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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 23, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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he had 30% inflation. if you look at it over his term, it's 38%. anybody that made anything, it doesn't matter, because the inflation is greater than whatever they made. we are going to get prices down and bring this country back, we are going to make america great again, greater than ever before, and we can still do it. but soon we will never be able to do that because it will be too fight on the line. >> one more question. when you are elected, and my the first interview at the white house? >> laura: that's it for us tonight. what a week. don't forget to set your dvr so you always stay connected with us. make sure to follow me on social media, x, instagram, all the adventures of the week. we have more photos and video going up by the moment. thank you again for watching. remember, it's america now and forever, and jesse watters takes it all from here
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>> you know what that song means, the countdown is on, one day away from the south carolina republican primary. 50 delegates are up for grabs in nikki haley's home state, where she trails the president by double digits. can she turn things around? you are watch "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. the most decisive contest in gop primary, the winner going on to secure the party nomination in every race, but one. real clear politics shows president trump with 25-point lead over nikki haley on the eve of her home state primary. brooke singman has more. >> brooke: polls open at 7:00 a.m. and will close at 7:00 p.m. according to new polling 42% of
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south carolina primary voters say immigration and border security is most important issue facing the country. 13% say the future of democracy. worth noting south carolina is an open primary state, that means any registered voter can participate. taking another look at this real clear politics average, haley will need a significant boost to win in her home state. former president trump says it is time for her to walk,a way. >> in south carolina, nikki haley is losing to me, looks like by 25 or 30 points. she is governor, but people don't like her too much. she is hurting the party, think if she's not running, they are not talking about us, maybe it is better if she runs. she is not doing well. we can't let it happen. we have to stick together as a
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party. >> brooke: the former governor says she is not going anywhere. >> we don't anoit kings in america, we have elections. after two states, no way to name him the nominee, south carolinians have the right to vote. let the states vote. we have a country to save, join with me in this fight, i will spend everyday proving to you that you made a good decision. >> brooke: if haley makes it through super tuesday, she could be the earliest last remaining challenger to drop out of the race in modern primary history. bernie sanders holds the record. president biden and kamala harris will host some of america's governors at the white house, including gavin newsom, speculation grows he could be
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the plan b candidate. >> carley: looking lovely in yellow. the -- denied trump's motion to delay enforcement of his $355 million fine, knock me over with a feather. leticia james says he must pay up soon or have his assets seized. >> she should assistant herself and help the state of new york by focus being on things people want fixed, like crime, security, taxes, gas, cost of eggs. this is a crown jewel to her, it is not about the state of new york. this is about ms. james. >> todd: chris swecker joins us now. to carley's point about the feather, no surprise this judge issued this ruling. that is not the story, if trump wants to appeal, he will
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probably put up the money. going forward, what chance does trump have to get this entire judgement thrown out? will he get a fair shake in the new york court system on appeal? >> probably not. this case reeks of politics. i've been prosecutor, agent, officer of the court and this is worst abuse of the criminal justice system i've ever seen. we call it prosecutive discretion. you don't have to prosecute things like this, this is a civil case, designed to make a injured party whole. you have no injured party to make whole. a lot of people, half the country, think this justice system is broken because people inject politics into everything
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they do, prosecutors and i blame this judge. there is a decent chance this judge could get overruled. should have recused the prosecutor from the start. she ran her election on getting trump, let's take him out. that alone is grounds for recusal. the statute itself and eighth amendment will come into play with cruel and unusual punishment. the punishment is out of proportion, wildly out of proportion for what trans pyred. >> carley: migrant from guatemala has been accused of killing a police officer who died from medical distress while the migrant was resisting arrest. the migrant says he is the victim because he doesn't speak english or spanish. he speaks specific guatemalan
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language called mom and hes he didn't understand why the police officer was arresting him and that is why he resisted. what do you think about this case? >> yeah. i look from a broader perspective than this one case. i, along with 10 other retired fbi executives wrote a letter to congress about this. we have unleashed a crime wave on parallel with the boat lift of 1980. we lived with crime, castro emptied his jails into the u.s. i am afraid we are living with that now. if will be affecting crime. they have no respect for law enforcement, these are gang members coming out of guatemala, south american, spawned in prisons.
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insecure borders are causing terrorism threat, and terrorism threat. >> todd: our justice system bends over backward to excuse the migrants and illegal behavior, opening a box for them to ignore laws even further. a trans gender murderer cutting a plea deal after killing an innocent cabdriver. here is the message from her to the victim's family in court. >> i refuse to apologize for the lack of help i so desperately needed and called and ask for from 911 services. >> todd: a friend of the victim responds next. >> carley: white house released information on the latest student loan bailout, we'll tell you who qualifies under this
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-hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> todd: four venezuelan migrants due in court today for strangling and robbing a man on a new york train. >> the four suspects are expected to appear in court for bond hearings on monday. the four are facing charges of robbery, aggravated -- gave their address as a shelter and chicago police did not confirm their legal status or legal address. another migrant was cited earlier this month after allegedly trespassing at o'hare
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international airport. the suspect was allegedly screaming and yelling while running in and out of the terminal saying he wants to go back to venezuela and will do whatever that takes, even if that means beating up a police officer or hurting a civilian. >> we are so angry with pritzger, president biden and our mayor that we've decided to vote republican this time around. >> the governor of illinois and cook county board president pledging combined $250 million to address the surge of migrants. that is on top of 478 million the state has spent since the start. >> todd: also in chicago, the
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city's board of education voting unanimously to remove resource officers from public schools to "truly achieve goal of whole school safety, look beyond physical safety protocol and include emotional support for children and trusting relationship between cps students and adults." the teachers union on board with the move saying removing resource officers from schools is something black and brown youth organizers have been trying to accomplish for years and the chicago teacher's union was proud to support. money dedicated to the officers can go toward wrap-around support services. cps says each school will still maintain relationship with local police departments. >> carley: think about parents, removing police officers from
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schools in chicago, one of the cities with the most violent crime record targeting kids with gang violence. >> todd: how can you learn when under threat of violence, that is moronic. >> carley: trans gender person admitted to stabbing and killing a portland cabdriver was seen smiling in court after being handed a plea deal. moses brutally stabbed this man to death after suffering a mental health episode and he showed zero remorse in court, watch this. >> i refuse to apologize for the lack of help i so desperately needed and called and ask for from 911 services. >> carley: campbell was reece 's
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co-worker. this is a tragedy. he was a talented musician, toured with the smashing pumpkins, good friend, co-worker, family member, beloved son and brother and his life was cut short in this horrific attack by somebody in the back of his cab. you were in court and heard this person refuse to apologize and played the victim saying his gender identity because he identifies as a woman makes him vulnerable, what was it look for you to hear that and for reese's family? >> thank you for having me this morning. he went on for 12 full minuteses of nothing, but excuses and never an apology and we came out of the courtroom extraordinarily
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angry. handful of friends and co-workers were in the courtroom and it was dumb-founding and to hear the defense attorneys stand up and say he was an amazing individual, one of the best clients they ever had and were impressed by this individual. i'm one of just a handful of people outside of the detectives and the d.a.'s office that saw the video and witnessed the murder and it is horrific. it is something that i see every single day when i wake up in the morning and there is no need for that kind of violence and this is something that moses got off on, i firmly believe that. i see his face everyday. >> carley: can you explain what happened that night? it was silent cab ride and moses
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takes out bladed brass knuckles and stabs your friend for no apparent reason. he says he called 911, who said, catch a cab. >> yeah, that 911 call is frustrating because they make it sound like he called asking for mental health treatment and the way the call went, 911, what is your emergency and he said, i need a ride and 911 said, we don't do that. he never said i am having a mental health crisis, i need help temperature is misleading what is coming out of the defense on that portion. as far as the ride goes, it started in a very popular clubbing area in downtown and ended in a warehouse district, about a seven-minute trip, there wasn't a single word spoken until they got down there and
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reese questioned the location and he said, no, this is not where i'm going, this is not my address and reese put another address in and began to drive and they were starting to move and out of nowhere, he pulls a knife and puts in his neck and holds it there. >> carley: we're running out of time, one more question for you. he was sentenced to 22 years in prison and charges were reduced to manslaughter because of a plea deal. the family did not want gender identity to become a side show, they wanted this to be over. this other than approximate was born a boy, identifies as a woman, will he be going to a male or female prison? >> i don't.
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>> carley: looks like we lost darin, we heard him say, i don't. darin, thank you for joining us. such a sad case. i want to find out which prison this person is going to, gender identity played a big part in this. one note on reese, he was adopted and had just found his biological inner pas and had planned to meet them. he had toured with the smashing pumpkins. the void of losing him will last my entire lifetime. he was best man at my wedding. to play gender identity card after murdering somebody in cold blood is why we had the guest on to highlight this victim's life, he mattered.
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today, the white house says it hit russia with masdzive round of sanctions over alexei navalny death and the war in ukraine. former russian spy is here to tell us if putin still has a leg up. >> todd: and carley, did you see this, america officially back on the moon. >> todd: come on, should be more applause, first successful moon landing in 50 years. we'll be clapping for it when we give you the details on this historic mission. >> good morning, carley and todd, my first cup of coffee every morning, 5:00 a.m. watching you guys. i start my day with my morning coffee and you. i'm attendance clerk at a middle school. remember, attendance matters and
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hello, colonial penn? >> todd: fox news alert, united states set to impose over 500 sanctions on russia today in what will be the largest single sanction package since russia invaded ukraine two years ago. >> we will have a crushing new set of sanctions, hundreds in the next few days, some of them targeted at folks directly involved in navalny's death. the vast majority of them are designed to further atread putin's war machine to close gaps in the sanctions regime he has been able to evade.
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>> carley: president biden met with alexei navalny's wife. a former russian spy joins us now. i would love to learn more about you as a person, but before that, let's talk about this sanctions package. over the past two years, the russian economy has grown because of russia's partnership with china and india. we're just learning from the state department this sanction package will be different, it will not target economy, it will target the defense sector and evasions, way to prevent russia from evading these sanctions. what effect might this have in practice? >> in my assessment, i don't think it will hurt putin or russian economy. as he mentioned in his interview
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with mr. tucker carlsson. the economy of russia is not developed as better as before. so i don't think it will really hurt the economy. we'll see, but what putin wants is to negotiate with nato and the american government on conditions he wants to. >> todd: none of these actions by this biden administration are going to have any measurable effect. i want to focus on another image from yesterday. putin flying around in a russian nuclear bomber as kremlin threatens nuclear war. what should we take away from timing of this flight less than a week after navalny's death? >> yes, right, it calls white swan and this just like i think in my opinion, mr. putin wants
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to demonstrate the russian power and influence of the modern nuclear weapon to show the whole world that russia has this powerful weapon and also this is only one chance to unite russians before the election and bring immunity among them. after navalny's death, there is suspicion about his body, it is not given to the family and this very like not legal even according to constitution of russia. they are supposed to give the body in 48 hours and they pressure to have a private funeral. of course, having all this said, mr. putin is kind of like afraid of revolution or process in russia, which is happening in the whole world right now and want to show to the world that we have the modern, newest,
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powerful nuclear weapon and russia is most powerful country in the world. >> todd: fascinating perspective, alia. >> carley: thank you. >> todd: mike tobin on the uss eisenhower. usually a carrier group sends jets into the threat, in this situation, all six ships in the strike group are in the thick of it. watch. >> onboard the uss dwight d eisenhower, i'm mike tobin, that story coming up. >> todd: stick around to catch mike's incredible reporting. good stuff there. >> carley: also this. tell me what to say. now to news out of this world.
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american made spacecraft landing on the moon for the first time since 1972 yesterday. even after a sensor malfunction. it launched from houston, texas, and took one week to reach destination. there was no one onboard. the robot lander is getting ready to drill for water on the moon's south pole. the moon must have been lonely. hey, what's up. >> todd: that was 72, where were you guys, long time. >> carley: meteorologist adam klotz here with the forecast. >> adam: one system we're tracking, otherwise nice friday for a couple hundred million americans. this is weather feature, big storm sweeping across only the eastern half of the country.
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largely clear conditions, there is one big rain maker, thunderstorms across midatlantic and new england. for today, we have a possible risk of severe weather and this is all targeting south carolina. little bit into north carolina, largely across south carolina. that is one of the big states next couple days. tomorrow's forecast, couple lingering showers. this system does clear off by saturday. lingering showers for a bit early in the morning, rainy, raw day on friday. by is the afternoon, more of a mostly sunny forecast. these are above average temperatures, 300 million americans will see above average temperatures, looking at 50s and 60s, warmer than it has been
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recently. >> todd: we'll take it. >> carley: the crew in south carolina could do the show in bathing suits. >> todd: i'll pass on that one. pharmacies across america struggling to process medications because of a cyber attack. breaking it down with cheryl casone. >> carley: and voters hit the polls tomorrow in the primary. they will weigh in on the state of the race and who they think will win. >> hi, i'm jennifer from texas, i'm a nurse and need to drive an hour and a half to get to, wo today, couldn't do it without you. if i'm not watching, i'm listening. love you guys, thanks.
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ditch the other guys and you'll save hundreds. get a free line of unlimited intro for 1 year when you buy one unlimited line. and for a limited time, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. >> todd: fox news alert, cyber attack against one of the
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country's largest pharmaceutical companies. >> carley: this is important story. >> cheryl: you take your prescription to the pharmacy or it is called in and the pharmacy goes through the insurance communication and the communication breakdown happened here and it delayed folks getting prescriptions filled. camp pendleton was affected. 129,000 people under the umbrella. this is division of united healthcare, change healthcare experienced interruption related to cyber security issue. we are addressing the matter. united healthcare identified the nation state actor gained access to the information technology system, red flag there. also, american hospital
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association says we recommend all healthcare organizations exposed, look at your own systems. if you have a connection to change and your systems are communicating with each other, computers to keep it simple, hire security experts to go through your system. >> carley: this happened right after the at&t outage, people were looking at this, i'm not saying they are related. >> cheryl: because of the timing, that is fair. so many portions of our lives are vulnerable, satellites and healthcare system and we have had ransomware attacks on hospitals. we're going to freeze your system, if you don't give us 5 million dollars. >> todd: have extra drugs at
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home, you cannot trust the system. within the hour, information on joe biden's latest try to skirt u.s. constitution, rule of law, student loan bailout. >> cheryl: the $1.2 billion plan here. this is how they are getting around the courts, there will be more steps, biggest question for my friend the lawyer, how are courts going to handle this. this is what is going on, secretary of education, cardona says thousands are going to get automatic loan forgiveness. watch. >> in most states we'll see thousands getting automatic loan forgiveness, some larger states will see especially high number of people getting relief. numbers show that president biden's leadership is making a real impact on people's lives in every state, they demonstrate we're not going to stop fighting
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to make higher education more affordable. >> cheryl: texas, california, florida receiving $100 million, new york and ohio receiving $60 million, pennsylvania, 45 million, we got state breakdown out this morning, new news, expect more coming from the white house on this. >> todd: response to you, it is illegal, supreme court said you can't do this. cheryl, thank you. speaking of voters, nikki haley refusing to drop out of the race before super tuesday, making final pitch to voters in south carolina, where she trails by 20 points ahead of tomorrow's primary. >> we have a country to save, i'll promise you this, just like i did when you elected me governor twice, if you will join with me, in this movement, if you will join with me in this fight, i will spend every single day proving to you that you made
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a good decision. >> todd: wheeler, decker and mahoney, south carolina voters join me now. cut to the chase. poll released from suffolk university shows trump leading haley in south carolina.
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you know, our -- the economy and our families did better under trump than anybody else. i'm going for trump. >> todd: interesting we said we heard the word economy just now. more issues now, same poll, 42% of south carolina voters say immigration and border security is most important in the country, that is 16 points higher than any other issue. is your top issue on the list? is it by chance immigration? >> it is not. economy is first, immigration second. >> todd: okay. going to the issues, brittney,
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you said economy, education is big for you, what stands out as number one issue that keeps you up at night? >> it is education, i'm sorry, i know the other ones, we have different problems, to me, education is the foundation for other issues, we want to help children. we have problems and they are graduating without reading, which is unfortunate, we should be teaching them to help resolve problems and without that, i think nothing else matters. >> todd: no need to apologize, as a mom, you understand what is important, 20 or 30 years down the line, if we don't have education, we have nothing. >> dwight, your big issue? >> my big issue is border security and immigration, my biggest issue. they are trying to implode the u.s. from the inside out and it
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is not looking good. >> todd: one word answers, do you think nikki haley is in the race on monday? >> no. >> dwight? >> no. >> brittney? >> no. >> todd: you guys are efficient, i love you. have a great weekend. go vote, if you haven't, one of you did already. enjoy your weekend. you heard what voters care about, here is what kamala harris cares about. listen. >> so you want to know that i got the george clinton doll, does everybody know who george clinton is? do you know? no. there is lessons to be taught. >> carley: joe concha is here in the studio on friday morning to talk about that and much more. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products.
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(other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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>> this does conclude our press portion of the dialogue. so we will ask the press to leave the room and we will continue the off the record. [inaudible] [shouting questions] >> doors in the back. thank you. >> thank you. >> madam, vice president, are you worried about democrats uncommitted this week? >> madam, thanks so much let's head out. >> see it in grand rapids, michigan. kamala harris didn't want to take any questions from the press unless they were prepared in advance but she was very happy to go off script during her shopping trip. >> so you want to know that i
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got the george clinton doll. everybody know who george clinton is? do you know -- no. okay. well, there is lessons to be thought. like bootsy collins. anybody who bootsy collins is? there is education that needs to be done. can i see that. >> lessons to be taught. fox news contributor and toy enthusiast joins us now. joe? i love pee funk can a as the next guy. i can bow wow wow yippie-yi-yo all day. instead of focusing on atomic dog shouldn't she be focusing on atomic russia and two the increasing cost of food for my dog. >> bow wow wow yippie-yi-yo yippee yea. >> todd: that took me a half hour. >> joe: incredible. the vice president is giving up the funk. it's good to see team biden is
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consistent with the way they handle the press. whether it's joe biden, get out, get out. whenever the press tries to ask any questions at public events and now we are seeing it with the vice president as well. it's really impossible -- think about this for a second. in the past three years, when have we ever seen kamala harris take a question outside of a controlled environment or hand picked host. i can't remember. right? and god forbid she is asked about, i don't know, her progress in terms of finding root causes of illegal migration at the u.s. southern border? that was her number one job. and now we see people not only coming from central america but see them coming from china and see them coming from the middle east. the bottom line is that most americans don't believe that kamala harris is ready to be president. and she is one heart beat away from 81-year-old president from doings so. and when she does take questions in these situations, it only leads and only intensifies that feeling, that she ain't ready. >> carley: most notable time that she was asked about the border in a way that she wasn't
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prepared to answer it was during an interview whereby she said i have been to the border. i have been also been to europe. it wasn't one of her shining moments. >> joe: that's right. >> carley: in michigan doing on abortion rights. seated ready to ask questions. the moderator said the press can leave now. the press portion of this event is over. that doesn't happen very often. especially announced in that way. what did you make of that? >> joe: carley not at public events like this. invite the press. in the press portion is over. the press portion is supposed to include q&a where she actually takes a couple of questions about x, y, z. >> instead this whole thing like you are going to run for president or vice president you are on the ticket, you want to win back the presidency in the white house by pleading the fifth. i'm sorry, this ain't going to work. and you could point to joe biden and say well, he is 81 mentally in terms of his acuity, it looks
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like he is starting to go. what's kamala harris' excuse? she is still in her 50's. yet, she is not going to take any questions because her handlers believe it will go as well as joe biden where there is clean-up on isles 5, 1, and 24. >> todd: reason was implicit in my question. kamala harris is a very unserious individual. we need to hear from her on russia. russia has been in the news a lot lately. you want to hear the vice president's thoughts. you don't want to hear a diatribe which she is comfortable at, mind you because it's easy and simple about toys and be me leaning to learn lessons on george clinton and parliament funkadelic. ha harassment we don't have ha ha time in our country right now. we need serious answers from leaders we are not getting it from the white house. >> joe: special with the election 8 month away. scolding democrats about the president's age, watch? >> the notion that joe biden is too old is based on a complete
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and utter misunderstanding of the work of the presidency, the job is to make decisions. >> todd: he is yelling at any democrat. sorry, larry, is he yelling at any democrat who dare think for themselves. you need to fall in line, joe. >> joe: good to see is he taking up the keith olbermann at msnbc. remember what pat mahomes did on the field but not the words of his speech. that's the reason the job is on the field. mahomes plays football. i'm pretty sure the presidency is much different. because, when you were communicating with the american people, you are inspiring them, you are gaining their trust, you are sharing what your vision is for the country as president and that is a very important part of the job. i mean, ask historians what they thought of fdr and fire side chats. were they important? was it important with john f. kennedy or reagan or obama or trump, of course it is. it is part of the job communicating. this is a president that barely
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speaks to the press. when i does do speeches he looks like max head rum. >> mat with wife aleeaened and his daughter. after that meeting he said. this watch. >> this one thing i have made clear to me is that melania is going to fight in way way. not letting up. thank you. [shouting questions. >> carley: got the name wrong, joe. that's not a lot to remember in this situation. right? and we see this every day. i can't put this as a one off anymore. he does this all the time. he speaks to dead people more than the admitted six sense and can't gadget the name right. >> carley: big meeting for him and got to nail those moments especially after the robert hur report. thank you for joining us. have great weekend. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪


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