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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 22, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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bed? >> great question. anybody in the world can say -- can go on care and look at the requests and said i want to provide the bed. at the moment of care we have trained nearly 5,000 churches across the country who show up with the actual bed or the crib and the ones there to help make that meaningful connection to try to build a relationship. >> dana: quickly you try to help make sure the kids think it's the mom that does it. >> oh my goodness. this is the best part. care portal is completely anonymous. we are behind the scenes. we're the dance floor creating the networks of people who care. the real heroes are the parents. the real heroes are the caseworkers slugging it out. the real heroes are the grand parents are the real heroes. >> dana: i will stay in touch
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with you. an amazing program and thank you for introducing us to adrienne and care fox news alert. president biden is facing an angry revolt in his own party as he considers using executive action to restrict asylum claims at the border after three years of turning a blind eye to the out of control migrant crisis. this is quite an amazing story and admission of defeat from this white house. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: he is a great guy, isn't he? i'm bill hemmer good morning at home. the crisis touching every aspect of american life. it has brought a lot of chaos to communities large and small from coast to coast. now a sign of concern he is about the impact come november the president is considering major executive action after claiming over and over his hands are tied and putting the blame
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on congress and republicans serving there. [inaudible]. >> president biden: they need to give me the money i need to protect the border. no, it's not. -- [inaudible]. >> president biden: the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. >> dana: fox team coverage larry kudlow on the economic impact. bill melugin with a front row seat at the epicenter we've been watching. first fox business correspondent hillary vaughan is on capitol hill. how will it go down when the executive order is signed? >> not a lot of progressives are happy. sources are telling fox that the white house is considering taking action into -- taking
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matters into their own hands considering executive action barring people from claiming asylum the crossed the border illegally. instead have to go to a port of entry to claim asylum ending the free for all at the border with people streaming in anywhere they can find a hole. a 180 from the white house claimed they needed congress to give the president new powers. >> you said he is willing to use executive measures and if he gets the bill passed, if he gets border funding, and includes those authorities, he will use those authorities. >> republican governors shouldering the cost of this crisis say biden needs to step up. >> he could fix it. he could fix it today. he could reinstate the policies of president trump had in place and we would be in a whole different situation. >> the pressure is on the president to do something as americans are seeing people from all over the world waltz over the border into the u.s. just this fiscal year cdp have seen
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hundreds from all over the world. another policy reported under consideration faster deportations for people who don't meet the asylum criteria so people are not piling up waiting for a hearing while costs pile up to take care of them. still officially the white house down playing this executive order talk saying no matter what they do, it still won't be enough. no executive action no matter how aggressive can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources congress can provide and that republicans rejected. progressives are outraged at the idea of executive action. ocasio-cortez saying doing trump impressions is not how we beat trump. the president should refuse to sign it. biden is caught in a tug-of-war between progressives and moderates in his own party. the more he moves to try to fix the border problem to appease moderates he risks ticking off progressives. >> dana: a story as long as the biden administration has been in office.
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>> bill: from washington we go to jacumba, california with bill melugin. just past 7:00 in the morning and what do you have for us now? >> good morning to you. all week long we've been talking about how people really from all around the planet have been arriving illegally in san diego sector. now we have internal cbp data leaked to fox news that shows specifically where they are coming and how many of them. look at the first graphic here. the top ten nationalities apprehended since october 1st. columbia comes in number one. take a look at number two. china, with 21,000 of their nationals apprehended at the southern border. the they are ahead of mexico. more chinese nationals have crossed the border in san diego sector by the thousands than mexican nationals. that's remarkable. you will also see turkey on the list with over 6,000 of their nationals. they are a special interest
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country. thousands from guinea in africa and 5,000 from india as well. look at the second graphic here. other notable countries encountered in san diego sector, more tanian, uzbekistan, afghanistan, 1600, russia, 850, and hundreds from other, special interest countries with special national security concerns. they are supposed to get additional vetting at the southern border by the federal government. it is very difficult for federal authorities to do that. back out here live the big question becomes how are these people from all around the planet getting here, getting to this border in san diego, right? yesterday we talked to a chinese man and a georgia man, one we used a translator app. they told us, both of them. they flew into turkey. listen. >> flew from turkey.
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>> turkey, airplane. >> did you land in tijuana, mexico? >> yes. >> do you want a job? do you want to work? >> yes. >> so georgia to turkey to guatemala and then after guatemala car into mexico? what's so remarkable about this is people have long said when they see our footage it doesn't look like these guys have been walking for miles. clothes aren't dirty. they are literally flying in from around the world and busing their way to the border. the first time we've been able to communicate with some of these nationals from asia who have been telling us for the first time handfuls of them are flying into turkey first and
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then getting into central and south america before getting here to the u.s. just interesting to find out. send it back to you. >> bill: really interesting, bill. feels like flying into monterey in mexico, too, a couple hours from the border there as you enter a different part. nice to see you again in southern california. now the 3 million illegals released into the u.s. under the biden administration have cost billions of dollars for taxpayers, larry kudlow is here on that. nice to see you. in new york alone the numbers we have. it's expected to cost 4.7 billion this fiscal year, probably higher. you could take that money, larry and hire 80,000 cops, renovate 100 subway stations. you could hire 72,000 new teachers. you talk about this on your show at 4:00 fox business every day. where do you think it's going? >> i mean, first of all thanks for having me, bill and dana. appreciate it. you know, the costs i was reading one of the studies you
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all sent me published in "newsweek." they estimated $150 billion. i just think it's way, way, way too low. your point about the opportunity cost of getting better cops or better hospitals or better everything is a good point. but the actual cost, look, migrant crime itself is such a huge point. just shoplifting, okay? how much is that costing the stores and how much is that costing their profits and why are stores closing and what is the net economic cost to that? it's huge. new york city, despite all of the complaining by the mayor, eric adams, they are now going to put out pre-funded debit cards. nobody really knows the cost. a columnist at the manhattan institute estimated two or $3 billion over the next few
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years but it could be much higher than that. what is the cost of crime? what is the cost of closing a business? i just want to harp on that. years and years and years ago when rudy giuliani went after crime to improv the country and encourage shop owners to come back to new york city because it's safe. now they're leaving because of migrant crime and other reasons. one other thing i want to say, in texas governor abbott has shown that this barbed wire, razor wire barricades is working. bill melugin, griff jenkins on our show the last couple of nights, it has worked. it has cut down the number of illegals quite a bit. so the game has changed from let's say eagle pass, texas, into the san diego area of california where bill melugin
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was this morning. i mean, if you use executive authority, which is what biden should have used in the first place to get back to the trumpian policies of border wall or barricades, remain in mexico, catch and deport, here is one. we had a senator on the other night talking about no, no, was griff jenkins talking about how illegals have come across the border and they still have remain in mexico cards. but what they do is if they get across the border they throw them on the ground because they don't want the authorities to see them because they are afraid they would be deported back to mexico waiting for an asylum decision. it is a throwback to four years ago. so this is partly a scam and it is partly costing us a bloody fortune. my guess is it will be a trillion dollar price tag at least until changes are made. >> dana: the other thing
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happening now is you have americans paying more for food than they have in 30 years. these stories are piling up and inflation versus wages, inflation up 18%, wages up 15%. if grocery prices are so high you get people continuing to say they think the economy stinks. >> yeah, that's been a problem. biden inflation continues. it is an affordability crisis is what i call it. you are right about your numbers. 11.3% food costs are now of disposal income. the highest since the early 1990s. that's a very big number. but food prices themselves, don't forget, you have raw material prices like cocoa goes into chocolate bars and you also have labor costs. you also have a lot of blue states that are jacking up minimum wages, which makes the labor costs even worse. so these companies i notice some
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biases they don't like the fact that the companies are somehow trying to make profits. profit is like a dirty word in biden's washington. you can't have a business that will sell stuff whether food or whatever unless they are profitable. if they are losing money they'll go under. so the businesses are scrambling to deal with the inflation, okay? yes, in some cases they may shrink the size of what they are selling because they like to keep the price the same. in other case they raise the price until and unwills the consumer revolts. the problem is stop spending $6 trillion. stop the debt from going to $50 trillion for marketable debt. stop it from going to 120% of gdp. all this government spending has -- yes, it has generated some near-term stimulus but it keeps the inflation story going and
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that's the affordability crisis where prices have risen higher than wages over the past three years. a big problem for american families. >> bill: a lot of cases haven't been this way in 30 years. larry, thank you for coming on and we'll see you this afternoon. >> thanks for having me. >> dana: land lines are looking better and better today. a major cell phone outage ripping across the united states this morning affecting police and 911 calls and then there is this. >> u.s. citizens long wrongfuly detained in russia. >> you have americans in russian jails seemingly at the mercy of vladimir putin. is the white house doing enough to bring them home? >> dana: a soft on crime policies of alvin bragg coming back to haunt him. an arizona prosecutor says the new york murder suspect will stay right there in arizona. >> they were flipping the camera off walking out of jail and
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guess they ended up? four of them ended up in maricopa county and had to be taken into custody here. i don't want that to happen. we have the right to keep him where he is. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price.
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>> dana: right now at&t suffering widespread outages across the country affecting cell service and internate. the company understands its urgent. they want to get service to customers. we'll monitor this and keep you updated. hopefully it will be fixed very soon. >> bill: american prisoners wasting away in putin's prisons. a ballerina in russian custody after being arrested for treason. that's the allegation. "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovitch behind bars for nearly 11 months.
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their fate very much uncertain. alex hogan has the latest on all this in london. alex. >> hi, bill. a new ruling this week means that "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovitch will remain behind bars dragging this out to nearly a year as he awaits for his trial. it was last march when he was arrested on accusations of espionage and u.s. ambassador in russia lynn tracy says the 32-year-old seems well despite the conditions he faces. she also called for the immediate release of former u.s. marine paul whalen as washington sends a strong message. >> if you consider travel to russia for any reason don't do it. we cannot say that any more clearly. >> with this new arrest of dual citizen, there is criticism washington is not doing enough to bring these americans home. >> the only thing that vladimir putin understands is power and this administration simply refuses to use it.
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>> as tension grows between russia and the u.s. biden called putin a crazy sob. today the kremlin fired back bashing the remark as some attempt to look like a hollywood cowboy. after the death of navalny, we know the white house is expected to slap russia with any sanctions on friday. we'll hear in the u.k. the government today announced 50 new sanctions both on individuals as well as businesses like electronics companies and oil traders. all of this coming ahead of saturday which marks two years since the start of russia's invasion in ukraine. >> bill: alex hogan watching all that in london. >> dana: this story is remarkable. arizona prosecutors refusing to send this murder suspect back to the big apple for trial. he is accused of beating a woman to death in a town down new york city hotel. it was also arrested in arizona for stabbing two women. prosecutor rachel mitchell says she does not trust new york's
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d.a. to keep the suspect locked up. >> i'm putting the victims first and making sure he stays in custody. it was just a couple of weeks ago that some of the illegal immigrants that were in new york city who beat up on police officers were let go. >> dana: civil rights attorney and fox news contributor leo terrell joins me now. unprecedented. states are usually quite cooperative on this. >> yes. thanks for having me. it is a vote of no confidence regarding alvin bragg. we show every day on fox what is going on in new york. criminals are released. they commit crimes, they attack police officers, they attack individuals on the subway and they are released. why? we have a soft on crime prosecutor financed by george soros. i applaud the arizona d.a. dana, he locked up and can't get bail. in new york he can get bail. he is locked up. no bail for this guy and he will
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have justice in arizona first. >> dana: so if bragg wanted to fight this and get her to ex extradite him, where would he go to do that? >> well, i tell you exactly how it works. he has to ask the governor of new york to call the governor of arizona and only the governor of arizona, who is a democrat, we have to worry, can grant that permission. the d.a. in arizona is within her rights to hold him and have him tried in arizona. so the only way bragg can do this is by going to the governors. get this, if you want justice, let it happen in arizona. this guy cannot get on the street. there is no guarantee, dana, if he is sent back to new york he won't remain in jail. bragg allows all criminals to be released. >> dana: i like this rachel mitchell out of arizona. a tough prosecutor. >> me, too. i think she is great. >> dana: i also want to ask you about this.
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you are there in california and in a way i think that the united states continues to commit energy suicide slowly. one of the things that california did is put in these big, tough climate-related regulations and guess what happened? utility bills have skyrocketed. 127% increase in just ten years. a fifth -- one out of five people in california are behind on their bills because electricity has gone up so much and something you need to have. what is happening out there? >> i will tell you right now. i have personal knowledge and live here as you know. it is true. the utility rates have gone up. assembly bill 205, how they will try to correct this is charge people who make more money higher utility rates. in other words, you and i can use the same amount of electricity but based on income they are trying to create a tax structure on utilities. why? because of this mandatory push
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to renewable and net 0 carbon. what they are trying to do now is to basically put californians under a tax burden by increasing the tax rate on those who make more money. it is ridiculous. >> dana: we were just doing a segment with larry kudlow talking about how food prices are higher than they've been in 30 years. one of the reasons not just the extra money that the federal government is spending. it is these regulations that some states are putting forward. let's imagine you are a restaurant or somebody who is manufacturing food and your electricity costs are up 127%. obviously you will have to increase your prices to pay for your staff and all the other things. so california seems to be in a vicious cycle. governor newsom, it's remarkable everyone thinks he could waltz in and fill in for joe biden. i think he would have a lot to answer for. >> i guarantee you a 20-minute videotape of the homelessness,
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crime, increased utility rates, gas price inflation would defeat him if he has any notion of running for the presidency. no other state, dana, has a bill in place where your utility rates are based on income. california is the first state to do this and guess what? 20 democrats who voted for this increase in utility rates based on income are now trying to repeal it. it makes no sense. we are lost in california. >> dana: okay. you can come here and you can be found. oh, we're in new york. leo terrell, thank you and have a great day. >> bill: meet you in nebraska. >> thanks. >> these sanctions have been very ineffective. this administration began trying to get back in the silly nuclear deal that gave billions of dollars to the iranian regime and coming back to haunt not only the middle east and europe but it will come back to haunt the united states. >> bill: america's most dangerous adversaries are teaming up yet again.
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how iran is helping moscow in its war with ukraine. senator tom cotton is live on that coming up next here. you won't believe how google remembers history. brand-new technology as we know and it is heading back to the shop. we'll explain. i switched gears from delivering part-time... to streaming full-time! so i made their moves count... filing with 100% accuracy and guaranteeing their maximum refund. ( ♪ ) intuit turbotax.
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>> dana: live pictures of a police investigation happening now in northwest washington, d.c. apparently police are responding to reports of a barricaded person and there are several reports of road closures in the area right there, northwest d.c. around u street and 900 block. we'll monitor this and bring you more as it happens. >> bill: in the meantime one of the most dangerous enemies of the united states sending a message to the west loud and clear this one is. vladimir putin taking a flight on this, state of the arts strategic bomber that can carry nuclear weapons. it comes while iran beefs up the
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russian arsenal with ballistic missiles and that's not all. tom cotton is with me now. senator, thank you for your time. the report says 400 service surface to surface missiles. the amount of drones that iran has supplied too, the rather phenomenal. you have voted against the bill from about a week ago. that does not necessarily mean you are against sending aid to ukraine. if you know the help that putin is getting now, how can washington do a work around to make sure that ukraine doesn't lose more territory in that war now? >> bill, what i want to do is make sure we help not just ukraine but israel and taiwan and protecting our own border. the senate bill didn't protect our border and included too much non-defense aid things like humanitarian aid going to gaza.
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it reinforces hamas's position there. not just the aid we provide to our friends as well, it is the actions we take against our enemies. look at this latest report. iran is providing 400 ballistic missiles to russia. compare that to where iran was at the end of the trump administration. barely had enough cash to pay for food and medicine and now it can apparently afford not just to manufacture 400 ballistic missiles but so many of them it can send 400 to russia along with thousands of one way attack drones as well. these things are happening because of joe biden's weak policy towards iran and his first days in office he tried to reenter the nuclear agreement with iran. has given them billions of dollars in sanctions relief. to this day he is not enforcing sanctions against their oil exports. he even allowed restrictions and controls on iran's import and export of weapons to expire last october after iran's proxy hamas
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invaded and killed more than 1,000 jews in israel. >> bill: is there a work around? the bill is not there. it doesn't have the support. is there a work around from washington? >> first i hope the house will take up our bill and alter and improve it by including genuine border security reforms to it. things like stopping biden's abuses of parole and asylum processes. and removing some of that non-defense aid so we can focus on providing the military aid that our allies and partners truly need. in the meantime, the biden administration should also take the steps to begin the seizure of more than 3 billion of russian assets in united states and europe. i doubt any european nation will move forward until the united states provides the leadership. that money is set aside for reconstruction of ukraine. there won't be a ukraine to reconstruct unless biden stops
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pussy footing around and not providing ukraine the need. they haven't been providing long range attack missiles to ukraine for months that could be holding at risk russian arms depots or bases in places like crimea or russian occupied territory in ukraine. hoping that iran might not deliver arms to russia. look how foolish that is now. >> bill: let me motor through this. i want to get to it. saturday is the two-year anniversary of the war. bret made the long trip to the front lines in ukraine. here is zelenskyy just yesterday as we aired it. >> we have to be more quick. that means to lose all the bureaucracy what we have otherwise we will not have any chance. so to be smart, technology, more technology and, of course, quick.
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it is not money, it is people. people's lives. >> bill: time in money rick in our case it's people's lives. you can see more tonight at 6:00 with bret. >> what's happened over the last two years is tragic in ukraine. it happened in part because president biden projected weakness toward russia from the beginning and didn't deter russia's invasion and for two years didn't get ukraine the aid it needed when they needed it. i hope we provide ukraine and don't waste money in places like gaza to benefit hamas and secure our own border. >> bill: tom cotton from arkansas, thanks. >> thank you, bill. >> dana: the primary in south carolina now two days away. a new push to get democrats to participate. we'll explain that to you. plus a top a.i. chatbot deemed a laughingstock for turning out a series of woke search results. that's next.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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>> bill: president biden's dog is back in the dog house. new report claiming the white house has booted commander after the german shepherd bit or attacked secret service agents and others two dozen times. it prompted the secret service to adjust protocols when commander was around and they had to send away their previous dog, major. 0 for two at the white house with the dogs. >> dana: owner error and the first time it happened the dog should have been gone. glad for the secret service but maybe the white house should get a pomeranian. just saying. >> bill: or a gerbil, hamster. two days to go until the
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republican primary. a pac is encouraging democrats to vote in the election. alex, good morning. >> good morning to you. so here in south carolina any voter can participate in either primary so long as they didn't cast a ballot. turnout for the democratic primary earlier this month was low. there is the potential for democrats to make a tenth if they were to participate. primary pivot is a group working around the country to convince democrats to vote against former president trump. >> if you are a primary voter in a state that allows you to cross over, then you should absolutely use the power of your vote to try to stop somebody who is going to destroy our democracy. >> here is their argument saying if trump is a big a threat as fellow democrats claim he is voting for nikki haley should be
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a no-brainer. in south carolina both state parties are against this. south carolina democrats say this national effort is hurting president biden and the state gop share slammed the effort writing i'm not going to sit back and allow democrats to tarnish our reputation. former president trump has long criticized haley for receiving democratic support. >> if you don't want liberals or marxists who meddle in your primary, you have to get out and every patriot to come out this week and vote for our campaign. >> haley, who is hoping to chip away at trump's commanding lead in the state said she welcomes all voters. >> republicans need to remember this is not about pushing people out of our party. this is about bringing people into our party. that's how we win an election and that's why i do well with everybody, not just republicans, not just independents. >> so this group primary pivot
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told us they don't wholly expect haley to win the nomination but say the longer she is in the race forces trump to campaign, to spend money and maybe mess up. >> bill: each one tells us more of the story. alex, thank you. saturday night, don't miss it. bret and martha will host the 7:00 coverage of the south carolina primary and we'll all be here. do not miss that dana marie here on fox news. >> dana: i will be early with bells on. let's talk about the rise of a.i. critics blasting google's gemini chatbot for creating inaccurate pictures. they paused the image generator. we have great to have you both here. the "new york post" cover i believe. this is what you get if you put in show me a founding father. tyrus, what's wrong with this picture? >> i'm kind of good with it. i like it. i happen to know a really cool guy named after george.
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i'm trying to deal with it. what i'm not good with quickly is quit blaming a.i. it is not a magical group being. it's the individual josh or steve or whomever put the program in that made this happen. so they love -- we have to stop the they, the them, the a.i. no, the little woke computer tech guy at google did this. find jeremy and tell him to cut it out. >> bill: give me an image of a pope. >> did your face show up? >> bill: they said we aren't providing this now. if you did it before today you would get a picture of a native american and how many popes have there been, 233. >> i can tell you, though, you are right, tyrus, it is about a
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programming. grok is part of twitter. that's pretty funny. it is who programs it. i would prefer that chatbot over this one. >> bill: 266 pontiffs. >> i will say a lot of these have gone woke. good for google for pausing it. they could have let it just go. >> dana: how does it get out there without them knowing? google's executives were caught by surprise. if you put in show me -- fine, i'm glad they did it. it is like bud light saying we won't carry on with dylan mulvaney. >> because they got called out on it? >> tech guys got caught.
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they are guys who got caught. everyone said it was fine, what the world wants. they find out people who actually run the world don't. >> a.i. is not perfect. >> it's a person, of course it's not perfect. it is a person. >> the competitor to gemini is chatgpt with microsoft. 60% of the responses contain plagiarism. the idea for a.i. and chatgpt was to get computers to talk to each other. of course they're pledge areizing. they go through "the new york times" and "wall street journal" and pulling information from the articles and why you have a lawsuit out there. someone will have to pay big money if they want to make it a success down the road. >> dana:ist goes back to i said this last night on gutfeld. riveting. proud of myself for this one.
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we are becoming parrots. there is truth tellers and parrots. we've been the parrots. they just repeat. you don't learn when you repeat. we aren't learning anymore we're repeating. a.i. is a cheater's guide to doing the book report. you get the answers of the book. do you know the book and who killed the mockingbird? the talking points and now you are parrot and dummy. >> i need to disagree. there are so many wonderful advantages and things a.i. will bring to our world not to take it down and be serious. reading a mammogram or mri, brain scan. there are so many things a.i. will be great for. it's emerging secondnology. we're in the second or third inning. there is so much to gain from it. as far as what we'll chat about on twitter or water cooler, okay. >> there needs to be a line
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there. a trained scientist using a.i. as a reference, truth teller using it for truth is fine. my ninth grader using it to explain the history of the world, problem. parrot, not learning. >> bill: love the discussion. you buried the lead again. well done. hbd. the first american spacecraft to go to the moon in 50 years. the world's first private moon lander closer to a touchdown. we'll let you know where it's going now. live report from the mission and why it matters. ♪ let me play among the stars and let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars ♪ and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre.
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hi, i'm janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. (upbeat music) i could've had gastric bypass surgery, and i didn't like the idea of not being able to eat a normal portion for the rest of my life. for the last two and half years i have steadily lost weight with golo. golo really works. i'm living proof anybody can do it. if you're considering taking drastic measures to lose weight, i suggest you try golo first because it's safe and it's easy. >> harris: is president biden trying to be like donald trump? well, now biden says he will take executive action now to deal with his own border crisis. he just recently said no, he didn't have the power to do
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that. desperate times maybe. and in anger and shock in chicago. while the city takes resources from its residents and gives them to illegal immigrants. time to talk with an american who is fed up. that will happen next hour. plus republican presidential candidate nikki haley, attorney jonathan turley and pete hegseth. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: there is a company based in houston trying to make history today by landing the first commercial spacecraft on the moon and the first american one in 50 years. this is cool. let's make it happen, right? jonathan serrie is watching it from atlanta. hello, take us through it. >> hello. right now as we speak it is in lunar orbit 57 miles above the surface of the move. at 5:30 eastern time it will attempt a soft landing there. nasa is encouraging the private lunar economy in hopes of
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expanding exploration with a lower price tag. >> we ask companies to fly our instruments, in this case six of them. they can go get investment from other sources, non-traditional sources, sponsorship to land on the moon so eventually we can take advantage of other infrastructure that people might place there. >> nasa is playing intuitive machines 18 million to take its instrument to the lunar south pole to look at future landing sites for future missions and carrying six private play lords including columbia sportswear testing the heat reflective material in some of its jackets as a spacecraft insulator. >> history has shown us that whenever we try to do things that are technologically challenging and hard, it always leads to new technology and new information and insights.
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>> intuitive machines says 20% of their company's business is commercial. officials would like to increase that to 40 or 50%. >> bill: okay. let's make it work today, huh? jonathan. thank you. >> dana: pretty neat. >> bill: what are you cooking up? >> dana: before we go this is neat. you will like this story. 33 dogs were rescued from the southern border on tuesday. big dog ranch rescue traveled from florida to eagle pass, texas. they say thousands of dogs are left behind by migrants on a mission to bring them to loving homes. matt finn, one of our reporters, has been active trying to help get these dogs rescued and placed and a good mission. >> bill: the white house could you use one and we can help facilitate. >> dana: adopt. okay. harris faulkner is going to take you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: first a no. now a


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