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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  March 4, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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a supporting ukraine and taiwan in their time of need and israel au well. if we pursue maximal ballistic agenda, our security suffers greatly. >> trey: you want to run for congress and they could certainly use your wisdom and perspective. in the meantime, thank you for your service to our country. wer look forward to have your back on. i don't think this war is endino anytime soon. we will see you soon, dan, thank you for your service. >> all right, sir. a >> trey: thank you for spending part of your sunday i night with us.your i hope you have a great week ahead.d is until next week, you can find ut online at gaudi america orhe the trey gowdy podcast. night from south carolina. ♪ ♪ >> todd: a fox news alert vice president
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kamala harris eat meeting with israeli cabinet member in washington in a matter of hours after the vice president with a clear stance on because over the weekend. you are watching "fox & friends first" and i'm todd piro. >> carley: carley shimkus, meets with president biden at camp david with no event on the calendar. a new wave of protesting democrats pledging uncommitted on super tuesday tomorrow. ashley, ashley strohmier is here with the spirit kamala harris one cease-fire to start immediately calls for israel's government to release palestinin prisoners in exchange for hostages being released. eris making the claim hamas wants a cease-fire, listen. >> i will repeat the thread of hamas poses to the people of israel must be eliminated. and given the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be
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an immediate cease-fire. [cheers and applause] for a haste of the next six weeks, which is what is currently on the table. >> carley: this comes as hamas rejected complete list of hostages still live resulting in israel boycotting because of the talks in -- and refuses to provide clear answers and therefore, there is no reason to dispatch the israeli delegation. meanwhile, a wall street general poll shows 40% of americans think israel is response to hamas is too far. 19% say not far enough, 24% say just right and 15 percent didn't know or refuse to answer. so some pretty interesting numbers there guys. >> carley: and one of the reasons the vice president made those comments his concerns over this push for democrats to vote uncommitted. we saw it in michigan and expected to see more tomorrow on
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super tuesday. >> correlate the left-wing organization of the country is protesting biden's handling of israel/hamas ahead of super tuesday. the vote supports the party but not one particular canada on the ballot. and said in the statement "endorses on committing and remaining democratic presidential primaries." until the administration and support for israel's in gaza and delivers a permanent and lastin, joe biden will bear the responsibility for another trump presidency. take a look at what the democrats have to say about this move. >> there are efforts on uncommitted in california and a number of other super tuesday states in wisconsin. >> is it significant? the president is winning overwhelmingly. >> michigan is a purple state and i've said that for a long time. >> we are a state that frequently votes uncommitted. president biden got a significant limit of a vote and
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2012. i'm hearing about uncommitted voters in michigan. the president has work to do there, certainly. >> also tweeted trump will beat biden unless he chooses to listen to the working class of the country and change course and refer to the uncommitted turnout in michigan, guys, back to you. >> carley: ashley strohmier, thank you. as we mentioned, tomorrow is super tuesday and a total of 874 delegates up for grabs as voters in these 15 states plus american head to the polls to cast their votes in the 2024 presidential primary. nikki haley headed to the first day of the first primary victory after taking washington, d.c., last night. the g.o.p. delegate count now looks like this, 244 president trump, 44 nikki haley but despite trump's massive lead, nikki haley says she's in the race for the long haul and will not support the nominee if she loses. >> who are no longer bound by that pledge? >> no, i will make what decision
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i want to make, but that is not what i'm thinking about. while you all are thinking about that, looking at the fact we had thousands of people in nguyen new virginia, we will go to vermont, all the states to showe there is a path forward. >> meanwhile a new fox poll shows former president trump edging biden by two points in a 2024 rematch. >> trey: super tuesday, republicans voted against school choice initiative are facing reelection in state races. this could be a major issue in tomorrow's election because less than half of texas students across all grades are actually meeting requirements. stormy bradley is the candidate running in tomorrow's primary on pro-school choice platform and endorsed by governor abbott. and donald trump. she joins me now. stormy, thank you for being here appeared to have the governor as well as the president endorsed you over the 16 in your race
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won. but republican candidates who have been in this office for a while speaks volumes. how important his school choice to the voters of texas? >> i'm so glad you asked. you know school choice is a top priority for me and same as it is for governor abbott. i am for parents having the liberty to choose what is best for our children. right now, those options are only available to a select few. but i do think that the choice that we have that is even bigger than school choice and when i've been traveling around this district and what people are talking about is the border. we have a massive amount of illegal immigrants pouring into our communities, and we have to do something to stop that. >> trey: but with that said it might feel like at least on the border, most texas republicans i would imagine if this take them and please correct me are growing at the same direction appear that is why the school choice issue seems so striking
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that you would have republicans going against the governor when you think most republicans are for school choice. why do you think those are the republicans including the one you are going against and the primary tomorrow voted against school choice? >> that, you know, the reason they are going against school choices is because they are against parents. overwhelmingly to the last primary we had a proposition that says the support for choice, we voted at least 85% in this district that we wanted school choice, we wanted the money to follow our child. they are career politicians and not the way they are constituents would like them to vote. >> todd: stormy, if i'm a parent in another state not texas, why should i care about the outcome of your race and the other 15 races where there are republican challengers on this
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main issue? >> well, school choices about empowering parents and enabling them to provide the toughest education possible. we, as legislators, have the obligation to represent the people that put us in office. as long as you elect somebody that is doing those things, then we will get school choice in texas. >> todd: stormy bradley, we will watch the outcome of the race tomorrow. keep us posted and thank you for joining us early on a monday morning. former border chief making shocking admission about the border crisis. watch. >> i've never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter. and so, i was a chief of the border patrol. i commended 21,000 people. that is a problem. >> todd: i would say so. it will look at joe concha's response to that, blockbuster. >> carley: blockbuster for several reasons. did you see this? take a look.
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♪ ♪ that is 8-year-old belting out the national anthem over the weekend and lighting up social media with her performance. she and her father are here live to talk about it next. ♪ ♪ we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch.
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>> todd: welcome back to the springlike day for millions and millions of americans. we enjoyed it on sunday and same monday morning. severe weather is well with temperatures across the country and everything you are looking at in those yellow colors, temperatures in the 50s, 60s across the middle of the country, blue and the west, blue and cold air me and you see a risk of possibility of severe weather. it is on the lower end of the respite across the middle of the countries of the gulf of mexico, houston, austin, dallas stretching to st. louis ultimately to chicago and all areas where you can see a tornado today. it fairly big thunderstorms as a sweep across the country but everything in front of that will be enjoying some really warm air refueling all of this potential severe weather. we are talking about record highs across this region. temperatures today climbing up
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for a lot of folks may be in the 70s would be record highs. you see that swath from illinois, michigan, ohio and the great lakes, all areas where you can see that potentially record-breaking weather. these storm system sweep to the east, this is tomorrow. you are watching all of this rain ultimately work its way to the east coast. until then, until the rain worked its way through, you will enjoy more of these really warm temperatures. >> todd: i went outside yesterday. it was awesome, gorgeous. >> carley: phenomenal. >> todd: some work inside yesterday, cai caitlin clerk, mg history breaking ncaa story record for the girls and the boys during the final home game of her career, watch. >> this for college basketball history. [cheers and applause] and she does it with a shot.
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caitlin clark appear the all-time leading scorer. >> todd: she is focused and not even thinking about the record but focused on her team. finishing the game with 35 points to take down number 2 ranked ohio state officially outscoring lsu legend at the free throw line. >> honestly, i don't even care. it is cool to hear everybody screaming. it gave us a lot of momentum have time even that sequence and i'm glad to come of the hardest thing and basketball is to make baskets at the free throw line. >> todd: 685 points under her belt as her team heads to postseason play. she announced last week she will enter wnba draft after the season. >> carley: from one powerhouse lady to another, kin shafer mury with rendition of the national anthem indiana pacers game, watch this. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] kinsley murray joins me with her father, shafer murray. good morning, guys. >> how are you doing? hello, by the way, i love your dress. >> carley: thank you so much. i want to talk to you about your great outfits as well because you look beautiful performing the national anthem. you have the passion, kinsley, the voice as well. what is it like to perform the
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national anthem in front of so many people? >> well, it just means a lot. i feel like the big crowd gets me going at the beginning, like a specially at the game. woo, woo! and somebody was like i want a selfie. and i like to inspire people. >> carley: you are inspiring so many people, adults and kids alike with your beautiful voice. you are fearless as well. not a lot of people can sing that song in front of so many people but you love to honor your country here are the louder the roar, the better i get beca. i would be so nervous singing the national anthem in front of so many people, but it seems like you are in your element. what do you like about performing that song?
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i hear it is pretty difficult to sing. >> well, what i think is really cool is france got -- the war of 1812, he wrote the national anthem. after the bombs bursting, he -- he saw that our flag was still there and he looked on his telescope. he saw that our flag was still there. that means we won. and so, i just -- and especially at the end to matt, to go over and people asked me for selfiesr autographs which i'm really getting good at my autographs. i'm getting good at my signature. >> carley: get used to spending a lot about autographs, my dear. i have a feeling you will sign many in your future as well. schaefer, whatever you are doing in terms of parenting from a bottle it up and give it to all
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the parents out there because your daughter is fantastic. i have a 1-year-old son and i learnt that parents do notice things about their children way before other people do. when did you notice, shafer, kinsley was this natural born performer? >> i had a little choir at school and she would join in at one years old and start singing stuff like that here at at two, she wanted to go out there and start singing. it has always been her passion and let her do what she loves to do. >> carley: she definitely loves it. you are a schoolteacher, right, that is so much she was involved in singing with the kids. >> correct. >> carley: we need to talk about the outfit. what does it feel like to wear that big, patriotic dress, and who made it for you? >> well, [indistinct]
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, ireland made it. and i just like to come i just like to wear it and inspire people. and i like to wear a lot of one's. >> carley: you look great in all of them. >> also, somebody painted my nails red, white, and blue. >> carley: base paint on your face? that is great. >> no, my nails. >> carley: on my nails, got it, better. kinsley, what do you want to be when you grow up? >> i want to be a singer and an actress but if that doesn't work out, will be a teacher. because i have always dreamed of playing it out. >> carley: that is great. hey, shafer, your daughter is cool as a cucumber in front of all of those people. what is it like she's about to sing in front of these big
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audiences? >> it is always tight. i always get tense. and i shouldn't because when she performs is when she has at her best, even though we say practice at your best. she is still eight. so, sometimes focus isn't always there, but when she is out there, she has a rush of energy like she says and she feeds off of the crowd. >> carley: she does. kinsley, what are your friends thing about your fame? you are a social media star right now. >> some of my friends are like, you are famous or like, "you sound so good." and so, i really like my friends. and they are always like, they are always like really nice to me. >> carley: good. >> they are like really loud. >> carley: that is great.
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that is fantastic. kinsley, keep singing your heart out and loving our country. shafer, keep doing what you are doing, raising an amazing girl. you have a bright future ahead. brightening up our monday. >> think you so much. >> carley: have a great day, guys. >> carley: i have a feeling we will see a lot of kinsley on the future. >> todd: answer the first question i went from -- everybody in america is watching that right now. >> carley: by the time she was six, she performed at 100 different basketball games, baseball games, rodeos. they live in washington state, too, so this is either early wake up or late night for her. all in the name of fame and patriotism. she has a bright future. >> todd: awesome stuff coming out to a fox news alert, one ruling today but what will it be all eyes on donald trump the ballot case before the voters head to the polls tomorrow on
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super tuesday. >> carley: tudor dixon is here to talk about that and the growing wave of uncommitted democrat voters next. >> todd: and she might stay, we don't know. ♪ ♪ [car tires screeching] (♪) whenever heartburn strikes. get fast relief with tums. it's time to love food back.
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>> todd: a chinese firm threatening to sue hunter biden unless he pays $1 million after they say he was hired to act as an attorney but didn't do any work. >> carley: her sister new york station, cheryl. >> miranda devine is reporting hunter biden is threatened with a lawsuit from a chinese firm. he was paid $1 million by chinese firm to act as an attorney for their employee dr. patrick cole. but he is threatening to sue within seven days unless he gets the money back because he claims hunter did no legal work for him. a source and friend of him, patrick says he paid him but hunter never did anything for him. a friend of his told "supposed" the money should be reimbursed. the clock is ticking, the doctor hope from hong kong and abbe lowell for repayment of the funds as well as exactly what
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services biden claims to have performed to get the money in the first place. >> carley: i already have a lot on my plate. what is this all about. >> todd: and every attorney has itemized bill with each quarter hour or sixth of an hour that you do something. hunter, speaking of, could today be the day the supreme court rules on the colorado case to keep trump off of the ballot? >> we will see come all eyes on the supreme court today as they are expected to issue at least one ruling. it could be on the colorado ballot case to determine whether or not former president trump could be kicked off at the state's primary ballot. the colorado supreme court will rule back in december that trump was not eligible to run for interfering and the 2020 election. since the colorado decision he has been barred from primary ballots in maine and illinois. the high decision from the court coming when date before super tuesday in 16 states.
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it takes place in the court agreed to hear arguments in late april whether trump can be criminally prosecuted for his role in the january 6 attack on the capital. so a lot of eyes on scotus. >> todd: yes they are, cheryl, tudor dixon podcast and former michigan gubernatorial candidate, tudor if the court ends up ruling today 10:00 a.m. on this case we get the announcement, how do you expect the court to rule? >> i would say he will be on the ballot for sure. they will say you cannot disenfranchise. they want the voters to have a chance to make the decision. >> todd: i think the big issue -- by the way i agree with you on the underline i expect this decision to be unanimous simply because of a message it would send to the country that look, we are a democracy. we fight these battles at the ballot box. do you expect the same, or in might being pollyanna pyro?
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>> i fully agree. we will hear them say that voters can choose and this is a big election. it is not up to us and it shouldn't be up to a political opponent to take them off the ballot. >> todd: always watching 10:00 a.m. when the case would be announced here go on the website and we will let you knot happens. but to abandon joe biden and get democrats to vote "uncommitted" spreading in michigan 101, 067 votes committed over 13% of the total votes in the mishkin democrat primary but this vote uncommitted spreading out west, colorado, washington, they also have movements they are to vote uncommitted even though joe biden will win the primaries in those states. how significant is this perspective joe biden? >> sure. what you said is interesting, even though he will win and that is how they viewed it in michigan or tried to spin it in
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mishkin he won big but 100,000 votes uncommitted in the primary a big deal and the governor of michigan said maybe he thought it would be 10,000 but it ended up being well over at that. and enough, honestly if this were to repeat in the general for donald trump to take the state, and that is very scary to them. as goes michigan often goes the nation. they are watching this closely. they are very concerned what can happen across the nation appear they are watching super tuesday you saw kamala harris make this statement she wants immediate cease-fire. that is a total change from what we heard from the white house. she mumbled under her breath afterward, well, at least for six weeks. but she wanted those cheers. she wanted that sound bite. that is a dangerous sound bite. because when you are the white house, you cannot play on both sides of the war. >> todd: so simplicity in your answer, tudor, joe biden and kamala harris are saying these things about the conflict in the middle east in order to get that
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muslim vote back. is that what you are saying? >> i think kamala harris is the person putting on the chopping block just like the border. we will put her out there and say she is in charge and we can walk away from her if we want to. if i were her and put in a position to make the statement, hey, guys, come on, you are not doing this to me again. but she will definitely be out there and put her tail between her legs. that is not what we want to do in israel because in the long run, israel is our ally. >> todd: it will be interesting to see in michigan because out of the three states, colorado, washington, michigan is the most swing of those states. it will be interesting to see what the uncommitted translate to in the general. i don't think they will all of a sudden vote for trump but it will be interesting to see if they vote and if they do wear those votes go. tudor dixon, we have to leave it there, have a great week, thank you so much. a ballerina detained in russia shedding light in her life in a
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prison cell. she faces treason's donating to ukrainian charity. >> her boyfriend has been in contact with her and he will tell us how she's holding up tell us how she's holding up right now and how hopeful they are she will be freed. my ♪ ♪ symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death.
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>> todd: we are back with breaking news overseas. the governor of haiti declaring a state of emergency after armed gangs storm the prisons freeing 4,000 inmates over the weekend. the curfew imposed as haitian police with days long gun battle with the gangs appear they are trying to overthrow the prime minister there. he was supposed to step down last month and gang violence needs to be under control before elections can be held. >> carley: the boyfriend of an american ballerina sharing an update as she sits inside a russian prison cell. ksenia karelina was arrested and charged with treason after being accused of donating $50 to a ukrainian charity. she wrote a letter describing the conditions and how she has barely been let out side. she also says she's only allowed to shower once a week, there is no hot water, and she is forced to sleep with the lights on. joining us now as her boyfriend chris van heerden. chris, thank you for joining us
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in this impossible time for you, for her, for all who love her. you did receive a letter from her and so you were able to get a look inside of her life in this russian prison cell. can you tell us what she is going through and how she is doing and more about the conditions she is being held in? >> good morning. yes, i was able to receive a letter. she was telling a little bit more about life inside. she told me she has a 6:00 a.m. wake-up call to go to bed by 10:00 p.m. at night. the lights stay on all the time. so she's had trouble sleeping. she gets to go out once a day to the roof. obviously, it is cold, but sometimes you go to the roof, and you stayed there for hours. so she chose not to go outside anymore. also, it in the cell where she is at, they have a little water
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sink because she makes fun of because she tells me the cold water is good for her face. so the hard thing for me was once a week shower, which i think is crazy. but it first goes day by day. one day she will wake up very hopeful and positive, and then the other days, there is no hope. it is a fight of her life will be that she will be in there the rest of her life. that is where it is at. >> carley: in that letter she wrote to you, i have a window in my cell and i can see the sun and i look at the same son as you look at when the sun goes down. chris, what was it like to read that? >> i call it the sun now. i look at the sun and i think of her. it is beautiful the way she wrote it i look at the sun now
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more than i ever looked at the sun, to be honest. >> carley: hopefully, you can watch a sunset together soon. you spoke to somebody at the state department yesterday. what did they say? >> i have no access and it may be difficult. russia, they are on the russian side and it may be difficult to recognize the american spirit which is upsetting for me. but the state department we try relinquish lee every day. >> carley: the reason that russia isn't recognizing her as an american citizen is because she is a dual citizen, to a russian citizen and unfortunately they don't recognize dual citizenship. what do you think that means for her future? will it come down to a prisoner exchange? where is your thinking in terms of getting her free? >> that is exactly what i'm thinking. i would say is i would bet it is
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a prisoner exchange. and trying to get ksenia in the talks of americans released for the prisoner exchange, that is where it is at. >> carley: chris, how did you meet her? >> the way we do it today. [indistinct] >> carley: she is a beautiful girl. she is a beautiful girl. i think we understand. tell us a little bit more about her. what is she like? >> she is so kind. she is always happy, always smiling, always putting other people first. for example, writing this le letter, she keeps apologizing to me for putting me in this situation. she cares more about me than anything else. what i mean, she cares more about me than herself. that is ingenuous, she always puts other people first. she is happy. she goes to bed 2:00 a.m. in the morning and up at 7:00 a.m.
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because she wants to get as much done as she can. she supports all of her friends. she never says no to anybody. and quite frankly, she supported her friends. >> carley: you make a beautiful couple. and we are praying for her, for you, and for her freedom and we are praying it happen soon. chris, thank you so much for joining us so that we can get to know ksenia a little bit more and we can keep thinking about her and lifting her up in our thoughts and prayers, chris, thank you. >> thank you so much. >> todd: that line about the sun got me in the throat. how can it not? >> carley: he has said two different media outlets he was planning to propose as well so hopefully they can do that. now to the southern border and shocking admission from president biden's former border chief. >> i've never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that
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matter. and so my was the chief of the border patrol and i come into 21,000 people. that is a problem. >> carley: joe concha reacts to that and other moments from interview. >> todd: five coming up on "fox & friends first." no call at the border? i know we know it is a crisis and he was not talking to the guy in charge. thank you so much, coming up jam-packed morning all eyes on the supreme court as the trump ballot ruling could be released as early as today, judge jeanine pirro has everything we need to know on that. nikki haley heading into super tuesday tomorrow with the first primary win of the 2024 hopeful is raising a few eyebrows after walking back or pledged to support the party's nominee. hilly supporter governor chris sununu live to react plus a new queen of the court, iowa hawkeye caitlin clark breaking a new
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ncaa record. legendary sideline reporter on that historic night, plus dr. marc siegel on the troubling new obesity report and super tuesday with senator tim scott and senator hopeful's steve garvey coming up on this special edition of "fox & friends first." see you there. then. (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪) (♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. i love your dress.
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(♪) there's two things a young man wanna be - a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots... we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪)
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♪ >> mother of georgia nursing student laken riley speaking out after her daughter was murdered while out on a run last month.
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my family has faced the most devastating imaginable loss anyone could endure. it would be easy to lose our faith in mankind because of the senseless and avoidable tragedy. he unlawfully entered the u.s. in 2022 and was arrested then released. dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas says the federal government wasn't ever notified about the suspect. >> we firmly believe that if a city is aware of an individual who poses a threat to public safety, then we would request that they provide us with that information. different cities have different levels of cooperation. we were not notified in this instance. >> todd: the suspect's brother set to appear in court today after being caught with a fake green card. >> carley: aalejandro mayorkas says not enough to solve the are border crisis finally admitting
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there is a crisis. >> good morning carley and todd. republicans have been pushing the president to use executive authority on the border. even democrats signaled they would be open to that action. he signed a flurriy of them shortly after taking office in 2021. several of which were on immigration to reverse former president trump's policies. so critics say why not use that option again now? >> look, the current president of the united states is carrying out a lawless regime. they are doing it an all these you just talked about it's border or ignoring the student loans in the supreme court he said it. he is doing it in the fine lane. >> the biden administration reporting weighing some executive action. unclear what that looks like. whatever the president does unilaterally will likely be met by legal road blocks. >> we consider options at all times. that's the responsibility of good government. but, an administrative action is no substitute for an enduring solution. when we take draven actions, as
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we have done, a number of times, we are challenged in court. legislation is the enduring solution. >> the administration is continuing its push for congress to act. a bipartisan bill that included stricter provisions at the border failed to pass the senate last month after several republicans opposed it. and the president is leaning into that issue trying to place the blame on the g.o.p. during a trip to brownsville, texas last week. a fox news poll shows 81% of voters blame congress for what is happening at the border and 72% blame the president. giving some credence to the white house's strategy. this is still a major political liability for the president with 41% of voters saying the situation along the southern border is an emergency, up from 34% in december. adding to all of this, the former chief of u.s. border patrol says he never spoke with president biden during the nearly two years he served under him. >> i have never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that
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matter. and so, i was the chief of the border patrol. i commanded 21,000 people, that's a problem. >> chief raúl ortiz retired in may 2023. carley and todd? >> carley: let's bring in joe concha. chief ortiz was border patrol chief when there were 15,000 haitian migrants under the bridge in del rio. also the chief during the false whipping allegation. so the lack of communication there is notable. also notable i would like to get your thoughts on both of these things is "60 minutes" covering this illegal immigration crisis when under the trump administration, i'm sure a segment like this would have been accused of being anti-immigrant. >> joe: all great points, carley. welcome to the party, pal, as far as "60 minutes" getting to this story three years into this administration. guys, this is absolutely devastating.
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and that ain't high hyperbole to this biden harris campaign. it will be fascinating in the most crap tastic ways to hear karine jean-pierre handle that question when she is asked about it. look, as we just saw, joe biden and kamala harris over and over again have said that the crisis that is a catastrophe at the u.s. southern border they take it very seriously. how could you possibly take this crisis seriously when you haven't spoken to the border patrol chief for more than two years? and the fact that, you know, this was shared on "60 minutes" to your point, carley, absolutely got the attention of the white house communications team. because they can't just point to some sort of right wing media conspiracy when cbs news is anything but right wing. make no mistake, the border and immigration will decide the 2024 election. and if this election were held today, donald trump would win by an electoral land slide based on the numbers we have been seeing over the last couple of months, todd. >> todd: more numbers now.
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46% of hispanic voters favor trump compared to the 40% who support biden. joe, in the 2020 election, biden beat trump with hispanics by 21 points. you are the messaging expert. what does it say about this biden administration that they completely misread the room as to what their open border policies would mean to hispanics? i think they thought this gets us 100 percent of the hispanic vote and the hispanics are saying we don't like this, joe. >> joe: 27 point swing. it really is incredible, todd. my relatives came by way of spain and by way of cuba. they came here legally through new york. and i can only imagine what many hispanics are thinking and feeling as far as seeing their jobs that they once had being taken away to cheaper labor by people who are not supposed to be here or entered the country
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illegally. they see sanitation and education and police forces being cut because the budgets can't handle all these illegal migrants in places like new york city. so the money is being allocated to them instead of to the communities that they help build. so that is exactly why that number is where it is. and it's exactly why, again, if this election were held today in places like georgia, arizona, nevada, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, that donald trump would win those states because the hispanic and black vote is either more and more either switching to donald trump or they are just going to stay home or vote for a third party candidate, guys. >> carley: the president is taking it slow this week as he prepares for his state of the union address on thursday. he is going to be at camp david until tomorrow with no public events on his calendar today. then he's going to deliver the state of the union before a couple campaign events heading into the weekend. then he is back at the white house on sunday. then we just got some new information address that came
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out within this hour. white house communications director ben la bolt says they are just not going to be relying on the president to deliver their message. they're also going to be standing out aggressively and sending people -- sending senior officials to the white house -- the senior officials will be there and then people from radio and tv will be doing interviews with them. could be a good strategy but it also could be some people may make the argument that they are relying on other people to deliver the president's message for him, just that 10 seconds remaining to you, joe. >> joe: he should be on a media tour instead he will be i guess today is a vacation. this whole presidency has been a vacation. this looks horrible, this schedule but it always seems to look horrible. is he not working hard for the american people it's just that simple. >> todd: kjp is going to be saying he is prepping. he has been prepping for a while. >> steve: or


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