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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  February 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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will: it's the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend right now. polls are open in south carolina for today's republican primary if. from don't complain about what happens in the general election if you don't vote in this primary. >> and we're going to tell crooked joe biden, you're fired! get outta here, you're fired. [cheers and applause] rachel: plus p fox news alert, a non-citizen a arrested in the murder of a student on a georgia
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campus. what else we're learning about the suspect and his family. pete: and former president donald trump sits down with lawrence scwoans in a a "fox & friends" exclusive talking about that sky-high civil fraud fine. >> it's a sham, it's a horrible thing. we did nothing wrong. he knows we did nothing wrong. pete: the final hour of "fox & friends" when, guys? on the weekends. will: fourth hour. pete: president the fourth and final hour starts right now. if. ♪ ♪ ♪ will: as we speak, there they go. ♪
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♪ will: there we go. i don't know if anything i just said was on air or not. [laughter] try it again. i don't know when the mic's on, when it's off. that's television. that is the south carolina gamecock drum line performing live on "fox & friends." it is primary day. polls have been open for two hours. pete: i love the energy. had a young lady who went to vote in columbia, not many lines because this is more of a democrat area. other places we're hearing polls are packed. they've been open for two hours, and in 10 hours or so we should know more or less the results, but it's fun to be on the ground, in the primary state on the day when we, the people here in south carolina, will choose who they want to be -- at least from the state of south carolinn nominee for president of the united states. rachel: that's right. and somebody who's definitely feeling that energy, ainsley earhart, she's having breakfast with friends at lizard's thicket
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in columbia right here in south carolina. we'll see if she's having flounder and grits which we had earlier. will and i, total fans. pete, not so sure. pete: no. i mean, it's amazing, but flounder in the morning, not my jam. [laughter] rachel: ainsley? if. >> thank you, guys. yeah, we're not eating flounder here at the lizard's thicket. look at the menu. you get your meat, your three vegetables, and they have tons of desserts s. and we're hear talking politics. tell me your name. >> i'm haley. >> you a student at usc? >> yes ma'am. >> why would you go to the polls today? >> definitely inflation. just the grocery bills and the gas adding up on top of tuition isn't helping. >> oh, my gosh, i remember those days. get a good job. usc will help you make more money eventually. tell me your name. >> mine's hope. >> you get her on the camera, nate the great? hope, are you a student at usc? >> yes, ma'am. >> what's your biggest issue?
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>> definitely inflation as well. i take a rig rigorous course load and i work two jobs, and it's still not enough. >> oh, my gosh. two jobs and you go to class. good for you. how about you? you love trump. >> yes, i'm john with chairman mark weber and our first vice chair, we were the first county in all of south carolina to endorse president trump before the primary which no one else did. but my biggest issue is i don't think communism is coming to this country,ing i think we're live anything if a communist state, and donald trump is the only candidate and president who can take this country back. it's terrifying to me as a young vote iser because i'm thinking about my future and my kids' futures. we need someone who can get us back on track, and donald trump is the only candidate who can do that. >> thank you so much, guys. [applause] they all agree. who's here for trump? [cheers and applause] who's here for, who's here for nikki haley? [cheers and applause] nikki haley in any nikki haleys?
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[applause] all right, we have a few nikki haleys in the house. back to you, will, pete and rachel. ms. if. pete: not enough democrats in the house to have nikki haley support ors at point. ainsley, i think you beat lj, they came out for auctionly this morning. rachel: of course they did. pete: look who's here. sean hannity, he just showed up. >> i watch you guys every weekend. you guys have the best show. great to be with you with, great to see you. pete wants to get me all tatted up like him. rachel: we actually had a discussion, what would you do -- what would it be if you had a tat? >> it would all be patriotic. god, faith, family, country, that's it. [laughter] pete: look, he's in fit fighting shape, and the tattoos are coming next. [laughter] will: i can see it. >> i've been with training mixed martial arts, ooh i'm in my 13th year with, train the every day, hour behalf a day, never miss. love it. will: real quick and we'll move on to the news, i need a
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partner. he's back out of the navy seal swim in august. >> okay, i'm not a swimmer. [laughter] rachel, are you in? a. rachel: no, but you could fight them. that would be fun. pete: i'd love to see that. so what's your take? you've been on the ground here, sean is, you know, talking to folks. it's a showdown here. we know what the result will be. what's your takeaway right now? >> my takeaway is, okay, if you look at -- we go back to iowa, donald trump comes in first. and i like nikki haley. personally, know her, like her. she was the governor of this great state. the people of this state are amazing. i mean, no offense to the people in new york city, but they're not exactly as friendly. rachel: true. >> and listen to that last interview ainsley had at the diner, it's like, yes, ma'am, you know? that's the way i was raised. i kind of love hearing that. and what you see is what you got going on here. the country is in the worst shape that i have seen it in
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since, like, the 1970s, and nothing's really going right. if you ask ask yourself, well, are we better off than we were four years ago a, what's the answer? if you ask somebody what has joe biden done that you can point to that is a successful policy that is benefiting the country and people, what usually defines elections? peace and prosperity. okay? prosperity, how's that inflation working out for you? how are higher interest rates? we have "the wall street journal" this week, what do they point out? the highest percentage of people's incomes on food in 33 years. that is 60% of americans living paycheck to paycheck, many of that 60% have to put bare necessities on credit cards. that -- we are better than that. these problems can be solved. we go to imagine the dominance, we could lower our national debt at $34 trillion, we create high paying, career jobs, we can get the economy humming. we have got war in europe, we've got war in the middle east, and
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we've got a president that i don't think knows that today is saturday, and he probably didn't tune in because he didn't know you all were on today. he was thinking that's three days from now. it's sad. and we're so much better than this. we need strength, we need leadership, we need a fight. that's why i think donald trump is doing as well as he is. everything that they have thrown at him and the kitchen sink, look, he defies all conventional political -- rachel: [inaudible] >> he gets indicted, his poll numbers go up. he gets a mug shot, poll numbers go up. he gets an arraignment, poll numbers go up. it seems to be boom or or e ranging back on them. this would be a big message. here's nikki haley's problem. i would not have allowed today to go forward if i was her campaign manager because four years from now is an open primary, and that would give her another opportunity, or or right? so if she -- look, forget about these polls that say 25. usually polls -- 25. usually polls tighten as we get
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closer to primary day. she lost, came in third place in iowa. she lost in new hampshire by double digits. she didn't even show up in nevada, and then in the primary that she took place in that that didn't distribute delegates, she was beaten by none of the candidates above. and if she loses in her home state by double-digit anything, if it's 12%, 15%, 20%, whatever it happens to be, that's a message. then you have to ask, what is her path to the nomination? because it becomes more difficult. and then there's going to be a lot of anger, i think, within the republican ranks because people are going to be upset that money that would otherwise be spent for the general election, if it's joe biden is now going to have to continue to be spent on a primary. and that's where the anger, i think, will come in. will: sean, i want to ask you a question about that path. i think there's an interesting theory. first, though, let's hear from nikki haley and donald trump, and that's going to lead us, i
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think, towards the potential -- what she might think of as her path. watch this. >> it's going to talk a lot of courage, courage from everyone here, courage for me to run and courage for every one of you to know don't complain if about what happens in a general election if you don't vote in this primary. >> but we're going to have a gigantic victory here in south carolina. we're going to show crooked joe biden and the radical left democrats that we are with coming like a freight train in november. [cheers and applause] we're going to win this state, and then we're going to tell crooked joe biden, you're with fired! get outta here, your fired. [cheers and applause] finish. >> usa! usa! will: you know, sean, you're right, it's -- you know, it is interesting and hard to understand, why would you stick the around for, let's -- i'm not trying to be mean, potentially and probably embarrassing loss in your home state.
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so why would you do that if you're nikki haley in and i saw nikki haley on with bill hemmer earlier this week, and he asked her, are you hanging around to be an insurance policy for one of donald trump's legal rangings? and i think the answer is, mt. end, is yes. >> probably. i think that's a good analysis. she had been making the argument that she was a more electable candidate. i don't know if y'all saw the poll that came out of texas this week, but trump was up by, i believe, 9, and she was down by 7 in a red state like texas. so it's not the slam dunk that she's making it out to be. and i actually think that had maybe she gotten out after nevada, waited the four years and hen maybe joined and partnered with trump, take on a big role in his administration -- which i think she would be with great at -- i think it would have been a better strategy for her. but nobody ever listens to me, so what point, what does that matter? i try to give pete advice, pete
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never listens. pete: every once in a while. [laughter] it's good advice. what would push her out? would it be the donor money running out? would it be her prospects diminishing in 2028? i think you're right. there'll be a point at which republicans will say we're not going to forget this. even gavin newsom said that yesterday, nikki haley is the best sur is gate democrats have right now -- surrogate. republicans won't forget that. >> and she had been appealing because democrats can cross over in south carolina. a little bit different than the process in new hampshire. and appealing to democrats to vote in a republican primary, let me say to every republican governor and state legislature, guys, you should never, ever, ever under any circumstances allow, ever, democrats to vote in republican primaries. republicans should elect their candidates, not democrats, or the havoc that they can wreak with that. rachel: yeah, you know, it could
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be that she's waiting to see that something happens with donald trump and she's next in line, or but i just think she are represents an old party, and i don't with even think that will make republicans enthusiast ec at all to vote for her. i have to say i think she's looking to get on boards. there's a lot of people, a lot of corporations that like never trumpers on their corporate boards. and also you have to remember it's politics. there's a lot of people around a her who are making a lot of money and so, yeah, she's got democrat go donors who want her to stay on, but she's also got people lying to her and telling her, yeah, you can do this because they're all making money. >> you see, there's a big picture, and you've tapped into this. all the never trumper money is right now going to her. she's the last one standing. so the amount of money is massive. but here's the problem, democrats have already declared war on donald trump and on the republican party. i'll tell you, the comments yesterday made by gavin newsom if about how republicans are putting rapists ahead of the women that they impregnate -- by
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the way, gavin, repulsive statement by you with. and and coming from you, i've got to be honest, frankly, every crime committed in your sanctuary state of california including raping and the murders that have taken place, illegal. immigrants, that is because of your policies, joe's open borders where they literally are allowing unevented illegal immigrants from -- unvetted illegal immigrants from iran and syria and afghanistan and egypt and china to cross our border, he bears that responsibility and joe biden bears that responsibility. and god forbid, you know, among those nearly 10 million illegals unvetted in this country we wake up one morning like we did in 2001 on 9/11 and there's an attack. the likelihood of that is growing every day we do not secure the border. that border must be secure, and i have a big announcement about that on monday, about the border. rau rae all right. -- rachel: all right.
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pete: we'll be watching. will: bret and martha have special south carolina primary coverage starting at 7.eastern time, and if you want to -- 7 p.m. eastern time, and our own pete hegseth is covering, hosting leading up coverage over at fox nation. pete: all three of us are going to be there. think of fox nation as your watch party. as you're watching bret and martha, pull us up on ipad, your iphone. will you do that, sean? >> no, i always go over to you. that. [laughter] i have had more time coming up behind him, we're friends -- pete: he's put me in a chokehold on air. [laughter] try hosting concern. >> but for the record, i did not coke you out. pete: no, you didn't. >> it only takes about 12 seconds. listen, i watch you guys. i'm not sucking up to y'all with. i watch you all every weekend. y'all do such a great job,off such great chemistry. y'all should be proud. your ratings reflect that, and i'm honored to be working with great people like you. rachel: ah, we love you, sean.
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will: i don't think we're saying good-bye yet. you didn't read it, sean's sticking around. sean: i'm sticking around? i'm here for the day. will: or three more minutes. turning now to a fox news alert, a man accused of killing a nursing student in georgia is not a u.s. citizen. rachel: and we're now learning the suspect did not now lincoln reilly before the alleged murder. pete: madison scarpino is in front of the athens clark county jail where that suspect's being held and and joins us with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, guys. yeah, a really terrifying and devastating time for the university of georgia and the entire athens community at that. police arrested 26-year-old jose antonio ybarra for the murder of lincoln reilly, and this happened when she was going out for a run on the ug ga campus. he has an apartment in athens but is not a citizen, investors
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unsure of his current status in the u.s. but say that he came from venezuela. as you guys said, again, they say that the suspect did not know reilly and that this was a random, solo act of violence. >> this was a very ice lace lat. we haven't had a homicide at the university of georgia in almost 30 years. this, as i stated before, this was an individual who woke up with bad intentions on that day. >> reporter: we also learned from uga police that the nursing student died from blunt force trauma. he's facing a long list of charges including malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault and hindering a 911 call among other charges. police say there is strong evidence against the suspected killer, and video footage on campus was really vital in catching him. a spokesperson for the u.s. attorney's office in the middle district of georgia confirms to
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fox that his older brother is undocumented, but they cannot say the same for the accused killer yes with yet. the suspect's older brother was also arrested for possessing a fake green card during the investigation of reilly's death. just a lot of community support coming in, guys. ool reilly's for actually spoke out on social media calling reilly her built-in best friend and saying that her sister's death is unfair. back to you. will: thank you,. pete: thank you, madison. will: it's actually what you were talking about, terrorism, our primary concern, but you're talking about gavin newsom and allowing an environment where this is an inevitability. >> it's funny, because three years they've been lying to the american people, oh, the border's secure, the border's secure, the border's closed. that is a one of the big lies. my favorite lie is, joe, he works harder in an hour than most people to in an entire day. [laughter] i'm, like, that is a crock. that is a lie. i never spoke to hunter or my
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brother or anybody. but this is soars. rachel: yeah. >> because this family will never see their precious if daughter again, and that's my message to gavin newsom. and and that's my message to joe biden. they have put in policies that have opened up our borders. we don't know who these people are, where they're coming from. i believe in legal immigration, but i want background checks, health checks, and they've got to prove that they will be able to care for themselves. every murder, every rape, every crime i blame them, their policies. they should know better, you know? if former fbi emissaries, top of the top in the fbi that are retiered, they put out a dire -- retired, they put out a dire warning and said this is an invasion of military-aged men the likes of which we have never seen before. it is the greatest national security threat in our lifetime. pete, you went and you fought for this country post-9/11. you know what a that is like. hen we lose all of those -- pete: seems we've forgotten what
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it's like. >> have you forgotten, the famous song. i'm saying i don't know how manm actually wrong. rachel: but this is so predictable, sean. the prisons in venezuela are notoriously dangerous. they have found that they were building swimming pools in restaurants, they had to break down those prisons, take back control. and back in september a congressman from your state, congressman neal, said to the dhs, hey, you guys know that they're releasing prisons. he asked for information, and they wouldn't give it to him. they know that this was going to happen. they knew that they were emptying the prisons because they don't have control of their prisons in venezuela. >> in the first hundred days joe biden was president, he rescinded all the trump policies that were working; remain in mexico, building the border wall, etc. so they allowed this people in, they lied to the american people and say the border is secure, the border is closed. all a lie. we're watching it with our own eyes every day. none of these people are vetted.
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they end up in sapping i chew ware states. -- sanctuary states. all of the people that have allowed this to happen, they have blood on their hands. rachel: yes. >> they're responsible. because we know the danger of allowing people -- why would you allow people from the number one state sponsor or terror, iran, or their satellite, syria, or the home of the miss muslim brotherhood, egypt, or the home of a al-qaeda, afghanistan, our top political foe, china, number two, russia. that's what they have done, and they have created the greatest national security threat in our lifetime. we've will real quick. something on monday night. you've got -- >> let me tell you monday night, i'm going with this topic, and i'm going to have a list of american victims of crimes by joe biden's unvetted illegal immigrants, and those -- especially, hey, gavin, you're going to want to tune in on monday. pete: hannity,, 9 p.m., don't miss it. more "fox & friends" in a moment. don't go anywhere.
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♪ ♪ >> how was that? i heard it was great. [applause] thank you for being here. [applause] all right. we are here at the lizard's thicket, it's in downtown columbia, south carolina. we have a huge crowd here. how many of y'all are for trump?
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[cheers and applause] how many of y'all are for nikki haley? if. [applause] we have a few, we have a few. okay, ma'am, until me your name, who you're voting for and why? if. >> i'm nelly farmer, i'm voting for donald j. trump because i'm just, i love trump. >> you do. all right, thank you so much. thanks for coming. tell me your name. >> patricia jordan, and i'm from lexington, south carolina, voting for donald trump, and we need everybody to rally to get him some money for those lawsuits. [laughter] >> why do you like him in. >> because he is the man that's got the guts, the will power, and he can do it. he's done it before, and he's going to do it again. >> i like that t-shirt. i see his maim on your, the shirt. let's talk to these ladies. hi, tell me -- okay. [laughter] who wants to go first? okay. who are you voting for and why? >> actually, my name is edie. i'm a republican party officer, and i try not to give my preference so that everybody's
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welcome in the party afterwards. i think donald trump is great. we don't pick presidents to be polite, we pick presidents to be strong. and i think both nikki haley and donald trump will be strong. >> okay, how about you? >> well, i'm all for trump at this point, and we'll stick with him. i think the man is a good leader, and i want to see him get in office and be our president. >> okay. how about you? >> i'm a trump fan, and i think it's time for everybody to think about we have two incumbents now. all we've got to do is measure them against each other if n if ikki can wait, she's got a wonderful future ahead of us, but we need trump now. >> okay. really quickly, i know we have to toss back, but i prommed this gentleman, tell me quickly who you're voting for and why? >> clayton story, nikki haley. just concerned about the democrats letting trump get in again. >> okay. thank you so much. y'all, it's been so much fun. we're here at lizard's thicket with all of my hometown people including all of these little children that i promised would
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be on tv. say hey to rachel and pete and to will. look how cute they are. do you have a message? pete: hello. will: will: hey, guys. >> yeah. i like donald trump. >> why do you like him? [laughter] >> because he, he does whatever he says he's going to do. >> okay, thank you. good job. pete: there you go. >> y'all are famous now. you're on national television. okay. back to y'all. >> wave, guys. pete: thank you so much for joining us on this saturday morning. juan be south carolina without ainsley earhart. rachel: no. and thanks for putting those beautiful kids on. we love that. we're also enjoying some breakfast with friends with columbia's famous bernie's chicken. pete: nice. rachel: we've been having the fish versus chicken debate -- pete: not even a debate. [laughter] leland joins us with chicken and sweet tea. leland, thanks for being here. >> thank y'all for having me. pete: what's the secret? >> serve it fresh, serve it fast, sell it cheap.
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keep coming back. will will that is good sweet tea. go for the sandwich or the drumstick? >> whatever you want. will: oh, or leland -- pete: it's good, right in. will: you won't have me talking about fish. will: will -- pete: will said he liked flounder better than chicken. >> we sell a good flounder too, but it doesn't say bernie's found in or. will: you've been here for 44 years? >> yes, sir. 1311 bluff road right down from the carolina football stadium. pete: i bet you sell a lot on football saturdays. >> we do. we do about 8,000 chicken wings, park about 300 cars and sell a ton of fried chicken. will: whatever you've got, you figured it out. pete: leland, it's called bernie's chicken. >> thank y'all for having me. rachel: my hands are kind of greasy. >> let me get you a napkin. [inaudible conversations] rachel: delicious. all right. former president trump is speaking out about the new york
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fraud ruling. we've got that exclusively with lawrence jones. "fox & friends," stay with us. we'll just eat. >> we did nothing wrong, he knows we did nothing wrong with. he practically said we can did nothing wrong. there was no victim. there was no jury. he wouldn't allow a jury. rachel: it's like -- pete: lawrence is here with an interview, and we've got the university of south carolina drum line plague us out. ♪ ♪ what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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♪ ♪ measure finish. pete: you hear the music, polls are officially open near south carolina, and and voters from around the state are casting their ballots as we broad kass. rachel: and last night if former president donald trump made his case to voters at the black conservative federation at their annual honors gala in columbia. will: but first, he spoke to our
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own frock and -- "fox & friends" cohost lawrence jones. morning, lawrence. >> i had the opportunity to talk with 45, talked about the latest issues facing the country, the breaking news with the courts as well as ivf as well as what does he think what's going to happen in south carolina. this is what the former president had to say. watch. already, mr. president, this is the final stretch. this is the eve before the election in south carolina. what's the final message for the people? >> i know we're going to make america great again. we have a real problem. our country as has never if been this way. it's never been so dangerous or so sick. when you look at millions and millions of people pouring in through our border coming in at levels like nobody if's ever -- nobody's ever seen before, i think the real level will be 18 million people by the time this guy is finished. he's destroying our country, he's a horrible president, and we have to change on so many different levels. >> mr. president, you've got nikki haley, she's still in the race. when i look at the cash on hand, the rnc versus the dnc, they've
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got a lot of money in the dnc. why is she still in the race in are you concerned about the cash flow? >> you know what, we have a lot of cash, and we're doing well. and we have a much better message. she's raised money, it's not a lot, but it's mostly from democrats. and and, actually, biden democrats. they're going to vote for him if he runs, i don't think that he's going to finish. >> you don't think he's going to be on the ticket. >> look, i see the way he is, i'm not sure, but with i, i'd like to see him run. i think it would be great. i would be very happy. >> mr. president, let's talk about some of these courtish -- issues. the judge saying no delay in new york. what's that going to look like? >> well, nobody's ever heard of such a thing. he comes out with a verdict, and you're supposed to put up a bond. it takes a period of time. you have to go to a bonding institution. it's a sham. it's a horrible thing. we did nothing wrong, he nose ig wrong. he practically said we dead nothing wrong. the banks were happy.
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there was no victim. there was no jury. he wouldn't allow a jury. we had a clubhouse politician decide that trump should pay $355 million. on a situation where it was perfect. >> mr. president, it's not the only case though. you've got the case now here in florida, and you're telling the judge, you're saying you've got to throw this out based on immunity alone. >> sure. >> where's this go? >> i think the one in florida, you're talking about the documents case. >> yes, sir. >> they're not trying joe biden, and he had 50 years of documents, and he had them all over the place including chinatown, including under his corvette in a a garage. i did nothing wrong, and i come under the presidential records act. so we just put in for a dismissal of that case, you know that. you probably saw that. >> i did. >> we should be dismissed. i tell you, in the history of our country, there's never been anything like this. this is what a third world country does. it's the greatest scam in political history. it's a witch hunt. it's the greatest witch hunt, certainly, in political history. >> mr. president, you made a
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very strong statement about the case in alabama. what compelled you to -- looked like it was a red line for you. and and you called them miracle babies. >> when this decision came down, politicians were calling me said is, what do we to? this decision is a very rough decision, what do we do and when i understood it, and it didn't take me too long. i'm like you with, we're both fast studies, i said, wait a minnesota, these people are helping -- minute, these people are helping women to have beautiful babies. and i came down in favor of it, and it's been met really a very popular way. we want to help women, we don't want to hurt women. >> lastly, mr. president,ing you're here for this big event with black conservatives. >> yeah. >> everyone across the country is talking about you see these black residents who are typically democrats going in to the city council meetings and saying how are the illegals taking over our rec centers and taking over our housing in harlem? what's going on here? there seems to be a surge of
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black support. >> there is. >> no other republican but trump. why is that? why are you a different republican? why do they like you more? >> and hispanic support and asian support. but there's a tremendous surge of blacks who are, look, i'm embarrassed to say republicans would get, like, 4 or 5 or 6%, and i'm at 28%. and i think we're going much higher. the illegal immigrants that are coming in and they're, again, they're rough people, in many cases they are not sending their finest or the most -- they're sending some very rough people. this is going to have a huge impact on the black community. because a lot of these people are going to work for very little money, and if they're going to take black people's jobs. they're going to take hispanic jobs. heir going to take the jobs of unions. >> mr. president, good luck tomorrow. we'll be watching. >> thank you very much. thank you, i appreciate it. >> i think the important thing to note as we're here in south carolina, you look at the polls, and i always say i only believe
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the polls if it's what i see in the country as well. if there's manager on the ground that i see that is inconsistent with the polls, then i think maybe the polls are wrong. what's consistent is the polls and what i see on the ground. you don't get to tell voters no. i know for some people donald trump may not be palatable, i know you may think he's too bombastic, but somewhere down the line are you have to listen to the voters. we don't get to tell our audience, hey, we cover the stories that we want to cover. we cover the stories that a matter to them because that's who we serve. and i think the problem that nikki haley is having right now by inviting democrats and independents into a republican primary is they're not republican voters, and there's not enough of them to offset the republicans that still like donald trump. pete: you've always talked to a number of them who said, okay, i'll vote for nikki now, but i would vote for joe biden later e. >> we saw yesterday in the diner there's sites that tell democrats how to switch over in the primary.
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i asked a young lady and young man, who are you going to vote for? nikki haley. when you get to the general election, who are you going to vote for? joe biden. i mean, she has a real problem. this is her home state. maybe it's a pride thing for me, i'm a texas boy. i would hate to lose my state. that would be hard for me to recover from. maybe politicians are different. rachel: yeah. how much money would it take for you not to be embarrassed -- >> not enough. [laughter] not enough. rachel: i think what's interesting is, i mean, this is a real divide in the party, and it's not like -- what i mean is that there are some people who are still committed to the sort of chamber of commerce, old way of doing things. the problems are so huge, and he's been vindicated on things like the border. even like when he said they were spying on me in my -- and that turned out to be true. he keeps getting vindicated, and people having to kind of acknowledge that. >> rachel, to your point, there is a divide, and there is a part of that republican party has still there. but i give credit to the other candidates because they read the room. they may have had a different
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agenda and they may have said, listen, i want to present my ideas, you even had tim scott -- nice guy. he said, look, i hear the people saying -- he had a lot of money, more money than nikki haley. he said, listen, they're not saying that they don't like me. they're saying not now, or tim. not now. rachel: yeah. >> you've got to listen to the voters. you don't get to be dictate, you know, the process. rachel: yeah. >> this is not a coronation when you've got 90% of the republican base saying this is what they want. rachel: but the donor class also has always felt they had a bigger say, and we'll see. will: nice job. >> thanks, brother. will: go hog hunting. >> that's right. rachel: all right. well,ing the migrant crisis continues in the san diego sector with a mass release just yesterday. we're going to have more on that. [speaking spanish] >> atlanta. >> new jersey. [speaking spanish] >> new jersey. >> new jersey push if push. >> chicago
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oh thanks! i splurged a little . . ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. rachel: border patrol agents releasing an estimated 200 minds yesterday. will: fox news learns they're heading to different cities across the united states. pete: details emerging as we get them we go the madeleine rivera
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for a live report. >> reporter: sand wray go has been struggling to manage an influx of migrants. hundreds of migrants were released onto the streets in sannie seed degree friday, handed over to an ngo. as our bill melugin reported, they're heading to different parts of the country. [speaking spanish] new york. going to new york. [speaking spanish] >> atlanta. >> atlanta. >> new jersey. [speaking spanish] >> new jersey. >> new jersey. [speaking spanish] >> chicago. >> reporter: chicago. >> reporter: california governor gavin newsom says the border once of the issues he brought up during the national governors' meeting in d.c. here he is chatting with homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. he's blaming republicans for sinking a bipartisan bill bill, saying when it comes to border security, republicans in congress have done nothing but create chaos and sabotage any
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attempts at progress. republicans, meantime, are criticizing president biden and reportedly weighing executive action to restrict asylum at the southern border after saying in the past he's done all he can to f it. will, pete and rachel. pete: of course. rachel: yeah. he's citing that a -- thank you, madeleine. citing that bill that republicans didn't go for. pete: the whole thing's a sham. rachel: yeah. that was a cheap labor bill, that was not a border bill -- pete: it was a political bill on the border. rachel: absolutely. we got more from south carolina as the gop primary policy are officially open. ♪ ♪
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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rick: welcome back to "fox & friends." i tell you what, not getting much winter for almost anywhere in the country except a little spot across the ohio valley. we are watching really warm temperatures the next tree days, today, tomorrow, monday, over half of the country dealing with temps well above average. northern plains, really, really warm. 23 starts -- start thing out in chicago, 24 in fargo.
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but you see that little bit of know across parts of the ohio valley? that's this clipper system that is going to bring maybe 1-2 inches of snow across west virginia is, a little more across the spewn of the southern ap -- spine of the southern appalachians. a really nice day in south carolina for voting. take a look at that, temperatures across almost the entire state into the 60s with a couple scattered showers. not going to cause any big problems at all. guys, over to you in south carolina. pete: beautiful. rachel: all right. thank you, ricky. we're bag packed in in a a lot in the last four hours, the sights, the sounds and tastes of south carolina. pete: and i know that's the university of drum line. we've will we're having a little south carolina staple while you're getting gussied up. flounder and grits. we're going to do this. are you going to do it? pete: at i 6:50 in the morning? what do we try? >> it's good, isn't it? will: hey, it is tasty.
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>> you've got tv for the next few hours. pete: oh, boy. [laughter] rachel: all right. but now it's time to put our south carolina knowledge to the test. we're going to have a quiz. these guys love competing, so here we go. who knows south carolina better, and and nobody gets to call ainsley for a phone call. pete: i know my new year's resolution was to beat will in all competitions, so this is important to me. rachel: okay. what is the scientific name for the palmetto tree? pete: i'm going to go with c. this is why i should have taken latin. my kids take latin, they know this. i don't. will: i'm going to go a. rachel: will wins. it's a. pete: you can't put the name in the name. [laughter] rachel: next one. what type of soil do palmetto trees perfect? if -- prefer?
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rachel: d -- will: i'll go sandy soil. pete: i'm going to go a too. i think it is a. rachel: all right -- will: 2 to 1. rachel: this is going to make it or break it. here we go, what -- why do palmetto trees have effective resilience against hurricanes examine here in south carolina? if. pete: this is an open-ended question? rachel: no, no, here we go. large leaves -- pete: strong confidence? if. [laughter] do trees have -- will: flexible trunk. pete: yes, flexible trunk. will: special thanks for our pell met toe concern palmetto trees, and and another victory. rachel: victor. pete: head hung low. rachel: there we go. more "fox & friends" momentsfoam away. you guys, stick with us. a beaut, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets,
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