tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News February 29, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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and grandmother. >> both hairstylists in dallas. they say the way babies hair grows is almost identical to the are same haircut you woud do on a betty white. y white.n. their inspiratio it's so cute. so, kyra, the hair is that do go, girl. go, girl. tonight, joke to veto michelle tafoya kat timpf entire >> gutfeld. actuonight, 10 p.m. what church would you guys actually not>> js think? that's all right? tonight, johnnse: johnny oy, ino of women's history month went out. >> not we do not have the johnny song there telling producers no panera bread, no johnny short. what is this place to watchth your show tonight? okay. yes. and we will have the nakede nak. access wielding roman. 8:00. havese: ay she wryan. >> i didn't think she would be appearing. we would have her. don't be up 21. >> that's it for us tonight. have a great night, everybody. >> welcome to jesse waters, "jime time tonight.
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the united states ises n by the biden biden migrant crisis. it's time for us to move on, wai but we can't wait anymore. >> trump andany long biden haved old fashioned texas standoff. ted nugent is here. votersat to , rural a threat to democracy? >> they're the most racistdeacy xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay whites are now a threat. i'm scared. y want so-called leaders want to shut down the guy. they're trying to do t it. deny diversity, equity, inclusion. what they sadly, successfull, y did with woke. happy dea thursday. kamala said th. >> plus, what important thingsma has hillary done for womenla.? nothing that i can come up with right now. sometimes i don't even think ri. s real c fox news alert. it is a border showdow n. an >> trump and biden both in texas today, but wher te
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they win and what they did was completely different. >> as soony dis comple as trumpe he said a few words to the camera. talk to fanshe, shook hands. >> biden landed. he said hi to some politiciansin ,then disappeared into an suv. usin brownsville, which used to be a migrant hotspot until the governor secured ited with razor wire. razor wire. biden tried to snior wire,p. there was no action in brownsville last night. bronly six migrants crossed.x that's whymi biden chose it for his photo op. if you went to a sector with a lot of foot traffickers. >> joe biden says a lot of tacos, it could turn into the biggest biden rally of the year. >> muchos garciagest sosa. that wouldn't help. biden didn't even look at thednt razor wire that secured the border in brownsvillven looi they took him to a sanitized setup where not a single migrant wall a sanits being pro. >> probably safer this way. biden couldn't handle the terraiprobabn. nancy wasn't there to hold his hand and almost face d on a cactus.
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now, once they corralled himhe indoors. >> border patrol agents had to guide him around like a fragile animal anyway. it's amazingan. it's amazing. thank you. exercise. >>. k you, errol sir, it's time for remarks and a reverse. t is timi invite you to our sea, and then we'll escort you. this wa. okay. thank you, sir. well, now, come over hereu with our friendsth from ice age, i say. and i see. good to see you, man. yes, sir. thank you. i stand on my mark. on my marks. back here. i got a. controversy. >> an election. i got to be careful what i do here. if you don't tell biden where to stand, she might wander into mexico, where the sinaloa cartel will probably throw him the fiesta. el will himnow, trump was thred miles away in eagle pass. >> that's the epicente r of thes in illegal crossings in texas. the former president marched down a dir t t path flanked fla by fencing and then locked eyes with a caravan acrosnks the rio
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grande. >> watch this. they like trump. >> can you believe it? now, after getting a real tour of the border, trump grabbed the mic and let it rip, branding biden as the migrant crime president. >> watch. now the united rip. states is being overrun by the biden migrant crime. it's a new form of viciousgr violatioant crs a n to our counm it's migrant crime. bu gote. biden migrant crime. >> but that's a little bit long. every timeng. you hear migrant crime, you think biden. >> these are biden's migrant bi >> he invited them. he led them in. and if you get hurt, that's and hat'. ey's >> he still won't say lake riley's name to hold responsible. mr. president, you very responsible for logan riley
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down? >> biden still hasn'tbiden called the familsty, but at this point, he was on a first name basis with george floyd's relat relatives. >> he checked his watch as the coffins cameiv watch home., ig ignores the east palestine toxic train wreck for a yearnosa and falls asleep at funerals. he can't even performth the basics. >> i spoke to a parents yesterday. they're incredible people. yestthey're devastated beyond beyond belief. but she was beautiful, just so beautiful in so many ways and brutally assaulted,call horrifically beaten, kidnapped and savagely murdered. the monster, the charged charge in the death is an illegall alie alien migrant who is led into our country and released into our communities by crookedo ouey joe biden. he's crooked.
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i took the name away from hillary becaus froe she's no lor relevant, i guess. she was terrible, but he is.doin what he is doing is just unbelievable. joe bideg t unn will never say e riley's name, but we will say wl it and we will remember it. we're not going to forgeret her. lincoln riley would be alive today if biden had just done his joive todab, the job all prs have done before him. >> protect the homelane d from n illegal alien invasion. >> donald trump says biden doesn't know it, but we're at war. >> it's a military operation. i mean, we have a military. this is like a war.s is's a military operation. >> now, the president's allowing a carteitary op l run trojanojan horse military campaign into the heart of the homelanrse mil and he's blaming trump for it. >> so here's what i would say to mr. trump said a plan pass should issued instead of telling members of congress le block to send this nationd o join me or i'll join you in telling the congress to pass this bipartisan border security
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bill. now, let's save $20 billion and put up razor wir lete, stopa catch and release, make them remain in mexico instead of remaiseke the in in america. >> now, wasn't too long ago that biden's border guy was bragging about what they've done. >> we have rescind did so many y trump immigration policies. t >> it would take s o much time. to list them. the biden administration doesn'>> jesset even call them s anymore. >> they call them nuclear merchants. >> well, one of biden's fowcomers from guatemala was just arrested for an 11-year-old in utah. >> jonathan garcia says he metrl the girl with a soccer game and thought she was 13. >> mr. garcia i don't knowbu about in guatemala, but in estados unidos, 13 is still. is >> many of biden's newcomers are unfamiliar with, how shall i say it? our cultural standards. and now we're reporting noy. immi almost every da
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>> immigration is the top issue in this country, and trumpgr ths a 35 point advantage on tagea 35 point advantage on thep issue in america.e to that's the reason biden went to texas. he's struggling to save himself from political deportation. you know how you know whenl? it's political, when they tell ot you it's not? >> this is not about politics for the president. and it was for the not about politics. this is not about politics for the president. so, again, not about politic s, because this is not about politics. >> biden and trump brought >> ja in theamera toot about p country to the border today. it's an optics war the and trump won. the voters have soured on joe. there is no coming back.e is w >>as he's wasting his time. >> mr. president, what are t you doinimg here? by a stroke of a pen. pen you can stop this. >> i >> you don't need congress. it feels like it's a dayt late and a dollar short. i don't know what his purpose is, to be quite honest. we've had this situation his for
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years. he has not shown up. yearot showns a little too little, too late. >> biden could have come to the co to thepologizedden coul agency smeared with the racist whipping hoax. >> he could have witnessed the detention center stuffed to the gills. he could have said lincolnff toh riley's name, but he didn't. the president is fading likehe u a ghos, but het. ing is >> nothing's clicking. his son's being deposed about felonies cis being. the. her report says he's old and slow. fannie's blowing u p georgia. >> the supreme court's throttling his legal strategy. g 100,000 democrats just voted against him in michigaian. ts ae >> migrants are on a murder spree and his dog bite omurders everyone in sight. >> they say if you want a friend in washington, get a e dog. >> he doesn't even have one anymorvee. >> three a nationally syndicated radio host, dana loesch, an america first legal founder, steven miller. >> dana, you are a texas girl. what did that look like to you today? it looked like just a photo op. >> it was a waste of taxpayerf p dollarays for the president
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of the united states to come to texas, jesse. >> and then grandstand at the most sanitized part of the harder whered grands force mults have worked in the states. so much so that altatel of this the deluge, the the the massive amounts, the caravans, all the migrant caravans, the millions of people that have been crossing every single year nowoe ,they're going to different parts of the southern border. >> and i thought that thatbordeg president trump going to shelby pass going down there to shelby park in eagle pass. that's the place to go to. that's the placeto go to that's you know, that's ground zero for the lack of a better way to put it. and the standoff betweent it, is and the federal government. and just today, jesse, it came ouderalt, you know, in this bate between texas governor greg abbott and the biden administrationtexa. and now texas has its hands, hands tied once again. and ths tied oe ability to actuy detain people who enter the country illegally the and prosecute them or send them back to mexico. again, texas, his hands are tied. we're spending millions upon millions upon millionsrs i of taxpayer dollars in texas to carry out joe biden's
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lawlessness and to to that audio soundbite you played of tha bitt one gentleman, jess, all joe biden has to do, auterally, all joe is use his ee authority and he can reinstate all of those orderth reinstas te under the trump administration, the ones that he ended. his first week in office. he could put those back in place. so could p until he does that, s is a heartless, cruel photo opa that's a waste of taxpayer dollars. >> stephen they're just newcomer dollse: steps, though, notts, ju migrants. they are just newcomersts. >> yes. and some of those newcomers, jesse, are bludgeoning women to death while they're out on a morning joudgeoning, are childg are plowing dangerousl,y down the road, killing fathers, killing mothers, killing a whole familieskilling . there's carnage all over the streets in this country carried out by these newcomerstd . let's talk about what joe biden did, because it's very simple. very sime into office and he ordered border patrol to release in mass millions of illegal aliens.
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and for the first timen ma in history to releassse in mass fighting age men, men in their twenties, in their thirties, by the millions into the country. >> and he di30 by thd this knowl well at his age, knowing full h wellis that those groups would be predators and and killers. this is a moral crime against the entire nation. t and the fact that he doesn't have the fundamental humanitheyo to say the words, to say the name lincoln riley, because your policies killed our joe. . your policies killed her. ans to the senate democrat that say they're not going to even let there be a trial ma and i'myorkasrial looking at you, jon tester, looking at you, sherrod brown,os you become an accessory to those crimes. you become accomplicese to thosu heinous, barbaric acts of violence against american citizenacts ofence agap if you will not stand up, hold the trial for my caucus and throw him out of office. the blood of the innocentd to
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americans has been shed too long. do somethingdo s it. do something. people are dying, jesse. thd this administration is counting votes, counting new voters. it makes mis ae sick.e ar they're going to be lincoln riley's after lincole goinn. >> riley's in this country week after week after ween rileysk ue this election. >> that's the saddest partle about this. i got to go. we got on the other side, s ted nugentide t te. u so m >> guys, thank you so much. stephen miller, dana loesch, always a pleasuruce. cities all across the united states crumbling froties allm t invasion. crime's up, resources down, s are tellingp politicians to resign and their in thiss stirring country similar to the tea party movement. >> you can feel itmoveme. >> this mayor has violated offi. his oath of office. he is supposed to protect citizens, citizens about things, not protectga illegal criminal aliens. and by the way
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, they're not illegal immigrants. immigrants are people who come here legally. these are criminal illegal aliens. >> rock icon and american sporting legend ted nugent joins me now. ted, you're pretty plugged in to the scene. etty plucan't you feel this bubl from the groun td and this ange, this energy in the country? j well, jesse is not bubbling up. it's an active volcano. and i got to teli'l you, i did a stephen miller and dana bash and you, the good people, the good familieods of america salute you, jesse, because, boy, you are a truth lies. you can come and since raiser and we've all determined that you deserve me becauscommoe that's the bottom line here. the people have got to rise up and we see it happenin g all the time. that young man well, young compared to me who stood upand and called the athens mayor a liar because he is a liar. lakeca and riley is merely the tip of an ugly, ugly
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situation where there's a lot of lake and leavesis a lot out . there's a lot of victims by our own government. uncle sam is now engineering recidivism, engineered recidivismre at an unprecedented rate in the explosion of violent crime is literallyy th by the hands of joe biden and his criminal treasonous administration. i'veddown ao tell you, donal trump nailed it at the border today. i was down at the border with sherifft brad cole of kinney county, the great colonel allen west and governoer greg abbott and pat curry, par 56th districte in here in texas, and parnell mcnamara, the sherifexasf of mclennan county. there is a rising up of we the people who demand law and order, who demand legality. you know, they are not illegaley immigrants, they're invaders, they're dangerou invaders invad and the explosion of violent crime is a direc t result of the policies of sanctuary cities under joe biden. y citiesy knows
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i'm just repeating the obvious here. but thank you for having mu foe on because america is really and we have to get back to god,d family and country and that we take donald trump and guys like pat curry and parnell mcnamara. >> is it treason? what the president opaf jesse the united states is orchestratin: h g that clearly. i mean, i'm i'm a sheriff. you haveiff depu to defend michw i've been for 39 years noweveryo and ever before years. i take that sacred constitutional oath and those word l oath, s are divine interventi. we the people are experiment in self-government is the only one in the history of mankind. and what joe biden is doing is he's failing his number fae moral and constitutional obligation to secure the united states of america. that'ssecure not treason. >> i don't know what is. yeah, he broke the bank. he broke the bordeank,r. broke he broke his he broke his promise that he was only going to be a one term president. >> this terrible guy's got a sha to go. >> it's a shame he has to ted nugent., thanks so much fort
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joining us this morning on time next time. >> and i'm in texas. imi'llexas, i' have to swing byy >> come on we'll shoot some pigs. >> all right. it's a>> it's deal. >> so prime time just gott go the hunter biden transcripts. oht e hu, they're hilarious. >> the first to document covid's origin exposing human trafficking on the border. defensible from its source for daring to tell the truth. we've been censored. demonetized and attacked. we've been jailed in china, in hong kong. we've been tortured with atlanta, tied to a chair and bloodied in print and online. we have the courage to deliver the truth at all costs. yep. our country is your source for truth. discovered truth at the above times .com. >> now, how does it feel to win a big thank you bingo blitz for this incredible moment?
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fox news alert. we just got our hands on the transcripts of hunter biden' jesse: just gots deposita doozy. investigators asked why didy every member of your family get paid by the chinesgee uncles nieces, granddaughter, sisters in law? hunter says no, no, no. for example, my uncle jimmy, joe biden's brother, he in business with me with china, thn allough his name was the documentation. >> quote, i wanted my uncle doco
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to be an adviser to me, so i sent money to him that some adviser. >> the chinese were gettingll yu arrested in their first call. >> you know, the one where you get were you in jail you'r?o first time was to joe biden's brother, jimmy. just an adviser. >> i wonder what kind of advice joe biden,t kind his granddaught gave to hunter deserved thousands in cash. >> ver iy interesting corporate structure. hunter's in business with chin a els ,and everyone else in the e the biden family is hunter's advise br. , then >> cool. well, then hunter was asked, well, why wa hs your father, w joe biden, when he was viced president? and after showinafter,g up to al of your business dinners with russians, ukrainians and chinesnerse. he says, i wasn't conducting business when i had those meetingsbusine. >> my dad stopped by because it was my actual birthday. in his 5 all right. so hunter's in his fifties and he has a birthda, any party, doesn't invite anyone from his family, his woman, his kid . ,his friends. he invites russian billionaires and kazakhstani tycoons.
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oh, and his dad happens to stop by to celebrate his birthday. welly., what did your father ta about with all of your suspicious looking rich foreign businesyo us-lookis partners?hunt hunter said all his dad did was have a coca-cola and a bowl of spaghetti. so i'm happy birthday. who are all these people? wellrthday, this lady's from mo, dad, and i'll be driving homel in a new porschebe. hunter had a lot of business meetings where his dad stopped by. those aren't my words. those are hunter biden's words. mhe says, quote, i was in newa york city and was having lunchi with some of my business associates. and i said, hey, dad, comei b by for lunch. lu who wouldn't do that?y we went from joe biden, didn'toa know anything about hunter's foreign businessnyth to joe bid, had dinners and lunchesan with hunter's foreign businessmen. why wouldn't he?n said hunter then said, yep, my dad's the big guy. the investigators then askedth
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hunter, well, what about when you threaten the chinese to pay you millions of dollars and your dad was in the room with you, and he said he'd be veryoy ify angry if they didt pay up. >> hunter said he sent that text to the wrong chinese y, but that's quitee coincidence because the next day he got wired 5 millionat bucks. that would mean some randomhuntr chinese guy got a text from hunter who he didn't kno, w. and the next day wired him $5 million, eve hn though he didn't have his wiring instructions. d >> okay.ia what about the diamonds? giving you andt you kept losing. >> well, hunter said it probably wasn't even a diamond. >> it was just a stone. s so the chinese bought $233 mill million in diamonds, gave it to hunter, and he didn'tioe . >> it was worth anything and threw them out. okayem, but then he says, that's the way the chinese do business
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. quote, it's business culture in china. "it's busine i first received the diamond, i thought it was an extravagant gift. e mr. yi magnum bottle of, i think, scotch 67 macallan that ultimately was worth far more than the diamond he gave us. >> we spoke to american business executives who've done businessican bus in china for decades.r de nocadet a single one of them said they've ever been given a diamond or a stone. eve >> and this hunter even have arh receipt for the scotche sc she e the chinese? no. probably liklye pai likd cash.i >> "new york post" columnist miranda devine joins us now. this is fani willis level testimony and i love it. i just wans-t to seelitt ilet le can we do that, please, congressman? well, look, i think hunter biden wants to do that. he's doing a documentary. he knows he's doi that he's become a bit
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of a celebrity. but look what his testimon y he did was embarrass, humiliate his father, the white house, all the biden campaign spokespeople who lied to us from the beginning about everything that we were reporting from the laptop and particularly to thpaewate that has carried water for with den and gone along with the lie that he hadhi nothing to do with his son's business dealings. and, you know, over the last year, we've had all these former busines hads partnersd of hunter come forward and say there were meetings and there were breakfasts and there wereys lunches and dinners and speakerphone conversations n with these foreign clients who were giving hunter and his familyo ar millions of dollars. and they all pooh poohed it. they said there's no evidence. >> and here's hunter biden himself admitting it quite freely, saying yes. sure. i mean, he did have memorysayiny lapses at crucial moments. you know, like the diamond
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and like various meetings. and hediamrious me can't remembi guy emails and hge can't remember some of the money that came through. >> but he still admittedgh. enoa . that shows that we have beenwe spot on an have d so have you.x. so is fox. he fox and the "new york post" have bee new y spon spot on witg our reporting from the beginning. from the b traduced and censored and treated like idiots by the rest of the media. and they now have egestg all ovs their face because hunter biden himself has admitted the trut lf hash about these meetingsd jl and joe's involvement in his son and his brother's influence peddling operation. >> i love it. he just testified under oath. je >>: my dad is the big guy. tha yeah, i bet hit it's over. >> probably not. is goingprobably to get awayco with everything, but come on. it's. ans, it's toit io good. >> it is too good. for all miranda, thank you so much. and thanks for all your very aggressive reportingr very o on. >> you in the post have really
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how does it feel to win a big bingo blitz for this incredible moment? >> i couldn't have done it without you. double bingo blitz eats three. >> last night, the supreme court agreed to hear donald trump's immunity claimurt agre his january six case. >> and the left is crestfallen becauscae the court won't rule until june and their need for a trump conviction before the election may go unfulfilled. which is why las, which is wt nt kind of looked like election night in 16 when they realized ht in they just lost. >> the craziness of the court is evident in what they are doing with the pacing here. them.m. bad look for the >> it's a very big get to haveis take it out. it is an honest, likable sign from the maga majority of the trump created cour unmt that the are with him. >> and there is a lot tonight
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to be pessimistic about. terrified, nd nicole right now for our country and msnbc's taking b this ruling to mean that trump won't just be dictatore o on dy one. he'll be dictator for life when inevitably rule that presidents aren't immune from prosecution after they leave office. what that will tell donald trump if by thene he is president, is that he can never leave the office of thee presidencyoffi right, and if hes voted out in 2028, he cannot leave office and he is willing to commit. he is welcome to commit any crimes willio he wants to as log as he is still president in order to ignororder toe the ress of that election and stay in power for life, because otherwise he is going to go to prison when he gets out. >> nowge, maddow knows trump is going to leave after four years. she's just peeved the supremafti court isn't abiding by nbc's schedule. sosn abidin the january six caseis is getting calendar fairly likely acute in georgia. w
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>> the documents case in florida probably pushed back untilillis after november,d and the alvin bragg case is a laughing stock. >> and if this gives you any sense of the unseriousness of theu move to strip trump frm the ballot, the judge you just did it in illinois is straight out of traffic court. >> now, democrats realize joe is on his owde joe'sn here. he's not getting help from judges. the democrat not getting hels he 150 million voters instead of just a few people in robes.os >> outkick founder clay travis joins me now. i nightember election 2016 watching the faces of the press, the scowling, the tears, the drama. >> i'm seeing some signsf th of that in clay. >> i love rachel maddow>> breaking i down alreadyt trum and basically saying that trump is going to become a dictator. g i think we have to t start calling this what it is, jesse. this is potentiallwhat i.y the t
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devastating own goal in the history of americaatinn politici they have managed to, as youca said, set themselves up to only get a business book keeping potential felony conviction in new york city with alving drag. hav meanwhile, they have strengthened donald trump. massivenede voting with hisll o republican base and with all of the independent voters, such that the last two polls of swingvoters, states trump'sp in all seven states. we're not talking about donalddd trump squeaking by jesse. we're talkin tking by.g about hm potentially winning a modern day landslide. lly winnall because democrats b. it's delicious. delectable. it's dndi absolutely don't wanth to agree with you because i'm going to jinx it sseo i'm going to move on to probably the most racist e ever seen. it was on msnbc last night and here it is.s >> why are white rural votersmor a threat to democracy? >>t xenophobic,cy?
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anti-immigrant, anti-gay, geo demographic in the country. second, they're the most conspiracist group supporteleci and subscribers election denialism, covid denialism, scientificon skepticism. obama birtherism. third, anti-democraticsm sentiments. they don't believe in an independent press. free speech. 't beliethey're also the most ss white nationalist and white christian nationalist. st sglyand fourth, they are most likely to excuse or justify ely to as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public dissent. so let's just kill them. skt? igh >> white people, what they call other white people, racist. i meano call, that's a big stape of msnbc. and what i wouldn'that's at want to hear. jesse, i bet that white rage author, if you asked him, hey, by the way, how come no black people voted for mayor pete in the south in 20 carolina primary in 2020? literally, no one would show up and vote for the white guy. is that because of homophobia? he wouldn't even answer it because that would require white
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to examine his thesis that white rural people ar he awful human beings and wouldn't apply the same standards to black e same democrat voters.. >> if you get lost in rural, white america, they'll invitee,i you inside. they'll cook you dinner, talk your ear off, they'll give you a blanket, you'll sleep ther e to next to their probably family and their daughter. itey'lheir faml probably inviter thanksgiving. >> it's the nicest group of people you'll's the n ever mg >> and i'm not saying that as a white guy. >> i'm saying that as someone who's been lost in the woods. clay, thank you so much. >> you've lived most of your inh life, lost in the woods. >> no chance to appreciate. i do. i try to get lost. kamala los is now celebrating d thursdayar. thout ov there are some things that work better together. better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings for you helps you choose the right amount investes without over orr investing so you can feel r financial investing so you can feel confident in youou
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the story. martha maccallum breaks down every angle. every angle. here's where the big stories i'm katie porter and i approve this message. he's the hundred-percent pro-trump candidate for u.s. senate: republican eric early. always supports trump and the maga agenda. republican eric early. endorsed by the california pro-life council... ...opposed to all abortion. and eric early loves the second amendment. eric early. way more dangerous than steve garvey. he dodges trump. garvey even said he might vote for biden. republican eric early for u.s. senate. too maga. too trump. too dangerous.
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democrats agree. too maga. too trump. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> i know, right? yeah. we'll be doing this on a weekly basis. we that is something we must have had. pdi thursday prime times favorite day of the week reveren in honor of reverend al sharpton. >> we're bringing you the best storied s about diversity, equityut div and inclusion. >> first up, changinersity,g yo leads to strange revelations. here's a man who says he useyodo
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to be a woman claiming w people treat him totallyoman differently now that he's a dude. >> he says he's got male privileg e. >> the same taxes, no new down. >> no, no, no. >> primetime has been saying for a while now that it's up to women to keepile no men out of their sports. if there's a man playing against you, you forfeit againse >> well, it looks like people are listening because a girls basketball team, vermont, refused to play a game against a team with a trans player. and now they're banned from the league. thethere are differences betwee male and female. >> we are treated differently. we decided are c to force it that game and withdraw from the tournamenturnament and at se that point, the state of vermont governing body kick this out of all athletic
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competitionsfbody kic in the stf boys just play at a different speed, a different force, you know, than the girls play. >> it's a different game. the fani willis isn't doing soig hot right now. i think we all know that. but it turns out fannie loves dui thursday. tell breitbartves de reporting that whistle blowers from her office say she forced thembe to a racist dui training test. s you toest prompt associate good with black and bad with white. it also questions you about whether you hang out it aethes or whites or and whether black people are lazy. my booker took the test and it called him a racist and no dui. thursday is complete without a prime time victory. the tennessee house just passed a bill that would ban the display of pride flags in public schools. >> liberals aren't happy, w but we believe the only flags that should be flown in the beli flag are your state's and the stars and bars. so happy dui thursday, everybody.
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>> now we know kamala watcheswe the five, so she probably watchechess the thursday, too. >> and now she's standing in solidarity with al and us defending diversity, equity and inclusion from the likesusir of you because we are proudly talking about equity, even though these people on, you know, so called leaders want to shut down the. they've tried to they're trying to do a deal to diversity equity inclusion. o wiwhat they sadly successfully did with wor dk of courseit's she's going to defend that. >> it's why she was hired. but kamala wasn' whyt done yet.y >> having progressive prosecutors, for example,, who who can show what is possible ps and then show that it works and show that, frankly, it's not contrary at all to public safety. in fact, it is a better way. it is a very effective way, achv among other ways, to achieve public safety. >> good bye, black history month. get ready for women's historyt d
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the southern border. they are still very much an active, wild fire fighting mode. and around the world, a possible cease fire deal in the middle east. only on fox news channel. >> josh a little clarification. >> stars and stripes, not stars and bars. earlier this week, joe bidennesn was licking ice cream conesing and talking about the border and the mideast waabour. you can't take anybody seriously with their tongue gue hangt and vanilla ice cream dripping from it. >> the white house should agre e>> i w that. >> i want to read you a quote from jesse watters on foanyou x, a grown man, especially the president, should not be looking ice cream in public.o i wonder if you have a reaction to the outrage over the public eating of ice cream. >> that's not just false outrage. i don't really have more to say beyond that clarification. i did sahat.y only on vacationao are you allowed to do that. >> and our thoughtwed , and s as
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are neither faux nor outraged. >> we considered it constructive criticism,icism and it's a nonpartisan piece e and it applies to straws and soups. >> but the ice cream thing, infantile and kind of a tongue thing. infant >>il tomorrow marks history month, a month where we celebrate powerful women of our nation. >> so we sent johnny to ask about some of the most famous ladies in our country and whatha they think of them, who that troublemaker kim kardashian. my girl.dash i have no idea who she is.ia neither do i want to know?r do >> okay, well, i if i said w if something that hurt your feelings. sorry. what does she do? she has a ton of businesses >> tons all of them.ushes al >> what do you like about kim? she looks good. she's pretty important things. >> is kim kardashian done for women? shsee fights for the underdogs and trying to create change for the world. she helped oust johnson out
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of jail. >> that happens to be me. in case you forget how manelpety of kim sisters can you name? zero. kendall, khloee cameo kennedy. >> absolutely not. who they are. hillary clinton. >> what does she do? that's exactly what i'm going to ask you. she opposes trump. i'm not the biggest fan of her. i don't think anybody that's not calling for a cease fire who ran for president, she did not win. >> lose that about that. yes, this is painful and itwill will be for a long time. >> what important things for hillary clinton done for women? >> you know, sometimes i don't i even think she's real. who's her husbannkl. d? >> slick willie. bill clinton. you like bill? he's a>> do you ? brother in a . >> people think he was the first black president. that's all i'm talkinge say abs >>id hillary stayed with billat through monica lewinsky and many others. is that what a woman should do? no what wo.
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>> by this has gone out of my house. >> what's this woman's name? who is that? i don't knows >> who her. i have no clue. c it was barbara walters. >> oh, that's the. tha yeah, that's biden's lady folks. >> i'm joe biden's husband. m jill b>> whawhat does she do? she's the what's that term? she you you know the thing. she believes in helping childrenchildr learn. what do you think? when she kissed tom withand? husband darrell, how was it? we' >> hey, we've all been there, haven't we? one important thing says jill biden done for women. i have nothing that i can come up with. >> he's still holding on to her job. she's saying that i could still be independent. she's not calling a cease o fire either. i believe it. she's married to joe. this is dr. jill bidenut ther. i belie. >> what kind of doctor issue? pediatrician. >>e?doctor. >> with an education. primary care doctor. she's ratea of a doctor.>> she
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>>'s she's an amazing doctor. n? >> what's her name? a woman. female. beautiful. like that. under my tongue. hatiful, a ! >> that's taylor swift. what does she do? she's using a lot of jets, and our earth needs help. >> that was a little bit too much overkill on the super bowl. ,people.have >> it really didn't have to be about taylor. tae, hate, hate. to >> one important thing that taylor swift done for womete!n so that you can beat ac other male artist because she's literally numbery othe on. >> she has been active been politically on women's rights for musiacc, helped them through dark times like are you 30? definitely. i love and respect, but i'm not. i think taylor swift's callingen for a cease fire either. >> she's not. she's noect, butt going to be oe watters. >> prime time on fox. >> what do you want to tell them? i'm waters, and this is my>> world, which takes me back. i'm going to go tonight. i hope you're calling for a cease back.e. don't
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>> i don't think jesse's calling for a cease fire. ohesse ising for , call for a c, please. >> now, do you want to knowu wat things like the truth about why we are the way we are asabout wh humans, about why the country is the way i wayt is. up yo >> we'll follow my orders. you pick up your phone right now. i know it's next i know i to i know you watch tv with your phone. i know you do. it's in your pocket. it's o it'sn the table.table, i >> it's in the couch. pick it up. p the screen. punch the app that says camera. i'll wait still waiting. no, you're going to do this. and then you flip it, and then t you put, the camera on toscreen the screen right there. >> they'll r qr codeoing t on the bottom, right. >> it's going to take you to amazon where you can place the order at certain places. what you could do with this finger or this finger or this i fake, any finger you can do it
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with, it's so easy. >> and then the book just showss up on publish day. they're telling me to wrap, noto wrapping. >> i want to sell copies, baby. s do some tests. and from lakeland, florida, you should have angry steven miller on youa,rur sho more often. >> he looks very whenw he's angry. ooh hot and bothered over here by miller. >> i didn'oof, ht know he was s a casanova. >> frank froam new york city.bem >> maybe commander should have been sent to texas to protect the bordemaeen sentr. oh, poor commander. i think he's up on a farm somewhere. mewher >> some rural white peoplee,,e suzanne from illinois. i >> i guess rachel maddowra skipped out on the day in civics when they taughtchel e presidents can only serve two terms. >>s can only serve greg grandvif massachusetts if you gift scotch to a chines e associate,a deduct is that a deductible expense under the irs tax codese? >> i'm sure if it was or it wasn't. hunter tried it. >> george from denver, colorado. i've never been to caf, colorada
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but i'm willing to bet that a bot bef spaghetti is not on their menu. >> might be one of those off menu items for vips like the vice president. >> hector from florida. man why does hunter need so manyy an advisers when his dad' his ds as the smartest man he knows? >> second smartest man he knows is hishe knows jimmy? >> obviously. pete from monroe, new york. >> i'd like to apply for the position of adviser to hunter biden. >> can you put in a good word for me? no, i can'd wot. dave from dave field, colorado. the look on your face when ted nugent invited you to shoot some pigs was priceless i may do it. i may send johnny instead to support pigs for johnny. , "t johnny from virginia. first you kill a zebra, nollw you want to shoot a pig? come on, jesse. it's the humane thing to dg? og i'm water says on the hannit
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