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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 27, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. ♪ >> ainsley: it's 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast.
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it is tuesday, february 27th. and this is "fox & friends." >> brian: let me remind everybody polls open again. haley hoping to cut into trump's lead. dodging questions on her future. >> can you say definitively now that you will be going and campaigning beyond super tuesday. >> i can tell you we raised a million dollars in 24 hours. >> lawrence: plus, mayor eric adams doubling down on his calls to change new york's sanctuary status. >> we need to modify the sanctuary city law that if you commit a felony, a violent act, we should be able to turn you over to ice and have you deported. >> lawrence: the growing call for change. >> steve: speaking of change, you want fries with that? the cost of wendy's could soon depend on the time of day you walk in and order a square hamburger. >> ainsley: like uber, on demand? >> steve: surge pricing.
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>> ainsley: that's right. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and remember mornings are better with friends. >> brian: that's what she says. ♪ ♪ >> brian: meanwhile, primary day in michigan and voters are heading to the polls in the first swing state of 2024. maybe before work. >> steve: meanwhile, progressives of arab americans angry over the war in gaza with israel are expected to take their protest to the ballot box and vote uncommitted to momentarily hurt joe biden. >> lawrence: madeleine rivera has more live on that. hey, madeline. >> a few things to look out for here. nikki haley is making the argument that former president trump can't win in the general election. that pitch struggled to gain traction in the early states and now it will be tested in a state crucial to winning in november and perhaps a nod to the challenges ahead of her. she ha has committed to stay ine race past super tuesday. >> can you say definitively that
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you will be going and campaigning beyond super tuesday. >> i can tell you we raised a million dollars in 24 hours after the election in south carolina. that we are continuing to see the dollars come in because americans want a voice. we are giving them that voice. as long as americans want me to be that voice, i will continue to fight for them. as long as we think there is an option. >> president biden is facing his own test where that protest vote against his stance in the israel, hamas war is gaining steam. >> i think there will be a sizeable number of votes for uncommitted. i think that it is every person's right to make their statement about what's important to them. >> >> president biden says cease-fire negotiations in the war are close to the finish line and he hopes there will be an agreement by next monday. lawrence, steve, ainsley and brian. >> steve: thank you very much, madeline. >> ainsley: thanks. >> steve: so it's an open primary in michigan. so, on the republican side, if you are a democrat or an
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independent, you can vote in the haley vs. trump scenario but here's the thing. i think a lot of people in michigan are thinking well, you know what? most of the delegates are going to be determined by the party bosses who caucus on saturday, so why bother? i wouldn't be surprised if there are a number of people who actually vote on the democrat side, the uncommitted to hurt joe biden. that could be the operation chaos for this particular state. >> i think this state is so intriguing, they have the open senate seat and really good candidates. republicans feel very optimistic. people in michigan picked off for the electric car. when you say subsidize the electric car and compete against the gas engine. a lot of them building plants in the south, which is a union-free situation. then all of a sudden workers go, yeah, we got a good deal on the strike. which president biden symbolically joined them on the
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picket line. in the big picture, we are saying to ourselves, is this something -- is this a party the union should support just because management says? and then if you look at governor whitmer, who had a substantial win in the last election, who is afraid to show up at certain events because of protesters, because of the arab-palestinian and museum population primarily in dearborn don't want to see her if she wants to talk about joe biden. >> lawrence: she hasn't taken a strong position on the matter as well. she did a lot of both sides. >> ainsley: tap dancing. >> steve: at this point politician. steve. >> lawrence: friends. hasn't been the red line. >> ainsley: shoot, october 7th happened. i wish it hadn't. obviously we all wish it hadn't. as a result, this is affecting my base, we have so many palestinians that live in her area but she is also trying to side with pro-israel.
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she is in a pickle. remember, during covid, everyone loved her and then after that people said she could be joe biden's next vice president. >> >> brian: she won on the abortion. >> ainsley: you are right. she is trying to say -- i listened to that interview well they have every right to vote uncommitted but if they vote uncommitted that's a vote for donald trump. >> brian: evidently they kept president biden in a bubble. he had no idea this fallout was happening. when ro khanna showed up in michigan i'm here for joe biden, he couldn't believe the anti-biden anger that blew up in his face. listen, if-whatever you do, if you support israel in certain areas they are not going to be happy. if you show up and explain the support. historic support, what october 7th meant, you could say at least i respected you enough to show up and listen. >> steve: so far 1 million absentee ballots have been cast. polls close 8:00 p.m. eastern. switching gears michigan to georgia. a vigil was held in athens,
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georgia for laken riley that nursing student who was murdered for out for a jog on the campus ever the university of georgia. >> brian: court documents now reveal details of the killing is aexpiring nurse hands at the hands allegedly illegal immigrant. >> ainsley: madison is there on the campus. good morning, madison. >> good morning, guys. new arrest affidavits say that the suspect used a weapon toe, quote: cause bodily harm to another by seriously disfiguring her body or disfiguring her skull. it and the local d.a. here says that her office has not yet received the case. these new developments come as hundreds gathered on campus yesterday for a vigil to honor laken riley as well as another student who died by suicide the night before riley died. >> >> we have no clue why things like this happen, i'm the first to question why. i have chosen to change my view of this and to know that we were given these people at this time
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for a reason be kind. catch up with your friends. and strive to be the type of person that laken was. >> the suspected killer, jose ibarra is in jail without bond for riley's murder. ice confirms ibarra illegally entered the u.s. through el paso in 2022. they say new york police arrested him in august for, quote: acting in a manner to injure a child. ice said nypd released him before they could arab detainer on ibarra. georgia governor brian kemp is demanding answers on how ibarra entered the country. >> and this individual was allowed to then somehow get to the state of georgia and commit this murder. you know, just outrageous. the big problem that the biden-harris administration has is the american people know exactly what happened. the southern border was open. >> the white house says they extend their deepest condolences
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to riley's family and that people should be held accountable to the fullest extent if found guilty. the coroner here says that riley's full, complete autopsy report likely won't be ready for several weeks and, in the meantime, her funeral is scheduled for this friday in her hometown of woodstock, georgia. back to you guys. >> ainsley: have we heard from her parents? are they speaking out? >> family friend on behalf of riley's family released a statement just talking about how much riley loved the world -- the lord, how good of a person she was. they say they promised to honor her life in a very big way. >> steve: indeed. all right. madison, thank you so much. of course, this fellow accused of her murder was here in new york city where it sounds like he worked for uber eats and grub hub and stuff like that. was a delivery guy. he was arrested here. now, normally, in a non-sanctuary city, you know what? if somebody is in the country illegally and they break the
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law, particularly a felony, they are handed over to ice. that's not the situation because we are a sanctuary community. and eric adams, when he was running for mayor, he said this we should protect our immigrants, period. yes, new york city will remain a sanctuary city under adams administration. apparently he felt that way until yesterday. >> those small numbers that are committing crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law that if you commit a felony, a violent act, we should be able to turn you over to ice and have you deported. it is a right to live in this city, and you should be not committing crimes in our city. [applause] right now we don't have the authority to do so. >> lawrence: first, i got to say i t. is pretty shameful we are just now hearing from the president of the united states days after this happened. >> brian: he doesn't mention illegal immigrant. >> lawrence: when his policies are responsible for this. we are seeing the beginning of a red pill for mayor adams. is he almost there.
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is he talking about the criminal elements. he also has to talk about we don't have any space. we don't have the jobs for them here. is he having to pass out debit cards to give to them. also the national security issues that may revolve around this being new york city. i think this was one step but there's no halfway sanctuary city either fall the laws of the land or be a sanctuary city just common sense. some defund the police take care of all of our illegal immigrants gavin newsom, if you are homeless you are welcome in california. look at this guy flipping off the camera, come here to new york, they know they are connected. if they commit a crime back on the streets. backfiring. >> you have a mayor who ran on this who said everyone is welcome. now he is changing his tune because everyone is now realizing even democrats that this is one of the biggest issues. for the first time -- for the
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first time ever, there are more penal that are in favor of building a wall than those who oppose it, according to this new monmouth poll released yesterday. everyone is starting to see what is happening. we need to get these criminals off the street. just don't let them in. >> brian: chicago mayor 21% approval mayor. >> lawrence: brandon johnson. >> brian: way to the left primarily because of illegal immigration and still putting them ahead of his constituents. in new york city, this is the second time adams has said this. when it comes to ice, they can act because the cops call him but ice has their own background. they used to show up at prisons and say yeah, we have got a problem with that guy. they inform the cops of their background and who they have on their hands. >> other times cops turn around and go listen, i just ran a background check, this guy is from venezuela. he has a terrible criminal record. he has neck tattoos looks like he is in a gangs. they used to work together. adams is only talking about bringing ice in after they commit a crime. ice, when they are effective says criminals, you don't belong
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here, i'll grab you. and the fact is a lot of people in the hispanic community, especially saying wait a second, they are targeting hispanics. >> lawrence: there's no way. >> brian: that's what they said about ice. they compared them to nazis. very similar targeting jews like you target hispanics. >> lawrence: if he this would look at the border. people from all different background now coming across the border. not just hispanic. and ice's duty is to target all of them. not just the. >> brian: in the perfect world not in the sanctuary world. >> ainsley: not allowed. to say not even notified in sanctuary city. >> brian: left wing city council. >> steve: that is his delineation if you committed a felony. i should have pointed out according to the "new york post," the guy's wife had told them that he had driven for uber eats and grub hub or something like that. >> lawrence: how, how? he has no social security number or anything. how does he do it? >> steve: hold on a second. madison, our reporter, just reported through the ear ever the producer apparently uber has denied that he worked for them.
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>> ainsley: well, you know, athens in clark county, sanctuary jurisdiction as well. so, they are pledging not to cooperate with ice. and if these policies had not been in place, these liberal policies, then this young lady, laken, might have still been alive. >> lawrence: this is crazy. >> brian: she would be alive that guy wouldn't be here. >> lawrence: big four congressional leaders set to meet with biden over talks potential foreign aid packages for ukraine, israel nts and twawfn. >> brian: going to be a huge week. comes as the president reveals more details on a possible cease-fire deal between israel and hamas. >> ainsley: peter doocy is live at the white house with the latest for us. >> peter: we should know next couple days if not one week president biden will get a cease-fire in gaza lasting six weeks. >> can you give us it perspective when you think cease-fire will start, sir? >> well, i hope by the beginning of the weekend -- i mean the end
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of the weekend, at least my -- my national security adviser tells me that we're close, we're close. it's not done yet. and my hope is by next monday we'll have a cease-fire. >> peter: money for israel is on the table today when the big four congressional leaders visit the oval office, so is money for ukraine. the total package is about $95 billion. the chat today is going to be about how urgent it is to pass this quickly, which is why there is some surprise. the president is going public on the world stage about any of this during desert. >> his hope is by next monday there will be a cease-fire. cnn's chief national security correspondent and mj. that's a big announcement from the president to be giving in an ice cream shop? >> peter: the image is definitely of a president in an ice cream shop. the cone that he is holding looks like if somebody was going to draw a cartoon of somebody holding an ice cream cone, but he broke big international news
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right there and now we wait to see how he backs it up in the oval office when there is not ice cream. back to you. >> steve: i bet there is ice cream. so, peter, the president is going to -- is he going to jawbone and try to get the republicans on board to go ahead and extend funding, try to get a deal through the fiscal year. there are a number of house republicans who are willing to let the government shut down. >> peter: yeah, because some republicans in the house are worried about getting primaried while it is still primary season from their right. so you have got some republicans like mitch mcconnell saying this is going to be poison at the ballot box in the general if the government shuts down again. but there are some house members willing to roll the dice because they think that their position could be in jeopardy. >> steve: always get blamed. republicans get blamed. >> lawrence: you got to represent your district. and if you talk with some of the representatives there, matt waltz said i'm getting reamed in
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my district. i voted for every single package. i want something done about the border. at the end of the day, this is why we have 435 representatives because you got to represent the people that sent you there. >> ainsley: as for the cease-fire, proposing a six week pause in fighting and allows for drun dreads of trucks to go into gaza every single day and also an exchange for hostages. talked to the prime minister yesterday, they say the contours of a deal are there. he says i haven't seen that if the prime minister hasn't seen that it's not to his ad van took to play coy. there is no more priorities getting hostages back. >> steve: 7:16 now carley has more news from overseas. >> carley: the u.s. military guys destroying three houthi surface drones, two antiship cruise missiles and one way attack drone last night. central command says the attacks coming out of yemen presented imminent threat to merchant vessels ships in the region. battling houthi attacks on
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shipping in the red sea. authorities say the american couple, who disappeared in the caribbean, after three escaped prisoners ransacked their yacht are likely dead. the husband and wife from virginia vanished last week while their yacht was docked on the island of grenada. police say the suspect stole the boat and took it to saint vincent and likely tossed the couple's bodies overboard. the prisoners were recaptured on wednesday. a 15-year-old migrant from venezuela who is accused of shooting a tours in times square and firing at police officers has pleaded not guilty his lawyer is begging for the case to play out in court not on social media. earlier, a former cbp chief joined us to discuss this case venezuela specifically they basically emptied their prisoners and all kinds of issues going down there, yes. that doesn't mean we need to open up our country here without vetting people. >> carley: facing multiple charges including attempted murder. former president trump is
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appealing the $454 million ruling from his civil fraud case in new york decide whether judge arthur engoron made errors or if he overstepped his role. the former president has until march 25th to secure a stay, which would pause any payments while the process plays out. and listen to this. coverage of hunter biden's infamous laptop apparently caused a bit of a panic among "new york times" staffers that's according to one former editor who is now admitting, quote: many of my colleagues were clearly worried that lending credence to the laptop story could hurt the electoral prospects of joe biden and the democrats. end quote. and today is cool. national retroday. celebrating a time before smart phones and the internet so we thought we would throw it back and see how we look in different decades. take a look at this picture. here is us in the 160s
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starring in gilligan's ill. and in the 70s. we fight climb charlie's angels, janice and ainsley you look great. >> brian: i look exactly the same. >> carley: lawrence, ainsley steve and brian ready to rock in an 80's hair band. >> brian: am i bay city rollers? >> steve: that's awesome. look at i have a tattoo. funny. good job on the photo shop. >> editing department. >> >> ainsley: very groovy. bee hives and roller skates. bell bottoms pull them out. >> lawrence: no tie, shirt open. have the jacket on. >> brian: that's me on weekends. i have a totally different look on weekends. >> lawrence: you party on the weekend. >> brian: alicia suit waiting for saturday night. >> ainsley: brian, what is happening here.
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you have hair. >> brian: i'm way too close to you i apologize. what am i doing there? >> ainsley: brian, you look like a werewolf. >> brian: steve those are the biggest arms and tattoos you have ever had. >> ainsley: look at lawrence's bangs and. >> brian: notice it's not a bud light. >> steve: the cover of the "new york post" today has got a horrifying story for anybody who goes to a burger joint and buys stuff. it says slapy meal and essentially what wendy's is going to do is they are planning to change their menu board so they can actually have surge pricing. it's a real busy time, they could actually jack up the prices just like uber. >> brian: good. >> steve: surge pricing and things like that. ultimately, the experts say wendy's is probably going to get punished. who wants to pay more? it's the same burger? >> brian: lines are too long. make line shorter too expensive. get people there at 10:00 for
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lunch. >> lawrence: i survived on the dollar menu at wendy's and mcdonald's. i can imagine there are families that won't be going to wendy's. >> ainsley: make a choice as american. investing $20 million high tech menu boards to update the prices in real time. >> brian: as long as they don't take the sneeze guards off the salad bar i'm fine with that. >> steve: if they are going to have surge pricing and jack up the prices when there are a lot of people there, when we go eat, we actually eat early, the prices should go down. wendy's if you are going to jack it up you are going to lower it too. >> ainsley: salad bar at wendy's. >> brian: i am an every man. >> ainsley: you are not an every man. if you are eating canned crab. >> steve: when is the last time you had a wendy's. there is no salad bar. >> ainsley: dave's burger great french fries bigger and salty and a frosty. >> steve: you are thinking of golden corral. >> brian: what do you mean you are so done? we have an hour and a half. you can't get up and go.
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you are done with me? broke up on the air. >> ainsley: we have been on the air an hour and a half. set your dvrs for 6:00 a.m. on the east coast on from 6:00 to 9:00. set your dvrs so you don't miss anything. can you go back and watch it. >> steve: meantime on this tuesday, measles outbreak hitting kids in florida what parents there and everywhere else need know coming up. >> ainsley: more disturbing details in the murder of laken riley allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrant. our next guest says this is the kind of case that kept him up at night when he was working for dhs. ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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scenario that i would worry about which is how do we ensure that someone who should not be here in the first place doesn't commit a crime against an american citizen? how many american citizens die every day at the hands of somebody who shouldn't be here. this case is the perfect example of such a scenario. and instead of. american citizen who has lost her life all of her promise and potential is gone. because of our country's commitment under the biden administration to this open borders ideology. i know you worked under donald trump's administration secretaries of dhs. you put all these policies donald trump came into office. made sure our country stayed safe worried that could happen again.
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what were your thoughts when you saw joe biden on day one get rid of some of these protections for americans? look it was tragic to watch it would be this type of situation and scenario that happens all the time. look, there is a failure to grasp reality in the biden administration. they think you can have these open borders. they think you can get anyone coming across the border illegally that you want and quite frankly it will all work itself out the reality is that you can't. not like the movie minority report. we don't know who is going to commit a crime and not. best thing we can possibly do. prevent people who aren't supposed to be here in the first place from coming in the country illegally and committing crimes and murdering american citizens. >> ainsley: every parent who sends their kids to college they pray nothing like this will
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happen. 6400 migrants with criminal past were apprehend in this fiscal year so far not halfway through. october, november, december, january, february. we are not even halfway through here is another thing about that. that number is small. we don't know everything about these folks from their home countries. with 6400 right now. the reality is there is probably two to three to four times larger than that because we don't know all of the crimes committed in venezuela by these people. we don't know all the crimes committed in our countries by these folks. instead of, again, deporting this person immediately when he was apprehended. instead of detaining him until the outcome of this court proceedings. instead of picking him up after he committed additional illegal offenses in the united states, we lead to a situation where someone who obviously has proclivities towards crime is allowed to murder an american citizen, a college student on the campus of the university of
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georgia which is where i graduated from. this is not what we want in this country. not what the american people should tolerate. >> ainsley: thank you so much for your campus, for the students of uga and citizens of georgia. >> thank you for having me. ains. >> steve: thank you so much. we have other headlines. two new mid measle cases in the state of florida. 15 states have reported at least one case of measles, and the cdc is asking parents to keep their kids home from school for three weeks officials are also urging students to get the measles vaccine. they say it works. meanwhile, just in. prince william will not attend his godfather's memorial service at windsor castle due to undisclosed personal matter. he was supposed to do a reading saint george's chapel saint
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konstantin of greece who died last year. king charles will also be absent because of his cancer treatments. meanwhile, tesla is paying a california bakery 2,000 bucks after promising to, quote, make things right for canceling a gigantic pie order. the giving pie is the name of the company, says that the payment covers what it cost to make the massive order. since the story made headlines, the bakery has seen a boom in business. and the pies look delicious. all right. it's time for some weather and janice dean joins us from the streets of new york city where it's not too bad. >> janice: it's not. it feels a little bit like springtime but that's going to change. take a look at the maps real quick. for some areas, it's going to feel like summertime. can you see that cold front across the northern rockies and the northern plains. that's going to come on in towards the central u.s. for now though, the forecast high is 86 in dallas. it was 94 yesterday. they broke a record back in 1917. and here's your forecast. we're going to look for that cold front to plow on through
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some very warm, unstable air. and that could bring the potential for severe weather in that red shaded area for parts of the ohio river valley including michigan. that comes later this evening. if you are voting get out today. see the snow that is going to move in across the great lakes in the next 24 hours. temperature right now you can see that artic air moving in where temperatures are in the single digits here. zero in glad co. and then 24 hour temperature change changing by 40 degrees and going to happen in the next 24 hours wednesday 6. crazy. a big roller coaster ride. we will continue to monitor it at fox ainsley? >> ainsley: that's insane. >> janice: crazy, right? >> ainsley: quite a change. >> janice: it's the weather. and it's the end of february. to be examined. dueling border visits this week. president biden is heading down to brownsville, texas. that's where our next guest shot this video of what she says is a
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>> lawrence: happening today in georgia. fulton county d.a. fani willis could be facing disqualification romantic relationship with the prosecutor she hired and former president trump's election interference case. the hearing picks back up today at the afternoon. today, todd piro has the latest on that. hey, todd. >> todd: the courtroom drama continues 2:00 p.m. as d.a. fani willis faces disqualification from the election interference case against former president donald trump. now, a judge ordering special prosecutor nathan wade's divorce lawyer and former law partner terrence bradley, that gentleman
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right there to take the stand. he had a hearing behind closed doors yesterday after the judge previously said bradley may have been misusing the attorney-client privilege. now, trump's lawyers claim that bradley has direct knowledge that wade and willis' relationship started before he was hired in the election interference case against trump. later this week, that same judge also planning to address wade's cell records which show thousands of interactions with willis in 2021. that includes a 35 times wade's phone pings near willis' home. 2,000 voice calls. 10,000 texts. totaling over 12,000 total interactions between january and november 2021. that is before wade was hired. testimony, like i said, going to resume at 2:00 p.m. this afternoon. this does not look good for one fani willis now that that attorney-client privilege info is going to come out in court. >> brian: somebody is lying. we will have to find out who. i will pretend to be curious
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that i don't know. president biden and former president trump making trips to the border. biden visits brownsville. our next guest is a brownsville resident who shares this shocking video and so much more what she says is a drug cartel drug drop being made right in broad daylight. debra belle joins us right now. debra, nice to see you. is it going to be great to see the president? >> ha. thanks for having me, brian. i think, absolutely the opposite. as soon as that article published yesterday on fox news, i had a multitude of messages saying why is biden coming to brownsville? what are we going to do? what are we going to do? why is he coming? can we protest? people are not happy that he is choosing right now of all times to come to brownsville. >> brian: right now bill melugin says crossings are down 150, 250 a day might be high considering what else is going on on the border they are down 23ers '. why do you think he would go to a place where the crossings are
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down? >> crossings are down but voting numbers are up. and people are not happy down here. and the past 8 years, we have had the highest republican turnout show up in cameron county. we have had great grassroots movement here. and i think the nation is taking notice. we just had franklin graham here over the weekend and drew a crowd of almost 4,000 people in brownsville alone spreading the message of hope and then, of course, his tour was focused on the border. we have eduardo coming in on friday. another conservative advocate i think biden is taking notice that the trend down here is shifting. people are very unhappy about what is going on. actually, when you see in that video. >> brian: the video that you provideside very telling. they actually have a fence that gets opened up to allow these people to come in and drugs to get across. >> that is true. i have a resident, an area in
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south most brownsville that sent me a video, very unhappy, you see these people, the immigrants lined up on the other side, which is the american side, still. but, nevertheless, we have a wall there built to deter them. and when the federal government comes to pick them up, they enter the passcode and open the fence and load them on the buses and take them to the nearest processing center. it doesn't make logical sense. >> brian: what do you think he will see? the border patrol tells him the truth to his face. he will be talking about the worst border in american history. and in a state that's paid the bigger price than any in the country. do you think he is going to get that truth? he didn't get it last time. everybody is talking about how this is going to be a dog and pony show. he is coming at a wonderful time. we are in the middle of a festival the celebration between mexico and brownsville texas
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thing is going to look like. downtown area cleaned up and roped off. parades and real cultural celebration going on here. things are going to look nice whatever needs to be fixed will be fixed for president biden. if it wasn't fixed, he doesn't care anyways. he knows exactly what he has done to our country. is he coming to survey his damage. >> brian: yeah, i mean, i think it's caught him by surprise 71% of the american public look at it as a very serious problem and 53% now say build the wall. i didn't think anybody could get the country to agree on so much so soon. but i salute you, joe biden. i appreciate it. and good luck and i can't wait to see how his visit to your city of brownsville goes. thanks so much. appreciate it? >> thank you for having me. >> brian: you got it. i also should point out deborah is a candidate for cameron county g.o.p. chair. still ahead. a.i. goes woke. fda warning about your smart watch and flying taxis. and not a bad sci-fi movie. it's tech tuesday with kurt the
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>> steve: is artificial intelligence intelligence going woke? after the fallout of gemini producing historically inaccurate images, fox tested the leading a.i. chatbots and found some had bias. when asked to show a picture of a white person, two platforms meta ai and google gemini could not fulfill the request. gemini also saying that focusing on race is harmful when asked about achievements of white people. but quickly responded with a list when asked about the achievements of the black community. here with the reaction, cyberguy kurt knutsson. kurt, good to see you. >> it is not often that you have google waking up in the morning apologizing for their bad move here. so, this is a misstep on a technology advancing so google baird or barred was the first version. gemini recently launched a.i. version of google. and this is a glitch that was on
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the system. they are at least saying this morning we're very sorry. this is a glitch. we're learning. we're working this out. but, man, they stepped in it on this one. because you shouldn't be able to put in any race and get some different answers. it should just generate the truth. >> steve: it should just be facts. ' but clearly and we have heard about this for years, it's whoever puts in the -- whoever writes the algorithm they really do control that search engine or in this case it controls how the a.i. actually thinks about stuff. >> that he was the biggest concern i have about big tech being in control of the narrative of the world. not just america. the fact is you have geeks in the back room sitting there going oh, i think when someone asks this, it should spit out what i think this should be. meanwhile, i might say hey, what color is the sky? it says let's say it's green now. and when that keeps hang, people go yeah, it's green. no, no. that's blue. >> steve: all right. i have got two questions for
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you. the first one is about these new smart watches and smart rings that are supposedly give you glucose blood sugar levels. you is a think don't work? >> i'm saying the fda is saying that they don't work and the fda is warning that if you are using a ring or a smart watch that measures your blood glee coast e level it is not accurate compared to invasive way. >> steve: because it doesn't pierce your skin. >> if that's true or not is a different story. while they're not touting, this samsung just announced a brand new galaxy ring with a bunch of health and wellness focused on it. i'm not hearing about glucose on it. the technology is going to get there what they are saying right now if you are leaning on this and you have diabetes and we are dealing with millions of americans who have it, don't lean on a noninvasive ring or smart watch to measure your sugar level.
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>> brian: it >> steve: it will give you a number it just won't be accurate. this was in the tease. would you folks get into a taxi that flies? there would be somebody driving it but also it could be an ambulance that flies. it could be a cargo ship or something like that. would you get in something like that? >> that is a rather spectacular device called the super now. that you're going to see flying over our skies in about 2028ish i would get. another one come about '26. here's the idea. in neighbors around america helipads for these things evtols. you may book a ticket on airline and it will start in your neighborhood. so you will never deal with traffic and all the congestion getting to the airport. this thing will lift off, quieter than a dishwasher. 65-decibels and thank god there is a pilot. i don't want to get one that's autonomous. >> steve: no kidding. just like uber there is probably going to be surge pricing and going to be sky high.
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just saying. >> that's a very good one. >> steve: check everything out that he was just talking about at kurt, thank you very much. coming up on the top of the hour, and carley has got some news. >> carley: yes. and, steve, let's get social. jennifer aniston sharing her workout routine on social media. the friends' actress revealing she stays toned thanks to mountain climbers, pushups. the 55-year-old has changed the way she exercises over the years. texas hold 'em is now number one in both the u.s. and u.k. comes one week after made history becoming the first black woman to top a country music chart. 16 carriages also made it to the top 10 on some list. and federal government jobs are going viral on tiktok as americans seek jobs with more security. >> we need to start applying to jobs with the federal government. you get some of the best healthcare. you get great, great overall
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retirement benefits. all of those things. and you get a pension, too. >> this trend comes as a lot of big companies refuse head count. steve, over to you. >> steve: rachel campos-duffy goes inside the border crisis in arizona. wait until you hear what she has to say from arizona. to say from arizona. that's right, we guarantee one hundred percent accurate taxes. she's good. that's connie. hey connie. hi there. lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee.
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