tv Hannity FOX News March 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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dahmer started out sleepingt with male mannequins that didn' out vt turn out veryl indeed. >> tommy from south dakota, wero went from putting our kids in masks to having them mouth on toes. >> outbreak of athlete's mouth is on the way. >> i should have had a viewer hv brrning before that segment, and i apologize, brian from, ar phoenix, arizona, to licking "to y thhe healer, joe manchin throw downs. >> that's why wetwo tunin."e i. cecil from pineland, texas do not insult jesse juniorntly e by comparing him to keith olbermann. >> yeaveh, apparently every tima keith olbermann cries, he needs to be in a . s >> weird. weird. day two, tuesday cover super tue tomorrow, 7:00 eastern. also, trump on ] "fox and friends". >> i'm waters. anis is welcome to hannity and is a fox news alert. it is 9 p.m. on the east coast.i
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x'6 p.m. on the west coast and e are awaiting the results of the gop caucuses in north dakota, where the polls now officially all closed. we'll continue to monitor and update. throughout the evening. and of course, super tuesday is tomorro w and these are the states that will be voting tomorrow, alabama, alaska, arkansas, california, colorado, maine, massachusetts. minnesota. north carolina. oklahoma. tennessee. texas. utah. vermont. p and virginia. it'll be a test after the show. but first, formerer donald trump scored a major victory today when the u.s. supreme court unanimously reversed that ruling that barred him from appearing on the colorado ballot ahead of tomorrow's maimary. now saying in the majority opinion, quote, states have no powejor under under the constito rcto enforce section three with respect to federal offices, especially the presidency. trum president trump reacted to this decision on true sociawi
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l, calling it a big win for america. and he's right. base id on the oral arguments,ot the decision is not a surprise. this should have been and wasn a slam dunk case. and whilane the issueberal that concurring opinion, even the three liberal justicesstice, they with trump. now today's decision has ramifications well beyond colorado. remember a judge in cook countye in illinois that trump was ineligible for the state's primarasy ballot just last week. and of course, in the state of maine, they have a leftisf ct of state unilaterally decided to remove him from the ballot in that state without any legal proceedings. but today's decision from the supreme court, well, quote ,no pun intended, it trumps those rulings and states had nos business with this issue in the first place. and evens issue in the well, lil justices agreed. now, thiill lis would have cread nothing but complete chaos in colorado if. g aw colorado had done this and gotten away with this. and agaiayth this n, it was a sy
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but what's extremely alarming is the left'ming is reaction.s e let's take a look at their collective meltdown todayy following this nine zero decision. >> watchg this. the supreme court handed trump a second gift in as many weeknys, a constitutional technicality. >> there are a lot of americans out there. they're justf amir blood is thed is boiling over. what donald trump did on january or what he did leading up to january six. and they just think that he's justjanuary t thin getting let t scot free. >> left and right. the supreme court has just andt. said up to congress. so what have they done? ? peoethey've put it in th capable hands of folks like jim jordan, james colmer, rs. marjorie taylor greene, matt gaetz and others. >> i'm glad we'm glad a nationo rule of law and the highest court in the united states has rule the d this. rtant, and that is important. we are still right now effectively a democrac r lyy. but in the court of public opinion, trump will take this s spin it, spread the misinformation, disinformation on it. prenformatii think the supreme c issued bad decisionsishis
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on democracy, and here we have it,t in this context. s right.nce, a hesitance. that's a reticence, a refusall to hold this man accountable. >> unfortunately forto m americy the court in this isn't necessarily that this is the f way the framers wanted it to be. >> i have far too muchd hopet wl that the court would be united in this and not overstep in favor of donald trump andjusc think what we saw was a courest where justices that behaved in a partisan manner. >> now, in the majority opinion, the justices did acknowledge that a disqualificationth for, quote,nu insurrection can occur, but only when congress necessary legislation. and, of course, some house democrats predictably immediately floated the idea. here's what the radicae idea tl socialist jamie raskin had to say. >> watche rattra. the supreme court punted and said it's up to congress tt and soto act. and so i am working with a number of my colleagues, debbie
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wasserman schultz and eric swalwell, to legislation a p that we had to set urop a proces by which we could determine that someone who committedn insurrection is disqualified by section three of the 14th amendment and thth t alsoe house of representatives already impeached donald rticipatgiting cipatin insurrection by inciting it. so the house is alreadithe housy pronounced upon that. >> this is just another pathetic, desperate ploy frominf the left to interfere in the election and tak electioe trumph means necessary. it is important to notate we must all remember with all the legal hurdles that they havean donald trump,s ne the former president, he's never even been chargedver with insurrection, which has a criminal statute. if want the specifics, it38 is title 18, u.s. code 2383 that reads, whoever incitesse sets out on foot, assists or engages in any rebellion, insurrection against the authority of the united stateinsurrec
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s or the lawst th thereof, or gives aid and comfort,ere they are to shl be fined under this title or in prison, not more thanshe' ten years or both, and shall ho of holding any office under the united states. that's means that even joe biden's weaponized doj, they didn't even eve charge him. never mind convict him. with all of this likely knowing that they'd never get a conviction. but thankfully today, the supreme court issued the correct decision and preservecision a the integrity of the republican primary process. now, it's been a very busy few t days in the court system. well, earlier today, also earle put the new texas immigration law on hold until march 13th. and on friday, a federal appeal os panel ruled that some january 6 defendants had their sentences improperly lengthened. all right. a lot of news todathsentences pr y. rat what's the first reaction? fox news contributor jonathan turleioy? not a surprise. are you surprised? well, you a lot of friends
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in the democratic party, i think you're still officially a democratarty, . are are you surprised at the reaction? because it seemsyo the that fory reason, they they don't care whether. s nece it's legal or not. they will use whatever means dot donald t take ousse on trump. >> and that should be the real threat to democracy, in my viehi . >> i was w notot surprised by tr yoaction m and for months you've had networks in newspapersu thn up as what some called anory, unassailable theory that the only way that he would not be disqualified is ifcour the republicans on the supreme court protect him and acted like ideological robots. >> that whole narrative was shattered in oral argumentl ar and again today with the unanimous decision. >> and i think a lot of people were not quite sure how to spin out of thatht becaue they couldn't just say, oh, well, look, it's just the sixnsa
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conservatives again. >> but i thinktiain. that the rl winner here is not donald trump, but rather it's the united states supreme court. and ultimately, is the americanl people. >> the court was designed for thise. s desi moment. this was what the framers hoped, what would happen. whathey wanted the court to ben able to transcend the politics polit, to be ableitizen to rise above that and to point citizens, to a horizon, a constitutional horizon that unites them all. and they did that. they said that thi that.s not what the constitution means. and if we go down this road,e gw it's going to add a gross instability to the countryth. s and what you see with representative raskin and others is that you see this contrast where the court says, we don't wanourtt chaos. wellnd what's the response from representative? >> well, then we'll try another way to bring chaos. we'll trl try any to to do this in congress, which will never succeed. and it was also brought up
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what if it happens to a republican in this case? what wouldric and stop republics from just declaring maybe one one elected official declaring, oh, this democrats o ineligible for this reason or that reason? i don't think there wouleason. d be an end to it, and the result would be obvious chaos, which i think would in itsellff be a threat i to democracy if i want to quote the left. to quoteyou agree with that? absolutely. and these are really sort anl short sellers . you know, they they go for these easy kills, r th, they go these impulse moves. and there's very little consideratior thesves.n of whatc implicates for the future, but also what it suggest futursr this country. we have something that is really precious in this country. we have the most successful, longest standing, most stablehir democratic system in history. >> and yety.and yo people were g with it. they were trying to game it. the change so that they could do this, what i've called ballot cleansing and the
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court put a stop to it today.'t it won't necessarily be thehe last such effort, but theyn: y stopped them today. >> yeaeah.alh. all right. jonathan turley, as always, thank you. now, also earlier todaathasy, fr president trump, he did call in to my radio show to react to today'sid. e >> here's part of what he said. it was a great decision. we'r>>e very honored by it. and it basically said youetti have to wingn by getting the votes as opposed to some other way. whaty what we power wanted. >> and it was a very powerfulfue decisioncisi, very well crafted and very well respected. i mustespected. t >> all right. here with more on today's supreme court rulingtoday su a,r presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy is with us. let's get your initialca reaction, sindidmy.r. look, this is a caset' about national unity. and i thinabouk supreme court wy absolutely ruled in the right way. answering the questiont really all we want nation or not. the supreme court held. yes because the heart of the o decision was about whether we could have a patchworke
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framework where certain states decide who's on the ballot. decide whosates decides different person is on the ballot for us president. that doesn't work if we're one nation. >> so that's what this case was really about. i thought president trumise waps a great job in that press conference and that discussion he held afterwardsconferen. l speaking about national unity, i think that's the heart of this case. that wasunity,s o with preside trump earlier today. and i do think that this is not just about presidentani that th, but about the future unity of our country itself. and the supreme court nine zero came down on the right side of that question king dow. rward, >> and i d so think that's a stp forward, sean. i don't think they should have ever gone to the supreme court.t ow but the fact that it is shows how far we've fallen. out e, the fact that they came out on the right side of it unanimously is ighta> good step for this country. >> what did you make in theaen:a concurring opinions of the three liberal justices and also that of ame liberay coney barre, who said the court has settled a politically charged issu pe in the volatile season of a presidential election, quote particularlyseason, in this circumstance, writings
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on the court should turn the national temperature down, not up for present purposes. are differences are far less important than unanimity? - unanimity in this case, all nine justices agree that thehis case on the outcomes case, that is the message americans should takssage. that was a pretty usuallyy, jus justicesti not acknowledge political circumstances surrounding a particular case. >> she didrr go theroundine. io >> your reaction to that? >> i think amy coney barrett'shi actual one page concurrencnk ams useful. now, if you want to go a little deeper, sean, and you're asking about this, what dabout do i see in that concurrence, what you actually see is they said, ou actuaokay, the can't do thisl but the federal government could do it. co do its in federal government outside of congress. >> so you want to read the subtex t of.ning this what i think is happening is the court is buying themselvesn th some latitude toy there's going to be other trump related cases that come beforeumted case the supreme co. so what you see e fromlibera the liberal justices is sayingre
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the three of them did swinge d over 49 zero unanimous ruling here, but they say other actorsd ,the federal government, even outside of congress, could have had that authority. could' >>ve i think they're buying themselves some leash foty r, eren going in a different direction in some of those other cases, wa caseng the presidentialt di m now making its way up to the supreme court next month as wele l. even >> so that's what i thinktu is actually going on. and the roberts court in particular, more than the in any court in modern history, sean, is really concerned histy smacytions of it legitimacy. so while i do think today wa si -- an outstanding outcome, it was the right outcome for justice and for this country and for nationaloutcom unity.s >> nine zero. i think that that does that dissent dias a dissent. it was a concurrence by the three liberal justices plantsth the seeds for them, potentially going a different way in future casesegoing s are coming down t. how dangerous democrats as agy i part of this strategy? i think they'll talk te'll about january six and trump trump trump as evip,l and the obvious book that theyss
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use, the democratic party. republicans are racist and sexist and homophobeedn parn and the list goes on. i've mentioned it many, many times,time but you when act you actually look at the heart of thiuats, how would it be what what would how would this latwe result be if, in fact, wetician have one politician having the poweg thr to unilaterally, r whatever reason, declare a candidatre ineligible to be on a ballot? coat are the long term consequences of thisns? >> the long term consequences? undoing what we set thi in 17 country in motion in in 1776. >> that's a monarchy, no76t democracy, where one autocrat, one monarch, one individuacracyl gets to decide who the people can and cannot electo. fu and 250 years ago, shall we have our founding fathers who fought a revolutio forn to b that for better or worse, we the people decide who govern foh we the people settle our differences at the ballot box able
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vote for whoever we want, where every person has y a voicpersone and a vote in that democratic process. if america means anything, that's what it was founded on.akes that is what makes america great. that is what makes americake america itself. so what is at stake, you ask? i think it is our national identity itself. that is who we are., that that's what the supreme court came down on the right da of today. and i think president trump gave one of the i think the great speeches we've seean t trump nng i in a long time solidifying that decision with the right tenor to say that this olidifyis ab about him. this is about the future unity of our country. that'st th ity of what's at stake. >> and i think that the supreme court came down to that. imagin o e elected official canected of declare somebody guilty of insurrection, a charge that was never even made against president trump. lee esident t a conviction. pretty scary scenario in my view. the fake rama. thank you, as always. now, the colorado ballot dispute is not only case that president trump has now before the supreme court. they agreed last week to heare arguments on the issue of presidentiauments ol in his . cere now with more executive,
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director of the american center for law and justice, jordan sekulow is wit and h us. they represented, by the way, the republican party of colorado in the ballot caseip . former harvard law professor alan dershowitz is with us and fox news legal analyst. great. jared jordan, let me start wit h you first. you were involved the aclu was involved in issue representing the republican party of colorado. i did sense that a lot of the arguments you put forward were actually considered by justices. that was my take. your reactiotake sithat, yeah, we actually have a side by side that we put up today p on our broadcast where you can see our brief and then seee majorie opinion today and see kind of the language used. and i'm no ke ust the justices k it verbatim, but i wouldy be pretty exciteexcited what ou. team, our legal team put together on case and i think-- with justice baird summed it up right. all the americans to take away, as you said, sean, is that all nine justices agres agree ts
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the wrong process and that's it on this. all of this matter that states o of states and random officials at the state levelat ran shouldt have no role in deciding what presidential candidates on the ballo t. orge >> let's not forget, it was not just democrats, but plenty of rightbu republicans who took the same position as those democrat thes who to remove president trump from the ballot this way and the supremeom the d them even three liberal members of the supreme court kno w you can't do this 9 to 0. now onto immunity. we've done those cases. ncaasd those cases whe the president was in office. and you remember, adam schiff it'sobsessed with getting his tax returns. it's all going to come down to that question presented. >> and i said, you know, jack,en jack smith, that may have been his biggest problem with thisn whole issue is the question presented that was written by the court. d that wttenysean which says, la at actual official actcts of ths president and whether or not official acts of theof the p pr, those acts then immune frome prosecution and. i think i could see how this
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case gets a decision at the supreme court. e, sean, and it has to be sit downo all the way back to a district unoft to decide wae official ves unofficial acts. and again, this no ask andtand president trump in his deelection effortshiection. professor dershowitz, on the issue of immunity, all ofe is us that the court han obligation to take that case up. ofk bubut i know, greg, yoursel, i felt the same way. wawasn't sure that they would rightly they did take that issue up. relate how do you see the argument tha falling in that caseca? well, as you know, i predicted the outcome of this case exactlpredicte thiy how the coud decide nine to nothing usingn of the fifth section of the 14th amendment on the issuet. e of immunity. i'm going to make a prediction here, too. i think both sidestion he are yo broadly, i think trump was wrong to have his lawyer sayis t that if a president orders the seals to kill his opponente ,he can be immunized unless he gets impeached first. that went too far.
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they should have been. of course not. now, let me. but i also think the lower court went way too far by whate having no immunity whatsoever and saying that whatever a presidenvet may have hadin immunity while in office, he loses that once leaves office. i hope and i suspect that thethe court granted certain this case in order to come out with a nuance t decision that focuses on precisely what are i presidential acts and if they're within the scope of presidentiae the sl, then the to go beyond the presidency itself. let me give you an example. president eisenhoweren in 1954 sent troops down to implement brown versus of education. n one of the children or one of the police officers killed. and the new president coming a in a democrat years later wants to indict eisenhower for having done that, even though it wass n in his presidential authority. i think we will all agree anat there has to be would some immunity and we will all agree that he can't have totald
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idua for everything he did as a politician or as an individual. a ne i i think the supreme court hopefully will come out with a nuanced decision that will give guidance to the lower courts as to whenculpab is applicable, when it's not applicable, we can bringle it'ei country together on this issue as well, instead of simply having extreme views on both sides, you know i actually concur with what you just said, and i think regulat just sair pr dershowitz is saying is that the argument of, absolute immunity probably is too broad and a more nuanceded judgmentt of the court, i think wouldbl probably be more appropriate in this case and maybe even the better argument for the for the court. >> your take? well, i think the supreme court looked at the circuit court decisionupremeoked a and said, . you went way too far. you're dismissing any notion of immunity, even if a president acts consistent with his duties, that is absurd. >> logically and it's
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inconsistent, by the way, and this is the important parts with. >> the supreme court precedent for decades ago that a o. president, does have absolute immunity from civil lawsuit wel suits as long as his actions-- fall within the outer perimete r of his official act. >> well, you know, shawn, the exact same applies acts. to criminal prosecutions. the e my goodness, chi the chilling effect on presidential decision would trigger paralysis instead of a chief executiv >> >> so america, right in my mind by a committee of lawyer s>> bys they'd be afraid to do anything out of fear of future. ion. >> greg, let me ask you this. would a more nuanced version versus the argument of absolute immunity maybe. of course, you have freedom of speech, but you can't, you know, fire in a crowded building. >> would that be would there be an analogy there? ye. b s. >> and you would expect the court to do that. and jordan jordan said this
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as well. >> i suspect the current i su will extendy stan the existing immunity standardda in actions to criminal cases and then remand the trump case back to the trial court to decide whether trump's actsti are covered as official acts. >> and i think he has a veryd ve good argumenry gt that they are. >> if he believed there was election fraud, even a mistakens belief he has a sworn duty enforce all laws. and we're seeing if he wanted. it won't be unanimous. it won't be unanimous. it won't be this will be a divided opinion. and i suspect itivided will be o 3. >> i suspect you're probably far right to go so far. one more thing i want to know. so let'se 1- if your record hol. thank you all for being with us. appreciate it. l fogreat analysis. all right. a new batch of bad polls for n pon. lee it should make everytl single democrat a little bit terrified. tonight, we'll checkt in with oe charlie hurt, mike huckabee, as we can tell you. thank you for being with b us.
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you lose fat and get lean absolutely free. that's both. 2215215. and this is a fox news alert. the ap has just called the north dakota republican caucuses for former president donald, who beats nikki haley on the eve of super tuesday. now, meanwhile, several new 2024 election polls were just released. and long story short, former president donald trump beating joe biden, all of them. but if you really dig deep into the numbers, you'll see that joe biden has a lot to worry about tonight. just hundred and 40 days awayr s from november 5th. the new york times, sienda a, 10% of 2020 biden voters now say they'll be backing donald trump. and that same poll, 40% say trump's policies helped them. 43% of respondents say joe biden's policies have them.
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the cbs poll had an interesting question how is the economy under donald trump? 65% said good. right now under joe biden, 60%un say it's bad. the wall street journal and their poll is justefined the latest one to find immigration as the top issue for voters this year. and that's obviously not forr ve joe biden. meanwhile, our very own fox news poll finds that trumprn enjoying huge amounts of support from voters that he hasn't- show done well with ine the past. trump earns 28% of theowns 28% african american vote, 51% of mar majority, 51% majority ae among voters under the age of 30. young they tend to vote more democratic. 48% support with hispanicith americans, 43% supportor with suburban women. plus even 8% from democrats.e if these numbers hold, inumbf hf of them hold, joe biden would be iiousn serious trouble in 24a
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days. here with reaction, fox news contributoysre witr charlie huro former arkansas governor mike huckabee is with us. governor, let meve is with start withol you. let's go to the cbs poll. a few things really stand out in this poll for me. number one, trump actually tops the 50% threshold, 5248. how is the economy trump? 65% say good. how is iw?t now? 60% say bad. wow. i don't. people still vote. peace and prosperity a aren'th r the two biggest factors. and pretty much every presidential election. on? >> well, what we're seeing>> wel is somethingl the best ways a to describe it. circ. 't beeing in the drain that hasn't been seen since alfred hitchcock's showerere is scene in psycho. there's just nothing like this k . it's -- it's unbelievable to think that joe biden isha collapsing before our eyes. yeong the very groups that normallveryy be his safe space. but when people say and this way s the most interesting question that i heard in the
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poll, that his policieon here sn actually hurt them. you start thinking only a political would go vote for joe biden because they had met. his policies are hurting me. they're not just being neutralr and not helping. they're hurting me. why woulrting med vote for some who hurt you? that's just bizarrizarree, you . >> well, let me ask you. w we saw last week charlie hurt, 38% approval rating for joe biden. , % 86% think he's too old to dl the job. i don't think it's really age. think people now come around to what we've been pointincome and that is the obvious cognitive decline. fiere has been a significantde decline since i first startersdf talking about itor before the 2020 election. i theah. >> yeah. i think actually democrats in the white house would rather talk democra about his health and talk about his cognitive decline becaus hise it's much better thn actually talking about the issues. ame issues are so much worseisss for him in terms of what
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the american people are feeling and. and it's also i think it makes it very clear as to whyl democrats put all their eggs in this basket of trying to go to the supremeet court to trytrg to put donald trump in jail ordr to bankrupt his family, do whatever they can to destroy him, because if that if desthey, you know, iss they can't win on the issues. because on the issues, on everything across the board, whether it's the economy, whether it's immigrationything whether it's crime, all on all of these issues, voters prefer the policies of donald trump. and in the case of immigration, donald trump is the only politician who's ever come alongonlywhosever c and mat the issue that he made. and it turns out he's, you know, the majority of democrats agree with him. you know, democrat voters rather agree with him on thisisu issue. and, you know, it's going to wind up being the probably nm the number one issue going into november. >> and you've got anbecase republicans have the best guy
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possible prosecuting the case. l let me go back to the pollss here. if we look at the fox news polk, in terms of joe biden, 58% say he has mostly failed when it comes to helping the working class tos in the country.e 61% mostly failed. the usmage abra image abroad ins of the world, his handling of the economy, 61% mostly failed, making the country safer. 63% say he mostly failed,st unifying the countryly fai, 69%y he mostly failed. improving border, 71% say he's mostly failed huckabee. fo if, if if anybody's for office and those are the numbers on the very specificho issues of our time, how does somebody recover from that in 245 days? >> well, i'm not sure he can. i mean, this is a case where the candy bar in the pool, caddyshack. turns out not to be a candy bar after all. bar beginn are beginning
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to realize it. and i'm just convinced that there's a whole lot of whod fo voted for joe biden before who cannot bring themselves the to do it again, because they they look at their lives, they look at their paycheclives they look at what it cost to buy a hamburger and fries. they look at what it costs to fill up their car with gas. and they just say, why would i do this to my family? i love my family. and even if i don' t, donald trump and i kind of like joe biden, but i'md not sure why. but -- but let's say that just on a personality basis, that'smh where they land. they ultimately have to sae to t i've got to vote for my family, not for some traditiony, and noo for a party. i got to vote for what's best >>r the people i lovmywhat's be. all right. we'll give you the last word. charlie hurt wt. >> you know, i think it's interesting. you know, i don' i thinkt thinks election is going to turn on foreign policy this year. but fo this ye i think it's interestingid that joe biden has been in washington for 50 years. ens beenshingtonhe is an expertt policy. and look at all of the contests
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,things that he has spawnedd around the world under worlh. c and he can be blamed for all of them. all right. e. appreciat thank you, charlie. thank you, governor. we appreciate you both being with us. when we come of yo b. florida congressman matt gaetz will join us to discuss this deated with hunter biden during his deposition last week. and wait until you hear what california is doing in terms of benefits for illegal immigrants. and that state. >> that's all straight ahead. >> the first to document covid's origin, exposing human trafficking on the border and visible from its source for daring to tell the truth. we've been censored, demonetized and attacked. we've jailed in china. in hong kong, we've been tortured. in atlanta. were tied to a chair and bloodied in print and online. we have the courage to deliver the truth at all costs. the times is your source for truth. discover truth at the above
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drug, which prompted a healthy dose of feigned outrage from hunter. as you see there on your screen with hunter replying to gatesron quote, of all the people sitting around this table, dthea you think that's appropriate to ask me? and this later exchangtemee didt get much coverage. but take a look. lo s, says to gage, quote i contemplate that one day you and i are going to be grea"r friends. that ever going to happen? >> [ don't think so. gates responded, saying, hope springs eternal. mr .. and now, according to miranda devine at the "new york post", a chines e cfc employeel who allegedly paidal hunter $1 million for a legal retainer is now sayinag he's going to sue in seven days if he doesn't get the money back. whe y this hundred, he says, say never did any legal work fors, hiy m at all. it was reaction of florida congressman, that case. what i found particularly interesting about the exchange, remembere ically he was saying e was either drunk or high, but definitely out of his mind t
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as it relates to the whatsapp message,esth the one where he s, oh, i'm sitting here with my father and then threatening cfc executive. days later, according to james colmerceecutive , millions of ds goes to one of the bank accounts they haveba. he doesn't remember sending that message. he doesn't remember even ifat he sent that message. but heessage knows with 100% certainty that the message that they did send and that we now know about, that his father wasn't there. >> now, if he doesn't remember anything else about it, doesn't remember sending it says he was out of hiss ou mind, high on drs or drunk. y the factthere?sibl about his father not being there. >> isn't it convenient that all hunter biden seems to rememberar is that he was high and not with joe biden? there's something very revealing about hunter biden's testimony, thoug somh. whenever he's getting paid, he suggests that he's a brillian p t, a financial wizard, a man about washington.
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but wheneveran demanding paymend and that's where you see the references to joe biden,hako the shakedowns, the threats. well, then he can't be responsiblewn for his actionsdrugge because he's just a drug addled fool. and so i wanted to drill into precisely when joe or joe biden hunter biden were using this drug induced defense for reallya what is a bribe that is dressed up in drag and masquerading a around as a business transactiondn. t and the fact that the chinese are now saying this wasn't ara business, there was no work done. that only reinforces the conceponlyt that this was a bribe the whole time. all right. so we're supposed believe that hunter, who went on good morning america, admitted he no experience in energy, oil, gas at or any experience in ukraine. he's doing thesee energy deals with burisma out of ukraine, the cfc, the oil conglomerate out of china. noc thew at a time when he's ao
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addicted to drugs, by his own admissiodrugn, can you explain to me how dangerous that would be for nationas withl security?l because i would imagineis that especially the communist ct or russian oligarchs he did business with would likely did have a dossier on him that could be very compromisinge . >> well, this wa twas all about leverage to the chinese, to thet ukrainians. and here'so so fascinating.whenw when we asked hunter biden, well, since you knew nothing about energye , why were you getting paid a million bucks a year to be on the burisma board? s o beand he said, well, i was i a an expert at compliance and oversaw it and i was there - to make sure the company was sufficiently transparent. and soe company my brilliant coa harriet hageman of wyoming, she said, well, if what you werennw in charge of was transparency and oversight, were you ever transporte d front enough the p to share with the people who you sat in fiduciary foreoo us that you were on drugs, that you were high, that you hig that.oin value and of course, then, you know, hunter biden got very pious andp suggeste
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d that it was rude to ask anyone afflicted with addiction these questionse- . remember, hunter biden is not a fool. he's a crook. biden isand those crimes, in oro to the benefit of many members of the biden family, i believene a bribe is consummated. if family members paid off. i believe that should be the st and. wfor impeachment t i believe it's why we should send a criminal referral to the justice department for these things. because remember, sean, the statute of limitations on a loe statutlimitatit this hasn'ta if we send a criminal referral now, that willl be a live bullet that the trump justice department can chamberet discharge in order to get justice for the crimes of the crimbiden family notably hunter. >> wer>>e you able to find anyae writifics rendered, for example, anything that he might have written to, any of thesehi companies that were paying him millions? have you found any examples of any services? according to james colmer. ten biden family members were paid money, maybe. we know what the grandchildren e did for their cair gr.
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>> no, there there is no realelr deliverable here. and in fact, you continue to seeabhere foreigners providie the money. >> so, you know, being very vague, opaque about it. g this was about getting money in tfolk hands of peopleetti that could do the bidding of folks far away from this country at the expenseawaym thi our country. >> remember, people don't pay bribes to not get somethinpele e in return. in this case, what the chinese got t all thenese ia trump policies that targeted chinese influence and malign activitynf, those were abolishe. the china initiative was abolished. thny initiday one in the joe biden presidency. so hunter took the money . e then joe delivered on the promises so that the chinese were paid ofes so thhefe americans were left in the lurch. is it true>> sean: is have your that in december of 2015, against what john solomon said was official obama administrationjohn s policy, that hunter was i believe in dubai with burisma executives and got on the phone
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with joeent exect on. that's five days before he went to ukraine and. in his own words, leverage the billion dollars. you got 6 hours,n dollar got so. they did it and gotestiga the prosecutor investigating burismtie mines a and his son f. daddy. do we knowwe for kno a fact thaa did that against the official policy of the obama administrationcy o ? >> well, we believe that those bribes actually changedes policies in the obama administration, because as you ory note previously,ive that was the perspective that we wanted to see thesthat e prosecutions occur. we wanted to see the prosecutor successful. that prosecutoul. r fired commensurate with hunter comm a million bucksyear a year for absolutely nothing while he claimed he was oubsolut of mind and no experience. i must add tha nt the zero experience. hence the name. all right. mark h. , thank you.ight ahe we appreciate you being with us. straight ahead tonight, you're not going to believe this will. believrs the latest benefits for illegal immigrants in the great sanctuary statt santere califory now be eligible for. we'll explain.
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can end hunger. join the movement at feeding america, dawgs flashback now. >> all right. a democratic assemblyman democ, california, introduced a bill that would expand a state program to provide first time homebuyer loans to illegal immigrant. now the california dream for all shared appreciation loan program was launched last year in an effort to help and middle income individuals buy homes. and now a democratic m membereme is now looking to expand y criteriailit to include illegal immigrants. now, his bill states that an applicant under the program cannot be disqualifiedr based solely on their immigration status. wow. anyway while. , california, in case
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you're interested, is facing a $73 billion deficit this year. here with reaction. former senior adviser to president trump stephen w fos miller, along with the host of alt kicks tomi lahren h ,y fe is fearless and very fearless indeed. >> tommy, we'll start with you. and did.y, sanctuary, state,sanc free health care for illegals. tuarfree hbut now this. >> yeah. why would anybody come to this ituntry legallwhy anymore? i mean, it really doesn't pay to do it the right way and respect our laws tndour lawt and respect our nation. but what they're doing here to me is just so strategic. it's quite obvious. in california, illegals can driver's licenses. they can take part in health care . now you've got state loan programs. the whole strategy here is to he get these illegal aliens addicted and hooked on government to get them deeply embedded in the economy in thecountry community, in the city, in the state. the statten it's only a shor till. well, we need to give them t
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voting rights becausm voe they n own homes. they can have driver's licenses. to me, thi drivers is so simple, sucho a manipulation. ma. thesall that pathway get these illegal aliens voting and voting for the people coat are deliverin andg prize to them. of course, democrats knour demol ,i mean, think of this, stephen miller. you ca think n actually citizenship in many countries and some ev's very expensive and othersy it's very inexpensive. i would think that the united states, if ite es it wa s selling passports or visas, conr probably could charge a massive premium more than any other mo earth.perhapse pr is that is that the ultimate goal? offer amnesty in the hopes of, hey, we're going to give you something of great worth? youso wbut i hope you'll rememr us when you go vote. well, this is, of course, a scheme to get illegal aliens hooked on government largesse and then make them into citizens. so you have free housing, you have luxury hotels, free
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airfare free transportation,ee l free welfare, free cash,fa a and subsidized home loans, all to get illegal s dependent upon the government and then make them into full voting. bin what was joe biden's first bill that he said to congress? bill t speople don't talk about. the first bill he sent to congress was to mak bile all illegal aliens into voting citizens. the only reason they didn't is because at that moment in time, joe manchin was notwa willins g to get rid of the filibuster. ho they had enough senators,y ha they had the house, they had the white house, and they would rammed the legislation giving the righldn given t to vote to y single illegal alien that joe biden now letting into this country. and that's why donald trump has correctlthaty said that if he gs in his highest priority is going to be to find and remove the illegal aliensbie that joe biden has brought into this country as part of thiss vote scheme. >> i've not noticed yeton that governor newsom has
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weighed in on this, tomi, but he did support i. did the ia of illegal immigrants getting free health care. whal immgey he bttine against t >> and he supported sanctuary state, going to be. right.wo he's going to be rather quiet, maybuld behee about because, as, know, sean, i believe that he's trying to be the democratibeliec nominee. >> so he might be a little bittt quieter about this. but i lived in californile tler in a. i've heard this man speak. he believes in this because he knows that if he to get elected in 24 or maybe later on down the road in 2028 ,he's got to find a way fo tr democrats to remain in power. and he's going to do that by making sure illegal immigrants are indebtedg to the democrat party indebted to him. very manipulative, very also, in my opinion, quite treasonous to the people that came herean the right way. >> and of course, american citizens who are citi gg royally screwe d. yeah, but he's got to be looking at these polls. it's a one issue in every stater so far. >> stephen miller, we'll give you the last wor, giv d. ber it is the number one issue,
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but this is the last chance for american voters because they're playing the long game. weg have to win in 2024, sealha that border and have president trump, restore american sovereignty or the long gamp mre, end up workio out for the democratcrs 2024 or bust. i think it's probably i saidns many times, many elections this is transform into probably e the most important election of a lifetime. as much as i meant that in the pastn of i really mean it now.ank yo anyway, thank you both. tommy. thank stephen miller. thank you. when we come back, guess what, wh live finally did something funny. they actually poked fun at joe biden this weekend. we'll show you the tape straight ahead ahead. the xfl and the usfl merged to create one powerful spring football league called the usa . state football team is here to stay. afl season kicks off march 30th
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83947. >> attention green families. >> in september 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option, offering cash rewards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy released a list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying injuries cash. rewards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective option claims. we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if we win. call meyer blair law firm at one 804 six seven 3800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 1-800- 467 3800. let us help protect your rights
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k. today fiverk times poll has him down five points and many still have concerns mad about his age. can he make that case with the speee the fod and sharpness that someone like you can? dana, a hit. joe can do it better. i was just with him in behind closed doors. h hi doors.joe is incredible. >> i was just with him a clo and behind closed doorsed s. he's a whirlwind. you don't have to exaggerate to make voters feel better to. i'm not. let's face time. i'll bet he's probably just right in the middle of a bike ride. >> mr. president. he b >> ay, hold on. >> i'll turn up the volume. shtre goyingt to find a button. it is a number. >> joe gets more done in an hour. the most americans doing whole day. and unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. please. so dvr.of h never, ever, ever miss anan episode of hannity. but not your heartbeat trouble. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have ast great night
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