not just a little piece. he's going for all. that is under biden. >> laura: people around the world are expressing outrage
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alexover the death of alex, a horrific russian prison. you posted on true social mh aware of the politically a circumstances here own. >> former president trump: it is happening here at home. >> laura: i want to give you aht chance to expand on that because your opponents have used that to say, again pro putin, the putin movement. so what does that mean when you said it made you more aware ofer your circumstances here? >> former president trump: it he wis a sad situation. he is very brave come a very brave guy. he went back and could have stayed away and frankly would have been a lot better stayingback away on talking outside of the country is supposed to go back in because people thought that could happen and it did happen. it is a horrible thing. it is happening in our country, also so. we are a turning into a communim comp which do my country in many ways.nd ifid you look at it i'm theicte leading candidate and i nevert n heard of being indicted before. i go ot indicted for code timess and e i have eight or nine trias all because of the fact that an. you know this, all the fact that
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i am in politics. they indicted the on things that are so ridiculous, maga and atlanta. >> laura: we will get into boos] that in a moment. we will get into my favorite d.a. in a moment but do you see yourself as a potential political prisoner in the united states because that is their goal is to put you in jail behind bars right for the rest of your life? do you see that? >> former president trump: if i were losing in the polls, they would not be talking about me and i wouldn't have any legal fees. t i think althoughhe they hate meo much if i got out where they would pursue this guy, we can't stanthisd this guy. look, i won a election that wasb not supposed to be winnable. i did much better the second time and we will get into it. but i did a much better job the second time. we have millions and millions of more votes the second noonw we are doing much better than the second time and the
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first time almost put together. >> laura: are you a potential political prisoner, sir? speak to the fact that i'm doine so well that i'm beating biden at a they've never seen before. this is not supposed to happen. it is much easier for a democrat toa run from a much >> laura: we will take a quick break and we have a lot more on this topic come a lot moreh us fani willis and legal challenges the president faces. stay with us. [cheers and applause] ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪
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options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? ♪ ♪ >> welcome to fox news live, marianne rafferty and los angeles. the plight of hunter biden, the president's son has filed motions to dismiss 8 of 9 criminal charges he faces in california. hunter has been hit with federal
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tax on gun charges, but he's climbing in part the statue of limitations has run out in some cases and accuses the government of vindictive prosecution. also yesterday, the former fbi informant who claimed to have dirt on the biden's had tied to russian intelligence. that informant now faces charges for lying to the fbi. and president biden will unveil new sanctions against russia imparted that follows the sudden death of putin opposition leader. yesterday, his mom went to the siberian prison where he died completed for the release of his body. i am marianne rafferty, now back to laura ingraham.noam ♪ ♪ >> laura: welcome back to thepr town hall with president trump in greenville, south carolina. [cheers and applause] all right, mr. president, the crowd isthisam going crazy but g the campaign a hug in e amount f your time and has been spent in
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court, the court room, new york, and so forth. the new york civil fraud case, this judge ruled against you for almost half a billion dollars plus interest that runs every day. when i first read it $87,000 ahe day. how would yo a bu put up that kd of money because you have a bons to put up and even if you appeal, you have to put up money. it is a lot of dough. >> former president trump: it is a form of communism or fascism. the guy's a nut job he would have known thi.s for a long tim, and i've said it openly. no jury, letitia james is atorn horrible attorney general in new york and campaign i will get trumped come i will get trump. we went through a trial and totally innocent on everything m and find me $355 million plus interest among $355 million what we did in
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fact, my financial statements were conservative. everybody made money, there was no victim and the pink got upyo and said we love this guy. >> laura: you paid back the loans. >> former president trump:nk 100% no defaults and banks lendy money and that is how they make money and they asked what i borrow some money? i didn't need money. i had a lot of cash. but what happens is this guyve ruled that i was guilty before l the trial started. he didn't know anything about it.wh ena house mar-a-lago $18 billio. >> laura: would you give up one of your properties te ito sl this? >> former president trump: i wrote this up because it wasat o great. i justie looked at it. people call your lawyers, yours friends, the most egregious punishment everybody has ever seen and tim scott sees it. the eighth amendment, excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel or unusual punishment inflicted. that is the eighth amendment.ur
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excessive fines.i i did business come i did business with insurance companid n'that loved me and still do business with me.a they wouldn't do business -- >> laura: you are a practical man and you have a practical question, which i thought about a lot last night because a huge amount of money. and you have to decide whether you are going to put up that bond in escrow to appeal. are you going to do that? >> former president trump: i will tell you what we are going knoto do. i have a lot of cash but that doesn't mean he can take a you know what's come i think he looked at my cash we will take i all of his this is all coming out of the white house. everything that you see, whethee that one or the d.a. --le the d.a.'s office in alvin bragg's office, he has his top people froinm the doj workig in the district attorney's and nobodyew yorks knows that. everything is coming outryin. this is all election interference. e me soe trying to damag
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they can win another election. >> laura: do you i'm ever just y to yourself, you know, i'm done. why? d have saidople woul i'm going to come out -- why are you staying in this? >> former president trump: i can't because i want to make america great again. it is not good right now. [cheers and applause can] laura, we can do it. we can get it chit is harder now. it would have been so much easier to finish off and everything would have been so perfect. everything was set to rock 'n' roll. >> laura: you have ano. obligation to america. it is all coming in on you now,> criminal to civil to the money. >> former president trump: i get everything. i have become an wou expert at . [laughter] if i didn't run come i would nod have these lawsuits, none of them. they would have gone on to the next. look, nikki has no chance but if she ever did, they would go after her the same way. these are vicious, sick people.e they are sick. th
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e judge is sick. he got overturned on this case so far on this case the appellate division fou r times on this case. >> laura: doing you expect the fesupreme court will overturn this? you will have to preserve your federal claim here below. you will have to say, we have a constitutional claim here against t excessive fine. there are hurdles to cross but would you expect the supreme court will interfere in a state court's decision? >> former president trump: i've never seey, tn this, truck, they will not deal in new york. people are leaving new york.this i've never seen support like thiss . i think there is a lot of pressure on the court system for o do what is right. you borrow a small amount of money by comparison. you pay it back.ou a the bank is in love with you. by the way, this is a time,ng banks are doing badly with commercial loans. they were not getting theianr money back and into nkthis was a perfect loan.ey i did a favor to this bank. i paid it back and it was
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already done and i pay it backs, and then, this guy uses this spirit it was just a weapon.imes they come after me and charge me many times the money, 3 $3,155,000,000 fine through ais loan a perfect loan, the bank's have become insurance company, s everybody is happy and even he and his statement said trump did nothing wrong. >> laura: mr. president, chandra and the audience has ar question. >> mr. president, our country id so divided right now. i know you have suffered endless attacks, no doubt, but how can you assure independent and undecided voters that your focue as president will be on improving the state of ouror country and not settling those old scoresth? >> former president trump: [laughter]ok, is that just a question? look, i did it before. we had a great four years.
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especially that last part, we o did a great job there and great marks on the economy, the military, foreign affairs, butwd never got the credit we shouldng have gotten. did something amazing the stock market was higher in the end. but just before the china virusa because i like to be accurate w came ontoro our shores, we have the greatest economy in the history of new york even going up to the end.sing this period of time, it was success, success was the word i'm using to answer your question. we had such success in the history -- some of you are favorite posters maclachlan,th fabrizio, i met them the day before ipa heard covid orth pandemic.xt e the day before and we are talking about the next election coming up here they said, "sir, if abraham lincoln and george washingto gn came back fm the dead, they couldn't beat you." we have the greatest economy
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ever. and the people on the left andea far left were calling me, and want to gei sat together. seen anything like it. dos ha you believe this?an, everybody was toafrican american,t thasian american, hispanic american. >> laura: we will get into thatmeri because of the polls m. >> former president trump: when you look at the polls make african american, hispanicomen america -- >> laura: the score settling, naa lot of women don't like they name-calling or the score settling here they love yourt so policies but they just wanton trump's policies but maybe notd so much the other stuff. if you don't mind my asking is what she is getting >> former president trump: how are we going to get together? through success. the country was at a level that we have the best employment numbers in history, everything was good in this country is coming together. then we got hit with covid appeared but this country came together. i don't care about the revenge thing and i know they use the word revenge, will there be
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revenge? my revenge will be success. [cheers and applause] >> laura: all right, robert hur, robert hur, speciall hi prosecutor and the biden classified case, to testify on y capitol hill march 12. what is one question you are hoping the republicans or someone who has some modesty up there will ask mr. hur? w should biden been charged in tht classified documents case? >> former president trump: nobody has been over the years. hillary took a lot and bill took a lot, bill they go with the sox case which he won with a tough judge, which he win.y bushto took him, ronald reaganwh tooken him. and only became a big subject's when i took things out. the difference is i had with the presidential records act. i wa alls allowed to do what i d appeared absolutely allowed and that's why they passed the act in 1978. they passed the presidential records act.
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but you can only use it or beic there if you are president. biden wasn't president. >> laura: they requested and could have handed them over andf save yourself a lot of trouble. >> former president trump: first to pokble.e my didn't havt hehand them over but second of t all, whee were talking and all f a suddenhe they rated mar-a-lag. could you put an extra law? we showed them where they were and in and like in a corvette with the dooedr locked. a wege were surrounded byma secret service agents all over mar-a-lago.ak buet what happen when you take a look, biden didn'tct have they, presidential records act. he is in great jeopardy really. but look he's incompetent to go to court, but he can bet president. figurert that out.s in he can't represent himself at court because he's incompetent. >> laura: what should he be? asked? >> former president trump: i think you have to ask why dide i you do it? you didn't have the presidential
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records act. dick durbin, the senator's head there's non he way he did that a senator. then we found out it is pretty serious. >> laura: we need to take a quick break and whenom we come back from asking the questionanw back from asking the questionanw everyone wants to know the answer to and more from donald trump from greenville, south carolina. [cheers and applause] — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion.
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> laura: all right, we are back in greenville, south carolina, justp four days ahea d of the g.o.p. primary where president trump is trouncing nikki haley in the polls. si have seen them. mr. president i have long said republicans should have a no state or city left behind strategy. bronald reagan had that stratey in 1980-1984, and you told maria bartiromo that you may e bronx orn th
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madison square garden. when will that be happening? >> former president trump: very soon.. we have nine months yet. squ i will see about madison square garden and we will go to the south bronx and we will go to queens and other areas because if you look at what has happened in new york. i'm not even blaming the mayor. the mayor has been told to takhe the backseat for a while because they came after him violently. they came after him indictingw him and now he is these are terrible people. so i'm not blaming him. i'm just saying 400, 500,000madi migrants, illegal migrants in new york. on madison avenue, they were sleeping on madison avenue, fifth avenue and it is horrible what is going on. i think it is a chance for new york to win because people are very, very unhappy. >> laura: a poll came out and in 2028 biden beat you by 23 points in new york but the latency and up poll biden is only had a few by 12 points and that is a rogue republicants
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presence. no ads, no nothing. you are winning men 47/40 but upside down women 54/29. how can you turn that around in new york with women voters quite mark again, many love your policies but maybe some of the other stuff they don't. >> former president trump: we are actually doing well withby women, we are leading by biden -- >> laura: we are talking about the 50 state strategy. >> former president trump: i 0 state'de to do the 5 strategy. i wish i had more confidence in the election and the way theys, accumulate ballots to be honest with you because i think we are doing well in california.nd but not 36 or 38 million. >> laura: this is a realw progress in new york,h significant poll with nosing republican advertising and latinos 41% in new york, african americans 26%. those are 40% increases from 2020. so with a little work and a lot of the states, knowing 12 senate
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seats. i'm from connecticut and why is connecticut down the tubes and why is illinois down the tubes? >> former president trump: new york, new jersey, very strong trump state. i if you win any of them you win the election. virginia is another one. new mexico we did great in new mexico. we have a good shot there. colorado is very interesting because of all o whef this messe had this group of people trying to take somebody out of the ballot. they say we are doing well inwe colorado. di think weoi are doing well everywhere but beating him nationally by a lot. in fact, wlot,e are winning thed popular vote by a lot. >> laura: when biden ran he placed he would pick a female vice president in 2020. what qualities are you looking for and your vice presidential pick? >> former president trump: always the first question to myp quality is somebody thatomeb hao be a good president because ifo something should happen, you ppenhave to have somebody who ia great president. everybody is talking about that.
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gentleman right over there. [cheers and applause] he's been so great. he's been a great advocate. i have to say and in a positive way, tim scott has been much better for me than himself. i watched his campaign. [laughter] he doesn't like talking aboutut himself but boy does he talk about trump. i called him, tim, you are better for me than yourself.n he is fantastic and a fantastic person. >> laurape: someone who can step into the role. the audience has been asked toth they think would be a good choice in various names came up. one of them was of coursene vivek ramaswamy who's made a big splash.ea ron desantis making an appearance in south carolina which is found out. obviously, tim scott, byron donald's and a big presence here for tulsi gabbard. very interesting. [applause]s and christine gnome christie
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noam as well. when can we expect that you will make your choice? >> former president trump: the one thing is the vp choice at no impact on whoever the president is it seems. , i remember when sarah palin ws picked and she had a big up and they went after her at a level nobody seen the pier the republicans themselves. >> laura: yo u will be a one-term president and you canps only serve for one term although they say you will neve hr leave office. yo su will never leave. there will never be another election again. .>> former president trump: he will never. leave, oh, these people. >> laura: for that reaso in it is important who you pick. >> former president trump: it is important, but look, as we said, it has to do with whoever -- it is an important position for that reason. you would like to get somebody who could help you from the voter standpoint and obviouslyeo come all of those people are good, solie d appeared and i wat people with common sense. they were so many things
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happening in the country that don't make sense't m. who wants an open border? who wants high interest rates? who wants all electric vehiclese you want to have choice ten you want to go to combustion, any hybrid. i think the hybrid are much better from that standpoint. but we were talking about -- we are talking about so much. it is all based on common sense. we want a strong military. we want strong choice in education. we want to have thingsucat i can make our country great again. what we are told with a open border is a disaster. we are destroying our country. we will change that fast and geo your energy prices down. >> laura: mr. president,ll thank you so much for e,we appreciate all your time. see you on the campaign trail t pier that is it for us >> todd: a fox news alert, president biden's youngest brother james, will face


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