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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> steve: welcome aboard, folks, coming up on 8:00 on wednesday, february 21, this is third hour of "fox and friends." >> lawrence: donald trump in a town hall on fox news. >> $350 million. everybody made money, no victim.
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>> steve: 400 chinese nationals, is california the new texas? >> ainsley: and a boeing plane made a landing after a wing of the plane starting to come off mid-air. >> steve: mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> griff: the wind is picking up in myrtle beach. having surfed in south carolina for three decades, i do folley, which is in charleston, and pauly island, south carolina.
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in the weather earlier i was looking andef was were flat and now picking up and you will see surfers out there. >> steve: they have the big primary on saturday. >> lawrence: laura ingraham interviewed donald trump. she wanted information on the latest price tag he is going to have to say. here is what the president said, watch. >> it is a form of navalny, a form of communism or fascismism. the guy is a nut job, i've known this and said it openly. no jury, no anything. leticia james is horrible attorney general in new york, campaigned on "i will get trump." we went through a trial, i'm innocent on everything and he fined me.
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if i didn't run, i wouldn't be having any of these lawsuits. nikki has no chance, if she did, they would go after her. they are sick and vicious. i don't care about revenge, my revenge will be success. >> lawrence: it is interesting he makes the case that no matter if me or nikki haley, they would be going after a republican. look at these images of politicians and celebrities that have photos with donald trump. everybody wanted to be in trump tower and wanted to be on celebrity apprentice, he got involved in politics and the criminal justice changed and news anchors changed. no matter me or nikki haley,
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they are going republicans. >> steve: nikki haley was in south carolina and her message was not what donald trump wanted to hear. she is looking forward to competing in south carolina this weekend and looking ahead to super tuesday. she said, this is not russia, we don't want someone to go get 99% of the vote and she said she would not kiss the ring of donald trump. she is taking him full on and they are going to have a battle, they are going to do battle. >> ainsley: real clear politics shows trump and nikki haley 36.5. if you watched the town hall with laura, donald trump was talking about paying $450 million, when you include interest. he said if you look at the eighth amendment, this should not be possible.
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excessive bail shall not be required or excessive, fines imposed or cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. my revenge will be my success. >> griff: success over not just getting re-elected to pushback on those he believes are politically attacking him like leticia james and lawrence, you mentioned trump tower, can you imagine if leticia james forces trump tower to be served for pennies? >> steve: she's ready. she said it last night. if he does not have funds to pay the judgment, we will seek judgement enforcement mechanism in court and ask the judge to seize his assets.
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>> he engaged in fraud and not just a simple mistake, slight oversight, variations were wildly exaggerated and staggering. last i checked, tourism is up and wall street is doing fine. >> steve: she can want to liquidate trump tower and park avenue and avenue of americas. there is plenty of trump properties. he was asked by laura if he's made a decision about paying the money, which is a lot to put up all the money. we'll have a lot of cash, that does not mean he can take it. sounds like he is going to appeal this as long as he can. >> lawrence: we only see her doing interviews going after don, not with migrants here
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illegally bashing our cops with chairs in shelters, no comment about violent crime happening in the city. she says there is a victim and never tells us who the victim is. that is what a lot of people in the business community is saying. if theres a victim, it would be banks, banks are saying he paid them back on time. we did it early and want to give them more money early. >> ainsley: jonathan turley said, is this fraud? he said banks made money and he paid them back. there is interest banks charge you, they made money, as well, and talked about different things, including whether or not he would debate joe biden. he said i would debate him now and talked about hunter and the border and talked about biden's mental acuity and vice president short list. >> he's declined, he was always
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sort of semi-declined if you go back 25 years. he was not one of the smarter people, he has tried to be president four times. if i felt diminished or declined in any way, i would know it and say i'm not running, somebody should talk to him. >> laura: will you challenge him to regular debates? >> i challenge him right now. i don't think he's going to debate. he is incompetent to go to court, he can be president. figure that know wo. >> laura: what qualities in your vice presidential pick? >> somebody that would be a good president, if something were to happen, have somebody that would, people are talking about that fellow there. tim scott. he's been better for me than he
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does for himself. he talks about trump. >> laura: oaudience asked abouta good choice and various names came up, vivek ramaswamy made a splash, ron desantis, who is appearing today in south carolina, we found out. tim scott, byron donald and big presence for tulsi gabbard and kristi noem, as well, i should say. are they all on your short list? >> they are. >> steve: and there is essentially what laura was talking about, it is interesting, he would hate to reveal his cards too early, it is a tease, who would i make as vice presidential nominee. he challenged joe biden to debate him and said, i don't think joe biden will do it. the reason and we detailed this earlier, the reason joe biden would say, donald trump did not
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take part in debates during the republican primary, why debate him? >> griff: in the same highlight reel trump is talking about biden's mental acuity and decline. this is not a political attack, the entire country is seeing a man in decline. if you choose not to debate trump, if you are joe biden, you a are -- >> steve: if the two of them are on a screen, as we saw last night, donald trump has a lot of energy. we saw this morning, joe biden struggling to get up the stairs on air force one, the short stairs. figure the biden campaign in wilmington are going, do we want that split screen?
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>> lawrence: goes to the question, why dodge donald trump? can he not do a debate? to argument of donald trump didn't show up to the republican debate. so did joe biden, he blocked debates. there is a democratic primary going on, they have muddeled with the system there, i don't think that argument holds weight. donald trump said, there is a difference in primary and general election. >> ainsley: biden's team will not allow him to debate donald trump. they are too scared, they are worried about the gaffes and might argue, we're not going to put them up to debate, you know where they stand. issues have changed. we've seen ukraine being invaded and israel being invaded, taiwan is worried, open borders, so much has changed. this story, dramatic spike in chinese nationals crossing the
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southern border. >> steve: fox business correspondent hillary vaughn has the latest. good morning. >> migrants are buying a plane ticket like booking a vacation, showing up with suitcases ready to join the migrants ready to roam free. we are seeing surge of people coming from china. cbp saw 450 chinese nationals cross the border illegally in san diego, more in three days than number of chinese migrants we saw enter in all of 2021 and lawmakers say this is a national security threat and an economic threat. >> chinese government using tiktok to spy on every american who has it on their phone and using tiktok to bring chinese nationals across the border. if you're a worker in this
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country, joe biden's open border policies are costing your job, your security and your family safety. it is out of control. >> griff jenkins talked to many chinese migrants coming over and asked them why they are coming. >> griff: okay. why did you come? >> take money. >> griff: money for job? >> yeah. >> griff: no job in china? >> maybe, i don't know. >> they aren't wrong. it pays to come, in new york, family much four migrants can make $15,000 a year in cash loaded credit card to pay for things like food. in massachusetts, cost of care is going through the roof, they are spending $64 per person to feed them and to feed and house a family of four, that added up to $93,000 a year. >> steve: hillary vaughn live in
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the russell rotundra. >> ainsley: parents in indiana taking their case to court. >> griff: they say over transgender care and improper pronoun usage. the attorney general of that state says it is not the case. >> steve: the kid told his parents he wanted different pronouns and the state took the kid away? >> lucas: that is right, catholic couple wants supreme court to weigh in, they say the child was taken away when they refused to call him his preferred name and pronouns. >> i will take the attorney general's word on this one, he said they had an eating disorder. if a parent can't take care of a child, it is obligation of the state to step in and ensure his
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or her welfare. >> lucas: indiana attorney general says petitioner child removed because the child had eating disorder and petitioners had not addressed it and it jeopardized the child's brain and bone health. the inner pas replied this is what every parent is afraid of. we were robbed of the opportunity by taking him from our home and banning us from speaking to him about gender. if this can happen in indiana, they say it can happen anywhere. >> lawrence: they need to show the child was harmed. >> ainsley: no negligent. does this mean they will take every child away if they have an eating disorder? >> steve: mom and dad, i want to identify by different pronouns, in that state, they would probably do it again.
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>> griff: this is about power. this is about that government in a republican stronghold, really flexing muscle. >> ainsley: child social services said it was nothing to do with pronouns, the child was not getting nutrients they needed for their bones. >> steve: they put the child in a gender affirming home. >> lawrence: the children run the household. >> steve: parents are going, wait, what? >> lawrence: right. carley has headlines. >> carley: texas search crews found body of audrey cunningham, in a river near her home. the 11 year old vanished while heading to school last week. prosecutors are preparing arrest warrants for a cunningham family friend. a report from texas in a few minutes on this tragic story. white house is preparing to announce major sanctions against
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russia on friday after death of putin critic alexei navalny. the european union demanding the russian president be held accountable, kremlin is rejecting eu's push for international investigation. an expert talked about putin's reign of terror. >> first defend the country, what putin seeks to do is erase, independent and sovereignty of ukraine and subgiigate its people. let them defend themselves and have funds they need to defend themselves. >> carley: navalny's mother is calling for release of his bodying filing a lawsuit in a russian court. a volcano near mexico city erupting two or three times per day near the
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volcano. happening today, james biden will sit for an interview on capitol hill as house republicans continue impeachment inquiry into president biden, today's testimony focus on $200,000 check given to the president from james. it was sent to joe biden same day james received a $200,000 payment from amerricorp. hunter biden will testify next week and his lawyers are looking to dismiss his tax case in california, pointing to indicted fbi informant accused of making up lies about a bribery scheme involving the bidens and said federal prosecutors mistook this photo of sawdust for cocaine. >> jonathan: it ignores the other photos of drug
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paraphernalia. they found his bag covered in cocaine, it was real cocaine on the gun. >> carley: hunter will testify a week from today. we told you yesterday about a driver in massachusetts finding themselves stuck in between two s.u.v.s after police say the driver mistook the gas pedal for the brake. no one was inside either parked s.u.v., here is the update. it was a female driver, she was taken to the hospital and expected to be okay. >> lawrence: glad she is going to be okay. i asked the question yesterday, was it a man or woman. >> steve: you didn't want to know. >> ainsley: you were implying you knew it was a woman. >> carley: well, he was right.
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>> ainsley: national highway traffic safety administration men cause average of 6.1 million accidents per year and women 4.1 million. boom. eat your words. >> lawrence: y'all are better drivers, when we crash, we don't go between cars. >> steve: that was very carefully done. listen, we just did a talking point based on something we talked about yesterday. set your dvr's in the morning, 6:00 a.m. eastern time through 9:00 a.m. and you never misanything. an update, this is crazy. two more people charged in the deadly super bowl parade shooting and the d.a. considering charging the parents of the juveniles, too. legal analysis next.
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>> ainsley: a flight makes emergency landing after that, look at the wing. >> through my window open and peeked out and the leading edge of the wing was destroyed. >> steve: can you imagine? that passenger will tell us what he looked out and saw coming up. god. we take this moment just to give you thanks. we thank you for this time to come together as a family, as friends, and as a country. help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. amen. join us in prayer this lent. on hallow. stay prayed up.
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>> ainsley: fox news alert, texas search crews have found the body of the missing 11-year-old audrey cunningham in a river. authorities are charging a family friend they believe killed her with murder. shelby rose is outside polk county jail. we are unable to hear her at this time. that is the picture of the 11-year-old girl. the guy who is going to be charged, person of interest yesterday, lived in the backyard in a railer. he has a long rap sheet. he said he would drop the little
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girl off at the bus stop and he never did and realized she was missing at 5:00 in the evening. >> steve: now he faces capital murder. speaking of murder, two adults charged in the super bowl parade shooting. two juveniles are being held in connection with the shooting and the d.a. suggested their parents could be charged. here is criminal defense attorney lexi friedman. names of two people not juvenile charged with second degree murder. sounds like there are a couple kids under 18 and so why not go after the parents if applicable. >> that is kind of the implication from the verdict, d.a.s might be trying this and
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the d.a. that spoke on the charges said we will hold everyone responsible we can. there has to be some type of conduct that would be criminal. you can't just be a bad parent not watching your kids. like with ethan crumbley, need to know if they had mental illness and provided them a weapon. >> steve: what if the kid is part of a gang and parents know the kid is in a gang. >> exactly, that is something the verdict in the crumbley case opened possibility for. those charges stuck and it worked. guilty verdict against his mother. parents have to be careful, especially in light of that verdict. >> steve: we don't know the circumstances or names. if your kid is in a gang, there is good possibility the kid has
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a gun. how often do you look in their room? >> it turns on foreseeability. foreseeability. if d.a. in this case can determine it was foreseeable the kids had access to a weapon and going to the parade, who knows. names are not public and information about juveniles is held tightly to the vest. >> steve: terrifying thing as we look at what happened a week ago, is the fact what prompted it was an argument between two people. they were just there in union station, sheer number of people with guns at the event. why didn't they run everybody through a mag netometer.
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>> right and the d.a. said they are looking for other shooters, there are four now and there might be others they are looking for. >> steve: rust armorer involuntary manslaughter case starts today. what do you think is going to happen? >> whatever happens will be followed closely by baldwin and his team. this is dress rehearsal for his trial. he will be able to assess what evidence and witnesses they used. if convicted, he will be able to say, if it occurs, this is on her, she had one job and didn't do it right. if she is
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acquitted, the case is more difficult against baldwin, who knows what happens to his charges. will it go by the wasteside? interesting what happens with her in terms of him. >> steve: no one knows better than you do. thank you. 8:30 in new york city and donald trump assuring voters he is focused on america first. >> i don't care about the revenge thing, will there be revenge? my revenge will be success. >> steve: that is coming up, plus with critics questioning joe biden's campaign is somebody waiting in the wings, plan b? >> going to california, is this about coming up with plan b for 2024? does gavin newsom need to stand by? >> are you ready? >> steve: i don't think he's referring to mark meredith.
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dana perino on this and so much more, you are watching "fox and friends" for a very busy wednesday. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza.
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improving our country in a town hall on fox news. joining us is dana perino. >> dana: how short? yeah, big and tall. >> lawrence: we tried to make it work, tried to get a pillow. >> dana: this is the best setup for us. >> lawrence: what did you think about performance? >> dana: laura ingraham did a good job. how you manage that and try to get to questions, she did a good job figuring that out. what you played about success will be revenge, new hampshire, he said, certain interview like success would be my retribution, in the martha and bret town hall. that is one of the best ways to
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turn that around. i think it is not rhetorical, he believes it and that helps him. >> lawrence: especially when it comes to suburban women he's struggling with right now. he had this to say about claims about voting fraud and mail-in vote. this is what the president said. >> if you had mail-in voting, you automatically have fraud. >> laura: there is mail-in voting in plored and you won huge. >> when you go into a voting place like in a properly run state, they look at you, you give voter id identification. california sent out 36 million ballots, don't have a voting booth and millions of ballots come back, nobody knows from where. >> lawrence: national polls and even in swing states, donald trump is beating joe biden right now. one achilles heel is mail-in
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votes and early voting. >> dana: and laura ingraham has talked about this before and he's talked about it. think how he's talking about it. he says mail-in voting, there is fraud. whole room applauds. we have to do it and be better at it because democrats are going to do it. last week his campaign was pushing out efforts that mail-in voting is something republicans could win on. he should flip that around. he might believe there is fraud in it. fine, whatever. if he says people need to do it, lead with that first and not make it second part of the sentence. >> lawrence: you don't want voters to think their vote doesn't count. and joe biden asked about president b. >> you are going to california, is this plan b for 2024?
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does gavin need to stand by? >> are you ready? >> yes, sir. >> i'm looking at you. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> lawrence: i think he will still be the nominee. >> dana: what would have been awesome, troll all of america if he said plan b is michele obama and the whole place, i told you. we would have that story line going forward. i can't stand when he stops at the helicopter to take questions. reporters should stand there like this and not ask a question, you can't have communication like this and white house count that as a news conference. >> lawrence: you have nikki haley, she had a speech yesterday, a lot of folks thought she would be out, but no. >> dana: i think she is realistic about her chances in
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south carolina and we'll have the united states ambassador to -- maybe bill hemmer, who knows. >> lawrence: midnight trouble, wing of a plane falls apart, watch. >> start taking bus or train. >> lawrence: maybe i won't get on that flight after the show. that passenger is up ahead. first will and pete on latest news hitting small-town america. is that a texas flag right there? off the grid, next. let's go. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else,
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>> ainsley: awesome. "off the grid," the nation's oldest gun manufacturer remington will shut its doors for good and relocate to georgia. the move will cost that tiny village 300 job and $1 million in lost revenue. joining us is pete hegseth in front of his tennessee flag and will cain in front of his texas
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flag. go off the grid and start with this story out of new york. new york will go in a different direction. the companies georgia is more supportive and welcoming of the firearm industry. will, what do you think? >> will: the thing that stood out most was somebody saying from that town, it is like we are losing our soul. i know something about this, small-town america, not suburban or urban america. pete, you are from forest lake. was it based upon one industry, one business? did you have a reason for the existence of forest lake? >> pete: a lot of people worked in the twin cities, not necessarily, but a lot of people did. >> will: in sherman we had johnson & johnson and folgers.
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when an industry dies, when something changes, you lose your sense of purpose, you lose your identity and population of a town. northeast is fascinating having lived there a decade plus. these little towns were specific, we made film here in rochester for eastman kodak. when the industries die, those towns begin to die. difference with this story with remington, that is an industry changing. this is not suicide, this is death by murder. remington is leaving because of laws and inhos pitability. they are moving to georgia. entire town is starting with losing soul it will lose population and begin to die. >> pete: absolutely right, this is what this town in central new
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york did. they made remmington for 200 years. new york used to be a free state. they could have gone 300 miles east into new hampshire. there are options and freedom-loving people in central new york. policies killed this company. you can make money making firearms and ammunition in america today because there is demand for it. you are losing money because of burden some regulations in new york city. they want to move somewhere where the second amendment actually exists, like tennessee or texas or in this case, georgia. and people will benefit from it. i encourage people from new york losing jobs, move with the company to georgia, keep the job, move out of the state that restricts freedoms you love. that is what i did, voted with
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feet. >> will: illustration of pete's point, remmington had to pay $78 million connected to shooting of sandy hook and that is one reason they are moving to georgia. >> ainsley: that is what elise stefanik says, too. she blames kathy hochul and former governor cuomo. talk about another story affecting small towns. this is colorado, they are banning gas-powered lawn equipment because of pollution, particle pollution. they say 671 thousand tons eshg 85 lent to 7 million cars. this time start with pete. >> pete: i guess the denver bronc bronc and colorado avalanche won't be flying in their jets for hundreds of games, little guy with chain saw and weed whacker.
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i bought an electric weed whacker and chain saw when i was trimming trees and contractors made fun of me, it only worked for 20 minutes. >> ainsley: will, how about you? >> will: here is what i would say, colorado, you're a beautiful state, you have the rocky mountains, i suggest you do not take a lesson from the state that is your model, california. california instituted another law similar to this, small engines that will implement in 2024. colorado, california has pacific ocean and mountains and they are losing people, you have beautiful mountains and beginning to lose people, don't model yourself on california, colorado. >> ainsley: thanks for joining us, i will go to south carolina and see you saturday morning. thank you. mid-air scare, a flight makes emergency landing after the wing starts to come apart mid-night.
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the passenger who took this video is next. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique.
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i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, i chose safelite. they replaced the glass and recalibrated my safety system. that's service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you.
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>> a sky high scare. united boeing 757 to boston from san francisco forced to make an emergency landing on monday as the wing of the plane started to come apart in midair.
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kevin clark took this video right here. he joins us now. kevin. this is terrifying. tell me what happened. >> we were just wrapping up our second race of the world pro-ski tour season in bear valley, california. about to get on a second leg of the flight to head back to boston. put my headphones in, ear bugs and neck pillow and went to sleep. i heard the most violent shuddering and shaking i ever experienced on a flight. it stopped within several seconds so i just nodded off, went back to sleep. how much later a pilot walked down the aisle and went behind me and looked out the window. went back to the cockpit and came on the p.a. system and said we'll be diverting to denver. there is some minor damage to the front of the wing. i immediately looked at the wing and the trailing edge of the
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strut was totally destroyed like you would see in a picture and at that point i'm like that's not little damage but the united pilot is confident enough to get us to denver we're on our way. >> you see it in the movies but don't think you will do it in real life. will it change your travel habits? >> i don't think so. you know, the pilot said flyability of the plane won't be affected. it's delamination of that composite trailing edge of the strut when it was down, came apart. i don't think it will change my travel plans, though. >> i only have 15 seconds left. what was the reaction to this video that you put out? >> it's been crazy. i have been getting news outlets from all over the country and world, in fact, wanting to speak to me. it has been a full day of travel. we didn't get off the plane in
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boston until 1:00. glad to be on the ground at home. >> we're glad you are here and safe. a lot of near misses, flying is getting more dangerous. have a great wednesday. thank you very much. all right. >> steve: it's good they could still drive the plane. >> ainsley: and land safely. you are heading down to south carolina right after the show. >> lawrence: i'll be in myrtle beach tomorrow and have breakfast. >> steve: on friday we'll host our program from columbia, south carolina. i believe we're not too far from the campus. >> ainsley: on saturday, for "fox & friends" weekend i will stick around down there. we'll be at a diner, lizard's thicket between 6:00 and 10:00 a.m. join us there. don't let us sit at the diners by ourselves. >> steve: south carolina here we come. >> ainsley: bye, everyone. >> she is here, down b


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