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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 23, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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nothing to do with donald trump. he mention gas prices out of whack. he talked about the 2020 election and how that was rigged. this has been adjudicated many, many times. dozens of times. it been investigated by everyone and their uncle. 44 investigations launched, some by judges that were picked by donald trump himself. they found no evidence of that in the seven battleground states where most of them were focused. donald trump lost each and every one of those states. no facts or no history that he mentions on the stump right now will change that. he lost. he's trying to win back that office and we'll continue to monitor this but for now, here's "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> hello, everyone. i am judge jeanine pirro along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, shannon bream, and greg gutfeld. it is a 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ former president donald trump is holding a rally in south carolina. ahead of tomorrow's primary and he is going after joe biden. >> tomorrow we are going to win this state and then we are going to tell crooked joe biden, you are fired, get out of here! [cheers and applause] the he going to destroyed this country. we're going to end up in a world war. we will end up in world war iii. under my leadership, you have virtually no inflation. under crooked joe, you had energy prices reach the highest level in history. >> jeanine: and speaking of crooked joe, he might want to hold tight and lace up his sturdy snickers. his potential 2024 replacements
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or in town. younger and more appealing, stated governors showing up at the white house today. forcing the president to come face-to-face with the very people who would love to take his job, this very year. gavin newsom making himself at home earlier. the california governor chatting up with recently impeached dhh secretary alejandro mayorkas. important apparently too oblivious to realize what is going on and praised one of his possible replacements. >> president biden: thank you. if ever smart, i would leave right now. i. i want to thank governor newsom for his leadership. by the way, i'm not sure how many people [indistinct] two hours to get there. las vegas. but all kidding aside,. [chuckles] >> jeanine: of newsom could not
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blow his cover yet. the slick back so, went on cnn to praise the president. >> we got to mind the gap between performance and perception, i know doubt about it. >> is he able to make the case do with that you are? >> we all are able to make the case? >> what is he able to make it with the command? >> jeanine: biden's mental decline is causing more alarm bells in the media. a new report says biden needs she cheats to answer prescreened questions from donors during private fundraisers. and it is seriously breaking them out. -- freaking them out. biden has also -- is also looking like a fossil and public. video shows joe hanging on for dear life to follow octogenarian nancy pelosi while walking on the tarmac together. don't you dare point any of this out. the media is giving a new liberal commitment to democrats. thou shall not fact-checked joe
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biden. >> i move that every newspaper? doing any fact checks on joe biden until they fact-checked donald trump every morning on the front page. it is ridiculous that the new york times fact-checked joe biden on are something, trump from its allies. >> jeanine: okay. the amazing part of this, shannon, is the fact that if a republican were to say that, that, you know, it is time, the new york times has got to fact-checked everything, that donald trump says. i mean, or that joe biden says. i mean, they would criticize us until the cows come home. >> shannon: i don't even know where to start with that. i will say that the president should be happy that at this time when governor newsom came to visit, the person was actually there. remember when he went there in july of 2022 and he was checking out the white house? this time at his he can keep an eye on it while he is there. but this fact-checking thing,
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okay, so the washington post, not a conservative outlook has given bottomless pinocchios to present button. he has said things like gas was more than five dollars a gallon. it was less than half of that. he used to drive a semi truck. don't even get us started on corn pop. he said you have to sign a noncompete to work at mcdonald's and so we're just supposed to let everything go? i mean, some of these are pretty unbelievable things. double standard. let's just fact-check everybody and make it clear. >> jeanine: not to mention that he had nothing to do with hunter's business. but you know, jesse, the whole idea of nancy pelosi walking hand in hand with joe biden on the tarmac, i mean, the two octogenarians there and he has his special sneakers and they have the shorter stairs and they have a secret service guy at the bottom wall 86% of americans think that biden is too old to serve a second term. and yet they are out there telling us we are crazy that he is really quick and he has the
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confidence to be president. >> jesse: binders says he cannot keep up with that. i have seen greg drunk. they did little write up, so he wakes up every morning when his cat, willow, walks across his face in the white house. first thing he does is take of his reading machine. the president wears a reading machine on his face. and then he does physical therapy. he does an exercise, judge, where he tries to remember how to walk and then he gets into the overall at 10:00 when a bunch of aides and advisers, up and update him on how his policies are doing, not so great. and that he eats with kamala. that is an hour. that he is calling at 4:00. and then he schedules an hour call with hunter biden every day. and everybody is so concerned because if you donate a million dollars to this guy, and he does not remember your name, imagine
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giving a guy million dollars and he calls you jerry and your name is gerald. and he says, nice to meet you and you have met him six time before and then he needs a note card to respond to your question. that is a bad investment. >> greg: jerry is short for gerald. >> jesse: geraldine. >> greg: gerald ford. >> jesse: i'm cooking, greg. we were in the green room watching trump live on stage. he was like, i called hillary beautiful hillary now. i took the cricket off and i gave it to joe. he is crooked not because it makes more sense although sleepy was still good. and he is going off on the scene than ratings. they have never been lower. look, the camera, the red light one out. but you listen to jake tapper. this guy is making on his hands and knees for gavin newsom to get in this race. i've never seen anything.
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he is just flirting with them. it is a big flirt. >> jeanine: yeah, okay, greg, look, the truth is that joe biden now has a cheat sheet. all right? he has a cheat sheet. he already knows what the questions are going to be, who the questioners are, and what the answers are and this is for a private event. i'm can always get it for a public event. but if you are raising money with donors and you have to know who the donors are and what questions they are going to ask and what you're going to answer, you are just stupid. >> greg: i'm not going to slam joe biden for using notecards. i even read that from my notes. that would make me a hypocrite. i use notes because i have so many thoughts going on in my brain, i have to harness them. this is the opposite. right? >> jesse: you right in your nose. >> greg: yes. >> jesse: someone else writes his. >> greg: it is like the most well-dressed circle of vultures you will ever see in history. i wonder how many governors hesitated on buying a round-trip
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ticket and the first lady, they brought a measuring tape and a swatch book of window treatments, you know? it won't be long before joe is frolicking with the matter up at that glorious form of state. this is the strangest election in history, and it is barely starting. you have one candidate who is walking toward the light. another candidate who has to keep walking you to court. meanwhile, you have all these people waiting in the wings like ingénue's at a broadway play helping their star gets crushed. i think that focusing on biden's age is now just becoming a distraction from biden's actions. because it can always go, well, the argument is trump is not much younger. to your point, the energy level is quite obviously. but if you talk about how old biden is, you are missing out on the state of the country. it is not biden's condition. it is the country's condition. it is not just joe who is on life-support. it is the country.
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is why they are having problems with the fact-checking. because if the fact-checking is not about age or cognition, it is about lies about the economy, about saying, trump caused more jobs to loose sins -- not since herbert hoover. he actually increase jobs up until covid and then he almost seemed like half of them went covid went away. and this woman, what was her name, yeah, saying, oh, you look at you should be fact-checking trump. where has she been since 2015? they were fact-checking every opinion, every burp, every joke, that is all they did and then they suspended it with biden -- when biden came in. the cnn fact checker just disappeared and just went away. and out there that have to do it because i think and kudos to the terms for fact-checking him, they have to do it because they know they got to get joe out. >> jeanine: i have seen you writing things down furiously and donald trump said, you know,
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bidenomics don't work in this speech. he talked about megan makes -- maga-nomics, which worked. >> harold: we find ourselves in an economy where you have wealthy people doing a lot better than many in the middle class. >> jeanine: i just want to separate them. >> harold: i think there's a number of things. but there's no question, first, it is going to be -- but president biden will have to answer to this as we get closer to the election. i got to tell you, the last two elections we have had in this country, democrats have fared pretty well. in the midterms, the democrats fared well and virginia limited to the democrats in the statehouse and the state senate. ohio had a big referendum on abortion, on reproductive rights, i would add. as we were watching.
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and trip in the green room, he made it clear that he is against the decision and alabama and that he believes that women and families should have a plethora of options to be able to build out a healthy family, which i think will probably help them in the fall -- to answer questions. i think it is a smart move on his part. i like the governors going to what has. when i was in congress, the governors would come and the metropolis of politics in washington, would evaporate while they were in that room. you had 50 executives with the chief executive of the country talk about help you solve problems and whether it is the border, whether it is defense spending, i think it is a positive thing. finally, you have to fact-checked everyone and anybody i did not know the context that the senator was speaking. i don't know how you can defend, how anyone can defend not fact-checking a public figure in the country. >> jeanine: okay.
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all right. up next, bad news for various afante. new bombshell cell phone data that could spell doom for the embattled d.a. and her lover. ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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♪ and i know that you know if we get together ♪ ♪ emotions will ♪ ♪ >> fani willis, did she like? lawyers revealing some explosive cell phone data in a new court filing. they claim that nathan wade made at least 35 visits to the neighborhood where the fulton
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county d8 was living. they say, they go as far as alleging that he stayed overnight at her condo in 2021 but the pierces the romantic relationship began in early 2022 after she brought him onto the trump case. the new data seems to contradict what both wade and willis testified under oath. >> phone records were to her so that you were making phone calls before november 1st of 2021. and it was on multiple occasions, phone records would be wrong, if phone records reflected that, they would be wrong. did anyone else stay with you at the condo? >> no, it was a very lonely period in my time. i don't think anyone ever spent the night. >> greg: us just because he was there does not mean, how do i say this, that there was good knocking going on. >> jeanine: let me explain.
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i want you to think about this. he gets to her house at 3:30 in the morning, right? >> shannon: a row. >> jeanine: he leads ex 3:30 in the morning. he goes back home and then text her and about five minutes after four. now, i do think they are talking about the case. he is telling a great night he had. this case just blew up. then he will is not only has the appearance of impropriety, not only an actual conflict to fani willis perjured herself and her boyfriend purged himself. they lied under oath. each of them said they did not have a relationship until 2022. now, robin kaler, whatever the name is, she said, no, started in 2019, they were hugging, they were kissing and you know what, she ain't a great d.a. i never thought she was that smart. she does not know how to conduct yourself in a courtroom clearly. but this woman is so dumb she does not even realize that cell phone analytics can identify the exact location of your phone,
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knocked the area, but the exact location based upon the cell tower. that is how we prove crimes. we have been doing it for years, then he. and his, the thing. in 2021, before they hooked up, they texted each other more than a thousand times a month. but they were not good knocking. and they called each other more than 2,000 times a month. more to the point, he is going to her house. he is sleeping there. he is going home, at least two nights. she calls her friend robin a liar. look at, this man has no experience as a felony prosecutor or with rico. she has no experience in the courtroom. to two of them are ridiculous. she was able to fund a lavish lifestyle that she took part of with this stupid claim, i paid him back in cash. that itself is incredulous. the only question now is whether or not the judge is going to have the chutzpah to call it for
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what it is, and this is perjury. willis got laid, and the taxpayers got played. that is the way it is. all right. >> shannon: can you text someone thousands of times and be talking about business and it is not romantic, possible. >> jesse: it was a booty call. the judge nailed it. she texted, come on over. he leaves at 4:00. come on. it is a booty call. but they lied about sex. hasn't anyone lied about sex. that is the clinton drama, they lied about sex. but they also lied about money. and he has destroyed evidence in has cases and she has now applied 16 times to judge's base. this judge might be a softy, though. >> jeanine: he is a web. >> jesse: so anything can happen. the thing is here they have so
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disqualified themselves, the judge might say, listen, it is personal. i need to stay in fulton county as a judge. i want to save my career in fulton county and just let him go -- them go on their way. if you're going to a lie that many times, just about this and cover it up, you're not going to be prosecuting the former president with any integrity. you are going to lie, cheat, and still in that case, too. and that is why they should be disqualified. >> shannon: and the judge is going to have a closed hearing with witnesses, the former law partner. there's a question of attorney-client privilege. but then it is public again next friday and that judge is going to have to make some tough decisions. >> harold: there's no doubt. both of these attorneys, will have to respond to this new data here. i have not reached the same conclusion because they were communicating as much as the work and this meant that there was some sort of romantic
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relationship. but if the data shows that they misled the court, i don't disagree with it. this court will have an enormous set of pressures on him to render a judgment and will have to take that into consideration as he renders a judgment. i would imagine the judge is not going to be swayed by how he has to function in fulton county over the next several months or years if indeed this turns out to be true. now, i have heard many critical of miss willis and mr. wade with their legal skills. i didn't think that this case from the onset was particularly compelling. however, when you look at the number of plea agreements they have gotten from a whole host of people including very sophisticated and smart and experienced lawyers, they did a pretty good job where he had experience or not in any of this. but the issue is whether or not they told the truth sitting in that courtroom. and today, doubt has been cast and they are going to have to answer these questions. >> shannon: greg, do you think they are telling the truth?
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>> greg: of course they are. they were playing not see. >> shannon: i love yutzie. >> greg: they were working on a case and when duty calls. is like a classic colombo episode. that last segment on the show, there's that one clue. it is the phone records and then it is over. they did not just falsely testified. they are really passley testified. irene, and it was so obvious to everyone. it was amazing they did it. they assumed that they could get away with it. but this removes any ambiguity, they perjured, they would lose the case. they will probably lose their jobs and they could actually lose their freedom because they broke the law. why did they do it? they assumed they had a free pass. if you analyze their claims, it could be called racist. and they had a judge who seemed legitimately terrified of their previous employer. it was like dwight schrute interviewing michael skog. it appeared that even in the testimony, she was in control
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because the judge was too scared to rein her in. i think the bigger picture when you step back is how all the major critics of the left have been targeted by law fair. so whether it is generally six protesters, trump, lindel, musk, giuliani, bannon, they are lesser-known names who are being targeted, it is time to return fire. you don't bring a slingshot to a gunfight. it is time for some deep pockets to start targeting soros funded ndas, the people who absolve themselves from truly fighting crimes and focus on political adversaries and opponents. this stuff is going to continue. they will keep targeting people. >> jesse: they will find every soros funded d.a. >> greg: exacta mundo. everyone lies about sex. you have -- you are as pure as the driven snow.
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>> shannon: women of the bible have spoken. coming up, crime sores in san francisco. you can no longer trust customers in stores to shop alone. we will explain next. ♪ ♪ i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease.
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♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ blowing my mind ♪ >> jesse: crime ravaged san francisco is using the buddy system to stop crime. customers will have to select their power tools with an employee escort hovering during certain hours. customers can only come in one at a time and have to wait for others at the blocked off and friends. don't blame the store. they are just reacting to the cops backing surge in burglaries in the bay area. >> we are not given a choice. we have to keep our employees safe and customers safe and when
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the earth coming into do snatch and grab that was the final straw and they are not even thinking about that. >> jesse: greg, have you ever bought power tools there? >> greg: my solution is when my buy my faberge eggs, they close the store so that i can shop unencumbered by fans and soviet seekers. this is having some pizza shop with you just adds to the embracement. it is like how they lock up my special ointments in walgreens. every one of these solutions which is added to more solutions are because we don't address the easiest, obvious solution which is that crime requires punishment, not incentives. prison reform and social justice is pure backwards science. right? somehow they got us to believe that more prisons mean more criminals. when it is more criminals need more imprisonment. i hope in 20 years, we look back
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at this time as a temporary insanity. where we suspended law and order for the sake of wokeism and nearly destroyed this country. my fear is we will end up like russia. we will let things get so bad that we will willingly sacrifice our freedoms for safety and security because that is what we are seeing right now. every step we take is met with a limiting freedom of the citizen and not the criminal. so we welcome the complete and utter security of a giant state. >> jesse: that is a great point. like greg said, eventually the country is going to have to wake up and rise up and just say, knock it off, everybody. >> jeanine: it is amazing they have not reach that point now with the bail laws and prop 47 and all that other stuff that is going on in the country. but this is -- there's no question, the root cause is the criminal. but the consumers are bearing the burden, okay? and so if i want to buy
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toothpaste, i have to have a shopping buddy with me and then they have like a staging area where all the other people are waiting, staring you down and saying, get it over with, get it over with. i don't want anyone watching me shopping. maybe i want to go back and compare again. the whole thing is absurd. it is a scenario where i mean, we, people i think, greg, are going to look back and say, you know you deserve it because you stood for it and i don't know what we do. i really don't. until we get legislators that want to change the bail statutes and want to increase the crime statutes instead of raising the age, lowering the age, dealing with real crime, we're going to be stuck with this and with the illegals coming through, we don't know who they are, we are stuck. >> jesse: herald, the democrats in these major metropolitan areas, they keep voting for the politicians that keep doing these dumb things. >> harold: there's no monopoly but in this instance here, i cannot agree with you more. i am a believer that you have to
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deter crime. you have to have armed guards. you have to have greater police presence. you have to remove those you have to alter and reverse the silly penalties. we did not have penalties for these people who did the smash and grab sparked the experiment that anyone was undertaking in cities and locales around the country to say, hey, maybe if we are soft on crime, we may reduce crime, an effort subscribe to that. someone did. it is not working. you have to have a full reversal for the small business owners, for customers, for our communities not only to feel but for people to conduct business in a way that keeps investment and community. i think they should reverse it all and go back to doing what you normally do, having consequences for people who still smash and grab it and who take property that is not theirs. >> jesse: your thoughts on escorts? >> shannon: listen -- [laughter] anyway, i do wonder why people
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are surprised when things happen like prop 47 in california when you downgrade a number of crimes from felonies to misdemeanors. there's not enforcement or another example in oregon where they legalize all kinds of positions of drugs. that was back in 2021. they have tripled the amount of overdoses they had every year, overdose deaths and so the governor has declared a 90-day emergency over the drug policies. so i don't know how people don't get to see the consequences of where these things are going. >> jeanine: gavin newsom thinks he can be president. that is going to be tough when we are looking at san francisco. >> greg: well said, jesse. >> jesse: thank you. is that commander on your chest? >> greg: this is just a little veggie. you like it? i was wondering why you were staring. >> jesse: can i put it? "of the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera.
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♪ don't you know ♪ >> harold: welcome back. time for "the fastest." first up, hard to believe we survived without them. an at&t which this year leading to a meltdown. >> i had to actually pull over and connect to wi-fi at starbucks to let her know, hey, i'm on my way. i would from listening to spotify to having to figure out what radio station to listen to. it was a little obnoxious. >> harold: shannon, what are your thoughts about this? are we overly depending on these things? >> shannon: sometimes i do a test on myself. i won't put a gps because i want to make sure that the skills i can survive. this is why you need to marry someone like children because the law -- -- sheldon because that man loves to be in the
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woods. if you have someone like that around, it is okay if your phone goes town. >> harold: prime time. >> shannon: that is why i'm [indistinct]. >> okay. i read in a book because i love self-help that every day you're supposed to get lost. >> shannon: okay. >> jesse: a little lost, but don't have your phone. if you are in the woods or on the streets, get a little lost, a little uncomfortable once a day. >> harold: when you get lost today? >> jesse: i can't talk about that on television. >> harold: your honor? >> jeanine: okay, first of all, it was a culture chest and we -- test and we built it. get ready for the great going down. i have been talking about that for 10 years. they are going to take the grade down. we have a vulcanized system of
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grades in this country. it is a nightmare. everyone is so dependent on these phones. apparently they went into some of these at&t places and apple places started screaming at the employees, fix it, fix it! you know. >> harold: did you suffer from this? >> greg: my driver was two minutes late. i had to let it go. yeah. was pregnant. they will make it. i embrace forced timeouts because i can't do it myself. so when technology goes away, i embrace it. and you know to i'm pretty much a woodsman. i can live off the land and what i do is when something is going down, i go to the nearest whole foods and i hide in the bathroom. and then when it closes down, i'm the safest one and then i squat and they can't get me out. according to the law. >> harold: up next, what is old is new. folks have been watching older
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shows over new ones. the drama" suits "was the most streamed show last year. my wife was part of that. other points include "friends" and" gilmore girls." did you watch any of that? >> i watch" no stone." >> you have been dreaming last year? >> so i will watch" the office, " "cycle" and martin. >> mike martin. shannon. what about you. >> he watches martin so that he can say he has black friends. >> tell him we are friends. >> we are great friends. >> jesse: if harold and i ever have a falling out, no black fence. >> shannon: i love koda martin." okay, i love it.
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shows now are not creative or interesting. you could make the office and it would get you in too much trouble. everything is a remake of an old movie. but now woke and that is not funny or interesting. i like the older shows, too. a lot of what i watch, i'm not sure you could get on tv now. >> harold: what are you streaming right now. >> greg: i disagree with you. there is a turning away from the work because there's a lot of good writers that can't be creative. the show on showtime called "of the curse," which is probably the best tv show i have seen since "the sopranos," but i am a big" colombo "guy. i have watched every episode and you have to watch every single rockford files because it is the best, rockford files is incredible. >> you like "the love boat." >> greg: and they don't have any irrelevant players and there's no lectures.
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that is what people like. >> harold: fan mail friday is up next. ♪ ♪ remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor.
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♪ ♪ >> it is like a renaissance festival. >> greg: "fan mail friday" what product would you stockpile if you found out it was going to be discontinued. >> shannon: i feel like this is every makeup thing. if i find a lipgloss i like, but i use q-tips all day long. >> greg: judge, how about you? >> jeanine: it is always the lipstick and nail polish, the best once they get rid of. what would i stockpile? i would probably stockpile sardines. >> greg: sardines, wow. harold. >> harold: potato chips. >> greg: you do eat a lot of chips. >> harold: cheddar and onion ruffles are my favorite. >> jesse: obviously it is the hair products. >> greg: i'm so obvious.
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whoever came up with that, you should get a nobel prize. it is amazing. i use it everywhere. if you could go back to being a kid for a day, what is the first thing you would do? jesse? only a child. >> jesse: the thing that came to my mind is steel you could get away with a lot more as a child. you can get away with stealing when you are really old and really young. i will probably steal candy. >> greg: that is a sad testament on your life. harold? >> harold: i used to love go kart riding. >> jesse: you can still do that, harold. >> harold: but i don't feel right. >> greg: all of the parents would be very suspicious of the grown man in a go kart at the playground. judge. >> jeanine: slide. the first thing that came to my mind is going down the slide again and again and again.
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>> shannon: i would say everything i thought as a kid, like being forced to take naps and go to bed early. >> greg: i read this the wrong way. i said, talk to my parents. figure, figure out what it was like, ask them question i forgot to ask. >> jesse: do you tell your parents what companies to invest in? >> greg: there you go. c, it is always transactional with jesse. i would try to make money. it is always transactional. you are a terrible human being. is there something that you like that nobody would believe you do. all right, jesse? >> jesse: read. >> greg: yes, that is good. >> jesse: i actually really read a lot. i have quite a nice library. >> greg: oh, wow. what about you, judge, something that you like that nobody would believe? >> jeanine: i like cotton candy. i would just end it and eat it and eat it, but they were not
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believe it. i don't know. >> greg: all right, harold. >> harold: i'm not just doing this because shannon is here, but i read the bible every morning. >> jesse: now we know you are running. >> greg: shine in? >> shannon: on a huge def leppard fan. >> greg: i'm glad you support animals with disabilities. i'm almost close to you. i meditate. yes. and i used to meditate a lot before i got a head injury. meditating is great. >> jesse: you walked into the. >> greg: and i could not meditate for like a year. i cannot even concentrate. >> jesse: you got a concussion? >> greg: i got a concussion. it was nothing. >> jesse: you are fired, trust me. >> greg: they are wonderful. all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> judge jeanine: time now for "one more thing" and jesse go first. >> jesse: norwegian weather man had a tough time covering a storm. let's look what happened. >> [laughter] >> jesse: that is so norway: i'm not going to promote my book "get it together" i don't think preorder on amazon strong sales already with the preorders. i'm not going to do it. i will go straight to my show at. welfare queen. that's not me. >> greg: all-star panel with tom shillue julie banderas, kat timpf and tyrus. tonight at 10:00. let's do this. ♪ robots are great
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♪ robots are great >> greg: wait until you see this one. this one is in lee county, florida. got the robo dog. got the recognition it deserves. take a look out there. at a local parade where it put its dance moves on display. we are running this tape but we had to cut it short because right before the moment when the robot turned on the crowd and killed them all. >> dana: deign. >> shannon: i knew it. >> greg: one person in the crowd time traveling to warn them. mr. conner was bitten. >> jesse: can you saban dare was again? >> greg: banderas. >> shannon: speaking of florida. it is my home state. i love it. it is the greatest state. i was down there and went to this wonderful restaurant. at the end of the chef surprised us he came out and said he is a huge fox fan and gave me a copy of his cookbook. promise you will take a copy of my cookbook to my favorite person on "the five" and i said i will do it for jesse.
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>> jesse: oh, thank you. >> greg: that was a mean thing. shannon, you are evil. shannon is evil. >> shannon: live up to my name. >> jesse: everybody get the book. >> shannon: you don't have to buy the book. it's a packaged deal. >> judge jeanine: transactional. >> judge jeanine: cacanadian won demonstrated why it's important to check your shoes in the winter. check out this precious little gecko she found hidden in one of her shoes who was trying to simply find some alone time. and, do you know what? that is disgusting. all right. harold. >> harold: congrats again bret baier great interview with mr. zelenskyy. what a well-rounded family. here is a hilarious viral moment a son stuffed his father into a giant balloon using leaf blower. no easy feat and had to call in his sister for reinforcement. eventually pull the balloon up to his neck and reinflate it. the dad enjoyed bouncing around
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the kitchen before his bundle was burst. it's a big one. >> shannon: who even thinks of that? why are you attempting that? >> judge jeanine: what kind of balloon is that? that's not a regular balloon. >> greg: i think it's a magnum. [laughter] again, congratulations to bret baier. >> steve: i think it was taking his head off. that is very strange. >> harold: they seem to enjoy family time. celebrating family. >> greg: get off social media. one of your relatives giant rubber ball. bring him out to the lake. >> judge jeanine: all right. well, shannon, we loved having you on. >> shannon: thanks for having me see you on sunday. >> shannon: see you on sunday. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us. have a great night. have a great weekend. >> bret: hey, judge, is jesse's book called "get it together" and it comes out next month?


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