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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 7, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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♪ >> kayleigh: hello, this is "outnumbered," kayleigh mcenany here with emily compagno and harris faulkner, carley shimkus, and fox news contributor guy benson. >> happy birthday, guy. >> happy birthday, guy. yes! happy birthday. >> guy: starting my victory lap of 30s. 39. >> harris: hallelujah. you look 29, guy. >> guy: don't give gutfeld any more jokes. >> kayleigh: president biden's state of the union tonight. before we talk about what he might say, it is important to talk about what he already said. february 2021, shortly after taking office, one of biden's first major speeches and he made
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this declaration to allies overseas. >> i speak to you as president of united states as very start of my administration and sending a clear message to the world, america is back. >> kayleigh: so we promised america is back. instead, this is what we got, biden's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan, russia invasion of ukraine and hamas unprecedented terror attack on israel. 1000 israelis brutally slaughtered and americans still to this day being held hostage. here at home, american families are battling inflation, they are worried about crime and we're facing unprecedented crisis on the southern border, but wait, this is what the white house thinks of the president's record, she said it three times ahead of state of the union tonight. >> it is clear he's got more done in the first three years than most presidents have
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accomplished in two terms. this president has gotten done more in the past three years than presidents do in two terms. he's done more than most have been able to do in their two terms. >> kayleigh: he's done more than any other president ever, talking point. i'm bewildered according to jacqui heinrich he is not taking any executive action on the border. >> harris: interesting he has said that and that is the reporting there and i want to ask this team to pop this up. there were governors at the white house and i don't know if we have it. governor's meeting democrats and some republicans at the white house and a handful of democratic governors made their way through a gaggle of their colleagues to tell joe biden what they have been stressing behind the scenes and that is he
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needs to be fighting harder. he heard from his own people. democrats told biden he needed to show more fire on display when montana governor handed him a letter demanding more aksz at the southern border. biden flash a smile, according to two governors standing there. and biden said, the state of the union, smiling teasingly. the white house is responding to that. there are people in the room who saw that. maybe he was joking, we've seen him do that before. i thought he was going to take action but they said he wasn't. we were left hanging. do they not know how to flip 94 back into place? according to trey gowdy, stop catch and release, definitely start back the remain in mexico. and so he's saying there are a
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top three they could do right away to catch him now ahead of the state of the union have something to say but no. >> kayleigh: go to border, no executive action, state of the union, no executive action. his chief of staff told politico they will blame republicans for this was reporting. the optics of tonight, more important i would argue than any policy reversing age issue of president, trump super pack out with brutal takedown on biden's age. this is what you'll see until november, watch this. >> we can all see joe biden's weakness. if biden wins, can he even surp vivek ramaswamy un -- survive un 2029. can we? >> kayleigh: that is powerful, how do you reverse that tonight? >> guy: tough and biden freezing
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on camera for six or seven seconds, but painful to watch. that will be on repeat for eight months and other side january 6. i think republicans make a mistake setting the bar too low for president biden tonight, he'll be amped up. they try to schedule him between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and this is 9:00 p.m. but it has pageantry around it and standing ovations and he knows the stakes. i think he will probably rise to the occasion tonight and easy prediction will be if he doesn't have a giant meltdown moment, democrats will declare it greatest state of the union in recent memory and put to bed questions. i don't think people will buy that. if he has a big stumble, the
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democrats will be white knuckling it. >> kayleigh: setting the bar low makes it easy to hop over. last year white house aides were thrilled and high fiving, but there were moments he stumbled and fumbled. i want to revisit some moments. this is last year's state of the union 2023. >> president biden: we're going to need oil for another decade. more timber has been burned that i have observed from helicopters than entire state of missouri. i enjoy conversion. that was part of the deal, guys, look it up. congress must restore the right -- [chanting] >> kayleigh: they loved it, the white house did. he did have some moments. >> emily: i love your point where everyone is holding their breath and waiting for relief at the end. we are going to get a pushed
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narrative, get smudged facts and that looking generously. we are going to get stumbling, mumbling outburst tenor that will be rewritten as confidence or anger, we'll get a lot and the question is whether the president is going to have a moment like that, that could be difficult or more challenging for the democrat party to white wash away. i love daniel's piece in "wall street journal," he talked about pervasive sense of hurt in the country, negative feed-back loop happening that we feel everyday, that is the point. we talk about homeless we see, mentally ill, violence that permeated cities into rural counties. blue lives matter has been shut down, defunded police and people have hopelessness. it doesn't matter if stocks are going up, people feel miserable
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right now. no speech will reverse that, not another democratic candidate will reverse that. when i look at this lens, people like karine jean-pierre, it will somehow restore some type of huge tilted tenor here, but it is not, he'll be biden and everyone is still going to be hurting on the other side. >> guy: i don't think he can help himself much tonight, he could hurt himself. >> kayleigh: carley, he should acknowledge pain of the american people, that will be wise. a name that will not be mentioned tonight, trump, he will not mention trump, he will draw contrast between his vision and that of republicans, they say it will not be a campaign speech. he's endeferring to go above and not through the maga look, we will see. >> carley: whoo, i do not envy the president for this amount of pressure to be put on him. a lot of people will be watching this etch spoo, not for what he says, how he will say it. can he get through this?
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his schedule has been light this week, doing the rep, maybe he will be able to and everything will be okay. keep in mind, what is upon haing next tuesday, robert hur is testifying in front of congress about the president's mental acuity, march 12th, that could be same day donald trump becomes nominee. if celebration, it may be short lived. if i were writing the speech tonight, above my pay grade, i would taylor make it to the nikki haley supporter and that means you cannot blame republicans for the economy or illegal immigration because there are voters out there that the president might be able to reach tonight and if he does, it could turn them away. >> kayleigh: i think you are a lot wiser than some people writing the speech. >> guy: they will make it short, shorter than usual.
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>> kayleigh: exactly. tune in tonight for state of the union address, bret baier and martha maccallum special coverage and the republican response by katie britt, it begins on fox news. learning more about what donald trump will be doing while biden is giving his state of the union speech. what's he up to? next. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be.
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>> harris: former president trump revealing his plans for tonight's state of the union address. posting on truth social this, we will be doing a live play by play of crooked joe biden's address.
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i will correct any and all inaccurate statements. carley >> carley: this is one reason republicans won't have to heckle, i hope they don't. the president, former president, will do it on truth social, get the point out there that way. the other thing this is setting up is bit of a debate. the president is speaking and former president will be speaking on truth social and that raises question, will that ever happen in real life? i think evenually it will have to take place. the media does run cover for the current president, they will want to cover this, as well. the president will just have to do it. >> harris: line kjp gave, there are three dates on the calendar, talk to the campaign, yet joe
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biden tweets about the fact to the former president, if you want to see something in prime time, watch my state of the union address. >> emily: harkens back to july of 2020, president biden said i can't wait to debate president trump. what happened? are you scared? a lot of deterioration. who suffers? it is not about watching a gladiator match, it would be entertaining and delightful, americans deserve to see the two top candidates debate each other. i would love to see the president engage in his policies that that deteriorated life in all arenas. i cannot wait for president trump's play by play. it is hysterical and needed. meeting americans where they're at and this president said he would because everyone digests now online. who will be watching president biden? >> harris: what is interesting,
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these are not two people r one incumbents, technically both have held the same job. white house won't say if biden feels same about debate as trump does. >> down to two. is president biden going to commit to a debate with donald trump? >> that is something for the campaign to speak to. >> in 20 20, down to one-on-one, joe biden said i can hardly wait to debate him. >> i will sound like a broken record, reach out to the campaign. >> for clarity, it is possible there will be no joe biden-donald trump -- >> is that what you are excited about? you keep asking me three or four or five different times in different ways. >> harris: i think america wants to see two men who have been president debate. hat check might apply. >> kayleigh: she answered the
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right way. reporters should answer absolutely, the campaign will make that answer. she can speak to the president's schedule, it should be made and obvious, three dates, show up and debate. they have been looking to get out of debates when clinton folks said a summary of the conversation that trump or another republican nominee will be reluctant to work on presidential debate lessening risk of debate. trump just said, i'll let the dnc set terms or commission of presidential debates, he called your bluff, now show up. >> emily: exactly. we have set the tone and now where is the president and the former -- present one. too many presidents in the same conversation. >> guy: i would guess we would see one or zero presidential debates this year.
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maybe i'll be wrong, i would like to see all three. >> harris: i could see one. >> guy: i'm guessing one or zero, if they cut down number of debates and biden team says they are not doing it, they will say he's insurrectionist, he will not be on the same stage as him. >> harris: which will color cases against him and be problematic for them further. >> guy: other point they will make is that donald trump refuse to debate republicans in the primary, they will point to his aversion of debate and we'll say apples and oranges, they will say trump did it, too. you could see that coming from a mile away. let's wait until august or september and see what polls are looking like. typically whoever is running behind is eager to debate and team ahead is like, take it or leave it, we're doing all right here. >> harris: i look at primaries
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as somewhat different. we should have seen debates on both sides, i can see the gamesmanship with both men. will it be a rematch? battle to the white house for biden and trump, a movie title, right? now we're there. why won't one jump into the ring? i mean, we'll see what happens. three days. remember in 2020, new york city defunded the police department? to today, the national guard is being called in to fight crime in the subways. veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression
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>> emily: president biden is
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likely to tout a drop in crime rates in tonight's state of the union and not the only democrat doing so. here is a post from eric adams yesterday. safest big city in america just got safer, he claims, citing several stats trending down. he left out subway crime, which skyrocketed 13% over first two months of this year. now governor kathy hochul is deploying 750 national guardsmen to city subway stations over rise in violent crime. here is the governor defending that move. if people feel unsafe and won't come, i have to do something about it. if you have a conductor with his throat slashed and another conductor hit with a glass bottle. >> just an hour after you made this announcement yesterday? >> exactly. we're going to take strong action.
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this is deterrent. you want to commit a crime, go somewhere else. >> you'll have the national guard there and they'll search bags? >> randomly. >> what happens if you don't want your bag searched? >> then go home, we will not search you, you can say no, you are not taking the subway. >> emily: she said my number one priority is safety of all new yorkers and defending her decision to move national guar guardsmen, she sent a letter to d.a. alvin bragg. if safety was priority, why can't we rewind and have her impleapt and remove him from office.
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>> harris: subway crime has always been bad, he said to everybody, it is perception of crime you are having, the 57-year-old grandma beaten in the back of the head leading from one platform to the other. weekly basis, we had videos that people caught on their phone. where was she with national guard? it took thousand when you combine national guardsmen and women and new york state police. she is sending everything in her power to one segment of the crime. talk to people who have had different areas of violent crime but it boggles the mind. how did he have a blind eye? are they not talking? what is happening between democratic mayor of new york and governor of new york she is pushing against him? those are questions that maybe local media could ask and bigger
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picture, it is dangerous out there, we have people sleeping outside doorways, you have to walk around and over them to get in. it is all sorts of things, they have displaced people. come on, mayor adams. governor hochul, late to the party. >> emily: that is right, brass tacks, chief of patrol put a tweet out, new yorkers want truth and solution, let's talk. he went through the facts. transit system is not a war zone, bag checks have been around. how about arresting and indicting and prosecuting them, incarcerate them. this is a practical solution, it is enforcing the laws. >> carley: i think adding national guard members to subway system is a welcome sight.
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i was talking to somebody who works overnight shift and i said, do you see police officers on the subway system and he said never. he sees a lot of homeless people riding the subway and folks that look mentally unstable. think about that population mixed with commuters in metal cube with no security, no wonder crime is going through the roof with transit crime. when you arrest people, you have to keep them in jail. and that is what the tweet is you were talking about and i want to point out, if your name is tom cotton, you should skip your day today, he wrote an op ed and called racist for calling for national guard to be sent in to stop crime during the black lives matter protest and four years later kathy hochul is sending in national guard.
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>> harris: she should testify in the trial of daniel penny how dangerous it can be down there. when you have resources to send a thousand people and mental health capability support for that. maybe she has a story to tell. >> emily: that is right. bottom line, we defunded police to deploy troops, that is democratic solution. >> kayleigh: exactly what i was thinking. i was in the white house in 2020, that was rallying cry, on the heels of abolish ice. ironic to me. so bad we tried it your way, you got george gascon and chesa boudin. when president trump offered and i had to look this up, federal officers to portland when they were trying to burn a courthouse, what happened? the mayor there, mayor wheeler, this is a headline, business
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insider, mayor's letter condemning trump's deployment of forces into our cities. they were military forces when trump did it, now do it when you burn the city to the ground. >> guy: had a collective meltdown, the newspaper published senator cotton op ed recommending national guard to help restore order in cities in massive civic unrest and rioting, that was too far. then democratic governor says, i have a political problem which could be solved with leadership and changing bail law, she doesn't want to do that, it is now -- not window dressing, why jump to this as opposed to fixing the laws properly. >> emily: they called them storm troopers and now they are necessary and welcome. >> guy: peacekeepers. >> emily: john kerry says more
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americans would care about war in ukraine if russia did more to cut pollution, we'll discuss next.
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(♪) >> emily: people in ukraine have been under attack by russia for two years. lives have been destroyed, people have died, ukrainians are desperate for their freedom and end to russia's brutality. leave it to john kerry to turn anything into a climate crisis. he says people would feel better about russia's invasion if russia did more to curb emissions. watch. >> i do think the -- affecting global effort to fight climate change. thank you so much. >> i don't, i believe that
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russia has the ability to be able to make enormous changes if it wanted to. if russia has ability to wage war illegally and invade another country, they ought to be able to find effort to be responsible on the climate issue. but we need every country, including russia, russia is one of the largest emitters in the world. if russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what reductions are going to be and make greater effort now and now maybe open up the door for people to feel better about what russia is choosing to do at this point in time. >> emily: kayleigh, let's use solar-powered bomb and tanks used of recyclable matter. what is this coming from former secretary of state? >> kayleigh: 31,000 ukrainian
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troops dead, 3.6 million displaced and seeking refugee status. you are worried about climate change? come on, dude. counting on bad actors to act rationally. russia and china, cut emissions. joe biden, russia, what is one thing if minor incursion, such faith in bad actors to act better. you can't count on russia to do jack for you. >> emily: great point, believe hamas. it is trash. all of it. this distracts and detracts from the point of the vicious atrocities going on in the war, everything kayleigh just said. >> guy: i saw a tweet of that clip yesterday and saw a summary, i said, that can't be right. i watched it, he really said that. if they are going to put this effort into invading a sovereign country, least they could do is put effort into climate change.
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at the end, he seemed to suggest, unless i'm misreading, world community might feel better about other activities of russia if they redeem themselves with climate stuff? here is thing for putin, he is a kg-bad guy. he could say, here is easy way to get people back on your side. announce some nonsense and climate stuff and let praise come from john kerry, what he was begging for there. blink erred from john kerry. >> harris: trying to bring back biden's minor incursion, they are looking for way to make the bad guy less bad, right? what does ukraine think of all of this? i mean, i thought democrats would not do this, they would all be on the side of ukraine. i know mrs. zelenskyy is not
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going to be the president's guest. i have not talked to her, it might take that. i don't know what is going on behind the scenes. force people into driving cars americans won't drive. we're having problems with electric vehicles and so much earth cutting to make batteries. kerry probably doesn't drill down on that, batteries don't fly his plane. >> emily: when pressed on climate change, he basically said captain obvious style, wars are not respectful. we have time, let's play it. >> facilities being blown up, your ability to have clean water and clean air, these things disappear, blown up, whether airplanes or trucks or tanks or whatever, awful lot of emissions being put up into the atmosphere.
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so wars are not respectful, obviously, as we've seen, of human beings and wars are not either, they are not particularly concerned about or protective of the environment and their concerns. >> carley: the fact he was even asked about climate change -- war's impact on climate change is like, is this real life? i'm going out on a limb and say zero percent of people would feel better about russia invading and destroying a kof rin nation if they did it with solar panels. >> harris: least of which not ukrainians. >> carley: the climate movement, people who are real activists feel so compassion at and existential threat they are devoid from reality. that was a serious statement that not just a climate change activist made, he was former secretary of state. when it comes to how one country
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treats another and global conflicts, he should know better. >> guy: people are dying, but think of the carbon footprint. >> harris: he's flying, but think about the footprint. >> kayleigh: what about the uighurs in china? >> emily: coming up, officials in miami beach have a plan to prevent spring breakers from trashing the city, some think that is racist. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there.
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>> we're covering all angles starting with newt gingrich today. biden's border policies. what has president biden unleashed on america? we'll put that question to congressman ro khanna. is there more work to do?
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the author of the ivf bill joins us. join us at the top of the hour. >> harris: the city of miami, florida looking to crack down on rowdy behavior during spring break. some people are saying it is racist. scenes like this from last year and the city wants to break up with spring break. one columnist for the miami herald says, you're going too far. how far can a city go to keep black spring break crowds out? miami beach tests limits. no matter how hip the breaking up with spring break campaign tries to be, the optics of cracking down on everyone to punish trouble makers are awful. white city leaders and police forget by closing public garages will have result of shutting out
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people of color. evoking ugly acts. here is miami dade commissioner piling on. >> it seems to me miami beach has been rather tone deaf in implementing their measure. i don't want to pay for the -- for the mishandling, for violating people's rights. i don't want to be part of anything that can be deemed onerous, draconian, heavy-handed by municipality that is especially affected people that for the most part are just like me. >> harris: okay, previously the argument, emily, if you shut down the garages, you keep black folk out. who thinks we don't go to the
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beach? why you think we're only in garages? i'm baffled. this commissioner was laying out his argument, how do you think he did? >> kayleigh: i will listen to anything anyone has to say. crime does not see color and city leaders and police officers are doing the best they can with the situation presented to them and irony and unfortunate aspect with the column written is painting with broad strokes that everyone decision-makers and law enforcement are all white couldn't be further from the truth, especially in areas of florida. >> harris: he wasn't. >> emily: neither is the police chief of many of the cities. not sure where the racial disparity comes into play ignoring the crux of the situation, hundreds of thousands of people fled beaches and engaged in illegal behavior. small businesses are
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disproportionately owned by nonwhite people. >> harris: i don't live in florida, that is miami dade, and miami city. set this up. >> kayleigh: i have lived in miami, i have family there, still. there were two deadly shootings, within 36 hours in miami beach last year. appropriate reaction is how to tamp down. look at what you are looking at, violence, 488 arrests, 230 were felonies, firearms seized. governor desantis said we don't want mayhem, he is offering state officers and two people went to spring break and lost their lives. appropriate action is to take action. >> harris: i see black people, hispanic people and white people and many may be day drinking a lot. >> guy: one of the city
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commissioners, fernandez. maybe he is not just a white dude, he respond and he is one of the people in charge. he wrote to miami herald, vital measure miami beach implemented designed to protect all individuals regardless of race or ethnicity. what is the argument against that? truly? >> carley: just this week, safer, san francisco, oregon and washington, d.c. all reversed in serious way soft on crime policies, they came to conclusion cracking down on crime is racist. that excuse does not work. if people in miami believe this, they need to look north and west and realize that solution or that excuse is not based in
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reality. just last year, two fatal shootings, nearly 500 arrests and 100 guns seized. you want people, black, white, hispanic to come home at night, that is compassion, not racism. >> harris: start checking ids, i haven toos and they don't go anywhere without mom, i'm unpopular, i don't care. they need to see who is consuming all that alcohol and elicit drugs. everybody can fall to that. it has to be to protect everybody. all right, "outnumbered" in a moment, more of it.
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biden-harris shirt so they let me in. [speaking spanish] >> kayleigh: biden-harris shirt i'm going to read jacqui heinrich's reporting, a white house official tells me president biden is not going to make announcements or executive orders for border security ahead of the state of the union address. >> yeah, if the who us has not seen this video yet, they have now, if they are watching fox news and they are cringing. the president is trying to now blame the migrant crisis on republicans but everybody remembers president biden raising his hand during the last presidential election cycle saying come on in, we are gonna let you in and give you all of these services and we are not the only ones that remember it. that guy remembers it as well. >> kayleigh: emily, meanwhile republicans have put out an ad, it's very compelling, about laken riley, it shows this
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beautiful girl, the story of how she lost her life and it is #say her name, yet to hear president biden say it. >> emily: that's right, and as well we will wait to see whether he has the empty seat at sotu where her parents will be in attendance. and don't know where he got the t-shirt, but your tax dollars are going to ngos, twice, your tax dollars goes there, and the federal government reimburses them, so much more behind the gimmick in this moment. >> kayleigh: where did he get it. >> harris: it's an interesting question about who is organizing the idea that we want to wear t-shirts, we want to do this, that, and the other. for people coming across the border. i mean, is there more organization to this than we know? we know the drug cartels are gaming the system. but are they -- they put people in camo, this is the opposite of
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camo, this is trying to get attention. >> kayleigh: and this one in december. watch. >> i love you, joe biden. thank you for everything, joe biden. >> well, we know that president biden has been to the border twice kicking and screaming and both visits combined, did not see any illegal immigrants, they whitewashed scenario. maybe he will see it. i wonder if it will make it an an ad over the next months. >> kayleigh: and say laken riley tonight. tonight, "state of the union address," bret baier, martha maccallum, anchoring the special coverage beginning at 9:00 p.m. eastern. don't want to miss it. "america reports". >> issues are im


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