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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 25, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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after the murder of a georgette nursing student. judge has denied bail for that suspect purdy faces felony murder and other chargers immigration and customs enforcement today confirming that the suspect is an illegal immigrant from venezuela and has a prior arrest in new york raising lots of questions about the southern border today. hello everyone welcome to fox news like i am eric shawn, hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. dana dornsife rise date with was killed thursday she was only 2020 years old. roommates called police to report dana dornsife missing. she lives just five minutes from the crime scene. her public and lawmakers says this tragedy it may have been prevented. >> biting open border policies has allowed this man to come into our country, give him parole and kill an innocent young woman.
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you know that on day one president biden stop the construction of the border wall. he got rid of her made in mexico. he needs to reverse that and do the trump policies that work too. quick will hear more from california a public and congressman darrell i sent just a moment he's another one of the lawmakers demanding answers of the southern border and immigration but he will join us in a moment. plus lucas tomlinson's has a reaction from here in the white house as a criticism mounts and alexis mcadams is at the border with new details on how that suspect was released into our country first let's go to madison she is alive in athens, georgia with the very latest on the investigation from there appeared hello madison. >> hello eric. three days after the nursing student was found dead jose antonio ibarra remains in this jail behind me and is facing a long list of charges for the murder of darrell issa riley. we are getting a better look at
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the five minute walk to the crime scene where riley was killed. she was just going out for run around you ga intramural fields in broad daylight when she was killed but students here tell us it's a really popular jogging and exercise spots they never thought a tragedy like this would happen there. some students say riley's murder is the only thing on their mind. >> just taking this different precautions of not walking alone at night. i won't be going on runs by myself anymore. like i love to do. just being alone in general. even going to the grocery store here. even when it's starting to get dark is not something i think i will do anymore here in athens. >> riley's family is speaking up for the first time telling fox digital quote darrell issa was an amazing daughter, sister, friend and overall person in general purred her love for the lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life.
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she will be missed every day but we promise to honor her life moving forward and a very big way. meanwhile jose antonio ibarra it made his first court appearance yesterday the judge denied him bond police reveal riley died from blunt force trauma. the coroner here says official autopsy results will not be complete until tomorrow at the earliest. you ga students go back to classes tomorrow for the first time since riley's death. there is a vigil set on campus for her at 3:00 p.m. her funeral is also set for friday over in woodstock, georgia her hometown. there is also a darrell issa riley memorial fund has raised over hundred thousand dollars in very short amount of time that's going to go towards her funeral, toward scholarship in her name and towards raising, site awareness back to you guys. >> it is a gofundme page for her just heartbreaking, madison thank you. arthel: we are learning more
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about the man accused of murdering chan shoot riley. his wife tells a "new york pos" they cra cross into the u.s. ino new york city he was arrested in queens and released a short time later. this only adds to the growing concerns over who exactly is coming into our country, if they are being embedded and where they are now? alexis mcadams is live in eagle pass, texas. i understand you have new information about the suspect. >> hi arthel yes foxnews was able to confirm in the past hour or so that suspect who is now suspected the murder in georgia that his son is only arrest here on the books. he was actually busted for child endangerment charge back in queens a year ago. we are learning more about that from the nypd who took him into custody we were told it was his son who is five years old it was on the back of his moped and he was driving for uber eats and that is when he was taken into custody this is one of hundreds of thousands of migrants who
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crossed here at the southern border. take a life look at our drone in eagle pass, texas things have slowed down here, why? all of the razor where you can see on your screen that's been put in place by the governor of texas to try to slow the surge we know jose antonio ibarra crossed into the united states through el paso, texas that is just one of the migrants was crossed into the country illegally that sgt does continue. resources tell me he crossed into texas in september of 2022 and then was released into the united states on parole what does that mean? you're given a court date pretty much and let free to go wherever you want in the united states the court date can be a few months out over a few years out because there are so many people waiting for those judges pretty charged with murder after police say he killed it innocent you ga student. >> another u.s. citizen's family is going to bury their child because of this open border but i have met thousands of angel moms and dads you never get used to it. i could not sleep last night and imagined where her families going through they are going
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because just this government has failed them. >> at that time he crossed into el paso that sector it was slammed with illegal crossings that was the hot spot back then you can see it there on your screen that is just some of the images from 2001 until 2022 when the bite administration release hundreds of thousands of migrants across that southern border illegally on parole. that was move things across that policy that was later struck down in federal court to purred back out here you can see on our fox news drone in eagle pass, texas and a look at the rio grande river just a short time ago we saw a few migrants crossing from mexico here in trying to get into the united states. trying to wait across that river were there then take it into custody by the texas national guard. arthel: alexis mcadams there at the border, thank you so much. eric. eric: president biden hosted the governor at the white house for dinner one governor who was absent was georgia governor
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brian cap pretty fired off a letter to the president ccing the georgia congressional delegation demanded questions and quote the american people deserve to know who is entering our country but for more on that lucas tomlinson doubt the white house standing by w with a reaction from there. >> governor brian kemp from georgia is one of a number of governors to skip the winter meetings here at the white house he appeared on fox and friends earlier today and asked the question that many americans are asking. >> why are we allowing people to come here that are not u.s. citizens and break our laws and not send them back home? it is so frustrating. >> here's more reaction from capitol hill about the brutal murder of the woman in georgia. >> absently devastated. my constituents are scared. they are scared because biden and the democrats open border policy have allowed this man to come into our country, give him
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parole and an innocent young woman. >> as you mentioned it last night president biden hosted governors from roughly three dozen states for their number of governors to skip class notes normal dinner here at the white house in addition to florida governor ron desantis, arkansas governor, sarah huckabee sanders, texas governor greg abbott south dakota governor christie nome mississippi eight tate reeves. president biden spoke briefly last night and the toast where he repeated the claim he had traveled 17000 miles which the fact checker gave him three pinocchio's three years ago on this and a year later the bottomless pinocchio for pitting the claim biden spoke to the governors on friday but stop short of speaking about any potential executive action the many republicans want to see him take. >> over time our laws and our resources have not cut up with our innovation system and it is broken. and our politics have failed to
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fix it. >> the greatest mass migration ever to take part in human history occurred beginning in 1881 over the course of 33 years when 10 million immigrants came from europe to the united states and over the past three years over 7 million migrants entered the united states. spiller all right lucas thank you very much, arthel? arthel: among the other republicans calling out the president, california republican congressman darrell issa he posted this on x do you plan to address the illegal immigrants who walked through your open borders, it was released into our country and is suspected of murdering a georgia college student? congressman darrell issa joins us now. first of all do you think president biden should take executive action to address this border crisis? and if so, what would you like the executive action to entail? >> the most important thing he can do is reverse the executive action that created this problem for three years ago the numbers
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were minute compared to where they are today. his executive decisions including eliminating remain in mexico did that. and let's understand their international laws in place that say they are supposed to apply for asylum in the first country they come too. if you're coming from china through turkey to mexico you have passed through to countries and then you show up at the border. i was on the california border, my district border east in san diego and the chinese were not even claiming a silent they were simply saying they're coming for jobs. i am sure this scoundrel this terrible criminal, murdered at the same thing he simply said i'm coming for a job which of course he's questioned whether he actually does. the important thing is the laws are in place the president is to enforce it. one example is this man was not paroled in the united states by name he wasn't paroled by a
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paroled them all policy that's not even legal under the statute. out of the statute you are supposed to parole by name. many of us have tried to get special dispensation for some individual coming into the country paid s. somebody who is trying to reunify with their spouse or their parents. wheat wait months or years. they are vetted than they still may not get in and a timely fashion this man showed up with his family, walked through, committed crimes got away with it and now he's murdered in all likelihood. arthel: you mentioned a lot of things you think the president can do right now. if that is the case why isn't he doing it? >> he is not doing it because the fact is his politics support and benefit from the 7 million people. when the next census comes in 2830 this seven -- 10 million people most living in a lower demographic areas will allow his party at the presidential the house of representatives to do
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very wellin redistricting. that and other reasons i think that his plan if he now seals the border he is already accomplishes plant seven -- 10 million people unvented are going to live in comparative poverty fits the democrat party it fits the future his legacy is secure based on not treason with one contribute to reason with 140 countries allowing people to come in deliberately for his political purposes has hurt america permanently unless we literally are able to remove the vast majority of these seven, eight, nine, 10 million people that came here without any bedding. >> congressman you know that is quite a diabolical description of why the president or the democrats would wet migrants to come in so they could get votes but to your point i'm going to follow through on it. >> not votes. get the demographic advantage
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they do not have to vote they have to be counted in the census. >> okay i was just going to say how would they vote question are good you cleared that up for me. i heard your claim there and i want to talk about you mention san diego we love san diego. that is your district. i want to take a look at some stats from u.s. cbp on the san diego sector of migrant encounters year to date at this point in the fiscal year 2023 there were 69000 encounters y 2024120000 encounters that is up 73%. this is quite alarming. so, trust me right now this is not a political question that i'mand ask your congressman i tk we all want to get some sort of solution here i am asking giving what we are facing should fellow members in the house to pass a border bill endorsed by the border patrol union? even if it is imperfect but to
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provide immediate relief? what you think? >> to normalize a 5000 a day which is what was in that plan, that agreement is to normalize the end of america. you run 5000 a day, 5,010,500,101.5 million in less than a year that number every year is the amount that deal had. james lankford worked on my committee of six subcommittee chairman he's a personal friend he was duped as far as i am concerned. yes we were perfectly willing to move legislation. but the first thing a president has to do is enforce the laws that he has. we will give them money to stop people from coming into the country illegally. we want to give the money to simply create more cooper drivers. 1000 people were dropped off outside of my district this past week released at bus stations and airports they were filmed by fox they were seen they were all paid for with your tax dollars.
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i have been a pro- immigration i've authored immigration reform bills myself on a bipartisan basis. i am one of the guys to get beat up because i want to do things on immigration. you have got to secure the border you certainly cannot give up by saying we are going to normalize a 5000 before we take action that the president is prs allowed to take on person one. the present is a right to steal the border based on the 7 million in backlog of paroled individuals but he has a right to seal the border until that number has been weeded through. will he do it? and noaa. what the next president, president trump do it? i believe you will we need a president who will obey the spirit of the law, enforce the border, protect america we should not have to have governors selectively deciding how they are going to protect their states. we should not have another tragic loss like we had in georgia at tha that young womand be alive today manwho would
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not have been criminalized. i want to be pro- immigration. a server on the committee of jurisdiction. i have authored the legislation. the fact is we cannot have legislation without a secure border. this a pre president can reverst today. he did it, he can undo it he does not need more laws. >> is it possible to temporarily shut down the border until this problem can get fixed? >> it absolutely is. there's a statute on the books that gives the president the emergency authority to do so based on any number up or he can do it for one country, he can do it for one border and he can do it based on the fact that the backlog the ability to process what is in fact six or 7 million people who would be deported based on the historic numbers would be granted based on asylum. that backlog alone gives them the authority to put a pause. remember this is all about asylum supposedly. if it is about asylum, once
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you've taken in 7 million and the rest of the world hasn't taken 7 million into real asylum in 20 years combined. the fact is you have a right to put a pause on at the president has a stature to authority he simply i know will not do it. but he has the authority if we elect a president who wants to do it, we will have it on day one. eric: griffith jenkins recent report last week and he interviewed some chinese migrants coming in illegally he was on the other side of the border. they had just cross he asked a couple of them where you here? they didn't say i'm running from danger they say i'm here to get the jobs for the money. >> they said it to me with my phone at translating and they started speaking better english after they knew i could translate it. the fact is this is no longer about the pretense of asylum this is about simply opening our borders changing our country if
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you don't like the reason if you don't believe my theory come up with a better one. half as much is the one i gave you. >> alright congressman, i have to go but they are telling i have to go thank you very much congressman. take care. eric: we have fox news alert and the nation's capitol amman reportedly in critical condition. he set himself on fire officials say outside the israeli embassy in downtown washington. this meant russia to the hospital with life-threatening injuries we are told. it is unclear at the moment, no identification on who this man is. authorities have not yet said if this man apparently set himself on fire is related to the war against the terrorists of hamas in gaza. and is really action spread will have more on this disturbing story as we get it. meanwhile, alexei navalny a body has been handed to his family. now there are concerns or russia
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could try to interfere with a public funeral if one is held for the hero. pollutant opposition activists more on that is "fox news live" continues. nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. eric: new york city police searching for more than a dozen suspects wanted in connection with the stabbing attack on a
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migrant teenager in times square last week. police have released surveillance video of the incident you see if they are paid cb cotton live in manhattan a couple of blocks from times square with the latest. we're told at least one of the suspects was in court this weekend? >> hi eric per that is right. at least four of them were. prosecutors say this attack happened in broad daylight. oath 23 people against one. they also say it was a 16-year-old who went after the victim with a knife. while a mob of others punched, kicked and stomped on the victim. as you men mentioned nypd releae the surveillance video of the attackers on saturday. for the suspects were arraigned in manhattan criminal court. 316 -year-olds and a 22-year-old man who were all charged with gang assault, assault and criminal possession of a weapon. prosecutors asked for the suspects to be held on cash bail because they've only been in the country for one -- three years.
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this was the knife nypd found at the seat next to it as part of a broomstick which officers say broken half after a suspect use it to beat the teen a 17-year-old is expected to recover but according to court docs as alon long was puncturedd collapsed. officers releasing these photos asking for the public's help to identify 16 or manning suspects d.a.'s office says the facts of the case indicate there is some type of ongoing violent dispute between the suspects and the victim. ted williams former d.c. homicide detective says innocent lives could have been hurt. >> divisions are being created some of these divisions are organized crime divisions that are taking their orders from the country in which they came from. once ethic commentaries about
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violent crime and specifically violent crime there in new york is that you are looking at a lot of innocent people, bystanders who could very well be hurt by gang activity that they have no association with whatsoever. >> it during court yesterday prosecutors painted a picture of this attack was calculated saying the suspects wore masks and waited for the perfect opportunity to go after the victim this gets kind of confusing so again a total of four suspects have been arraigned in this case so far. they are due back in court this week. there is also to 14 -year-olds who have been arrested but their cases have been moved to family court which means details of their involvement will remain sealed. back to you >> pickwick sort cb, thank you. arthel: aid for late russian opposition leader his body has finally been handed over to his mother bird but he says it tookr
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a week of the pleading with russian officials after navalny died in prison. stephanie bennett has a story for esprit. >> good afternoon. it has been exactly eight days since his death and his body was finally returned to his mother. but his family still demanding answers and questioning how exactly he died. now, it was his spokesperson who took to social media platform x this weekend saying his body was handed over it many thanks to all of those who demanded this with us. this news comes after his mother have been told to agree to a secret burial or else he would be buried at the prison colony for he died the funeral is still pending at this time. they don't know if the authorities will interfere as a family once and elects he deserves. on thursday, navalny's mother was led into the body for the first time. she accused investigators of trying to blackmail her and setting those conditions of how and when he would be able to be
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buried but she also signed his death certificate which said he died of natural causes. she has since filed a lawsuit over the handling of his body. last thursday president biden met with navalny's wife and daughter in san francisco to express condolences. navalny's legacy of courage boulevard and the people across russia fighting for democracy and human rights. navalny's widow has accused latimer pridgen of holding her late husband's body hostage again accusing puts him being behind his ultimate death. the kremlin has denied the allegations: western reaction hysterical. >> by killing and putting killed half of me. half of my heart and a half of my soul. but i still have the other half and it tells me i have no right to give up. >> jen five died in a russian prison inside the arctic circle's mother laurie were told he died of sudden death syndrome after going for a walk and falling unconscious.
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now of course although his medical report lists the official cause of death as a natural his team continues to accuse the russian president or navalny's past torture in his ultimate death and also of the previous poisonings in the attempt that happened in 2020. arthel: stephanie bennett thank you. eric. just before the war in ukraine enters its third year there are calls for more aid for the front lines growing louder buried coming up next the british ambassador to the united states karen joins us and how the u.s., great britain and our allies can finally achieve the a gradient victory against vladimir putin. >> woman: what's my safelite story? i see inspiration right through my glass.
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for the russian economy to grow and find its military machine that's killing your grandkids i doubt seriously whatever sanctions are going to put in place in the coming weeks are going to do anything different. arthel: former separatist state mike pompeo in the hundreds and was sanctioned by the administration just issued against russia as its invasion of ukraine is now officially in its third year. previous western sanctions have not deterred vladimir putin's brutality and he says moscow can outlast kyiv. 31000 ukrainian soldiers have been killed in the action since the war began. greg palkot is alive and kyiv with the very latest. >> you are rights. the war here in ukraine entering your three and russia is wasting no time doing more damage its s300 missiles of bl blasting a n eastern ukraine a railway station hit as well as a church come apartment building, shops this is an overnight assault of
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drones and other missiles we hear the sirens, most of them knocked down for it yes meet all president zelenskyy had a pretty wide ranging press conference among the key messages he said will be a turning point for they were turning point in favor of ukraine there is no chance for the country to exist without a favorable outcome. heat says he is positive about u.s. military aid coming through and negative about talking to vladimir putin who he calls death and yes he acknowledge that figure for ukraine military losses bring the toll at 31000. we saw evidence of that today. this is a the true tale of ther in ukraine. i'm just one portion of one cemetery in one town in the six months since we have less been here 200 more graves have been added. 200 more families destroyed with the horrors of this war. some graves and fancies some freshly dug up many with personal favorites of the fallen. this family giving their loved one a birthday celebration with
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players. >> he was everything to be my father, my brother, my husband, my friends. >> 's family lived with the pain of not knowing of their loss for many months. >> he died in may 2022 but he was missing for year end a half of her quickest manner remembered in a painting killed by so-called liberating russians. >> he was very kind to everybody. he tried to help everybody. >> the widow of hugs the grave a mother blames the u.s. >> americans giving them weapons they want them to die? >> the cemetery getting more crowded leaving behind room for more graves, more sorrow. as for russian losses zelensky said today they total 180,000. that could be higher on both sides. back to you, arthel. arthel: that is heartbreaking to see those mothers and family suffer like that.
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greg, thank you. >> we talked earlier about what happens if the u.s. for some reason does not give you the funds. do you have another option? is there another option? >> this is crucial. without it i am sorry but we will have more and more because if you don't have ariel defending shields similar powerful artillery you lose control. arthel: ukrainian president zelenskyy with our bret baier this past week in ukraine explaining just how vitally crucial it is for its country to get more western aid, artillery and other military weapons now. this support is around the world are showing solidarity on the two-year anniversary of russia's barbaric invasion by vladimir putin. the british embassy in washington as you see glowing in
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the colors of ukraine's flags british ambassador karen pierce said we stand firm his resolve is an inspiration to us all with us now is the british investor to the u.s. karen pierce. ambassador, welcome, always great to see you. >> thank you very much always lovely to be here. >> that it is. at this point in our history and ukrainian where the fight against vladimir putin we heard the call of the plea from president zelenskyy. how important is that, crucial for ukraine to get the military aid that it needs to face the continued russian aggression? >> it is very critical, eric. we saw from all the dead bodies all the sad scenes just how brutal president putin is pretty putin is not stopped in ukraine the world will become a more dangerous place and ultimately that will threaten all of us.
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it is very invite till they get this aid. eric: what do you fear would happen if putin does not if he keeps on pushing they had a victory this past week if he keeps on pushing what could happen? he had a very small victory to be honest if you look at what the ukrainians are doing they practically decimated the russian army. they have pushed russia back 30f the black sea. they have attacked russian bases in crimea. they have allowed the grain to get out they have inflicted huge damage on the russian army. that is very much in our interest as well to have this great offensive army pushback. so, we don't think about what will happen if the ukrainians can't keep going we draw our friends to supply them with the more up in the materials they need we have done that. we announce a package recently
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three milk hours of build to eight we are concentrating now on munitions. the germans and german foreign minister was in kyiv recently she announce 100 million extra and the european union is now up to 170 billion we, the uk or up to 15 billion and eight across the board so i say that to show that we are all trying as hard as we can to help ukraine we do hope the package and congress will pass. eric: said a victory i hope it's a tiny victory that gets reversed immediately and that it can be reversed you are so right and basically the russian army the military is being decimated without the loss for example of american troops. you mention the bill in congress 16 billion it passed by the senate but that has not been voted o on in the house. what would you say to not colleagues but the congressional members in washington d.c. to take a page from what you have
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done in britain? >> we are hugely grateful for the enormous american generosity there has been so far i think it is very important to acknowledge them. acknowledge american leadership. i do not want to tell congress how to vote, that would not be for me. but i would say president putin is not pushed back the world becomes a more dangerous place and ultimately that affects america. it affects america's allies particularly but not only in europe, ukraine needs more capable and longer range equipment. that is only a few and nato can supply americans preeminent in that supply fears of blanco beacon was sent another 200 long range brimstone missiles. we do hope america will be able to pass the military package because the stage of the war has reached ukraine needs the sort
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of help that america can give. eric: president zelenskyy said that about half of the military aid has been delayed they've only gotten about one third of the ammunition of the shells those shells are so desperately need have been delivered. and finally, ambassador let's bring it back to 1941 franklin dona roosevelt established the lend lease program with your prime minister with winston churchill $50 billion of that time, 30 when billy went to great britain to stave off the nazi threat that's about 600 billion in today's dollars. do you see any similarities in the echoes of the past with the fight that we face back of the nazi erin what the western allies, your country and ours, our special relationship see them vladimir putin right now? >> i see several parallels. but first i just want to put on record once again our thanks to america for what she did in the
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second world war for the uk and others. we have tried to repay that mayy a good steadfast ally who steps up whenever we can. the first parallel it's exactly what president putin is doing. he is a dictator he is terrorizing the people of ukraine he is illegally invaded countries, ukraine he talks about not see is a big rife in ukraine the only comparison with hitler and nazi -ism is i am afraid coming from president putin and has illegal invasion. but on the other side of the ledger we are, as in world war ii standing shoulder to shoulder with the u.s., with ukraine, with a nato and other allies to give ukraine the support she needs so that she can carry on this fight to shift president putin's army from her territory fundamental that is a fight for freedom it is the same fight in that sense as it was back in the
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1940s. this is the bedrock of both uk and u.s. societies. our attachment to freedom, our willingness to push back on tierney. eric: fight for freedom continues 80 years later, ambassador karen pierce thank you for your work as both countries fight for freedom. we'll have more news in just a we'll have more news in just a moment. >> thank you very much. with a 5n hub to analyze player performance and expand coaching tools. take your business further with america's largest 5g network. mucinex nightshift fights your worst night-time symptoms, so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? ( ♪ ) wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold & flu season, it's always comeback season. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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sue by republican presidential hopeful nikki haley is voting at all on super tuesday after a major loss in her home state of south carolina last night. let's bring in jon associate editor of the wall street journal. alrighall right jon, between nod next tuesday march the fifth what can we expect from the haley camp and the trump campaign? once you are probably going to see what you have seen up until now which is dominance of the republican primaries and of the republican party by donald
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trump. it's really his party now. he has won all three primaries to date he is expected to do very well on the march five super tuesday primaries. he may be able to put it away by then. maybe not, may need one or two more primaries to get enough delegates to firmly have the primary in his hand. but there are some problems that have also become evidence in this election so far, for donald trump. that is his problem with the moderate republicans and independents. see if i was going to ask you about that later but before we get there i want to share fox news voter analysis of the trump, haley voters support for another candidate. bottom line is is this a 59% of the haley voters said they would not vote for trump compared to 44% of trump voters who would wt vote for haley. so what is the gop's south
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carolina horse shadow regarding the political desires of americans and go ahead and fold in the impact of the moderates the college educated and swing voters come the general election progress donald trump, a reporter has a very good story on this. donald trump dominates with noncollege educated voters right now. but it is his party and he has done well that is reflected in the numbers to date. but, what you just pointed out is an issue for the trump campaign going into the general election. on that is with independent voters so far haley has outmatched the trump by roughly two -- one. there is dental double digit numbers in each of the states so far of a haley voters or republicans according to ep votes cast to say they would not be able to vote for donald trump
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in the general election whether they would stay home or vote for biden that is not entirely clear. but that is a problem for the trump campaign. they have nailed down their base but they continue to have problems with college educated women, suburbs, some of the familiar territory that he had problems with in the 2020 election in 2016. >> perhaps that is why the former president has come out in support of the ivf situation that is happening in alabama where they are trying to block that very important right for reproductive rights there. so listen i've got to go i have a heart out jon bussey always we will be right back. >> my pleasure. her skin was better, she was more active. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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eric: at&t will give a $5 billion credit to those folks were impacted by that wireless outage last thursday. did it affect you? and lasted about 10 hours or so and sparked over 73000 outage reports. at&t confirms though it was not a cyber attack that caused it. federal communications federal communicationsinvestigas five dollars on your bill for a happy meal, united airlines is the third major carrier to raise checked baggage with traveling trees and then the country. american airlines announced last week is raising checked bag fees, jetblue says it will do the same because of wage increases and higher fuel cost. tomorrow tune into "fox & friends", tomorrow morning we can hear from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in
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an exclusive interview happiness 7:30 a.m. eastern on fox news. >> that should be important as he lays out the israeli position on gaza and fighting the terrorist of hamas who want to wipe off his country from the map. that is it for us, jon scott is coming up at 6:00 p.m. eastern. always great to be with you. >> likewise. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming.
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jimmy failla is up next. ♪ >> i'm jimmy faill


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