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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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the speaker, would just, you know, say, look, we are going to put america and global security first and not politics. >> bret: all right, panel. the loser is winners and losers because i jam-packed a lot into this show but thank you very much. have a great weekend. now it's friday. normally we would bring you "notable quotables" but it's been a busy show and busy week with our coverage on the ground in ukraine. tomorrow, please join martha mccallum and me at 7:00 p.m. eastern. complete coverage of the south carolina primary. we've got you covered. please join shannon bream, "fox news sunday" her guest nancy mace and national security adviser jake sullivan. plus oklahoma governor kevin stitt and colorado governor jared polis. that's it for us, fair, balanced and still unafraid. long week. "the ingraham angle" starts. ♪ >> pete: i'm pete hegseth in for laura ingraham and this is a
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special edition of "the ingraham angle" from columbia, south carolina on a friday night. we start because a suspect is now in custody after a woman was found dead on university of georgia's campus. we're monitoring a press conference about to happen in georgia and we'll bring you the results of that. we start with this. forget biden's bumbling, his stumbling, and his, you know, full-on face plant. because now it's his cheat sheets that have liberal donors so worried. you've seen them but there's more. according to axios, the white house is blaming the staff -- oh, that's classy, say are they are just a detail oriented staff. too detailed and they just want what's best for their octogenarian boss. also, that the note cards that joe is using everywhere all the time are there to help him handle his very robust schedule. a robust schedule where he hardly speaks to any reporters,
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compared to his predecessors. and lives with a permanent lid on his life. on the other hand, president donald trump, he speaks without gaffes and without note cards. in fact, he said as much about biden when he spent an hour with laura earlier this week. >> he has declined and there's no question about it. but he was always sort of semi declined if you go back 25 years. [laughter] >> no, he was not one of the smarter people. he has tried to be president many times. four times at least that they know of. and all of a sudden when he is most diminished this is when he hit and he did it. but, if you look at me, i feel and i really mean this, and i will tell you and i think you would tell me too, because we have known each other a long time. if i felt diminished, okay, let's use a nice term. if i felt diminished or declined in any way, i think i would know it. and i think i would say i'm not running, somebody should talk to him. >> pete: he is right. biden has always been in sort of
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a semidecline. he is also right that somebody should talk to joe. the president raising eyebrows again today with this weird joke to governors at the white house. >> i know, you just heard -- did jill already speak, any wife? what the hell am i doing here then? if i were smart, i would leave right now. >> pete: yes, mr. president, dr. jill did speak moments before you entered the room. joining me now is victor davis hanson, he is a hoover institution senior fellow. victor, thanks for being here. it seems that no cards -- we're talking about the no cards because they are back in the news. joe is at these swanky fundraising dinners and the donors, every single part of it is scripted down to the question. now the donors are worried. it feels like the note cards are the least of our problems, victor. >> yeah. it is. he is starting to become a howard hughes president. i mean, he is not seen and heard. when he is, he seems like is he
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kind of comme c demented or unh. blaine blame the staff. making healthcare clean efforts to package him and you can't package him. this was known to people in 2019 and 20 deal was none of those left wing candidates could get elected or beat trump. they said we will back you or pull out of the race after south carolina's victory and you will play the role of good old joe biden. not really a president. you will just be a veneer and we will implement the hardest left wing agenda we have seen in a half century. and that's what happened. it was born in dee dee set and end in deceit. karine jean-pierre and handlers can assure us he is robust most dynamic person in the room. you can't lie to the american people day after day. they are very smart. and they know what is going on. now the question is not if or
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when how do they get him out. how does the donor class do it and media do it they are thinking 24/7 how to do it. not a lot of options. go through every option you hit a brick wall. >> pete: victor there, seems to be one layer between joe. many layers wynn one layer between joe and the american people that's the press corps. if you remember last year famously biden was photographed holding a note card that had the reporter he should call on and also what she was going to ask about hesitation handlers keep him from the press but complicit. remember the question 25th amendment as it pertained to donald trump. yet we hear nary a peep. the press is protecting, joe. >> they are. but the press is not immoral it's a moral. in other words, they have no morality. they goal with biden as long as
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a viable left wing agenda on the horizon and they can demonize and defeat donald trump. but, if they feel that he's not going to fulfill his role, the character that he is supposed to play, you know, good old joe biden from scranton sits there while the obamas and elizabeth warren and bernie sanders push this agenda, then he is of no use them. you are already starting to see a lot of leaks. his loss of memory and they are starting to say you know what? we have got to intervene and get rid of him. >> pete: this conversation has -- we have had this conversation but there has got to be a tipping point moment. victor are we reaching it? >> we are. because he is declining geometrically it's not arithmetically. every day a force multiplier the day before. and the media is becoming humiliated and disgraced as they try to prop up this virtual candidate that doesn't exist. and the longer they stay with him the more discredited they become. and you are starting to see
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some, you know, james carville or bill maher, people are just saying, look, we are not going to play along with this anymore. we got to get somebody else in there. but the time is running out. and, you know, when you look at elizabeth -- i mean, you look at kamala harris, and gavin newsom's state, i live in it. there's not a lot of viable alternatives. so, we're going to see some really radical things in the next 8 months that we have never seen before in a presidential campaign guarantee it. >> there is going to be some moon shots, some gamables for sure. we're also gambling globally because we are going to switch gears a little bit. remember when biden made, i don't know, maybe he knows about this, maybe not, russia? >> what would you say would happen if opposition leader alexei navalny dies? >> i made it clear to him that i believe the consequences of that would be devastating for russia. >> pete: you are right, victor. he actually looked spries in june of 2021 compared to where he is now.
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we knew he was diminished then. today he made good on his threat. watch. >> sanctions are great. >> we're hearing about 500 targets. >> people see a big number 500. people also know that otwo years ago president biden said this was going to be the most devastating sanctions regime in the history of sanctions regimes which is accurate. >> he has been tough. he has stood up to russia. he has stood up to putin. >> pete: victor, seriously sanctions? have they hurt russia at all? they were supposed to prevent this conflict. spun out of control. this is their spin? >> he talks -- he -- the more he wields a twig, the louder he gets to compensate. he threatens everybody. he calls putin a murderer. calls him an s.o.b. but he doesn't do anything to him. all this loud bluster is never backed by consequences so it has the opposite effect. the way we want to do it is keep quiet and use a club. but he doesn't do that. we have creed control over the world's major maritime
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corridors. we don't own -- we in the west can't navigate the red sea. we can't go on the straits of hormuz without worry. the persian gulf is endangered. the black sea is a russian lake and very dangerous. under this tenure people have slept away the global project is now payroll lined because our enemies have taken control of the means of communication and navigation and travel and trade. nobody talks about it. that was all the work of joe biden. and no all the tough talk can't make. can't put humptedy dumpty back. >> pete: no you can't. >> he can no. >> pete: instead speaking loudly and carrying a twig as you said so aptly. victor, thanks so much for your time tonight. >> nikki haley is relying on democrats and liberals. you know, democrats are financing her campaign. [boos] >> the big supporters she has got right now are the biden supporters. we are going to do great tomorrow. it's really important you get out and vote. because we want to send a
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signal. >> tomorrow is election day. anybody can vote in this election as long as they didn't vote in the democratic primary on february 3rd. i need you to get out and vote. i think south carolina is going to show up strong and proud tomorrow. >> pete: we are here in south carolina we're less than a day away from the south carolina primary results. in fact, less than 24 hours. 7:09 tomorrow night we might know the results about this time. the latest real clear politics average still showing a blowout for donald trump. could that change if democrats turn out en masse for this open primary. we know who they are turning out for. a new report says one political group is even sending democrat voters letters to vote for haley. they haven't voted already. joining me now is stephen miller, former senior adviser to president trump. and rachel campos-duffy, my
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co-host on "fox & friends weekend." steven, let me start with you. this feels a bit like, i don't know, primary election meddling. this is -- is this nikki haley's strategy? democrats? >> it is. and it's an unprecedented strategy. we have never seen this kind of open sabotage of the republican nominating contest before in modern history where you have a candidate that is openly appealing to democrat voters, to biden's voters, to interfere in and to vote in the republican primary to elect the most liberal candidate. this is unseen. this has never happened before. and you have to ask yourself, whose behind it. who are the dark money donors? who are the secret funders who are propelling this, who are driving this? who are using haley as the instrument to prolong the republican primary and to prevent the beginning of the
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general election? and so i would say to everyone watching in south carolina tonight, if you are a republican voter, you need to show up and vote and take nothing for granted because there's going to be massive democrat interference in the primary tomorrow,. >> >> pete: that's a great point. nikki haley doesn't have the voters but she has the donors. and now she is counting on democrats. you are exactly right. rachel, i want you to take a quick listen to these comments from california's governor, gavin newsom, made them earlier today on another network. >> do you think that haley or trump would be easier to beat for him. >> i think she is one of our better surrogates. i hope she stays in and. >> all the nasty stuff she says about trump. >> she spot on on 99% of it. i'm enjoying this primary and i hope it continues. i wish her luck. i have no problem for her continuing for as long as she wishes because i think she is making a good case against trump. >> pete: rachel, the governor is loving nikki in the race. >> nicole: i told you many times she is the most popular democrat
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in the entire election right now. >> pete: that's true. >> rachel: it's not surprising. she is trying to spin her low numbers as i'm the outsider. that's why i'm, you know, struggling. she is not an outsider. it's laughable. she is the consummate insider. and in some ways she is retro. the most charitable view of her is that she is just a retrorepublican. >> pete: establishment retro. >> establishment for tax cuts and, you know, compassionate conservatism, which of course now the republican primary voter is awake. right? they are like oh, compassionate conservatism just means globalism. they're onto the game. and they understand that she is not-she is actually a republican. but i will say here in south carolina, i haven't heard anyone say, because people here are pretty nice. they haven't said anything unkind about her. >> they just don't think she suspect for the job. >> they have seen donald trump. he said he was going to go after the swamp. the swamp almost took him down. but he is still standing. and they know that whatever these forces are. and they are j not just democrat
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forces. steven can talk about this, too. this isn't a normal election. this isn't republican and democrat. this is republicans vs. international globalist agenda. it's also up against the military industrial complex and the intel agencies. this is a big election and so they are looking at donald trump. a lot of them aren't even sure he can win, pete. >> but they think he is the best shot they have got. >> pete: a lot of unholy alliances going on now. hard to claim you are an outsider when you are running in your home state where you were the governor. >> or supported by blackrock. >> pete: exactly. thank you both for breaking this down for us. i will be watching in south carolina. stephen and rachel, god bless you both. two american gems. by the way, watch bret and martha tomorrow night on fox news for full primary coverage that starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel. now, you can also stream fox nation on a second device. watch fox news channel but then,
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you know, pull it up on your iphone or ipad. pull up fox nation where myself, rachel will be here as well, will cain and other special guests. think as watch party. all watching bret and martha together. watch on fox nation as we take in the results, too. that event is going to be live at back streets grill in columbia, south carolina. so if you are in south carolina, back streets grill, columbia, south carolina. fox nation. you know, back up to the news channel tomorrow night. fox news alert, a suspect is in custody after a woman was found dead on the university of georgia campus. police just saying he is not a u.s. citizen. much more on that breaking news. and did fani willis just get caught in a lie? new cell phone data raises questions about the embattled d.a. and her lover nathan wade. mike davis here to react. ♪
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>> pete: a suspect is in custody after a woman was found dead on university of georgia's campus. police saying the suspect is not a u.s. citizen. we don't know legal or illegal but not a u.s. citizen. madison scar piano has the latest at this moment. madison, you were at the press
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conference? >> yeah it was one shocking thing after another here in athens, georgia near the uga campus. as you've mentioned, police confirm that the suspect is not a u.s. citizen. we're unsure of his actual status here in the u.s. his name is jose antonio eberra. he is 26-year-old 26 years old, heart breaking day here in athens. watch. this we have a suspect in custody for laken's murder. we are obtaining arrest warrants for jose antonio aberra. 26 years of age. he lives here in athens but is not a u.s. citizen. >> now, eberra facing a lot of charges right now. malice murder, felony murder, aggravated battery. aggravated assault. false imprisonment, kidnapping,
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hindering a 911 call and a concealing the death of another. police say he will be transported to the clark county jail. there is a search warrant on his apartment and they continue to credit the evidence that really and team work that led to this arrest. i do want to note that police say that there was -- they don't believe that there was any motive in this killing. there was no relationship that eberra had with laken riley. they say that it was a crime of opportunity, again. the evidence is robust. police say in this situation. they say that also key input from the community helped in this arrest and physical evidence and excellent police work. they mentioned video footage from campus that was really vital in all of these charges but, again, a really horrible day in this community. everyone is shocked that you speak to. another thing that i want to note that we learned from this
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press conference is that police say that riley was killed from blunt force trauma. so low act and they did mention that three or four people were taken into custody. they only arrested eberra and back here live we know that classes are canceled until monday. both of the nursing school that riley went to and uga there's going to be celebrations of life planned later, so we will be on the ground here for days and continue to bring you any more information that we learn. >> madison, thank you for that update. a tragic, glad they found the suspect and a lot more details to come. thank you, madeline. >> be clear because you have lied i will tell you which one you lied here. right here, i think you lied right here. >> your honor. >> no no, no, no, no. >> it is a lie. it is a lie. >> characterization. >> thank you. we are going to take five minutes. >> pete: did fani willis get caught in another lie? an investigator working with
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trump's legal team is now saying cell phone data proves that the prosecutor may not be telling the truth. trump's legal team finding or filing a document, excuse me, saying today cell phone data proves special prosecutor and lover nathan wade visited fani at her condo at least 35 times prior to when they claimed under oath that their relationship began. and a few of those visits appear to be overnight stays. which would make this exchange problematic. >> you think prior to november 1st of 2021 you were at the condo more than 10 times? >> no, sir. >> if phone records were to reflect that you were making phone calls from the same location as the condo before november 1st of 2021, and it was on multiple occasions, the phone records would be wrong? >> the phone records reflected that, yes, sir. >> joining me now is mike davis, founder and president of the
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article iii project. he is a former law clerk for justice gorsuch. mike, you saw the prosecutor sort of tipped their hand about this cell phone data. how would fanny and nathan not know about this cell phone data? do you think they had are they caught up guard by this? >> it sounds like they were. we have 35 visits. at least 35 visits with nathan wade staying at fani willis' place or at least being around fani willis' place. you add 2,000 phone calls 2021 before november of 2021. and you had 12,000 text messages. but fani willis wants people to believe that her relationship with nathan wade did not start until 2022 after she hired him as the special prosecutor paid him $250 an hour. $750,000 and counting to prosecute trump and 18 others and to take illegal kickbacks in the form of these lavish trips to n napa, to the caribbean, to
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belize. this is all starting to cave in on fani willis and her boyfriend, nathan wade. >> there is more details coming in, too. we will get to the why in a moment. one worker at napa valley winery that willis and nathan visited last year. the pair spent hours tasting wine when it came to pay willis used cash, not the norm he said. the bill was a little over 400 bucks. the taxes and everything else on it. so she probably gave me $500, something does feel, you know, wreaks a little bit when you are going out of your way to pay cash in places like that. so, do they knew they had a problem even back then the cover-up has been a wrong trail? >> well, she claims that her black panther father told her she had to have six months of cash laying around her house while she $6,000 or more reimbursing her boyfriend for these trips. did she ever replenish this cash? is there any atm transaction or
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bank record showing that she replenished this cash that she had laying around her house? there is all a lie. this is perjury. this is subnation of perjury. this is cover-up. time for georgia governor brian kemp or georgia attorney general chris carr to open a criminal probe on fani willis and her boyfriend nathan wade. >> pete: mike, we are almost out of time. i don't care about their relationship. neither do most sp folks. it matters in this case. describe why their relationship matters in this case? >> you cannot have a financial stake in a criminal prosecution. that is per se illegal. and this case should be dismissed and a new prosecutor should be brought in. >> pete: and they knew it. mike, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> this case has never been about politics or personal vendetta or about name-calling. >> the rule of law applies to all of us.
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>> equally. fairly, and justly and former presidents are no exception. >> pete: no exception. definitely not about politics. new york attorney generally tisha james bragging today about the multi million dollars penalty imposed on former president donald trump. tweeting just a number, her anti-trump twitter followers celebrating predictably clapping seals a move that seems more like a campaign post than that of a dispassionate just d.a. who just wants to get to the bottom of it. shark tank co-host kevin o'leary joins me now. kevin, does tweeting something like that make her look like, you know, a dispassionate lawman? >> i think the challenge of aftermath of decision is two fold. one is will it stand? because it's probably not good for the environment in new york
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to attract capital for real estate development. it seems a little excessive and obviously when challenged in the appellate court. many assume that it will be adjusted downward and maybe not eliminated but be more appropriate for the fact that this was a victimless crime in the context of moneys lost. there wasn't any so also this law was used for the first time in 75 years too get this outcome. and so i think that would be examined as well by the appellate court in new york i find it, you know, really what i care about, my kids live in new york i want people to go there and invest in it. every day passes environment more toxic as far as traffic in capital. investors don't have to go new york. they have other choices. and that's clearly what is
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happening, people are saying why go there when there is this kind of risk? and everybody is asking this question. who is next? because the challenge to quell people have not just gleskly. global story, competitiveness. and right now. it's not looking good for new york. >> pete: kevin, you have been really clear on this. this case is emblematic, companies have been fleeing new york for years. report found nearly 160 wall street firms have moved their headquarters out of new york since the end of 2019 taking nearly $1 trillion in assets with them that's according to data from 17,000 companies by mr. bloomberg. the regulations regulatory environment is one thing. if you add in an arbitrary
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regulatory injustin environment on top of it, then, yes, they can try to pretend that donald trump is an outlier. who is next? answer that question you posited. is it friends with trump? is it like trump? once tweeted about trump? where does it stop? >> i look at it as investor. joint capital every single day. i happen to be a developer of very high end data centers for ai. so new york is a great destination for power because you got niagara falls. so subfloor kilowatt hours is what you need. you need land, be able to buy that you need to be in partnership with the government and you need permits. but so does north dakota have those attributes or oklahoma or west virginia or montana or tennessee. they are all the same. they are all competing. these centers cost $4.2 billion. now, where am i going to go? this has nothing to do with politics. why would i take the risk the
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regulatory risk in new york in addition to the fact as you pointed out it's got the highest taxes in the country, the most punitive regulatory environment very hard to get permits and clearly people are questioning whether you can work with government there. the governor herself made a plea asking investors don't worry about this. it's just this kind of investor that we charge half a billion dollars for. well, i'm sorry, we're all listening to that saying no. no. no, no, no, no, no. you have to figure this out for yourself as a state. because the money is quietly going to the other states that's where my 4.2 billion is going. it's going somewhere else. >> pete: you say no. we want governments of laugh not governments of men deciding what those laws are. that's just a business take as you have given so well. kevin, thank you for your time. we appreciate it all right. biden is blaming republicans, of
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course he is, for the border. texas lt. governor dan patrick here to respond coming up.
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>> pete: biden again telling governors behind closed doors today that he is planning executive action on the border. unfortunately, that's not what he said to reporters. >> over time, our laws and our resources haven't kept up with our immigration system and it's broken. and their politics has failed to fix it. the bipartisan agreement represents the most fair and humane reforms in a long time. but then as we all know, petty politics intervened. >> pete: joining me now is texas lt. governor dan patrick, governor, the legislative route was always a sham and ruse to try to blame republicans the
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border. people will see through that, right? >> absolutely. everyone knows is he lying. and the thing, pete, that really should trouble the american public is it's one thing when a politician lies to you. but it's another thing when they lie to you and they know you lie to them and they consistently lie anyway. the border is secure. not my fault, et cetera, et cetera. ypete, you proudly served in the military. here is an interesting number for you. we have over 300,000 people still living from world war ii. about 1.2 million from korea and 6 million from vietnam. 7.5 million veterans from those three wars. more than that amount have come into this country illegally since biden has become president. so, in 20 years, pete, when many of these veterans will be gone, they will be replaced by 7.5 million people who don't know our history, don't love our country, they don't care about this country. so, i want you to think that's how enormous it is. all three veterans.
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all these chinese coming in, these young men and from everywhere, 19 to 41, more of those have come into the country than we have total law enforcement in the country. total law enforcement. total law enforcement. >> pete: it's staggering and most of them are military aged males. >> yes. >> pete: california mayor bill wells spoke because you have locked down a lot of what has gone on down in texas. have you taken a firm hand. a lot of it is moving to california. we talked to bill melugin talked to a mayor down there here's a portion of what he said. watch. >> over the past few months 100,000 coming over the san diego border. a lot absorbed by county shelter. asked for $3 million and spent $6 million. now they say they are out of money. we are going to see migrants congregating in our streets at the same time that this is happening, the border patrol tells us that we're going to go from 300 drop offs a day to maybe 1,000 dropoff as day. >> pete: i know it took a while,
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governor, isn't texas proof that if the federal government or a state wants to do something about it, you know, they can. come and take our razor wire, try. >> yes. and i was down on the park that day, governor abbott was out of the country on that particular day. and i went down there to be with our troops and back them up and we said you come and clip the wire. we will rye place it. we have more wire than have you wire clippers. we cut pete in that park there were 3,000 to 4,000 people coming a day. we cut down to under a dozen a day. just get out of way joe biden and wean can secure this border alone in texas. by the way, we are doing such a good job they are moving to the other three states. but joe biden, this -- treason is a hard word to really find and call someone that is treasonous actions. but if you are -- and i'm not suggesting the president is accused of treason at this point, but, gosh, you are coming up to the line when you say that we're going to let thousands, 24,000, 30,000 chinese men of military age to come to our border and be somewhere in our country and we don't know and
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people from the middle east on the terrorist watch list? i mean, what sound mind, what sound mind in the white house would ever allow our country to be invaded. we passed senate bill 4. i helped write that bill. we hope that is upheld the supreme court. we passed it in late december. it's in the courts. that would allow us to take care of our border as we should be allowed to protect our citizens and america. we are under invasion. the cartels are invading us and i believe these countries who are our enemies are invading us. and joe biden does nothing. and he blames it on congress. he is doing nothing. joe biden will be gone in november. donald trump will secure this border in the first thing i believe they will be doing is rounding up a lot of these military aged men and getting them the hell out of america because they're dangerous to us. they are not here for any research can you explain. and who paid to get them here, pete? it's a long way from china. 850 from russia we just saw cross the border. >> pete: no doubt. what other wo word would you caa
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sovereign nation the leader allows the law ton flaunted while millions of foreign military aged males cross that border into our country and we have no idea what their intentions are. what's a synonym, pick one. you are over the target. >> lt. governor, thank you very much for your time. all right. next, liberal chicago residents are now sympathizing with texas horace cooper reacts to that and more, coming up next. ♪
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>> governor pritzker who wants to blame governor abbott. look, i think that we have to be realistic in thinking about what the state of texas was going through before they began busing migrants here. we are so angry with pritzker and with president biden and with our mayor. we're seeing that that is not working for us. and so that is why i will be voting republican for the first time. >> pete: it's not working. a chicago resident defending texas and now saying she'll vote republican as you just heard for the first time. this as illegal crime explodes in her city and across the nation. by the way we have update on what happened in georgia that may pertain to this as well. we will get that soon. the nypd is looking for 18
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people in connection with to two separate attacks thursday night in times square. including a stabbing that left a 17-year-old hospitalized. some of the suspects are believed to be here illegally. posing as migrants. the "new york post" reported on top of that three illegals were just busted in new jersey after going on a $5,300 shoplifting spree. i bet they thought they would never get caught. and when the nypd attempted to make arrest they call it a migrant center but full of people here illegally on randles island, they were met with nothing but hostility. joining me now is horace cooper projected 31 chairman. horace, bringing these illegals to liberal sanctuary cities has proven to be effective move by conservative states by show casing saying hey, you want them, here you go. >> what's good for the goose is good for the gander but let me tell you what. i hear from black americans when we go out into the community that this is among one of the
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top issues that they are concerned about. this open borders policies of this president. in fact, last summer, we put together a monogram at project 21, what immigration policy means for black america because black americans, especially men only 6 in 10 have high school diploma. the very group of people that we are importing illegally by opening the doors are undercutting american citizens. and the worst part of it is, and those same citizens are forced to pay for debt cards, 2, 4, $10,000 staying at some of the nicest hotels that many black americans can only dream of. >> black americans are fed up with biden's open border
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policies. >> pete: let's speak with under served american citizens. chicago, the school board there just real quick on this just voting to get rid of all police officers in schools. how is it going to get better? >> the left, my most recent book is all about how the woke policies that have come down since the biden administration hurts blacks. we're going to take the one opportunity, education, that will help l liberate people in america. particularly, disproportionately black americans who live in the inner city. the progressives are crippling even that tool. we're turning our public schools into pipelines to prison. that's an awful thing to see progressives do to black america. >> horace, thank you for speaking truth.
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we appreciate it. all right. there's nothing bidenflation isn't wreaking havoc on, including the tooth fairy and biden's dog biting secret service agents is apparently okay with the media. my buddy will cain. come on, will, joins me next. here he comes. sheepishly.en come o tn in. ♪
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>> did you miss some of the big headlines, here with me in south carolina to go over the update, host of will cane show which you can get every. okay, will, biden's dmi economy get -- new york has 30 bucks a pie, red lobster crushing the company s. [laughter] i red that too fast.
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too expensive. even tooth fairy's payments dropped. >> endless shrimp is crushing lop ster. i wanted to see people that put red lobster under. >> it is true, my kids tried to hit endless wings at applebees. tooth fairy, regional. sometimes. >> he? >> going rate two, inflation pushed. >> $2? what is the tooth ferry's pronoun? >> her. >> is it a her? >> i think so. ladies from "the view" defending biden's dog kujo, i mean commander. >> makes you wonder what did he see nobody else saw. >> i have a question for the republicans, how can we blame
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this on hunter biden. >> listen to his name, commander. >> your dog guy, defender, defends everybody, 25 bites. >> serious problem. i need to be careful with this. i don't have the best behaved dog in the world. she is pretty good. this is on biden. i am not taking a cheap shot. if your dog bites people this many times you are as a master. >> a, you are not good at training, b. you didn't cut it short at eight bites, 25? >> send them to school. >> now to the demand or lack thereof of electric vehicles, will. mercedes benz delaying ev goals by five years, rivian. they don't work in the cold is any of this a surprise?
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>> i do know quite a few guys that buy rivian. >> does it work? >> yeah. i mean if you want to drive within a 30-mile radius, all good. it is a problem. everyone has realized it. >> shouldn't everyone have a plan if need be? >> ready for the emp or when your cell goes out? >> how quickly can we go to cannibalism. watch the will cane show. ten days. i am pete hegseth in for laura ingraham. don't miss fox and friends weekend 10 hours, all things, south carolina primary. bret and martha 7:00 p.m. on fox news channel. that is it for ingram angle. jesse watters. >> jesse: welcome to


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