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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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i'm pronouncing your name correctly, man became the firstr woman to umpired a major league baseball spring training gamge in nearly two decades. she graduated from minor league baseball's umpire camp in 2016 and became the seventh woman to call a mino leagur league ga. her cap and mask can be found in the hall of fame. she's expectedf fa to umpiregame more games in florida during spring training. >> and if she gets the cals sp l upto to the major leagues, she'll >> the first womanar of that 2 o 6 wonderful stories. >> who let hel you help me? bald eagles. missouri firefighters saved a trapped bald ri eagle, and itace at t wasn't the original goal of their mission. >> they happened to be in thimep right place, right time. they noticed an injured eagle on a different calling i and ath ditch. >> once they finished the human emergency, they went back to the eaglimirehousee, tom back to the firehouse, and they got him into a rehab. >> was the first female bald eagle eagle, i'm sure going into that you go, oh, go eagle, have a great night. >> welcome to jessext, jese wat. >> prime time tonight we have ah
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securet border. >> it was my testimony that the border is secure. we have a processtimony thats ip to manage migrants at the border. the biden migrant murdermanages >> an american woman will suffer more frome the mismanagement of covid than they will fromof covid the expoe to covid. and that's not an opinion. and t. : dr. dr. phil makes the view ladiesph crazy. >> he's here in a cablea cabl exclusive e that was the mostad. fantastic lovemaking you've ever had. not really. it only lasted 2 hours. that was a two hour two loves. want to go again-hour lo? i'd love to, but you're too tired. saturday night live. o tire donald trump and joe biden. here we go.d joe plus, what do you think about donald trump? he gangstebi- >> he'r. s gang >> he's got a trump towers. he gets a bang. that's my bosty.
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>> almost ten years ago, a criminal illegal alien shotern to death, a beautiful young american girl on the streets of san francisco. e to >> the o'reilly factor sent me to a board of supervisors hearings to confront the politicians who had blood on their hands. >> i'd like to address pour dangerous sanctuary city policies. >> i'd like to show you ali picture herecies.. s ka it's kate stanley. she was murdered by an illegal alien who had been deported five times and over six felony convictions. but for some reason, the city of san francisco let this guy out. >> you guys aren't even looking. lookouyou guys at th aree pictui >>ctur you're afraid. e you guys don't have anything to say. thank you very muc h. >> next speaker, please. nothing has changed. lake and riley, a 22 year old nursing student, was murdere a d in georgia last week. blunt force trauma to the head.
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trauma tthe suspect, jose antonu ibarra, is an illegal alien from venezuelasp who broke into our country two years ago. this is what the white house said at the time. >> i want to ask you about the border. woulhe d you call the borderoard i secure? the border is secure. we'rs secure.e going to 2 millin people across this border for the first time ever. you're confident this border secure ? we have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administrationis. elease >> and catch and release is in security. now, fbi sourcessecurity. even e assaulted a federal agent when he was caught, but the biden administration released him into the country anyway. >> they bought him a ticket, sent him here to new york, where mayor eric adams, wher gam a free hotel room and culturally appropriate meals. ubereats hired him to deliver food. >> so jerry nadler was happy uber. od, so j >> but then he was arrested in new york for endangering but d. he walked out of jail without getting deported because we're
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a sanctuary citywithou. >> alvin bragg brags about it. jose headeedd sout bech to atheh georgia, where he met upet u with his brother diego, and they both were arrested for shoplifting. >> but once again, athens is a sanctuary city, so no one was deported. >>e was de and a few months late murders blake and riley. police police call it a crime c of opportunity. they didn't know each othe opr. >> he just saw her jogging on a wooded path and decided to bash her headath and in at every sth of the way. at the border in new yorkdanger and in georgia, a dangerous foreign national broke the lawor and suffered no consequences because of fringe policies. >> the far left claims are compassionate. the road, the is paved with good intentions, they say. >> but i'm not sure thess esure intentions are good. >> former president donald trump iss scheduled a campaignan stop at the border thursday and suddenly president biden announced a visit to the border on the same daviy. and while grabbing ice cream rith seth meyers in rock cente
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earlier this afternoon, joe biden couldn't even bring himself to sayr thjoe bi the gea student's name. >> for nows name, with all thatd i was glad to go third. what i didn't know is thatoing my good friend apparently is gone. >>trgia cesident still hasn' mentioned the dead georgia coed. aside from a weak statement, binderoe released about people should be held accountable and enough with the ice cream. >> what's so special about liking ice cream? everybody likes it. i don't get this whole joe biden ice cream thinleg. and the president can't be licking vanilla ice cream cones while illegalslicking m ns are murdering our girls. >> i'm not asking the presidentt to give up ice cream, but save it for vacation. novacationw, will this grizzly r be a turning point in the election? >> difficultturning point to sn the press frames it. as republicans pouncing. >> so republicans obviously seizing on this horrifican geora tragedy at the university of georgia. this girl, this nursing studen.
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t killed by an undocumented venezuelan migrant, and they're seizind g on this as an example of biden's failure to protect the american people, to secure. the border. >> the atlanta journal-constitution said taa 26-year-old athens man was charged with murder. an athenr-old "as man. the associated press was worse. the killing of a nursing s student out for a run highlights the fears of soloo fe female athletes that when the article, they say authorities arrested athens resident jose antonio oliveira. nowhere in the story does the ap mention he's an illegal with a rap sheet. >> that's like saying the 911 attacks were perpetrated by boston residents and highlights the fears of businessmen and skyscrapershe . >> right on cue, axios writes,, quote, conservatives are falselaxioy suggestingt into that anyone can get into the u.s. without much hassle. re but the southern border is more fortified than it's ever been. l well, i'd call assaulting a border patrol agent and getting handedi would a
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a free busyork h ticket to new york, hassle free. and the borderase s more fortifd than ever. >> biden stopped border wall constructior?n and then blasted holes in the wall so antelopes could roam free. aoc says republicans are haters and everything's jusantelopet f. >> the idea that republicans, , in order to win an election, say we need to hermeticallyy seal the border when they knowst that that would be that is economic self-sabotage to the u.s. economy. >> and they are saying let's let's do it anyway, while being as xenophobic and anti-immigrantil as they are and while ginning up this this false narrative about this being a crisis. >> innocent americans are dying because politicians lackns comme sense. and the radical left lies blames you and writes, blameyous about jogging another venezuelan migrant, this time in virgini
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a, was arrested for assaulting a minor. and just last month, the a venezuelan migrant kicked a cop in the head and then flipped the double birdsand flip as he walked out of jail. this is biden's signature jan policy, paroling thousands of venezuelans into the countrg y. and as migrant crime in america skyrockets, crime in venezuelant has fallen to a 22 year low. >> why? >> because they're sending the criminals here and the president of venezuela won't take them back. >> maduro shut down all deportations flights coming from the united states. >> even if biden deported the venezuelan criminals, venezuela will take them . we're being murdered. our media is covering it up. and our owing itn government is sanctioning it. what do we have to d.o to sto p? it? joining me now, dr. phil, joine new book we'vesues." got issues, and we'll talk more about that in a second. >> the border thing seems so obvious to vast majorities of the american
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>> why is it sucericanh a deadld problem still? well, i think people are afraid to take a position on this because if in onf they takeshoud a position and say we should control the border, theny they're labeled as anti immigration. they're labeled as haters fortr these different countries, that people are comingthle are t but that's missing the point, isn't it? because we're not talkinheg about immigration. we're talking about illegal immigration. i'm very pro-immigration. i mean, we nee d immigrantsmmigra in this country. we've gonthist a 1.6 birthrate. we need 2.1 to sustain our infrastructure here. i welcome immigrants into this country, but we need to know who they are, don't we? we need to kno, don'w who it is that's coming into our country. we need to be able. to sort through these people and those m
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that our enemies of the united states that are coming in the countrygountry, , those e on the terror watch list coming into the country, thosinto teo e people certainly need to be filtered and stopped. and when you come into the united states illegally, that's a felony. it's a felony and it's obviously deportable. eep gett even the nickel and dime stuff they keep getting pot with. i want to know what's going to make people wake up. we have sound now from a venezuelan?d migrant in the country illegally bragging about ripping the country off. >> listen to this. mulvaney they are. you came to the united states to work and i came to vacationer . >> look at the difference. she e is the one that maintaine me. that is why i don't work, because the government gives her what belongs to her, to my american daughter, for being an american citizen. >> to competion. >> i have no need to work because, well, guys like few of you, this little princess
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for being american already receives a lot of money, capisce? the trick is to have children in the united states. >> here is theo ha gold mine. >> the gold mine. >> so we're suckers, and we don't want to speak upto speak t because we're afraid of being labeled haters. >> exactlye . and, you know, in the studyi ta that i talk about and we've got issueslk a where we comparede pe people's willingness to speak up in 1950 versus willingness to speak up nogness tow in 2023. >> and it has people that are unwilling to expresss have their views. have tripled since 1950. people don't want to talk now because if you do, then, with the advent of social media caatforms and the different ways that you can be targeted and labeled, they go to your work, they threaten to boycott the business that you work. and if they don't get rid of youf they, fire you.
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the ways you can be portrayedway on sociaoul media platforms, people just say, look, it's easy or not to speak out. t and that has to there haere s to be a call to action. this this middle groupon. of people throughout america that care about this country, love this countrythis, need to say enough is enough and too much is too much. and i've gotgh and m to stand ua and speak up. and look, i love this country. i do. i stand up when the flag goes by. by, t my hand over the heart when they play the national anthem and people criticize me for that. i don't think this country i is perfects, and i love itgs we enough to admit that we have things we need to wornek on that just goes on to doi love list. but i love this countr thiy andi need to all stand up for this country and stop apologizingan i for this country. stop apologizing for having rules and guidelinesaving. stop apologizing from heaven for having a border. that's not a borde a turnstile.n
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i've been to the border. i've just been there one time. i'm no expeying i'm a border expert. i'm certainly not a politician. but i've talkert.not a pod to tr agents down there. >> these are dedicated men and women. they they are and they are so frustrated that they're not allowed to do their job. they wanted to guard the border. they weren't patrolling the border. you they become social workersh, . >> one of the things you also talk about in the book, we've got issues which talk about jue prime time, endorses enthusiastically. make we don't want to make anybodye else uncomfortable. and becauselsee we're so afraid of making everybody else uncomfortable, we're making ourselves uncomfortable. >> you went on the view todayo e and you talked a little bi vte i about covid and that effect of the lockdowns on children. ee >> maybe people were uncomfortable. let's listen . >> i'm trying to save kids lives. and remember, we know a lot of folks who dieremembd during - it wasn't people weren't laying around children, but well, you know what? we're lucky. maybe we're lucky they did it becausildren.are lucke we kept e beliplaces that they could
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be safe because no one wanted to believe we had an issue. >>g no schoolhoolch children died of covid? th i'm saying it was the safesit group. they were the less vulnerablele groussp, and they suffered and will suffer more from the mismanagement of covid than they will from the exposure to covidm th t. >> and that's not an opinion.e a that's a fact. all right. >> jesseso one of the best parts about the book is you talk about the need to rely t on facs and stress facts. and why do you think some of those women on the view, who we tave dearly, they wanted to talk about the narrative justhe covid pandemic. >> here's the thing. you can't just make up facts. and that's what's happeninactsg right now, i think. i think we've got what i call e. tyranny of the fring we've got these fringe factions that are trying to rewrite history, rewrite science, rewrite biology. just pretend that facts aren't. facts because they don't want them to be. but you know what they are. and we've got facts that haveds been there for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years and
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yond you can't just change them because you don't want them to be the truth. >>m to b the fact of the matter is that we had a pandemic here. children were not veryre not v vulnerable to that. e >> now we want to protect everyone. right. , we're not very vulnerable to that. but what they were vulnerable to was disruptinl g their lives.s we know that the we hadity wa the highessdt levels of anxiety, depression and loneliness, l as well as suicidal ideation and suicidal attempt ands then that in oh eight and ohn '08 nine that we've seen since they started keeping recordsg that just continued to build. and then covid hit, which causedi cont it to spike. koby didn't cause it. it started back in, ohike. eigh, in oh nine, and it kind of correlated with the smartphone dropping where kidshe stopped living their own lives and started watching otherppedsy live their lives. >> but they knew that when they shut the schoolhes down, you pull out the support system
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and as well as pulling out the support system, you disrupt . when you pull out the support system, you disrupt their educational development, their social development, yo, their emotional development. >> and you also take childret,n that have been subject to emotional abuse and molestatioe ben, and you take tm away from the mandated reporters who can keep an eye on them. and referrals to the department of child and family services dropped 40, 50, 60% across the nation. o? theire d we send them home and locked them up with their abusers so nobodynobo could watch them.y >> and what did what didn? they say when they shut schools down? well, you know, we're doing the best we can with what we know. no, you're not. you knew better and you knew it at the time and yoime and u didt have a plan to reopen those schools. >> and now those kids are suffering. are will they ever close the gap? who knows? yes. epidemiologists say it could cost millions of years of life loss for these for this time. >> i don't think they'll ever get it back. you talk about the tyranny of the fringyou talke and in myk get it together tales from the liberal fringe. it some of these fringed
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people and why they act the way they dando. >> how do you defeat or confront fringe without lettinge them take over the rest of western society? well, here's the thing. >> enemy and then they focus on that enemy. most of the people in america don't have or want to have the enemy. used >> so they're not as focused and they're not as organized. we neeasanized.d to decide thatt we want to start solving problems instead of winning arguments. and that's one of the principles i talk about inuh the book. and it's real easy to tell whether you're talking to somebody that wants to win an argumenyou're t thatt. t you got right fighters just wanting to get yak, yak, yak, yak, or you've t got people that are saying, look, let's come together and come up with a solution that will begine change to make changes for the better. and we need people that will focus on solving problems instead of winning arguments. >> and if we will do that, the first thing you've gote ot to do with these people on the other side of the issue of left and right is can
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focus on what can we agree on? because you knowon what? everybody agrees we want a stronger america. everybody agrees. >> we want our kids to have a better world than we had when we than we came along and grew p through it. >> everybody agrees that we want a goo wand everybody agrees that we want more safety. everybody agreesafety. on so mas core things. >> let's focus on what we agre. e first and then see if we can start talking about our differenceg abous. >> start with what we agree on. well, i agree that your book is phenomenal. up there with my book. yes. and we appreciate you, dr. phil, which i read , by the way.precia >> congratulations on that. we've got issues. we appreciate it. thantek you so much. we'll get it together. thank you. >> all right. well, johnny hit the streets wed things are getting weird. >> jesse, you're an actor. oh, your boss is an actor. >> jpmorgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost
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g and a money back guarantee, get your new favorite pair of jeans today and tailor available on the apple app store or android. >> this weekend, donald trump took home another resounding victory, this time in south carolina, where the former president trounced nikki haley by 20 points in her home state. nikki haley vowing to stay in the race after losing every contest by double digits. we assume it's an insurance policy thing, but trump's focus this november, i just want to say that i have never seen the republican party so unified as it is right now. >> never been like that. and we're going to be up here on november 5th and we're going to look at joe biden's and we're going to look i'm right in the eye. he's destroying our country. and we're going to say, joe, you're fired. get out, get out joe, you're fired. >> but after making history and as nbc says, back to back blowouts are a disaster.
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>> numbers are disastrous for donald trump, disastrous. okay. that's the reason i mentioned that the big forgotten number of south carolina, which is joe biden getting 96%. okay. that's what you're supposed to get. >> all right. and, well, trump's not going to come close to that. biden kicked rfk out of the party, denied him secret service protection, and is running against a guy named dean. he's an incumbent. he's going to win primaries. donald trump's so much more popular inside of the republican party than joe biden is inside the democrat. and the media still can't figure out why. let's examine. biden walked into a diner in deep blue l.a. county, and a lot of people didn't even stand up. they just sat there like any old guide walked in. >> biden doesn't act like he's president and the folks don't treat him like he's president. and these are black voters. these are biden's most loyal base. remember the last time biden was in a black church? he got heckled. then he bought a black family fried chicken and talked
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about bullets and basketball. you've seen johnny on the street. black say they had more money in their pockets under trump, and he keeps it real. but cnn, who only speaks to black americans on set, says african-americans are being brainwashed by, you guessed it, russians. >> i think there's some frustration in the democratic party that you're talking about, bakari, that we've been taken for granted. what's actually happening now is that there is an online influence campaign, correct? some of it, i think, is coming from russia, china and iran. that is whipping up that that conversation, waking unnaturally. >> but let me ask you a question. 100. so the solid black is not going to move. there is some actual legitimate frustration and fatigue, but also and we have to talk about it more. on online influence campaign designed to depress and distress black voters, prices go up to russia. borders wide open trump. crime wave. and it's just fox news. always an excuse. maybe voters are just doing
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what biden told them to do when he said, watch me. >> he he said, and i want to make sure i get the quote exactly right. he said the better angels. he said, we must address the council and judge the better angels of our nature. and do and we do well to remember what else he said. he said, we're not enemies, but we're friends. it's the middle ages and the point of the civil war. >> biden can't remember a famous quote. so he writes it down on the no card and then he can't read it off the note card. so the media is begging newsom to save them. >> have you gotten any calls, governor? it's all idle chatter. it's all it's you know what? that's a sideshow. i think the democrats need to do is worry less, do more. they're ruling it out 100%. it's not even an interesting conversation. and by the way, i think it's a conversation, frankly, the other side wants us to have. and trust me, i know the mishegoss coming from the other side. i'm deeply mindful of the anger machine and all
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the entertainment industry out there on fox and elsewhere. >> they love ginning this stuff up. >> at the end of the day, not only is this train left the station but we are we get to enjoy a record of accomplishments as we make the case in a reelection the likes of which we couldn't have been dreamt of even as a democrat last century. >> former republican nominee for president, vivek ramaswamy joins us now. vivek, which party, the republican or democratic party is more united right now? i think at this moment, undoubtedly it's the republican party, but even beyond that, jesse, we have a country that is united, even outside of the traditional republican party. america first includes all americans. i've traveled to cities. i was just in michigan, from autoworkers to the inner city, from people in rural communities to suburban. you have to think americans have their heads stuck in the sand. if they haven't noticed that we don't have a southern border right now, that we actually have a wave of crime across cities in this country, that prices have gone up, that interest rates have gone up, but wages have remained
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flat. >> and i think a lot of this left-wing media has themselves in a delusion to think that black americans or any americans of any color haven't noticed what's actually happened in their life right now. and so i think we could be on track, jesse, for a unifying landslide. reagan, 1980 1984 style election. >> if we make this as a party about what we actually stand for, restore the rule of law, seal the southern border, restore merit to economic growth in this country, success is unifying. and i think that's our message and i think are going to be very successful. and the democrats are going to be licking their wounds if we stay on message. c pac had a poll about vp candidates over the weekend. >> you were, i believe, first or second or tied for first, something like that. i forget who you were tied with. what was that again? >> was it? yeah. so, look, i what i've said is i'm going to respect whatever decision president trump makes. we can't take the election this november for granted. that's actually the next step
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here. so there's a deep bench. there's a lot of great people in our party. i'm going to support whatever decision he makes, but most importantly, we have to win in that decisive election this fall. that's my sole focus and i think that, jesse, one of the things that president trump has said that i've really appreciated is that, you know what our vengeance is? success is our vengeance. that's the american way. >> i think we live in a 1776 moment right now where what our founding fathers would say is, you know what, excellence, do it as one nation. >> and if we do that, we're going to be successful. >> all right. success and a little bit of vengeance. just a little bit, just like for dessert. >> vivek, thank you so much. >> look, i think success is our vengeance. i'm going to stick to it. it's a great line. >> i'd stick with that line if a politician as well. thank you. other countries are now openly mocking our president. i said to the president, these to make me gorbachev. no, no, not gorbachev. non-negotiable. each of the president today. israeli. no, no. sorry. >> i'm michael jordan,
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my saved driving this time from progressive. i even got a discount for signing up. great. can we go now? whil il . necessary, we can hit the road as soon as our season. >> seatbelts. we're going to every once in a while. >> prime time likes to conduct welfare checks on other we care.tlcause and we're a little worried about joy reid. our deart d , dear friend. >> the united states has a population of north of 327 million people. why do we neede more kidsneed? >> i mean, your party, senator tuberville, is the one screaming that 10 million tt immigrants, which i don't even know that that number even makes any sense becausmber maket doesn't have streamed into the country since joe biden has been president. there was a time when the state of alabamaa ate absolutely needd more kids because, you know, alabama was a state and thee mandate of the planter classst in alabama was for black womene to produce more kids because those kids were propertykids.
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are you saying that we as white folks need more kids? >> is this like a great replacement thing where you're concerned that there's not enough white people in the population versus the growth of the latino population in the? black population, the asian-american population? >> and so the we is thigreat re is whiteion people need to make white women have more kids the. oh, and your dominion is supreme court and they're seven mountains dominion diminutive beliefs system that is the precursor to the "handmaid's tale". >> why does america need more kids? well, a country with ay does low birth rate is a failing country. we need young generations to consume, pay taxes to support older people with a japan, a population so old. ople. is worrieduntry the country won't continue to function as a societywo. children, as they say, are the future. y say, ahei think you know that, since you're a mom of three, after all, host of sunny's corner on sirius xm, sunny now.
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johnson, us now. to sunny, what is shs she talkig about? how many times did you listen to her before you gave up trying to figure it ou before >> don't ask me to stretch b my brainra to understande the incomprehensible. >> i think she's sayin incompgorder it's racist to want a secure border or it's racist to want to have bigger familiewh havs. o and what i will say is continue to let them talk, becausnt e all they're doing is destroying their selves. so.y are the reason that black people are fleeing from the democrat party. so i would just say continue to let i wou them speak and we n take a little bit of dr. phil deviselitt and instead of focusg our conversations around them and with them and who's going to win, we actually start focusing our conversations around solutions. so i think that was good advice coming fros goem. so ignore joy. don't do any more welfare checks. doshe's obviously long gone and focus on results. is that your advice? >> or at least don't ask me
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to waste brain sales on joy. you got somebody else who wanttt to do that. be my guest. but please don't ask m, bee. e we have a short run in. so november 20, 24 andy br the election. and i think that every brain cell i hav e needs to be focused on that fight and not joy. all right. i'll telll tell l my booker. fo no more joy reid segments for sunny. thank you so muc h. >> donald trump and comedy is that i didn't miss it when in my there's some things wi your workplace benefitss opti and retirement savings for you helps you choose the right amountons without over or under investing across all your they benefits and savings options so you can feel confident rand twor financial choices.
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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rescue dawn to act now and help us save other orangutans in desperate need before it's too late. fox news alert. the former president, don jr, has just had a hazmat unit rush into his home after reportedly receiving a package of white powder and a death threat. we'll continue to monitor the situation. we'll update you as we hear more. and we certainly hope he and his family are okay. >> saturday night live was actually funny this week. a shift is happening. it appears nbc's realizing that if the show is going to be relevant, it needs to pivot back from the fringe.
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this week the host was comedian shane gillis, who s and i fired for being politically incorrect just a few years ago. >> and they brought him back down to three. nice shot. 88. why am i such a loser? gordon thought you could use these. >> donald j. trump. i'm hoping. and gordon dwyer's about to find out that winning. come on, man. i'm gonna start. is a state of mind. i didn't miss it when in. >> it's funny, everyone likes it. >> it's funny. the ego, the voice, the ten. i mean, he's the gift that keeps on giving. >> if you treat him like a person instead of evil. >> mr. mitchell, everybody's saying i deserve your office
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because my cubicle is a disaster right now. well, can i have a minute to gather my things? my my. he gets whoever he wants. wow. that was the most fantastic lovemaking you've ever had. oh, really? it only lasted 2 hours. that was a two hour, two loves. you had a big show in there. a very big show. but i did. >> now want to go again? i'd love to, but you're too tired and is whatever he says he is. >> excuse me. excuse me. it's 117 and you've got new shoes to. yeah. air biden's a rock. here we go. oh. >> all presidents are funny. all of them, especially trump. but even more so. biden. he gives us so material. even italian tv can see a punch line. i said to the president of israel, see mikhail gorbachev?
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>> no, no, not gorbachev, nothing. >> gorbachev, the president of the israeli. no, no, sorry. >> michael jordan. no, no, no, no. well, they went to the moon and it was shot from dallas. johnny, sorry, is is towards the moon and mars. that is a country that takes a two hour lunch break, put on a better show than we do. jimmy, host of fox news saturday night and author of cancel culture. there it is, joins me now. did you watch snl? >> of course. and we should start with the obvious for shane gillis. you're welcome. my book comes out a month ago. what do they do? they book gillis right back on the show. he's the g chapter in the show. oh, god. great night. i'm obviously being facetious. >> it was a great night for comedy. it was a fleeting, great night for snl because for one night they did what we kind of came up on, which was just having a good time because that's who he is he's not an activist. he's a comedian first. and he was having a good time like the trump sketch
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is legitimately funny, hilarious. the shoes in real life retail for 399. letitia james says they're overvalued, though. so if you buy them, you'll go to jail. >> but i love the trump sketch, and i just like the fact that snl, to their credit. >> okay, understood. in somewhere in there. >> okay. they understand that if you're going to survive as a comedy show, you got to be funny, right? >> like an activism does not masquerade successfully as comedy because people notice when you're not playing half the notes on the scale, meaning if you're not going after liberals and you're writing songs without half to know, how good is it going to be? >> when are they going to book you that would be a move. >> but the problem is, i don't know that they want to elevate me any more than the culture already has. i mean, i'm their rival. i come on before them. but if we're pulling over a million on a saturday night now, where do you think we're going to be in a year? >> all right. jimmy fallon, who's taking credit for shane's performance, apparently you're well down bit. thank you so much. >> and jimmy is everybody come down to our starts friday.
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who is this? i don't know. is that nikki haley? >> look, i get it. i know she's a black woman. well, that's very astute of you as black history month. right? let me not be mean. so, what's the name? kamala. i didn't know. you know who it is. so what's her job? to help get my money away to my vice president? >> that's the title anyway. what do you mean by that? she doesn't actually do it. >> you don't like her, sweetheart? nobody. >> her. oh, bless your heart. how does she make you feel? like she's looking at me right now. and i feel like a little, like, nervous. >> if she can make it to the top, anyone can. only reason that i don't want joe biden to die is he. >> if he does, we get stuck with her. joe biden's going to be fine. kamala harris has been vice president for four years. what are some of her greatest accomplishments? nothing. >> where are you been? >> yeah, something
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about airplane bathrooms not being accessible. >> i'm okay. what is kamala harris done for the community? nothing. everybody at home watching this. what do did she do for us? she always talks about on the news. she just wants to make america great again. >> i don't happen how well we're supposed to handle the migrant crisis. how's that working out so far? so not so good the borders unsecured. just like migrants in our country take over the world. the police up. we got millions of people come to this country. you take all jobs. >> you are right. if you were vice president, what advice would you be giving joe biden right now not to run again for election? >> you see now you can't give him orders if you got to be a present. >> people's champion, bro. i don't know what you're doing, but somebody who's got their marbles to get a little bit more together, you know, work on this, too. you have your marbles together .
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they've got a couple of more than joe biden does, i think lay on and beat somewhere. >> who the hell is giving them that advice? i don't know. does he like to be that much? if joe biden decides he's not going to run for reelection and kamala harris automatically be the nominee, she would be absolutely trounced. no, i read that kamala harris is declaring that she's ready to serve issue. r i mean, she is champing at the bit. >> a drink. she's ready to serve a drink. >> i like my comfy, dark joe. it's not kamala who should be the democratic nominee. maybe al gore is old enough now to run alexandria ocasio-cortez. well, smith seems like a slap in the face to kamala, too, if it comes down to joe biden and donald trump, who's your pick? just because i need another stimulus, i'm hoping that once he gets there, he's got a chance, he gets a bad debt. he's not getting to put some respect on my yellow man. hey, that's my boy. houston, we have a problem. what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox news?
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you might as well run for president if you a good dude you from because america you free america. >> and a free a free jesse you're an you know i don't know why and laura? oh, you're pretty much almost anybody who's hosting show. >> what about me? you like me? you seem like a nice man. so you should watch fox news to see me. you? maybe i'll let me know. all right. did johnny just get us one more viewer? we'll take it. how about you get the book? i know you've heard me promote it before, but let me tell you where going to be. >> get it together. we're going to do a little tour. i will be in new jersey. >> i will be in new york. i will be in florida. i will be in california. and i'll be signing books. you can touch me. not my hair, but you can touch me. we will take pictures. i will sign them. it'll be a lot of fun. so get the book, preorder it right now on amazon.
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>> stick your phone right up to the little thing. boom. >> click. confirm comes right to your house and then come see me in the flesh baby. >> maybe i'll bring johnny. and that's a threat let's do some text messages. >> phil from old bridge, new jersey loved listening to the voice of reason. dr. phil mcgraw. something about dr. phil's voice just gets you, pam, from scranton. >> excuse me. stanton, delaware. you have d-i thursdays. >> we need dr. phil mondays. i love dr. phil mondays. >> cindy and michael. oh, from sanford, north carolina. jesse's word of the day fringe. that's right. tales from the liberal fringe. not a book one just made it one get it together. >> chris from paris, texas cnn must be racist if they think black voters can easily be brainwashed by russians. >> john from dawson, alabama if
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,you use your infant daughter to support you. you're not a man. cabbage. not a man. greg from salem, alabama. >> joe, get rid of the ice cream and bring back ice. >> well done, bill from albuquerque, new mexico. save the ice cream for vacation. he's always on vacation. >> good point. and we're going to have a special ice cream. joe biden investigation tomorrow. >> so pay attention. charlie from rutherford, new jersey. you looked so young in that flashback. that's one piece of advice you give yourself ten years ago. oh, god, maybe eat more ice cream. this is my


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