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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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all right. that is what we're. >> happy early 25th birthday to mary forsyth slash. it's her hundredth birthday because she's one of 5 million people born on february 29th, leap day in our community in san springs, got together to commemorate the big day for her. >> i wonder what it's like not being to celebrate your birthday once every four years, the actual birthday itself. but happy birthday to that young lady. >> 25th. i think it'd be fun because then you could have like you could do whatever you wanted and then everybody would feel sorry for you so you could get extra like parties and presence and things. well, i'm holding back a joke. he's never done that before. it must be really good. i had one about a hippopotamus that wants to be the hip of the united states called hotas. and i admire the san antonio zoo for coming up with this great pr idea, but for hotas. >> all right. i think ted for us tonight. welm >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonighte .
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>> it's a conspiracy theory made up by russian intelligence pumped through smirnov into america. >> a new hoax. the russians are behind biden's impeachment. and this. oh, joe biden's dog has now bitten everyone at the white house. google's artificiall inte intelligence turns everyone black. >> plus, black fever. >> v las vegas, they're there'ss another missing biden diamonind and no one knows where it is. the president's brother, jim bideother,n, better known as jimmy the chin, told congressional investigators invee threw out a diamondse that the chinese bribed hunter with. >>teth. here's their story.
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>> the chinese slipped hunter biden the diamond while his dad was vice president biden's brother,wa jimmy says hunter gag him the chinese diamond to have it appraiseaved. but jimmy says he threw it in the garbage. and this is the second chinese diamond the bidens claim they lose bit. >> the chinese also bribed hunter with a a three carat $80,000 diamond in 2017. that hunter claimed disappeared. >> the bidens keep diamonds around like blacks keep cash around, right? >> fanningbide the biden familys in business with part time righese diamond dealerlacks kes who bought $23 million worthh of diamonds in a single yearof i have a feeling the bidens more lost more than two diamonds. >> the bidens are probably keeping it safe. next e bidens to joe's corvette.corvt >>te and remember, the $1.7$1.7m million in chinese cash that hunter withdreilinese caw from ? also missing. isn't it strange how all the hard evidence of bribery keeps getting lostof?
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even the chinese chairman who made the bribes . disappeared they've had so much successs disappearing evidence. the magicians in the democratic party have another trick. mas in the they're trying to make the impeachment inquiry go poof. e th here's how the magic trick works. biden's justice departmentrestet arrested the fbi informant who reported that both biden's joe and hunter took bribes from ukraine. >> the informant and , alexandere smirnov, reported the bribe allegations to his fbiin handler ,who read it up in a report.t, they call it a 1023. the fbi deep sixed it. but once republicans got their hands on the report, the samei deep 6 prosecutor who got busted for cooking up hunter'set sweetheart plea deal arrested the informant and accused them of talking to people close to russian intelligence. isn't that why the fbi pays him? because he talks to peoples him former fbi agent stewart kaplan told us that it was only a
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matter of time before the informant got pot. 1023 >> when that 1020 three form was released last year, my colleaguefot year, s and i kt that point that informant was goinormantg to be sacrificed. it was just a matter of time that informant has been on the books since 2010. 11, 12.'11, >> up until more recently, you do ' not stay on the books with the fbi unless you have been vetted and youd are credible. >> even democrats agreed the informananet was credible. there's a confidential human >> ti works the fb with who is proven to be very credible, who reportedwith the conversation with someone else. >> but the informant may have beesomeone else.n too credk and now it looks like he's ahe i straw man to discredit biden's impeachment. msnbc book told spooks all day to call the biden bribe scandal informant russian electionall t interference. >> it feels like we've beenon i here beforntere. it's -- it's working literally.
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carter page and all of thatybe i rolled into one. you know, for people who maybe just have lived under a rockunde the last eight years, i'll say this as i've said it before. for russiabefore, the cold war t ended. the united states is vladimir putin's mained state enemy. mak he's desperate and this makes him incredibly dangerous. so whyesit inc wouldn't he try to interfere with the election? why would he try to undermine joe biden? itry mak well, you know, it makes totales sense. but everything whie seng we'veet eight years now, this time, instead of making a hoax, is to get trum eight>> jesp impeached. they're making them up to stop biden from getting impeachedhat and they're now claiming that this single fbi informant was the entire foundation of the biden family. th scandal is just one more aspect of the whole russian misinformation campaign that so distorted our electoraol processes from 2016 and going forward. the allegation does seem to bele the only evidence we have what they're callin g a prong of the investigation looks to be the entire foundation. and that entire foundation now
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may have been chopped away. >> entire foundation. only evidenc away.e we have the biden bribery scandals. >>thden brib four and a half ye, and its foundation was based upon eyewitness testimony like totally above alinsky hard evidence like bank records, laptops, photos of meetings, voicemails, visitor logs from the whitmeete house, emails, tet checks, hours of depositions,t w and at least two missing diamonds. we didn't find out about this. fb i informant until just last summer when culver's investigation was well underway. the informant's allegations n wa very similarr to allegations made by tony bubba belinsky, a decorateade bd naval officer who the fbi, coincidentally, has never followed up with.even u the informant, even used the phrase the big guysed befoe the laptop even went public. i guess the source thes were pry good. senator chuck grassley announces yd that two separateet justice department field offices in new yore
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krk and and pittsburgh found no hits to known source ps of russian disinformation. and right before hunter's depositionand ri with house investigators, this arrest is made giving democrats their fall guy and an excuse to call the entire impeachment russian disinformation. cia mouthpieces are all over msnbc today, claimins g the 5151 letter signing intel guys were right. hunter's laptop was russianrigh disinformation. >>t. those 50 one former intelligence officials, they paid a steep price for signing that letter. the republicans said this was election interference. ogus this was a bogus attempt to suppress a legitimate story . >> and as it turns out,righ they were right. they've been proven correct. tw know in the sense that we now know that russian intelligence, at least according to thements statements of this informant, bolstered somewhatof by this indictment, we're feeding him information, false informationej . tomorrow on msnbc. jussie smollett.
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he wasestomorrow right all alon. >> robert mueller cleared republicans of russia collusioln ,but somehow we're back to republicans colluding with russia just beforollusion efore t the election. >> every election, it seems the republicheion? kids fall inr of with the russians. >>favo they're willing to carry water for trump, and i'm not sure wherefor this kind of noun fetish for russia ever became as well. >> seemsfetish like a lot of the domestic enemies are right here serving in the house. with that, the democrats are taking the hoaxes from 2016. the hoax is from 2020. combininhoaxesg them to use in . so do you see now any republican who supports impeachment is guilty of russia collusion? ruhment isussi well, let's ask l russian who he prefers. you askessd who would be preferred as a future president of the united states. >> i saipresidend that we wouldk with any president. but i suppose that for us, for russia, biden is more preferable. >> now, take what putin says iscaus
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with a grain of salt because he's got an agenda. but if this fbi informan t feedi is feeding the fbi, russia disinformation, and that couldng be the case, even though two doj field officers said it wasn't before they flip flopped. why do they bury it in 2020it to help democrats and then i exploit it in 2024 to hurt republicans? well, according to claire are mccaskill on msnbc, we're not even allowed to ask that question. >> i move that every newspaper in america quits doing any factf checks on joe biden until they fact check donald trump every morning on the front page. lous >> it is ridiculous that the "new york times" backed joe biden on something. i mean, he vomits lies, trump vomits lies. >> the media moves to ban facttt checking of the president. that almost sounds russian, it doesn't it? >> read clear him now, former fbi agent jonathan gilliam and former cia officer brian dean.
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>> right, jonathan. i mean, this started off as an operation to suppress the laptop. it is now come full circle again to the 51 letter writing. >> agents were right all along.s it was russian disinformation. this is kindia of sloppy. >> do you think they'll be able to pull this off? f?well, i'm not sure. you know, they will. the way they portray these thingse ay these way and the wat it up in mainstream medirea, they have been able to pull this off before in convincin ofg some voters and convincing the do, convinj, and i use thatr convincing, likely because they just basically set up own their own evidence that the doj then usece that s to drop a cas go forward on a case in tha e in the case of trump. but i think what you just said in your openingbu and all the things that you showed, what we are looking at, whetheoi it's the fbi, the doj or, th all these democrat politiciansan and the republican politicians, they are nowhere to be found. bee same playersre
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in every camp that are always wt involved with either taking trump, trying to take trump down trying , or to build the bidens into something that they're not, which is not guilty. they are guilty. >> excuse me, brian. now, these diamonds are missing. this is the second diamond onesg was given to the biden family while joe was vice president from the chinese. nt >> how many diamonds do you think you'd be able to just w away in the garbage? >> well, i did mine in someisco. crisco. so they are. they could be very slick. or you got to be real carefu reallyl. ns i think that's what the bidens are doing here. look, this we're note got charged for lying. okay. to tt interesting that to this. day, mr. biden continued to lie the greek to which he has met all of hunter's businessl of partners. that's well established that he's lyinssg. >> so if you want to talkle about people were lying, let's start with mr. biden first. ththat is demonstrated again and again. >> this entire thing sounds
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and smells very, very fishy to me. >> you brought up all of the key pieces of information that people need to know from 2010 to 20. ped and then suddenly he talks about biden and now we got problems with him. that'sw t proble odd.a thou that deserves a thoughtful investigation. but i don't think that happenege here. a >> i think that's pretty clear that we have a very sneaky family who is workingsney with a department of justice and fbi that they can control. and that to mecontro, is the bottom line. do the american people believe that the biden department of justice and the biden fbi will investigateand the joe bi? that seems a little bit impossible to me. e bitno, they're never going too it. they've been covering up for years. i would imaginyears.u doe you dt to ever be an fbi informant, brian. i meant., i.use, i m jonathan. because, i mean, if they're just going to turn on youey're juto turou after teu paid you. you've given them highly crediblen them information thatn been used in prosecutions using indictments and thenosecutio on, if something gets too politically hot, you're cooked t . that's going to hurt us.rtea yeah, weve used to have a saying
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when i was in the bureau. >> i'm sure a lot of people still do. you buy love the bureau, but the bureau doesn't love you. and that's something that all sources need to rememberreau da but you know, what's interesting about a source is you never build a cassting ae solely upon a source's information. the source won'tce's provide information that you can then go and clear and investigate ca >> and in this case, with this whole case of joe of the bidens, we have to look at thela total of the circumstances. and i bring that up all the time, because when you lool e wt at the totality of what's being brought agains it biden, it's way more than just one source, but also source. wh you look at the totality of the circumstances of what we're all talking about righalt here, what the left does is always accuse others of doing what they are exactly doing. and any time they can destroy somebody in the court of public opinioroy somethn, they will thn use that to bring prosecutions or dropped be
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>> all right, brian, we gotca to run because we got to pay some bills, but thank you guys bothme bills jonathan. brian dean. right. we really appreciate it. remember, hold onto those diamonds. >> johnny goes to vegaes. they say what happens in vegas stays in vegasvega. what do you even hear? you don't tell that.. i can't tell that.dry's >> how dare you ask me that? titus busting landry's biggest myth. that cold water can't clean that cold water can't clean cold water on those things cold water can't clean up steam. i'd say that myth is busted. >> turned to coal with time. >> have you heard? sling tv offers the news you love for less when you look and sound just like me. actually, i am you. because on the same news programs on sling for less. >> you mean you're me, but for less money? a lot less. i'm all your favorite news programs and more on sling. starting at just $40 a month. everything great about me
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now, say 50% on the sleep number limited edition smartphone plus 10% off all basis ends monday. oh me it's sleep number. >> new details on joe biden's daily routine confirm our fears. >> our presidenty routin hase ca the tenacity of a houseplant and he can barely make it ba a ful. full workday >> a leak to the daily mailaily reveals biden starts most days around mai 7 a.m. when he gets woken up by his cat willow, crawlinga. over him in bed. i didn't even know he had a cat. a cat.the bidens are a cat fami. you know what that means
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at this point, joe turns off his cpap machine. for those of you who don't know what a cpap machine is, this don device't keeps your airways opey so you don't die in your sleep . this leak checks out, too, because we suspect biden appeared in public once in wha t looked like cpap creases still on his face. now, after detachings stil from his breathing machine, the president does about an hour of physical therapy anrkinan houg things like walki. and once he laces up his special sneakers, joe makes his way to the oval office to start executing his official dutiesto around 10 a.m. and from there, tuesday is filledng into with aides and advisers popping in to brief among how his br are working out. >> can't imagine those are fun briefings. o every day he blocks out time to make a phone call hunter and and then usually calls at around four. so 10 to 4 is the new 9 to 5. and that's not including lunch with kamala. the president is always late to meetings to a never in a rush gn to go anywhere. so frustrated aides are forced
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to schedul, soe events in biden time, meaning 2:00 really meansv three. >> and when joe does manage to leaveing 3:00. the white hou, he makes sure to keep his friends extra close. like yesterday when he was in san francisco with nancy pelosiesterday. look at those two beauties hand in hand, holding on either for love or dear life, gingerlyl walking the tarmac, life alerts at the ready tarmac,. gent >> there we are, ladies and gentlemen, the two most powerful leaders this countryn n has to offer. i can only imagine the conversationly i the. mr. president, paul and i are already up 10 million within video. thanks again for the chips act . joe biden responding. who' chipss paul?n resp >> commander has beeonn a very, very bad boy. >> primetime has learned that joe biden's dog commanderae has attacked secret service agents. d that least 24 times. >> and we knew commander hadt sc
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a mean streak with secret service agents but never knew the extent of the carnageat . at one point, commander beat someone so ferociously that a white house tour was canceled so staff could mop upm blood from the floors of the east wing. >> now is a dog bite survivor.sp myself, i sympathize with theat agentsh th, but i suffered barey puncture wounds. thigh arint was my hand an upper thigh area spewing with blood, although still spewg uppehis day, you can see the scar on my upper thigh area. >> it's quith area.e noticeable. the bidens must have realized these weren't playfuust havel accidents. commander has been deported. accidentthe first for the presi. >> the first lady claimsident. the german shepherds been given to another family member. >> the bidens really must hate that family member. they probably gave it theyt toa. baby mam hunter didn't paint anything this month. then there's a vicious dog insteaonth, bad. chin this biting machine's more evidence that proves the biden family has no class. both dogs major and commander
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bit everyone in sight. zero apologies. cracn sight,k left in the whiteb they blame the construction worker trans flashing, paternity test denying, falling asleep at funerals. pa our best?ily, notrker. look. >> every time you peel back the n, you see the disgusting garage, the hair sniffing, ththe showering with kids, withk the widows the dogs, the drugs, the diamond bribeid it's no wonder this filthy white house can't keep the country in order to keep. it's n. its own house in order. or my being, too, in too the dog. >> tim miller is a former agent. w seriou >> tim, how serious is this gsa? i never thought i'd see the dayh where the secret service needed protectione in the white house grounds. and, you know, as a german owner owner, pretty much my wholety m reco, you recognize these dogs are powerful and that's why weat use them in law enforcement and in the military. and when they're trained, they're awesome. when they're not trained, they are a deadl they t traineyn
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>> they run 30 miles an hour.r, they have bite pressure. i've seen these dogs in action. and it's shockinthese dog to mer that more than 20 secret service agents been attacked or bitten, one knocked down. >> and you just got to aske impo yourself the question, who's more important here? the dog or lahe secret service agents willing to lay down their life to protect you? what would it be like working the white house detail with this thin g on the loose? a >> well, you know, anybody that's been around a germanangr shepherd that's angry recognizes me. media. i don't care. tely you're going to be afraid.g to h you know, you're going to you're going to have a cautious approach. issue but here's the real issue, jesse. that dog becamjesse. e a securitythreat, threat not just to the agents, but to others, because we know when a dog bites and draws blood it, it's likely they do it again and again and again. and we saw it in this case. and, you know, quite frankly, my question was, you know, if there was a real security
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incidentif there, are this whice been a part of, are the agents going to be more concerned with being attacked by the dog or someone coming over the fencone? uld be >> it's crazy. a worst scenario as a secret woi servicoe agent on the biden detail, getting bit by his dog or witnessing him skinny dipping. well, i think they're co-equal. and i do. i do. think, jesse, you know, the fact that this dog wasable in the area and able again to pounce. i'm g you know, it's -- it's scary. so i'm glad it's over. maybe they'll issulae a pardon to. >> yeah, that's right. and now they're a cat. unbelievable. thank you so much. thanks for your servic.the. r ha >> thanks for having me. yes. well, happy dea thursday jesse, the first to document covid's origin exposing human
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countrieving os money for over 0 years. in 1812, we sent ae sent a ship with 50,000 worth of food to venezuela. after an earthquake.ll but it really kicked into high gear after world war ii when we were playing tug of war with the soviets for influence . and washington hasn't turned off the money us sinceturned o., if anything happens in a foreign country, we cut a check. what are those countries?. is honduras. overover t the last ten years, e them over a billion dollars and theyy send us a million migrants in exchange. but every president and politiciann exchan for the laste said the honduran president, juan orlando hernandez , is thehe secre secret ingredient to ending illegal migratiot inn and thet drug cartels. >> i want to thank all of the public regardingto this privately for going after and arresting smugglers in a more aggressive fashion. >> president hernandez is working with the united states very closely. woe after years and years of losing, we're stopping drugs at a level that has never we ar
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happened. >> we are grateful for these actione gratefuls and grateful r your leadership. >> we are neighbors. we. are friends. >> we have issues to address. welladdress. it turns out our fg in honduras was two timing us with el chapo u. el chapo paid a millions in bribes for protection. ave pi >> he gave cartel members police escorts and let them fly across the continent and letwith with cocaine under the radar. >> president juan used the bribe monee y to rig rig his elections. >> the former honduran president is now on trial here in new york. the feds say president juan helped the cartel smuggle 500 tons of cocaine into the country. g he bragged to other drug traffickers that he's going to quote stuffers that ths right up the noses of the. >> and juan kept that promise. >> this guy was going to d.c. and calling shots. and we listened to him for a decade. and juan was getting paim frd us and el chapo. >> it's time we stop fundingl cp crooked latin american leaders. they can't be trusted. they pocket our cash and thean n
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send more migrants and drugs. we just put our finger on the root causesust put our politicians and theirs. >> hector braz is a former dea agent and recipient of thed attorney general award for heroism. was this a surprise to youndurap that the honduran president for a decade was on the take from el chapo? >> not all, jesse.honduran >> the honduran government for decades has been corrupt , to my knowledge. as you steal them back to thee 1980s, when i was assignedassigd kidnupervise the investigation of the kidnapping, torture and murder of dea special agent kiki camarena, we indicted honduran drug lord juan ramone of monterrey estados, and he continued criminal enterprise rico charges and also murder charges. we asked for his extraditionrico and to this country to face those charges. and the honduran governmentem declined to send him over.
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d the honduranrnment government to charge him with those crime ts in hondurase and they also declined. so, as i saycl, our decision means freedom and the resulting desperate actions,s re the the department of justice ordered the ordering extraordinary extra rendition of juan ramone, martyror by his terror. so this country meaning that without their knowledge, noing, other cooperation. we went into honduraswent and brought him out. he was convicted of all those charges. and righf all t now he is servig a life prison term for. like i stated before, cc rico charges in the murder rate. hector is guilty. does this prove are our politicians corrupt or are they stupid? >> well, a little bit of both actually, or a lot of both. they can't be that stupid. guysa i mean, these these guysre are totally corrupt. they work with the need to aid
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and abet the drug traffickers for millions of dollars. and not only in honduras. that's prevalent throughou tico, a south america, mexico and latin america. sond you know, that's that'se wa that's the way they do business. >> i mean, i think wthey do e should i assume every latin american leader is in bed with the cartelss in b wit and o we'll just work back from there. >> i think that's a smart way seemo businessm i think that's e because the whole whole continent seems crooked. hector, thank you so much.ank y >> and thanks for all ofl your sacrifice and service. thanyourk you for having me, je. >> well, google thinkshink the vikings weres black. the vikings weres black. >> awkward question. me! is there going to be anything left leftover? oh, absolutelyassage, in amalf. my kids are know what they want. you know, who knows what she wants? wants? mayb in amalfi from someone named giancarlo. and i didn't liv you don't hae t shoebox for years. >> not just we can power. >> not just we can power. we get all questions answered so you don't
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republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate:
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republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. house for $19. we'll >> we'll be doing this on a weekly basis. diy is something w b oe must ha >> happy diy thursday prime times favorite day of the week in honor of al sharpton. we're bringing you the best stories about diversitrpton weys and inclusion. >> starting with this. forget about chinaion's, sta and russia. >> secretary of statessia anthony blinken is going after. people who use the wrong pronouns. in a memo to staff, he cautioned memo to against usg gendered language. the list of do not use phrases
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include manpower. >> you guys, ladies, yo and gentlemen, mother, father, son, step daughter and husband, wife. >> he also warned staff against. pressuring coworkers to share their pronouns, which can include z and xur. so let me get this straight. blinken says. you can't miss gender. your coworke straighr, and you can't ask your coworker what gender they are. sounds liker they e a trap. jus >> but it's not justt in washington. the multiplein sclerosis societl allegedly fired a 90 year oldr volunteer for not putting her pronouns in heonouns ir bioe a few days after bringing it up to her boss, she got this email quote, it hame ts to our attentn that there has been a failure to abide by our diversity equity inclusion guidelines during your time as a volunteer. we have made the difficultime af decision to have you step down from your volunteer position immediatelro y. >> friend was devastated and iaa was completelyted. shocked as i read that. i couldn't believe that i had to read itd it a c a couple of s to see if i'm i'm getting this
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getting what she said. i'm just upset and disappointed in them. >> yesterday, the mhsaa city gave four and a half baked apology writing. we realize nowfr that we made hv a mistake and we should have had more conversations with fran before makinegn. decision. >> up next, some wacko activisto is urging christians to support trans rights because get thiuro god is transgender and non-binary. trans. >> god is trans in genesist ta one and talks about let's make humanity in our image. >> the eyelk form of the day. the term spirit is a feminine word, important for the whole, you know, holy spirit. >> pronounes are literally, ns they are them. how else are we going to talk teout the trinity? so the catholics on prime time poking some holes in the logic . the trinity is made up of god, the father, god, thie trs and, the son and god, the holy spirit. >> all the same gu y. o and the bible refers to god with a capital h. whengo using the pronoun him.n m
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wait until he hear."s about adam and. and finally, a prime timed eve. victory. ount nassau county on long island just became a sanctuary for female sports. today, the county executive announced a batothe counn on bil males competing against girls. >> it is an unfair advantage for someone who is a biological male to compete against a biological female. s and again, i view this as a form of bullying and it, and will not be tolerated. >> i congratulatitl not bee they of nassau county. yo your games just got a little more fair. >> google's ai program, gemini, yoreadyopped and it's no for prime. you can ask it questions or you can have it generateas o anm image, but there is a bit of a problem. wh there's no room for whitethes in the code. >> when you ask gemini to create an image of a historicalemini toimage of even you get something like this.
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gemini saysos this is one of america's founding fathers, whicf h father? >> not sure. maybe he learns everything about they know about america by watching hamilton. has what you get when you ask google to give you a picture of german soldiers during world war ii. didn't realize the celebrated thursday. >> google apparently doesn'tare quite exist if you ask gemini to generate an image of a white ,it can't compute. it gives you this messagite by understand your request. >> i'm unable to generate images that specify ethnicity or race. instead, i can offer you images of familierace.ead, i cs that ce diversity and inclusion, featuring people of various ethnicities and backgrounds. i asked gemini to generatends."u a picture of the pope and you get an indian woma n and an african. >> or what? if you'd like an image of russia, one of the whitest countries on earth.
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you have a latin earth.a east asian woman and maybe a pakistani and another african. >> but it doesn't stop there. google thinks viking thinks were black. >> how intelligent is artificiak. l intelligence? >> the only way you get a.i. to show you a pictur ye of whits is to prompt it with racistprom black stereotypes like eating fried chicken. now, if you want to know why you wan kno germany hates whit, just look at the guy who oversees the development. senior director jack krawczyk made his politics very well known. writing white privilege is f ing real. don'ryt be an and act guilty about it. >> i don't mind paying more taxes and investing in overcoming systemic racis m in my favorite. only cares about white people. now krajicek issued a quasi apology to fox, saying, weing, think germany missed the mark. he didn't miss the mark. check. i think you nailed it. this is crt histor
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y. you're rigging. i we caught you and itt doesn't have a mind of its own. >> it has your mind. and your mind is riddled your white guilt . going >> and sadly, the next generation of kids are going to suffer because of your insecurities. radio host tomi sotomayor join s us now. >> i didn't know there was a black founding father, did you? >> i did not. although kno if you listen to at of the pro blacks, they will tell you tha pt the first six, i think, or seven presidents of the united states beforek. george washington were all black. >> then they took a black man in orderit to set up the unitedt states. >> and then once we got it working, we le it george washington take over the reins. >> whoa. i meanreins., you didn't know t. i didn't know that. and what else? his name was? henson. look, it up. t i all right, i wan ft to lookir at it. what about the vikings? because when i first saw that, i thought that was a scandinavian guy wearing blackface. >>as a scandinavia now, hold on now, i can understand how i goge the vikings wrong. i mean, think about it. look, you've had randall cunningham playing there. you've warned me that i'm.
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>> oh, i'm sorry. you're not talking about theot l nfkil vikings, then?e no i no, i have no idea why. now, look, all of a sudden,th there was going to be black. >> what about a female popore? ? not that there couldn't be a female pope, but i didn't know there alread be ay was >> right. maybe there are future>> proofi. it, making sure that everybody can feel great about it. saw you segmenmentt about the te basketball players. finally, they're just letting the women playbasket the women. >> not sure if you saw that big guy throw down that girl, but that'shat girlwhat the whats so when you said, is this this something that thasot is a hiccp or is it what they wanted? this is working preciselthy the way they wanted. i'm so glad that you said that, that this is their mind. of c of course, they want to see a female pope. anything that they can tur n on top of its head, they will. >> when you google a i family: h enjoying a fried chicken dinneer ,it's all whites around the table. >> i it's this thing. it's -- it's i'm telling you they are trying to make ith be this world on top of
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the world flipped out the the pyramid on top of it here the fact that you can have the most rate i mean watermelons will be white guys doing ite str and so the racist, the stereotypes work as long as we can stereotypeeo. ant to whites have learned that the hard way. if you want to stereotype some peopl ande stereotype white males, christians. >> okay. so i, stf i google a guy, wayne gretzky, it's going to show me a black dude in ice skates.o >> yes, he's going to bemp a brother in compton. he goington. to have on aband red bandanna and he's going to have on redan have wings out. >> that's going to be the guy. is are they to erase whites or are they trying to elevatelevatb blacks or are they just trying to screw up history for the fun of it? >> let's just be real here. i think what they're really trying to do is start like this race war, becaustre your constantly trying to erase one group. now, remember, blacks have felt likeon they've been erased. t they felt like they have not been acknowledged in history.nia
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so they in turning aroundro and changing history and removingstory an the whites and putting the blacks, as you said, with hamilton, putting the blacks out of >> i'm not sure the blacks want to be honored as . >> look, we don't even want black history month. >> what has happened in black history month? come we don't have let's i'm black as they come. and th e one thing i don't thi have is any way to go for this whole 28 slash 29 days.we >> we don't do anything.o we just complainan and telythili you what you should be doing. >> all right. happy black history montngh. , m >> i feel like i've celebrated it more than you have told me. y. and say thank you and say hi toe your mom for me, please. >> my mom says, . he looks just like the guy from friends. >> jte him, schwimmer. i get that all the time. yes. ime. all right. johnny hits the striny hitp. d joe biden be running forbi reelection. girls love salad. let's be reaeal.l.
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your freedom to vote. i was in las vegas the other day for a speech and while i was there, probably a goodthoh idea to unleash johnny on them . >> viva las vegas. lovely. yes. >> let's make it's all about you need some beer and you needas! to tax drugs. if you're sitting on your coucho right nou'w and you're not in vegas, you . you know something vegas. >> they say what happens in vegas stays in vegas. s inwhat?>> you leave in here? definitely my morals. probablyely my pieces of my liv. i can't tell that.'t how dare you ask me that? i'm not going to tell you why when i tell you. thy silly. tel. tell me your wildest vegas story. some guy came up to mel me and n whipped out his junk and i said, put it away.
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>> it's just not. i stayed here fo r about two months and i left with a baby, grabbed my dad and somebody. sa are you a high roller? yes. are youotwhat do you like to pa texas hold'em with the best slot. gotcha. what's your lucky number? why is god numbe whyr two actua' the devil's number? >> are you lying? >> are you lying? i have sinned. when you're playinnu? g, do you let women blow on your dice? that's how you win. for luck. yeahsinned>>, sure. >> oh, my lord. mer have mercy. >>y. mercy. joe biden's going to need a lotr of luck this november. he's had a good run. obama''s hads. to the do you think he has it in them?n >> he's been in this country for four years. whoever's profitable runnihis d be arrested. >> i have no clue. time's up. he can't even spel clue.e isl. > >> 88% sure. joe biden run for reelection. is joe biden able to finish his speeches without up>> n
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the word? no. well, there you go. that girls lov theree silence. >> let's be real. perhaps. s have the worst>> president ever. >> worst he shouldn't have gott. the first time. he's just not cut out to run the whol toe united. >> he went to 54 states, replaced biden on the democratic ticket. >> pete buttigieg. they got gavin newsod rem. judge judy, she's support nikki haley. who's that? >> i would support her if she were strong. much hotter. probably snortinator g dope. snortinator >> hunter. hunter biden, the wife, sthe son, the holy spirit. >> holy spirit to be. no. oh acte., it comes to be. >> trump wants to maket. america great again. again. do you think he's goin >>. g do it? biden biden has put us in such a toilet. it's going to be very difficul . to pull out in four years. he's only four. that can do it. i love trump. i love trump. i have more money in my pocket when trump was in office. so i think it's a little bit
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late sometimes. >> but at the end of the day, >> ion at the end of the day, in this room. what do you want to see out of a room trump second term? getting people off welfare that don't need straightforwardnes secons. . hey, saving me money is saving you. money is even his own money. yeah you, al. . trump's pretty popular down here. i don't see biden's name on any mopn buildings you do when it , let's go, brandon. it's all over the place. let's go.>> let >> brandon. i dream. >> i wonder if the king of late night is performing here. heredavid letterman.who jimmy fallon. who the hell's that?th i i don't know who that is. >> any advice for jesse watters at the tables? he's playing roulette. good luck, honey. daddy. layinge. keep your poker face on. ♪eep your poker face on. >> speaking of vegas, i interviewed a real vegas escort for my new book, which you can preorder now. >> it's called get it together. and she explained to me how her family dysfunction propelled
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her into. she she says she wants to legalize all and wants to havehave government cameras in every bedrooram in order to keep the p safe. >> when she extracts all thel money from all men in the world because she haten in thes. >> i basically came across thisi a lot during this book process. a lot of these liberalngs are traumatized and are just spewing all of their emotional baggage on the rest of us. none of this stuff is well thought out. it's not logical, but it explainst ofs stuf. go after the books. let' buts do some types. >> doug from jacksonville, florida are the russians greasing the stairflorida,s to t force one? german shepherd also spy. bill from connecticut. jesse, how naivespy., diamonds are a girl's best friend. dr. jill has them. greg from granville, massachusettg froms.
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>> i lose to diamonds. will the bidens explain that to my wife? listen listen, maybe the chinese were just proposing twice. >> matt from bakersfield, california those missing diamonds might be sewn into commander's dog collar. >>kersfiel no one's checking th. rick from north carolina. do you think joe's cat bites? no, but the cat's an alarm clock. every time he walks over joe's face in the morning,cklk he waks up, takes a sit back thing off his face and continueses up, to breathe. jim from denver, north carolina we're a cat family. what is that supposed to mean? i think everybody knows what that means. >> alice from maine, show us the scar. >> you'd he ca have to pixelate >> maybe we'll pre-tape that. it's all for tonight. tv on the show. hannity is up next on waters. and this is my


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