tv Hannity FOX News March 8, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST
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of president biden's senseless border policie s. just think about lincoln. riley in my neighboring state ni of georgia. uring this beautiful 22-year-old nursing student went out on a jog when she job but she never o the opportunity to return home. she was brutally murdered by of the millions of illegal border crossers. president biden chose to release into our homeland as a mom. i can't quit thinking, about this. ld hav i mean, this could have been my daughter. this could have been nighand tonight, president biden signed said her name, but he refused to take responsibility
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for his own actions. >> mr. lity for. enough is enough. innocent americans are dying and you only have yourself to blame for your oath of office. reverse your policiereverss ends crisis and stop the suffering. sadly, we know that president biden's failures don't stop there. >> his 't start his reckless spendg our economy into a hole and sent cost of living through the roof. f liviwe have the worst inflatin in 40 years and the highest credit card debt in nation's history. let that sink in.. >> hardworking families are struggling to make ends meetilies arstrugg today.age and with soaring mortgage rates and high childcare costs,
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they're also struggling to how to plan for tomorrow. the american people are scraping by while president biden proudly i proclaims that biden nomics is working. goodness you. bless his heart. we know better. . >> i'll never forget stopping at a gas station in chilton county o one evening.g the the gentleman working the counter told me that aftertu retiring, he had to pick up a job and his seven kids so that he didn't have to choose between goin sevo heg hungry org without his medication. he i did everything right. i did everything i was toldaved to do. >> i worked hard. i saved i was responsibl, e. >> he's not alone. i hear similar concernhes from fellow parents, whether i am working with my friendwith my sr
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whether i'm at my kid's games. but let's be honest.en it's been a minute since joe biden pumped gas, ran a carpool, or even pushed to go grocery cart. >> i. meanwhile, the rest of us see our dollar and we know itee doesn't go as far. we see it evert every day and de what he tells you, our communities are not safer. for years the left has coddled criminals and defunded the police all while letting repeat offenders walk free. ut the result is tragic, but foreseeable. ur s from our small towns to america's most iconic cities streets, life is getting more and, more dangerous. >> and unfortunately, biden's
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weakness isn't just hurting familiessident here at home. he is making us a punchline pun on the world. look where i'm from. you're a worm d is your >> but for three years, the president demonstratedrd that america's word doesn't mean what it used to. from abandoning our allies in his disaster, withdrawal from afghanistan to desperate alley, pushing another dangerous deal with iran president biden has failed. >> we've become a nation in retreat and the enemies of freedom. they see an opportunit, theyy. putin's brutal aggressor t in europe has put our allies on the brink. iran's terrorist proxies
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have slaughtered israeli jewsiz. and american citizens. they've targeted commercial shipping and they've attackedy 0 our troops nearly 200 times r, killing three usd tw soldiers and two navy seals. ce meanwhile, the chinese party is undercutting america's workers. china is buying up our farmland. spying on our military installations and spreading propaganda through the likestik. of tic tac. you see the ccyou cap knows thaf it conquers the minds of ourr next generation, it conquers america. and what does president biden do? well, he bans tiktok for
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government employees but creates an account for own campaign. no, you can't make this stuff up. secu, we all recall when presidents faced national security threats with, strength and resolve that.ancien seems liket ancient history c right now. our commander in chief is not in command. the free world deserves better than i dithering and diminished leader. america deserves leaderse border who recognize that secure borders prices, safe streets and a strong defense are actually the cornerstonesa of a great nation. just ask yourself, are you better off now than you were three years ago? no
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there's no doubt we're at a crossroads and it doesn't have to be this way.. we all feel it. but here's the good news. we, the people are still in the driver's. wheth we get to decide whether brighte our future will grow brighter or better. we'll settle for an america in decline. >> well, i know which choiceow w our children deserve. the repu and i know the choice the republican party is fightinghtingg for. we are the party of hard working parents and families, and we want to give you and to your children the opportunities to thrive. t fami and we want families to grow. ie it's why we strongly support continued nationwide access to
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in-vitro fertilization. we want to help loving moms and dads bring precious life into this world. i wesley and i believe there is no greater blessing in than our children. and that's why tonight, i want to make a direct appeal to the parents ourents out, and in parr to my fellow moms, many of whom i know will be up tossing and turning at 2 a.m., wondering how you're goingerin to in three places at once and then somehow still get on the table. first first of all, we see you,e hear you, and we stand with you. i know you're frustrated. 'r >> i know you're probably disgusted by most of what you see going on washington. e
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and i'll be really honest with you. you're not wrong for feelingonei that way. look, i get it. the task in front of us isn' ut an easy one. >> but i can promise you one thing. it is worth it. >> so i am asking for the sake of your kids and your grandkids . get into the arena. every ge every generation has been called to do harn d things. american greatness, rest ins anw the fact that we always answer that call. it's who we are. never forget. patriot we are steeped in the blood of patriots who overthrew the most powerful empire in the world. we walk in the footsteps of pioneers who tamed the wild . we now carry forward the sameowf flame of freedom as thepresse
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liberators of an oppressed europe. >>d we continue to draw couragr from those who bent the moral arc of the universe. and we gaze upon the heavens. never forget that our dna contains the same ingenuity that put man on the moon. america has been tested before ,and every single time we've emerged unbowed and unbroken, our history has been written w with the gririttent of men and e who got knocked down. but we know their stories because did not stay n we are here because they stood up. so now it's our turn, our moment to stand upou and provr momee ourselves worthi
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of protecting the american the m. c together, we can reawakent the heroic spirit of a great nation. because america, we don't just a rendezvous with destiny. we take destiny hand and we lead it. our future around kitchen tables. just like this with moms and dads. just like you. and you are, i believe,e wi deth every fiber. >> my being that despite the current state of our union, our best days are still ahead. may god bless you. and may god continue to blessitd these united states of america
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. katie britt, the youngest member of congress, republican member of congress. woman giving the rebuttal, which is always a difficult job for all of the loud sortr of shouting, yelling that we got from joe biden, who's on the otherl of side of thebide political age group. this was soft. it waso strong. she started by saying that joe biden's been in officed by than she's been alive. and then she said he doesn't one get and she went one item after another talkinr anotheg about,ae trafficking, talking about fentanyl, all these issues. she talks about worrieall s table about with her family around the table. >> american dream has turned into a nightmare for >> ts, talkingbout t about fentanyl, talking about the border at times, shehe said, president biden, y'all. bless his heart. now, if you're not from he the sout southh, that's not a gt thing. >> but she she delivered in a s speech that's tough to givethatr and. i think that republicans are going to say this hit all the notelicans a's hs. she connect with younger womenun and groups that definitelyge t
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to be reached. so we want to thank all of allr you for watching with us tonighttching w on fox news's coverage of the state of the union address and the republican response followed.. there will be a lot to digest a from tonight. ota lot of different angles. and keep it here on fox. good night from washington it . hannity is next. and welcome to hannity. we start tonight with the foxees alert. tonight, president joe biden laid out his radicallaid t for america. >> his speech was so hyped, itwl was bizarre. i will not be shouting the whole hour. franklotting whoy. wit so at odds with every day, joe, it's even to me.. he spent most of the night shouting, speeding throughensatg the speech and clearly overcompensating fromy jo the normal, everyday joe that can barelyarel string two sentes together. at times it became uncomfortable watching himing an
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screaming and yelling and speeding through thath. eechrough the ap affectionately called it feisty. i that's one way to describe t it. >> tonight, america saw, let's say a very different joe biden. i mighvery dift call him jackedp joe and that's being charitablea . he sounded like a hyper caffeinated, angry old man. welltegry old have a lot more n that coming up. and in spite of what joe biden claimed tonigh oet, sadly, the state of our union is not strong. and sadly politics wasiden the clear agenda of the tha president. facts and truth that took a backseat to thatat radical agenda. this was a dnc political speech. polnow, throughout the hour, wa will fact check the many falsehoods that th ewa president tonight. biden's address was literally filleds litera up with jacked up joe screaming lie after lie. so we begin to unpack, th the propaganda, mi that willmatione likely be ignored by much of the media mob. let' l likes start his lies
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on the economy. >> take a look right here. >> tt is on the brink.. >> now, our economy is noty is only envy of the world,s in 15 million new jobs in just thd. years, a recor a record. wages keep going up. inflation keeps coming dows n. inflation has dropped from 9% to 3%, the lowest in the 3 perc, and ten even lower. but landing is and will be saw . all right. here is the truth here of the facts. since biden took office, cumulative. prices have risen over 17%. real hourly wages have onlyn 13 risen 13%. .60% of our fellow americans,e i sadly, they are living paychecvk paycheck. now, course, across the board they are surging groceries, p me are eating up more of the american people's paychecks thanf th they have in over 30 years. in fact, according to a recent study,accord americans now need qu make $11,400 more to afford
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the same quality of life that they did in 2021. and his claims about job creation, another lieillion in reality, almost 10 million of those jobs are just, well, backfill jobs or temporary jobs that were lost during the pandemic. and as tha know now, many of thr other jobs were part time jobs going to many foreign born workers. cities let into this country unvetted, illegallthaty. suppl and don't forget about the biden supply chain crisis, which haain criss our economy fn months on end. but seriously, blaming biden'sl economic failures on what greedyon and shrinkflation. >> take a look. too many corporations raise chares to pad their profits, charging more and more for less and >> that's cracking downn on corporations engaged in pricerations in the sector,g from food to health care to housing. the snac in fact, the snack companiesk think you won't noticeyo if they change the size of the bage
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you pu ot of a lot fewer saying same sized bag, put fewer chips in it. no, i'm not joking. called shrinkflation. >> americans are feeling the burden of biden nomics day in and day out. and it's not becauseit's n. there are few less chips in bags that you might buy. it's because y of joe biden's failed policies. but this was only the tip of the in terms of biden'ses allies tonight. he went back to his new favoritetonight. attack, bl republicans for the border crisis. he himselfr the created. >> take a look. in november, my team began serious negotiations. >> a bipartisan group of senators. the result was a bipartisan bill with a tougher set of bordeth ther security reforms we've ever seen. >> oh, you don't think so? oh, you don't like that, bill, huh? this bill would save lives it wbring order border. and also get me a newt ne
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president. >> new emergency authority to temporarily shut down auth when a number the of migrants are at the border is overwhelming. >> the border isr patrol unionsr endorse bill. >> the federal chamber of commerc -rses bele. >> yeah. yeah. you know, look at the facts. i know. i know. you know how to read. i believe that given the opportunity for a majority in the house and senate, would endorse the bill as well un a majority right now. but unfortunately, politics has derailed this bill so far. >> wrong again. day one, joe biden worked to undo every trump era policy n that he inherited, and he did inherit the most secure border in history. dhs secretary mayorkas even bragge d rescinding all thel th trump policies that actually worked. >> take trump e a look.ed
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>> so we have rescinded so many trump immigration policies. it would take so much time to list them. we rescinded the remain in mexico policy. we rescinded, of course, the public charge ruleroll that deprived vulnerablein migrants from accessing certain critical life benefits. we. have restored the deferred action for childhood arrivals prograivalsm, the doctor progra. we have rescinded so manyy that and have restored so many that he really dismantled with the stroke of a pen. joe joe biden ended trump's efforts' to exclude immigrants from the census. he strengthened doca cancel trump's interior enforcement rule. he stopped construction of the border wall. enhe extended deportation protections for liberians. he's suspended asylum dealsm del with guatemala, honduras, el salvador.
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he ended the remain in mexico policy and let title 42 expire for three long years. it was joe biden, vice president, his department of homeland security secretaryml alejandro mayorkas. all of their spokespeople tellinf theig you the american e lie after lie, telling you the border was secure and tellingbor you the border was closed, which i show you veryu differently. that was not the truth. ap.and it still is.. >> take a look. sounds to most folks like>> i a crisist so l. way dow >> well, look, it's way down-con now. and we now gotten controtroll that the border is closed. >> nor could i have been and continue to be. so which is the is closed.. >> the united states will wil continue to enforce our laws and secure our border at the border the bor. we are working to make the border more secure. you're this border secure. we have a secure.
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and that that is a priority fora any nation including oursstrati in our administration. >> we agree that the bordeonr cu securere that because of that, . now have nearly 10 millionillega unvetted illegal joe biden immigrants roaming around the country, many from our top geopolitical foes, includingny o china, iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan. t biden does not need congress to re-implement all of theseimp. actions and secure the border. anyone in the administrationn th that that, like the president, screamed tonight, that is flat ouatt out t lie. now, that's almost as big a lie as telling us that the border was secure for three years. this is a it's sad and it has severe. joe biden has created what it is an unmitigated national security crisis, in the words of some former top fbi officials. this is literally an invasion lt of militareraly age men.d to
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he has failed to stand up to our biggest adversariesp tos every front. there has been no meaningful ree. nse to iran or chines n china's aggression. our adversaries are watching. rk they are frankly laughing at the pathetic and weak leadershipatpathetic. is joe biden now in a rather, bizarre moment that, was pretty much the entire speech. joe also attacked the u.s. suprem thee court and supreme cr justices right there to theiemr face. >> take a look. state laws banning the freedom to choose criminalizing doctors, forcing survivors of th and to lead their states to get the treatment they need . >> many of you in this chamber and my predecessor are promising to pass a national ban on reproductive freedom. my god. >> freedom house, would you take away. look, it's a decision i to overturn roe v. wade. the supreme court majorityt... wrote following. and with all due respect, justices due, women are not witt electoral electoral power. >> sheer electoral or
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political power. you're about to realize just how much you were over. >> it is another flat out lie. republicans want to ban abortion and ivf. and meanwhile, biden laughably also tried to play unifiered and touted his bipartisan work. take a look at your screen to a recent fox news poll. >> joe is failing massive glees. on that front. he's failing on pretty much every issue. just 26% believe he has successfully unified our country. ve he not. joe can't even unite his own party, let alone the countryy l losing tens of thousands of votes to uncommitted. une uncommitted option in the democratic primaries on tuesday nigh it and tonight prior to his speech. left as protesters, they gathered to blastr in i his stance on the war in israel. and then there's the polls. i a recent gallup poll has his approval at just a mere 8%,e well below the typicalnt 50%
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threshold that incumbent presidents need to win reelectiond th. a recent abc poll found a staggering 86% of you, the american people, think that he is too, to run again on just about every single issue. fre bideaboun is deep underwate. he is failing on everyd am single front. ans and are not buying his lies whether he whispers or shouts. make no mistake what joe biden said tonight. tonightthe state of our union r his failed leadership, is anything but strong. here with reaction, texas senator ted cruz. senator i promise not to yell at you during this interview. ur let's get first your reaction to the style. t jo everybody knew that joe had a very big challenge coming intoa chall tonight because i show tape throughout the night of his cognitive decline. clearly, well, jacked up, joe, perhaps overcompensate addedwhaw and i think that's being charitable. >> what was your reaction to thar reaction tt?
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look, i think tonight was astonishing. i've never seen anything like it. i never seit was a campaign spe, but it was an exceptionally bad campaign speech. n excebajoe biden was he was bitter. he was screaming arys notedas rd the entire night. he was radical and extremend exe and he was completely out of touch with the american people. franklth the ameriy. o tonight, joe biden reminded me like an angry old mary on on his porch screaming to the kids, get off my lawn. i've n that's who he was. i've never seen. i've been to 12 state of theo union addresses. i've never seen anything remotely lik never se. this was entirely focusedis on the november election. what's remarkable, sean, is joe biden, the biden white house. they apparentland thy made the decision a, they want no republican votes because this told republican go jump in awe don lake. we don't care about anything you believe in. they all't ct anou decided, ama, they want no independent votes. they've decideependentd their sy for november is go hard left and turn out the radical left. and it was, you know, in state of the unions, typically, ve a
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whether you have a democrat or republican president who's giving the speecdemocraticanh, a number of lines there that are designed to reach out to the othey that get everyone. standing. i got to say, this was the state of the union te. in many ways. half the republicans almost fell asleep because afteasleeprn welcoming the president where we stand and show respect for the office, weand an just sat ta for over an hour and as he tolda lie, lie after lie and he just went hard, left, never seen anything like this. >> but -- but is there the tra something behind that, though. if you if you look at thede traditionamocratl democratic bae and you back that up against rec the recent polling, we seein he's losing such a large part of. his base, african-americans, hispanicpart o americans, young people, even suburban women. to me, it was very tellingo be that the speech had to geared in a way to sort of it to bringc back base and not reach out to the other side or try coaliti
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to build this coalition. he needs to reinforc needs te w. losing. >> look what was amazing. he almost never smiled g, h wholeand he speech. he was literally just yelling and he was was p. d this was a speech that was delivered to the squad. this was a speech was tryingg bn to bring bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and aoc on the on on the team and the of america. he just didn't care. look, inflatio hn people are hurting with inflation. and what did he tell them? no, you're not. you're wrong you're just i stupid. if you think that the cost of rent is higher thank that cot of your mortgage is higher, the cost of food is higher. you're just too dumb the c. you don't understand how good the economy really is. lookreally, people home, they kn the truth on that. when it came to crime, he just flat t out created an alternatid reality. crime is down, murders are dow n ,is hunky dory. listen, the people who are living with prime da the peopy day,d they know that's not true. and i got to say, ther toe no portion of the speech that was more through the looking glassto
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than on immigration. did joe biden acknowledge, on il the 10.4 million illegal aliens he's laid into this country? noeg. did he acknowledge the open borders he's put in place deliberately? noborders is. t did acknowledge the thousands of migrants who've died becausod his open borders not a word. did he acknowledge the thousands and thousand ackns of children sexually assaulted by human traffickers? the thousand slls of brutally assaulted by human traffickers? no, noyt a word did. he acknowledged the over 100,000 people a year dying of drug overdoses. not a word. and did he have written in the di even to say the words like and riley, he did not. now when he got to that point,p, a member on the floor of the h house called out and heckled him. and he responded. he said her name. nded.. so i'm going to give him credit for that. but then what did he say? he lookewhat he d and said, i fi her parents. they're hurting. and seanng didn't take evenen a speck of responsibility. y
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you know what? her parents don't want you to emote in their directionm and send him a hallmark card. >> you know what her parents. they want their daughter and what he didn't admit is that lincoln riley is dead. because whene when joe biden apprehended the criminal illegal alien who crossed overho instead of deporting him, instead of following the lawcro joe biden let them go. then he went to new york city and. new york city. he was arrested again for endangering a chilcitye wa agait new york city is run by democrats and is a sanctuary city. they let him go. and if joe biden had deportedt that criminal or if new york city had put him in jail, lincoln riley would be alive, laken . so he said her name, but he utterly denied his directr responsibility for her death and for deaths all over the country. now, senator, i got a bite from that mistake. didn't he say lincoln riley and it's like it. riley. 's >> we've got that there, too,
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senator. great to have you. thank you for staying with us. we appreciate itthank . now, the difference between jacked up joe tonight and his recent publied up joc filled with endless gaffes and stumbles of mumbling therbumbling, there was some mumbling, a bumbling also. but the differencesome is so st, they so overcompensated. it is frightening. take a look. you decide who i guess i should choose for my mind herer a little bit. not to say what i'm really thinkingmye . >> the criticism came off determined to see roe v. wade overturnednkin, his reasons overturned, and he brags about it. >> epa here with me. he came in, say regan as well, but they failed. and america stood. ]
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america stood strong and democracy prevailed. and i used to say, joy, a paycheck is about more than a job and got more inor my paycheck has dropped from 9% to 3%, the lowest in the world, and turnin>> it'g lower. but landing is it will be so. >> all right. joining us now for an exclusive interview, he had a seat. well, that only one other person in americt era had. right behind the president giving the speech and that's the speaker of the house.thank mike johnson is with us. mr. speaker, thank you forg being withwith us. all >> first of all, let's get your reaction. n i just compared joe biden on a regular basis. regular day to day, joe. and we saw a different joe biden tonight. mayb angry, veryy di jacked up, you might say maybe charitably over, caffeinated would be the way to put it.
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what was your reaction to that? wh? that surprising to you i mean, you know, usually his state of the union, there are at least some bipartisan segments. there are a fe>> usure aw that n agree upon. that didn't happen tonight. he came to give what has been described as a campaign speechyi . it was that it was verliyned disappointing to all of us. of uit was a it was like that. e >> you're absolutely right, mr. speaker. usually there would be, you know, some appeael to alls. sides. do you think maybe that has to do with the issuedo you of politics where he stands with the base of his party? he seems to be bleedin stand the amount of support from a bigge part, the democratic base, as i was discussing with senator cruz. calcng wh senatoyou think that s the calculation behind that?erat >> i think it is. look, he's desperate, sean, and that's obvious. he's the most unpopular president who has ever run for
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reelectiont t who . t of a lot of what he's done is unprecedented. but tonighast, instead of taking responsibility for that, he tried to lay blame. i mean h for one thing, the border. right. that's the number one issue in america. that's what evermber 1ica.y no r where they live, wants to hear i are how is this catastroph going to be resolved? i think it was 41 minutes into e his speech before the commander in chief even made any rereference to the border. and then he made no mentionan mn whatsoever about anythintiong that he would do. his actions, i mean, he has executive authority. wehe hasty all know he could soc that problem right now. he he's been able to d solve top that for three years, but he won't. and that was of great concern to all of us. that wast concern to, there's a. i guess, going around at night about my facial expressions. i i did not like the speech. i don't think the american people liked it. don'e amereopland there wasn't t do about that. >> i guess it didn't hide that very wellhat.. oh, i guess so. all right. so i guess maybe this is this a is a question maybe people would like to know what goeple wouls on behind the. usually you wouly d introducyoue
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the president to the house chamber. tht happen tonight?u ex did that surprise you? did you expect that? >> listen, i was prepared to do it, but he jumped the gun. but he missed his cue. he was about 15 or 20 minutes. late upon arrival. i haven't yet heard why that was t hear. but. but, yeah, he jumped in there and began his speech. in began i going to do it formally,ut i but i never got the opportunity and i didn't want to interrupt oppot to besn't t disrespectful. but it wasn't the speaker of the house that missed askew. it washeof t t the. >> well, i think that was wellid said. i think maybe one of the behind the scenes question that people he st be interesteothebehindd i. they spend a lot of time up there with the vic oe presidenta >> any private conversation, small talk, mayblke we did. we had some small talk. h there waads. a lot of time that we were toget there together, waiting. we talkehe d and for one example,e about our parents, i asked her if her parents had been alive. did they survive to see s her serving as vice president.
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and she lamented that they had not. s viceand asked me about mine. i lost my dad three days before i got elected to congress, st or he didn't get to see this either. but we we agreed that our parenthat ous are enjoying this. heaven. and, you know, that was a nice moment. but beyond that sean, it was just an overly partisan unnecessarily evening. i mean, the state of the union, it be's always some partisan elements to it, but there's normally applause lines that everyone can join in on. i mean, that's kind of the the unifying moment about this. and we got none of that tonight. there was there was almost nothing that we agree to because it was so fullrmatio of false information. and it was hard for me to hold that in. >> i guess, starting with the issue of the border. i mean, the houshe oe pass h.r. two. bedo not believe that the bill that the senate was pushing forward. i mean, before it was even would even be triggered, cou would have at leased yt 5000 illegal immigrants, you know, coming into the country that made absolutely no sense. it also offered discretion where. bill
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they didn't even have to follow the bill if it became lat w. in other words, to me, it would have codified into law what joe biden has been doing for three years. on top of telling america that the borderf b secure and close, which is a lie, but it would have codified into law that his administration has been aiding and abettingding and in the lawg and facilitating it. and they had bragged about how they rescinded all the trump era policies that were working. so tru era that was a bit surpr. we als bo surprised that heed te attacked the supreme court in front of the justices court ? >> yeah, i think that was a newe low. i've never seen that before. i'm not sure any of us had. i'm sure who wrote the speech. but they went out there to lob grenades tonight. and, you know, look, i don'tople think the american people are buying that. john. hate areg john. . at he tried to suggest that, you know, we're in great shape and the state of the unionepee. is strong. and we all know that's not true. the state of the union is in decline in everye state of i mee category on the world stage. eversovereignty, our safety,
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economy, everybody knows it. so, you know, gaslighting the american people is goingo wk to work. >> and i thought it was a very t big disappointment tonight was.r all right. house speaker mike johnson, thank you, sir, for being with us. be -e it.ining joining us now, florida senator marco rubio. uso rubio.senator, this was not your first state of the union address. your generalyou're general we st the president that was screaming and yelling, kind rent about a speech that was completely partisan. maybn.e reasons that joe, i gues maybe just known to himself. but i thought it was beyond bizarre at times. thought wasand a little frightg because it's so different than the averaghee everyday joe thatn we see and hear from. what was your reactionm. to such a dramatic difference? >> yeah, the whole thing wasoncd weird. >> i mean, i was actually concerned. i mean, it really, really changes. and i think there's a couple of things. here'sa coup the numbeler one ps
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right? going into tonight, there were. people i heren his own party. that are they're really worried about. does he have the energy? is he todoes he hao? does he have the mental and physical stamina? so i think they told him he gotn to go in and you got to show energy. and to him that meant let me screamow energy.t le like the gy that screams that you to get off his lawn, you know, scream for an hour and a half. about all kinds of things. and then there were parts of it that franklythen t i, bizarre and insulting. so, for example, he's out there, you know, lecturing americans about basically here's the message the economy is doingars th much better than' you think it's doing. i don't care how much things cost you. i don't carecaregs how muchr you're suffering or how much you're worried about the future. we have the best ch you a economy in thehe's d world. so he's describing a country that iesing s the experience people are having today. and then he went on to do thingshaving t that really biza. this whole thing about building t oute ideaaza is just fla strange. i mean, the idea that you're going to somehow build a port and no you'rg tobuild t have amn servicemen in the line, in the line of fire with the houthisin firing rockets over your head with hamas just off the coas
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t with this going on is absurd. you're putting people in dangerous way and all of then he talks about a two state solution. let me tell you whatu what h het by a two state solution. that's not israel and palestine. inhis state a two state solution that i think he's trying to arrive at with all these crazy ideas are michigan and minnesota. >> those are the two states that he's most worried and minnhe's a about because he's afraid he's going to lose them tonight. he almost didn't make it. toi'm sure. one of the reasons why he was late is he had these radical key s supporters, many of them key voters in the base of hise partbasey that blocking them frm leaving the white house. they had to deal with those crazies. y he so that's one of the reasons why he was late, i imagine. and the images i imagi have been on television all afternoon. so just wait till the conventionait when thosee l crazies get there. so the whole thing was just bizarre. you say hyper partisan?yo no doubt about it.u i've never seen the state of the union ever. sar paoubtabout i recall any.n r maybe there's been one in the past where a sittinging pres president mentions his predecessor or her opponent futu. people so many different times and misleads people with it. so i don't think he achieved
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tonight as a bunch of democrats saying breathing a sigh of relie of. he's not weekend at bernie's that he's not that you know he's alive and that he was able to get through the speech and that apparently he's still able to screamsable t. but beyond that, i mean, sure, they're very happy about the relief that i would say. but the rest of the country saw kind of a grumpy guy sayingensia things that are nonsensical. then some look, he mumbledl mud a lot. acro i couldn't i don't know if itss came across on tv. he couldn't hear it. well ocouldn'trel on the floor. some of it was mumbling something about snickers barsckf and bags of chips. i imagine he's talking about like he claims snickersin bars are smarter, smart, smaller than they used to be, which i knowy a big priority foy many americans. not things like our borderameri >> but anyway, the whole thing was just weird. well, let me ask you thi ask yous, but will this angry jacked up joe biden hyped up joe biden, the hyper partisan, joe biden, will it have the effect of if the goal was to perhapf ths shoe up his base, what will this speech do that?f well, it's a proof of life
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speech, right? that's sort of was that's w is i'mspeech i'm alive and i'm able to give a speech that i can read off off and i'm ablestly to do the whisper, but mostly the screaming and i'm ablet th to say things that are really mean about the republican party and th y ane the supreme court. c and i can make claims that they're going to get rid of social security the thingst of p that don't exist. and it makes a lot of the people in that room who are some of them are prette vey radical, very happy. so i imagine if you're watching some of these other networks, some of these commentators, sayg which are a bunch of buffoons, are out there saying, well, this is really you know, tal they're just reading the talking points that are being sent up. so i think it achieved the proopoints.i thinf lifek f e some of them they just wanted to get through tonight. i don't think it makes anyn term difference in terms of the campaign. and this is what he's going to campaig then on. this guy's going to lose by eight or nine points. i mean, it's just literallye a nonsensical, bizarre, you know, hallucinationsions. oh it's just completely out of touch with reality. but, you know, i imagine reality are very happy because he looks like he could scream toughd li,g you know, and maybe that was >> ggh for them for tonight. >> anyway, senator, by the way, acm myreat to have a senator
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that actually will talk to me from my own state, though. owe stateyofre of florida, your state. so that we appreciate you being with us. senator marcg witho rubio. thank you. all right. more live reaction to joe biden's shouting. angry state of the union address. jim jordan is straight ahead. to >> type two diabetes. discover the olympic i lowe ty discover the olympic i lowe ty >> oh. oh, i.m under >> power of three. >> power of three. i love my abc cd risk and lostoc some weight in studies. ts such the majority of people reached an maintained it. i'm under 7%. i'. major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack or pe also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adultsns lost up to £14. i lost weight. i wasn't. this isn't forllary thd cancer . type one diabetes don't share needles or pens or we use needles. don't take thoseor if allergic , if you or your family ever hadse medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrinre s allee neoplasia syndrome type two or if allergic to it, it's not
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all right. joining us now with reaction, tonight's state of the union is house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan with us.wa all right. so what was your reaction to jacked up, angry, bitterly partisan joe biden tonight that wasnigh not the guy we see on a daily basis. that wass. maybe, i guess probably the most bizarre state of the union i've ever seen.s bi >> yeah, it was bizarre.zarr but for me, son look, he waste t 20 minutes late getting there. an10 minutes to walk down the aisle. and the first thing he talks about isd the a foreign country.r it's the state of our union.e fi rsand the first thing you're going to talk about as president of the united states is ukrainde. didn' i just didn't get that. and then, of course, he goes ja ct into the political thing ,right into january 6, right into the abortion issue. i mean you're exactly right. a it was a strange beat. it was a weird s speecpeech,h, i certainly a political speech designed to go directly to the nll ghard of their party. >> but isn't it necessary s
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at this point just lookingever at pretty much every poll amon showing he is bleeding support among the democratic base and he loseatics that base. he's got no shot of being reelected. well, and i thought what senator rubio said wassenao right on target. if he keeps talking like this, there's a presidenr saidright os going to win, i think, going away. because tell me what in that speec going away. mh with a americans, where was the talk about really solving the borde t crisis? where was the talk about bringing down prices? where was the talk about goingns to $2 gas like we had undere ha president trump? i mean, and then this the stuff putting this pier, putting this port in gaza. i mean, think about what that says to our best ally, our dearest and closest friend, the state of israel. hey, israel, we want you to win, but we're going want to pt in a pier to get supplies to your enemy. what is that? i mean, therppeareee only one oe strangest things i've ever heard from the commander in chiefe ever h, the presidente united states, to our best ally. sos. i just didn't get it all. but it's i guess maybe that's joe biden. i don'e thatt get much of whatn
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he's done in three years and 47 days as thes an of our counti >> i don't get it either. i but i mean, the contrast from the guy that we watch and observe and highlight every day on this program and the guy we saw tonight, i think think americans are going to take a very close at that. it's it almost kind of reminded me of and i'm trying to be chara i'm trying to be charitable here of of maybe of a very angry elderly family membertakig and maybe had taking the car keys away. so he's goine khakis away.g to s and shout. and that's what i kind of feltf i was watching tonight. it was uncomfortable, actually. at times i felt. was that uncomfortable at al l for you? yes. it's sort of this abrupt, abrupt change in emotion sometime>> this t.s. gs kind of kind of different kind of strange. and you're exactly right. to tucson. on the other issuekind of strant is lincoln, riley, not lincoln. and we should remember that because it's policies polie that led to this tragedy that happened in georgia
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to this young lady and what her family is now having to deal with. sos w having the country gets i. there's a reason why everyone across republican, independents democrats, across the pollinpag it shows that this is the number one issue even greater than this ridiculouse inflatior that american families are having to deal with. that is an important t issue.ot and he did not address that until late in the speech. and it wasn't a reall solution at all. >> all right. house judiciary committee >> jordan of ohio, thank you, sir, for being with us. joining us now, our own pete hegseth and our ownguys charles payne is with us. guys, good to see you guys. st up let'sstaying f late tonight. pete, let's start with you. let's get your overall start len a jacked up joe. >> well, first of all, it wasut jacked up and it gets jacked up. >> that's no good for them. i mean, it wass. sentences that were one word which you couldn't really understand, which is normahich iall for thes >> the coughing constantlyta the yelling and screaming me the whole time. >> not effective at all, but i think it was a substance all. t
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and jim jordan alluded to it was this the united states was just the state of th e union or ukraine the state of the ukraine, because if you're the first, the top of the speech is the most important is when most people are tuninmportant.g in, o what's joe going to say? >> is he going to be able to do it? and yoe ab mion ukraine for 10 minutes and then you do non sequitur to january 6th. but you alluded to fdr. why is that? because fdr had to fight two fronts. and so he's saying, wellt , have to fight ukraine, fight rush over there and then fight our political opponents over here. >> and then he transitioned in another non sequitu anotherr to abortion because he thinks that's a political winner. >> this was a nakedl polym an political speech from an angry man who knows he's behind. p as and they jacked him up, as youto said, to get him ready for it. he's still not good enough for it. you know, everything that i predicteg that d when i started the year january 2nd, charles payne was in the speech democracy in peril, january 6th. donald trump is. donal evil republicans are bad, bad, bad and. a
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and that's all they've gotd is can'o attack the one thing they can't run on, charles payne, is, are you better than you were four years ago? >> right. and even attempts to really put himself in a bind because while bragging about, you know , n bringing the economy mostly sitting in the office while the economy came the hem and alsoiu saying how disastrous it was and how you have to get more money to more people. well, you know, and these smalla $5,000 to buy a house and that kind of stuff, it's just in thtr just the sort of symbolism that doesn't take seriouios or at least acknowledge the seriousness of the problems out there fo ms out tr. with i people particularly dealing with inflation and trying to kick this oveg r to corporations. you know, we're a capitalist country. he toowe are ak on a supreme cof and capitalism, two of the great foundations of this nation , the reasons one ofe the reasons why we were ableer to come this upstart nationnatin and dominate the world in a few years.
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and it's the reason why we're still on top. and i just it wa s baffling didn' speech all around. you know, it didn't make any senst makee. >> and i think it obviously wasw very divisive. but there waas vs solutions oriented, and that's what frustrated me. >> well, it gave him a short term bounce for we're running out of time. >> yes or no, pete, it'll end his party's to feel like he didd a good job because he survived it. but amongst independents, i don't thin because k that's so.doesn't >> this doesn't change anything. it doesn't help anything, does it? reset anything at al? >> all yeah. well, we'll give him a short term, little bounce. charles, last question. short and little.n yeah, those are operative words. i, i agree. thank all right. thank you. thanks for staying up late, guys. appreciate is r stayin late, apt. d more >> pete, charles, appreciate it and more. hannity straight ahead . >> i'm richard carr. >> and i love my homes, my hope is this lightweight oh, no, my hose will not.
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1:00 am
>> joe biden's state of the union address is in the books and it was bizarre, to put it mildly. let's see how the media mob tries to spin it. more on that tomorrow. that is all the time this evening. thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled, trace gallagher is coming up next. have a great night. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher, 9:00 in los angeles, this
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