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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  February 26, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> harris: we're getting new details in the murder of a georgia student, laken riley sparking massive outrage after ice confirms her alleged killer was in the country illegally. hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. here is my co-host harris faulkner, also joining us cheryl casone, fox news contributor and former state department spokesperson marie harf and senior fellow at american surprise institute, marc thiessen. the prime suspect charged in laken riley murder is 26-year-old jose antonio ibarra, originally from venezuela. ibarra previously lived in new york city for a year. in september he was arrested and
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charged with child endangerment. he was cut loose and jose antonio ibarra packed his things and headed south. now lawmakers are pinning laken riley death on president biden and failure to secure the border. >> biden's open door policy allowed this man to come into our country, give him parole and kill an innocent young woman. >> this is what we've been asking for and talking about for two years now. in recent september letter to the president and administration, who are these people and where are you sending them and now something like this happens. why allow people come here that are not u.s. citizens and break our laws and not send them home. these are answers we need from the biden administration. >> kayleigh: a lot of good questions there, start by remembering laken. this is her family statement.
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laken was an mazing daughter, sister and friend. she loved the lord in every aspect of her life. we will honor her life moving forward in every way. it could have been my daughter, my son, my loved one. harris, walk through the timeline. enters the country september 8th, and here is our vice president that same month. >> you're confident this border is secure? >> we have a secure border in that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration. there are still a lot of problems we are trying to fix. given deterioration that happened over the last four
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years. we also have to put in place a law and a plan for a pathway for citizenship for the millions of people here and are prepared to do what is legally required to gain citizenship. >> harris: they simply find the border secure because they want a different america. they want something different than the rest of us. i don't think it includes security we thirst for and this would have been prevented. i will say this. can we get a different category of murder than malice and felony for a man that came across the border illegally if he did this? can we get different category of murder for a man who continued to have crimes, one which involved a young minor? child endangerment. can we get a different category,
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a capital murder category for a man like that since he's already broken our laws, which in the state of georgia might include death penalty. could this be a hate crime, he hates america, he broke our laws and has killed an american and endangered a child, an american child. these are questions i'm facing today having covered this in breaking news, there are so many details that lead me to say deport him certainly. if this administration won't, can georgia with help of federal government go down a different road with these people? when they break, it is true, when they break our law, when willing to go around the checkpoints, beat up cops, not everybody, a small group, but treat that small group with the
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respect of the greatest reaches of law we have in this country. >> kayleigh: despite crossing illegally, committing a crime, he is roamming freely. six to eight weeks after kamala harris said that and jose antonio ibarra crossed the border. here is mayorkas. >> do you maintain the border secure? >> yes and we are working day in and day out to enhance security? >> kayleigh: do they regret the messaging here? >> marie: democrats realize this is a security problem across the board. what they would say today, in the last month joe biden proposed strongest immigration bill any democrat in history supported, democrats and republicans negotiated it together and republican party said -- let me finish, kayleigh. >> kayleigh: 94 executive
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actions, it is easy, i have one here i will loan to the president, executive action, a girl is dead. >> marie: it is so much more effective if we can get c comprehensive immigration reform. republicans don't want to sign this because donald trump publicly told them -- >> marc: hold on. >> harris: senator blackburn, hr 2, they have had 80 bills. >> marie: what about the current bill. >> harris: senate democrats wouldn't look at. >> marc: what did current law, marie. joe biden does not need more laws to enforce the border, he has all the authority he needs. >> marie: you don't want to give it to him. >> marc: no, he is not
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exercising authority he already has. this is crisis caused by lack of will. he has same laws on books donald trump had, same laws on books barack obama had when he was president and they enforced the border. why can't he enforce the border? >> marie: answer my question about this -- >> marc: i will answer your question about this law. this law would weaken the hand of donald trump or another president coming in who want to support the border. >> kayleigh: explain to us how it -- >> marie: a number of things, greatly reducing number of time before people got adjudicated or deported, that is why republicans negotiated that. >> harris: he can do that with his bully pulpit. >> marie: donald trump said i want to run on this, he said it publicly. we all saw it. we will not --
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>> marc: joe biden does not need more authority -- >> marie: why not give it to him? >> marc: i let you speak, let me speak. 1182, he has all authority to secure the border, trump versus hawaii, his authority entrust president whether and when to suspend aliens and under what conditions and president has blanket authority to do this. if he had passed the law, it would put conditions on that and su supercede that. >> marie: the law requires him to shut it down. >> cheryl: if we're going to talk about laws and laws and order, you started the segment with jose antonio ibarra. the laws in new york city failed new york city and georgia. it is georgia issue and new york
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city issue. he was arrested and back out of jail, no bail and before ice could get a detainer he fled to georgia and led to the death of this young student. point that out. number two, president biden is coming to new york right now, the center of national policy that is destroying a local city and that is new york. and he's going to come and ask for a lot of money from wealthy people, same wealthy people saying enough -- you are destroying the city of new york. there is a democrat story to be talked about with the border and one here. and we are failing. >> kayleigh: harris. new york law is failing, biden administration is failing. come to you on this ap headline. killing of nursing student headlines fear of solo female athletes, this story left out his immigration status and
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immigration status of mollie tibbett's killer, irresponsible journalism. >> harris: look, we saw this in new york. we've seen this other times. what they're trying to do is avoid the topic at all costs. they would have to cover this president in a negative way. he is not winning in any way, shape or form. i'm not accusing associated press, i'm saying don't act like it. just a little information about where the president is going on thursday, this is important. brownsville, is part of rio grande sector in texas. thankings to bill melugin for this. it has been slowing averaging 200 to 400ish across the sector. he's not going to hot spots. he's going to see it
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forensically clean for him, part of a border town. it is unbelievable. >> kayleigh: it is. 100 days, 94 executive actions to dismantle trump's policies, just put them back in place. president biden going to the border, so why now? that is next. every day, veteran homeowners are calling newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. save hundreds a month, thousands a year. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out.
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>> kayleigh: the white house announcing plans for president biden to visit the southern border on thursday. he's only been there once as president for four hours, quick strip, despite growing national security threat unfolding under his watch.
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last week we showed live pictures of this massive migrant release in san diego. ask yourself, why now? timing is everything. the president's trip is on day president trump's scheduled border visit. marie, he's going to go there and mentioned republican legislative action. it is unacceptable if he does not give a plsz deliverable at the border, executive action. in case he needs legislation aksz, section 212 f. any class detrimental to the country, by proclamation, not by congress. he better go to the border and proclaim that. >> marie: i hope he does make policy announcements. i expect he will. i don't think it is unfair to
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say, i have put on the table, president biden, more than any president in history. came to congress and republicans walked away for political reasons. he should do the policy, here are things we've done, we need resources and shorter wait time. i hope he says all that and he should remind people that conservative republicans walked away to help donald trump. >> kayleigh: it is a red herring. >> marie: it is true, though. >> kayleigh: republicans in congress when i dismantled trump's policies. we have the chart. 310,000 encounters. >> marie: some of the policies were illegal.
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>> marc: joe biden broken the record for illegal crossings every year, 2021, and broke his own record in 2022 and his own record in 2023 and now in 2024, he agreed with congress to pass legislation. he -- since congress won't pass it, he will use his authority. democrats understand in 2016, donald trump won presidency on illegal immigration. why having watched that and experienced that would you, as soon as he got white house back, unleash worst border crisis in american history and donald trump will use to come back to the white house. why entable donald trump that way. >> marie: no one is trying to enable donald trump, i promise you. >> harris: it is effective. >> marie: good question.
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some policies like remain in mexico was deemed illegal. some policies went so far and pictures and people will yell at me, kids in cages. i previewed you yelling at me. family separation and some of the really inhumane ways donald trump spoke about immigrants, which he still does, biden tried to find balance between legal immigrants fleeing oppression. they know it is a problem now and are trying to work on it. that is how we got this this situation today. >> kayleigh: three years to late. >> cheryl: if we talk about 2020, remember what happened when president biden took office.
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cartels took president biden's own words about humanitarian entry to southern border, we welcome you, we want to help you. now giving them phone cards. cartels took videos from biden and made tiktok videos and flooded central and south american with the videos and cartels have made a multi billion dollar business which can't be stopped by anybody, if you ask me because of what trans pyred in 2020. we had things that worked at the border and we do not have those things anymore. >> martha: marie, i don't appreciate people trying to make themselves look like a victim. we are all yelling at each other and this is a tender spot and punch. y are not a victim. you yelled, we yelled. >> marie: i want saying that, i
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just knew. >> harris: 2014 was the pictures in cages. who was president? >> marie: the systemic -- >> obama. >> martha: who was president? >> marie: i worked for him, i was in the administration. donald trump bragged about, it was his administration. >> harris: kayleigh said this is about the facts hard to believe we look at these things. there is only your truth, the part that makes your feelings feel good. there is one truth, what will it look like when this president goes down to the border? i know he's chasing donald trump on this. he made that announcement today. let's see what both men do at the border. >> kayleigh: i want to bring this up, political timing of
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this, and we have one set of facts. fact is biden unleashed torrent on the southern border and it is on fire. listen back to when he decided to go to east palestine. it took so long and it was politics, watch. >> are you planning to travel to east palestine? >> i did a whole video, you know, on zoom. >> president biden: i want to thank folks of east palestine and want them to know we're not going home no matter what until this job is done and it's not done yet. >> marc: only advantage in east palestine, fire was out, but the border is still on fire. three years later, there is something he can do about it. we need to >> one thing going back to the conversation harris was bringing
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up. joe biden did not reverse donald trump immigration policy, he reversed barack obama policies. barack obama was deporter inef choo, deported 3 million illegal migrants. joe biden could be doing the same thing, he is refusing, he said he wants more detention beds. he doesn't believe in detention, he believes in releasing them. it is number one issue for voters he's changing course now. >> kayleigh: better see robust set of executive actions released. we will see if that happens. and fani willis is facing calls to testify again, new evidence is casting doubt on her testimony about when she began her relationship with the man she hired to prosecute trump.
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>> harris: the attorneys for former president donald trump are demanding fulton county d.a. return to the witness stand. nathan wade's phone records contradict fani willis's testimony and could constitute perjury. steve harrigan. >> steve: the judge will meet behind closed doors with nathan wade's law person to determine when the relationship began between the d.a. and prosecutor she hired. president trump's attorneys submitted a number of cell phone records from nathan wade's phone that shows 2000 calls, more than 12,000 messages between the two and places him at fani willis's
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condo 35 times. wade testified he never spent the night at that condo. >> you were making phone calls from the same location as the condo before november 21 of 2021 and multiple occasion phone records would be wrong? >> if they reflected that, they would be wrong. >> steve: next step is a hearing, the judge could decide to remove fani willis entirely. >> harris: that is a lot, kayleigh and i don't have that much with our husband, that is a lot of communication to have a trail on. i will let you go, my friend, thank you. former president trump cruising to victory in south carolina again. the gop primary ended over the weekend and he handed nikki haley double-digit loss in her home state despite she says she will stay in the race.
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she's been consistent and says she would. the former president talked about unity and while taking aim at president biden. >> i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is right now, never been like this. we'll be up here on november 5 and we'll look at joe biden and look at him in the eye, he's destroying our country, and say, joe, you're fired, get out, joe, you're fired. >> harris: the aspprentice styl. cheryl. >> cheryl: as far as nikki haley and what happened in south carolina, biggest blow to her came this morning from koch brothers. this race between trump and nikki haley, political folks
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would say the nail in the cofin might have been saturday night, i would say it was today for her. they gave her 27 million last month and now will go for the house and san. i'm a numbers person. it is hard to go through super tuesday, i know she is vowing to, hard to without funding and i think she will have issues. >> harris: it felt like a long month between new hampshire and south carolina and it took money to stay in the game because she did not compete in nevada. one primary and one caucus, she knot beat by a category called none of these candidates. martha maccallum very true. big win for donald trump. it also has a warning sign for donald trump and republican party. this is unique election, we have two inkcumbents, donald trump ad
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joe biden running for a second tomorrow. donald trump got 60% and 4 in 10 voters in republican party said no even though they know the race is over and he'll be the nominee, they voted against him. that is a problem. it is not the most united party and many say they are not voting for him. >> harris: those who voted for her would not vote for him potentially. one thing ari fleischer said, we don't know yet what they'll do because they have two choices now. if it comes down to trump and biden would they not vote for trump? we don't know. >> kayleigh: counter argument is republicans will likely come home. talk to the trump campaign, polling suggests trump does well
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among registered republicans. look at michigan, fox news poll, 93% of republicans he wins, north carolina, 94%, georgia 91%. that would likely be the counter argument. if i'm donald trump, i'm thinking how do i win the nikki haley voter? pivoting to general election, so smart, victory speech, no mention of her and using court ap appearances to no aval. that and your vp pick, you need tim scott, or nikki haley, that ship might have sailed. >> harris: people always come back, end of this show, people eating and breaking bread. trump closes in on becoming gop
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nominee and democrats poised to disqualify him should he go on to win in november. the atlantic, how democrats could disqualify trump if u.s. supreme court doesn't. democrats has a serious chance winning congress. they could have votes to prevent him from taking office and senior house democrats would not certify a trump win, they would do so only if supreme court affirms his eligibility. >> marie: i think supreme court will confirm his ineligibility and this has zero percent chance being reality. house would certify donald trump victory even if led by democrats. i think you made good points about what trump needs to do
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head being into the general. one thing we need to watch, normally donald trump outperforms polls and in three primaries he's underperformed a little bit, in general the average in south carolina by 7 to 8 points. >> kayleigh: record number of south carolina voters. >> harris: also coldest day in iowa. >> marie: democrats overperformed greatly, trump is underperforming polls and i assume his campaign is looking at this. >> cheryl: bring up the nikki haley situation in south carolina. this plays into the general now, how do you pull nikki haley voters, never trumpers on your side if you are donald trump in that campaign. that is where messaging to your point, kayleigh, will be clear. we know what democrats are doing, they are go to hit women's rights and we'll hit immigration and there you go,
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there is the fight. >> harris: nikki haley is in grand rapids, michigan, live campaigning right this moment, she's still without the koch brothers has enough to stay in the race. we'll see what hapless going forward and cover every second. new calls to shut down google's chat box over answers it was giving about pedophilia and hitler. okay, who is googling that? prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss.
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>> harris: google is apologizing for ai chat bot gemini.
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gemini has many different personalities. it gave users indecisive answers on whether pedophilia or hitler. >> this comes just days after google had to shut down image generator for inaccuracies. most shocking google couldn't condemn pedophilia as wrong. following public gaffes, google shared this statement. gemini is productivity tool and may not always be reliable with generating images, hot button topics, it will make mistakes.
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the chat bot had unfavorable things to say abelon musk. musk has been critical of gemini accusing their product of feeding into the woke mind virus. how similar pitfalls are among chat gpt, ai, gemini, sharing unethical answers and it is ir ironic. going forward google announced $60 million partnership with redit to train on content and raising questions about who is training this ai and whether there are biases being coded into this. >> harris: we know who is, human beings, what is culture at places they work and are they
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infusing that into artificial in intelligence. confusion is because we are not breaking down the wall to be cross-references like george washington wasn't black, but he did own slaves. good to see you. thank you. kayleigh. >> kayleigh: who programmed to give unbelievable responses and nate silver tried to replicate elon musk comparison, gemini is spitting this out. e this, they need to shut gemini down, it is astounding it was released in this state. terrible for google. >> harris: is answer shocked they went after their make competitor?
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>> cheryl:let engineers are programmers. you can pause gemini, should not get rid of gemini and they will not. take a break and work on it. >> harris: why not teach gemini something different. >> cheryl: that is what they will have to work out. i will say there are calls to stop development of ai, politicians yelling about it, i say no, russians and chinese will steal our technology and jump ahead of us and we'll be left in the dust. >> harris: so much is out there anyway, like open evidence, looking and teaching about learning medical journals so doctors can tip into the ai they can purchase for medical centers and not have to read the journals which is physically impossible. >> marc: people who are coding are silicon valley tech pros who are the most woke people in
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america. right now it is laughable, take a look at pictures. it will get better, but bias will still be there and it becomes dangerous. then it won't be obvious and laughable and our kids will grow up and our kid's kids will ask ai about history and they will be getting -- like having a woke crt tutor in your choice and it is not funny. >> harris: the umbrella, it is like having disinformation, whatever topics are, we are weaken against our competitors like china and russia, our kids won't know the truth. >> marie: i question, i thought earlier someone said google was going to partner with reddit. reddit should not be anyone's source of real knowledge and
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information and fact. i thought i misheard maybe. that does not seem like a way to make it better. marc thiessen hit the nail on the head, ai is scary to many people. it is complicated and only moving forward. i think congress has looked at are there ways to regulate it? this is a big new technology, those conversations are going to continue. >> harris: things that scare me, i study most, that is one thing we could do. coming up, black lives matter co-founder says it feels racist to be a taylor swift fan? (♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates. (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing.
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>> kayleigh: a california professor getting called out, she claims it feels racist to be a taylor swift fan. she said i feel, not think, like that feeling i get when there are too many american flags, that is such a problem, american flags. chiefs won the super bowl, then
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this gem. why do i feel like this was a wight wing conspiracy boo and this woman is a professor. marc thiessen, we bring you on for taylor swift segmentes. >> marc: your entertainment reporter. >> kayleigh: your analysis? >> marc: i'm so sick of people injecting race and politics into everything. you had the right wing conspiracy theory saying they were a conspiracy to elect joe biden, now racist to like taylor swift and that quote was fascinating, i feel, not think, like when there are too many american flags, that is race-baiting left, they hate america. >> kayleigh: why, marie? >> marie: taylor swift is liberal, i'm claiming her. i agree with marc thiessen, earlier this year right wing
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conspiracy she and travis kelce was a conspiracy to get joe biden elected. she is a great artist, generati generationalitalents, love her music and her relationship with travis kelce. >> harris: when i saw her crystal boots, i thought, they are red for the chiefs. >> kayleigh: great point. >> cheryl: chiefs were a better team and won, congratulations by the way, harris, well played. look, i'm a swifty and i've talked about this. leave the poor girl alone, leave him alone. move on and take a break. over the weekend, she gave one her of favorite hats to a little girl that has cancer.
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>> harris: they have both helped out families. >> marc: anti-twist people want us to root for san francisco. are you kidding me? k5i8d >> kayleigh: did you want nancy pelosi to have a -- i want to underscore, this woman is a professor, she in 2022 tweeted, attention white people, don't ask if you can come to the cook out on june teenth. 2017 she called police officers slave catchers. this woman is a professor, how do you get away with this? >> harris: i had not read about keeping people out based on their skin color, that is racist. she's teaching young people? that is frightening. who would hire somebody that would say that publicly.
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>> kayleigh: go read the article, this is entightening. more "outnumbered" in a moment. s no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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>> harris: breaking news now, president biden has just left joint base andrews and is on his way to new york city reportedly to tape a rare interview, not with a journalist, no, don't be silly. he's sitting down with late night host seth meyers, that could be fun. he did not take questions from reporters and on thursday set to visit the southern border the same day as donald trump. who likes to chase trump, apparently biden. and state department press briefing at 1:15 eastern and later, pentagon briefing with pat ryder. quickly, we have not heard this administration talk about our troops in the middle east and all of those instances that continue to grow after we did some retaliatory things, i know
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we continue to hit the yemeni houthis. but that's interesting. wonder if we will hear more from the pentagon. >> we have not hit iran like donald trump did, it's not houthis doing this, not the proxies, it's tehran and what donald trump did when he was president say i don't care if it's iranians or their proxies, if iran kills a single american citizen i'm going after iran and he did, and they have killed many americans and have not done anything about it. >> all well and good to go on seth meyers and laugh, but does not seem like a laughing day, laken riley is no longer with us. address this issue. >> harris: he always sees reporters on the lawn before he leaves but did not take questions. thank you everybody for watching, thanks to the guest on the couch. "america reports" right now. >> they let him go before a detainer gets to


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