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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 27, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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cases of tuberculosis in california and i believe in arizona, some in texas, which obviously is a lot more serious. >> also polio. there is also scabies and all kinds of viruses coming across. by the way, to the point you just made about having time to be vaccinated, in the state of ohio in 2022 they gave people that period of time who weren't vaccinated to take a vaccine. if it is in your school. we are not talking about a whole state here. if it is in your school -- look, measles is the most contagious virus on the planet. i want people to be vaccinated against this virus specifically because the vaccine prevents spread, it is extremely effective. but the big problem here is that we are not screening people at all and it's coming in from other --
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>> it is election day in michigan in just two hours, voters on both sides will head to the polls casting their vote in the first swing state primary of 2024. >> todd: on the republican side, nikki haley hoping to cut into former president trump's lead. 16 delegates up for grabs, other del the gats won't be awarded until saturday. >> carley: you nailed the back-to-back to backs, todd. >> todd: complicated primary policies. >> carley: the rules are insane. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. progressive and americans are taking protests to the ballot box. >> carley: can biden win voters
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over on issues? according to new poll 31% of michigan voters say economy is top issue, followed by immigration at 13% and threats to democracy, healthcare and affordable housing. >> todd: madeline rivera is in washington, d.c. with the latest. good morning. >> good morning. nikki haley has been angling for independent and moderate voters. michigan is a battleground state crucial to winning a general election. she is campaigning in michigan and super tuesday states hoping to keep her fight in the race alive. she has not said if she will stay past super tuesday. >> can you say now you will be going and campaigning beyond super tuesday? >> we raised a million dollars in 24 hours after the election in south carolina. we are continuing to see the dollars come in because
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americans want a voice and we are giving them a voice. i will continue to fight for americans as long as we think there is an option. >> there may be trouble for president biden, movement for democrats to vote uncommitted has been gaining steam. >> i think there will be a sizeable number of votes for uncommitted. every person's right to make their statement about what is important to them. >> these voters are protesting president biden's stance in the israel- hamas war. rashida tlaib is leading this. reminding every candidate they have to earn votes of their constituency. president biden says ceasefire is close to finish line and he hopes there will be an agreement by next monday.
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>> carley: thank you so much. bring in three gen-z voters, austin is a campus reform correspondent and hudson chance in university of michigan. talk about what is on the mind of young voters in michigan today. austin, what do you think about the state of the economy, illegal immigration, and who you are voting for? >> thank you for having me. i, along with many other voters, will ask themselves when they go to the primary today, are they better offthan they were four years ago. the biggest factor motivating me to go to the primary tomorrow is the state of the economy and lack of leadership at the southern border. my father recently passed away, because of this situation with
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inflation, i've had to choose between paying for groceries or paying for books. >> carley: so sorry to hear of the loss of your father and what you are going through economically as a result of that. you say one top concern is the economy, president biden was on seth myers last night and talked about bidenomics. take a listen. >> can you define america? one word, possibilities. we have the strongest economy of any major nation in the world. inflation is down. we have best economy in the world, long way to go, best in the world now. >> carley: best economy in the world, but a long way to go. does that match how you are feeling? who will you vote for later today? >> thank you for having me. it does not resonate with me
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hearing comments from president biden. america has potential to be the best economy in the world. you could have said that under president trump. today we are definitely not feeling that. the youth, especially me, i'm concerned part of the 31% concerned about economic stability. i will be voting for donald trump over nikki haley. again, i definitely think she's a more moderate choice and i see that the economy was much better under president trump. yeah. >> carley: hudson, you say we need a president who will make this generation proud to be americans. can you expand on that? >> thank you for having me. i believe that young americans need a president who will make this generation proud to be americans. i see my parents and grandparents generation, have a
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sense of pride about american values. they served in the military and put needs of the country before their own. we are seeing low enrollment in the military and it is sad. we have been taught america is not a nation to be proud of. next president will be tasked reinvigerate national pride by putting needs of americans first and our people will be proud to be american. >> carley: we just showed image of your grandfather and his purple heart. thank him for his service. sounds like you are making him proud being a proud american and saying how proud you are on television. austin, other side of the aisle. in this effort from michigan, congresswoman rashida tlaib having people vote uncommitted.
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do you think that effort will gain traction? >> they held a rally at university of michigan to vote uncommitted in the democratic party. in nevada, we saw uncommitted bea bea beatnik haley. >> carley: thank you for joining us, great to have you on. >> thank you. >> carley: to fox weather alert. 53 million americans including voters in michigan facing severe weather threats this morning. how big of an effect will this have on votes tornados and damaging wind expected to tear
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through the great lakes region, possibly impacting voters as they head to the polls. >> todd: janice dean is here. >> janice: worst will come later. get to the polls early, we will see potential for strong storms and snow overnight, we have this arctic cold front going to smash into warm air and that is a trigger we could see a stronger storm. here is late february storm affecting the upper midwest and great lakes to the northeast. we are going from spring-time temperatures and going to come back down as we go through the next 12 to 24 hours and even snow. severe threat tonight and tomorrow, the snow. definitely a roller coaster ride here. severe weather threat for ohio valley toward great lakes,
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including michigan. this will come evening and overnight hours. there is future radar in the clouds. this evening into overnight, cold front moving into upper midwest and bringing snow. severe storm and snow on top of that. here is primary forecast for michigan, look at temperatures, 72 in calamazoo. we will see some rain but worst of weather will come in to the evening and overnight. look at temperatures from lanesing, michigan, for may and look at missouri, 80 in june. tomorrow it changes to seasonal averages. >> todd: rare you have to pack a swim suit and jacket at the same time. >> carley: when i was leaving this morning, the doorman was, it feels like spring outside.
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cool. thank you. >> todd: d.c. business owner launching -- after becoming victim of nonstop crime and hundred are signing to support it. we'll talk to that business owner next. >> carley: and president trump and president biden taking duelling trip to the border this thursday. you'll want to see poll results coming up.
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>> todd: president biden and former president trump both head to southern border this week as the migrant crisis shapes up to be a top election issue. >> carley: brooke singman has more. >> brooke: president biden and former president trump will make visits to the southern border thursday. 53% of americans are in favor of building a border wall. this is first time since 2015 this poll has shown majority of americans in support of a border wall. biden will travel to brownwood and meet with law enforcement and president trump will deliver remarks in eagle pass, texas 325 miles away. president biden says the same-day trip is unintentional. [indiscernible] >> i've been planning to go thursday, i didn't know my good friend is going. >> brooke: trump is blaming
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biden's policies for the murder of laken riley. she was killed while out for a run on the university of georgia campus. joe biden is destroying our country, when i'm your president, we will seal the border, stop the invasion and begin the largest deportation of illegal criminals in history. ted cruz calling out the president. >> laken riley, a beautiful nursing student in georgia murdered, i'm here to tell you, that is the direct result of policy and political decisions by joe biden and by democrats. they should have put him on a plane and sent him back to venezuela. they didn't. >> white house saying people should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law if
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found guilty. we refer you to state law enforcement and ice. he faces felony murder, false imprisonment, kidnapping and concealing the death of another. >> carley: people should be held to fullest extent of the law, what a ground-breaking comment there. and speaking out about the migrant crisis after taking a trip to the southern border. watch this. >> i welcome immigrants to this country, we need to know who they are and who it is coming into our country. we need to be able to sort through these people and those that are enemies of the united states coming into the country, on the terror watch list coming into the country, those people need to be filtered and stopped. stop apologizing for having a border that is not a turnstyle. i've been to the border one time, i'm not saying i'm a
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border expert or politician, i've talked to border agents, these are dedicated men and women. they are so frustrated they are not allowed to do their job. >> carley: he talked about child sex trafficking issue. the former talk show host called it a humanitarian crisis unlike anything we've seen before. >> todd: he's right. d.c. small business owner leading a recall against her city council. her store was robbed three times. she is facing a recall, not the individual we are talking about, the individual on the screen. crime is out of control, hundreds have signed on to support this recall effort. diane alvarez is with us.
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how bad has crime gotten for you and your business? >> thank you for having me. crime is out of control right now in d.c. it is really, really catastrophic what is happening. my business was broken into three times in a two-week span, costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to do repairs and beef up security. it's been really, really disheartening what is happening in the city. >> todd: d.c. crime numbers increased with 39% jump in crime and double amount of homicides since 2015 where this councilwoman sit. why do you point to this particular woman for the crime surge? >> she voted to defund the
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police and voted to eliminate minimum sentences on repeat offenders and reduce penalty on violent crime, causing a revolving door for criminals to do what they want. they get caught and put in jail and then back to the streets to commit crime and chaos. it is unfortunate and we're asking, leading this effort to have her recalled. >> todd: her response, she says, i've introduced legislation to provide additional tools to close more homicide cases. i am pressing the mayor to fix the 911 -- what are people signing your petition seeing in her that maybe some other voters
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up to this point have not? >> just the lack of. again, in ward one, we have carjackings up 50%, assault up 50%, 100% in homicide in ward one alone. people are tired, tired of seeing crime, tired of witnessing and we are not a victim of it, it is happening at our front door. it is unfortunate, we need better representation and we need someone to fight crime and not enable it. >> carley: if your effort succeeds, the next person will probably be a democrat and will not follow the path when they get into office. keep us posted on your petition and we'll have you back. thanks. president biden returning to late night sitting down for an
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interview with comedian seth myers. >> do you enjoy playing with the dark brand meme? >> no, i resent the hell out of it. >> carley: president making headlines when he said this between bites of his ice cream cone. >> can you give us -- >> president biden: well, i hope by the end of the weekend. >> carley: joe concha is on deck to talk about foreign policy at the ice cream shop. don't go anywhere. >> good morning, "fox and friends," my name is david and this is my dog grace and we watch you every morning before work. thank you for all the news and information you bring us. ♪
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learn how abbvie could help you save. >> carley: president biden says israel is ready to pause military operations during ramadan. >> trey: ceasefire could be just days away according to president biden. one hamas person said there are many disagreements. the commander-in-chief set a march 4 target for pause in fighting which see some hostages released in exchange for palestinian prisoners. >> president biden: well, i hope by the end of the weekend.
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my national security adviser says we're close, my hope is by next monday we will have a ceasefire. >> trey: providing humanitarian aid to enter gaza. this video shows eight heading north. after reports indicate the us asked israel not to target the armed escorts of these trucks. as we speak, we are getting new information about possibility of ceasefire deal from the qatari foreign ministry who said they cannot comment on biden's remarks. >> carley: trey yingst, thank
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you. bring in fox news contributor, joe concha. that moment at the ice cream shop shows that reporters are forced to ask serious questions with an ice cream cone in your hand. jake tapper picked up on this. >> president biden was saying he hopes to have a ceasefire and hostage deal in place for the israeli and hamas war. big announcement to be given in an ice cream shop. >> carley: what do you think about the imagery which overshadowed a big comment the president made. >> joe: it is all about optics, watch the president with a big ice cream cone in his hand talking about hostages that were taken on october 7.
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all the months, november, december, january, february, you are in the hands of monsters and here you have this elitest president in new york city holding a big ice cream cone saying we may have a deal by the end of the weekend. he should be doing that in a press conference and not with seth myers, biggest fan boy that interviewed him last night. looks horrible and out of touch and this is why this president is now officially the underdog as far as winning back the presidency in terms of reelection to donald trump at this point. >> todd: that word i raise over and over, unseriousness of this administration. put the cone down, don't appear
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so nonschalant. thousands are dead in this war, this is important stuff. there was an interview with seth myers, here are questions and answers from the interview, watch. >> there is a dark brandon conspiracy meme, something you seem to have fun with, do you enjoy playing with the dark brand meme? >> no, i resent the hell out of it. >> evera kansas city chiefs won the super bowl, you wrote, just like we drew it up. i have you on the hot spot, can you confirm or deny there is active conspiracy between you and miss swift? >> where are you getting this information? >> todd: thoughts on that exchange? >> joe: nbc news keeps reporting
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that was a surprise appearance as if joe biden showed up out of nowhere. i'm in new york city, let's show up on seth myers set. we've known about this for days, reported he would be on there. that was not live, that was taped at 3:00 in the afternoon. this was scripted. you can say, it is a comedy show, who cares. in this setting, you can't tell somebody what they are going to be asked, unless you want to make them look good and that is what seth myers and his crew did. no way joe biden can reach for aviator shade says, he happened to have on him. without it being practiced.
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other hard-hitting questions, we heard about is taylor swift going to endorse you? i get, it is a comedy show, there are important things going on and late night hosts go into the political arena almost every night. they could have asked about the border and joe biden visiting or crime in new york city or that food prices are still high. you can have a normal conversation with the president. they did not. seth myers was there to make joe biden look coherent. >> carley: it is a late night show, supposed to be fun, some went beyond partisan. seth myers asked, former president trump said you would
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be a dictator day one, you have dealt with dictators before, how would you deal with that? >> box check, box check. what an in-kind contribution. >> todd: he talked about dark brandon, if trump were in that chair, they would not talk about let's go, brandon, they would get tough questions joe biden should have gotten. joe, thank you. mayor adams getting a warm reception as he changes his tune on the migrant crisis, watch. >> we need to modify the sanctuary city law, if you commit a violent act, we should turn you over to ice and have you deported. >> carley: are we seeing sanctuary cities collapse in realtime? and why now?
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we'll ask tomi lahren coming up next.
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>> carley: the big four are heading to the white house today to meet with president biden to work to come to agreement on funding and avoid a partial government shutdown. >> todd: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: meeting at the white house with schumer, mcconnell, mike johnson, and hakeem jeffries as fears of chute surfacing after the fight over emergency aid package. government funding. sup elemental nutrition benefit program for low income women, infants and children, wic. democrats want 7 billion for the program, higher than house republicans proposed 6 billion
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and president requested 6.3 billion. numbers off. speaker johnson says at time of division, they are wanting to spend on priorities further left than chambers agreed on. republicans are threatening to block the state of union address. the budget was due on the 5th, congress has seen nothing. until there is a strategy and budget, no business delivering state of the union address. first deadline is this friday. >> carley: no time like the present to start and let the blame game continue. head to georgia, fani willis testimony will resume. >> cheryl: special episode of "days of our lives" it is a soap
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opera in georgia and will continue today 2 p.m. eastern time. the prosecutor in president trump's case there is facing possible disqualification case. nathan wade's attorney and former business partner must testify. shows 35 times wade's phone pings near willis's phone, 10,000 text messages, between january and november of 2021. here is the question, did the relationship start before he was hired in the trump election interference case. >> todd: restraining order time if you did that to me, i don't talk to my wife that much, a different topic. i don't talk to anybody that
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much and mayor adams getting a warm reception. watch. >> small numbers committing crimes, we need to modify sanctuary city law, if you commit a felony or violent act, we will turn you over to ice and you have deported. >> carley: pretty reasonable to me. tomi lahren joins us now. one of the notable things about this, people saying he is changing his tune, in 2021 he posted on twitter. we should protect our immigrants, yes, new york city will remain sanctuary city under adams administration. >> tomi: he is being inundated and there is an election coming up in november. democrats are all vulnerable,
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due to the illegal immigrant crisis/innovation at the southern border. people are giving him undue credit for saying something that is reasonable and realistic, it should not be an applause like temperature should be common sense, they should be deported if they commit a crime and immigration and customs should work to get those people out of the country. the fact this is getting applause shows how far to the left this nation has moved on illegal immigrant. i expects democrats in coming months to pivot on immigrant and expect joe biden will talk about something he would think would be massive at the state of the union.
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they have to give appearance they care about the open border without caring about the open border. no democrats are calling for the border to be closed, they say little things and throw breadcrumbs, saying a lot without doing a lot. i'm sorry, not a lot of credit from me. >> todd: would be more helpful if mayor adams would have done that when he entered office. you mentioned elections, several squad members facing primaries in coming months, up on the screen. aoc and bowman face challengers on the 25th. rashida tlaib and bush on august six and ilhan omar august 13th. don samuels, one individual
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going up against her. is the squad's reign of terror in trouble? >> tomi: you know, i would like to think that might be the case and for a couple of them it might be closer. a lot of them are raising a lot of money and have national name id and recognition. it will be hard to unseat them. a lot of them are facing pushback for anti-israel comments, it may not be a problem for them. if they were unseated there are more radical democrats where they came from and a lot of districts will keep voting for radical democrats. sad reality, i think this continues on. >> carley: people are asking questions because pro-israel lobby has millions of dollars
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and putting that money toward their primary challengers. business insider says their ranks could be cut in half. a lot of people are in solidly blue districts, interesting to talk about, one to follow, a lot of them will be in the safe zone. thank you for joining us, have a great day. pentagon releasing report on lloyd austin's secret hospital stay, we'll tell you what it said. congressman jackson will tell you about that. >> brian: if you don't like anything, call rachel, she is standing by her phone. "fox and friends" exclusive, migrants picking favorites when it comes to crossing the border illegally. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> trump or joe biden? >> joe biden. >> joe biden. >> brian: i don't think they are
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running mates. and crime by migrants and asking ronny scott how americans can keep them safe. the chief of police is talking about the juvenile crime crisis. he will join us live. we have this, clay travis on basketball court storming, injury happens because fans went crazy and jonathan turley on the latest in the fani willis case temperature is a circus. and racial bias in ai and the defense of lloyd austin. gradually get dressed and watch it or dvr it and watch tonight. >> good morning, i'm kimberly from amarillo, texas and i start
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my day everyday watching "fox and friends." love you guys, this texas granny loves y'all. ke d cute on the app. ( ♪ ) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you'll know what you get.
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♪ >> carley: definition secretary lloyd austin will testify in front of the committee about his secret hospital stay. it comes as pentagon report has shown although hindsight has shown the process making decisions to transfer the secretary's authority could and should be improved as further
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explained in the recommendations approved by the secretary. nothing examined during this review demonstrated any indication of ill-intent or an attempt to obfuscate. that's a lot of big words. >> todd: texas congressman ronny jackson is a physician who servings on the house armed services committee and the congressman joins us now. congressman, great to have you. in light of this report and your reaction to it, what questions will you be asking lloyd austin on thursday? >> well, i want to know what happened and i wanted to know why he won't take personal accountability for this. this is a big problem we have right now in the department of defense. and honestly a problem we have through our government right now. the people in the upper echelons of authority will not take responsibility for what happened. i think it's time for him to resign at this particular point. the american point have lost trust and confidence in our secretary of defense. it started, you know, with the disastrous withdrawal in afghanistan and the fact that we got 13 americans killed there we turned over countless dlaciousz -- millions of dollars worth of equipment now being
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used. i talked to an ally of ours not too long ago still fighting with the taliban and isis and they are using our night vision and small weapons against them. this has been a horrible, he has not been a good leader. you know, i should pointed out that, you know, he has an important role that he put our safety and security at risk. somebody asked me the other day when the hur report came out and there were all these questions about biden's cognitive ability they were really concerned, can this man be in control of our nuclear capability and nuclear response? and they should sure. tell me that are checks and balances here that it's not just up to him and had there are checks and balances to some extend but the response time would be really quick within matter of minutes. part of the other person that would be involved in this would be the secretary of defense. and we had a situation when he was in the hospital where we have a commander-in-chief. may or may not be, i would say nothing, cognitively capable of doing what needs to be done to making these decisions. then we have a secretary of
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defense who is completely mi and missing in action. no one knows where he's at or what's going on this. is a recipe for disaster. that is a danger to this country and it's a big national security issue. he needs to answer these questions. he needs to explain to us what happened. he needs to explain to us why he has not stepped up to the plate, taken personal responsibility for this and resign. because that's what he would expect from the subordinate of his that had gone through this same particular process. they want their subordinates to be accountable but they are not accountable. >> carley: thursday is a big day while lloyd austin addressing congress president biden and former president trump is going to be visitings the border at texas. notable about the trip brownsville texas around 300 border crossings a day. if he wants to actually see this crisis, he shouldn't be going there. >> right. i mean last time they go to el paso. they need to go to the del rio area. they need to go to, you know, the areas where we have a lot of folks that are crossing the
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border. that's where president trump will be. and go and see what the actual problem looks like. this is just for show. they are under incredible pressure right now politically because of what is going on because of these sanctuary cities are demanding that, you know, that something be done now for a change, only because texas governor pushed people to these sanctuary cities. and we put our national guard and our dps officers and stopped the flow and now the flow has transferred to other places dollars and now a problem for some these democrats. that's the only reason fn reason he is going to, this is election year and trying to appease some the members of the party pushing back right now. otherwise, he wouldn't go. this is by design, this is his border crisis. and this is the way it is supposed to be working for them last three years. >> todd: not a border crisis at seth meyers studio 30 rock but he visited there and spent a lot of time. congressman ronny jackson we prevent your time. thank you. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> it does indeed, todd, thank
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you veh.


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