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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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st for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. >> president biden's brother, james biden, is still answering questions in the house impeachment inquiry against the president. we will not hear from him today as we expect but will get a transcript at some point in the near future. meanwhile, republicans are looking to press james biden about his older brother's alleged involvement in the business affairs, he said joe had no involvement whatsoever. the state department set to hold a briefing, and president biden in culver city, california at 3:45 eastern time. keep it here on fox news channel for all the news. "america reports". >> the fence just stops and
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turns into a barbed wire fence or some spots nothing at all. this problem is going on months here. >> the way the border operates here is different than in texas and based on the way the state runs the border walls. >> president biden should come to the border if he's in california. >> john: president biden set to speak later this afternoon en the los angeles area, but just 200 miles to the south, massive groups of migrants make their way across the new epicenter of the border crisis. john roberts, welcome to wednesday and to you. >> aishah: i'm aishah hasnie in for sandra smith. day after day capturing wild images on the southern border, large groups of migrants from all around the world crossing into california now, with many of them saying, john, they are here for work not asylum. >> john: the groups with some crossing through the dangerous rocky mountainside to get into the golden state are adding to
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the tally of the 7 million plus migrant apprehensions and 1.8 million got-aways since president biden took office. >> aishah: complete coverage with congressman darrell issa, he's going to join us live from the border why he believes this is all now a national security crisis. >> john: hillary vaughan on the startling number of chinese nationals making their way across, and bill melugin starts us off live in jacumba, california. what's the scene today? >> another busy day out here today, john. we just learned from border patrol which officially reported this san diego sector has had over 140,000 illegal crossings just since october 1st. of that, more than 20,000 have been chinese nationals and we just had more a few moments ago. right to the video. our team shot just up the road from where i'm standing, another group that crossed illegally,
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dozens from around the world, including china, ecuador, colombia. there were no border patrol agents on scene yet, they were asking us for help, they thought we were, an ngo showed up and gave them some firewood, it is very cold and chilly out here, this is the sort of thing we have been seeing in the san diego sector. caught up with some of the chinese. used a translator app and had a remarkable conversation with one of them, asked them how they got here and why they are here. take a listen. >> flew from turkey. >> turkey. airplane. did you land in tijuana, mexico? >> yes? >> yes. >> do you want a job, do you want to work? >> yes.
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>> you hear it there. they flew into turkey first, then flew into mexico via tijuana, and then walked across the border. they are not here to seek asylum, that gentleman was not, he's here for economic reasons and a lot of people have been commenting in our footage the people don't appear to have dirty clothes or that they have been walking for a long time. that's because a lot of them haven't. they are literally flying into different countries, then flying into mexico and then simply strolling across the border which is very open here in sanctuary state california. no razor wire or national guard or state troopers down here. they just walk in, wait for border patrol to pick them up and many have been telling us they are planning to go to sanctuary cities around the country. we hear a lot of chicago, denver and boston, but that was the first time we have been able to have a one-on-one conversation with a chinese national via the app telling us how they got here and why they are here. back to you. >> john: it really is remarkable, bill, what you learn
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with the folks when you talk to them directly. if he's here for a job, for money, he is not qualified for asylum. how do you send him back to china? >> that's a great question. we really don't have any repatriation agreements with china, he does not fear the chinese government, not persecuted, he should be technically removable, but china doesn't take back their citizens and once they consider they cross the u.s. border they really don't want to take them back. you'll have congressman issa in a few moments, he could answer some questions what the u.s. government would like to do about that but the state department will have to figure out something out with the countries who refuse to take their citizens back. >> john: he and others are probably here to stay. bill, thank you.
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>> aishah: team coverage on national security concerns at the border from all of these chinese migrants coming in. hillary vaughan is live on capitol hill and what are lawmakers saying about this? >> they are warning americans, they say the surge of migrants pouring from our adversary china threatens americans' safety and livelihoods. >> if the chinese government reaches long arm through the police stations we have allowed here in the united states to tap these people on the shoulder and tell them to steal, to attack, to crash the gates at our military bases, which they are currently doing, they call them nontraditional collectors they have to do it or they hold their families back in china liable. >> they are letting the chinese nationals come to the united states and take their jobs under our noses. they are not our friends, they are competitors, enemies. >> why some of the chinese are buying the plane tickets and booking their trip to cross the
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border illegally, they are coming for a job. griff jenkins said he is here because he wants the money. >> why did you come? >> take money. >> money? >> yes. >> no job in china? >> maybe, i don't know. >> and he's not the only one coming. when you look at the numbers, blow your mind. between saturday and monday, cbp saw over 450 chinese nationals cross the border illegally in san diego. that's more in the three days than the number of chinese migrants enter in all of 2021. the who us was asked about this by edward lawrence last week. they said they take this issue very seriously but really this is a problem for congress. they said the house should have passed and moved on their bipartisan border agreement and that's where they left it. aishah. >> aishah: a lot of concerns also about what kind of jobs they are doing. hillary vaughan, live on capitol hill, thank you.
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>> john: california republican congressman darrell issa, represents the district what appears to be the new epicenter of crossings. what are you seeing, what are your impressions? >> what we see is an increase algorithmicily in the people coming here. we get a lot of foreigners, romanians, russians and so on, but the 400 and growing chinese are a particular threat. one of the interesting things is the chinese told us that they came through turkey to mexico. now, both those countries require visas to come in. so, mexico violated their own visa law by allowing them to come in and then present themselves at our border in both cases without visas. >> john: so, how does that happen? is it the cartels that are facilitating all of this, and they basically are overrunning the mexican government?
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>> contrary to what president biden has said, it's about policy. we absolutely could turn back these chinese here based on the fact that they had already arrived in mexico, mexico wrongfully allowed them in, and mexico is allowing them in because they know they are not going to stay in mexico. again, under president trump, remain in mexico was a policy that would have prevented this. these people would never have come here under the administration. not a change in law, but a change in policies by this administration and that's what speaker is pushing back on with president joe biden. he's saying go back to the policies, we are not going to give you new laws when you don't enforce them and your policies are encouraging an invasion from a great men countries. one of the people i interviewed came from colombia, he said he is a communist leader but things are bad there so he's coming here to join his family in
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agriculture. that's the kind of thing this president should be stopping instead of his policies making happen in my district. >> john: you mentioned the increase, 2021, 450, last year, and this year not halfway through, 18,750. and bill melugin showed us an extraordinary moment yesterday in which he had a line of people who were waiting to be picked up by the border patrol and asked them where they were all from. watch this. >> where you from? >> india. >> china. china. >> ma'am, where you from? >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> john: ok, that brings up two issues, and let me hand them both to you. first of all, a national security component because if those folks are coming in from china they cannot be fully
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vetted, there's no agreements on doing background checks on their people. secondly, if you have folks coming in from china, kazakhstan, india, how do you remove them if they are not eligible for asylum? >> this is exactly a problem. by not pushing them back and keeping them in mexico, people from syria and other countries of that sort absolutely cannot be vetted and yet they are being released. we talked to the border patrol, had a briefing earlier this morning, the border patrol is releasing these people even if they are not asking based on credible fear. so one of the things that's really killing us is when people say they are just coming in for a job illegally, they are still being let loose and they won't be given a date anywhere close to ten years from now. so, realistically what they have is a ten-year get out of visa free, and that's the policy of this president, it's brought us in over 8 million additional people without vetting in most, if not all cases, and without
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any chance of removing them under this administration. >> john: quick if i could, congressman. what's the work pull. is there a specific job the folks are looking for? >> no. many of these people did not know what jobs some had families, some didn't, but they heard they would do jobs and better than in their own countries. and that may be true. but the parole process is very vague, many will go on public assistance, you see it in the major cities where they are sitting for long periods of time in housing, that's a problem, it's costing america, but most importantly, it's costing the legal migrants who are frustrated. >> john: congressman darrell issa, good to be with you, great state of california. >> welcome to my district. >> aishah: james biden making an appearance on capitol hill to
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take questions behind closed doors. did the republicans get the answers they wanted to continue the impeachment of president biden? next. >> john: the president cannot shake age concerns dogging his campaign. will democrats look to replace him because of that. is there a plan b. >> he's declined and there's no question about it. we have a nation to run. we have a nation that has to survive. in his best years he couldn't have negotiated. now he has no clue what's happening. bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke.
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>> aishah: we are getting our first bit of information coming out of the james biden closed door testimony happening on capitol hill right now. fox news digital has obtained the opening statement from his transcribed interview with the
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house oversight and judiciary committee. in that statement james biden is defending his older brother, president biden, telling lawmakers that the president has never had any involvement in his financial activities, what he just told them. sean duffy is a co-host on fox business, and jessica tarlov, welcome to both of you. john. >> john: jessica good to have you on the show. read from jim biden's opening statement, i have had a 50 year career in a variety of business ventures. joe biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities, none. do you take that at face value, jessica? >> yeah, you shouldn't go before a committee and tell lies, and i don't expect that james biden is doing that. l i don't know why jim comer and
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jordan thought it would be his brother to take him down, i'm surprised they have this high of a threshold for humiliation. every witness that they have called has decimated their argument, from devin archer to pe pe pe peter, and alexander smirnof found he lied about the $5 million that went to both of them and then even better. not only did he lie, he was lying because the russians were feeding him the disinformation. it's so embarrassing. i think jamie raskin was spot on when he said this impeachment inquiry really ended yesterday whether we found out we have a russian asset that was
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foundational to this impeachment inquiry, and jim comer and jordan should do something for their constituents, this is going nowhere. >> aishah: whether this is legal or not, we don't know that yet, even though james biden is saying my big brother had nothing to do with this, never involved, jamie comer says he has the receipts to prove that americorps wired $2 million into james and sarah's personal account, not a business account, and the same day wrote a $200,000 check from the same personal bank account to joe biden. so, some of the stuff is not adding up, and whether it's legal or not, again, we don't know, but at what point, and this is a question for jess say
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this doesn't look right, looks shady. >> it does look shady. joe biden says it's a loan, like every payment they say it's a loan. will jim biden have loan documents to show they had some agreement where money was given from joe to jim and then jim was paying him back with the $200,000, i don't know if we will see that. i don't know if jim brought that. jessica was talking about, you know, in this opening statement, you know, lies that -- why would jim biden lie to the american people, why would he lie to the committee. why would joe biden lie to the american people when he said i had nothing to do with my son's business dealings, i know nothing about my son's business dealings. now we found out joe biden was lying, he took phone calls with hunter biden and his business associates, went to business with his business associates. joe biden knows all too well that jim and hunter biden are making money off joe biden's
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name. did he make money from it, don't know that yet. the point i want to make, the house is a legislative body. they are to make laws, not to actually investigate crimes. they are doing that but really what should happen here is the fbi should be looking at this. doj should be looking at this. and because they become so partisan, they leave it up to the legislative body to try to find out information about these payments, and is joe biden -- is he corrupt? has he made money off of this? it belongs in the fbi. >> john: to sean's point, jessica, and to push back what you said, everybody that has testified before the committee said joe biden didn't have any involvement in this. tony testified before the committee and said the only reason any international business transactions took place with tens of millions flowing to the biden family is because joe biden was in high office. biden family business was joe biden, period. what do you say? >> well, i say that the senate
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themselves, including senate republicans have not found tony bobilinski to be credible. a great cable news interview, compelling for people what want to believe joe biden is gotti or mob boss, but the people with credibility like devon archer, for instance, have completely blown a hole through the argument. he's talked about the phone calls, the money, peter sherwin handled the books. i don't know a lot of family members who say i'll lend you some money, we got to get a good interest rate on this, make sure that i'm paid back in time, and he did pay him back. almost immediately also. it's like we are going to hear about hunter biden's loan for a car that he paid back. what we are really coming down to is that we are going to be discussing the difference between blowing lines of cocaine or sawdust.
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this is a waste of the american people's time and dollars to be doing this and republicans will be punished for it. >> jessica, rich brothers don't borrow money from poor brothers. jim biden is rich, joe biden is poor. joe biden is making millions around the world borrowing money from his brother. common sense here, too. we all heard from tony, he was on the network, he was a credible guy, he's a guy with information from inside the biden organization that says listen, this is what was going on. he went to the fbi. fbi refused to further investigate off of the information that tony gave. this whole thing wreaks and i hope we get all the information. if joe biden is clean as an american, i want to know that. but -- >> sean, this did not all center around smirnov's testimony.
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it was foundational. have a great day. >> john: as much embarrassment for the fbi as well. president biden fundraising in california after laughing off a question by fox on whether he's in the golden state seeking a plan b candidate for 2024. it's a question that keeps getting louder as biden faces growing concerns about his age. white house correspondent peter doocy is on the north lawn. have any of the alleged plan b candidates been asked about this. >> gavin newsom has been asked about this and he said he hopes to be invited to a second biden inauguration. president biden himself hoping to turn the premise of a plan b into a punch line. >> going to california, is this about coming up with a plan b for 2024? does gavin need to stand by? >> are you ready? >> yes, sir. >> i'm looking at you, i'm looking at you. >> talking to donors, biden said
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i'm 40 years old, times two, i may not run as i used to but i've been around long enough know what's going on. even though white house aides go to great lengths to prevent trip and falls, like using the air force one shorter stairs, there are some slips like this one and top democrats insist the president will ultimately have no problem wooing young voters. >> joe biden is definitely the strongest candidate to defeat donald trump. i think the momentum is on our side because the american people realize we need less chaos in washington, d.c. and more common sense and we are the common sense party. >> something else they are hoping will keep young people with democrats. president biden is going to announce 1.2 billion for 150,000 borrowers of student loan debt. >> aishah: nikki haley is making
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her final push in her home state with just days to go until south carolina primary. the former government promising not to quit despite trailing donald trump in polling. live from the campaign truly. >> john: a ruling on frozen embryos from alabama supreme court that could have sweeping implications for fertility treatments. legal issues patient us un undergoing ivf could face. u arer than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar treats depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults. proven full-spectrum relief for all bipolar 1 symptoms. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these
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>> aishah: she's not going away. nikki haley carrying on her long shot campaign against donald trump with just days now to go until the south carolina primary, coming fast. haley is trailing trump in her home state by nearly 30 points. still, she's telling voters she is not dropping out. let's go live to alexandria hoff in south carolina now following the haley campaign. hi, alex. >> hi, aishah. yeah, haley's point is only
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three states have voted so far in the primary, and after south carolina on saturday and the ten days, there will be 21 additional states and territories to cast ballots as well, and says those voters deserve a voice too. >> we deal with elections, let people's voices be heard. i wanted the people of south carolina to be able to vote, and michigan and the super tuesday states, we fight for the power of our voice. >> the former governor started the first of two events in the hour, a busy schedule this week. she wants to prove at least competitive saturday to keep the momentum goggles where. but the numbers in south carolina are on the former president's side. he arrived to the state briefly yesterday to take part in an exclusive town hall with laura ingraham. >> you shouldn't lose your home state, she's losing it bigly --
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i said bigly, bigly, but we are going to really do a job. >> today the haley campaign hit the former president for an sec filing. spent nearly $3 million on legal fees last month, on top of $50 million spent in donor money on legal bills last year, according to the "new york times". and haley says she fears the former president will use the rnc to fund his legal defense as well. he has endorsed his daughter in law laura to co-chair, and she's in south carolina campaigning for the former president. >> aishah: thanks, alex. >> john: now to alabama, a new court decision is sparking debate over the future of reproductive treatments. ruled that frozen embryos during fertility treatments are considered children under state law, after several couples issued wrongful death cases
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after frozen embryos were accidentally destroyed in an ivf storage facility. what impact could it have on patients seeking treatment and ivf. shannon bream. the court said unborn children are children without exception based on developmental stage, physical location or any other ancillary characteristics. in the past frozen embryos were considered property and now unborn children. what are the implications more broadly for in vitro fertilization techniques. >> in alabama, the specialists are trying to figure that out. the couples sued under 1872 state law that says you can sue over the death of a minor child, and you talked about the language from the decision and the justice who wrote for the majority of the court, the unborn child's location doesn't matter and cited back to
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something added to the state's constitution in 2018 says thshgs policy of the state to ensure the protection of the rights of unborn children. for pro life folks are celebrating this, recognizes that life in all stages and forms is valuable, but you have clinics and doctors in alabama saying what does it mean for us. how do we proceed for patient treatment. some are pausing treatment. it gave three couples the right to sue so now the case will proceed on the merit. >> aishah: you are saying the embryo could be in new york city and you could be in alabama. >> all the parties were in alabama. l>> aishah: they have to have their ducks in a row and considerations about what they want, that's good, but couples watching this and thinking we have had all our kids, we are go, don't want anymore. do they have to continue keeping those embryos frozen until they
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pass away? >> in alabama, that's a question. but remember, the law in question here is one that gives parents the right to sue over the death of a child. so if the parents are the ones who are the custody created those embryos, theft left them and said we are done with the family and will not move forward, they are the only ones with the right under the law to sue over those embryos. if they made the decision to destroy the 'eembryos the chanc to sue. >> john: when our children were born, we had ivf, all were implanted and two made it to full term. they have another one where they take all the embryos, test them to see which is the most viable and implant a single one, the best chance of getting pregnant and avoids the idea of multiples. that leaves a lot of embryos
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left over, more so than in the past. in the past you would transfer a lot of them, and now one. you transfer one, you have nine left, it's a new dilemma. >> it does, and the only one under the right would be the parents now, you could have a mom and dad split. think of a couple that broke up and they have embryos. that's where the case could be a problem for the ivf industry. but supporters of this decision celebrating it, a lot of folks in the pro life community say by their estimation, hundreds of millions of embryos are destroyed every year so they think it will cause people to make more careful decisions. >> think about if a spouse passes a way and in-law, an episode out of "virgin river." it's out there. it's a good show. >> aishah: the state department is taking questions from reporters as controversy swirling over president biden's former top envoy to iran, plus
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this. >> we have had people reporting they have had blackouts can last up to 3 to 5 days. it's very sad and difficult to see in a first world country. >> john: harm reduction group working to prevent drug users from overdosing in philadelphia's open air drug market. is the city now saying they don't want their help. we'll speak with the executive director on savage sisters where some are saying they are making the crisis worse.
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warfare. >> aishah: philadelphia's kensington neighborhood has turned into an open air drug market but a group called savage sisters says the city is pushing them out of the neighborhood, claiming they have done more harm than good and are attracting more drug users to the area. joining us from philadelphia is sarah laurel, the executive director of savage sisters. good to see you and good to have you here. real briefly if you can, how do you actually get in there and help some of these users that we just heard from? >> specifically at our drop-in center in kensington, we offer shower and wound care and street clean-ups -- >> aishah: sarah, obviously you are getting a lot of pushback as philadelphia tries to clean unthe area, specifically from some council members. i want to pull up this quote
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from the kensington caucus that are slamming these prevention centers. they say families live here, children walk these streets to get to school and kensington is their home. they did not ask for this and they deserve better. the neighborhood can no longer be the home of an open air drug market nor organizations that encourage the market to thrive. what do you think of that? some of the council members are saying that organizations like yours are actually attracting these folks? >> i think it's a scapegoat. the open air drug market has been there for a very long time and the work that savage sisters does is in response to the toxic drug supply. we offer showers and wound care and other harm reduction organizations are offering public health services that serve the community, and health and wellness, lower infectious diseases spreading throughout the community and alleviate some of the numbers of people going
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to hospitals and situations like that. so we saved the city millions of dollars, and we are responding to the toxic drug market. >> and you know, the mayor's office, i want to point out, has not commented on this, fox news reached out for comment and they haven't yet. but mayor parker, i believe, recently, as recent as just last month, suggested bringing in the national guard to kensington to try to clean up the area. what would that actually do to some of these people who desperately need help? >> they did that in 2020. i live in kensington as well as a resident, and the national guard cannot interfere on these kinds of issues. they cannot do that. the local police are going to have to be the ones that take the lead here and i think it's really unfair to put this burden -- it's social work and harm reduction and public health work. it does not belong to the police
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or law enforcement. >> aishah: and you obviously cannot do this alone, what is the solution? what would you say to the mayor, you know, to not only keep you there, but to hopefully get some more help for organizations like yours. >> myself and other harm reduction organizations would like a promise that services will not be suspended. these public health services are vital to the community's health and we would also like to be brought to the table. we have been doing this work for years. we are members of the community and we think we are uniquely qualified to serve and help this program. if she wants to do enforcement going forward, we would like to have it done using evidence-based practices. >> aishah: i can tell you have a heart for this, a live passion of yours, we'll see if philadelphia allows you to stay
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and continue your work. sarah laurel, thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> john: russia arresting an american ballerina accusing her of treason for giving a $50 donation to a ukrainian charity. congressman michael waltz on the growing list of americans held by russia. >> aishah: a tragic ending, authorities find the body of a missing girl in a texas river and what we are learning about the suspect now charged with her murder. >> the question everything is asking, why did this guy have any access to the 11-year-old girl, with the rap sheet he had which is a mile long. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong.
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>> john: heartbreaking discovery. the body of 11-year-old audrey cunningham found in a texas river five miles from her home after she disappeared on the way to school. and a neighbor who lives behind her home in a trailer is charged with capital murder. jonathan hunt, such a terrible ending to the long search, john. >> just awful, john. five days as you said after she went missing and just 24 hours
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after the sheriff had said he still held out hope of finding audrey cunningham alive, her family's worst fears were confirmed. audrey's body discovered in a river about an hour north of houston and just a few miles from her home. >> my heart aches with this news and i express with my deepest sympathy and condolences for everyone who knew, cared for and loved audrey. >> 42-year-old don steven mcdougall is charged with murder. he has a long criminal record and was arrested the day after audrey disappeared, and held then on an unrelated assault charge. he's been described by police as a friend of audrey's father, and apparently lives in a camper behind the home where audrey and the father lived about an hour north of houston, as i said. police say mcdougall admitted he
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left the property with audrey to take her to her school bus stop, something he had done on previous occasions when audrey's father was at work. she never got on the school bus thursday and never made it to school. the district attorney says if the evidence supports it, prosecutors will seek the death penalty. john. >> john: sad ending, aishah. >> aishah: unmanned iranian-made houthi vessel in the red sea is posing a new threat to u.s. war ships, so what will it take for the u.s. to finally deter their aggression? we'll talk with pentagon press secretary sabrina singh next. >> john: former president trump's most valuable new york properties in jeopardy after a bombshell warning.
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>> aishah: listen to this, suspension of president biden's ex-envoy from iran is facing a probe. rob mally's sudden departure raised a lot of eyebrows in june. rich, what do we know about this? >> good afternoon, aishah. the inspector general is also looking into the state department and how it handled this entire situation.
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you've got diplomatic security back last spring suspended rob malley's security clearance, and looking into him and the handling of classified information. house foreign affairs chairman tells fox news for months the biden administration has withheld critical information from congress and the american people about special envoy for iran rob malley suspension and the ties to influenced campaign in the united states. reckless and misguided policy toward iran, it's more alarming. he worked to get them back into the iran nuclear deal and secure american citizens held in vine. they are only maintaining that officials are cooperating. >> i won't speak on behalf of the inspector general, they
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should be the ones to confirm or not confirm an investigation. i will say when it comes to inspector general investigations, we always comply with those fully and will continue to do so. >> the u.s. relationship with iran has come into more focus especially as iran-backed militias like houthi and yemen are attacking and hitting positions in the middle east, leading to the deaths of three american service members. aishah. >> aishah: we are going to get to that with sabrina singh shortly. thank you. >> john: all eyes on capitol hill this afternoon where james biden is speaking to house lawmakers behind closed doors and giving a full-throated defense of his older brother, and that's where we start our hour two of "america reports". john roberts. >> aishah: aishah hasnie in for sandra smith, this is "america reports". according to an opening statement obtained by fox news digital, james


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