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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  February 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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today. >> greg: out of time. thank you to our studio! i love you, america. [cheers and applause] >> trace: good evening. i'm trace gallagher. it's 11:00 p.m. on the
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east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles, and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night." breaking tonight, we now have the body cam video released to the public showing the shocking moment a stolen car crashes, flips, and then smashes onto a seattle police cruiser, and the suspects were armed juveniles, a growing trend we have seen across the country. so where are the parents, and should they be held responsible? suddenly that question is very relevant. matt finn, live with more of the video instrument details. good evening. >> we begin in seattle with that silent police body camera video that shows the stunning moment a stolen car crashes and flips over and onto a police squad car. police say three juveniles stole the car and were recklessly driving it on a bad rim. the driver of the stolen car crashes into a car and ends up flipping onto the police cruiser. fortunately, the officer was not hurt, and he rushed to assist the teens in the car and the
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person he was hit. police say they recovered a pistol with a 30-round extended magazine from the scene that one of the juveniles tossed. in the south, the tennessee state senate has passed a first consideration of the parental accountability act, which would require parents pay $1,000 fine for any child who is found guilty of their second or third criminal offense, or delinquent act. the bill is aimed at incentivizing parents to take responsibility for their child by finding them. it comes at the same time as a high-profile trial for the father of the 2021 oxford, michigan, school shooter underway right now. a jury already convicted the mother, jennifer crumbley, for involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors argue she failed to present her son, ethan, who was 15 at the time, from harming others. the mother and father of the first ever parents to be charged in connection with the school shooting. >> in this case, the circumstances were so egregious. the jurors said the reason they convicted primarily was because the mother was the last one to handle the gun, but there was
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also the fact that he's 15, shouldn't have had a gun to begin with, he was supposed to secure it. >> ethan crumbley, the shooter, was sentenced to life in prison for shooting four classmates and injuring six others, trace. >> trace: let's bring in los angeles business owners and christina pascucci. we appreciate you coming on. we'll use a lot of video to illustrate this first, because you say that a naked homeless female has tormented your business, there's a lot of video we can't show because of this, but there's a lot of video you gave us about the homeless problems you have seen at your business. it gets worse every year. >> it gets worse every day. it's not getting any better anytime soon. that woman was torturing us all weekend. friday through sunday, that is our bread and butter time period from friday to sunday, she was yelling, screaming, smoking, trying to break pieces off of cars. i called the police, no
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response, and then on sunday the culmination, she has passed out across the street from people dining outside, completely naked. the worst part about it, trace, i told my city councilmember about it, sent her the pictures of it. she sent me back an email that said, "you are crossing a boundary by sending these pictures to my office." >> trace: we will have christina remedy that in a minute, but you've had multiple break-ins, you have the video. what do you do about these break-ins? it's weird, because business owners won't report this because they are afraid of insurance rates going up, and they are afraid of the police not showing up. >> usually the police don't show up. whenever you call that you have a problem, they don't want to show up. so let's make it small, five years, probably 17 break-in attempts, and i live a couple blocks away. we see them in the camera, we run over there, usually we catch them and the police tell us not
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to hold them, that it's illegal to do that, and tell us that it could be dangerous, they could have guns, and they give them all the rights to do whatever they want. if they cause any damage, you need to find loopholes in the law in order to get some money back from them. it's pretty hard to do. it's doable but it's pretty hard to do. >> trace: kind of a shame when you tie the hands of business owners and give criminals the leeway to do whatever they want to. christina pascucci, i want to put this up in the screen. these are l.a. crime stats. 2020, 2023, total major crime up, city property crime way up, citywide violent crime. you are running on this. this is a big platform for you. >> i was in san francisco last week and they are dealing with much of the same that you've reported on. i am so sorry for what you guys are dealing with. it's inexcusable. i'm running as a jfk-era democrat because i'm pro-business because i don't condone a lot of the democratic policies we see that lend themselves to these, and we need to do things like repeal or
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amend prop 47 to discourage repeat offenders from reoffending and not facing more serious consequences. we need to hold criminals accountable, address the homelessness situation. it just pains me to hear what they're dealing with. i think what people are craving so much is just common sense, and we are lacking it in our policies right now. >> trace: really are. i want to play more than video, the juveniles grabbed the car and flip it over and ends up ona patrol car. it has nothing to do with your business, but still, it is important that everybody get a look at this kind of stuff, because it's happening across the country. the same thing in a different capacity is happening to businesses in california and so on and so forth. we go every day you see levels of depravity that are depressing, and now with l.a.p.d. dropping the low -- they are right at about 8,000. they should be at 11,000. the fire department, grossly understaffed. right now it is an emergency
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services situation, and the homeless are sucking it all out of them right now. 80% of all fire department calls our rescue versus fire. 80% of all the rescue calls are for homeless. >> it's crazy. two videos i want to show. this one is suspect brazenly robbing a gucci store in new york. and they just calmly walked out. the next one i want to show it as a woman also in new york, in manhattan, tearing through this pet store, kicking cages. she's going around swatting cell phones. it's kind of amazing, some of the things you see, slapping the tourists. some woman from texas got slapped. you see this and it happens all the time of their period to you on this thing, it's not the amount of crimes, it is how brazen and bold these crimes are getting. >> yes, and you need to know how to deal with it. for my business, i put a magnetic door. after they grab something, they cannot actually leave.
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you need to find a way to protect yourself, because nobody else will do it. the insurance companies don't want to pay for this. they give you a very high cost of insurance, and then you have a very high cost of deductible, so you can take it as every $3,000 you've lost, you've lost the money. daily, you lose $3,000 every day and nobody really cares. >> trace: it's really true. i want to go to christina about the print till accountability act, the court assessing a fine against a child found to be delinquent for a second or subsequent delinquent act. the fine must be paid by the child's parent. this is growing across the country. we heard about the school shooter's mom prosecuted for this. it is growing. should the parents be held accountable? >> they bear some level responsibly for kids, and especially in the michigan case i understand t why the court rud the way it did. it's important to look at the history of this. back in 1903, coloradans were the first to hold parents
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accountable. when we see an uptick in juvenile crimes we revisit this conversation again, and the data shows it doesn't actually really prevent those kinds from happening. i would argue, in addition to looking at laws like this, perhaps we should get back to basics and look at things like mental health for our kids, preventing child abuse, making sure they can't get access to guns at such a young age, things like that. >> thank you very much. we appreciate your time. meantime, we are getting brand-new reaction to more illegal immigrants confronting new york police. this fight broke out at a tent shelter on randall's island, and it comes after another attack on new york police in times square. the head of the new york police union calls it "mind-boggling" that anyone would release such dangerous suspects. ashley strohmier is live in new york with more on this. good evening, and welcome back. >> thank you, good to see you. it was another mass migrant brawl here in new york city, when police were called to eject a nonresident at the 3000-bed market shelter at randall's island.
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officers were hit in the head with a bookbag and had water bottles hurled at them while they were trying to make an arrest. the man who sparked that disturbance was charged, but the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg declined to prosecute and the case was sealed. in another case, charge or being at the center of that assault on a pair of nypd officers in times square, back in court yesterday. he was able to post $15,000 bail, and the court wants to know where it came from. but newark's police union wants to know why he was ever released in the first place. listen. >> we know he has at least four open cases. he was arrested multiple times. what makes anybody think that he is going to behave on the streets of the city of new york? >> meanwhile, take a look at this wild video of a police chase from just outside the nation's capital in nearby montgomery county maryland. the footage captures a stolen
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maryland state tow truck plowing right through other cars and police cruisers before stopping in silver spring, maryland. according to immigration and customs enforcement, the man accused of stealing that truck is a nicaraguan citizen who was in the u.s. illegally. you will be transferred to a detention center once he is released from the hospital, trace. >> trace: ashley strohmier, thank you. let's bring in harlem resident ruth mcdaniels and chicago resident. to you first, because i want to play some sound from harlem residents really going after the mayor, eric adams. watch and i will get your response. >> if there is some housing that is available to provide for asylum-seekers, then that same housing should be first priority to those who are already here. [applause] we are oversaturated. in every borough.
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>> trace: ruth mcdaniels, it's true. it's oversaturated in harlem and all of new york, and there doesn't seem to be a fix anywhere. >> no. >> trace: i'm sorry, ruth. >> you are correct. you are absolutely correct. until they start creating permanent housing, what are we going to keep doing? we keep having shelters. people aren't going to have a chance to even get an apartment if you continue to behave like that in city shelters, because charged with a crime in a new york city shelter can take away chances of you getting any kind of section 8. so what are we going to do? keep them in the shelter system? >> trace: it's a very good question, and it's happening across the country. to you now, because he is chicago mayor brandon johnson saying what he always says. watch. >> this is unsustainable. this is unprecedented.
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the amount of people who are arriving in the city of chicago. >> trace: unsustainable, unprecedented, and yet it goes on and on, and the people who are feeling the biggest effects are you and your coresidence. >> with no end in sight. what bothers me about this is that it can end at any time. all we have to do is get rid of our sanctuary city status. it's very, very simple. all we have to do is stop the buses from coming. all we have to do is what we are supposed to do. if you're going to maintain the sanctuary city status, say to these people, all that we are responsible for is not reporting you to the authorities. we are not responsible for taking care of an men. until we realize what our role is really supposed to be, all of us that are calling ourselves sanctuary cities are going to continue to have these problems.
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why would they stop coming if we are going to provide everything for them that they need to? and if we are going to make them a priority over the people who are already in these cities? >> trace: it's a very fair question, and i'm going back now to ruth mcdaniels, because i want to put the set. this is the southwest border encounters, just to give everybody a big picture. this is since president biden took office, 1.8 million got-aways, the ones that we have no idea where they are. it is 9 million plus people, ruth, and you know if there's 9 million coming across that more are coming to your area soon. >> i have no problem personally with the immigrants. i mean, everybody wants a better life. america has always been the promised land for a lot of people, and what does that promised land look like? if we don't dictate to them what it should look like, they're going to paint their own narratives. so everybody who is in
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law enforcement has to be told, we have to definitely influence the mindset, because these people have not had any formal training in a civilized -- and when i say civilized, in a city atmosphere. they are coming from rural areas. maslow's hierarchy of needs, people are in survival mode. we can talk about how we don't want them, where they should be, but the fact of the matter is they are here, and they've got to act like they are somewhere. they've got to act like they're in the promised land. bringing the police is the wrong action. >> question is, what do we do? because they are going to keep coming. whether you are in favor or against it, they are going to show up, and they are getting preferential treatment in these sanctuary areas. >> that's a problem. >> one of the things i want to say is that right and wrong is universal.
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regardless of where you're coming from, there are rules to be followed, there are things you have to go through, there are things you are going to have to wait for. the people here in the city of chicago who are homeless and people who have marginal incomes have been waiting on assistance and help for many years. so you just have to wait in line like everybody else. i don't like the fact that -- and i understand, i always say that we don't want to demonize the migrants, but i do want to say that there were people here before you who have the same basic needs that we are meeting. and it is unfair that people who need it, who live here, who were born here, are not able to take advantage of even the same things that the migrants are being given. that's the problem. >> trace: it's a very good point. we are out of time. thank you both for your insight on this. we very much appreciate it.
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meantime, the president's brother, james biden, facing intense questioning on capitol hill as lawmakers try to figure out if president biden was more involved in foreign business dealings and he has let on. the senior national correspondent, kevin corke, is live in d.c. with the latest on that. >> in his opening statement to the house oversight and judiciary committees, james biden said he had nothing to hide and accused republicans who have suggested that he improperly benefited from his brothers status of being either mistaken, ill-informed, or flat out lying. "i have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures. jill biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities. none. the negative and destructive assumptions about me and my relationship with my brother, joe, are wrong. there is no basis for this inquiry to continue." so there's that. but on capitol hill, as you can
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imagine, there was anything but unanimity on that subject. republicans, for example, they are forging ahead, they say, on behalf of the american people. >> as a member of congress, i don't trust the justice system. the american people don't, either. we need to restore that trust and that's what we're trying to do. >> it seems like they are giving up the ghost on impeachment. therefore, they should really close down the impeachment investigation. there is no reason for us to be wasting any more tax dollars on this wild-goose chase. >> ja jamie raskin there. he also said as intimate checks he wrote in 2017 and 2018 were in fact loan repayments, trace. >> trace: kevin corke live for us in d.c. let's bring in pam bondi. it's great to see you. thank you for coming on. this is james biden. he said the following in his opening statement.
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"i have a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures. joe biden has ever had any involvement or direct or indirect financial interest in those activities, none." but tony bob belinsky said this "the only reason why these transactions took place with tens of millions of dollars flowing greatly to the biden family was because joe biden was in high office. the biden family business was joe biden, period." everyone is focusing on james. the media and everybody has forgotten about tony bobulinski and he has records to back it up. >> he shared as pretty has the records, whatsapp messages where hunter biden said he was in the room with joe biden. they said devon archer that she said they had joe biden on speakerphone when they were dealing with foreign businesses, and people need to understand, this is a national security issue. joe biden had countless pseudonyms in the white house.
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over 82,000 emails. it is unbelievable it was happening. so yeah, there's a lot of evidence to incriminate them. all james comer is doing is following the money, and the money is what is going to get them every time. the granddaughter was even receiving money from this. >> trace: don't forget, he's a banker, he knows how to follow money. here is new york attorney general letitia james on trump's $350 million judgment. watch. >> if he doesn't have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> trace: she won't say his name, but man, she is going after him with everything she has. >> she has a vendetta. she campaigned on this, trace, if you remember. "i'm going to get donald trump." before she saw one business record. there are no victims, the banks were paid back and they were
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paid back early. they were happy. cpa player listed evaluations on these properties. i'm confident as a former attorney general that donald trump will prevail on appeal, and what's happening, instead of fighting violent crime, this is what she is doing. when i was attorney general, florida surpassed new york because i thought violent crime. i thought the opioid addiction, human trafficking, and rick scott was governor. he added 1.7 million jobs in our state. we were ranked number one in education. rick scott was a great governor. that's why we surpassed new york, and now, remington is leaving new york after two centuries, leaving new york. all the businesses are going to flee from new york because of letitia james, trace. >> trace: it is an amazing development. it's great to have you on. thank you, lee appreciate it. coming up, another flight, another unruly passenger. how people on board stepped in
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to help this time. and later in the nightcap, nasa is looking for volunteers to live on a mars replica in houston for an entire year. the deal is this, you and the crew live in the 1700 square-foot habitat, cut off from the outside world, facing a variety of risky challenges. it helps if you are strong in math, engineering, flying planes, or some unique talent. would you do it? and why would you be a good candidate? let us know, x and instagram. we will be the best responses in the nightcap. 8:21 on the west coast, a "fox news @ night" trip across america. that's seattle, home to the dumb wall , an entire wall filled with filled with chewed gum. by law you must give your victim a verbal or written notice. common sense may need to weigh in on that. we are coming right back. ♪ ♪ downy unstoppables in wash scent booster keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone.
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>> trace: win or lose, nikki haley has vowed to keep going, but with just three days until the south carolina primary, and trump leading by a bunch, it could be haley's last hurrah. let's get back to kevin corke with a primary preview. >> the former south carolina governor's closing argument is straight forward. if trump is the nominee this fall, the democrats will win again. admittedly, that is quite a pitch, especially considering that haley is losing but over 30 points, and much of the polling in the palmetto state with just three days to go before the primary. but it is still likely the best punch she has at this point in the race. >> he's already had i think three verdicts against him now, over half a billion dollars is
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going to have to pay. all he talks about is these court cases. he's not talking about the american people. pico as for the former president, he's convinced he's well on his way to a blowout viy in south carolina and he expectn wrapped up in short order no matter how long nikki haley tries to stay in this race. >> she's doing poorly. if she was doing well, i'd understand it come that she's doing very poorly. she lost in record numbers in iowa, record numbers in new hampshire. nevada. >> and for just a bit of context, in the very latest suffolk university "usa today" poll, the former president leleadsby a 63 to 35 margin, tr. as you know, and politics, if you are down by 10, you are getting drubbed. down by 28, that's a whole other ball game. >> trace: that is a
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shellacking. let's bring in stephanie hamill, contributing writer, and sent to brown, managing editor at you heard kevin. he was nikki haley, what she said three weeks ago. watch. >> what i do think i need to do is show that i'm building momentum. i need to show that i'm stronger in south carolina than new hampshire. does that have to be win it? i don't think that necessarily has to be win, but it certainly has to be better than i did in new hampshire and it certainly has to be close. >> trace: certainly has to better than new hampshire, certainly has to be close. as kevin corke just said, it's not close. she's down by 28. is it over? >> it seems like a math is not there for her no matter how you added it up. they said they expect the former president to clinch the majority of the delegates by mid-march. that includes only about a week even as she performs as well as she did in new hampshire,
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including all the super tuesday states. so the math doesn't seem to be there. that was when there was a big field, and now that it's just her and trump she's not really building anything. >> trace: lets combine a little bit of media and politics. joe rogan thinks the democrats are going to get rid of biden and pick up california governor gavin newsom. watch. >> no, i think they'll get rid of him. i think you're going to move him out. it will force him to step down. that's what i think. if i had to guess, and it's just speculation, i would say they are setting up gavin newsom for it. >> trace: don't forget, kamala harris is somewhere in that mix. what do you think? >> it is quite fascinating what joe rogan just said they are. there's lot of people who believe that gavin newsom is setting himself up for a presidential run in case biden doesn't continue on. he's the plan b, if you will. as for the media and how they are handling this, they are still supporting divided in many ways, but some of the regular allies are starting to question
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whether or not biden has it and if he's capable to be president again. we will have to continue to watch how they are treating this, the for now they're still with biden. 87% of the coverage against former president trump is negative, and they are talking policy like immigration and doing the russia stuff, trying to compare trump once again. >> trace: the monmouth direction of the country, right track, wrong track, 70 percent right track. wrong track, 69%. 17%, spencer brown, is anemic, i guess, for lack of a better term. >> completely. i think you're seeing the white house and the biden campaign trying to enact this battle on two fronts. not only do americans believe rightly that the countries moving in the wrong direction, they don't even think biden is capable of continuing to fill the role of president. we have the gout poll were 61% of americans say he doesn't deserve a second term, and you have an "abc news" poll showing that radiate and 87%
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of the country think he is too run again. they are trying to convince people he's even up to the job for another four years. >> trace: this is the biden policy ratings. jobs and infrastructure, his approval, 49%. infrastructure, 53. inflation, 63. these are all underwater. these are the disapproval numbers. foreign policy way underwater, immigration totally flipped upside down, stephanie. these are bad numbers if you are running for reelection. >> exactly. you hit the nail on the head, trace. if you look at the polling numbers, one could argue it's a dire situation for a president seeking reelection. those are some of the things you listed off, but there's other things like support among black, hispanics, young people. trump is ahead and a lot of those categories and i noticed the white house rolled out their student loan debt cancellation, $1.2 billion today. could it possibly be because of his polling numbers with the young people? >> trace: could be, yeah.
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i've got to go, spencer, but i just got this in. at a fund-raiser tonight, the president referred to republican lawmakers as being more racist than strom thurmond. what is your take on that? >> given biden's relationship with senator thurmond, that should mean he loves them, because he was a big fan, worked closely with him. i believe he called him his closest friend at one point in the senate. if that's true, he should be much to republicans. >> trace: thank you both. and coming up, parents who refused to provide gender transition care for their kids could actually be considered abusive under a proposed bill. one of america's great writers joins us next, and still had come a major city in argentina just got invaded by an army of insects. a company in utah looking out for the dogs that look out for us. the day's best viral are next. and mystic, connecticut. how long do you think since
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julia roberts had a piece of pizza there? we are coming back. peachy k keenan, next. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that. we need strength and comfort.
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for winning protection— go with simparica trio. ♪ ♪ >> trace: just in to "fox news @ night," video from chicago. it's a flight from new mexico to chicago, showing flight attendants and passengers using duct tape to restrain a man after he tried to open an airplane door. the incident forced the american airlines flight to actually return to the airport in new mexico. as you might imagine, a whole lot of very frustrated passengers. we will let you know as we get more information on this story. ♪ ♪ meantime, the "fox news @ night" common sense department has has some thoughts on the national multiple sclerosis society parting ways with 90-year-old fran itkoff who served as a volunteer for 60 years and whose
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husband died of ms. it turns out fran made the horrifying mistake of not understanding how to use pronouns in your email signature and then asking another volunteer for help. the ms society it sent her a note saying she failed to abide by their diversity, equity, and inclusion guidelines, and fran was asked to then step away from her volunteer role. the ms society went on to explain that it is deeply dedicated to dei, and common sense can see that, because nothing screams inclusivity more than giving the boot to a 90-year-old disabled woman who doesn't know how to sign off with the proper pronoun. but now the ms society's apologizing. they are not inviting fran back, mind you, but apologizing for not having more conversations with fran before cutting or loose, saying they could've done a better job of explaining the mandates, and they could at least say, "hey, fran, get woke
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or go home." for decades we have been hearing that multiple sclerosis can happen to anyone, that ms does not discriminate. but the ms society appears to have a different motto. with that, let's bring in peachy keenan, author of "domestic extremist." great to have you on. the 90-year-old woman explaining herself here, listen to this very quickly and we'll get your take on this. >> i was confused. i didn't know what it was, what it meant, and i had seen it on a couple of letters that come in after the person's name. they had the pronouns. but i didn't know what that meant. >> trace: 90 years old, she doesn't know what the pronouns are at the end of the email. i look at it sometimes. nobody knows what that means, especially if you are 90 years old. >> isn't inclusion so fun these days, especially if you are 90 years old? imagine being 90 and having to navigate people with pronouns like ze/zer.
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what did she do when she has to go to a nursing home and uses the wrong pronouns on the ze/zer nurse there? it's terrifying we are putting these old women through. >> trace: it is. you are catholic, very proud of the fact that you are catholic. you say it's great for families and so forth. i read your book. but you took a swipe at catholic charities. he wrote the following, quoting here. "this wave of violence sweeping the country does not bother the open border christians. they turned a blind eye to the human suffering inflicted not just on regular americans, but on the children getting sold, stolen, raped, traffic, drugged, and abused. why are they so willing to allow americans to be raped and pillaged by third world's who care nothing for our values, time-honored traditions, or morals?" you are not making this stuff up. it's happening and it needs to be brought to life. >> that's right. catholic charities and billions of dollars, taxpayer money that the federal government gives
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them, to fly people over to central america and get them into this country, and they set them up. and we are paying for it. and i get accused of posting hate speech when i say maybe we should consider some border control here, and they say, "don't you love your neighbor? jesus commands us to love our neighbor." i love them so much, and want to protect them and keep them safe. >> trace: that's what i say. you talk to these people are catholic and say the same thing, remember that you are hurting the people that you are so vehemently trying to help, the people in underserved cities that are getting flooded with these migrants. let's move now to the examiner, the "washington examiner" says the following. quoting here, "the illinois bill would classify periods' refusal to provide gender transition or abortion care as child abuse." you called us back in 2022. "transgender medicine saves lives. the experts and politicians scream, vulnerable parents, quick, injector 8-year-old is
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experimental off label lupron and her months before they/them kills their/themselves. double mastectomy's, hysterectomies teenage girls. pediatric best practices. you are a child of using extremist if you object," and now it's close to becoming a law. that if you don't do this to your children, you are abusing them. >> that's right, they just took a child away from a couple in indiana. it doesn't matter if you're in a red state, you're not safe from this. the only criminals they want to prosecute are the parents, and they are prosecuting good parents who want to protect their children from this. that's what my book is about, protecting your children from this. unfortunate we don't have recourse if they pass the laws and you don't want to change a child's pronoun. oh, well, say goodbye. >> trace: we've got very little time. what is the advice when you talk about recourse and you don't have any recourse? what you tell people? >> there are stories of parents who have actually fled the
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state, fled the country to protect the child is going to be taken from them. the best medicine is prevention. don't let your child even go down that road. >> trace: peachy keen income agreed to have you as always. thank you. for step into nine viral videos, a strange view of the los angeles skyline. dense fog settling over sin city last night well into this morning. the common weather phenomenon is apparently pretty rare in the nevada desert. an invasion of mosquitoes has stuck buenos aires, argentina, after heavy rainfall. they've obviously made inside the building, and the infestation is expected to last the life span of the bugs, so another two weeks, three weeks maybe? >> something we've all worried about. we played the what if game, and this was lacking, so i think it fills a big void. >> trace: now providing flights for public service dogs that get injured on the job.
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the new program is for all public working dogs from police to search and rescue. the dog handlers also get trained in canine first aid. no puppy left behind. if you have a viral video you'd like to share, share it with us on social media. coming up, a mission to mars, or at least pretend one. but they are working toward it. could you do it for an entire year? you have to live in a mars replica. 1700 feet, a lot of challenges, no contact with the outside world. you are with a crew, but that's it. would you do it? and why would you be a great candidate? the nightcap crew, next. ♪ ♪ that's why they choose t-mobile for business. pga of america and t-mobile are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide...
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republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate:
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republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. ♪ ♪ >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. kevin corke, ashley strohmier, matt finn con peachy keen income of christina pascucci, stephanie hamill, and bhaskar vento. today's topic, mars mission. nasa looking for a few volunteers to live in their habitat. during the year, they will work to overcome challenges meant to be those that replicate on mars.
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would you volunteer kevin corke for a year? >> no way! there's so many great things i want to do here on earth. i'll pass. >> trace: you are still on earth, you just don't feel like you are on earth! we are not actually going to send you up there, kevin. stephanie hamill, are you going to go into this thing in houston? >> absolutely not. i'm not a nasa scientist here, but i heard mars has pretty harsh conditions. i would deftly pass on that just like kevin corke said. there's a lot to do here in beautiful planet earth. >> trace: you can't really bring children. they said no children allowed. will you still go for a year? >> i'm totally not on board with this. a big fat no from me. >> trace: okay, she's out. christina pascucci, who is running for senate and is flying planes, she actually lived in a cave for a week. i'm guessing you are going on this thing. >> you are making me sound crazy! it wins an assignment, just for the record. >> trace: sure it was!
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>> oh, come on! i think i would be kind of into it. a year is a little long, but ideally i would like to do the real thing and go to space. >> trace: there you go. matt finn, are you in? >> if i knew i'd come back alive, i would go for like a week. i don't know that i need to go for a full year. >> trace: did you read the rules? you need to be in for a year. >> i'm not going for a year. >> trace: he's like, "excuse me, can i get out? i've got to go." paul, you in? >> i heard the word "volunteer." if there's a serious paycheck attached to it, i would consider the challenge and do it in a second. i would have to bring my great dane with me. and my special skill would be that i would have to run the place. >> trace: there's no restaurant here. "i don't care, i'm going to run the joint." to begin everybody? peachy keenan? >> first i thought, i have kids,
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i can't. but a year without laundry? i'm in. >> trace: i'm with matt finn. i would go for maybe two weeks. and then maybe swap out. maybe we get in through week, who knows. would you volunteer, yes. on x, 27%. instagram, and the rest say no way. "we'll look current build man say get off my rocks?" "i just want to disappear for a year." joey barash says "i'm a good jugular so i can entertain the crew." leo says, "just look at my name on x, leo on mars." scott says, "i've been married for 50 years." i'm not sure that the answer, but i feel you. and kevin says, "i'm built to be adaptable. i keep myself in great condition." there you go. thank you all for joining the nightcap and thank you for watching america's late news, "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher. we will see you back here tomorrow.
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