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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 22, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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enjoy sweet offers during our limited time... your hearing event. call 1-800-miracle now. >> steve: welcome back, it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast,
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thursday, february 22, year of our lord 2024. >> ainsley: i love that. >> this is "fox and friends." a major cellular outage impacting tens of thousands of americans right now. kurt the cyber guy joans us. >> steve: how you can use your wifi in your house to make phone calls. president biden considers executive action on the border. kristi noem not buying it. watch. >> he could fix it, he could reinstate the policies president trump had in place and we'll be in a different situation. >> >> ainsley: two days until the south carolina primary. look at those wonderful south carolinians. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now and remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: yep.
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all right, fox news alert our lead story, if you are waking up this morning and having trouble with your cell phone, you are not alone. there is a major cellular outage being reported nationwide, it is the network. >> will: it is not you, it's them. it appears at&t users with down o outage. >> ainsley: many are wondering if they paid their phone bill. kurt, how will this affect us, hospitals, flights and first responders? >> imagine calling 911 and you can't get through, huge problem. all kind of infrastructure in our country rely on cellular communication, the biggest hit is at&t and reports from those who have verizon and t-mobile
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and many carriers that rely on their backbone. what do you do? wake up this morning and your phone is not working, here is the trick you want to do if you have an iphone. grab your phone, hit settings, go to cellular and tap wifi calling and on that, turn on the little switch and it will use wireless network where you are like the wifi network at your home or work. if you have a connection to wifinetwork, you can make calls as if you were on the cellular network and operates as if you had cellular service working. this is something you should have anyway, whether you have an outage or not. we featured whether you have android or samsung how to turn that on. minutes ago, made touch with the
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at&t network operating center and getting information from them. they are in touch and are working the story with us and hope to provide us with the cause of this, what the status of the network is across the country. when we look at the down de detector map, it is widespread up and down the east coast, to houston and nashville, hot spots around the country including other networks. ainsley said last hour verizon spokesperson said our network is fine. i'm not so sure about that. i think you have to have the tools to recover at the moment yourself. >> steve: i love the fact you showed people with apple phones what they can do. i'm looking at, your website, android phones go
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to settings, tap calls and wificalling, find it at the people on the website are only peep they'll have complained. before this morning, i had never heard of that website and i'm sure i'm not alone. >> i have a number of contacts at at&t and i have their mobile numbers, not one of them rang, they went straight to voicemail. this is a widespread issue across the country and here is what we also know is when this happens, when there is a network outage. we don't know the cause, they are designed, they have a recovery plan, it may take times they can restart networks if there is no physical damage and i imagine a lot of people with sweat getting that done as
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quickly as possible. >> pete: you mentioned verizon, unclear if it is verizon, we know at&t is at the center of this. t-mobile said we did not experience an outage our operation is operating. verizon said when our people try to talk to at&t, we can't do it. is your sense this is an at&t thing? >> that is our sense. wireless network is connected to a bunch of wireless networks. when one is not working, we connect to another and drill down to the cause. we're going to get that information. we don't know yet. the best solution, is to have that ability to turn on
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wificalling. god forbid you have to call 911, have that tool ready to go. >> steve: go to, to figure out how to do that. thank you for getting up early. >> ainsley: people are busy in the morning, getting off to school, packing lunches, might not have time to go complain yet and just hoping it will be fixed at some point quickly today. >> pete: we'll find out soon. >> steve: today is outage day, saturday is voting day, the primary on the republican side in south carolina. that is why lawrence is at the golden egg having breakfast with friends. hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: hi, good morning, family. there is a big race here in south carolina. folks are here at 3:30 a.m., they wanted their voices to be heard. the former governor of south carolina nikki haley, going against donald trump in the
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republican primary. how many undecided voters are there here? who is undecided voter, raise your hand. okay. who is going to vote for nikki haley? right here and here. who is going to vote for trump? [cheering] >> lawrence: if you look at the crowd, there was about eight people undecided, four people supporting nikki haley and obviously south carolina is trump country, guys. >> steve: all right. >> ainsley: he's ahead by a lot. more than 30 points. thank you, lawrence. >> pete: golden egg in south carolina, i've walked into diners and seen two people and there are hundreds there. south carolina delivering. >> ainsley: y'all have made us proud. i'm from south carolina. lawrence is at the golden egg, if you want to go. we will be at lizard's thicket
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in columbia, south carolina on saturday for your show. >> pete: well done. >> steve: meanwhile. >> pete: joe biden taking a play out of the trump play book, considering executive action to reign in the illegal crisis. >> steve: thousands of migrants may pose national security risks are easily making their way into the united states. >> ainsley: great, hillary vaughn is live with the latest, what you and your family need to know, hi, hillary. >> turns out the president's hands are not tied, sources say the white house is considering taking thins into their own hands to bar people from getting to claim asylum if they cross the border illegally. instead they would go to port of entry to claim asylum, that is a 180 from what the president has insisted when he said there is nothing more he can do.
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>> all i can do, give me the power, i've asked from the first day i got into power, give me border control -- >> pressure is on the president to do anything as americans are seeing people from all over the world waltz into the u.s. cbp has seen hundreds from uzbekistan, vietnam, russia, china. the white house is downplaying this saying no matter what they do, it will not be enough. they say republicans rejected this and -- cutting off asylum to people who don't come the right way. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez says doing trump impressions is not how we beat him. the mere suggestion is
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outrageous, the president should refuse to sign it. another policy under consideration by the president, deport people who do not have legitimate claim to asylum faster. these two things combined mean fewer people get to come over and are staying here longer and that would cut down the cost of taking care of people while they wait for their asylum claims to be heard. back to you, guys. >> steve: we were talking about saving money and i mentioned our white house correspondent does meal prep on sunday. you do the cooking, though, right? >> i'm the chef behind the meal prep, steve. >> ainsley: how do you do that? i know it saves money to do this. isn't that stressful to plan your whole week? >> we've been doing salads in mason jars, you put the lettuce on top so it doesn't get soggy. when you dump it on to a plate,
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it is perfectly plated. >> ainsley: you do it on sunday and it is good thursday? >> yeah, sunday to thursday and friday we go out. >> steve: i have a feeling she has one today in her backpack. >> ainsley: make sure it doesn't turn over. >> pete: excellent planning. >> steve: she was talking about, sounds like the president will unveil something, could be at the state of the union address. always blaming republicans. if he takes a provision used by donald trump, sounds like what donald trump used back in the day to restrict entry from people in certain muslim countries. might use that policy. they might roll this out state of the union night because they are talking about a reset. they will say, we tried to get this through congress, republicans are obstructionists.
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just a prediction. >> ainsley: what are you hearing in south carolina, is that their number one issue? >> lawrence: it is their number one issue. if you talk to people underground, they say it was the president's way out. they want him to do his constitutional duty, which is secure the border and the point kristi noem made, because the president failed to do his job, a federal issue, the states are having to step up. this is what she had to say, watch. >> the president was so threatened by the states defending their own state's rights he wanted to activate soldiers so he could control them to stand down. it would be first time in history that we had a president that paid soldiers nostand down. i was there the next day to make sure texas knew we were going to be there and have cartel
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presence in south dakota, as well. they are moving drugs and trafficking and it impacts my people and we will defend our state's right to defend ourselves. >> pete: this idea emanated from washington. reset the 80 year old by doing one small thing on an issue they ignored 3-1/2 years and hope the voters blame the other guy. >> lawrence: he would have to concede and say he broke the border. so let's see how it plays out. >> ainsley: we don't need a bill, he broke the border first day in office. trump had policies and he signed executive order and look at the state of our country now. fox news alert, two of america's top adversaries are deepening military cooperation. iran has sent russia hundreds of ballistic missiles. >> steve: united states calling on vladamir putin, the guy who runs russia, to release several
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americans, including that ballerina pictured there who has dual u.s.-russian citizenship. >> pete: lucas tomlinson is live in washington with are more. >> lucas: russian president vladamir putin has added another prisoner, a 33-year-old former ballerina from l.a. who traveled to russia to visit her family after her boyfriend warned her don't do it. >> i was like, is it a good thing to go home. she was calm. yes, i'm russian, i'm going home, i'm fine. >> do you think there will be some kind of prisoner swap for her? the fact that -- >> russia made this public makes me believe that that's a possibility. >> lucas: over the weekend, ukrainian troops were forced to retreat, russia's first win on
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the battlefield in months. russian jets dropped 600 bombs in a 12-mile radius over the past month. bret baier asked president zelenskyy about the loss. >> we have to be more quick. that means to lose all the bureaucracy that we have. otherwise, we will not have any chance, so to be smart, technology, more technology and of course, quick. it is not money, people -- >> we've seen russia on the move, does that mean we're seeing the tide turn here? that war change? >> lucas: former secretary of state mike pompeo appeared on the program in the past hour. >> when you pay billion dollars to get our folks out of iran,
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i'm thankful, but you have now set a market price forric taking american hostages. i'm glad the ambassador met with them, we should meet and talk. only thing vladamir putin understands is power and this administration refuses to use it. >> lucas: saturday marks two-year anniversary of zelenskyy launching innovation of ukraine. calling on the president to fast track and send ballistic missiles to the battlefield. he says congress does not have to enact legislation to do it. >> steve: thank you. our top story is the outage with cell phones and carley, this is not hypothetical. your phone was working and now it is not working. >> carley: anecdotal evidence. my phone just went down a couple minutes ago, it could be growing. at&t just released a statement.
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fox news alert. major cellular outage impacted tens of thousands across the u.s. over 66,000 people are experiencing outages. we got that statement from at&t saying our customers are experiencing wireless service interruption, we are working to restore them. a current map on, shows this is impacting multiple parts of the country, hitting georgia and texas the hardest. virus virus a -- verizon and t-mobile. apprehended 6400 migrants with criminal histories this year. this fiscal year convictions include murder, rape, drug and
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weapons trafficking, that averages out to 44 criminals per day. can you believe that? agents apprehended 10 migrants with criminal histories just this weekend alone. this just in. department of justice naming jonathan mayer for ai technology. he served with kamala harris when she was a senator. merrick garland saying the justice department must keep pace with scientific and technological advancement to keep our country safe and protect civil rights. portnoy's new dog miss peaches is going viral and raised money for the animal shelter. you can buy mispeaches merch on barstool website. david will join us with miss
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peaches later this hour. that will be fun. i'm following miss peaches on instagram. >> ainsley: the latest video in bed is hilarious. what about me, i need to go do my news story. miss peaches is getting more attention than i am. >> carley: i love the name, you want to keep saying it. >> pete: white house could have used a miss etch 52 peaches, a nicer dog. >> steve: when a dog is named commander. >> pete: maybe he lived up to his name. there were reports in the fall that commander was no longer at the white house. we learn there have been 25 times that biden's dog commander bit someone in the secret service, that is just the secret service. >> steve: an e-mail >> june said recent dog bites have challenged us to adjust our
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tactics when commander is present. agents were warned they could be creative to ensure their own personal safety. some needed stitches. usually snitches get stitches, apparently secret service get sticks for guarding the first family. >> ainsley: lawrence, some people had clothing of secret service with ripped holes. this is only secret service, not the white house staffers or anyone working at the white house. >> steve: who also got bit. >> lawrence: it is indicative of how the administration deals with all issues. they have to deal with the dog issue twice before. this is the second time and they just, the first dog they shipped off and they are doing it again. they never dealt with the problem to get the dog training or go through discipline and obedience training. average day american, if their
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dog bites someone, we have the unfortunate task of, they get put down. there was no consequence, this is what that administration does, push it under the rug and move on to the next crisis. >> pete: who is not making a tough call after the fourth bite, ninth bite, 16th, 25th? >> ainsley: they have grandchildren, i would not want a dog that has bitten around my child. >> steve: hundreds of thousands of tourists are on the campus, let's see reaction from the white house. folks, like to remind you each and every morning, watch "fox and friends" whatever time you get up if you dvr it starting 6:00 a.m. eastern. >> pete: that is when the mishaps happen, the early hour,
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we're off our rocker. >> steve: i can think of a couple. >> ainsley: rewind your dvr. >> fox news alert, we're up to 73,000 at&t customers reporting they are without power. >> ainsley: hunter biden's lawyers say revelation about lying fbi informant taint the case against him. former acting ag mat whitaker says not so fast. that is next. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪ i look back with
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>> pete: next week hunter biden is set to testify before the house oversight committee. his lawyers say the case is tainted, pointing to the fbi informant. his legal team not mentioning the testimony from former business partner tony bobulinski who claims the bidens benefited from hunter's deals. mat whitaker was acting attorney general under president trump and joins us now. what do you make of the revelation they believe an informant was making up information. does it taint the entire case?
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>> it doesn't. it's good to be with you, pete. this is a useful excuse for them to try to explain away his multiple gun charges, multiple drug charges and failing to register as foreign agent. in this instance, just because a judge was playing attention that this wasn't swept under the rug. this is a side show. congress was distracted by this apparently false information. i don't think it means much to the overall scheme. >> this former informant alexander smirnoff was charged. w -- >> not interested in russia gate
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or how it was perpetuated, this is the two-tier system of justice we've talked about. >> pete: stay on the bidens, james biden in a deposition with the same committee saying his brother never had financial involvement or interest and based on his ownital bent. what do you think of james biden saying joe had nothing to do with it? >> yeah, he's willing to stand in the way to try to protect his brother. he didn't explain where the 20 plus million went, why it was through the llc's and who the big guy was. we know what was happening here. it is sad the biden family won't admit they were trading on joe's name and doing business with his name and he stood to benefit from the whole thing and that is the president of the united states.
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>> pete: james biden told bobulinski, plausible denieblt and they will hide behind democrats happy to protect them. thank you. >> thanks, good to see you. >> pete: fox news alert, 73,000 of at&t customers without power. more on that coming up. and refusing to extradite a new york murder suspect, why? she does not trust d.a. alvin bragg to keep him off the streets she explains >> dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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>> ainsley: border patrol revealing they have apprehended over 6400 migrants with criminal histories so far this fiscal year.
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griff jenkins joins us. >> griff: the tragic and harsh consequences of this border crisis is taking a toll across the country. a gang of illegal immigrants from chile, believed to be part of a gang busted near targeting and stealing 3 million in cash, jewelry and other items. back to san diego, where i just came back from, seeing 140,000 illegal crossings this year, increase in chinese migrants. the center run by a local ngo is shutting its doors today because it ran out of money and residents from california to chicago to new york upset they have had enough and part is because of the crimes they are committing. border patrol chief jason owens
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treating 6400 criminal migrants apprehended this year, do the math, that is 44 a day. some with violent history including murder, rape, drug trafficking. would you let 44 hardened criminals walk out of u.s. prisons everyday across the country? i don't think you would and residents are upset. >> ainsley: never. alvin bragg might, i wouldn't. thanks, prosecutor in arizona ripping into man at an d.a. alvin bragg, she refuses to extradite a career criminal to new york city. the suspect is accused of bludgeoning a woman to death and stabbed another woman and another woman while trying to car jack her. that prosecute joins us now.
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thank you for being so strong. tell me what went into this, why did you decide to keep him in arizona and not extradite him back to new york? >> as you said, we have two violent crimes here. we have two women that were stabbed and he is facing a lengthy mandatory prison sentence here. there was a homicide in new york, we can guarantee he'll stay in custody here. my heart goes out to next of kin of the victim in new york and this is no, i'm not casting dispersions on the nypd either, they did a hard job putting this case together. we have him in custody. >> ainsley: we love our police officers here, it is the d.a. letting them out. here is his statement. he says, it is deeply disturbing that d.a. is playing political
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games in a murder investigation. new york murder rate is less t half of that of phoenix, it is a slap in the face and to the victim. what is your reaction? >> well, my reaction is that i'm putting the victims first and making sure he stays in custody. this is not casting disperzions on nypd. illegal immigrants in new york who beat up on police officers were let go and guess where they ended up? in mericopa county and taken into custody here. i don't want that to happen. >> ainsley: how can we make sure he stays in arizona? i don't know the laws, you are the expert, in new york, most
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serious crime, bludgeoning the lady, does he have the right to say, you need to extradite here and is that the law? >> since we have serious offenses here, we have the right to keep him where he is. we are going to do that. be clear to the public, we're not saying he will never be prosecuted in new york for what he did. we're saying we're going first, that way we secure a prison sentence on him, that has to be honored what extradited to new york city. >> ainsley: what would the prison sentence be there in arizona? >> i have to say, people are considered innocent until proven guilty. the sentence is seven to 21 years. >> ainsley: i'm sorry for the family, i'm sure it is
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heartwrenching. we have to protect the women around this country, this continues to be a pattern, he is not convicted yet, allegedly has a long rap sheet and continues, he targets women. on behalf of women around the country, thank you. this is common sense. >> thank you, yes, it is. >> ainsley: fox news alert, major cellular outage leaves 71,000 at&t customers without service and lawrence is in south carolina getting the pulse of the people ahead of the primary on saturday. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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restore service to them, we refer you to wifi service. from louisville to los angeles, lots of folks under the gun, users from t-mobile to verizon says it is experiencing outage. t-mobile says their network is operating normally. verizon saying its network is operating normally. some customers experienced issues this morning when calling or texting customers using another carrier. we will monitor the situation. and this morning, what caused the problem? we still don't know. at&t did not say why and we'll be asking those questions all day long, you can bet on that. >> steve: as soon as you know, call me, will you? >> will do.
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>> steve: former president donald trump sounding off on that massive new york civil fraud moving slamming the case being politically biassed against him. >> pete: how do south carolina voters feel about that? >> ainsley: lawrence jones from the golden egg in south carolina. hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: let me tell y'all, i love texas, i may move to south carolina after today. this is some great people. so it is a big race here, donald trump is dominating the polls, there are some nikki haley supporters here and undecided folks. start with the haley supporters, why are you supporting the governor? >> she has best chance of beating biden. >> don't trust trump. she does not have confirmation bias of most people voting for trump. >> lawrence: latinos for trump over here.
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nate the great. why you supporting the former president? >> we need a prized fighter, if i were making a fight, i would want the best. >> very simple, he's learned the swamp, he knows what he's got to do, it is very simple, very simple. >> lawrence: and you're a cuban immigrants. >> i can show you. a cuban immigrant and he came in legally 50 somewhatodd years ago, he did. >> lawrence: thank you, why you supporting the former president? >> he knows what he's got to do and he will fix it this time. >> before i do a final poll from where everyone stands in this diner, ask one undecided voter what would be the issue, number one issue when you decide. you are going to decide on election day, what is that issue that helps you decide? >> i think the state of the
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economy. i'm a small business owner, i need to know when the economy will level out. >> one final poll, guys? >> who is undecided in this diner? >> decided? who is going for nikki haley in the diner? who is going for former president donald trump? [cheering] >> lawrence: guys, i'll send back to you in new york. >> steve: okay. it will be interesting to see what tomorrow's diner will show up because lawrence is moving from there, the golden egg and will go to eggs up grill in columbia, south carolina. >> ainsley: on saturday, pete, you will be there, right? >> pete: somewhere in the area. >> ainsley: you, rachel and will, and i'll be at lizard's thicket, williams family owns them. the location on elmwood downtown. >> steve: check out special
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coverage. >> pete: bret and martha saturday 7 p.m. eastern of the south carolina primary. >> ainsley: great story, stick around for this, barstool founder dave portnoy has a new puppy, miss peaches, she is going viral, she is so popular. both of them next. >> steve: miss peaches, wasn't that a great name for a dog, bill hemmer will join us for a preview. >> bill: dana and i are going to the pig and whistle. >> great shepherd's pie. >> bill: come on over, what did the president's brother say about the biden's business, that is coming up and folks in chicago ticked off, giving out millions to migrants, will biden do a 180 on the border? hang on, we have something you might need to know, we'll see you top of the hour. ine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming.
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>> steve: single slice pizza king and founder of bar stool sports just adopted that adorable any puppy named miss peaches. >> ainsley: she is going viral. her adoption raised over $1
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hundred thousand for the animal shelter where he picked her up. >> they join us now. dave, thank you for being here. earlier in the show we reported joe biden's dog commander had some biting issues, 25 times. i assume you will train miss peaches well. >> well yeah, miss peaches is angel. she doesn't need training. she is six and had a horrible life until a week ago. she was in a neglect breeding hoarding situation in atlanta. lifeline animal hospital rescued her in 2026. there is no such thing as bad dogs, only bad owners. i don't know how a dog bit 25 times. not enough love and attention. >> steve: tell us about the dog breed and what you have been up to with miss peaches so far >> miss peaches is a pit bull. she is the sweetest thing ever.
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i heard about her through the grapevine that this wonderful dog was rescued by this organization. he flew down in atlanta and she went from the out house to the penthouse. flew down on my private plane and picked her up and getting love and attention. she is beautiful. the sweetest angel. selling t-shirts we've raised now $150,000 for the organization that saves dogs, so many dogs in shelters. i love animals, i love dogs. miss peaches has captured the imagination of everybody. she has 275,000 instagram followers in a week. the fastest growing account. look at this face. >> ainsley: i love that post that you recently -- you were like my dog is getting more attention than i am and my business. sorry, miss peaches i need to put her away for a while. i don't want to exploit my child, my dog.
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that was cute. what was the reaction? >> yeah. people are like screw you, we want to see more of the dog. she is the fastest growing social media account we've ever had. we've been around for 20 years. nobody has grown as fast as miss peaches. she doesn't know she is a superstar, just the same old miss peaches. >> steve: if you want to help the animal rescue folks go to stool >> ainsley: you adopt from a shelter. >> adopt, don't shop. so many dogs, wonderful dogs like miss peaches are out there and need loving homes. >> thank you, dave and miss peaches. thank you, miss peaches. >> steve: good dog. >> ainsley: we also love jasper, right? >> bill: indeed. good morning and right now as we come on the air, some of


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