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tv   America Reports  FOX News  March 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> president biden: i speak today as president of the united states at the very start of my administration and i'm sending a clear message to the world. america is back. >> john: just hours from now, president biden has a chance to defend the pledge made almost exactly three years ago today. >> sandra: set the tone for the 2024 campaign and a lot of issues and questions facing the incumbent. >> john: hello, john roberts in washington as we get ever closer to the big event tonight. >> sandra: hours away now, john. welcome everyone, this is "america reports". president biden says america is back, but two-thirds of americans say they feel the u.s. is less respected now on the world stage. why is that? wars in the middle east and europe, withdrawal from afghanistan, rising china, not to mention displays of antisemitism and a growing border crisis. >> john: the border has become the top issue for americans and one of the biggest weak spots
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for the president. jeff paul is live at the border where fox news teams just caught a remarkable moment on camera. jeff, run it down for us. >> yeah, john, a few moments ago we saw our first group of migrants trying to cross into the u.s. here in eagle pass, texas. you can see that group just beyond those national guard members right there. within this group of about 20 people, one of the guys was wearing a very interesting shirt. it was a biden-harris shirt. so, our photo journalist and griff jenkins asked him about why he was wearing the shirt, here is how he responded. [speaking spanish] >> so they could let me in. and today that is the only group. we could hear the national guard out here telling them to "go back to the other side," it appears the fencing the state of texas has put up is working to
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stop those larger groups that we would see at major crossing areas like in eagle pass in the past. now, it does not mean migrants aren't coming into the u.s. still. there are new images captured by a ranch camera just north of here in kinney county, you can see what appears to be a group of people dressed in camouflage trying to pass through private properties. often times it leads to property damages and some cases pursuits with law enforcement. just yet there was a chase in kinney county where texas dps says a driver of a pick-up truck suspected of human smuggling crashed after speeding away from law enforcement. one person died and for the folks who live near the u.s.-mexico border in texas, this has become an all too frequent event and they believe that lawmakers need to come together to find a solution. >> i've lived here all my life, i'm 80 years old, and to me, all it is is too much politics and not enough work in both houses.
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>> i think it's important that we come together, you know, both sides of the aisle and just come together and find a happy medium between both of them. >> one of the locals we spoke with also did mention he's crediting texas governor greg abbott for the efforts he's making at the border. he's not seeing the big groups of migrants coming across so he does believe the fencing and having boots on the ground out here, national guard members, that is something that is working to solve the problem. john and sandra. >> john: bill is in the morning, we are in the afternoon. jeff paul, a long day, i understand. thank you, now this. >> it's hard to sit here and see in three days 11 juveniles shot who are going and coming from school. >> to me it's horrible, it's really getting bad. i'm about ready to move. >> sandra: eight high school students shot at a bus stop in philly, days ago the president
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touted falling crime in philly. and new york city, subway crime is so bad the democratic governor there is now sending in the national guard. alexandria hoff is live on this for us. another blue city, she's in washington grappling with rising crime. alex, d.c. is making major changes as well. >> absolutely. seeing this in cities across the country, dealing with crime, hearing the feedback from residents and make reversal on policies in place a couple years ago. in philadelphia, residents are pushing for a return to stop and frisk, a big deal in a city like that. law enforcement officials, they did not want to discuss that but said that they are willing to do whatever it takes to stop the shootings, there have been multiple this week, involving children, and people are scared. >> these are individuals shooting at a crowd of kids. i mean -- total between the two incidents, 11 kids were shot at. that's really concerning. we need people to see that, be as angry as everyone else and
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let us know who did this so we can end it rather quickly. >> philly's deputy police commissioner. mass shootings are up, but a drop in violent crime in many cases, only relative to the massive spikes in 2021. and here in washington, d.c., this is one city there has been no decline. last year homicides rose by 35%, carjackings nearly doubled. this sparked a major reversal for d.c. city council, which back in 2020, prided itself on voting in favor of restricting the power of their police force. they defunded it by $15 million. this week the council undid many previous reforms passing a sweeping bill called secure d.c. >> we have a responsibility to provide for the safety and well-being of our residents, visitors and businesses in the city. and i think today we lived up to that responsibility.
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>> so the security legislation, pretrial detention, retail theft and drug crimes and loosens restrictions placed on law enforcement. if president biden is speaking to falling crime rates, d.c. is going to be a hard place to make that sell. back to you. >> sandra: we'll see what he says on that. thank you. john. >> john: martha maccallum, anchor and executive editor of "the story," so you and bret will be anchoring tonight at 9:00. what are you expecting for biden? is this going to be a laundry list of past accomplishments as viewed through rose-colored glasses or a frank assessment of the problems facing this nation and prescription for how to solve those problems. that's kind of rhetorical question. >> martha: typically that's what the state of the union is. the stakes are higher tonight, people in 60 and 70% ranges who believe you are too old to do the job, the bar is high. you have to at least communicate
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that you are the person the staff says he is behind closed doors, right. we also have heard from joe scarborough, the best version of joe biden he has ever seen and he's known him for decades. so, obviously 70% of the country is not getting that impression, john. he's going to have to do something to turn this around tonight. he has -- he really has to turn things around. i mean -- look at the numbers that are dogging him. 40, 50% underwater in all of the biggest issues. safety, economy, inflation, the border, all these things. is he going to do a pivot, gosh, i don't know. that would be surprising, wouldn't it? >> john: yeah, it would. trey was saying earlier nothing in terms of policy to change people's minds who they are going to vote for, it's how he looks, how he conducts himself, whether or not they think he has mental acuity and feeding right into that is this brand-new brutal ad from a trump associated super pac. watch this.
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>> if biden wins, can he even survive 'til 2029? the real question is, can we? make america great america is responsible for this advertising. >> john: preceded by him stumbling, on camera for 12 seconds unable to say anything. it's going to go through people's minds. >> martha: it's interesting they came out with that, a day after we got the story president biden is going to get aggressive, push the buttons of former president trump, try to knock him off his feet a bit, like you know, two older boxers in the ring. it's a strange picture but i think -- trump never holds back and his people never ever hold back. so we are going to see a ton of ads just like this, and whether or not biden -- remember that thing about oh, i want to take him out behind the barn, i'll challenge him to a contest. it's like oh, good lord.
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this is where we are at. >> john: maybe he'll get -- >> martha: very ugly, does not reflect well on either of them. >> john: trump, the big question now that he's the presumptive nominee, can he win n mitch mcconnell endorsed him, trump said thank you, mitch, i look forward to working with you and republican majority after previously calling mcconnell a loser, and unsmiling hack, and glenn youngkin endorsed him, can trump bring the party together. end appealing to nikki haley voters. >> martha: i think so. early indications of that now. and one of the most interesting things is how to expand, he would love to live in the 5% range the "new york times" siena poll put him in. but the other polls it's closer, in the margin of error, it's plus 2, it's a tight, tight race
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across the board. so i think more importantly than reaching out to the nikki haley voters, he's going to be reaching out to expand the black vote, expand hispanic vote, in areas he's already seeing very big gains and this has become an either/or choice so there are people looking at, to change their voting patterns and we have already seen a big shuffle in the way that people vote around the country. look what happened in new york and california in the midterms. there is fertile ground for movement from party to party and i think that the trump folks know that. and i'm not sure that it's the haley vote that's at the top of their list. >> john: some polls he's beating biden in the hispanic vote, that propelled bush to victory in 2004. >> martha: two-thirds of the black vote, hillary clinton got over 90%. two-thirds is losing territory. >> john: we will see you and bret tonight.
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>> martha: look forward to it. thanks, john. >> sandra: fox news alert, the dow up 200 points and climbing. s & p 500, a record high, levels the u.s. stock market has never seen, the nasdaq also hitting a record high. all this as federal reserve chair wrapped two days on capitol hill and with speaking to the house financial services committee today, he made the remarks yesterday, he indicated that rate cuts could be coming this year. while he said they are not immediately ready to start cutting rates, they are starting to see signs with inflation, they might be able to cut the rates. the market is clearly cheering that on with these new record highs. we'll keep watching that. meanwhile this. >> these brazen, heinous attacks on our subway system will not be tolerated. >> john: new york governor hochul deploying the national
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guard in the subway to combat crime. remember when senator tom cotton suggested that four years ago, the media made him a pariah for even suggesting it. his reaction this hour. >> sandra: and we expect president biden to blame the border crisis on congressional republicans like congresswoman elise stefanik, bringing a border patrol agent with her as her guest tonight. she'll join us live next. the ti. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! >> sandra: fox news alert, as we have just gotten word, live at the house floor, screen left, the house has just passed the laken riley act on a bipartisan basis. this is the bill that requires federal authorities to detain undocumented immigrants charged with theft in the u.s. after the nursing student laken riley,
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pictured on the right side of your screen, was killed by an illegal immigrant who had previously been arrested and released. final vote tally, 251 to 170, 170 dems voted no, all gop members in attendance did vote yes. >> john: millions have crossed into the u.s. illegally under president biden and one group is especially fed up. those looking to come here legally. some 30 million people apply for green card but a tiny fraction get approved. william, it sounds like the legal immigration system is a mess along with the illegal immigration system. >> john, you've got filipinos and mexicans waiting more than 20 years to come to the united states legally to join family, husbands and wives of u.s. citizens waiting more than four years. you can see where they are
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frustrated when they see millions coming over and getting rewarded with a work permit. one family said that's it, i'm coming to do it illegally, the others are respecting the immigration law. >> being in the united states. it's a dream of anyone. >> like thousands around the world, indian dentist patel wants to enter legally. he applied for a visa to join his parents in georgia. 19 years later, still waiting. not unlike another who applied three years ago for her pakistani husband. and another waited four years for a visa for his pakistani wife. >> anyone i talked to does not understand what it takes to be here legally. >> clients feel like they are cutting in line in front of them and the administration is ok with it. >> roughly 32 million applied to
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enter legally. just 4% were admitted. adding to a backlog of 13 in process. wait times for relatives of u.s. citizens up to 20 years are causing some to lose patience and cross the border illegally. >> i get texts from my clients who say hey, i'm in tijuana. and like you are not supposed to do that. >> if they couldn't come legally, they will come illegal. >> approved a visa for 2020, eventually he left afghanistan for tijuana and now an asylum seeker in california. >> a person like me, i have one life. >> john, attorneys have sued the biden administration for delays and not awarding all of the visas authorized by congress. the state department said it does not comment on pending litigation. back to you. >> john: all right, so, how long is the average wait, you said some people have waited years
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and years and years? >> yeah, john. it's kind of complicated, right. these family preference visas, only about 226,000 they give out, and different countries have different wait times and depending if you are a son or daughter, a spouse, or a brother or sister, those things change. but really, 26 years for a son or daughter from mexico to join the u.s., for a parent, that's a long time. >> john: and again, they just take a fraction of the number of people who apply for it. william, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: republican congresswoman elise stefanik, thank you so much for joining us. we know that the laken riley bill just passed. what's your reaction to that, and how does that change things? >> well, first of all, house republicans stand strongly for securing our borders and laken riley's death was avoidable and a tragedy because of joe biden's
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dangerous open border policies and what's a disgrace is that you have many, many democrats who voted against this important bill. and this evening we will have an empty chair honoring laken riley in the house republican's speaker's balcony, so this is very important for us to continue to show leadership where joe biden has failed, and this border is a catastrophe of joe biden's doing, and it's leading to the loss of innocent lives. so my heart goes out to laken's parents, we grieve for them and we are going to continue to stand strongly for our legislation to secure the border act, which would have avoided this unnecessary loss of life. >> sandra: we know it's so important to you, you are bringing brandon budlong, a border patrol agent and president of the national border patrol council, that person will be accompanying you to the state of the union address tonight. we know the president is going to try to deflect the blame he's getting for the crisis and say it's republicans' fault. your reaction to that in this
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brand-new video, this was shot by our own griff jenkins in eagle pass, texas today, congresswoman. ok, this was a man that was asked by fox where he got the biden-harris t-shirt that he's wearing coming over the border. listen. [speaking spanish] >> sandra: so he then had to ask who it was on his shirt, he was told it's the president and the vice president of the united states, to which he responded ah, then i have it on so they can let me in. your response? >> my response is joe biden's border crisis is a crisis that he created, and the american people know that, they see it every single day. they see whether it's the skyrocketing deaths related to fentanyl or whether it's the skyrocketing numbers of illegals not just pouring in through the southern border but across our northern border as well. in the past year, the northern border in my district, swanton sector, over 500% increase in
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illegals crossing. it's a humanitarian crisis, economic crisis, and when joe biden attempts to shirk blame and try to put this on congress, remember, it was congress, house republicans that passed the secure the border act and joe biden failed to support that act and joe biden himself who signed executive actions that opened this border wide open. he may attempt to but the american people are smart and the white house messaging is offensive to the american people because the american people people are smart and they will hold joe biden accountable for this catastrophe. >> sandra: congresswoman, this is more brand-new video, just turned this, it happened a short time ago, your reaction to it as our viewers watch as well. this is new york attorney general letitia james. she was just speaking at an fdny event here in new york city and she was booed and drowned out by those in the crowd. listen.
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>> oh, come on, we are in a house of god. first simmer down. i want to thank commissioner kavanaugh, and chief -- >> sandra: that just happened, and your response including the fact that you have been demanding the new york a.g. be disbarred over the trump case. >> i have demanded she be disbarred, unfit for the office of attorney general, not abided by the requirements of any attorney in new york state, a witch hunt, she ran illegally weaponizing her office on joe biden's top political opponent. they were booing, but also cheering trump trump trump, because we understand that under president trump we had safer
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streets, we did not have the illegal immigration crisis and the border crisis that democrats policies, whether hers or joe biden created. she has illegally weaponized her office to go after joe biden's top political opponent and as joe biden's numbers are plummeting so low, the lowest approval rating in modern history for an incumbent president. so, fdny and new yorkers support president trump. he is going to defeat joe biden this november to save this country. >> sandra: i have to let you go, a few seconds left. are you on the short list for trump's v.p.? >> i'm focused on doing everything i can as house republican conference chair and representative for new york 21 to save this country. i've said i'd be honored to serve in a trump administration but focused doing our job as members of congress and surrogate for president trump so we can save the country. >> thanks. >> on the one hand i think that,
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you know, they should debate, that biden will wipe the floor. >> why legitimize a candidate like donald trump? >> john: rematch between president biden and donald trump is looking likely in november, but will we see them on the debate stage? >> sandra: president biden is set to lay out a new tax hike during his state of the union address tonight. he says it's going to lower the deficit. but what is that gonna cost taxpayers? breaking it down with fox business's kudlow, host larry kudlow will join us next. me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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>> sandra: former president trump is pushing president biden to step into the debate ring as a rematch seems all but certain. bryan, what is the former president saying ahead of the state of the union? >> well, sandra, good afternoon. former president trump released
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a prebuttal to the state of the union address, accusing president biden of lying and running away from his record, while calling biden's presidency a "horror show." trump spent the majority of the about four-minute video attacking biden on immigration. >> joe biden's sad excuse for a state of the union address aside, here are the facts. when i left office we gave joe biden the most secure border in u.s. history. as soon as he got in, crooked joe and his radical left lunatics dismantled each and every one of those policies that were so good. >> on truth social, he said he and the campaign will be bringing live play-by-play to correct any of biden's statements. and also a $500,000 ad buy on post state of the union coverage, attacking biden for being too old. but it's not just his age.
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the campaign is also attacking him on his mental acuity. >> why won't his campaign or the white house agree to a debate with the now presumptive nominee of the republican party president trump. it's because biden's handlers know that he is not cognitively up for the task. >> as for whether biden will take up trump on his challenge to debate him any time, any where, his camp told fox digital, i know donald trump is thirsty for attention and struggling to expand his appeal beyond the maga base, and that's a conversation we'll have at the appropriate time in this cycle. if he's so desperate to see president biden in primetime, he d doesn't have to wait and the former president did not wait to release the prebuttal, it comes before the official rebuttal of the state of the union, delivered by a republican
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senator from katie britt. >> sandra: i may have been a little distracted by the view behind you. wow. >> john: nice assignment if you can get it. president biden expected to lay out a plan at the state of the union to raise the corporate tax rate and taxes on the ultra wealthy, he'll say will lower the deficit. larry kudlow, fox business host of "kudlow," we'll get to that, or maybe improv night, but i want to run this past you and your reaction. this was the swan song of the nation's beloved climate czar on the way out the door. what he said about russia and its responsibility. >> russia has the ability to wage a war illegally and invade another country, they ought to be able to find the effort to be responsible on the climate issue. russia is one of the largest emitters in the world. if russia wanted to show good faith, make it go out and announce what their reductions are going to be and make a
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greater effort to reduce emissions now and maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what russia is choosing to do at this point in time. >> larry: what? that would make people feel better? really? that's like china. you know, 0 emissions in a couple years. well, they built 250coal plants. russia, you've been around, smartest economic analysis, late great john mccain ever made, russia was just an old wheezing gas station. that's all they are. their cash crop is oil. they are not going to give up oil, they don't care about climate change. that has nothing to do with ukraine and john kerry has lost it, i don't like to get personal, but that was like one phrase after another. he withheld that deliberately to get my blood boiling, where you
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did that. >> john: i wanted to run that past you to get you pumped up. >> larry: next thing you are going to tell me america is going to build a seaport in the mediterranean for aid. >> john: biden is going to announce he's building a port in gaza by way to accept large cargo ships full of food for the palestinian people. so our military will get directly involved in the situation in gaza. >> larry: a really bad idea. and one of the issues about the state of the union. people are bombing each other and shooting each other all around the globe. and the united states has taken on the appearance of the utterly powerless to do anything about it anywhere. and i think this is one of the things that's on people's minds as joe biden addresses the country tonight, and one of the things working against his favor and against his re-election.
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i mean, it's like we are a helpless giant. middle east, russia, ukraine. china encroaching throughout the south pacific, throughout latin america. we have problems. we are helpless, and now they are talking about an involvement of american soldiers to build some darn port which by the way, can distribute goods. hamas runs all that, unless of course the united states will just let israel annihilate them and finish the job down in south gaza, which what they ought to did. >> john: they want a ceasefire of six weeks. you want taxes or immigration. >> larry: i don't care. i just want to say this. of course the left and the progressives and the liberals and the bidens always want to raise taxes, they can't get it through congress, a good thing. >> john: while larry is talking, what he's going to do tonight. >> larry: the trump tax cuts, the corporate tax cuts, the biggest source of strengths and stimulus for the economy. corporate taxes after tax have
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done very well, sort of saved the biden economy. you start raising tax rates on businesses large and small and on successful and wealthy entrepreneurs, you know what, you'll get lower revenues and higher deficits and a worse economy. we just had the statistics of income from the irs show the top 1% pay almost half of the income tax in this country. 46 -- they earn about 25% of the income and pay about 50% of the income tax, and they want to raise it more. but this is just left wing ultra liberal progressive, that's all that is, not going anywhere, and the biggest problem for joe biden is this. that working whites, working blacks, working hispanics, working women, working asians, all saying to pollster, they are worse off under biden and they were better off under trump. that is joe biden's biggest problem.
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>> john: historically unemployment for blacks and hispanic americans during trump. >> larry: thank you, always. >> john: now this. >> we are no longer a nation when we have to rely on the united states military to bring "order" across this country. >> sandra: democrats had a meltdown, a republican lawmaker suggested to send in the national guard to help in 2020. >> john: now a governor is doing just that. we will talk with arkansas senator tom cotton who stirred that hornet's nest up, next.
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>> if you feel better walking past someone in a uniform to make sure that someone doesn't bring a knife or a gun on the subway, then that's exactly why i did it. i want to change the psychology around crime in new york city. we are going to make sure we take back our subways, make you feel safe again. >> sandra: so that's new york democratic governor kathy hochul on her plan to now combat violence in new york city subway stations with troops. here is the cover of today's "new york post". "boots underground," governor dispatches 1,000 national guard and cops to battle subway crime. our next guest faced backlash from new york's media elite when he urged a similar deployment of troops in 2020 to stop the violence. senator tom cotton. who would have ever guessed, senator. >> amazing. another bad day at the "new york times" newsroom, they started a
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four alarm fire when i said we may need troops during the blm riots, and now they are praising, it goes to show there are certain times when the break down of law and order requires a troop presence. it's happening here in new york city. it happened with, say, george bush during the rodney king riots, it happened with dwight eisenhower during the integration of little rock central, always the last resort, but to ensure the rights and safety of our citizens sometimes it's necessary. i don't fault kathy hochul for deploying the national guard, i fault the liberals like the "new york times" for criticizing me when it was necessary four years ago. second, what i do fault kathy hochul and eric adams of new york, and the mayor before him, letting it get so bad this is the last resort. ten years ago new york city was one of the safest cities in the
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world. you could ride the subway, walk to central park and down the street without worrying about mugged or assaulted. and because of the left's war on police over the last ten years in new york and the country, law and order has broken down where it is at times deploy the national guard. we need to get back to sound on the street day-to-day policing that helped make new york city one of the safest cities in the world ten years ago. that needs to happen everywhere. >> sandra: to be sure, for those of us who lived our adult lives here, you always had to be careful, it's a major city and there is crime, but you had to be smart about it and you had to avoid walking alone at night. this is crime that is happening randomly, and it is happening in every neighborhood, and it's something as random as somebody attacking you with a baseball bat from behind and you never see it coming. it's gotten that bad. but you referenced "new york times," headlines here of your call to send in the troops, that was back in 2020 to restore order saying military stands
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ready. well, that headline then in june 2020 was grabbed by mara gay, an opinion writer for the "new york times" who back in 2020 said this. running this puts black people in danger and other americans standing up for our humanity and democracy, too. ok. she's now saying the national guard, this is march 6th, 2024, the national guard might help subway riders feel safer. well, if you were racist for calling to send in the troops then, what does that make her and hochul now? >> well, it makes that "new york times" reporter, whatever her name was, look like a fool. but it also makes kathy hochul and eric adams and bill de blasio responsible for letting crime get so far away that the troops are necessary. it was no a danger to black people in 2020 to say it might be necessary to have federal troops restore order. what was a danger to black people and white people and every other kind of people in
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america is rioters and looters and arsonists rampaging through the streets, just like a danger to new yorkers to have people walk up randomly on the street and punch innocent civilians in the mouth or hit them with baseball bats or clubs. law and order has broken down to the point it's necessary which is regrettable but the "new york times" obviously has a slightly different perspective when it's a democratic governor doing it rather than republican senator. i find it pretty amusing. >> sandra: just reiterating a response right now from mark hemingway saying that it needs to be said what kathy hochul is doing is much worse than what tom cotton proposed in that op-ed, senator. hemingway says he proposed the national guard for nationwide riots. she's doing it to suppress ordinary criminality she allowed to fester. final response on that. >> that's right. i mean, again you get to the point it might call for the
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national guard or federal troops. you should never let it get to that point in the first place. if you are a mayor or a prosecutor, you are a police commissioner, you should have a grip on crime on your streets. the way mayors before bill de blasio did and the great string of police commissioners were able to deploy police around the city, even the smallest crimes, most criminals are not one-time offenders and to keep the city safe for innocent citizens who want to enjoy everything that it has to offer. that's the real problem here is that kathy hochul and democratic politicians in new york city let it get this bad in the first place. >> sandra: you'll have to come back, the lovely montage of the media for calling you out saying it was misinformation to the public and going unchecked, even one member of the media saying that we are no longer a nation if we rely on the u.s. military to bring order across this country. senator, appreciate your time today. thank you. >> thank you.
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rolling back the decriminalization of hard drugs. this as the open air use of drugs and overdose deaths sky rocket in the state. dan springer is live in seattle. this was doomed from the start, dan. >> yeah, john. we've done a lot of reporting on this. this was an experiment that you could tellerly on would be a failure. the public saw it and now three years after it went into effect, the legislature pulled the plug. drug overdose deaths have climbed faster in organ than any other state. when the numbers are in, opioid deaths are expected to be 1,250. before that, 280. an increase of 340%. that's with millions being spent on harm reductions. the gate way to treatment was $100 for possession. if you called a help line,
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people got an assessment and the ticket would be waved. in three years, 130 calls. so no jail and almost no treatment. >> we showed why it's a failure. that tells a story and that reverberates saying this is a failed policy. don't try that. >> the new law passed overwhelmingly by the democratsh run legislature allows for up to six months? jail if the person fails several times to seek help for addiction. if lawmakers didn't act, there would have been a ballot measure in the fall. >> there wasn't any leverage to get those people severely addicted into treatment. >> the democratic governor, as you said, is expected to sign this in to law very soon. john? >> how does that old saying go?
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told you so. dan springer, thanks. sandra? >> all right, john. hour away from the state of the union. big night tight. we'll be right back. i own a lemonade and ice cream shop in florida, so i can feel and see that my lines have gotten deeper just from a year out in the sun. i'm still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i'm really, really happy with the results. it's still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins
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(vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. >> sandra: all right, john. you're in washington, a lot will happen there tonight. >> john: yeah, the state of the union thing this evening. so as much as biden will be talking about policy, i think the people will be watching. there's martha and bret hosting the show tonight at 9:00. people will be watching to see what kind of shape biden is in and how he delivers the speech. i think that may help sell people either for him or against him. >> martha: we'll be watching. thanks for joining us. glad to have you with us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: sandra, see you tomorrow. i'm off. my wife has to have knee surgery. >> sandra: best to her. >> john: a little meniscus tear. i'm john roberts. "the story" with more that starts right now. >> martha: thanks, john and sandra. good afternoon, everybody. i'


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