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tv   America Reports  FOX News  February 27, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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the war could be lost, and second, we wanted to do border and have a tough secure border plan as we showed, we democrats showed in the senate, but he can't say it won't do ukraine until we get border, he's tried to do border six months and could not come up with a second democratic vote. that's enough, next one, yes, yes, yes. >> a part of the discussions, is there a legislative discussion as part of this, or still the republican position that it has to be done through the white house? >> let me make it clear. overwhelming sentiment we have to do ukraine now, and other issues including border we should address but not now and there was a discussion in the room that could you do border just by administrative action. i think biden won that argument because he said you can't do it. we all said, without personnel and you need legislation for personnel and even the republicans in the budget asked
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for more money for personnel at the border. so, it was clear, it was clear that we want a fixed border, but it was also clear the speaker did not make -- didn't give a reason why you had to do one before you had to do the other. thank you, everybody. >> congressman, pope francis on sunday called for -- sir -- >> john: there outside of the west wing of the white house, what we call the sticks, the stakeout area, jeffries and chuck schumer talking about what happened during their meeting, sandra, with the president and mitch mcconnell, and speaker mike johnson. still no agreement on a number of spending bills as they face a partial government shutdown on march 1st, and nothing on the spending for ukraine and israel. they are at a stalemate, see if they can get it wedged out.
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>> sandra: hakeem jeffries saying he's cautiously optimistic, that's news and reaction throughout the hour, john. >> john: government shutdown does not benefit anybody, another continuing resolution and then two months from now exactly where we are right now. but now this. >> if any knowledge of nathan wade and fani willis's relationship, romantic relationship while they were both serving as judges. >> i do not have any personal knowledge. i would choose not to answer that question. >> tell us what mr. wade told you about when he began his relationship with miss willis. >> i don't think i can answer that. >> wondering if mr. bradley has been properly interpreting privilege. >> nathan wade's divorce
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attorney is expected to retake the witness stand after some of terrence bradley's communications with wade are not covered by attorney/client privilege. >> sandra: attorneys for former president trump's co-defendants believe bradley's testimony could disprove sworn statements by fani willis and wade. willis and wade have claimed their relationship began after wade was already hired to prosecute the trump election case. our legal experts are here to weigh in. andy mccarthy, leo terrell, whether today's courtroom showdown could prove to be the smoking gun against willis and wade. >> every day the biden body bags are building up and more and more people are dying. >> republicans obviously seizing on this horrific tragedy, as biden's failure to protect the american people, to secure the border. >> any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration
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policy. the situation is tragic and it's a loss, and it's important to acknowledge that, but also to recognize all the other -- all the other parts of immigration policy fit together. >> john: president biden facing growing backlash over the catch and release migrant policies as venezuelan men released into the country after crossing the border illegally continue to be charged with committing heinous acts including murder. >> sandra: good to have you back. sandra smith in new york. latest shocking incident comes in virginia where as we now know a venezuelan man who was released from cbp custody after crossing over the border last summer was charged with a pair of felonies for sexual assaulting a minor. >> john: arrest comes as another venezuelan national released by the border patrol was charged with the gruesome murder of georgia nursing student laken
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riley. >> sandra: we have complete coverage of all of it for you now. texas lieutenant governor dan patrick moments awas as some democratic leaders appear to change their tune on sanctuary cities. >> john: first our team of reporters, madison with new developments in the laken riley investigation, and mike emmanuel starts us off in washington. what are we learning about the incident in virginia? >> the victim is a 14-year-old female acquaintance, incident last month. the suspect is identified, carnal knowledge of a child without force, taking indecent liberties with a minor. a former customs and border protection chief says it's part of a much bigger problem. >> there's no such thing as a global database of criminal records. so it actually involves face-to-face interviews to figure out, you know, what is their intent, their purpose, are they gang members and border patrol doesn't have time to do that because this administration
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invited the world to just pour across our border in complete violation of the law. chaos kills. >> virginia governor youngkin writing we pray for the victim and thank the campbell county sheriff's department. let's be clear, prosecution must be to the fullest extent of the law. a mother of a woman raped and murdered by ms-13 gang member says she is furious about the biden administration handling of the border crisis. >> they sure are responsible for their deaths. both their deaths and other deaths could have been prevented if they would have done their job at the border and they assure it's secure. we come first, americans should come first, not last. our safety matters. their lives matter. >> venezuelan national suspect is expected to appear in a virginia courtroom on march 25. john. >> john: people came across the border illegally and then committed crimes, we see it
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across the country. >> devastating, impact long away from the border. >> sandra: virginia attorney general will be here to weigh in on that in a few moments. meanwhile, a grieving georgia community coming together to remember nursing student laken riley. investigators say an illegal immigrant murdered her. newly released court documents are revealing more details about what exactly happened to that 22-year-old college student. madison is live in athens, georgia. what exactly are we learning from these court documents? >> sandra, police say jose ibarra committed a string of crimes connected to riley's death. among them is concealing her death. ibarra's arrest affidavit says he dragged riley's body to a secluded area and the affidavit also says ibarra maliciously caused bodily harm by disfiguring her skull. the coroner said she died from
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blunt force trauma but don't know what the murder weapon was. we are also learning today that the athens police cited him and his brother for shoplifting in october. the police report says the brother stole $200 worth of clothes and food but they were not arrested. one republican state representative says ibarra should have never been out on the streets. >> you know, the federal level obviously you know the issues but issues here locally that have led to this issue, to this tragic murder that happened in athens. this individual who committed this crime had been arrested in new york, at the border and cited in athens last year. >> yesterday hundreds gathers on campus for a vigil to honor laken riley, as well as another student who died by suicide the night before riley died. >> be kind. catch up with your friends. strive to be the type of person
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that laken was. >> laken riley memorial fundraiser has already reached nearly $140,000, and riley's family says that every penny of that will go towards a foundation in her name. sandra. >> sandra: madison, we'll have more on that coming up. we have some breaking news. thank you. >> john: going to make a quick departure to the white house, speaker of the house mike johnson speaking after his meeting with the big four and the president. >> going around the country, appearing at events with my colleagues, and we are hearing from the american people of all parties and all persuasions and all cities and states who feel this acutely. they understand the catastrophe at the border is affecting everyone and it is top of mind for all the american people for that reason. i brought that issue up repeatedly in the room and one-on-one with the president. i think that's our responsibility to bring that up. the other big priority for our country, of course, is the funding of our government. and we have been working in good faith around the clock every
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single day for months and weeks and over the last several days quite literally around the clock to get that job done. we are very optimistic. i hope that the other leaders came out and told you the same. we believe we can get to agreement on these issues and prevent a government shut down. and discussion about the supplemental spending package b and i was very clear with the president and those in the room the house actively pursuing the options on that. the first priority of the country is our border and making sure it's secure. i believe the president can take executive authority right now today to change that and i told him that again today in person as i've said to him many times publicly and privately over the last several weeks. it's time for action. it is a catastrophe. and it must stop. and we will get the government funded and we'll keep working on that.
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>> more money for -- >> john: speaker johnson saying he's got three priorities here, one is funding the government, another is the supplemental, but the first priority is the border. and sandra, contrary to what biden insisted before that he's done all he can as president on the border, johnson says there's a lot he can do through executive order and calling on him to do it. >> sandra: insisting yet again, we heard from the speaker, take care of america first and america's needs first but says he brought up the border issue repeatedly and john, you look at poll after poll and you look at the fox news voter analysis from the primaries we have had so far, and wow, does it tell a story about how people are feeling about this issue of immigration in this country. it is the top concern of voters so far from what we have heard. the most pressing issue they see facing the country today. >> john: it really is a switch. it was the economy, now it's immigration. on that point, bring in texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. thank you for being with us.
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if you had a laundry list of things that you could put on the president's desk and say here is what you can do through executive order to solve the border crisis, what would be on that list? >> great question. great question. first of all, go back to the policies of donald trump from the last year or two of his office. we had it shut down. president trump's policies worked, with remain in mexico. secondly, you tell mexico what president trump told mexico. if you don't deploy your military to stop people from crossing the border, we are going to put a tariff on everything you send to the united states. third, you tell border patrol that you are no longer in the hotel hospitality business, you turn people back around and send them across the river. go back to trump policies. you know, john and sandra, it is not good for any guest to be angry on -- in an interview. but i sit there and listened to schumer and listened to the
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stories of these young women that have been killed and this young girl who has been attacked. what the hell did the president think was going to happen when you let 10 million people, criminals, potential terrorists, rapists, murderers, gangs members cross the border. what did he think? this is you'll due to their policies. i can't even express the pain we feel for every american that's lost because those two young girls, the young girl raped and the hundreds of thousands who have been -- died from fentanyl, they would be alive today. they would be alive today, sandra and john. if not for biden's policies. he could shut this border down. he already said in the terrible senate bill once we get to 5,000 we can close it. if you can close it at 5,000, close it at 0. the state park, 3, 4,000 crossing a day, we got it down to ten a day. it's up to the president to do it. >> john: and lieutenant
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governor, unless i missed something we have not heard from the president himself on the murder of laken riley, all we have a statement from the white house which said we would like to extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of laken hope riley. given this is an active case, so condolences, yes, hold them to account, blah blah blah for the rest of it. this guy crossed illegally in el paso, patrolled into the country in september of 2022, along with tens of thousands of other people who may be ticking time bombs in this country. >> well, look, john, he is -- he obviously has a cold heart. he's got a cold heart for all of these deaths he's seen over these years. i don't know how he looks in the mirror and he's coming to brownsville on thursday? thank you for showing up now after all these people have died? he doesn't care. this is all about the politics
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of the future. they want millions to come here and become citizens, then voters so they can control the country and they don't care. it's obvious they don't care who dies to meet those goals and i helped write a bill with governor abbott, senate bill 4, says we as a state can take control of our bone border just like the federal government. we are being invaded, they are not doing our job, we are spending billions of our taxpayer money to do what biden should be doing and if the supreme court will uphold the bill, texas will take control of the border. hire all the border patrol agents to be our own border patrol agents, we'll shut it down and no question about it. we have proven we can do it, we will do it, i hope the supreme court upholds the bill when it gets to that court. we have a right to defend the lives of our citizens and the lives of texans, and i'm fed up, the governor is fed up, people are fed up, and america is fed up and in november you better elect a republican to the white house because if you continue with joe biden or kamala harris or whoever they put up, this
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will continue. donald trump will get it done, will close the border. but we can do it sooner if the supreme court will let us. >> john: lieutenant governor, seems even some democrats are fed up as well and buyer's remorse. what mayor eric adams of new york city said about sanctuary cities october 20, 2021. he said we should protect our immigrants, period. yes, new york city will remain a sanctuary city under an adams administration. listen to what he is saying now. >> those small numbers that are committing crimes, we need to modify the sanctuary city law that if you commit a felony, a violent act, we should be able to turn you over to ice and have you deported. it is a right to live in this city and you should be not committing crimes in our city and doing so. right now, we don't have the authority to do so. >> john: well, i guess it could be said the sanctuary city chickens are coming home to roost. >> yeah, john, they could declare, hochul can declare a
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state of emergency and do what they want. when i became lieutenant governor in 2015, the first bill, one of the first bills we passed was to ban sanctuary cities. we don't have them in texas so look, i'm so sick and tired of all these democrats, oh, we knew, we could have, we should have, and blaming it on the republicans. the republicans, that senate bill was a joke, let 5,000 people a day in? it would just continue the policy. the democrats are playing politics, and it's dealing with people's lives every day and america is fed up with it and we are fed up with it. john, sandra, thank you. my heart breaks for those families who lost those young girls and breaks for that family whose daughter has been raped by some person that should never have been here. >> john: we are seeing all the crimes by the people who came into the country illegally and how many more are out there. dan patrick, good to catch up with you. thank you, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you, thank you. >> sandra: meanwhile a new twist in the fani willis misconduct
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hearings. the former divorce lawyer for special prosecutor nathan wade has been ordered back to the stand. this time to answer more questions about the intimate relationship between willis and wade. it's all part of an effort to get willis disqualified and removed from the election interference case against the former president donald trump. senior correspondent steve harrigan is live in atlanta. what do we expect when attorney terrence bradley returns to the stand today? >> sandra, i think anticipation is so high for this witness. the defense attorney said this is our star witness, the person who is going to come and show us how willis and wade were lying about when their relationship started, they lied under oath. when he was on the stand last time, clear he did not want to be there. he claimed attorney/client privilege. the judge pulled him behind closed doors for an hour and a half yesterday, now he's going to come back. this could either be 0 or 10 for
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the defense, no one knows. another thing the judge has to decide, will he admit cell phone records from the prosecutor, nathan wade. about 2000 phone calls, 12,000 text, all when these two said they were not in a romantic relationship. a couple of big events and potential blockbuster witness on the stand in about one hour. >> sandra: we'll be watching for that. >> john: a live look at a polling location in migrant. will president biden lose to uncommitted. debbie dingell, how the state could signal trouble for joe biden. >> sandra: and hunter biden on capitol hill tomorrow. what republicans are expected to ask him about. that's next. >> we've uncovered a pattern that they were selling the brand. there's no biden businesses. they didn't own any company, they owned an influence peddling scheme. that's all this is. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in
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>> bye-bye biden. >> joel biden failed humanity. muslim american community, yes, indeed, february 27th in michigan, we are voting uncommitted. devil. the devil had come and replace joe biden, i will vote for the devil to replace joe biden. >> we are all voting uncommitted. >> uncommitted, uncommitted. >> we are voting uncommitted. >> sandra: a lot to watch for there, as democrats upset with president biden pushing for a campaign to withhold their support in the michigan primary. advocates are calling for voters to choose uncommitted on the ballot to send a message to the president about his stance on the israel-gaza war.
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joining us is michigan congresswoman debbie dingell. always appreciate when you join us. first up, play the new sound from governor whitmer who says she's not sure exactly what we are going to see from this primary. listen. >> well, i'm not sure what we are going to see on tuesday. there is a lot of pain all across all of these communities because of what's happening halfway around the world. >> sandra: now your prediction, congresswoman, considering all that's going on. >> so, it's good to be with you. i always love joining both of you. this is what i'm going to tell you. i lived in dearborn for 40 years and as the governor said there are a lot of people hurting and there are two campaigns going on here. one is called ban biden, and some people will never vote for him, i don't think it's a significant number. listen to michigan campaign, wanted to be heard and i think
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the white house is making it clear that they are listening, they are going to develop more of a relationship in the community and that matters and quite frankly i'm going to tell you. the reason we are having the presidential primary right now and have a large stake for the issues that matter in november is something i've worked for for 30 years and i would far rather be having this discussion right now than -- but also we are a purple state. purple for republicans and democrats, we are going to be purple until election day and a lot of constituencies have to be turned out and democrats know we have to turn out. roll up our sleeves and we are going to do that. >> sandra: really interesting. which is why it's important we hear from both sides and what we are hearing from republicans. lisa mcclain, she's making the case this could end up to be pretty embarrassing for the current president there in your state. listen. >> i think it's going to be
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quite an embarrassment for the current president. if i had to predict, i think it's a good possibility that he will get more uncommitted votes than for joe biden. >> sandra: your reaction to that. >> i do not agree -- she is my dear friend and we have worked together on a lot things. joe biden will win this election and not more votes for -- i've been talking to people, i know what's happening in the polls. that doesn't mean you don't listen to the pain that you are hearing expressed. i would also say it's going to be interesting, nobody is focusing on this, but how many votes does nikki haley get today? some people are saying she could get 30 to 40. i don't know what's going to happen. but i'm also going to remind everybody, michigan is a state where people vote uncommitted. the last time made the push, 2008, i can't remember the year, get the primary system moved, b barack obama took his name off the ballot and 40% of the vote was uncommitted in that primary because they were voting for
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barack obama. so we have a history of uncommitted votes. you need to pay attention to it. there's a message there. the joe biden is going to win and this is competitive. >> sandra: so sound of a republican lawmaker. this is democrat ro khanna busting the president's chops over the ceasefire, were the comments while holding an ice cream cone. >> i don't think it's a coincidence that it's on monday before the michigan primary and it shows that the president is listening to his coalition. >> sandra: is this just a reaction by the president considering he said that just yesterday? i mean, james carville is now going on the record, fretting about the uncommitted protest votes against biden in michigan. calling it a huge problem. a democrat strategist and the president makes the comments a day before the primary. so, is this just politics from the president? >> so i'm going to say that it is not the first time the president has talked to this
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community about trying to get a temporary ceasefire. we need a permanent ceasefire. i know he has had some very important conversations with other leaders. i myself have been talking to the white house regularly. what he needs to do is talk and listen to this community. that's what i know he's been doing. i think he's been trying to do it more. his people are trying to develop stronger relationships there. i try to translate, but we need to be talking to the community directly and they are hurting. but i want you to think about if donald trump had been president, what would have happened to gaza if hamas had done this attack? and at some point when people are not hurting and they are not as raw we have to be mindful of all the things he said. >> sandra: test if what if scenario works with voters there, seems to be a real situation, watching it. showing the live polling on the screen as you've been talking
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there, congresswoman. it's a big day. thank you for joining us. >> john: sandra, we are awaiting briefings from the white house and the pentagon as president biden says he is hopeful israel and hamas can reach a ceasefire deal by the end of the week. lieutenant general keith kellogg is in israel and joins us whether he thinks both sides can come together. >> sandra: pivotal moment in atlanta as the star witness in the fani willis and nathan wade takes a stand there. but some of fani willis's fiery testimony. >> i object to you getting records. you've been in tru sieve, these people are on trial for trying to steal election in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small...
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>> sandra: hunter biden as has another date to answer questions about the oversea business dealings in the impeachment inquiry against his father, president biden. david spunt is live in washington as we do await this, david. he's going to show up, right, this time? >> from everything we know, sandra, he is going to show up, and a second chance for him to come and sit down for a formal deposition under oath. in december technically he did show to capitol hill, just not inside the hearing room. inside with the capitol dome behind him he laid out his case where he thinks republicans are playing politics. they want so ask him about his business deals if it relates to his dad, the president. it's part of the impeachment inquiry into the president and hunter is a large part of the probe.
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citing the arrest of the former fbi informant behind bars after a judge determined he was a flight risk. he's charged with lying to the fbi when he said joe and hunter biden received $5 million each in bribes from ukrainians, a talking point republicans used for months. republicans insist they are also looking at chinese connections to hunter and their investigation is more than smirnov, although democrats believe this revelation means the investigation is dead as a door nail. begins tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. behind closed doors but a transcript will eventually be released. sandra. >> sandra: thank you, david. john. >> john: just minutes away from briefings from the white house and the pentagon as president biden signals a ceasefire between israel and hamas may be reached by the end of this coming weekend. but just a short time ago, reuters reports both sides are not as close to a deal as the president suggested. let's bring in retired lieutenant general keith
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kellogg, former national security adviser to vice president pence and he's in tel aviv and joins us from now. here is what biden said, general, about the potential for a ceasefire while enjoying an ice cream cone. >> my national security adviser tells me that we are close, we are close, not done yet. and my hope is by next monday we'll have a ceasefire. >> john: what are you hearing over there, general, and if there was a ceasefire, what would it look like? general, did we lose you? oh, looks like we have lost the general. all right. well, he -- we were thinking that according to what the president was saying was that a ceasefire might be in the works. it would be a six-week long ceasefire unlike the one that lasted just a number of days back in november, which saw the release of a number of hostages
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as well as the release of a lot of palestinian prisoners. john kirby has said that the white house would like this ceasefire, if there is to be one, to last a lot longer than the first one, which raises a number of very pertinent questions, such as if the fighting does end for a number of weeks, what does that allow hamas to do in terms of regrouping and rearming and getting ready for a long battle ahead. i'm told that we had the general back. so, general, we heard president biden say over an ice cream he believes a ceasefire is imminent, maybe as soon as this weekend. what are you hearing over there and what would a ceasefire look like? >> yeah, john, thanks for having me. look, there's a military action, time spent on reconnaissance is never wasted. we talk to senior leaders, military as well, a good feel for it. if there is a ceasefire, it's a short-term ceasefire. it's a fight of biblical
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proportions for them. they are going to clear rafah, the israeli army. doing a good job of it. destroyed 18 of the 24 battalions of hamas. they are going to finish that job. the short-term, ceasefire to get the hostages out and i think that's what they will do, but not long-term. they can't afford it based on this fight. we had a very senior official tell us yesterday that when you look at this fight, it's of medieval proportions, and that means it's a fight to the finish. look, the second part of that, i think it's important, anybody who believes there is going to be a two-state solution in the near term, that's illusion. it's not going to happen. i think you have to go back to what happened in the united states with reconstruction after the civil war, took us almost 12 years, the south and you saw what happens with the germans after world war ii and the japanese. a long-term fight. if anybody believes everybody will shake hands at the end of this they are wrong. it's a fight to the finish, biblical proportions, they look at it that way, israelis do, and
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we talk to speaker yesterday in his office, he has a big chart and said from the river to the sea, clearly they are teaching their young it's a fight to the finish, palestinians against the jews and will not accept it here. it was in a kindergarten. the population, they have gone from center left population to center right population and they want to finish the job. >> john: general, in addition to talking with a lot of israeli officials, you also had been touring the kibbutz where all the carnage took place on october 7th, this kibbutz was particularly hard hit. when you talk to folks there, what did they think of the idea of a ceasefire, even temporary, that would leave hamas in place. a few seconds here. >> yeah, yeah, we talked so one lady, one lady who was left of center. who brought them in, took care of them, the palestinians.
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palestinians that she was taking care of that came to work from gaza were part of the scouts that actually targeted both military and civilians inside there. she has gone from very hard left to very hard right. and that's the general attitude of the population in that area. they feel betrayed, attacked and that's the reason i'm saying they have their spine up and this is going to be a fight to the finish, john, and i think we don't appreciate that in the states. they see it differently here in israel. >> wish you safe travels, general, and talk to you when you get back. thank you for joining us, appreciate it. >> thanks, john. >> the case seems to be unraveling for willis and wade. original allegations are really fading away because more serious problems are now mounting. >> sandra: a crucial hearing set to be underway that could lead to fani willis and nathan wade being removed from the trump election case in georgia. so, will wade's former attorney contradict their sworn testimony
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over the timeline of their affair? >> john: growing outrage after an illegal migrant is arrested in virginia for sexual assaulting a minor. virginia attorney general reacts coming up next. you're just another senior. that's the third health insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental... all in my budget. i finally feel in control. what are you doing? taking control. humana. a more human way to healthcare. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. order one with your favorite subway series sub today. i feel refreshed because i am not struggling with cpap anymore.
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>> sandra: that illegal immigrant from venezuela arrested in virginia, this happened this past last week, and charged with sexual assaulting a minor. he is now in ice custody but border patrol agents released him we now know into the united states via el paso last september. let's bring in virginia attorney general jason miyares, thank you mr. attorney general for joining us today. can you give us an update on this awful situation as this country was grieving the loss of
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that 22-year-old college student killed by someone illegally in georgia and now this. >> yeah. i think every day we are seeing exhibit after exhibit of the failure of the biden administration's weak catch and release policy at the border. since he's taken office, over 6 million illegal crossings has crossed into the united states. that's larger than 30 plus states. and over 80% of them, what happens is the border agents at the instruction of the biden administration gives them a piece of paper very similar to a parking ticket and says we'll see you in court 2028, or 2029. it is mind boggling and what has happened, these individuals are able to come into the country, nobody knows what they are, nobody knows what their criminal background is, very different than my family. the miyares family came from cuba, had to go through a background check, make sure they had no criminal record whatsoever, they had to take oath of allegiance, it's very
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different than what we have now. we have a catch and release program and every state, including virginia now tragically is a border state. the individual got stopped at the border, was released, made his way to virginia, campbell county outside lynchburg, he has t two counts of sexual assaulting a minor. it never should have happened. it's leading to innocent americans and innocent georgians suffering consequences of the biden administration failures. >> sandra: some in the mainstream media are claiming the gop is seizing on the moments politically. listen to jake tapper on the gop and migrant crime. >> republicans obviously seizing on this horrific tragedy at the university of georgia. this girl, this nursing student killed by an undocumented venezuelan migrant and they are seizing on this as example of biden's failure to protect the american people and to secure the border.
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>> sandra: one rep, katie porter says this is just another instance of migrant crime and it shouldn't shape immigration policy, mr. attorney general. listen to this. >> whenever we are dealing with violent crime there is a sense of outrage. the important thing to focus on is any one instance shouldn't shape our overall immigration policy which has so many different facets. >> sandra: your reaction. >> i think it is insulting to the victims, insulting to the victims of the sexual assaults, and the beautiful murdered girl down in georgia, and amazing the legacy media outlets, they never talk to the victims, never talk to those that have lost loved ones. someone that should not have been in the country. the most preventable of violent crimes. apprehended, they let them go into the country where they can hurt innocent virginians or
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georgians or americans. and tone dief of the legacy media. american people are crying out for leadership, they see none in washington right now. the biden administration can secure the border tomorrow by reinstating the remain in mexico policy they are refusing to poll what could be a simple executive order. >> sandra: and the american people is saying over and over again it's the most important issue for them now. gallup has now found this is the most important issue and that number continues to rise. it is about immigration now for the american people. thank you so much for joining us, mr. attorney general. thank you. john. >> john: sandra, we are just minutes away from the latest chapter in the fani willis saga. a crucial witness about to take the stand. we will take you to court. also, a new politico report suggests the intel community is panicking over the thought of another trump presidency. are we just running interference for the biden campaign? >> sandra: google's costly
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chatbot, fox business kelly o'grady will be here on that. >> sandra, google is looking to relaunch the gemini chatbot after accusations of being woke, but the question is becoming is the bias in the code or the culture? we'll talk about that next.
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when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. enjoy sweet offers during our limited time... your hearing event. call 1-800-miracle now. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda.
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republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. >> john: google's parent company
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lost nearly, listen to this, $90 billion in market value yesterday thanks in part to the controversial gemini a.i. service. concerns over racial bias are far beyond the chatbot algorithms. what's google doing to address these concerns? >> john, the company has turned the image creation service off, they are going to do extensive to fix this, but relaunch in a few weeks, a very quick turn around to train the a.i. up again. the entire debacle is raising questions what's the root issue, is this the code or the culture at google. critics highlight it as leadership has been liberal, there was a leaked video back to the 2016 election where folks were lamenting that trump won, also a.i. executive at google allegedly shared posts on x, asserting that white privilege is real. and pair it with what we are seeing in gemini, critics are
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concerned, google owns 80% of the search market. on top of that, long accused of bias in the search product. recently elon musk and trump reupping accusations, and google says it's unbiased but critics are unconvinced. >> for years we were told no conservative bias, but people are seeing for themselves a lack of ideological and political diversity in silicon valley among the groups of people programming this. >> the stock was basically flat, but lost $90 billion yesterday, a really bad product launch. investors have lost confidence for the time being. >> john: like the bud light saga, only on steroids. kelly, thank you. >> sandra: brand-new testimony in the fani willis and nathan wade case, this is happening soon as you can see the live pictures up. that's just moments away as a
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star witness retakes the stand. andy mccarthy and leo terrell are up on that. whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. (♪) there's two things a young man wanna be - a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots... we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch,
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