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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 25, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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♪ ♪ will: 9 a.m. hour live from south carolina. and we start with this. former president trump cruising to an easy win in the palmetto state handing hole state defeat to nikki haley. >> even bigger win than we anticipated and -- i got informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of south carolina. will: this as voters reveal immigration illegal immigration our border sovereignty is top issue driving their vote. rachel: one mom dividing parents with this hot take. >> here's the deal she's getting a first birthday party she's getting a sweet 16 and she's getting a graduation party.
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other than that she is not getting anymore birthday parties. >> that birthday party debate ahead. the final hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ will: welcome back to "fox & friends" well hosting live from columbia, south carolina, following republican primary. i think it is fair to say we all like south carolina. i've always -- i think it is sliding into love. i was like wow going sliding -- sliding into love. i have always liked south carolina. rachel: me too. will: spent time in charleston
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it is awesome city. been up here spar tonburg got the nephew going to clemson but it is got a state with a lot of charm. that's the word. a lot of charm. rachel: the people are charming people are so kind they brought us biscuits but people have been so superkind to us. by the way you're suffering in south carolina was a little bit of allergies. somebody wrote us and said you should have had some honey local honey to help with that. think about that ahead of your next visit. will: we were playing honeybee. that's why they did it -- a lot of common sense down here. a lot of coastline -- yeah. how many pictures every hour shown a picture of a different part of the state on the coastline there. pete: gorgeous. rachel: that state house you went to so beautiful. pete: that view is magnificent. food is magnificent voters know how to pick them too. a lot going for it. rachel: it sure does. pete: presidential cycle comes through the state every four
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years so talk about relevance, south carolina has got it. let's go reeght to that which is former president trump declared the winner -- one minute after the polls closed here in south carolina. it was not even close. rachel: that's right while nikki haley says guess what i'm going to just stay in the race. >> alexandria huff joins us live in columbia with the details. good morning alexandria. reporter: we were talking to our crew producers and moved from like south carolina to love and down here 10 days following both of these campaigns. and we've seen a lot of confidence exuded from the trump side a lot of optimism from the nikki haley side but trump prevailed last night as really expected. you know at last night marked first tile that nikki haley had lost an election here in her home state with a trump team said they knew that would happen to voters they said that would be the case as well. regardless of how much time you spent in the state because it was a fraction of what nikki
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haley did leading up to last night. let's attack a look at numbers 49.8% vote went to trump haley 39.5 trump showed strength especially in rural and suburban communities. he did take the stage within minutes of the polls closed when race immediately called and little suspense in the room full of supporters and trump said early one but a fantastic one he spoke to the victories he predicts ahead. >> this was a little sooner than we anticipated. it was -- [applause] an even bigger win than we anticipated. you know michigan is coming up we're doing great autoworkers are going to be with us 100%. they've got sold out by this country and began is up and we're going to have a tremendous success there, and then we have a thing called super tuesday. reporter: yes trump did not mention his competitor nikki haley in those remarks.
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he actually hadn't really said her name quite often in the days leading up to election day. senator tim scott, though, he did take the stage as well last night. listen. >> let me just ask one survey question. and you better answer it loud and clear. is south carolina trump country? [cheering] reporter: not exactly the same kind of energy last night inside head quarters for governor former governor nikki haley she did address her watch party last night showing a lot support by her rule there saying that 40% of the vote she did earn it isn't 50 but also not a small number she's vowed to stick in this fight for the nomination through at least super tuesday march 5th when voters and more than a dozen states head to the polls. >> they have the right to a real choice. [cheering] not a soviet style election with only one candidate.
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[applause] and i have the duty to give them that choice. reporter: haley continued to point to recent polls showing she has a better chance at beating and win or take all states are coming up meaning anything less than 51% of the vote means that the person will not get the delegates from that state and trump campaign they do anticipate that the former president will accumulate enough delegates by mid-march to secure the nomination guys. >> all right thank you alexandria. well south carolina might be unique culturally loving south carolina, there are issues that are motivating south carolinians are the same and has been in the case in iowa and has been the case in massachusetts and number one issue for south carolina voters immigration. 45% according to fox news voter analysis said top issue facing the country followed by the
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economy. at 30% -- no doubt. pete: one other question is do you favor or oppose building wall along u.s.-mexico border? predictably 70% of those voting yesterday strongly favor it. 14% somewhat favor -- i'm drawn to that last number strongly oppose -- which in a state which has open primary means democrats and independents could vote, there aren't any republicans voting strongly opposed tboilding a border wall at this point so that gives you a little bit of an indication -- 7 plus percent of those who voted likely democrat or lean democrat who are they voting for? they're voting for nikki haley because she asked for their vote she's been targeting their vote and see that 20 point win that's a win probably 25 or 30 two take aways from last night a historic win for donald trump. we talked about this last night on fox nation to incumbent that has won new hampshire, iowa, and south carolina let alone with the margins that he's won with.
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overwhelming going away, every other candidate has dropped out. except nikki haley other question we're trying to answer is what is her rational? is it sabotage is it vanity? is it democrat donors no labels -- you asked somebody has to ask her. because she's lost historically time and time again and she may think this will help her in 2028 the question is does it really or do republicans remember? republicans don't like hillary clinton -- maybe they won't like niki hilary in short order at some point republicans stop liking you when you ignore their will a soviet style election really? you're voting they're not voting for you. at -- well the question is when will she get that signal? i don't know. rachel: the way the democrats have weaponized our justice system against the on opposition candidate and all of the numbers you know donald trump won by
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twice as much as any candidate has ever won in south carolina. that's without really campaigning that much. she has a bus tour she had, you know, campaign ads. she was targeting democrats to come in. by the way, we -- j she was governor. she was the governor. rachel: by the way we had the -- ag of south carolina alan in here in the last hour he agrees with you. he said there were other ballot initiatives that were people were voting on that showed that there were democrats, you know, somewhere between 7 and 8% democrats voting and weal be able to dig into those numbers later. will: pete, i continue to believe less about 2028 and more about 2024 and what is nikki haley strategy but something to be the insurance policy should have something happen in a courtroom that somehow takes out donald trump. and/or -- positioning herself as a third party run perhaps under no
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labels. pete: you could be right but remember you've got bob dole you've got john mccain and mitt romney lost once and then became the nominee the second go around. so if she sticks around says well and then if she secretly hopes that donald trump loses, maybe her camp is saying well then we're the standard bare for 2028 and their mind there's no downside even if they know the math doesn't work and never gong win. i don't know we're trying to figure out what the rational is -- >> you have to ask her and bret baier did ask her and she said no i'm in it. i'm in it to win it she said it last night but didn't make a lot of sense. pete: somebody ask the san francisco 49ers fans if 22 points was enough it wasn't 26 -- it was 22. but didn't quite win the super bowl that's the math, rational we're hearing right now. move to another story a fox news alert illegal immigrant accused of killing university of georgia nursing student laken riley is
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because it is georgia -- actually denied bond. rachel: as family of the 22-year-old honors her memory. >> madeleine rivera joins us now with the latest. good morning, has madeleine. >> tributes are helicoptering to pour many for laken riley her family sharing their reaction for the first time saying, her love for the lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life. she will be missed every day, but we promise to honor her life moving forward in a very big way. a vigil will be held on the university of georgia campus on monday. riley was a nursing student at augusta university athens campus and attended uga until last spring. she was found dead near the intermural fields after never coming hole from a run thursday. there's outrage over riley death as well the suspect jose ibarra. and i.c.e. and dhs sources say he's from venezuela crossed into
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el paso texas illegally before being released into the u.s. via parole. georgia governor ryan kemp where a letter demanding answering regarding ibarra's release saying frankly mr. president your continued silence in response to the reasonable requests is outrageous. the american people deserve to know who is illegally entering our country doo to your administration's failures and what risks and challenges every state must now face. a gofundme page to help riley expenses now raised more than $80,000 while north of its $35,000 goal. will, rachel, and pete. rachel: thank you so much madeleine. this story just highlights you got it -- the story just highlights what a joke our vetting system is there's no vetting going on. we don't know we know this guy came from venezuela but we don't know anything about his criminal history. we have no idea why he came to
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the united states. we know what he did once he got here -- also just so depressing that our own president because this victim is a politically inconvenient victim -- this young woman from georgia, no word from the biden administration. i haven't heard any statements any tributes -- to her the tributes we hear from her community in georgia. will: this is a crime. clearly preventable by the implementation of policies we yesterday we spoke to tom who laid out three different points at which this crime could have been prevented denying entry into the united states denying caught in the united states and arrested in new york city and released without charges. in new york city -- we have enough crime in the united states without importing crime from across the globe and governor brian kemp of georgia joined us a little bit earl earlier on "fox & friends." >> what is with we've been talking about over two years
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now. in a recent september letter that the republican governors wrote to the president and administration, you know, who are these people? where are you sending them and we have yet to receive that information. let's secure our border make sure this doesn't happen again. but also they need to notify us. where are these individuals and where the seven, eight -- eight and a half million individuals that have expwoom our country what cities are they in and how are we tracking them? how many of them have committed crimes is it going to lead to another violent crime or murder like in this instance? pete: it's not the right comparison but my mind is going back to afghanistan and afghans they've got a lot more vetting -- and this is a foreign country surrounded by taliban with al qaeda targets get them here and put they will at military posts and vet them we're allowing millions of people from countries like afghanistan, pakistan, iran, china, cross our border, with no vetting process. this is our country and our
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border. if we chose to want to vet people, we could. we're choosing not to instead releasings them and reaping the very tragic -- rachel: sheer numbers is we don't have enough manpower to vet them so vetting that should be done by law enforcement is now being -- given over to mgo to do in many cases we literally don't know who these people are. we don't -- >> no vetting being done. >> and mgo's are people who want this open border policy who want everyone in. who are making money off of this. so this is really a joke and what happened to the young woman listen, you're talking about womens issues this is a woman's issue. every single mother out there sees what happens saw what happened to that young woman thinks that could be my daughter that could be me jogging, and peel are worried. pete: totally preventable. rachel: we're going to turn now to some headlines. the memphis police are searching for two suspects accused of ramming stolen suv into a little
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caesars, and then robbing restaurant early yesterday morning both suspects wearing masks and gloves as they stole a, quote, unknown amount of cash. pete: couldn't have been much aim high criminals. ram your car into a little caesars. poor business owners. european new green policies are being threatened by a massive tractor protest. many of them in major european cities. glam yesterday, french president emmanuel macron met by boos and loud farmers who blame him for not doing enough to support agriculture. ♪ ♪ farmers are calling for rollbacks on the new rules which cover everything from the use of pesticides to limiting the
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spread of manure. americans keep an eye on this story. it is coming here, already has started to. and this, one mom is dividing parents on tiktok with this hot take on birthday parties for her kids. >> here's the deal she's getting first birthday party she's getting a sweet 16, and she's getting a graduation party. other than that she she is not getting anymore birthday parties. >> she said instead of yearly parties for her daughter family will celebrate within all about you day. i don't know -- the video sparked a massive online debate with some parents praising the ideas but others calling it sad and lonely -- >> what do you think? >> issue with birth that's why it is all about you day? >> appeal to you -- whole idea of like -- >> congratulations you were born for another year. why would you do --
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first year, though? baby doesn't know anything so maybe pick like -- 8? or -- 13 and then 16, just have a birthday party just limit it a little bit. she's got issues i'll self-diagnose. will: enough evidence -- >> on that issue that that mom has some issues. rachel: eve a big family so i'm accused of saying let's just have a family party. it is a birthday party every single dinner you know practically but i will say this one-year-old birthday party silly, and by the way my kids they want more birthday parties. >> one more thing when do you stop they will? >> when they don't want to? >> my 24-year-old doesn't live with me. >> do you send him a birthday gift? >> of course. >> i don't think -- i venmo them money. would you stop giving money to
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your kids when they turn and leave the house? >> i may forget but i hope -- won't be intentional. rachel: my neighbors are really good at birthday parties they throw incredible -- pete: trying not to judge people but i don't understand one-year-old birthday parties. giant bash one-year-old birthday parties you're like wasting all of your energy on -- rachel: they take the one-year-old to disney world -- >> if you do that we love you too. will: that lady has issues and trying not to judge people. [laughter] two things welcome to "fox & friends" straight ahead maria bartiromo joins us live but first legal cases loom, trump wins south carolina by 20 points and fox voter analysis shows republicans say the case is against trump are politically motivated. byron york on the impact that it could have, next.
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lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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♪ ♪ ♪ rachel: welcome back it is not just former trump who is fed up with trials against him fox news
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voters analysis reveals 76% of south carolina republicans see the cases as politically motivated attempts to undermine the former president in other words interference. >> washington examiner chief political correspondent and our frepgd byron york joins us here. we had the big result last night and calendar is chalked full of these cases yet you see republicans in south carolina saying, hey this isn't interference this is politically motivated. >> every single trump supporter i talk to here in south carolina believes that trump is being unfairly targeted in this. and a lot of nikki haley supporters feel that too. they think it is plelly motivated now they believe it is time for the republican party to move on from trump for a variety of reasons. but as far as the prosecutions go, i mean, there's almost unanimous republican opposition to them. rachel: donald trump start to the talk about himself as a
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dissident i think these cases have a lot to do with it. i'm wondering how this -- plays out politically in a general? >> well you go to a trump rally with a number of people who wear mugshot t-shirts they sell a lot of those at the rallies but the hope of democrats you've seen it a lot of times they say it openly. is that -- if trump is convicted of something, or if just these cases go on and one of them goes to trial before the election, that there will be enough independence to say you know, donald trump is just not acceptable we can't have a president who is going to get convicted of a crime and they will vote for joe biden. so i mean that's really the democratic theory of the case. >> good theory? >> we'll know more later -- will: do you think that's not just hope of democrats but hope of nikki haley? >> well originally i think all of the candidates wanted to have
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a multiparty competitive primary. they didn't want donald trump to just be the incumbent in this so i think that was her motivation at the geng but time as gone on, it is become pretty clear that she is staying in in part because there's a belief that trump might just -- explode some day that something really big might happen a "black swan" event might happen. and the republican party is going to need a -- a candidate. and haley if that were to happen would be a toibl say look i competed in the most states i got the most votes i got the most delegates of anybody other than trump so -- that's me. will: what is that "black swan" event? >> if somehow the investigations and the indictments kick in i mean most people have not been able to fully process the fact that trump got indicted and his ratings went up if you were ron desantis and running you're the front runner against your -- opponent.
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and your opponent gets indicted he goes up you go down. that is not the political laws of gravity. so i think a lot of people have really still not wrapped their heads around the fact that trump's multiple indictments four of them have made him actually more popular with the republican base. pete: exit question if that were to happen, is it automatically nikki haley the alternative in your mind, though? >> i've talked to a lot of strategist who say the longer she stays in and the more she ramps up ratchets up her criticisms of trump which you saw in the last couple of weeks in south carolina. the more she does that, the lesser are her chances of actually succeeding trump. because clearly, if there's some sort of event that knocks trump out of the race, his supporters are going to be really unhappy. they are going to be an unhappy crew and they identify nikki haley with that group of people trying to get trump out of the race. >> how much of this is not just about donald trump but also the fact a lot of republicans feel
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that this -- the injustice that he's enduring that they could expect the same thing they saw the january 6th protesters treated entirely differently they see what's happening with parpghts who go to school board meetings and targeted bid fbi pro-lifers infiltrating catholic churches that they feel the whole justice system is being weaponized against conservatives. so it is not just donald trump, they're fighting for their own lives and their own freedom. >> trump is trying make this point a lot. he says basically they're coming after me but coming after you because i stangsd in the way between them and you. there was a dinner of a black republican conservatives here in -- in columbia the other night trump made the case that -- black americans are often targeted by law enforcement and hey look at me i've been indicted four times. i will say if you listen to trump's speeches over and over and over -- he's appalled by the fact that he's been indicted. he'll say you know i can, i can see my mother and father looking
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down on me from heaven they can't believe i've been indicted more than al capone so -- clearly bothers hill a lot. he would rather not be indicted. but it is something that really just weighs on him all of the time. >> byron york good to see you. appreciate it. straight ahead, maria bartiromo joins us live. don't go anywhere. foster, that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort, every single night. during our presidents day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. ♪
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pete: turning now to headlines starting with this body of russian political prisoner alexi navalny handed over to his mother that's according to a spokesman for the family who says funeral plans are still unclear as it depends on whether or not russian authorities will allow a ceremony to take place russia denies murdering navalny whose cause of death listed as natural on his medical report. but they held on to the bod just long muff to let my poison
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dissolve. and more details released on the unidentified balloon spotted over the western united states on friday. norad says balloon likely a hobby balloon and left american air space. a u.s. described u.s. official described balloon as being 50 feet tall, that says october poses no threat to public safety. that's what they tell us believe them -- for reference the chinese spy flight shot down off the coast of south carolina last near measured 200 feet tall is a baby balloon and everything is beginning to be okay. >> trust -- trust -- like the old hymn trust and obey the government. >> trust but verify. you can't verify that's the problem. and leaving california -- sylvester stallone latest celebrity to make the move to a
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red state. >> your mother and i have decided it is too time move on and leave the state of california permanently and we're going to go to florida. >> is this a joke? >> not a joke we already have a place. it is a done deal. >> it is no joke. we bought a place. florida first lady casey desantis welcoming the rocky star to sunshine state on x saying in addition to having god given rights you can, quote, also buy toothpaste without armed guard at cvs to unlock it for you a really nice bonus in a free country. rachel: i see footage talking about moving. thousands of family have had that same discussion. probably millions now have just made -- you had that discussion with your family. we're moving to tennessee. >> seam thing will, texas, you saw daughter kind of say wait we're leaving l.a. a lot of people made a lot of assumptions for a long time based on status quo on freedom and safety. and then they looked around said
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somewhere else i can go -- >> celebrities are just like us. okay. >> yeah our bank accounts just like theirs. >> much easier when you're sylvester stallone. a strong supporter on stage with hill to celebrate. lieutenant you saw her right there in red. white and blue -- lieutenant governor pamela is here live. back ♪ ♪ ou r farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off
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your order with code fox 20. sarah shaw: my day job is as an author relations manager for a publisher. i'm in books, and i think about stories all the time. the st. jude story, it's a beautiful, beautiful story that you can't make up. fundraising and raising awareness for st. jude is not just helping kids in the united states, it's helping kids all over the world, and that's a huge deal. what i do really does make an impact. so i love what i do for st. jude, and i just know that i'm in the right place.
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mass releases of illegals continuing in san diego yesterday. >> look at this. video caught by bill shows illegal immigrants wearing ankle monitors. before leaving the area, those are used as an alternative to being detained. >> sunday morning future anchor maria bartiromo joins us now. maria, good morning to you. and the other detail from this nugget from bill is not just ankle monitors but specific illegal immigrants wearing monitors from that picture are from georgia not next door to us here in south carolina but over there across the globe next to russia. >> right. yeah it's incredible and guys this has gotten so much worse over the last three years. since we first started putting spotlight on the wide open border unfortunately, it is the
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election that is seems to be -- you know, triggering president biden saying that well now he'll consider executive orders nobody believes that. i mean it's been three years of a wide open border, and watching all of these people come in many of whom we really don't know what their attentions intentions are it is a heartbreak to think about that nursing student poor woman who was murdered allegedly from an illegal who came into this country in september of 2022. we're seeing a deadly impact now of this because we do not know who is coming through. we know that there are people on the terrorist watch list, we know that the fentanyl is flowing. and we know that there are adversaries against america who are exploiting this border. we have no idea about these chinese nationals you want to have, you know, a positive and optimistic outlook saying well maybe some of them are running from prosecution but it is very hard to believe. given the fact that china has been -- you know so complicit, and so
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aggressive against the united states now for so many years on joe biden's watch. so we're going to be talking about this this morning. we are connecting the dots -- to this impeachment inquiry against president biden by the republicans, and the impact on national security. i'm leading the program this morning with two chairman of the investigatory committing james comer is here chairman of the oversight committee, and jim jordan is here. the chairman of the judiciary committee ahead of next week's important testimony from hunter biden. they will get more information about their allegations of influence peddling money laundering and bribery this president and family has been undergoing, and has been involved with for decades, and we're connecting the dots to the national security impact. we will talk with former secretary of state mike pompeo who long said that china communist china is inside the gates of america, and how did they get there how did they get such and ownership position in the u.s. oil industry?
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we're going talk about this this morning, of course, put a spotlight on the border thanks to governor abbott. that we see that razor wire the fencing, that has slowed the number of -- of crossers in texas but they're all shifting now. to arizona and to san diego -- those pictures that you showed of the ankle bracelets you have to wonder why are they wearing ankle bracelets clearly -- it's an alternative to detention. and they're being watched -- by their own authorities. so they're coming here. we don't know what this means it is really an incredible national security risk, and, of course, it has become the number one issue for voters. which is also -- why questioning whether or not, you know, president biden really has an enthusiasm to do something about it or because it is election 240 days from november 5th. >> great lineup as always maria we look forward to watching in just now exactly 16 minutes we'll be there. thank you maria. rachel: thank you maria. maria: thanks guys.
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pete: donald trump if you've been watching ads to delegate count after the win in south carolina. >> pamela evette a strong supporter was on stage with him last night to celebrate she's with us. live next, stay with us. . - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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♪ ♪ rachel: welcome back trump winning really big here in south carolina defeating nikki haley in her own home state. all with the help of local republicans, and that includes our next guest who has supported the former president throughout the campaign and was actually standing right next to him during his victory speech last night. that's her on the right. south carolina lieutenant governor pamela evette joins us now. lieutenant governor great to have you on. historic win last night. >> it is. rachel: let's get right into tell me how the women's vote broke down because donald trump gets a lot of slack for like -- you know oh he's women aren't so sure about him. but republican women in south carolina went strong for him. >> i'm hearing from women across all different sectors because you're a mom, i'm a mom we talk about that all of the time and what i'm hearing from moms is our decide are less safe today than they were four years ago under donald trump.
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and that is making women very uncomfortable and wanting the former president back in power today and i think that's why they're coming out and you know as moms as women we want to make sure that our kids are safe that they have a future and they know that donald trump is proven to do that in the past and they want that again. rachel: in the primary nikki haley also in all of the other states he's been running on she's been playing heavily on the women on the women card. how come that didn't work in her own home state why didn't she win over more women? >> well again i think it is because women want to proven leader right now. you know the world is in disarray and we saw what happened in georgia just a few days ago. my heart goes out to that mother to that family. losing their daughter, but we're seeing that happen all across the country. and so women are just saying what do we do like how do we get our kids safe again and how do i feel okay sending my child out for a run without me, and so that's what is doing it. moms you know, we can talk about all of the political rhetoric
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that people talk about -- but people want to have change -- they change the effect in their own home right at their kitchen table. you know bidenomics has been a failure we have gas prices up we have food prices up for the first time hearing people say i don't know if i can fill up my whole tank because i have to go to the grocery store and that's what people want to hear. how do question get our gas prices down, how are we going to stop this -- invasion at the border? how are my kids -- you know, is the american dream you know my grandparent were polish immigrants how do we get that american dream back within the reach to our childrensome and that's what they want to hear about and that's what trump is talking about and women are taking notice. rachel: he seems like he brought the issue of immigration forward you know way back in 2016 when a lot of people thought it was -- politically incorrect to do so. and here we are -- here in 2024 it is the number one issue even beating the economy which is you say not
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doing so great. how do you think this very tragic death of this young girl -- moving forward is going to affect the debate, i mean, i'm just praying people don't forget about her because as you said -- had is first of all family. but also this could be anyone of our daughters. >> absolutely. that's what scares me. but you know it is up to all of us to keep this front and center and people's minds just how unsafe -- we don't have to look very far. you know you look in new york you see what's happening -- to our law enforcement. you know, getting beat up by illegal immigrants who are coming into this country. people are done. i think they're waking up they're saying enough is enough. i was with president trump at the palmetto ball i said president tell me what i can tell right from you on day one we're going open our energy pipelines again and we're going to shut down our borders on day two we have to forget out how we have mass deportation because you know we're seeing there's not all good actors that are
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coming here but probably good people coming here for a good life but we don't know that. >> people will not take back their people right now and hard to do deportations unless that changes. really qk what's next for nikki haley what is he really up to? we've had this conversation all day -- you know, and even yesterday because we knew how the results were going to be. why -- why she continuing on why wasn't that a speech and a plan that she's getting on corporate boards and making money or trying to be the runner up incase something happens in these court cases? is she going to go no label what's the plan you guys know herbert than we know her in south carolina -- >> i really don't know what the plan is for her but what i would hope is that as republicans we all come together. you know south carolina it is the pathway to the white house. it was that has been that for years. and you know that's why democrats tried so hard to get their primary here to be the very first democrat primary. but i want all republicans to
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get behind our nominee our nominee is going to be donald trump. and we need to get him in the white house. we need to make sure that we're sending clear message to joe biden that we want him out in november. and so just as a party we all need to come together because we need to win the white house and we need donald trump in there but we need to win the senate and we need to got our house reps we need to get them more support in the house. rachel: it is great having you here had a great time in south carolina a lot of people moving to the state. thank you lieutenant governor, appreciate it. >> thank you so much for having me. rachel: all right you got it still ahead it is time for what the south does best. cooking, our low country boil is next. god. we take this moment just to give you thanks. we thank you for this time to come together as a family, as friends, and as a country.
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help us, lord, especially this lent, to grow closer to you. amen. join us in prayer this lent. on hallow. stay prayed up.
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all right, so is, look, this is what we call our -- [inaudible] if you've got to break that down. will: i don't have all the tools. >> we got scissor, all sorts of stuff. this is what we call our signature food boil, sweet potatoes, sweet vidalia onions, clams, lobster trails, crab leg, school scallops, mussels, cocktail sauce is, butter the -- rachel: i'm like your mommy p i just opened it for you. pete: you thought of it in college, your professor said it would never work. >> look, it was more my fault, it was a flawed college project p i waited until the last week of the semester -- rachel: this is the best story. >> after a four years or working out of my if apartment, i opened my first brick and mortar, and now we're up to nine locations, new jersey to florida. we've got three on the outer bank, one in virginia beach, two in florida, emerald aisle, oak island, north carolina. this is the way you've got to do it. if you come to a vacation beach
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community, this is the way you do dinner. will: give us the secret. >> we come out, we cook, we clean, we serve, we do everything for you, we've got takeout, pick it up, take the it home, steam the it yourself. super, super easy. rachel: what were you doing in that dorm room? >> well, probably not what i should have been. [laughter] it worked out. pete: they do have their own beers. >> we have our own bloody mary mixer our own cocktail sauce, our own spice, and one thing i want to talk about is our charitable arm. the main focus is mental health resources in seasonal beach communities which are so vastly underserved. so what we're trying to do is build resources and help out folks that may be a little bit underserved. we also do entrepreneurship stuff. we also do -- pete: web site for that. >> outer banks boil pete: love it. matt, thank you very much. >> thank you guys so much. pete: more "fox & friends" in a moment. ♪ ♪ maria:oo


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