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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 1, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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moral pedestal than donald trump anymore. i believe donald trump, in fact, changed the nickname of joe biden yesterday now calls him croocket joe biden. says he borrowed it from hillary because hillary is irrelevant and said that eagle pass yesterday. >> todd: eagle pass, the two gentleman were down there, you wrote an op-ed about it. you have 20 seconds to give us thesis statement, joe? >> joe: my thesis statement is that you had joe biden in brownsville no apprehensions, basically, and donald trump was in eagle pass where there is more than 2,000 apprehensions in the past week alone and joe biden would not say the name of laken riley, the face of this crisis right now. >> carley: current president is picking a border battle with the former president whose slogan was build the wall. who going to win that one? >> todd: joe gave us the thesis statement. joe concha have a great weekend. "fox & friends" right now. great weekend to all of you as well. you made it, it's friday.
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#:00 a.m. on the east coast. march 1st. we're in march, y'all. easter is this month. this is "fox & friends." and it was a very difficult day in georgia or will be today, especially. college student laken riley will be laid to rest after she was killed on a job, on a run around that lake, details on the attorney taking up the case as an illegal immigrant charged in her murder. >> steve: we will tell you what we know coming up. and the tale of two border visits right there. >> now the united states is being overrun by the biden migrant crime spree. >> here isly what would say to mr. trump, join me. >> we will join lawrence who is live in brownsville, texas, where he talked to some of the folks who protested the president's visit. >> brian: plus fox news alert hunter's deposition is released, about 200 pages. it turns out of he put dad on speaker phone a lot. there is more to that that he can remember. some of which he can't. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, your days are
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better and mornings are better because you are with friends. >> carley: we'll remember that. >> brian: i hope so. >> steve: all right, 6:01 here in the east. and now we have got a fox news alert. the funeral services in russia for alexei navalny set to begin within the hour supporters are lining up to pay their respect to vladimir putin's fiercest critic who died last month in a siberian prison as you know. >> ainsley: his casket was just taken into the church. brian? >> brian: he will be buried at bar soft ceremony district where he live. multiple here's drivers refused to to the funeral. they blame putin and the kremlin for his death. do you think? >> steve: they were supposed to start at #:00 eastern time but as brian just said, there have been some delays.
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it's hard to get somebody who has, you know, as we know from two weeks ago, pretty much everybody blames vladimir putin for his death why would you want to be. >> brian: the courage of these people are extraordinary. they already arrested his lawyer. >> ainsley: you know if you stand up to putin this could happen to you, too. still people are out there in support of the navalny family. the family will be live streamed allowing all the world to see this funeral. >> steve: you will see it live here on fox. >> ainsley: so that funeral in russia. here at home in georgia, the funeral for laken riley will be held today, this afternoon in her hometown of woodstock, georgia. police say an illegal immigrant from venezuela murdered the 22-year-old last week as she was going out for a jog on the uga campus. >> steve: just a terrible story that has interested the entire country madison scarpino joins us outside the church where the service will be held later tote. madison? >> good morning, guys. friends and family of riley say
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that she was a passionate nursing student who cared for everyone around ler. and this tragedy has shaken a lot of people who live around uga. >> pretty tragic situation, you know. a girl like her had a lot more life to live. gone too soon. >> riley's obituary says her smile was infectious and she spread joy everywhere she went. riley's accused killer jose ibarra came n 2022 created a lot of controversy around immigration in the athens community and across the country. just a few days ago protesters repeatedly interrupted the athens mayor during a press conference on safety and immigration. the protesters were frustrated about how the city handles migrants but the mayor made it clear that athens is not a sanctuary city. still, the protesters weren't having it and they want the mayor to resign.
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former president donald trump was at the border yesterday, and he spoke -- and he said that he spoke with riley's parents. >> the devastation beyond belief, but she was beautiful. just so beautiful. in some ways and brutally assaulted, horrifically beaten. kidnapped, savagely murdered. the monster that charged in the death is an illegal alien migrant who was let into our country and released into our communities by crooked joe biden. he is crooked. >> riley's accused killer is in athens jail without bond and his lawyers are not asking for bail it's unclear when he will be in court next. back to you guys. >> steve: madison, real quickly, the democrat district attorney there is standing down not going to do the case.
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substantial felony like this. who is taking over? >> we know from the district attorney that apparently they are bringing an outside top trial attorney to take on this case but you mentioned the district attorney and a lot of people feel the same way about that. so, we don't know w when the net court date will be. we are keeping an eye on that pretty much every minute, every hour and we will, of course, update you guys on the latest. >> ainsley: can you see madison in front of the woodstock city church. the visitation is from 12:00 to 2:00. the funeral will follow from 2:00 to 3:00. i was glad that president trump called her parents and this had a conversation about the border. he was blasting president biden yesterday because he said in his opening remarks or in his remarks down at the border, he never mentioned laken's name trump said incredible young lady. a biden invasion. i call him crooked joe the most
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incompetent president we have ever had. >> brian: just on this case it looks like sheila ross will take over to search as the special prosecutor instead. it's not reported debra gonzalez doesn't win cases she never wins cases. governor kemp said you are out we got to do somebody to do the job. everyone presiding over sanctuary city without the label is under scrutiny today that is where the former president looks best. weighs saying this in 2016. now everybody agrees with him just about in 2024. and for some reason, the crime element of the border battle does not enter into the president's agenda and his speeches. he doesn't talk about the crimes that are taking place and now it's related to his broken border and his policies i is talking about the bipartisan legislation. >> ainsley: congressman collins wants that d.a. and the mayor of athens to resign now. >> steve: yeah. because -- and there is some, as you know, as we just saw in madison's report, there is some confusion over is it a sanctuary city in the city says no.
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but we had the attorney general on yesterday who said they have sanctuary policies. and the big question is whether or not they cooperate with ice. >> ainsley: they say they are not really one. >> steve: can't have one in georgia. >> ainsley: you can't have one in georgia. >> brian: a guy both expert in crime and the border is with us now. lawrence is down in brownsville where president biden visited yesterday. lawrence, i saw amaze nag tunnel we saw about 100 people try to cross kind of embarrassing with the president getting there right after. >> you know, it's so incredible that you have the current president of the united states come to this sector, guys. i saw the motorcade come behind me. i'm watching the video. it was choreographed every minute. and the interesting thing is whenever you do a ride along or you are trying to see exactly what is happening at the border, you are already seeing agents that are already there patrolling the area. the thing is you didn't see agents patrolling that area because there's no action there.
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i mean, if migrants would attempt to try to swim across that, the water is way too high. they would drown. and we saw this boat that was staged for the president, the moment the motorcade went behind me, they took the boat out of the water, and the boat left as well. so it just shows you the contrast. if you look at the images for former president donald trump, you see dps there you see the patrols there. you see the national guard on top of those shipping containers because they are actually patrolling the border. the area that joe biden is, there was no patrols there because it's not necessary in that sector, guys. >> steve: well, i will tell you what, yesterday we predicted that they would blame each other and they did. there's the former president right there. we have put together a little montage. if you missed it yesterday, here's what they had to say about the crisis at the border. that's the one thing they agreed on, 250,000 people crossing in
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december is unsustainable. >> brian: it took biden long enough. >> i understand my predecessor is in eagle pass today. so here's what i would say to mr. trump. instead of playing politics with the issue, instead of telling members of congress to block this legislation, join me or i'll join you in telling the congress do pass this bipartisan border security bill. we can do it together. >> it's allowing thousands and thousands of people to come in from china, iran, yemen, the congo, syria. and a lot of other nations now the united states is being overrun. by the biden migrant crime. it's a new form of vicious violation to our country. croonged joe is the blood of countless innocent victims. it's so many stories to tell, so many horrible stories. three years ago we had the most secure border in history.
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>> steve: um-huh. >> lawrence: join president biden on the border? i think we will pass on that. >> brian: you broke it. >> lawrence: you broke the situation. by the way, can we talk about the agents that were forced to stand behind a president that accused them of whipping migrants. i don't know if you guys saw the tweet by the national border patrol council they said keep your name out of our mouth. we know you want to use us to pass this bill but you have ripped -- you know those kids of those border patrol agents that experienced the scandal of accaccusing of being whipped? they were made fun of at school and accused their dads of being racist when the administration knew all along that they didn't whip those migrants. so, he has no support of the border patrol. the leadership there were forced to stand next to the president and by the way, he had to hold on to owens because he couldn't even walk at the border. this just shows you the type of commander-in-chief that we have
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right now. unbelievable. >> steve: you know, as we heard the current president say join me, and he is talking to trump, essentially, you know, let's try to get something done in congress, which you know, on this program, for 20 years, we have said it would be great if they changed the law. right now there is no appetite on either side to do just that. but it's interesting because it sounds like even though joe biden sees the writing on the wall. it looks terrible for him politically. what's he going to do? probably do something with some sort of exive action probably to curtail asylum at the border. he is going to try to stop it there. will it work? stay tuned. >> ainsley: he continues to blame the republicans. so lawrence is down in brownsville and that's where president biden was trump went to eagle pass sean hannity went to cover that. here is a little bit of them down on the border. >> that was one of the primary researchers in 2016 that i ran and i ran on the border and i
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ran on other things but i ran on the border largely we fixed the problem in 2020 it wasn't a subject. i go out and say i want to talk about the border. sir, you fixed the border. nobody cares about the border anymore. now what's happened since the election where we got millions more votes than we did the first time, we have a situation where this border makes 2016 look like baby stuff. it's probably the worst border. not probably. it's the worst border ever in the history of the world. this is now a war zone and view it as a war zone and mexico is doing nothing to help us. letting the caravans come unimpeded come in by the thousands. caravans with 25,000 just walking into our country. so something has to be done on georgia the president is up by 21 points. north carolina 19. wisconsin by 17. the reach why in the bloomberg poll the president is winning in every battleground state, lawrence, it's pretty clear that
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this is a legitimate issue that he ran on has been harping on the last 8 years. this guy, this president of the united states went the exact opposite way and we are seeing the results. just -- this is not a 30-second ad. it's not messaging. this is the difference between the two people. and we are seeing the result of both policies joe biden is quickly trying to get to the trump side of this issue. i'm not sure people are buying it just to further your point he still hasn't called the parents of laken you have the administration and karine jean-pierre saying it's an open investigation. they have no problem talking about donald trump and his investigation all the time they don't want to talk about laken? also, guys, they avoided all the areas in the state of texas yesterday where donald trump as well as greg abbott secured those sectors but he was in front of a wall that he voted
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for joe biden can do the 30 second visit drive in and drive out. the hispanics on this border right now that are legal immigrants, they don't like it either. so, how are you going to win those people as well, guys? >> ainsley: think about how dangerous. so many dangerous people coming across the border. laken today is her funeral. she would be alive today if weren't for our open border policy. warning people don't go to mexico if you have a spring break trip planned. can coon and carley and todd were interviewing a man who lost his wife. she was on the beach with her dog on that loom. two guys got into an argument and she is now dead as a result. dangerous there and they are coming here. >> brian: a politician want to get something done. drum roll, please, he is wearing a hoody. senator fetterman he came out and said i like h.r. 2. i just need daca.
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let's talk about it. chip roy said he can wear whatever he wants on the senate floor. i'm liking what this guy is saying. that's what you want to do to get something done. >> steve: he concurs with jeh johnson who sat on our couch there should be some sort of legislative fix. >> brian: he didn't say h.r. 2 was the fix. >> steve: i'm saying a legislative fix. they both said and this is the pointed i was getting to, they both said you have to do something about the dreamers. let's see if anything is going to happen in congress. election year, don't count on it. >> ainsley: thanks, lawrence. >> steve: that's right, lawrence. thank you very much. great reporting at the border yesterday. >> lawrence: see you all. >> steve: you bet. now let's move up to washington, d.c. and a fox news alert. house republicans yesterday released the transcripts, as promised, from hunter biden's closed door deposition a day earlier. >> ainsley: the president wants son doubling down, of course, saying that his father was not involved in his business deals. >> brian: but there are some caveats. mademadeleine rivera is live in washington.
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madeline? mad mad hunter was fee find this his testimony that lasted more than 6 hours main feigns his father was was not involved in business dealings he admitted to putting him on speaker phone and dropping by on business lunches. he will pointed to losses like the death of his mother and two siblings i'm surprised he couldn't call me now like he did. i would have him say everybody to everyone else in the room. nothing nefarious, really. he talked about a trip he took on air force 2 in b beijing. he introduced his father who was vice president at the time to a chinese business associate jonathan lee. hirnt though denies it was a meeting saying the incident happened at a road blind. hunter saying i introduced my dad to jonathan lee and a friend of his and they shook hands and i believe probably took a photograph. my father went up to his room and i went to have coffee with
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jonathan lee. hunter says his dad never received any money from china. he was asked, your father, he has never received, he has never interacted with any of your business associates? correct? hunter says yes. he was then asked did you receive money from china or not? he says "i received money from a chinese company." democrats say hunter's testimony has failed to reveal evidence of wrongdoing by the president, brushing it off as a smear campaign. several republicans say otherwise. house oversight committee chair james comer says the next step is a public hearing but he has not brought up a date. steve, ainsley, and brian. >> steve: once again, stay tuned. mad line, thank you very much for that live report. >> turn now to headlines starting with this a fox news alert. >> ainsley: billionaire elon musk is reportedly sues chatgpt maker open ai and its ceo. he claims the company broke contractural agreements by straying from its original goal of developing artificial technology for, quote, the benefit of humanity, not profit.
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musk helped start of the company back in 2015 but stepped down from its board just three years later. air national guardsman jack that sahara suspected of carrying out one of the immigration's -- one of the nation's most serious security breaches. he is expected to plead guilty on monday. and that's according to a court filing. last year the now 22-year-old was charged with leaking thousands of highly classified military and intelligence documents to gamers on the app. discord. some had details on the war in ukraine. a community in missouri in mourning today after a police officer and court worker were shot and killed on thursday while trying to serve an eviction notice. the other two officers were taken to the hospital and expected to recover from their injuries. the fallen officer 35-year-old cody allen killed while responding to reports that the court worker had been shot. police say the lone suspect in the case has been taken into custody.
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u.s. marshals captured a philadelphia fugitive in an attic crawl space east of pittsburgh yesterday after he spent four days on the run. the man escaped from police custody during a hospital visit in philadelphia on monday. seen running through a gas station with hands cuffed behind his back. currently being held hat local jail until he is extradited back to the city. far left house democrats ilhan omar and pramila jayapal led secret trip to cuba to discuss human rights. congresswoman nicole malliotakis joined "fox & friends" earlier this morning slamming the visit. >> these are anti-american members of congress okay? they are communist sympathizers. they go to cuba which is not only a state sponsor of terrorism but they side with our adversaries. >> ainsley: she is not wrong. the two squad members making the trip despite the ongoing embargo against communist island nation.
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one missouri state trooper who doesn't miss leg day going beyond the call moving a massive bail of hay off the highway. it took him less than a minute clear the road. heavy lift and taking matters into his own hands. those are your headlines. >> brian: that reminds me of rocky 4 in russia when he went to russia. and had to train in the winter and had to do like chop wood. that is a page from that although it was hotter and he is a cop. >> steve: all in day's work. >> ainsley: how heavy are those? >> steve: listen, when i was baling hay, the farmer, hovers land i was working on. [cow mooing] >> steve: he would drive the tractor i the young guy would be in the back. the hay b baileys would be 50 or 75 pounds. depended on whether the alfalfa was wet or not. those big round bails can weigh
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1,000 pounds. just the fact that he could do that is amazing. >> brian: i could do it but i'm special. [laughter] other thing to keep in mind easier with overalls? ains instance did we hear that brian can do this. next week out on fox square. >> brian: don't wet the alfalfa. [laughter] >> brian: me and chris. >> ainsley: any hay bales in new york city? >> brian: one at some fake farm on halloween i'm not sure that's all we got. >> ainsley: 6:00. don't forget dvr our show starts at 6:00. 6:00 to 9:00. pretty easy to do. >> steve: if you would have just do you understand in you would have missed if 19 minutes and 21 seconds. >> ainsley: don't want to miss brian lifting bales of hay. >> steve: a con woman, that woman right there, accused of shamming the army out of
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$100 million. how one of the biggest fraud cases in the united states in the military, they have ever seen, how it unr568d, that story coming up. >> brian: decision looming. final arguments today on whether d.a. fani willis and her entire staff should be disqualified from the trump case. we have text messages and they ain't good. ♪ whoa ♪ i want your lovin' ♪ love and revenge ♪ you and me could write a bad romance ♪ caught in a bad romance and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. >> ainsley: we are back with bizarre and very wild story. look at this lady a millionaire con woman pleads guilty after scamming the military out of more than $1 million. former army employee janet worked as civilian financial program manager at fort sam houston down in san antonio. the doj says she created a fake business in 2016 that was supposed to help children with parents in the military. but, they never assisted any of the children. instead, she decided to use the funds to support her lavish lifestyle. court records say that she spent the stolen money on more than 30 homes. 80 cars, and motorcycles,
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designer purses, jewelry and more. an acquaintance of mellow said she tried to justify the purchases saying she would come in mercedes and land rover and say it's a gift from my rich husband. her husband is not facing any charges. the plea deal includes five counts of mail fraud and five counts of filing a false tax return. combine those charges put her behind bars for more than 20 years. now let's hand it over to carley. what would you do with 30 homes? >> carley: how could you ever even handle all of that a lot of questions there ainsley, thank you so much. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> carley: republicans are pushing california's a.g. to investigate panera gate. it refers to claims that the state's new minimum wage law benefits a wealthy donor to governor gavin newsom who owns a number of pattern restaurants p. fast food places.
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including store may bread. panera is not except from the law. starting last month most california restaurants will need to pay workers at least $20 an hour. next year, on march 1st, gather 25 will be hosting a one of a kind global event to give thanks and praise to god. people from all nations and documentation also gather for 25 hours of nonstop prayer and worship. the announcement comes one year after asbury revival, ainsley visited at their university in kentucky last year. where people gathered for nonstop worship services the last two weeks. >> penal just coming to the altar repenting. it was beautiful. the friends supported one another was what captivated me. >> the time to describe and put into words what you have seen. what i have seen just like the true goodness of god and true outpouring of the spirit. >> and those are your headlines, ainsley, what an amazing thing
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to witness. especially young people all joining together. >> ainsley: i love. this god is moving. god is moving around the globe. that's great. gather 25 and all over the world? >> carley: yeah. >> ainsley: have to take part in that and find a church participating in that. >> carley: hopeful, wonderful, give it up to god. there are a lot of problems in world right now. a lot of bad news to report but this is a good news story. >> carley: we are going to go and pray for brian. >> brian: that's okay without the alo. >> hallow. take it away. courts banning good. today the fulton county judge is set to hear closing arguments in the case against fani willis. the ruling will have a far-reaching impact whether willis and entire staff including nathan wade should be executed from prosecuting the 20220 election case against donald trump. facts francey headaches.
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francey we have text s between ashley memberton, the lawyer for roman and the business partner of nathan wade who says the relationship started in 2019 which shows gave the boyfriend the job owe wasn't qualified for that should disqualify them, don't you think? it really should. it's odd in this case that she thought it was going to be fine and no one would notice that she was hiring her boyfriend. i think that's part of the reason that it seems like they were sneaking around at weird house of the night which is what that cell phone data is going to reveal. the initial question about disqualifying her though, brian, was all about the money that he was spending on her. now, because of their actions in court, because of their testimony in hearings and terrence bradley's testimony and other testimony, they are in much more trouble for possible perjury and fraud on the court. >> brian: yes. it's amazing. to think they are going to do something unprecedented have a
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state case go against a former president that could be a future president with these two -- this circus going on is insane. what does it do for the case and the timing? if they are out, what does it do? >> it really hurts the case. it hurts the timing. what is going to happen though, everything is going to get delayed. i doubt that judge mcafee is going to rule today from the bench all the issues outstanding around disqualification. is he going to wanted to listen to the evidence. is he going to want to hear the arguments. he is probably going to admit those cell records with that geo location data that shows nathan wade was visiting willis in spite of what they said on the stand earlier. so i think that there will be some delay. after that, there are more motions to get through in this case. this case is far from ready for trial. and i agree with you it's insane a public official, an elected official ran on anticorruption platform didn't pay any attention to what she did
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herself. >> brian: she has totally exposed herself as incompetent and unethical and shy a liar. i think that will be proven today. now let's talk about hunter biden and what did you get from the 200 pages? i got that he has admitted to his dad getting involved 20 separate times whether speaker phone or actually in person appearances in part of the business deal. he said his dad had nothing to do with it. he said, when pressed on text messages, one of which said my dad is sitting next to me. we are not happy and we don't forget. we are going to hold a grudge. i was drunk and high at the time when i wrote that text message. drunk and high and addicted and childhood trauma led him to do these things. your thousand about what it means? >> poor pitiful hunter. you know, brian, as a prosecutor, what you look at is what could i prove to a jury here given all the facts that we know. and, first, what i know is that the opening argument, if you will, from the biden administration was always he had nothing to do with it, he didn't meet any of these people. he never spoke to any of these people. and what happened yesterday in
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congress was that hunter biden confirmed that his dad did, in fact, call in to business meetings and met these business associates. what grown man has his dad calling in during multi million dollars business deals and puts him on speaker phone? there's only research to do it. it's not because you love your dad or because you are a drug addict. it's because you are showing off. showing access to your father, who is the vice president of the united states, and that is the brand. it's biden brand and that's what hunter was selling. and i think that's what was confirmed yesterday in his testimony. >> brian: when rob go ladder said the big guy was and tony bobulinski said the same thing. he said he has no business saying that we don't call our dad the big guy. that's going to be it. tragedy, which is true. i had a massive addictions which is true. but those text messages were written with perfect punctuation and delivered better than i am and i'm not on drugs, as far as i know and i'm not drunk as far
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as i know. usually people have those -- both those problems don't put text messages together like that. we will see what it means for the big case. now they want him to testify in front of everybody. thanks, francey, appreciate it. meanwhile. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: trump calling out president biden on the border over 22-year-old nursing student allegedly killed by illegal immigrant. >> joe biden will never say laken riley's name. >> brian: former acting ice >> brian: former acting ice director tom homan will, he will react, next. ♪disc ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had
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ways and brutally assaulted, horrifically beaten. kidnapped and savagely murdered. the monster that charged in the death is an illegal alien migrant who was let into our country and released into our communities by crooked joe biden. is he crooked. >> ainsley: here with reaction former acting ice director tom homan. good morning to you, tom. >> good morning. >> ainsley: good morning. when president biden got into office he got rid of all of the policies other have in force. young girl has to be buried today she had her whole life ahead of her. what's your reaction? >> i hope the fox family and all the viewers hit their knees today and say a prayer for this little girl and her parents. the parents are living a nightmare. a hellish nightmare. as ice director i met hundreds of angel moms and dads. several hundreds. to this day i remember every one of their stories. not only burying a child but got
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to live with the fact that her last few minutes of life were terrorized. terrorized little girl. she obviously tried make a phone call 911. she knew something bad was about to happen or was happening. she fought for her life. this young lady didn't want to die. she didn't have to die. one of the reasons i get so emotional on this whole issue is because this was a senseless, could have been prevented crime. under the trump administration, this guy wouldn't have been in new york. he wouldn't have been in georgia. he would be in mexico and remain mexico program that biden killed he destroyed the remain in mexico program. when he crossed the border illegally no proper documentation he would have been detained. under trump we ended catch and release. the law says you shall be detained when you internet country illegally. the third the city's administration policies. done nothing with the sanctuary city policies. let's say new york wasn't a sanctuary policy when he was arrested for injuring a child. ice wouldn't be able to put a detainer on him because this
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administration, secretary mayorkas said being in the country illegally alone isn't enough to for ice to make an arrest. you have to be convicted of arch aggravated felony to drop a detainer. this administration failed this family three times. it's disgusting. this would not have happened under president trump presidency. >> ainsley: you are right. he was released and then he went down to live with his brother in georgia. what do you know about the policies in athens, georgia. the mayor saying they are not a sanctuary city. if you read some of their policies it sure looks like it and congressman collins said if it looks like a duck and act like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. what do you say? , i say lying. this is a sanctuary jurisdiction. i heard them make a statement they will accept ice detainers only with a federal judge's warrant. there is no requirement for a federal warrant in the immigration law. that's not the way the congress set it up. you know, ice, under president trump. we dropped thousands of detainers. not one of them had a federal warrant. it's not necessary. the law doesn't require it. besides, let's say he is uncomfortable holding somebody just for ice. what's wrong with having a policy that you contact ice
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before you release them on your charges. release them all. pick up the phone and call ice. ize will be there to pick them up off the streets. >> ainsley: if a federal officer doesn't come and pick them up they will let that person back on the street. i want to talk to you more about this. now the white house is calling for sanctuary cities to cooperate with ice they were saying we want sanctuary cities. we want to defund police we want an open border basically. this is what happens whether you have all of these crazy policies. listen to what democrats were saying before. >> abolish ice. that a position that you agree with? >> listen, i think there's no question that we have got to critically re-examine ice and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing and we need to probably think about starting from scratch. >> is it helpful for the families of the 13 congressional districts to abolish ice? absolutely it is. >> do we need border security?
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do we need some form ever ice? >> we had it before ice. >> we need to rebuild our immigration system from top to bottom, starting by replacing ice with something that reflects our morality. >> replace it and we can replace it with a humane agency that is directed towards safe passage. >> ainsley: we can't forget this is how they think, tom. >> president biden say he wants sanctuary cities cooperate with ice. that's a political ploy. can you tell an election is coming up e doesn't mean it. why doesn't he mean it? because when he became president the first week he ordered doj to lawsuit doj cities the trump administration started. he shut it down. second secretary mayorkas sent out policy referendums to ice saying they can't arrest somebody being here illegally unless somebody of a serious crimes. actions and policies speak louder than what he said about sanctuary cities. i don't believe it. his actions speak louder than words. do something about it. stop talking about it.
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>> ainsley: tom, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> you are welcome. breaking up with spring break. crime plaguing miami beach during last year's festivities. how police are pro-octavely fighting back this year. callahan walsh on the major cramdowns on miami beach. ♪ nst discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments
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steve be some florida cities looking to break up with spring break after last year saw hundreds of arrests, a lot of felonies, too. the police chief for miami beach laid out new rules like higher parking rates, security checkpoints and even closing the beach entrances early here is reaction america's co-host callahan walsh. >> good morning, how are you. >> steve: breaking up is hard to do. people have been going to florida for spring break for a long time. miami beach is pretty much saying we are going to make it tough on you. go to fort lauderdale, go to hollywood. >> yeah. you know, being a south floridian myself i'm familiar with the influx of people come down for spring break. it isn't just for high schoolers and college attendees anymore. people of all ages come down
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here to party. to say do whatever they want to do and, of course, it brings an influx of crime. you have everything from property theft all the way up to, you know, drug trafficking, sex trafficking and worse sexual assaults are also not uncommon when it comes to, you know, the spring break time. i don't blame the community there in miami for wanting to push it a little further north. crime is spiking across the country. you know, normally, so, to have this influx of people coming down to look, you know, they want to party in your town, they leave it a mess. and, you know, you are left to pick up the pieces. so i understand these communities saying, hey, you know, why don't we push these spring breakers somewhere else and kind of dissipate some of the issues that it causes. >> steve: right. exactly. the parents have got to be thinking oh, you know, i remember spring break it was so innocent but now not so much. listen, i want to talk a little bit about your program on fox nation, merck r. "america's most wanted."
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your final episode features gabby petino's father, right? >> yeah, absolutely. it's great talking with him. him and my father have connected, you know, they are both parents of a murdered child. that's a small drub club. a club no parent ever wants to be in. he has become a great advocate and advocate for missing individuals locally in his area. working with a lot of local groups. helping out in these missing children's cases. just like my parents decided to fight back, you know, we are seeing the petinos do the same thing. it was great having him on the show. >> steve: you are going to feature another successful capture. how many bad guys has your program captured over the years? >> so, 1194 captures now. we just had three recent captures. we had davey l. briyona wanted for the sexual meteorologist of two young family members. damagey michael wanted for the murder of naji grimes. and jacob dean smart just caught one of our local crime alerts we put out there on "america's most
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wanted" as well. someone saw the show and recognized this guy jacob dean smart running across the street. they called in the tip and he was arrested. >> steve: that's how they did it for many years. check out america's most wanted on fox nation. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> steve: 5 minutes before the top of the hour and brian has got some sports headlines. >> brian: callahan does a great job. here is what is going on on the fun start. caitlin clark is heading to the wnba she is done with college after the season. while the season is far from over and a lot more goals to achieve. last one at iowa. i'm excited to be entering the 2024 wnba draft. she will go number one overall obviously. on sunday the highest scoring player in ncaa history. she needs 18 points to pass men's record held by pete mayor very much and he was fantastic. meanwhile watch her game on sunday against ohio state at 1:00 p.m. on fox. how about this the goat, tom brady is showing us that he still has a lot of gas left in the tank at 46.
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