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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 28, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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her part and probably an effort to set herself up, if i would guess, for some type of accolade or promotion. courts can overturn this and she went ahead anyway. >> she wants to be a footnote in history i guess. i don't think she will be sanctioned because she is a judge and it is difficult to do that. it strikes me the real outrage here is the timing. if she felt this strongly about this, why did she wait this late to do it? it is going to go down. >> thank you for coming back to us with this breaking news. set your dvr, stay connected with us. follow me. thanks for watching. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters prime time.
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>> new policies have been adopted that has created sanctuary city status in athens. >> jesse: the american people are tired of being lied to. >> you are talking b.s. to us. >> hunter biden is being defiant and dishonest. >> hunter biden under oath. we have the inside scoop. >> it is a threat to biden and his administration as a result of his decisions. >> jesse: michigan holds joe biden hostage. the white house is panicking. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: there is a migrant
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crime spree killing americans on the president is an accessory to murder. an illegal from el salvador was arrested in connection with the murder of a toddler. another was arrested for rating a teenage girl at knife point in louisiana. a guatemalan migrant was arrested in boston for sexually assaulting a child. in virginia, a venezuelan illegal was arrested for sexually assaulting another child. in new york, a man was stabbed outside a migrant shelter in central park. at the border, 11 illegals were arrested. biden held a press conference about crime today. he did not mention crime or sanction cities or bail reform or radical prosecutors. didn't hear about narcotics, black fathers, smash and grab spirit he talked about banning
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guns. >> we are going to finish the job, banish assault weapons. it has to be done. >> jesse: what biden calls assault weapons are involved in 3% of homicides. the issues black on black crime with handguns and we are dealing with migrant crime. lincoln riley was not killed with a gun. migrants smashed her head and with their hands. he hasn't even called the family. he was on the phone with george floyd's parents immediately. biden's policies killed lakin. >> i would make sure there is -- we surged to the border all those people seeking asylum. they deserve to be heard. that is who we are. if you want to flee oppression, you should come.
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>> biden told the world to come and once they arrived, biden assured them they were safe to commit crimes in sanctuary cities. >> you opposed sanctuary cities in 2007. where do you stand now? should undocumented immigrants arrested by local police be turned over to immigration officials? >> no. >> jesse: he owns this. a vote for biden is a vote for more death. athens, clark county, where lakin was murdered, is a sanctuary county. cops ran a background check on him. he could not speak english and they knew he was illegal. they let him off with a ticket, never called i.c.e. a press conference was held and he lied to his people's faces.
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many of the elements -- you are a liar. you are guilty and have blood on your hands. >> policies have been created by the mayor. one protocol -- >> resign. >> you are fired. you need to go. we don't want to hear from you. you are not defending us. you are not upholding your oath of office. you are a criminal. we created this government and we pay your salary. you do what we want you to do, not what you want to do. >> jesse: americans are sick and tired of being lied to by politicians who think we cannot
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read the laws. we investigated georgia law. the state prohibits sanctuary cities. these people create loopholes to prevent their towns from working with ice so they can brag about how kind and compassionate they are and when americans are murdered by migrants, they lie and cover their hides and say we are not a sanctuary city, even though they bragged about it five years ago. >> white nationalists and xena folks have been emboldened. we recognize our entire community, not just people of color and immigrants is harmed. our immigrant and undocumented neighbors face threats from individuals and institutions such as ice. it is necessary families and loved ones remain together and
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all people feel welcome and comfortable. >> jesse: kelly welcomed illegals, shut out ice, and now an american girl is dead. >> we don't care what color migrants are, but protecting criminal illegals from deportation doesn't make you look like you have a big heart. it makes you look like you have a small brain. anyone who uses the phrase latinx is a joke. this guy who said it is not a sanctuary city then says we had to make it a sanctuary city to protect migrants from trump. >> 2019 was not that long ago. you might remember the dynamic we were living in. you had the president of the united states speaking in the most vile terms about people who work for and burn. -- foreign burn.
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-- foreign born. >> this man has a migrant fetish. he wants to protect illegal aliens more than american citizens. even after a migrant killed a girl next door. he said there is no such thing as migrant crime. >> i caution against conflating grading immigration and crime. >> this man is an idiot. you want to know the data that connects illegal immigration and crime? lakin's dead body. jose should not have been in this country. migrant crime is worse than what is reported because sanctuary cities hide it. all the american cities, the big ones, are sanctuary cities and they don't report migrant crime to the fbi. the government labels them all as white. look at the police report. the cops classified jose as
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whites. he is from venezuela, his name is jose, and he is white. you can see the headline now, arrested in the death of solo female jogger. this is getting insane. jose, god knows how long his rap sheet is, caught and released at the border in new york and georgia. a girl is dead and they are protecting the reputation of the migrants instead of the lives of americans."the atlanta journal-constitution" just came up with this headline. not fair. venezuelans in georgia worry about backlash. the poor illegal immigrant venezuelans who broke into the country are worried? they should be worried. the media is worrying about illegal aliens worrying instead of about how to stop venezuelans from killing us. how about they worry about that?
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let's bring in james lee, a father of five who lives in athens and confronted the mayor. what is wrong with your mayor? >> this mayor is a left wing nut job. he has violated his oath of office. he is supposed to protect citizens of athens, not protect illegal criminal aliens. by the way, they are not illegal immigrants. immigrants come here legally. these are criminal illegal aliens. >> when you let him have it, what was the room like? it looked like people were supporting you, even law enforcement. >> i was surprised. i was ready to be dragged away because i was going to say what
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i was going to say. i was mad and upset over this senseless murder and to my surprise, there were a lot of supporters. i did not know them at all. we met for the first time and they spoke up with me. the reporters were pretty not abrasive against me. >> jesse: i picked up on that. usually you get dragged kicking and screaming. they were willing to let you have your say. you are a father. you have a young girl murdered in cold blood by a criminal alien who should never have been in this country. in >> jesse: how do you feel as a dad? >> i cannot imagine what this father is going through losing his daughter who had her whole life ahead of her. if that was my daughter, i would
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have done more in that meeting. that mayor would have had a black walking out of there. i tell you, jesse, we need help from above. we need help from god almighty to combat this current evil within our government. >> remember the exchange, yelling and screaming about the government spending and it sparked the tea party. you did that today with the sanctuary stuff. your voice did that. it was a voice heard loudly around this country so thank you for raising your voice and confronting this liar who lied to their face. >> i want to thank you for allowing us to have a voice and you don't get the credit you deserve as a patriot and a real journalist and i would like to say this.
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the motto of the american revolutionary war is the secret to our success in america and that was no king but king. >> jesse: god bless. thank you so much. stay strong down there. let's bring in senator ted cruz. he is livid. the country is livid. what are we going to do? biden is out to lunch. >> this is a pattern all across the country. horrific crimes committed by illegal aliens that joe biden released. whether it is lakin riley or jeremy caceres, a 2-year-old boy who was murdered in prince george's county by another illegal alien that biden released. we have seen a 14-year-old girl
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in boston by an illegal alien biden released. we saw a child under 14 in louisiana that biden released. there is a pattern. what is infuriating is we had an opportunity after opportunity to stop this. if you look at the murderer who killed lakin riley. he was apprehended. we had him. they should have put him on a plane and flown him back to venezuela. that did not happen. joe biden released him, let him go and then he went from el paso to new york city and we had a second opportunity to stop this crime. that murderer was arrested in new york city and what happened? new york city is another sanctuary city. they let him go, they did not notify ice, and if new york city locked him up and put him in
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jail, lakin riley would be alive. if joe biden had not let this murderer go, lakin riley would be alive. when you release the violent criminals into our community, americans are going to be killed. joe biden and every democrat in congress bear responsibility for these deaths. >> joe biden is complicit. these politicians are accessories to murder. joe biden is an accessory to murder. women and children are being killed and because of his policies. that is all you have to say. why is the media hiding this? >> they support the open borders we have. the immigrants who have crossed under joe biden, democrats and the media to view them as future
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democrat voters. if people have to die, children have to be assaulted and women have to be, they accept that as collateral damage. the odds of a major terrorist attack in america today are greater than they have been at any point since september 11th, 2001. tomorrow i am going to be on the border with president trump, i am going to be on sean hannity's show with the president on the border and highlighting this invasion that is happening. every time i am on the border, border control agents tell me they are concerned about hamas and hezbollah terrorists trying to commit a mass murder like october 7th. >> we will be watching you at 9:00 tomorrow. he needs to say her name. he needs to say lakin riley. he needs to say her name and
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address it. thanks so much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: hunter biden went on oath. we have the inside story. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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>> jesse: an illinois judge has tramped donald trump off the state ballot. this comes on the heels of colorado stripping trump off of their ballot. both of these attempts are being addressed by the supreme court and we expect a ruling in a few months. the u.s. supreme court has agreed to hear donald trump's appeal and would decide whether he has immunity from prosecution
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for his actions on january 6th. this is a big victory for donald trump. they will hear arguments in april. they will issue a ruling at the end of june. pushing jack smith's case back into the midsummer calendar. if trump receives a favorable ruling, jack smith's case goes up in flames. if he receives an unfavorable ruling, the trial will continue in washington, d.c., but because of the appeals and motions and delays, he may not be able to go to trial before the election. hunter biden went under oath for about six hours and said it went great. >> how did it go? how did it go? >> jesse: this is the same deposition he refused to do last
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month. >> why did you put your dad on speakerphone with your business partners if he had no involvement in your business. >> do you have a dad? does he call you? >> why did you need to talk to him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business. >> i did not involve my father in my business. right there, perjury. the rest of the testimony is a secret, but democrats broke the rules like they did with the russia briefings, they run out of the room and then lie about what happened. >> if this inquiry continues, the chairman are working with russia to interfere in the november 2024 election. >> there is an understandable explanation for everything they
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asked. >> republicans are russian traders and it is understandable why they have 20 shell companies and at least two missing diamonds. that is their defense. everybody knows biden was flying his son around the world for access, favors, and cash. >> since the left came to the microphone in the middle of the deposition, i am going to do the same. hunter biden as being defiant and dishonest and his testimony is in direct conflict with other witnesses. >> hunter biden told us he joined the marie smartboard to counter russian election. -- russian aggression. >> hunter let his lawyer do the talking. disappearing into the elevator.
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probably back to the white house to recap with the big guy. will hunter testified in public? the answer is yes. an open hearing will be scheduled next month. hunter said he wanted it and he will get what he wants. investigators are waiting on credit card statements from the bidens and offshore bank rep records. it is basically up to the judiciary committee to move towards a formal impeachment. as for tonight, how did hunter behave under oath? let's ask nancy, who was in the room. was there a lot of sweating? >> he was obnoxious. and biden, one of the things he
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did after the first hour of the hearing. he shook my hand and told me face-to-face he is not the evil man i portray him to be. my response is that he was being defiant and his testimony contradicted the testimony of other witnesses we have had come through, including business partners and good friends, but he contradicted people. >> you are saying there was a break in the deposition and hunter biden stands up in front of everybody and walks over to nancy mace and tries to schmooze you. >> he thinks he is a smooth talker. that is the first thing he did. >> does he shake your hand and say listen, come on.
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>> he shook my hand to tell me he was not evil. my response was he is defiant and dishonest. >> jesse: where did the diamond go that you keep losing? >> it was just a shrug. when he wanted to answer the question, he made it sound like he was the king of georgetown but when he did not want to, he blamed it on drugs and his addiction. you cannot have your cake and eat it too. were you a savvy business globe-trotter who traveled around the world or were you this conflicted person with drug problems? he would blame all of the answers he did not want to respond to on drugs and everything he wanted to respond
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to, he was the smartest guy there. >> there is no law that says you can do drugs and beat the rap. >> he will testify publicly. i am looking forward to reviewing everything today and catching him. he said some strange things. i cannot go into detail. credit cards, sources of income. he acted like she didn't know anything going on with the shell companies. thank you so much. did not get buttered up by hunter. >> jesse: biden got his physical today. we have the details from the doctor next. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪
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>> jesse: another big night for donald trump. the former president delivering a victory over nikki haley. that is five straight states. trump consolidates republican support and biden is bleeding democrats. republican turnout bested the democrats by 40%. trump alone had more votes cast in his name than the total number of votes for the entire democratic party. biden won, but over 100,000 michigan democrats voted uncommitted. that is five times the number of uncommitted votes obama had. the war in the middle east is causing an arab spring. >> of the votes send a clear
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message to president biden. democrats are uncommitted to president biden and his reelection. >> jesse: american muslims hate biden. in america, uncommitted beat biden by double digits. it is not just muslims. it is the young ones. ann arbor and east lansing where michigan and michigan state are, gobbled up 15% to 20% of biden's vote. he won only 80% of democrat votes last night. biden is down eight in a detroit news pole. he is losing to trump in a fox news poll. the only thing he has to do to win the youth and muslim vote back is peace in the middle east.
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it should not be that hard. >> you have constituents we need that are grumpy, to say the least. the big muslim community in michigan are not happy. we have a lot of young people of color that are frustrated in general with the state of th things. rfk is going to the swing states that are going to be the margins of victory for either candidate but he is not on track to be in enough states to win the presidency. he is just on track to be in enough states to cost joe biden the presidency. >> jesse: if rfk gets on the ballot in michigan, it is over. biden might have to start selling sneakers like tromp. >> everybody is going to call me. they say you are wilding out.
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i am a sneaker collector. i don't know what these guys did. i collect sneakers. the more rare, the better. they knew i had to have them because i am the biggest in the game. >> biden probably thinks fat joe is his butcher from wilmington. joe biden was in walter reed for an unannounced physical exam. how did it go? >> everything is great. >> we hope it is great. his doctor coming up with an optimistic summary, writing he is a robust 81-year-old male who remains fit to execute the
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duties of the presidency. i guess he is competent enough to stand trial for the hiding of the classified documents after all. his heart demonstrated a regular pulse rate. liver looked normal, lungs cl clear. magnesium levels normal. as for treatments, he is being treated for sleep apnea. that explains why he is being shown in that cpap machine. the doctor pointed out that he has symptoms of reflux which is why he is always clearing his throat. he will be taking pepcid and nexium to help him with that. as for his gait, it is stiff and formal wear and tear of his spine. his arthritis is moderate to severe. as for a cognitive test, biden did not take one. >> did the president take a
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cognitive test? >> he doesn't need a cognitive test. that is not my assessment. that is the assessment of the president's doctor. he passes that every day as he moves from one topic to another. >> when the author of the new book, love mom, which you can preorder now, along with my book, get it together. you can get it in time for mother's day. this is the doctor's report. is there anything you read that jumped out at you? >> you went through a lot of it. he has sleep apnea, seasonal allergies, nothing surprising. they did a detailed neurological exam and they said there is no sign of -- which means there is
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no signs of parkinson's, which is interesting because this was tailored for the skeptics. people have questioned if maybe he has parkinson's disease. he was very clear to say it is not that unlikely is just the wear and tear from his spine. one thing, you had them say he did not have a cognitive exam because he didn't need one. that is not how wellness visits go. women say i don't need a mammogram, i don't have a lump. that is not how it works. it is widely recommended 65 years and older should have cognitive exams, especially those 80 and over and the fact they did not do that, that is crucial information for any wellness exam in someone of his age. >> well done, celebrating
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motherhood. when you go get it together, you are already on amazon. you can get this -- >> mine is a feel-good book and it is good for moms but yours is probably better. thank you so much. preorder this book right away. joe biden is paying college kids to become wanda's. isease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment,
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i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous. democrats agree. too maga. too trump. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california.
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but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> jesse: biden signed an order demanding federal agencies become community organizers and register voters. it did not get a lot of attention but now that his poll numbers are in the gutter, he is mobilizing the federal government. bribing college kids with taxpayer money to become poll workers and election activists. >> we have been doing work to promote voter participation for students. we have, under the federal work study program, it allows students to get paid through
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federal work study to register people and to be nonpartisan poll workers. >> jesse: college kids paid to watch the polls. homeland security is pushing obamacare recipients to register to vote. guess how many there are of those people? 20 million. the department of interior is going to hang signs at national parks. since migrants are crashing the borden, the biden administration has made sure voter registration information is available in nearly 20 languages. first they weaponize mail in ballots to secure election wins and now they are turning the federal government into a taxpayer-funded arm of the biden/harris campaign.
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the former tromp senior advisor and the cochair candidate. what are we going to do about that? >> we are going to be focused on ensuring no matter how much crazy stuff the democrats tried to pull, we will be victorious on election night. it is amazing to hear kamala harris talk about college students being nonpartisan poll watchers and volunteers. it is obvious what our border czar has been doing instead of doing her job in cleaning up the crisis, how many more innocent college students have to have to be assaulted or killed before these people start to pay attention to the disaster down there? what are the democrats doing? they are paying liberal students to register more liberal students with taxpayer money.
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imaginative donald trump impacted and election and influenced voters with taxpayer money. we know the impeachment papers would be drawn up and signed. >> jesse: can you imaginative donald trump paid military members to recruit? we are just going to have the military watch the polls for us. that is fine. >> it is unbelievable this is the result. when you allow and sit by and allow all the systems to be weaponized against the number one political opponent of the current occupant of the white house, they don't try to hide it. they just put it in the open because they have been able to get away with so much. if i am elected cochair of the rnc, we are laser focused on these things. we have to play this game better than the democrats.
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we know their tricks. they don't play on the up and up. we will play everything illegally, but we have to do things like make sure people get out and start early voting. we have to do legal ballot harvesting. we have to ensure on election day we have so many votes in the bank for donald trump that it doesn't matter how many 3:00 a.m. dumps or suitcases full of ballots, donald trump will be victorious. >> jesse: music to our ears. finally time we heard it. address was the specifics. naked and unafraid next. n repait with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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sometimes i imagine what i'd write today for my dear friend martin. i'd remind people that all hate thrives on one thing. silence. the people who will change the nation are those who speak out. who refuse to be bystanders. who raise their voices against injustice. when we stand up to silence. we stand up to all hate. (♪)
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>> jesse: time fore water's
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cooler. let's bring in kat timpf. it was shirts versus skins on the boardwalk in venice beach. watch this. a woman with a spiked club. >> let go! >> this is -- >> we are out of here. >> jesse: is this real? >> it is. the most -- it's not the naked fight. it's so many people going about their day. >> jesse: they don't even look. >> they don't look. the naked lady is not feeling anything. >> you think she was intoxicated? >> i hope so. >> what is it called when it's a
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staff with a chain link deal? like a ball with spikes. >> i don't know. >> jesse: it's a mace. it's medieval. >> you think i know about medieval torture? >> jesse: happy wife, happy life. what they don't tell us about is happy fat. a new study shows men's bmi's tend to spike in the first five years of marriage as they let themselves go. saw no correlation with women. men that tie the knot tend to eat more and exercise less. they're calling it happy fats. what do you call it? >> not in my house. >> jesse: you run a tight ship. >> it's a fun ship. okay? my husband has been going to the gym a lot lately. >> jesse: so your husband is in better shape since you got married? >> yes. >> jesse: you don't tolerate happy fat? >> it kind of mean.
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we're both attractive people. he goes to the gym. he cooks for me. i don't know what they likes about me sometimes. >> who wears the pants in the family? >> it depends. what are we talking about here? >> jesse: everything. >> he does. he doesn't tell me no. >> jesse: he doesn't tell you no? >> no. >> jesse: i thought woman liked to be told no. >> not this woman. i'm not sure a representation of what women want. >> jesse: you're probably not. that's a good thing. you're unique. >> i'm special. >> jesse: watter's window, my favorite part of the show. would you like a dramatic reading of an excerpt from get it together? i'll take that as a yes. so i'm walking in to the precinct with a gun in my pocket escorted by three officers. they handcuffed me to a seat that is next to a copy printer. the cop has his back turned. i slowly take the gun out of my
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pocket. there's more where that came from. more excerpts time night. time for some texts though. lee from ohio. bless you for holding mayor gurts acceptable. we will not forget laken on prime time. i hope nancy mace watched her hand after hunter shook it. has to be a greasy palm. jay says defiant and dishonest must be a family trait. arty from bohemia, new york. what? biden has a spine? who knew? wade from dallas, texas. who did biden's physical? dr. jill? he said secret to a great marriage is great sex. just what the doctor ordered. i'm waters, this is my world. >> sean: welcome t


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