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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> intuitive machines says 20% of their company's business is commercial. officials would like to increase that to 40 or 50%. >> bill: okay. let's make it work today, huh? jonathan. thank you. >> dana: pretty neat. >> bill: what are you cooking up? >> dana: before we go this is neat. you will like this story. 33 dogs were rescued from the southern border on tuesday. big dog ranch rescue traveled from florida to eagle pass, texas. they say thousands of dogs are left behind by migrants on a mission to bring them to loving homes. matt finn, one of our reporters, has been active trying to help get these dogs rescued and placed and a good mission. >> bill: the white house could you use one and we can help facilitate. >> dana: adopt. okay. harris faulkner is going to take you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: first a no. now a go.
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president biden is now considering taking executive action on his border crisis. he tore into former president trump for doing exactly this, taking executive action. and responsibility. he is repeatedly blamed republicans for keeping his party's efforts down to solve the crisis. and he has insisted his hands were tied and he had no power to take any action. now desperate times apparently if you look at the polling he might have to take a page out of donald trump's playbook. by the way, those plays work. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." remember just last month joe biden said he couldn't do any more on his own. >> have you done everything you can do with executive authority, is there more you can do? >> president biden: i've done all i can do. give me the power. i asked for it the day i got in
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office. give me the border patrol and give me the people, the judges, give me the people who can stop this and make it work. >> harris: as you might imagine that didn't go over well with outspoken far left democrats like congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. she hit social media with doing trump impressions isn't how we beat trump. seeking asylum is a legal right of all people. in the face of authoritarian threats we should not buckle on our principles, we should commit to them. aoc. so is president biden desperate enough to anger his base? well yes. the border is a disaster. a fox news analysis shows that nearly 7.3 million illegal immigrants crossed the southwest border under biden's watch. greater than the populations of 36 individual states. and according to border patrol data, the united states has released an estimated
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2.3 million illegals since 2021 roaming around. white house correspondent peter doocy. >> harris, i've been told many times during this president's time in office that he is -- this is a quote -- stopping the flow at the border. but now with what they are doing, they are basically admitting that hasn't happened yet. i am told by white house officials there is a policy paper floating around the west wing consistent with what "politico" first reported that president biden could soon make it impossible for anybody to claim asylum anywhere put a port of entry. the timing of the order is iffy. a white house spokesperson is telling us no executive action no matter how aggressive can -- republicans rejected. we continue to call on speaker johnson and house republicans to pass the deal to secure the border. this could be part of the
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urgency. the u.s. b.p. chief jason owens writes over the weekend agents across the southwest border apprehended 10 undocumented subjects with violent criminal histories including murder, rape, drugs or weapons trafficking. border patrol has apprehended 6,400 subjects with criminal convictions. >> joe biden made the decision through executive orders and illegal acts to open the border allowed drugs, criminals, terrorists into our country. makes no sense to me. he is a disaster president. we need to have a big win in november and the white house the turn this country around. we're in a crisis. >> something we heard from candidate biden, now president biden from the beginning is that it was his goal to put in place a more humane immigration system than donald trump had. but based on everything that we are hearing about what is possible, this does have a lot
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of the same notes of the trump border policy, the trump immigration policy. it would make sense that it could be revealed in two weeks at the state of the union. i'm told the timing of this is completely unknown even to officials here, harris. >> harris: so he wanted to be different from trump and now he has to borrow from trump. he better do it quickly because the situation is devolving by the hour. peter doocy, thank you. president biden has let it fester for so long, the border crisis is out of control. it now has migrated to every single state in the nation including his precious democrat-led states. we showed you this first on the "focus" yesterday. really angry chicago residents at a city council meeting. >> all this asylum seeking lie, all this about refugees, no, no, no, what's happening is they're
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emptying out the dregs of their jails into the united states and to our communities. they are junking up our country. and yet we feel some kind of way about it because it's our country. >> harris: you bet they feel some kind of way about it and i'm going to be talking with a chicago resident who definitely will express her feelings about it coming up later this hour. let's stay on the topic with my first guest. all eyes on south carolina. that state's pivotal primary now just two days away. nikki haley says she is staying in the race and is looking at contests beyond her home state. recent polling shows former president trump holding a commanding lead, one by more than 30 percentage points when you look across the board. that's a lot. here is the former president at a fox town hall just this week. >> you aren't supposed to lose your home state. she is losing it big. really, i said bigly and bigly
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-- [laughter] she loses bigley, we'll do a job. when we went to iowa we got a biggest margin in the history of the caucus. >> harris: recent polling suggests challenges for nikki haley when it comes to minority voter, black, hispanic and asian voters make up about 8% of the republican electorate. a recent poll finds combined they prefer the former president by 18 points. "new york times" analysis is also laying out another group of voters that may pose a challenge for haley since she became the first u.n. ambassador in 2017. south carolina has had a net gain of 372,000 new residents to register and they are old enough to vote. that particular number of them. and that means that nearly 10% of the current electorate did not experience nikki haley's south carolina state leadership. for now south carolina congresswoman nancy mason the
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"focus" yesterday. >> i told the president last week that the enthusiasm that i'm seeing on the ground here in south carolina is greater than it has ever been. he is going to win not only south carolina, win huge but win every single state in the primary despite the media, despite what his opponents say in this race so far he will win it all. >> harris: in "focus" now the candidate herself, former south carolina governor and ambassador nikki haley, welcome. we have to hit this border situation. the president now says and aoc is accusing him of basically mimicking donald trump. mimicking what others have done that has worked. what is your take on biden suddenly saying i can take executive action to fix the border? >> it's just amazing. what took him so long? the only thing affecting him now are the poll numbers.
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anybody who governs like that isn't governing. what happened last week. we had a border bill in congress, right? the good part about the bill was that it strengthened asylum laws. we have to do that. there were 3 million illegal immigrants that came in in the trump administration, our asylum laws weren't strong enough. the weak part it didn't have remain in mexico, hugely important. and had a 5,000 person threshold. we don't even want a one person threshold. we have to vet everybody. the problem is congress should have gotten in a room and kept going until they could get a strong bill out. instead they went home on break for two weeks. and then president trump goes and tells them don't get anything done until after the general election. we can't wait one more day to get a strong border bill out. we need biden to do his part. we need congress to do its part and we need trump to stay out of it. america continues to act like it is september 10th and we better remember what september 12th felt like. it only takes one person to have
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a 9/11 moment. congress needs to do their job. >> harris: i hear you on all that. a couple of things. congress already had a bill to go over together in a room. it was called hr2 and sitting there for eight to nine months because they put those -- republicans put the house bill out. why that didn't happen has to do with democrat senators particularly chuck schumer in the senate. that needed to happen then and you are saying it needs to happen now. then the other part of this. if we wait on congress to do something, the big sticking point will be this president won't follow that law any more than he is following the law of the u.s. supreme court not to pay off people who aren't paying off their school loans. he is not interested in following that law. he has already proven it by doing what he did yesterday, reflexively paying off, getting votes from people who need to pay off school loans. by people's money who didn't go to college. >> it is unthinkable and it is
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the worst of socialism when you see he is making people who didn't go to college pay for those who did go to college. michael and i spent years paying off student loan debt. what we're getting to is recant let biden or kamala harris have another administration. you showed a lot of polls in the front. the one you should have showed was the marquette poll that shows that trump and biden are margin of error. we'll once again be biting our nails wondering if trump can pull it off. he can't. i defeat joe biden by 18 points in the marquette poll. the thing is we have to make sure that we can win. we want to do all these changes in our country. none of those changes matter if we can't beat biden. and we've got to get that done and that's why these primaries matter. we can talk about who we like all day long. at the end of the day if who you like can't win, we're in a whole ball of mess and we cannot take four more years of joe biden.
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>> harris: how do you get there? this saturday, the primary. how do you get there beyond this state when you haven't won a state yet? how do you win your first state? >> it's amazing to say i haven't won a state yet. you have only had three states that have voted. >> harris: it's not amazing. that's winner take all. >> we need to let these things -- south carolina has not voted yet. south carolina hasn't voted yet. if you and everybody else tells me to get out of this race. >> harris: i'm not telling you anything. >> we have the longest general election race in history. 70% of americans don't want trump or biden. the most disliked politicians in america. 60% of americans have said donald trump is too old and joe biden is too old to run for president. we have to win. we need a new generational leader that can put in eight years. no drama or vendetta, just
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results for the american people. i'm determined to every single state and give people the right. in 70% don't won't trump or biden let's let this play out. ten days after south carolina, 20 plus states and territories will vote. let's let that happen. >> harris: quickly. i will ask my team for grace on this. saturday, february 24th, is two years exactly to the date the war started when russia invaded ukraine. i'm wondering with 48% of americans in a recent poll saying that they thought we didn't need to spend more, that we spent too much already, they want to know exact will i where the dollars are going to ukraine, with that kind of headwind you have advocated for continued aid for ukraine. can you make that case and can you convince people to see it your way? >> first of all, i think we should never govern by the polls. i think we need to tell people the hard truth.
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i blame joe biden because he has never once told the american people why they should care about ukraine. i think we have to look at the fact that i don't think we should give cash to any country, friend or enemy because you can't follow it and you can't hold it accountable. in this situation, the reason it matters so much, harris, is because putin has said once he takes ukraine, poland and the baltics are next. nato countries, that immediately puts america at war. this is about preventing war. we should give them the equipment and ammunition to win. 3 1/2% of our defense budget and saves us in the long run from having to send more resources or any men and women to do that. we don't want more, we have to prevent it. i'll tell you what was really dangerous is you had donald trump go and say that he would side with putin over those nato countries that aren't pulling their weight. he even doubled down and said he would encourage putin in invade those countries that aren't
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pulling their weight. we can't have that kind of language when he goes off script from the teleprompter because you have to look at the fact that trump just sided with a thug that kills his political opponents. he just sided with a man who goes and arrests american journalists and holds them hostage and sided with him over the allies who stood with us at 9/11. let's be careful. >> harris: i understand you take it that way and that's what you heard. and we'll have to see how all of this plays out. this president didn't have an invasion by putin on his watch. the only one in recent presidents. there is that to be said about it. i can't wait for you to debate him or somebody along the way to give americans you say deserve that choice and you are right about that. we'll see. you have to win a state. we'll be watching on saturday. >> and he should debate. he should debate. he should answer these questions about ukraine and answer questions about social security and why he wants to cut
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benefits. he should answer questions about raising taxes. those matter. >> harris: you and i always have a spirited talk. i'm so grateful for your time. good to see you. thanks so much. backlash after google's highly touted artificial intelligence chatbot turned out woke images. the tech giant apologized but raising concerns about a.i. and internet information. how woke are the folks teaching it? chicago residents are fed up over thousands of illegal immigrants in their city. >> where is the money for the south side and the west side communities? not only dollar for the illegals. if the crisis is so bad the city council members that are so concerned should donate their salaries to the cause like a real public servant should. >> harris: we showed it to you here first. now here is another one of those
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fired-up residents in "focus" next. stay close. cheese. [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and can save $6,000 a year. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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>> harris: a chicago city council meeting was raw and real. residents tore into city leaders over the 35,000 illegal immigrants who have poured into chicago and the city is on a spending spree for those people who broke our laws to get here. critics are accusing the city of prioritizing border crossers over minority communities in particular. >> get them out of our communities. they don't deserve to be there. >> downtown has three to four illegal families on every block begging for work and selling kit kat bars after a billion dollars was spent on them. where is the money? where is the money for the south and west side communities.
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not another dollar for the illegals. if the crisis is so bad the city council members who are so concerned should donate their salaries to the cause like a real public servant should. >> harris: that is from the city council meeting yesterday. we couldn't see everybody but played it for you anyway. we have more of it to play. illinois has spent more than $1 billion of chicago tax money already on the people who are there. so the illinois governor thinks he has the answer to it all. he is blaming texas. >> willfully planned the arrival of these individuals in locations and at times that would engender the maximum chaos for the city of chicago. think about that the next time a politician from texas wants to lecture you about being a good christian. they shouldn't leave it to the governor of texas who has no goal but to sew chaos and
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disruption. >> harris: you have lived in chicago your entire life. how bad is it? >> it's really bad. the sentiment of most of chicago is that of the young lady, one of the young ladies that you heard, jessica. the sentiment of chicagoans is the same. i just listened to the sound bite where governor pritzker, who wants to blame governor abbott. i think we have to be realistic in thinking about what the state of texas was going through before they began busing migrants here. i don't think we really think about that. it's worth looking at it now as chicagoans receiving migrants from the state of texas, but imagine what it must be like in the state of texas on a daily basis where people are arriving. our president, president biden, has not done enough. he has not done enough to secure
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the borders. he has not done enough to go in and propose some legislation that he can push forth himself to change this situation. and i'm telling you, we're so angry here in chicago, which has been a democratic stronghold for most of its eternity. this year we're working to turn chicago red. we are so angry with pritzker and with president biden and with our mayor, that we have decided that we are going to vote republican this time around. that's just how angry we are. we're so angry that we are willing and going to turn our backs on the democratic party. i sat in some of those city council meetings and i looked at and watched the aldermen totally disregard the voices of the people. and when i was going down there,
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we were coming down every week in the hundreds. and what we said did not matter. and when we were talking about changing chicago's status as a sanctuary city and keep in mind, we still have a right to do that. just like biden has the right to put forth an executive order to change the crisis at the border, chicago's mayor has the right to put forth an executive order to change chicago's city. he will not do it. if he was going to do it, it would have been done. remember, there was a vote within city council where the ordinance to change it was struck down. the mayor was the deciding vote. >> harris: i want to play just a little bit. it is a clip from your democratic mayor brandon johnson after the city council meeting yesterday. at the end of the day he is the one you are counting on. it is his vote in those
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meetings, his voice and leadership that matters. let's watch. >> we're grateful that the state and county is working towards providing more investments even though we have to have a more substantive conversation where the dollars will actually go. >> harris: i just have one question. chicago had a choice after lori lightfoot who was breaking protocols to get her hair done and all sorts of things. they didn't have to go farther left with brandon johnson. why did you vote for him? >> i voted for brandon johnson because i knew him. i voted for brandon johnson because i thought that he would be good for chicago. i voted for brandon johnson because really i didn't do my homework because had i done my homework and paid attention to the alliances and who he was with and who groomed him, i would have known better and i would have voted differently. and that brings me to the
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challenge of really standing up and not just saying to chicagoans or illinoisians but to all voters in this country, it is time for us to stand up and to vote our self-interests. we vote along party lines, especially as african-americans. and that needs to change. we need to start voting for people who are going to promote our self-interest and that may not be a democrat and it may not be a republican. it may be an independent candidate. it may be a green party candidate. but i think that now we have come to a point in this country where we have to stop marrying ourselves to party. stop voting along ethnic lines. because we're seeing that is not working for us. and so that is why i will be voting republican for the first time. >> harris: wow. that's a lot.
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that's a lot of change. it only took three years with one president to undo a lifetime of democratic voting in chicago, at least for you. does it make a difference if republicans come to see you this election cycle and talk about this issue on the ground in chicago? >> i think the republicans need to come and talk to us. the republican party has not been spotless and there are some issues that we would love to discuss with them that i think that we can have some common ground on. i think that we can agree to be disagreeable on some issues but yes, this is the perfect time for the republican party to come into the city of chicago, the state of illinois and sit down and talk to the people because we are looking for change. >> harris: god bless you. thank you so much. you put a lot on a lot of people's minds today and i wish you well in chicago. i know you are dealing with a
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lot of citizens there. thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: that is so interesting because that's exactly what donald trump wants to do here in new york. he wants to come and talk about the border here in a place where he did not win but thinks that he might be able to win at this point. what a conversation. former president trump is pushing to delay the huge penalties in his civil fraud case. the strong punishment could have a chilling effect on new york business owners overall. plus new information fueling more debate now into the biden impeachment inquiry. some say the bidens are far from exonerated. >> but i don't think he is a lynch pin of the burisma angle of their investigation. but they had immense evidence there was corrupt activity involved in that before hearing that there was an f.b.i. informant. >> harris: oh, we have a show for you today, people. constitutional law attorney jonathan turley in "focus" next.
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>> harris: former president donald trump's attorneys are not asking -- are asking to delay a expensive penalties of his civil fraud verdict. his team accused new york attorney general letitia james of rushing to collect that massive fine. she is. this comes as concerns grow over donald trump's new york real estate empire. some if not all of trump's properties could be on the chopping block if trump can't find the cash they need. fox business's lydia hu is in front of trump tower in new york city. lydia. >> hi there, harris. former president trump's lawyers are asking for a 30-day stay on the execution of that massive $450 million fine. happening just this morning the attorney general's office respond i had to that request saying trump has no basis for a
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stay even though earlier this week the attorney general hers said she is ready to seize trump's assets including his buildings in he is not able to pay. meanwhile, concerns are growing about the law that the attorney general used in this case against trump. lawyers and scholars question whether it was appropriate because it does not require proof anyone lost money, does not require a jury, and is just generally easier to prove than a typical fraud case. i spoke with steven cohen, the former chief of staff to then attorney general andrew cuomo. cohen says he does not take issue with the attorney general's suing trump but he does worry that this law is being stretched too thin and is setting a bad precedent. watch. >> we're relying upon the discretion of the a.g. and future a.g.s, not to abuse this particular use of the law.
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the tactic they have unleashed is one that you would hope will have limited applications in the future. >> so the open question is, who could the attorney general pursue next under the law? back to you. >> harris: a great question. thank you very much. with me now jonathan turley, fox news contributor, george washington university law professor an constitutional law attorney. so i believe you were watching lydia's report there. who could they pursue next? what is at issue here with what has gone on between letitia james and how she is handling donald trump? >> i think that is the core question for many people in business is the arbitrary and capricious aspect of this action. you don't know who will be next because you don't know who will pop up in the next political cycle. when james ran for office, she
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ran on the pledge to ban trump not on a specific crime or allegation. ran to bag him on something. this was the something. she picked wisely because this law is rather unique because it doesn't require a victim. it doesn't require anyone to lose any money at all. she used that to essentially gut the trump company. now, she succeeded and that has thrilled many new yorkers, but for many businesses they are looking around and saying but for the grace of god go i >> harris: which is what the people supporting this will be saying, too when the businesses pull out. they are cheering the politics of it but the reality is you can't eat it for dinner. democrats say the biden impeachment inquiry is one and done after james biden testified that his brother, joe, had no role in his business dealings. but republicans say this runs much deeper. >> restating my call to chairman
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comer to speaker johnson, to pull up the tent to this circus. >> it doesn't change the facts. facts are hunter biden gets put on the board of burisma. gets paid a million bucks a year, he has not qualified to be on the board. those facts don't change. >> harris: a pair of opinion pieces. miranda devine. there is still overwhelming evidence joe biden knew of family business dealings. and your op-ed. this lying witness does not exonerate the bidens. that is referring to a former f.b.i. informant who recently was charged with lying about joe biden and hunter biden accepting millions of dollars in bribes. take us into that part of the story. >> well, there is this very predictable response from people including representative raskin saying okay, they charged this russian guy and so there is
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nothing there. you have to keep in mind the same members have opposed every investigation for the last four years into the bidens. they supported the russian disinformation campaign that was debunked particularly with regard to the hunter biden laptop. but this is what i call houdini's elephant trick. he made his elephant disappear on the stage in new york every night. the trick worked because he knew the audience wanted the elephant to disappear. jenny never left the stage. that's what is happening here is that you have many politicians and many in the media who desperately want this elephant to disappear. this guy that they just indicted was a trusted f.b.i. informant. he was on the salary as an informant for a decade. and republicans said that he was a trusted informant. now the f.b.i. is saying he wasn't. that's on the f.b.i. but he was not the impetus of this investigation. there are hundreds of emails,
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photos, that contradict president biden and hunter about the influence peddling and corruption associated with his family. his family has always been associated with this form of corruption. i've been writing about the biden family for over ten years. it is ludicrous to suggest this indictment changes those facts. >> harris: as we just heard chairman jordan say there is plenty more to come in all of this. you know i never knew that the reason jenny disappeared on the stage was because we all wanted it so much. the things i learn when i'm on this show. great to see you. thank you. jonathan. it looks like the left is reprice prizing dd -- democrats are bringing up russia collusion? it is not 2016. it is not only biden's memory challenged on this one, it is 2024, people. plus artificial intelligence
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>> harris: google's chatbot is responding to woke responses. the "new york post" cover shows the a.i. rendering of george washington. kelly o'grady is with me now. >> awfully tan is right. a lot of users are calling out gemini a too woke after we're seeing a lot of these examples. google came out on x and pausing the image generation service after launching it. releasing a new version soon. they tested the product first and discovered it is really difficult to get gemini to generate an image of a caucasian male.
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gemini showed everything but white males. we also saw those historical inaccuracies in play. black and female roman emperors. when pressed why gemini showed examples that didn't exist it apologized and agreed diversity can't come at the expense of accuracy. they were starting to make some of those changes and google told fox business we're working to improve these kinds of depictions immediately. the image generations generates a wide range of people generally a good thing. people around the world use it. it is missing the mark here. so we've seen this with a.i. there are hiccups. i'll end google controls 80% of the search market how we learn and when you have bias it does impact the find of information that you get. >> harris: it's not how i learned. i understand how a.i. works for right now. it only spits out what you teach it. it is artificial intelligence, not the real kind.
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however, if you can't pull up actual information that is factual it is broken. i hope they fix it. thank you. in "focus" now pete hegseth co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. you with here with your hands in the air. >> you got on the issue. it is who is behind the algorithm. if we're looking to silicon valley and looking to washington, d.c., we know exact will i what we're getting every single time. which is why you have skepticism around our media, social media, elections. you have skepticism now around artificial intelligence which really is proving itself to be artificial. one thing to have an opinion another thing to say george washington was black. he may have been a lot of things but he wasn't black. just get it right. it's okay depicting black female astronauts, great, fine. there can be people of any background and color who could be astronauts. >> harris: if they actually were
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the people. >> show me an astronaut from the 1960s you'll get a white dude. the example of the hockey player. show me an nhl player. it was a female hockey player in just about every instance. there haven't been any that i'm aware of. you are going with the absolute counter factual so as to prove what agenda? what agenda are you proving? that you can generate something that is factually false? i don't get it. >> harris: kelly said something interesting and probably true. not true for me. people learning from google. that is frightening to me because if all of this is going on, there is other stuff that's not right, too. you need to triple source that. you have to be a journalist to go through that. >> a lot of people learn from google and wikipedia and tiktok. the people if power have learned those tools which should just be tools for research are extremely powerful for the manipulation of minds. they want to control them and
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curate them and curate them to create an outcome. a woke outcome now. every once in a while we get a glimpse under the surface. a.i. generated photographs should be historical. instead i have a black female pope. maybe somebody there will be. probably not any time soon. females are not allowed in that order. maybe a black pope. so far this hasn't been one. if you show me one, some me something accurate. there is an agenda behind this. >> harris: the e part is equity, promising outcomes. what they are doing is promising you a certain outcome. it all goes together. it is what they want to see. it is back again, have you heard? like a rash. democrats have returned to a favorite play trying to tie former president donald trump to russia, russia, russia. >> you wonder what does putin have on donald trump that he always has to be beholding to
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him, his buddy. his buddy in vileness. >> the hoax is donald trump who has been manipulated by putin for a long time or certainly in love with him. >> it appears as if the house republican majority is being used by russia to interfere in the 2024 election on behalf of donald trump. >> what do you think putin has on him, on trump? >> well -- >> that's a good question. what has he got? >> i actually think that -- >> money. >> donald trump views himself as a putin-like dictatorial figure. >> harris: he is not calling him the leader of the kkk anymore. >> anderson cooper with the serious face. where is your follow up questions and where are the facts? where is he saying well, we're eight years on this russia
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collusion deal. where is your evidence? you had bob mueller, you had all these -- you had the steele dossier and all these accusations. where is your evidence? will you present any? this is what these politicians count on. facts don't matter. the truth doesn't matter. as long as they repeat a lie enough times that's enough to have political efficacy for them and count on accomplice it media squinting sideways to look thoughtful. not asking. >> harris: what would be more helpful if they concentrated what russia threatened to do under this current president. >> and what they didn't do under donald trump. didn't make minor incursions that happened under democrats. >> harris: i said it earlier with nikki haley. i said no matter what is said about anything with russia and this president, russia didn't move to take another country under his watch. we have to get there. i don't know if biden can get us there.
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the legacy media ramping up attacks on trump. analysis by the media research center of abc, cbs and nbc, their evening new casts in four weeks following the new hampshire primary found 89% of the coverage about trump was negative. >> at least they are who they have always been. 89% negative is basically 100%. it's basically 100 percent. whatever they would have said is back handed. they have a failed candidate and go into hyper drive to cover for joe. how much negative coverage do they have oh joe's inability to speak? any? i would like to see those facts. of course not. >> harris: if you put all the oxygen in the room about one person, that person gets a lot of earned media. >> people now have other sources to get information as well. they don't just believe. >> harris: thanks for watching the "focus." "outnumbered" is next.
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